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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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ohhhhh... I just noticed this game out of nowhere... it's on eShop tomorrow for Switch...

top-down shootemup action...yeahhhh that's good enough for me right there.


*also further out of left field... BAD DUDES is also coming to Switch. I wasn't the biggest fan of that back in the day but it did have one of the best simple intros and concepts I had ever seen:

"The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President?"

Too late been playing the crap out of Kiwami. PSN has deal for Yakuza 0 and 6 for like $70 when you preorder Yakuza 6. I'm thinking of doing it. This game is too damned fun' date=' weird, and hilarious.[/quote']


Yakuza is such a damn treat of games i also felt bad when i would pass by that cheap yakuza 3 copy on gamestop all the time now, considering how much i play it now.



Still a bit salty about yakuza 6 being released(full 30gb game) on accident by sega. I wanna play it so bad



As a newbie to the Yakuza series who played Yakuza 0 as his first game last year, I feel that it is a successor to Shenmue and Streets of Rage with intriguing characters.

The goofy and heartfelt side missions are sometimes even better than the main mission.


I beat Y0 and Kiwami, but I want to wait for Kiwami 2 before doing Y6.

I hope they do some physical ports of Y3,4,5 to PS4 so that I can see the whole Kiryu saga unfold chronologically.

On 3/17/2018 at 9:03 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

Is it weird that I want my text alert to say "Kiryu-chan!" now. These games are fucking awesome.


Majima is great but...I think you've gone too far.


I used to use custom text tones, but working on the register at retail and hearing "LIVE AND LET DIE" pop out of my pants made things too akward too many times

On 3/17/2018 at 6:09 PM, Poltergeist said:

For almost a whole year my text alert was the 3 star social link up sound effect from Persona 5


@Poltergeist There's a SMS app for Android that lets you have the Persona 5 UI for sending texts. It has the animations and everything. You should really get on that.

On 3/17/2018 at 9:02 PM, misterBee said:

@Poltergeist There's a SMS app for Android that lets you have the Persona 5 UI for sending texts. It has the animations and everything. You should really get on that.


I seen that but I'm sketched out that it might skim info or something

On 3/18/2018 at 4:51 PM, misterBee said:

Mmm doubtful. It's just SMS too. I barely use SMS nowadays. It's 2018!


Yeah I checked it out and it doesn't support images. Kinda pointless for a phone messenger replacement. Better looks with half the functionality

On 3/18/2018 at 7:56 PM, DanZan said:

@Poltergeist you check out Danganronpa V3 yet


Yeah I played it last year. Even played Ultra Despair Girls, as fucked up as that was.


21 hours ago, wiztick said:

I heard dangonranpa 3 was good. I want to get into it but idk if i have play the otherd first prior to this one


It's good in a weird way. It has the best gameplay in regards to the mini games and class trials, but I also feel like the story is the weakest of all 3 main games.


You don't necessarily need to play 1 and 2 because it's sort of a soft break, but if it's your first game the ending will make no sense whatsoever. The series tends to get really meta. MGS2 kinda meta. So I'd say to play them in order, and then if you still have the itch for more, play Ultra Despair Girls. Be forewarned though that UDG is extra fucked up and covers topics such as child abuse, and you should definitely not play it with other people in the room. It's also a shooter btw. Let me know before you play that though, and I'll fill you in on a game breaking bug that cost me 2 hours of play time.


Danganronpa 2 also has the worst class trial mechanics, so be prepared for that. Silver lining is they learned from their mistakes to perfect the craft in 3. BONE-THE-MEAT-ON


With this new patch Overwatch has officially jumped the shark. Brigitte is the Anakin of this game. She was supposed to kill dive, not make it worse. Winston,, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Brigitte = unstoppable. Replace Genji with Sombra and it's even worse

On 3/20/2018 at 4:11 PM, Poltergeist said:

With this new patch Overwatch has officially jumped the shark. Brigitte is the Anakin of this game. She was supposed to kill dive, not make it worse. Winston,, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Brigitte = unstoppable. Replace Genji with Sombra and it's even worse

lol is there any point in time where Overwatch wasn't a shit show one way or another? i remember on release day that Mcree was ridiculously over the top, and thinking "man how the hell did they think this would go well?"

Posted (edited)



I am surprised this Sea of Thieves game has any kind of buzz or apparent success going on... I was thinking surely it would bomb harder than Wrinkle in Time, man... every time I saw any kind of preview clips it looked like pure unwiped asscrack.  The graphics do appear to be a bit better now at least, but I'll still pass on that nonsense.


haha I'll bet a certain friend bought that shit... dude has always had highly questionable taste in everything :lol:  (he's one of the people that tried to sell me on "Dead Block" a few years of the most atrocious-looking Live Arcade games in the 360's history.... I still remember looking up footage of that game on youtube and laughing hysterically for a LONG ass time at how awful it looked.)

Edited by MillionX
3 hours ago, MillionX said:



I am surprised this Sea of Thieves game has any kind of buzz or apparent success going on... I was thinking surely it would bomb harder than Wrinkle in Time, man... every time I saw any kind of preview clips it looked like pure unwiped asscrack.  The graphics do appear to be a bit better now at least, but I'll still pass on that nonsense.


haha I'll bet a certain friend bought that shit... dude has always had highly questionable taste in everything :lol:  (he's one of the people that tried to sell me on "Dead Block" a few years of the most atrocious-looking Live Arcade games in the 360's history.... I still remember looking up footage of that game on youtube and laughing hysterically for a LONG ass time at how awful it looked.)

It has buzz because it's all Xbox got when it comes to exclusives. Xbox fans are hungry for anything. For all the betas the game had it still had a terrible launch on day one. Servers were a mess.

12 hours ago, ZioSerpe said:

Anyone plays FFXIV? how's Eureka?

Not gonna lie it's a grind BUT~~ it's an easy as fuck grind. Basically kill mobs to spawn fates, kill fate bosses to gain loads of exp and crystals, get to level 18-20 and kill the main boss Pazuzu to get feathers. If you die and don't get rez'd within 10 minutes you lose a level. It took my GF about 3 days to get 2 Eureka Relics.

16 hours ago, MillionX said:



I am surprised this Sea of Thieves game has any kind of buzz or apparent success going on... I was thinking surely it would bomb harder than Wrinkle in Time, man... every time I saw any kind of preview clips it looked like pure unwiped asscrack.  The graphics do appear to be a bit better now at least, but I'll still pass on that nonsense.


haha I'll bet a certain friend bought that shit... dude has always had highly questionable taste in everything :lol:  (he's one of the people that tried to sell me on "Dead Block" a few years of the most atrocious-looking Live Arcade games in the 360's history.... I still remember looking up footage of that game on youtube and laughing hysterically for a LONG ass time at how awful it looked.)

Never under estimate the power of pirate ship gimmick games. Everyone wants to be thier own Jonny Depp


Eh. Mobile gaming. Every year or so I get the thought of seeing what games might be out. And after looking at some bus simulators and pubg, seemed a good idea. I mean PUGB is free unlike consoles, and there are no bus sims for console.


But of course no controller works for any of this stuff. So whats the point? Personally I can't get enthralled enough with phone factor to get any use. I don't play games with phone type controls, and I dont even type, I wont respond in forums or facebook on phone. This brings home my previous thought that I can get away with a low tier phone. If I can't play on  pad, it's pretty useless.



Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Angel said:

@MillionX or anyone else, have ya'll played the new Ni No Kuni yet?


Jrpg with non-turnbased combat  and supposedly good story.   Probably about to cop it now since I forgot to preorder it.  

y'know, it did manage to catch my attention recently....and yes it's because they've fixed that unfortunate turn-based "condition" the first one was afflicted with.  It does have a nice look/style to it, so it is possible I may give it a shot one day soon.... 


..but that is if I could ever tear myself away from the great Bayonetta 1 & 2 combo though.  That has been all I've played since it hit Switch a few weeks ago.... quick thing--- definitely hit the vidcap/record feature whenever you fight Grace & Glory...unless of course that duo consistently kicks your ass... but man... anytime you fight them successfully, taking few or no hits at all... it always looks like some pro-level combo-vid shit.  I absolutely love it.  That's the fascinating thing with Bayonetta, imo.... I don't think it takes that much for the player to look godlike in that game....but that's definitely not to say that the game takes it easy on ya, especially with the Grace/Glory fights.  Easy to do cool-looking, godlike skillful shit....yet still has difficulty.... It's a contradiction that people probably only understand when they play it for themselves. (edit--it would be nice if Switch's vidcapture had the same deeper level of options the X1 has; on Switch you can only record the last 30 seconds)


then there's Y's Lacrima or whatever it's called coming soon...then it won't be long until VAMPYR (*June 5; words can't even describe my hype levels of THAT shit)!!!! 

Edited by MillionX

nah, in the gameplay footage I've seen, VAMPYR is looking good so's your average action 3rd person view combat, which is good enough, imo.  The theme and concept of the game is the real selling point for me.   It also looks like they got the general vampire lore "correct" in this game.   I've been wanting even a halfway decent vampire game for many years now.  Sheeeeit, I've wanted a cool vampire game to play ever since I was a little kid.  Skyrim has been the only good thing on that front in recent years.  The big one people bring up is Vampire the Masquerade, but that shit is from way back in 2004 (*and only on PC... I definitely wasn't caring about PC gaming back then).  Other than that I had Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain back in the original Playstation days, but that's about it.

Posted (edited)

ohoooo shit I just noticed RARE made Sea of Thieves apparently... once again,'s that decision to purchase that company working out for ya these days? :lol:   Really, bruh... game looks like one of those EGM April Fools jokes.


It's also amusing to me that they have to lean extra hard on this shit, because they either missed out on so many exclusives or just straight up cancelled the other things.  Another layer of the comedy here is that this era could've been much, much worse if they went ahead with the original X1 plan from that disastrous E3 initial showing.  

Edited by MillionX
8 hours ago, Poltergeist said:

I'll never play life is strange. A couple bisexual chicks I know Jack that game off so hard because of the girls being lesbians or whatever to the point that it annoys the shit out of me. I refuse to play it out of spite. You know how when Zoo talks about his indies so much that you don't wanna play it? It's like that

That's too bad.  It may not be the BEST adventure game out there, but it's really quite good!

Maybe one day you'll be able to give it a shot.


It's got fun characters and nice graphics.  Gameplay is good if you like team-based games where everyone has unique abilities.  If you like traditional deathmatch-style shooters you probably won't like it.

Posted (edited)

It does have a death match mode though. Not every character is viable in it.


Do people even still play Destiny 2? Two of my co-workers were hardcore stans for that series, preordered and everything. Haven't seen them play it in about 3 months now

Edited by Poltergeist
21 minutes ago, Poltergeist said:

It does have a death match mode though. Not every character is viable in it.


Do people even still play Destiny 2? Two of my co-workers were hardcore stans for that series, preordered and everything. Haven't seen them play it in about 3 months now

There wasn't enough content to keep me interested past the initial month or two.  You end up doing the same runs over and over again, and unlike other loot-based games the equipment doesn't get any stronger.  Once you get the look you want for your char there's really no point to playing.

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