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Wake up Samurai: the Cyberpunk 2077 thread

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Posted (edited)

haha I found a little bag of candy in the game called "POP-TURD"!  I added it to my inventory immediately, of course.  


ohhhh yeah SHADOWRUN, folks... that's another one they need to remake with today's level of graphics and production values.  I vaguely recall some company remaking it on pc recently....but it was still a 2d turn-based or RTS sort of thing, and of course that's just not my jam at all.... however, I'd also rather it not be the team-based FPS that was produced back in the 1st-gen xbox 360 days... I liked that at the time but I would definitely prefer something like what Cyberpunk has going on now, with story, in-depth world to explore, action and dialogue options, multiple story paths, etc.  That's wayyy  more interesting to me than a simple team-based shooter.  In that world I'd definitely play a Troll or Elf.


edit---Judy's a seriously cute one... quite a shame about those tattoos tho.


haha that quote from Adam still cracks me up, man...

"YOU look like a cut of fuckable meat.  Are you?"

😄 that's a hell of a pick-up line there.

Edited by MillionX

Yeah, Shadowrun would be incredible in this engine.


The recent Shadowrun PC games were decent tactical RPGs (I only played the first one, but everyone says the third one is the best of them).  They're like high end indie game level production though, not AAA grade experiences.

12 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

In your Storage, you can also hold Z to break part look to get components, which you can later make new loot or upgrade existing loots 

I haven't done that as crafting doesn't seem to be worth it in this game. 

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I haven't done that as crafting doesn't seem to be worth it in this game. 

Crafting ammo is worthwhile, and probably knives if you have the throwing perk.  You can also upgrade items to bump the stats up a bit.


Related, I believe leveling Engineering helps grenade damage even if you don't invest any perks into it.

Edited by Reticently
Posted (edited)

WHOAH... it just hit me...I MUST try making a "Max Headroom" character.  That should fit right in with this world.


...other ideas floating around in mind..

Handsome Jack and Wilhelm from Borderlands

T-800 and the female Terminator (Kristanna Loken) from part 3.

if I could get a silver face---Destro from GI Joe; heh, I remember making my character look like Destro for a while back in Saint's Row 3.

Deebo from Friday (*who sadly passed away just recently)


for pure eye-candy perhaps:

Scarlet or Baroness from GI Joe

Seline from Underworld

Black Widow



Edited by MillionX
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Reticently said:

Crafting ammo is worthwhile, and probably knives if you have the throwing perk.  You can also upgrade items to bump the stats up a bit.


Related, I believe leveling Engineering helps grenade damage even if you don't invest any perks into it.

Yeah crafting ammo is definitely worth it. Most vendors don’t carry much and certain types of ammo can be harder to find loot wise. I run pistol/rifle/sniper. Sniper ammo is fairly rare, and rifle ammo is a bit expensive. Pistol ammonia cheap and fairly abundant tho.

Speaking of, has anyone found any machine pistols yet? Idk if they’re a thing.

Also I’d be really nice if I could change my characters look. I see him just often enough that it bothers me how lame he looks. 

Edited by Vhozite

I have this bug where the camera snaps up and down whenever I use the volume wheel on my keyboard. Volume adjustment shouldn't be like this.


I been doing the mission where you have to retrieve the autonomous cars. Man, who knew AI can go through depression and develop anxiety and mental issues.

7 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I mentioned a certain tank scene the other day. When I exited that tank with an allied I won't name for spoilerer reasons. I got hit with a bug. My character was completely naked. That shit was hilarious in context. If that person would have been naked too, I wouldn't have though it a bug 🤣

I thought this was intentional...made sense in the context that my character was buck naked. Thought it was some “you forgot to get dressed shit”.

Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, Vhozite said:

I thought this was intentional...made sense in the context that my character was buck naked. Thought it was some “you forgot to get dressed shit”.

That's what I thought at first but your partner got fully dressed. She was right next you, so it's hard to imagine V not noticing her putting her clothes on and popping out of the tank second with no clothes.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
12 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

That's what I thought at first but your partner got fully dressed. She was right next you, so it's hard to imagine V not noticing her putting her clothes on and popping out of the tank second with no clothes.

Lol looking at her is why I checked my character. I thought we were both gonna be streaking but she magically got dressed and I was like ??? 🤣


Two things.


One: has anyone noticed your fists are classified as “assault rifles”? 🤣


Two: I just found what appears to be the 2077 version of a lambo sitting in a box in a tunnel. Game said “vehicle acquired” or whatever and it’s actually mine lol. Bitch is fast as shit too...does over 200 and accels like a bat out of hell.


Crashed that bitch about 20 times one my way to an objective and literally destroyed it in the resulting firefight with my arm rocket 🤦🏽‍♂️. Thank god for insurance lol


So many bugs in this game I stopped counting.   Menu bugs,  driving bugs, conversation bugs, combat bugs, pretty much every aspect I expect to fuck up at this point at random but game is still fun af even with it acting like a total butt snack 90% of the time.

2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Two: I just found what appears to be the 2077 version of a lambo sitting in a box in a tunnel. Game said “vehicle acquired” or whatever and it’s actually mine lol. Bitch is fast as shit too...does over 200 and accels like a bat out of hell.

That'll be this:


17 minutes ago, Angel said:

So many bugs in this game I stopped counting.   Menu bugs,  driving bugs, conversation bugs, combat bugs, pretty much every aspect I expect to fuck up at this point at random but game is still fun af even with it acting like a total butt snack 90% of the time.!!




Doing this mission with Judy and they keep talking about Woodman but I am plenty  sure I already killed the dude in that Automatic Love mission lol,  dafuq



edit: and now he is back alive,  I guess his eyes opening and closing last time when he was on the ground wasn't a glitch XD


Well, unfortunately I see that T-bug is not "romanceable".  I was curious and looked up info online about who your options are throughout the game.


quite a shame... I imagine she might enjoy some dominate/submissive kind of shenanigans in the in public she has a fairly aggressive personality but she might like to flip the script and be submissive behind closed doors....either way she likes things to go it would be interesting to check that out.


On an even more freaky, creepo note---imagine how many dudes have modeled the character to match a certain real life girl they have a major crush on....just to see her naked in this virtual world (heh, starting from the character create screen).  You know that must've happened countless times by now.  


...yes, the rabbit hole on creepiness runs deep, folks...this is one of the few things I enjoy about our species. 





Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Angel said:

Doing this mission with Judy and they keep talking about Woodman but I am plenty  sure I already killed the dude in that Automatic Love mission lol,  dafuq



edit: and now he is back alive,  I guess his eyes opening and closing last time when he was on the ground wasn't a glitch XD

If you defeat an NPC with your fist they often are not dead. Sometimes with fire arms as well but that's happens less often. For the Cyber Psycho missions you get from Regina. I always beat the target with  hand to hand combat so they don't die.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

If you defeat an NPC with your fist they often are dead. Sometimes with fire arms as well but that's happens left often. For the Cyber Psycho missions you get from Regina. I always beat the target with  hand to hand combat so they don't die.

You can fight the pyschos hand to hand? Whenever I encounter them I can never get my fists up for whatever reason. I have to equip a non Lethal melee weapon to fight them.

1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

You can fight the pyschos hand to hand? Whenever I encounter them I can never get my fists up for whatever reason. I have to equip a non Lethal melee weapon to fight them.

Yeah, that's how I defeated the five I have run across thus far.  I got in the habit because didn't have any other non lethal options for the first two.


interesting...when I fought a Cyberpsycho, I went with just fists/melee specifically to *not* kill him...but he still died.


I've been playing around 15 hours so far... just now went back to pick up the PING hack for my first character.  That's actually a critical thing I've been overlooking all this time.... it helps point out access points as well as highlighting all "networked" enemies on the screen....reminds me of Widowmaker's ultimate that lets her see through walls, floors and ceilings....and of course I imagine that would be good when coupled with those tech weapons that can shoot through solid objects.


Ping really helped out in this mission where I had to transport a dead body... the Tigerclaw crew was also wanting in on this for some reason, so I kept using "ping" when I could to see how many of those guys were left and where they were... then I'd set the body down somewhere and hack them from a safe distance....heh, I killed all those dudes without them even getting close enough to find where I was.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Is it worth it to buy the cars fixers spam your inbox with?

Gonna say no. I’ve got 3 cars and 2 bikes just from doing quests and looking around, and there are cars to steal everywhere anyway. 

Does anyone know if the various grenade perks affect the wrist rocket cyber-wear? It’ll occasionally stagger an opponent but otherwise it is super weak. 

Edit: Yeah Ping is the best early quick hack imo ive never stopped using it. It’s usually dirt cheap to cast and it can tell you where every NPC in an area is and even the direction they’re looking in. 


Edited by Vhozite
1 hour ago, MillionX said:

Ping really helped out in this mission where I had to transport a dead body... the Tigerclaw crew was also wanting in on this for some reason, so I kept using "ping" when I could to see how many of those guys were left and where they were... then I'd set the body down somewhere and hack them from a safe distance....heh, I killed all those dudes without them even getting close enough to find where I was.

Was it the mission where you find a dude in a fridge?

Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Was it the mission where you find a dude in a fridge?

yep; where you find the body in a container marked "No future".  Heh, hacking with PING revealing all enemy locations made this soooo easy.  Actually, the only bit of difficulty at all is the dudes that show up when you start carrying the body.  Once I killed all of the Tigerclaws guys, there was no more opposition at all (I was thinking more would've showed up and perhaps a car chase would happen)... I just put the body in the trunk and drove to the spot the guy wanted it delivered.  Some were on alert once they started finding other members of the crew dead, haha but they still couldn't get to me... each time, 1 guy would discover the the time he realizes something's up... my "short circuit" hack is already in progress, about to lay down some heavy damage.  I noticed it was doing at least 230+ or so points of damage per hack least on those guys (usually two applications of "short circuit" was killing them...I also get a bonus for this hack on unaware enemies).  I know the enemies also have resistances to consider so that # is most likely different on other enemies.


I also have "cripple movement" and "weapon malfunction" now.  So... with my hacks I can temporarily blind them (Optics), short-circuit for straight damage, cause their weapons to malfunction, or cripple them...along with the device hacks like "distract enemies", overload, and ping.


In terms of vehicles, I haven't bought any of them..just kept using that terrible sedan from the beginning for a while...but now I keep using *SPOILER's bike.  Generally speaking, I've found the motorcycles to be a way better driving experience so 3rd person of course; I couldn't imagine tolerating that first-person driving for more than 2 seconds.


edit---currently, I'm level 9; there's sooo much more to go... I saw a streamer I follow yesterday, and noticed that guy was level 43!

Edited by MillionX

I been grinding out the side quests and I'm annoyed by how many have a very high danger level. The last one I did was a stealth mission where I had to go to a gay strip club and steal info from the club owner computer. Thank God I have a female V because I shutter to think what would have happened if I was male V.


Lol I remember the fridge mission.  I was like naw I aint doing this.   I just dropped that body back in a safe corner of the room and proceeded to snipe everyone from that same building until there was like one or two ppl left I could just bum rush.    Now that I have that overwatch rifle that shoots through walls and is silenced I pretty much snipe everyone unless I cant then I use this legendary smg I have that just craps out bullets and sets them on fire.    Or run around  pillars with the enemy chasing me while using my razor floss lol. 



But seriously the vehicle message spam is so real.  I need to finish the delorian quest too so he will stop calling me.


Posted (edited)

heh, yeah I probably hit the cyberpsycho again when he was down so I guess I killed him then.


I had one side mission that I just gave up on at least for now... not sure if it's just glitched or not---basically there's some paranoid, seemingly anti-government type of dude on a bridge with a sniper rifle; he had just killed the last cop at the scene when I got addition to dealing with him, you're supposed to "search the area".  I killed him first, but then it just wouldn't count the 2nd objective at all, and I searched that whole area, trying to scan every dead body or interact with anything I could there... I was hoping to see the resolution on that; it was fairly interesting and of course I was looking forward to some more sweet cash payout for my efforts.


there was an access point though (an antenna on top of some boxes or something, next to a satellite dish), so at least I got that out of it.

Edited by MillionX
Posted (edited)

I remember the fridge mission. It was the one where I was finally like "Jesus V throw him over your shoulder and pull out a pistol, shit man." Lmao. 

Edited by RSG3
10 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I been grinding out the side quests and I'm annoyed by how many have a very high danger level. The last one I did was a stealth mission where I had to go to a gay strip club and steal info from the club owner computer. Thank God I have a female V because I shutter to think what would have happened if I was male V.

This is the one that I'm doing/stuck on!!!



You cannot do this one guns blazing!!!

I'm currently at lvl 12, so I don't know how easy this one is for those that beat the game and have endgame sh@!


But this gig is my wall!!


I would do some more story stuff or side missions related to the core character first before doing what I am assuming is a gig.   What mission is that?  Is it Small man big mouth because I still haven't done that and I am level 25 and it STILL says very danger lol. 


Well I’ve hit my first game crashing bug, and it seems repeatable at that. Trying to Ping a  computer in this quest building  has gotten me 3 different crashes. Tried twice on one laptop and once on another...both crashed my game. 


I got a mission from the bartender to follow his wife because he suspects she cheating. The classic she comes home from work late every night, kid don't look like me and she wasn't at the office when I called bullshit.



Turns out she was seeing a ripper doc on the low. She use implants to completely change her appearance to escape her former life. Of course the kid resembles her natural appearance. Depending on how you play this you destroy the marriage or get them to reconcile. 



I hate when they be auto equiping you with shit.    Even weirder they gave me johnny's cool jacket but it has no mod slots or extra cool shit it can do.   Kinda like how I got his shirt and it was legendary with extra mod slots but had low ass defense lol, this fucking game

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