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  1. +1
  2. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to TheInfernoman in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Father Friday:
  3. LOL
    DangerousJ reacted to Reticently in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    With what I've heard about those two, the alien would be the only implausible part.
  4. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to Jurassic in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    VGM Friday:
  5. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to MillionX in The Official MEGASHOCK Hot Girl Thread vol.1   
    more of Karla the Little Fit Devil
  6. LOL
    DangerousJ reacted to MillionX in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    With how fast AI-generated video and pictures continues to get... imagine how much easier it will be to throw out random accusations on famous people in the near future... previously, you didn't even really need proof (particularly with women accusing men of something) a person could back up their lies with an AI-generated video that would fool most people.... like I'm sure someone could cook up a video right now of Richard Nixon and Jackie Gleason beating the shit out of little girl as a grey alien gives an approving smile in the background and it would look like actual legitimate footage of a real situation.
  7. Insightful
    DangerousJ reacted to axeman61 in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Well, I could be out 7K+ behind replacing my old water heater and furnace. I budgeted for this a while ago, but it hurts to lose that money when I'm unemployed. Guess I gotta find something to hold me over sooner than I thought.
  8. LOL
    DangerousJ reacted to Dracu in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Man, Kanye's X meltdown is the funniest ish. Dude's so far gone in the head.
  9. Love
    DangerousJ got a reaction from TheInfernoman in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Capcom Fighting Collection 2 releases in May 16, 2025
  10. Insightful
    DangerousJ reacted to Jurassic in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Mai is a lot of fun to play. I like the strategy of using her level 1 in combos to get the flame stocks.
    Tip for raising Mai's level to get the costume for free:
  11. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from OPTIMUS124 in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  12. Insightful
    DangerousJ got a reaction from RegH81 in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
  13. Insightful
    DangerousJ reacted to MillionX in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    I recall that Matrix Resurrection movie also looked kind of cheaply made... which is crazy to see a Matrix movie of all things looking cheap and bootleg.  I only have it unfortunately because it was part of this 4k Matrix franchise collection I bought...would've been fine if they left that shyte out.
  14. LOL
    DangerousJ reacted to axeman61 in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    🤣 I'm fucking dying man.
  15. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from VirginDefiler in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  16. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to MillionX in The Official MEGASHOCK Hot Girl Thread vol.1   
    More of that legendary PAWGy Claire
  17. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from Jurassic in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  18. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from RegH81 in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  19. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to AriesWarlock in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
  20. +1
    DangerousJ got a reaction from intimigator in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    Shame they never made Transformers devastation 2.
    I never played their TMNT game. Have any of you?
  21. LOL
    DangerousJ reacted to Hecatom in Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2   
    EA CEO implies Dragon Age Veilguard failed due to not being a live service


  22. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from RSG3 in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  23. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from Darc_Requiem in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  24. LOL
    DangerousJ got a reaction from BB_Hoody in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Trying my hand at memes...

  25. +1
    DangerousJ reacted to MillionX in MEGASHOCK Saloon vol. 4: Now With 100% Less Politics!   
    Another big block of swingin' tunes from the roarin' 20s!
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