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Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars

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2 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Is Overwatch any good?

Played casually, yes, extremely.

Played competitively, fuck no, run away and burn the bridges you cross.

Is better as a side game when you need a break. I play it like once a month for 1 hour and I love it.


On 3/25/2018 at 3:45 AM, NupoChromine said:



Turns out he's not anchor material... I've had tons of trouble finding one, because there's really not many characters that are good without assists, finally settled on 16, now he getting nerfed and I will get nothing to replace him.

1 hour ago, misterBee said:

I read up on it when it was first announced, but they still haven't released any details.  Probably just gonna be another low-end android set top box.  :grimace:

It's going to be the next water cooler


That new God of War is looking so beastly. Definitely a day 1 for me. The only one I've ever beaten was the one on PSP, but the combat actually looks interesting in this one.


Farcry 5 is also catching my eye. Again, I've only played 1 in the series, being 3, but I haven't played a mindless shooter in a while, and the story looks interesting again. Anyone else have this on their radar?



Shit, just as I was typing I remembered I still need to get YS8 when it comes to Switch. I also want that new Kirby game and I just bought the Dragonball Fighterz season pass today. Rip my fuckin wallet man


Just started Bloodborne since it's the free PS4 game right now. I've got high hopes for it but currently enjoying it. I never got into Dark Souls because a medieval asthetic bores me to pieces in any kind of medium. Games, movies, books, it'll put me to sleep. The whole Gothic horror thing is more my speed. I prefer sci fi but it'll do. The weapon transformation stuff is sweet. I freaked out when I hit L1 and my axe turned into an even longer axe.


Beautiful looking game. Grimy as all hell by design but it looks great. I'm only currently at the part with the second lamp to enter the dream. I got all the way around and opened up the shortcut gate.


I don't like the way Bloodborne's enemies or areas look. Dark Souls games have more variety in their environments, and the types of enemies they put in each area makes sense. Like you'll see an enemy, and you're like why the fuck would this be here?


Dark Souls setting was something we've seen a hundred times before though. The weird Victorian/Lovecraftian theme was pretty unique and easily had enough varied locations. 

11 hours ago, Black_Jaguar said:

That new God of War is looking so beastly. Definitely a day 1 for me. The only one I've ever beaten was the one on PSP, but the combat actually looks interesting in this one.


Farcry 5 is also catching my eye. Again, I've only played 1 in the series, being 3, but I haven't played a mindless shooter in a while, and the story looks interesting again. Anyone else have this on their radar?

I only beat GoW 1 and the PSP one.  I'll try to get the HD collection so I can play all the others before starting the new one.


Farcry 5 is DEFINITELY in my queue.  I love open world games and I love shooters.  I'm therefore obligated to play every Far Cry. I don't even care if every game after 3 is the same thing in a new setting.  I love it anyway.

39 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:

Peeps still holding out on a full MW2 remaster. Makes no sense to bring it out now anyway. It would mess up the whole cycle. 

Peeps not using a computer and playing the PC version, which can play the game in any damn resolution and still looks good.  MW1 remaster wasn't that amazing tbh, even though they used new assets.


It's just like the Burnout Paradise re-release...only relevant if you don't own the PC version. Unless it's a complete rebuild, most HD 'remasters' are only good for console users since a lot of them just bump the resolution and call it a day.


In the Code of Conduct section, we’ve clarified that use of offensive language and fraudulent activity is prohibited. We’ve also clarified that violation of the Code of Conduct through Xbox Services may result in suspensions or bans from participation in Xbox Services, including forfeiture of content licenses, Xbox Gold Membership time, and Microsoft account balances associated with the account.


RIP Xbox Live

Posted (edited)

^ha, absolutely ridiculous....they need to get all the way outta here with this new-era "rated PG" foolishness.  I'm not sure how they can even enforce it unless they plan to listen to everyone's private or party chats....shit, man...such a pitiful, pansy-ass era we live in.  I'm assuming it's mainly things like gamertags and whatever you type up in your bio or profile/motto?  Then was like that before...sheeeit, I remember one of my friends had the tag "Tha_Nigga_Jase" or something like that...didn't take long for Live to make him change that :lol: 


*sidenote, Ashley is totally salad-toss worthy, imo.


*back to playing Bayonetta herself in Hard mode now.... things seem soooo easy after playing Jeanne.  

Edited by MillionX
5 hours ago, misterBee said:

Peeps not using a computer and playing the PC version, which can play the game in any damn resolution and still looks good.  MW1 remaster wasn't that amazing tbh, even though they used new assets.


It's just like the Burnout Paradise re-release...only relevant if you don't own the PC version. Unless it's a complete rebuild, most HD 'remasters' are only good for console users since a lot of them just bump the resolution and call it a day.

I would have been satisfied with backwards compatibility with MW2 and be good with that but hey gotta make money. 


I can get censoring on say a kids game but if I'm playing CoD, then I know playing a mature game  means I'll expect mature language. Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't hear. I'll censor myself If I need to. 


37 minutes ago, MillionX said:

^ha, absolutely ridiculous....they need to get all the way outta here with this new-era "rated PG" foolishness.  I'm not sure how they can even enforce it unless they plan to listen to everyone's private or party chats....shit, man...such a pitiful, pansy-ass era we live in.  I'm assuming it's mainly things like gamertags and whatever you type up in your bio or profile/motto?  Then was like that before...sheeeit, I remember one of my friends had the tag "Tha_Nigga_Jase" or something like that...didn't take long for Live to make him change that :lol: 


*sidenote, Ashley is totally salad-toss worthy, imo.


*back to playing Bayonetta herself in Hard mode now.... things seem soooo easy after playing Jeanne.  

There's no specifics so Microsoft can abuse this for anything. Voice chats, messages, in-game customization that offends people, etc. Live might as well not exist if this is enforced.

On 3/20/2018 at 3:11 PM, Poltergeist said:

With this new patch Overwatch has officially jumped the shark. Brigitte is the Anakin of this game. She was supposed to kill dive, not make it worse. Winston,, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Brigitte = unstoppable. Replace Genji with Sombra and it's even worse

Random and off-topic, but your name reminded me of this song from an old anime called Ghost Hound.  Now I'm gonna share it with all the rest of you.  



20 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

There's no specifics so Microsoft can abuse this for anything. Voice chats, messages, in-game customization that offends people, etc. Live might as well not exist if this is enforced.

because there's no specifics to the bill that was passed. They can be held accountable for anything said on their platform now.


I can't remember if I got this deep into it on WiiU, but I've unlocked Rosa in Bayonetta 2 now... holy shit man this character is even more overpowered than Bayonetta herself.  It's crazy... I'm clearing stages/fights in half my previous times, sometime seven less than half.... and sometimes with double the points.  She's so strong it's hilarious, man..... many of the enemies end up dead before they can even do anything about it....and you can get the Platinum or Pure Platinum ranks EASY with her's insane.


...but finally there is one disappointing little nitpick though--- there's apparently no alternate outfits Rosa can put on.


Fuck I forgot all about Bayonetta. I'll have to get into it whenever I'm done with God of War. and before I get to GoW I need to blast through Farcry 5. Thank god for that 20% discount on the playstation store lol


Bayo 2--Damn I had such a good rank, score and time on this one stage... then I was hitting buttons and accidentally passed the results screen without letting it update my previous results!  


There's some good spin-off material here too with all these other characters in the story--- Rosa, Rodin, Jeanne...even Loki/Aesir.... I'm not a fan of the cornrows-hairstyle look though on that character, but I imagine an older Loki/Aesir might be interesting as a playable character too.


I thought this was already addressed. Nintendo shares the rights to Bayo 2 with Platinum and to some degree Sega so therefore it cannot be made elsewhere. Bayo 1 is fair game for any other platforms because just Sega and Platinum games own it. Nintendo is helping fund Bayo 3 so thus it will be Nintendo Exclusive 

5 hours ago, misterBee said:

I really hope Bayonetta 2 comes out on other consoles or PC eventually.  Don't think I'll ever play it if it doesn't. =/

Then you'll probably never play it. Bayonetta 2 was originally a 360/PS3 game. Sega cancelled it. Platinum tried pitching the game to Sony and MS. They both passed. Platinum had given up on ever releasing another Bayonetta title. While Nintendo was in their offices about Wonderful 101, they basically threw a Hail Mary. They decided to pitch it to Nintendo, they didn't really anything to lose at this point. Nintendo decided to financially back Bayonetta 2. That's why the game ended up being co-published by Nintendo and why it's exclusive to their platforms. Nintendo footed the entire bill for it's development. If Nintendo didn't step in, there never would have been a Bayonetta 2. It looks like Bayonetta 3 has the same arrangement.

3 hours ago, Chadouken said:

Why not get a Switch?

Not really interested in one.


Most of the games on Switch that I'd be really interested in are usually multi-plats that run better elsewhere, and if I got a Switch it would be hooked up to my TV practically all the time.


I have a 2 gaming PCs, PS4, and Xbox One.  I work from home and don't have to commute.  When I do get on the subway, gaming isn't a priority for me.  I don't enjoy Nintendo titles as much as some other people do.  I'm the exact type of person the Switch ISN'T tailored to. =/

Posted (edited)


Do I have to grind levels to get materials for upgrades for Gunvolt? I'm on the second to last level of the game and only manage to get two upgrades my whole playthough so far. I 

Edited by Hawkingbird
1 hour ago, misterBee said:

Not really interested in one.


Most of the games on Switch that I'd be really interested in are usually multi-plats that run better elsewhere, and if I got a Switch it would be hooked up to my TV practically all the time.


I have a 2 gaming PCs, PS4, and Xbox One.  I work from home and don't have to commute.  When I do get on the subway, gaming isn't a priority for me.  I don't enjoy Nintendo titles as much as some other people do.  I'm the exact type of person the Switch ISN'T tailored to. =/

My Switch is petty much tethered to my TV, too. The only time I take it off the dock is when I go on a trip. However, I am a huge Nintendo fan and love their exclusives. Zelda, Mario, Mari Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid, Smash Bros, and now Bayonetta more than justify a purchase for me.


You're right about the multi platform games though. I have DOOM for PS4 and even though it would be cool to have on the go for the times I use the Switch undocked, it's just better for PlayStation. In fact, when I do take my Switch on a trip I usually play indie games. Like right now I'm about to take a flight home and having Celeste on the plane is going to be dope. 


But yeah, if you're not into Nintendo games then there's probably not any reason to own a Switch.


Switch already has a handful of games that i want to play, but it still isn't enough for me to dive in. If the Switch gets a new fatal frame / project zero then that would probably seal the deal for me personally.




Its status as a hybrid of console/portable gaming is the major selling point for me... they finally put out something portable with stronger specs (at least some steps above Vita and of course WiiU) and multiple ways to play it...and right out of the gate it was there with a strong first year, imo.  


...sheeeit, but even if it had barely anything BUT Bayonetta I'd still get it...because that particular franchise is indeed that serious for of my favorite games/franchises of all time....and now I can play it anywhere....sitting in the car at a long red light....or in the parking lot...or on a park-bench, or in the break room at work, or in a long wait at the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant (because when there's a minivan or SUV driver; y'know that's going to take a while...those people always order $80+ worth of food, man)...or at a sit-down restaurant... I had it with me on a recent trip to Logan's after work....or just anywhere around the house or apartment....the list goes on....  Words can't describe how awesome that ultimate versatility is to me.


Azure Striker Gunvolt-- yeah I'm not sure about the powerups either... I was just kinda running through stages on that game as well, and I don't think the game really explained much of anything...or maybe I was just halfway paying attention.  It's been a while since I played it though.

18 minutes ago, Sacr3D said:

I haven't played a good JRPG in a long ass time man

Tales of Vesperia is still an all time favorite for me. In still mad that after I beat the game, I found out that I was playing the severely gimped 360 version

2 hours ago, Poltergeist said:

Tales of Vesperia is still an all time favorite for me. In still mad that after I beat the game, I found out that I was playing the severely gimped 360 version

The game was originally a 360 exclusive. The PS3 version featured additional content because it was a late port. The PS3 had clauses that required new content for late ports. The game also wasn't localized because of SCEA were being pricks about the game launching on 360 first.


Persona 5 is something people rave about. Never got the appeal of half date sim half rpg tho. 


Switch is good for people who like owning consoles but hate playing video games

3 hours ago, wiztick said:

Persona 5 is something people rave about. Never got the appeal of half date sim half rpg tho. 


Switch is good for people who like owning consoles but hate playing video games

I wouldn't really call it a date sim. The romance part of it is a very minor sub plot you can do, but you do need to improve the relationships to get better skills from them. There are lots of game that do that. Problem is Persona does it with a pretty tight time schedule


I got Doom (2016) yesterday as an Easter gift. (PS4)

I dont play many FPS and I’ve never owned an actual DOOM game. I played on my friends PC way back in 1994 or so.


Anyway, Ive played the first 2 missions and Im enjoying it

It’s pretty strange not to worry about reloading. OR hiding waiting for health to regenerate.

I like the “super melee” attacks when the enemy is glowing orange/blue and you get some life back from it.

This is one of the few games where I had to significantly adjust the brightness settings. Usually for stuff like Yakuza/Uncharted Im good with the default.
For this, I had to increase it a lot.
Before everything was stark black or red and I was having trouble seeing some enemies.
It felt like a Daredevil radar sense simulator until I changed the brightness lol.


The graphics are great. The sound design is very spooky especially with surround sound.
I’m kind of surprised the weapon selection isnt assigned to DPad since IIRC you dont really need it for any actions .

On 4/3/2018 at 3:49 PM, DanZan said:

Me and a friend pulled off the ultimate Bloodborne troll. I'm afraid you'll only get this if you're heavily into BB.



I fucking hate getting invaded but that was hilarious

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