Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Ann Hibiki Nickname: The Invincible Tiger (Muteki no Tora) Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese (Born in Hong Kong) Height: 5ft 7in(1.70m) Weight: 145 lbs. (66kg) B/W/H: 35-23-36(89cm-59cm-92cm) Hometown: Hong Kong Appearance: Ann has shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, with a black head band, and has light brown eyes. She wears an orange sports bra, sleeveless black leather motorcycle jacket, blue jeans, and brown leather motorcycle boots. The back of her jacket has the kanji for tiger emblazoned in orange. Likes: Dan, Her Motorcycle (she built it herself), Restoring Buraiken (Her father's martial arts style), Kasujiro (a simmered dish) Dislikes: Sagat, Cooking, Losing Fighting Style: Buraiken (Go Hibiki's style) Tone: Ann is very serious and focused fighter. She's spent the last decade meticulously reconstructing her fathers fighting style. Origins: Ann never knew her father. She was born 8 months after he died fighting Sagat. Growing up she idolized her older brother Dan. She learned everything she could of of Dan's Saikyo style, but was frustrated by Dan constantly “letting her win” during sparring. In effort to learn more about and honor her father she endeavored to restore Buraiken. She's spent the last decade training with friends and rivals of her father Go Hibiki so that she can recreate his style of fighting. Her Rival: Laura Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Tomoe Nage-LP+LK: Overhead Judo throw. Ann grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her foot in their chest and flips them overhead. Mr. Karate's Art of Fighting 1 throw Ippon Seoi Nage -B+LP+LK:Judo Shoulder thow. Classic Judo throw, Ann grabs her opponent and shoulder throws them behind her Unique Attacks: Sokutougeri – F+ MK: A single hit side kick Hyouchuuwari – F+MP : A single hit overhead chop, fast startup slow recovery. -6 on block V-Reversal: Tora Jōshō – (Tiger Rise) F+KKK: Ann hits her foe with a jumping front kick to the face that lifts them off the ground and sends them a half screen away. V-Skill: Tora Tsukikaeshi (Tiger Riposte) - MP+MK: Ann takes a defensive stance. She intercepts any high attacks and counters with a powerful open palm strike to the chest. Tora Ukenagashi (Tiger Parry) - D+MP+MK: Ann takes a defensive stance. She intercepts any low attacks and counters with a powerful sweep kick. V-Trigger 1: Tora No Seishen (Tiger's Spirit): Ann's fists are surrounded by a glowing white aura. (Tiger's Spirit): Ann's fists are surrounded by a glowing white aura. Her projectile capabilities are enchanced. Nensho Toraburesu all versions increase in size, startup/recover 1F faster, and travel full screen. Kuki Nensho Toraburesu an aerial projectile attack becomes available. V-Gauge only drains when using projectile attacks. Five enhanced projectiles per V-Trigger. 2 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Hikaru Tora (Glowing Tiger): Ann's body is surrounded by a glowing white aura. Her physical special attacks are enhanced. Raiko Ken startup reduced by 1F, Stun increased by 25 Shojun Tora Ken gains full start up invincibility. EX version loses its armor but starts up in 3F. Crush Counterable Nensho Tora Hizageri projectile invincible from Frame 3, EX from Frame 1. Kuki Nensho Tora Hizageri is now available V-Gauge only drains when using enhanced physical attacks. Five enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Kuki Nensho Toraburesu(Air Burning Tigers Breath) QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile one handed projectile. Moderate recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle)Only available in V-Trigger 1 Nensho Toraburesu (Burning Tigers Breath)-QCF + P: A fiery one handed projectile. Punch button strength determines the attack properties. LP (Slow startup and recovery, moderate speed and damage. Standard size. Full Screen),. MP (Faster startup and recovery, slower speed, higher damage, half screen travel distance, larger projectile.) HP (Fast startup and recovery, point blank range, highest damage, largest projectile.) EX (Fast startup and recovery, full screen range, highest damage, largest projectile.) Raiko Ken (Lightning Tiger Fist)-HCB+ P (Command Hit Grab): Ann strikes her opponent with powerful left punch to the gut, strikes them with rapid right hand punches, and send them into the air with a left upward palm strike to the chin . Punch button strength determines the attack properties. All versions knock down) LP(Fastest Startup, Least Damage) MP (Slower Startup, More Damage), HP (Slowest Startup, Most Damage, Hard Knock Down) EX(Fastest Startup, Most Damage, Causes Wall Bounce) Resembles Mr. Karate's Zanretsuken. Shojun Tora Ken (Ascending Tiger Fist)- F,D,DF + P: (Combo Extender) Left handed rising uppercut. Has projectile invincibility and no strike invincibility. Despite appearances this is not an anti air. LP(3F, Least Damage, Knocks Down), MP(4F, More Damage, Juggles In The Corner), HP(6F, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX (5F, Gains Armor Frame 3, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) Resembles Mr. Karate's Koho. Nensho Tora Hizageri (Burning Tiger Knee Kick)- QCB+ K: Ann's perfected version of her brother's Dankukyaku. This horizontal moving attack's properties is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (Double Knee Only, Anti air, no invincibility, 1/8 Screen), MK (Double knee followed by a single flying kick. ¼ Screen), HK(Flying Double Knee, Double Flying Kick Combination Attack , ½ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 3, Flying Double Knee, Double Flying Kick Combination Attack , ½ Screen) Kuki Nensho Tora Hizageri (Air Burning Tiger Knee Kick)- QCB+ K: (In Air) Ann's performs the Nensho Tora Hizageri from a forward jump. The descent angle of the attack is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (Double Knee, 65° Angle), MK (Double knee followed by a single flying kick. 55° Angle), HK(Flying Double Knee, Double Flying Kick Combination Attack , 45° Angle), EX(Flying Double Knee, Double Flying Kick Combination Attack , LK+MK 65° Angle, LK+HK 55° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle) Only available in V-Trigger 2 Critical Art: Koshin Hiza Danmaku (Tiger God Knee Barrage)- HCFx2+K: Based on her father Go Hibiki's ultimate technique the Shoten Buraikyaku. Ann grabs her opponent by the head and hits with with rapid fire succession of knees to the face. Resembles Mr. Karate's Shoran Kyaku. (15 Hits , 345 damage) V-Trigger 1 Only Saiko Nensho Toraburesu (Supreme Burning Tigers Breath) -HCFx2+P: Ann's perfected version of her brother's Haoh Gadoken. Ann uses both of her arms to generate a massive projectile that causes significant damage and stun. Speed of the projectile determined by the punch button pressed with LP being the slowest and HP being the fastest. Travels full screen (5hits, 300 Damage/150 Stun) Reasons to be in SFV:* Ann is eager to test the effectiveness of Buraiken against the world's best martial artist. Her brother honored their father by “defeating” Sagat. She wishes to honor their father by showing the strength of his art to the world. *Ann is Dan's opposite. She is serious and talented fighter. Her adoration of her brother Dan blinds her to his actually ability. She truly believes he defeated Sagat and that he was taking it easy on her in training. In truth she surpassed him before she left on her Musha Shugyo (Warrior's Pilgrimage). Name: Asim Nickname: Guardian of Iron Sex: Male Ethnicity: Tunisian Height: 5'8”(1.73m) Weight: 227lbs (103kg) B/W/H: 47-33-35 (119cm-84cm-89cm) Hometown: Sousse, Tunisia Appearance: Asim is stout well built man. He has short black hair with close cropped full beard and goatee. Asim has steel gray eyes and wears a burgundy chachia (traditional Tunisian wool hat) on his head. He wears a beige jebba (traditional Tunisian tunic) and has burgundy leather slippers on his feet. Likes: Urien, Merguez (Spicy Beef Sausage), Demoralizing His Foes Dislikes: Gill, Pork, Cold Weather Fighting Style: Zamaqtal (Tunisian Martial Art based on Pencak Silat) Tone: Asim is stoic, strategic, and efficient fighter. That enjoys overwhelming and breaking the will of his opponents. Origins: Asim comes from a wealthy Tunisian family. Growing up he saw how others struggled and frankly didn't care. He had everything he could ever need. That thought process changed one day. Asim's family was accosted by a single robber. A man who managed to pummel his family's security force with ease. All of his family's wealth meant nothing in the face of one man's strength. They were at the mercy of one of the poor souls that he'd spent his young life looking down on. The man left with his family's valuables and when his parents turned to look for Asim. He was gone. His posh life style had made him weak. At the age of 12, Asim took off on his own. He would never been weak again. He'd forge himself into a man of strength and live off of what he earned for himself. After a decade, a know grown Asim would appear at his family's door. His mother barely recognized him. The small frail child from the decade prior was gone. In his place stood formidable man. Asim only arrived to see his ailing father. Telling him that he did not want his inheritance. Asim would leave as mysteriously as he arrived. As his mother watched him leave, she could see him get into a limousine with two towering figures. A tall dark skinned woman with short red hair and tall white haired man with a jewel in his forehead. His Rival: Wasswa Attributes: Health: 5 Power: 5 Range: 2 Mobility: 2 Technique: 4 1050 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Guardian Spike- LP+LK : Asim picks up his opponent in a fireman's carry and twists his body 180° driving them head first into the ground. Iron Might -B+LP+LK: Asim grabs his foe by the neck with his left arm, raises them off the ground, and effortlessly tosses the overhead behind him. Unique Attacks: Guardian Strike – F+MP: (Overhead on 2 hit only)A quick left upward elbow strike followed up by a downward left elbow strike. 2 hits, Second hit is an overhead and has to be blocked high. Cruel Iron– B+HK: Asim strikes with a hopping double knee strike. Goes over low attacks. Can be used as an anti air V-Reversal: Guardian's Maul - F+PPP: Asim grabs his foes head with both hands and knocks them down with a head butt. V-Skill Iron Guard – MP+MK: Asim assumes a wide stance while clinching his fists focusing his power. If he completes the animation interrupted, Asim gains frame 3 armor on his next standing HP or HK. Asim gains a small amount of V-Gauge from completing the stance animation uninterrupted. He gains additional gauge from landed or blocked charged heavy attacks. V-Trigger 1: Immovable Iron – HP+HK: Asim uses his iron body to full effect. Charged Medium attacks game Frame 3 armor. Charged Heavy Attacks gain Frame 1 armor. Charged armor attacks can be canceled with a back dash. Canceling the charged attack drains a significant amount of V-Gauge. 2 cancels will exhaust his V-Trigger. The V-Trigger Gauge drains over time. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Unyielding Guardian – HP+HK: Asim's iron body hardens further improving his defense. Asim takes 30% less damage from his opponents attacks. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Charging Boar – HCF+P: Asim charges forward with a quick and powerful left elbow uppercut Distance traveled determined by the punch button. All version knock down. HP version juggles in the corner. LP(¼ Screen), MP( 1/3 Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX (Gains armor on frame 3, Causes Juggle State, Distance traveled determined by buttons pressed. LP+MP ¼ Screen, LP+HP 1/3 Screen, MP+HP ½ Screen) Wolf's Fang – HCB+P: Asim strikes his opponent in the stomach with a powerful right elbow strike, followed by a left elbow uppercut to the chin, and sends them crashing into the ground with a brutal overhead right elbow strike. Damage, Startup, and Properties determined by the punch button pressed. LP(Fastest Startup, -2 on hit) MP(Slower Startup, +1 on hit), HP(Slowest Startup, +2 on hit), EX(Fastest Startup, Causes Ground Bounce -6 on block) Hyena's Bite – HCF+K: Ismaya attacks his foe with a flying right knee strike to the chest. Distance traveled is determined by the kick button. Projectile invincible from Frame 3. LK (Point Blank), MK ( ¼ screen), HK (½ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible from Frame 1, Causes Wall Bounce, distance traveled determined by the buttons pressed. LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen, MK+HK ¾ Screen) Iron Maiden – 360°+K: Asim grabs his opponent with a bear hug, jumps into the air, turns 180° and drives them head first into the ground. Kick button determines attack properties. LK (5F Startup, Most Range, Least Damage, Leaves Opponent ½ screen away), MK(5F Startup, Less Range, More Damage, Leaves Opponent ¼ screen away), HK (6F Startup, Least Range, Most Damage, Leaves Asim right next to his opponent). EX(5F Startup, Most Range, Most Damage, Grains Armor on Frame 3, Leaves Asim right next to his opponent) Critical Art: Iron Fury: QCBx2+P: Asim's turns his body as hard as iron before strike his foe with hard elbow to the sternum that sends foes careening into the side of the screen with such force that the bounce back towards Asim. He flies towards his ricocheting foe and floors them with a flying knee to the head. 2 hits (380 damage). Reasons to be in SFV: Asim enters the tournament with a singular purpose. To discreetly neutralize, Gill's lieutenants. The loss of Wasswa and Kolin would greatly hamper Gill's efforts and strengthen Urien's position in the Secret Society. Gill's “softer” leadership style would be replaced by Urien's. Leading to a world in which people would have to rely on their own strength. The strong would rise and the weak would tossed by the wayside. Name: Azam Nickname: The Arabian Sandstorm Sex: Male Ethnicity: Emirati Height: 7ft 2in (2.19m) Weight: 319lbs (145kg) B/W/H: 61-48-54 (155cm-122cm-137cm) Hometown: Abu Dhabi, U.A.E Appearance: Azam is a towering man, He has a white mustache and a beard that is tied off with a turquoise band. His white hair is styled into a mohawk that ends in a long flowing pony tail. There is a small red jewel in the center of his forehead. Azam wears a gold open sleeveless vest and white loose fitting pants. His pants are secured with a large turquiose band at the waist and small golden bands at his ankles. There are black embroidered bands with gold trim around his wrists. He has a janbiya (Arabian Curved Dagger) on his waist in a jeweled gold scabbard. Likes: Youth, Traditions, Pro Wresting, Rashid Dislikes: Disordered Wording Fighting Style: Wind Wrestling Tone: Azam is a reserved man dedicated to protecting his young master, Rashid Origins: Azam was a five time MECC* (Middle East Combat Club) Submission Wrestling champion. Through the competition he met grapplers of several different disciplines from all over the word. He caught the attention of Victor Ortega, owner of the CPWA (Championship Professional Wrestling Associate) and competed there for a brief time before being hired on to be Rashid's personal bodyguard. His Rival: Zangief (friendly) Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Sand Splittler - LP+LK : Azam lifts his opponent over his head and slams them down onto his knee (back breaker) Gust Suplex - B+LP+LK : Azam grab his foes and tosses them behind him with a belly to back release suplex. Unique Attacks: Scimitar – B+HP: (Hit Grab) Azam grabs his opponent by the back of the head, pulls them towards him rapidly, and floor them with a vicious clothesline. Sand Snake – B+HK: Azam executes a low missile drop kick to his opponents knees. Must be blocked low. V-Reversal: Desert Buster – F+PPP: Azam kicks his foe in the abdomen, grabs them, and drives them head first into the ground with a double underhook face buster (HHH Pedigree) V-Skill: Sand Cyclone – MP+MK: Azam stomps the ground summoning a cyclone beneath his foes feet. B+MP+MK creates a Sand Cyclone directly in front of Azam, MP+MK create Sand Cyclone ½ screen in front of Azam. F+MP+MK creates a Sand Cyclone ¾ screen in front of Azam V-Trigger 1: Wind Djinn – HP+HK: Azam surrounds himself with a vortex of wind ki that enhances his mobility. The speed and distance of his forward and back dash is increased. Azam's forward and back walk speed is also increased. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Sand Djinn – HP+HK: Azam surrounds himself with a vortex of sand ki that enhances his defense. Azam takes 10% less damage from his opponents attacks. Scimitar and Sand Snake can now be charged. Charged versions have armor Frame 3. Tornado Driver and Dust Devil gain armor Frame 3. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Tornado Driver – 360°+P : Azam grabs his opponent, manifest a tornado that sends them both high into the air and drives them into the ground head first with a tombstone piledriver. 5 frame startup, LP (Lowest damage, Most Range), MP(More Damage, Less Range), HP (Most Damage, Least Range), EX (Most Damage, Most Range) Tornado Bomb - 360°+P (In Air): Azam grab his opponent mid air, manifests a cyclone above his head, and use it to drive his foe into the ground with spinning sit down power bomb. 5 frame startup, LP (Lowest damage, Most Range), MP(More Damage, Less Range), HP (Most Damage, Least Range), EX (Most Damage, Most Range) Dust Devil – F,D,DF +P: (Anti-Air): Azam extends his arms outward while creating a waist high vortex. He then rises into the air with a powerful spinning double lariat. No strike invincibility. All versions projectile invincible. LP (5f startup, 3 hits) MP (6f startup, 4 hits), HP (7f startup, 5 hits) EX(5f startup, 5 hits, causes juggle state) Whirlwind Wall – HCF+K: Azam spins his body rapidly, creating a 7ft tall cyclonic projectile that slowly moves horizontally towards his foe. All versions doe 3 hits. LP(fastest start up, travels ½ screen), MP(slower startup, travels ¾ screen), HP(slowest startup, travels fullscreen), (EX fastest start up, travels fullscreen) Critical Art: Sandstorm Buster -360°x2 +P: Azam grabs his opponent and executes a Sand Splitter into a (LP) Tornado Driver into a (HP) Tornado Bomb. (400 damage) Reasons to be in SFV: Rashid has been in a solemn mood since the loss of his friend at the hands of F.A.N.G. To cheer his master up, Azam is organizing he own version of the MECC. He's hoping to gather worlds best grapplers together to put on grand show to lift Rashid's spirits. *MECC (Middle East Combat Club) is the Street Fighter universe version of the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club. The ADCC is a competition between the best submission grapplers in the world of various disciplines. Zangief, Mika, Laura, and Alex would be likely competitors. Name: Berengár Madeira Nickname: The Adroit Lynx (O Lince Habilidos) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Portuguese Height: 5ft 10in(1.78m) Weight: 170 lbs. (77kg) B/W/H: 42-32-35(112cm-82cm-89cm) Hometown: Braga, (Minho Province) Portugal Appearance: Berengár is a “blue collar” pretty boy. He has slicked back straight black hair that is shoulder length, hazel eyes, and no facial hair. He wears a brown, unbuttoned leather jacket, with a small black Combate Clube de Braga logo on the left breast pocket, and a sleeveless black undershirt. Berengár has on blue work jeans and boots. The Combate Clube de Braga log is the silhouette of a Iberian Lynx Head. Likes: Competition, Hard work, Seafood, Cats (Iberian Lynx is his favorite) Dislikes: Poachers, Slackers, People with no sense of humor Fighting Style: Jogo Do Pau (Portuguese “Stick”* Fighting) Tone: Berengár is a carefree yet competitive man. He's rarely serious and enjoys making people laugh. The only thing takes seriously besides work, much to the chagrin of the ladies of Braga is his Jogo Do Pau. Origins: The Madeira family runs a successful construction company (Construção da Família Madeira) founded by his Grandfather (Gregorio) and Great Uncle (Heliodoro). Almost everyone in Berengár's family works for the company. While he was growing up, father and his uncles would often practice Jogo Do Pau as a way to blow off steam. Berengár showed a natural affinity for Jogo Do Pau. By the time he was 10, he was able to best teenagers, and by the time he was 14 his father and uncles stopped practicing with him because “They were too busy with work”.** He formed the Combate Clube de Braga in as teenager to give him away to practice and improve his skills. He quickly found himself doing more teaching than practicing. Only Iolanda*** gives him any sort of challenge. His Rival: Vega Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Caindo (Falling Down)- LP+LK - : Berengár uses his staff to sweep his opponents legs out from under them Viagem Perigosa (Trip Hazard)B+LP+LK - : Berengár runs past his opponent, tripping them with his staff causing them to fall behind him. Unique Attacks: Queda Torre (Falling Tower) -F+MP : (Overhead) Berengár raises his staff overhead with both hand hands and slams it downward toward the ground. Long reaching two hit overhead attack. Slow start up, relatively safe (-2) on hit. V-Reversal: Saída Violenta (Violent Egress) F+PPP: A full extension one armed pull strike to the sternum. Sends the opponent a full screen away. V-Skill: Salto com Vara (Pole Vault) – MP+MK: Berengár uses his staff to Pole Vault himself into the air. Pressing F+MP+MK propels him forward. Pressing B+MP+MK propels him backward. The Pole Vault is higher arcing longer distance jump. He can use any of his jump normals after the vault. Builds a small amount of V-Gauge if he lands without being hit. Builds more V-Gauge if he lands and a jump attack after the Pole Vualt V-Trigger 1: Graça do Lince (Grace of the Lynx) - HP+HK: Increases the stun damage on all of his attacks (normals, specials, and Critical Art). Reduces the overall frames of Pole Vault by 2 frames, Reduces the recovery of Alcance Infinito at close range only. Adds juggle properties to LP and MP Alcance Infinito. 3 Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Lince Ascendente(Ascending Lynx) - HP+HK: Berengár strikes his opponent with a long reaching (2/3 Screen) two handing upward staff strike. The strikes ends his opponent skyward causing a juggle state. Juggle state caused by Lince Ascendente does not count against your juggle point limit. Two uses per V-Trigger. -2 on block. 2 Bar V-Trigger Specials: Alcance Infinito:(Endless Reach) QCB +P: A blindingly fast long reaching staff strike. The angle varies slightly depending on the punch used. All versions, including EX, are unsafe at close range. LP (angles slightly downward, hits low at full screen, mid at close range, reaches approximately 2/3rds of screen), MP (horizontal strike reaching 3/4 of the screen), HP (angles upward, reaches approximate 2/3rds of screen, causes a juggle state). EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, LP+MP Downward Angle, LP+HP Horizontal, MP+HP Upward Angle) Pináculo de Interceptação (Intercepting Spire) F,D,DF +P: A moderately fast staff strike developed to catch an opponents out of the air. Angle determined by punch. Does NOT hit grounded opponents. All strengths cause a juggle state LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle), EX(Full Startup Invincibility LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle ) Combinação Impressionante (Stunning Combination) QCF+K: Multi hitting staff combination, the number hits are determined by the strength of the punch. Berengár strikes his opponent with a one handed horizontal forehand strike to the head, followed by a backhand strike to the lower legs, uppercutting strike, and ending with overhead strike LP ( 2 hits,), MP (3 hits, last hit juggles), HP (4 hits, last hit knocks down) EX(4 hits, Last hit causes ground bounce) Critical Art: Imobilização Rápida (Rapid Immobilization) HCFx2 +P Berengár uses his staff to initiate a powerful succession of two handed staff attacks. He strikes the inside of his opponents left knee, right knee, abdomen, throat, and finishes the attack with strike to the side of the head causing his opponent to collapse in a heap. Reasons to be in SFV: Berengár entered the world wide martial arts tournament simply to test the viability of Jogo Do Pau in a full contact environment. Jogo Do Pau was a widely used as an art of defense in Portugal before the advent of firearms. Berengár aims to prove that his art can be more than a sport or hobby. He thinks his experience against the best fighters of various disciplines will help him improve himself and his art. *The “stick” is typically 1.5 to 2 meters in length. Although there are various of the art with a shorter “stick” **His father and uncles would simply practice at the office after work as they didn't want to admit Berengár has surpassed them. ***Iolanda Barros – she's grown up with Berengár. She a couple of friends joined Combate Club de Braga to try get Berengár to ask them out. They dropped out after a few weeks and she stuck around. She's still trying to get him to notice her and he's oblivious. Name: Black Widow Nickname: Web of Destruction Sex: Female Ethnicity: German Height: 6ft 6in (1.98m) Weight: 209lbs (95kg) B/W/H: 35-28-42 (89cm-71cm-107cm) Hometown: Hanover, Germany Appearance: Black Widow is a tall and heavily muscled woman. She wears a dark blue full body suit that is light gray from the crouch to the mid torso. The body suit has a single red band around each of her wrist and ankles. There is a thick jagged red band that encircles the upper mid torso of her body suit dividing it between a dark blue upper half and light gray lower half. She wears light gray Jika-Tabi (ninja shoes) on her feet. There are light gray full fingered gloves on her hands. Black Widow no longer wears a mask. She has dark brown hair styled in a side pony tail and wears a dark blue headband. She has blue eyes. Likes: Spiders, Working out, Schnitzel Dislikes: The Scorpion, Black Forest Gateau(Chocolate Sponge Cake /w Cherry Filling), Fighting Style: Wrestling Tone: Black Widow is a confident woman. She uses her are unusual combination of strength, speed, and flexibility to overwhelm her opponents. Origins: Black Widow is the reigning CWA World Champion. After capturing the title from The Scorpion, Black Widow shocked the wrestling world by removing her mask. Revealing to the world that she was in fact a woman. A woman instantly recognized by Yoko Harmageddon. Harmageddon, the legendary IJWPW wrestler, was forced into retirement after being injured in match with who she now knows as Black Widow. Her Rival: Rainbow Mika Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Widower – P+K: Black Widow grabs her opponent by the head, jumps into the air, and lands in a split as she drives her foes face into the ground. Her version of the Sit Out Facebuster. Venom Suplex – B+P+K: Black Widow grabs her opponent and German Suplexes them behind her Tornado DDT – (In Air) P+K: Black Widow grabs her opponent out of the air, spins 360° on their shoulders, and drives their head into the ground with a DDT Unique Attacks: Venom Kick - F+MK (Overhead) : Black Widow performs a single arm handstand into a split kick that hits the opponent overhead. Widow Slide – B+HP: Black Widow strikes with a sliding low kick that goes under projectiles. Web Drop - D+HP (In Air): From the apex of her jump, Black Widow flies straight down on her opponent with an elbow drop. V-Reversal: Rising Cutter– F+PPP: Black Widow strike with a rising uppercut attack that knocks her opponent a half screen away. V-Skill: Spider Crawl – MP+MK: Black Widow crawls rapidly towards or away from her opponent on all fours. B+MP+MK crawls backward. Goes under projectiles and high attacks. Crawl can be canceled into any of Black Widow's low normals. V-Trigger 1: Paralyzing Venom – HP+HK: Black Widow hurls a massive web shaped projectile at her opponent that does 300 stun damage and slowly causes the opponents stun gauge to build until a hit is landed on Black Widow. Single Use V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Illusion Web – HP+HK: Black Widow gain the ability to teleport after activation. She can teleport to three different locations. HP+HK causes her teleport and reappear in the same location. F+HP+HK teleports her forward a ½ screen. B+HP+HK teleports her backwards ½ screen. Illusion Web is Strike and Projectile Invincible Frame 1 and Throw Invincible from Frame 3. V-Gauge drains over time. A maximum of three uses per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Tarantula Net -QCF+P: Black Widow channels her ki into a spider shaped ki blast that pulls her opponent toward her on hit. Punch button determines the start up speed and distance the projectile travels. +4 on hit/-7 on block at point blank range. LP(Fast Startup, ½ Screen) MP(Moderate Startup, ¾ Screen) HP(Slow Startup, Full Screen) EX(Fast Startup, Full Screen, +5 on Hit/-5 on block at point blank range) Spider Suplex – 360°+P (Command Grab): Black Widow grabs her opponent rotates behind them and jumps high into the air and German suplexes them into the ground. Punch button determines grab range and damage. LP (Most Range, Least Damage), MP (Less Range, More Damage), HP (Least Range, Most Damage), EX(Most Range, Most Damage) Spider Bite – F,D,DF+P: Black Widow performs a forward flip into a double chop to both of her foes collarbones. Goes over low attacks. Punch button determines distance traveled. LP(Point Blank), MP( 1/8 Screen), HP( ¼ Screen), EX( ¼ Screen, Full Startup Invincibility, Causes Crumple, Crush Counterable) Arachnid Driver – 360°+K (Command Grab): Black Widow performs a front hand spring into a frankensteiner. The kick button determines the distance covered by the front hand spring. The front hand spring portion of this attack is projectile invincible from frame 3. LK ( 1/3 Screen), MK ( ½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible from frame 1, Auto tracks) Illusion Parade – F,D,DF+K (Anti Air): Black Widow strikes with a high slash kick that knocks her opponent into the air. Kick button determines the start up speed. Attack has no invincibility. LK(3F Startup, Knocks Down), MK(5F Startup, Juggles In the Corner), HK(7F Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX(4F Startup, Gains Armor Frame 1, Causes Juggle State) Critical Art: Widowmaker - 720°+P : Black Widow grabs her opponent rotates behind them, jumps high into the air, and drives them into the ground with a high velocity rolling German suplex. Attack plants the opponent into the ground if it KO's. 1Hit 375 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Black Widow believes she is the best fighter in the world. She enters the tournament for specific reasons. To prove her dominance to the world and the promote the CWA. The CWA's popularity has begun to wane a bit. Black Widow wants spark the interest in wrestling by thoroughly embarrassing the best fighters that other combat sports have to offer. -Black Widow ended the wrestling career of Rainbow Mika's trianer Yoko Harmeggedon -Black Widow created her persona after defeating Yoko. If she wasn't a challenge for her. She needed away to enter the CWA to seek a new challenge -While there is no rule against women competing in the CWA, they've never signed one before. Edited November 8, 2020 by Darc_Requiem Ann Hibiki was missing a V-Reversal CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Cain Spoiler Nickname: The Enigmatic CEO Sex: Male Ethnicity: Unknown (Swiss?) Height: 6ft 6in (1.98m) Weight: 256lbs (116kg) B/W/H: 57-38-44 (145cm-97cm-112cm) Hometown: Zurich, Switzerland Appearance: Cain appears to be in his early twenties. He has short pristinely groomed light brown hair with a short well kept chin beard. He wears a grape colored sleeveless athletic shirt with a large silver waning crescent moon logo on the back.. He wears matching full length grape colored athletic pants with white and black sneakers. He has a platinum choker chain with a small yin/yang medallion around his neck. The Waning Crescent Moon is the logo of Synergy Technologies. Likes: Power, Scheming, Acquiring New Assets, Crushing the opposition beneath his heel Dislikes: Secret Society, Meddlers, Juri Fighting Style: Synergy Martial Arts System (A Combination of All Known Styles) Tone: Cain emits a carefree facade. He's always dressed in casual clothing, even in high level business meetings. The jovial, happy go luck persona is just that. A role he plays to get foes in both business and physical confrontations into a false sense of security Origins: Cain is CEO and owner of the recently founded Synergy Technologies. A company the despite it's recent appearance has managed to secure several defense contracts due to it's cutting edge weapons technology. Publicly Cain is perfect citizen. Donating tens of millions of dollars to various charities and providing advanced computer hardware to medical research facilities. Privately he's not as magnanimous as he appears. Cain moved quickly to acquire facilities and scientists from the various hidden Shadaloo bases throughout the globe. Locating them and re-purposing them faster than the Interpol, MI6, and the US government could even locate them. Any locations or workers that didn't agree to work for him, were quickly outed to the local authorities. The worked were arrested and the facilities shut down. The remnants of Shadaloo quickly realized that it was wise to bend to Cain's will. His Rival: Gill Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 5 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5 925 Stamina 975 Stun Throws: Extinction Blow – P+K : Cain picks his opponent up by the neck and hits them with brutal axe kick that sends them slamming into the ground. Death Toss – B+P+K: Cain picks his opponent up by the neck and toss them a full screen behind him. Unique Attacks: Flying Demon Dive – DF+MK: Cain executes a dive kick at the apex of his forward jump Wall Jump – UB (Up Back): Allows Cain to jump of the wall at the edge of the stage V-Reversal: Tyrant Charge – F+PPP : Cain charges his opponent with a shoulder tackle that sends his foes a full screen away V-Skill: Deadly Talon - MP+MK: Cain executes a raising knee attack that can be followed up by up to three stomp attacks, stomp attacks are executed with D+MK. Final stomp attack sends the opponent into the ground. The player can forego the follow up stomps for potential juggle combos. Can only juggle into Sound Explosion (projectile) mid screen, more options in the corner. Deadly Talon is -6 if blocked. V-Trigger 1: Enlightenment – HP+HK : Cain gains a serene focus that allows him to extend the range of his jumping, standing, and crouching fierce. HP+HK (Standing Extended Range Attack), D+HP+HK (Crouching Extended Range Attack), HP+HK (in air, Jumping Extended Rage Attack) Grants Cain access to three extended Yoga like extended range attacks. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Deification– HP+HK : Cain gains a serene focus that allows him to recover from injury. Cain recovers 10 stamina per second for the next 20 seconds. Stamina recovery is does not occur while Cain is blocking or being hit. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Sound Explosion -QCF+P : Cain pulls back his right arm and sends it forward with such speed that it breaks the sound barrier sending an shock wave of energy towards his opponent. Projectile speed determined by the button pressed. Moderate startup and recovery time. Lowe damage. Ascending Dragon Claw – F,D,DF+P: Cain strikes with a vicious rising palm strike to the chin while rising into the air. The player hit the punch button repeatedly for follow up attacks to increase the damage. LP (two more attacks), MP (three more attacks), FP (four more attacks). Corkscrew Driver – 360° +P: Cain grabs his foes by the neck and rising into the air at near blinding speed almost appearing to teleport, at the apex of his rise, his foe is surrounded by cyclonic ki, he then sends them hurtling toward the ground, head first like a human drill bit. Punch button determines grab range and damage. LP (largest range/lowest damage), MP (moderate range/damage), HP (least range/most damage) Singularity– HCB+K : Cain places his hands together at chest level, connecting his fingers and thumbs together forming a circle, he then generates a small rapidly spinning ki sphere in his hands that sucks his opponent toward him in a prone position if they are not blocking. Kick button determines the range and start up time. LK (quickest startup/least range), MK (moderate startup/range), HK (Slowest startup/longest range) EX (quickest startup/longest range) Gatling Kick – QCF+K: Cain kicks his opponent, spinning them 180°, with their back facing Cain, he then strikes them with a barrage of kicks. Phase Shift – F,D,DF+K: Cain claps his hands together a disappears. Kick button pressed determines the location he reappears. LK (Above and in front of his foe), MK (Above and behind his foe) HK (¾ of a screen away in front of his foe) Critical Art: Phase Assault – QCB+K : Cain rapidly Phase Shift's around his opponent striking them each time he appears before shifting one final time and nailing his opponent with massive blow that creates a shock wave upon impact and sends his foe hurtling to the other side of the screen. Reasons to be in SFV: Cain seeks to replace the Shadaloo's criminal organization with one of his own. All the while appearing to be an upstanding citizen. No one but his closest confidant, knows Cain's true aims or origins. Nor does the forces that brought to Shadaloo to it's end realize that he's effectively taken over more than 80% of their operations. He's become aware of the Secret Society and sees them as the only organization that can interfere with his goals. Side Note: Cain is Seth in his new organic body. Cain used the data gained from the kidnapping of Bison's dolls along with information he was privy to as the head of S.I.N to construct new body. His body has been specifically engineered to be resistant to Psycho Power to prevent any chance of Bison usurping his form. He has an asset “Agent Marigold” that he use to bring down the remnants of Shadaloo that won't serve him via legal means. He also uses that asset to inhibit the Secret Society's plans. Name: Charlene (Charlie) Nash Spoiler Nickname: The Sonic Siren Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5ft 8in (1.73m) Weight: 144lbs (65kg) B/W/H: 35-26-36(89cm-66cm-91.5cm) Hometown: Valparaiso, Florida Appearance: Charlene has brown hair that is parted down the middle. Her hair is ear length on the left side and shoulder length on the right side. Charlene has an olive complexion. She has green eyes. Charlene wears a USAF dress uniform. She has on a white, short sleeved, collared shirt. A winged USAF logo is on each sleeve. Her upper right torso has name plate that says “Nash”. Charlene has her dog tags around her neck. She has a knee length dark blue skirt with sheer black stockings. There is a dark blue belt with a silver buckle around her waist. She has on dress shoes with no heels. Likes: Flying, Root Beer, Guile, Reading Dislikes: Secret Society, Kolin, Buffoonery Fighting Style: Special Forces Training Tone: Charlene is a serious young woman with a laser focus. Origins: Charlene “Charlie” Bello Nash is the daughter of Charles Nash. Charlene never met her father. By the time her mother, Mirana, realized she was pregnant. Charlie had already left for basic training. Charlene inherited her parents intelligence and her father's athletic ability. She is a highly intelligent young woman. Charlie graduated high school at the age of 13. Upon her graduation, she sought out her father. Unfortunately, a solemn Guile appeared at her doorstep to break the news that he was MIA. Disheartened but not discouraged, Charlene endeavored to learn everything about her father. She took his last name, adopted the nickname “Charlie”, and became determined to become a pilot and martial artist in her own right. Charlene procured all of the videos of her father's AAMA (All American Martial Arts) fights. She began training on her own and enrolled in an ROTC program. Her eidetic (photographic) memory combined with her intelligence and natural athleticism allows her to learn any task with relative ease. Charlene earned her Bachelor's Degree and completed ROTC at age 15. She earned her masters at 16 and enrolled into the USAF. Now age 18, 2nd Lieutenant Charlene Nash is an expert pilot and martial artist. Her Rival: Kolin Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Barrel Roll – LP+LK : Charlene grabs her opponent and plants them into the ground with a swinging neck breaker. Aileron Roll – B+LP+LK : Charlene grabs her opponent and throws them behind her with a reverse swinging neck breaker. Hammerhead – LP+LK (in air): Charlene grabs her opponent out of the air, rotates them 180° degrees and throws them head first towards the ground. Unique Attacks: Flat Spin – B+HP: Charlene strikes with a low spinning back fist. Most be blocked low. Falling Leaf – F+MP: (Overhead) Charlene hits her opponent with an overhead back fist strike. Slow start up, -2 on block. Kulbit – B+MK : Charlene hits her foe with forward advancing back flip knee strike Split S – F + HK: Charlene strikes with a back kick to the abdomen V-Reversal: Sonic Edge – F+KKK: Charlene strikes her opponent with a sweeping kick that generates a short range sonic boom that knocks her foe down. V-Skill: Sonic Step – MP+MK: Charlene dashes forward at blinding speed. Dash travels half the distance of her regular dash. Dash is projectile invulnerable from frame 3. Dash can be canceled into any of her normal attacks. V-Gauge generated from landed or blocked canceled normals. V-Trigger 1: Sound Barrier – HP+HK: Charlene maximizes her speed and mobility by tapping into her sonic ki. Her forward and back dashes are enhanced and she gains a new move. Sonic Shift. Forward Dash reduced from 17F to 15F. Projectile invincible 3F to 12F. Back Dash reduced from 23F to 21F. Projectile invincible 3F to 18F. Foward, Backward, and Neutral Jump overall frames reduced from 45F to 44F. Sonic Shift allows Charlene to seemingly teleport above in front B+HP+HK, above behind F+HP+HK, or Disappear then Reappear in the same place HP+HK. V-Trigger drains over time. Each Sonic Shift depletes half her V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Sonic Wake – HP+HK: Charlene taps into her sonic ki to enhance the offensive capabilities of her attacks. Sonic Cutter starts up 2F faster and hits twice, EX version starts up 3F faster, hits 3 times. Sonic Bayonet startup reduced by 1F, advantage on hit increased LP (0F to 1F), MP (1F to 2F), HP (2F to 3F), EX (3F to 5F) Sonic Saber now generates an short range crescent sonic projectile that gives the attack a slight boost in damage and range, Sonic projectile negates projectiles. EX generates a ¼ screen projectile. Sonic Slicer no longer has a height restriction. 4 enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Sonic Cutter -QCF+P: Charlene pulls back her right arm and quickly slices through the air with an overhead chop that generates a vertical blade of sonic ki that travels horizontally at her opponent. Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. All projectiles have moderate startup and quick recovery. (LP Slowest, MP Faster, HP Fastest, EX 2hits, 2F faster startup, LP+MP Slowest, LP+HP Faster, MP+HP, Fastest) Sonic Bayonet –QCB+P: Charlene strikes her foe with a spinning back chop that generates a short range sonic wave of ki. Negates single hit projectiles when timed properly. LP(Fastest Startup, Point Blank) MP(Slower Startup, ¼ Screen), HP(Slowest Startup, ½ Screen), EX(Fastest Startup, 3 Hits, ½ Screen, Negates 3 Hit Projectiles, Overpowers Projectiles 2 hits or less) Sonic Saber – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Charlene spins her back to her opponent and executes a rising back somersault kick. Damage and startup determined by the kick button pressed. LK (3F Startup, No Invincibility,) MK (4F Startup, Invincible To Airborne Attacks from frame 3, full projectile invincibility) HK (6F, Projectile Invincible from frame 3, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Sonic Slicer – QCB+K: (in air) Charlene jumps forward and performs a stationary forward somersault kick that generates a large short range projectile. Projectile travels approximately ¼ screen. Angle of the projectile is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle). EX (LK+MK 60° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state) Critical Art: Super Sonic Blitz – HCFx2+K: Charlene strikes her foe with a powerful 3 hit Sonic Bayonet that sends them twisting into the air. She follows up with a crushing 3 hit Sonic Saber that sends her opponent skyward. As they tumble back to earth sends them crashing to the side of the stage with a massive 5 hit Sonic Cutter. 11 Hits 330 Damage Reasons to be SFV: Charlene learns about her father's seeming resurrection from Tio (Uncle) Guile. She insists on investigating the manner further. She learns of the Secret Society and the mysterious Helen. Discovering that Helen is really Kolin, Charlene wishes to seek her out. Both Guile and her mother discouraged this but Charlene pressed forward in spite of their protest. She would find this Kolin and learn the truth about her father's fate. Side Note: Charlene's mother, Mirana is of Cuban American descent. Charlene is fluent in English and Spanish Her mother, Dr. Mirana Bello, has PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics Unbeknownst to her, her mother only allowed her to enlist at 16 after speaking to Guile. Charlene is assigned to Guile's unit. She is mostly self taught, but Guile has given her a few lessons here and there. Despite being only 18 years old. She is an accomplished pilot, thanks impart to Guile. Many of her attacks are named for aerial piloting maneuvers Name: Cody Travers Nickname: The Fallen Hero Sex: Male Ethnicity: American Height: 6ft 0in (1.83m) Weight: 220lbs (100kg) B/W/H: 45-36-39(114cm-91cm-99cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Cody has light brown hair and blue eyes. He wears an orange unbuttoned long sleeve Metro City Penitentiary shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. He has on blue jeans and white sneakers. His fists are are wrapped in blue bandages and his wrists are bound with long chained handcuffs. Likes: A Good Fight, Jessica, Guy, Chili Dogs Dislikes: Edi E., Boredom Fighting Style: Street Fighting Tone: Cody exudes the facade of an unrepentant brawler. He's to only be happy amidst the challenge of a good fight. Origins: Cody is well known for both his rise to prominence and his fall from grace. Banding together with his best friend Guy and his girlfriend's father Mayor Mike Haggar, Cody took on the Mad Gear Gang to rescue his girlfriend Jessica. In rescuing Jessica, Cody would strike the final blow against Belger. Sending the crime boss flying through a window from the top of his high rise office to death dozens of stories below. That blow would go on to shape his life in ways he didn't know at the time. On his European vacation with Jessica, he began to receive photos of both he and Jessica. And then photos of Jessica when he wasn't around. He then received a haunting note. “Someone will pay for Belger's death. Spend your life behind bars or attend Jessica's funeral. You chose. Oh, and don't get any bright ideas hero. Anyone hears about this note and Jessica's blood will be on your hands. Even if you managed to track me down, she'd still be gone...” Shortly after his return to Metro City. Cody was arrested assault of corrupt Metro City Police Officer Edi. E. Despite Jessica and his friends, he pleaded guilty and refused their help. They didn't know it, but he was giving up everything to project Jessica. His Rival: Victor Belger (Placeholder name) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1000 Health/1025 Stun Throws: Shoulder Toss – LP+LK: Cody grabs his opponent and tosses them forward over his shoulder. Back Shoulder Toss – LP+LK: Cody grabs his opponent, turns around, and tosses them forward over his shoulder. Unique Attacks: Stomach Blow – F+MP : Cody hits his opponent with a swift punch to the gut. Jaw Crusher – B+MP: Cody strikes with a quick uppercut to the jaw that can function as an anti air if correctly timed. Hammer Hook – F+HP: (Overhead): Cody executes slow but long range overhead punch that hit's twice. Slow startup but -2 on block. Crack Kick – F+HK: Cody strikes with a quick jump spin kick that sails over low attacks. Causes a juggle state if hits an airborne opponent. Knee Drop - D+MP: (In Air) Cody performs his classic flying double knee from Final Fight. Metro Combo – LP, LP, F+MP, HP (Target Combo): Cody's classic Final Fight combo. He hits his foe with two jabs followed by a body blow and then an uppercut. Metro Flight - LP, LP, F+MP, D+HP(Target Combo): Cody hits his foe with two jabs, a body blow, and ends the combo with a shoulder toss. V-Reversal: Knee Strikes -F+KKK: Cody clinches with his foe and hits them with three quick knee strikes that send them a half screen away. (Classic Final Fight throw) V-Skill: Knife Fighting – MP+MK: Cody picks up his trademark knife, altering the properties of all of his punch normals. Each landed or blocked strike builds V-Gauge. If he is hit by his opponent he drops his knife. He doesn't drop the knife if he blocks an attack. Guard Crush attacks do cause him to drop the knife. Cody cannot pick up his knife in V-Trigger 1. In mirror matches there are two knives on screen to be picked up in the interest of balance. V-Trigger 1: Unleashed – HP+HK: Cody throws off his cuffs and orange over shirt. Now resembling his “Hero of Metro City” look, he fights at his full potential. All of his attacks, both normals and specials, are buffed making new combos possible. Start up on all punch normals is reduced by a 1F. Standing and Crouching Jab are now 3F. All kick normals gain an additional frame of advantage on hit. LP Cyclone recovers 1F faster, MP Cyclone starts ups/recovers 1F Faster, HP Cyclone starts up 2F faster. EX Now hits 5 time and receives 20 damage/10 Stun buff Cyclone Upper starts up 1F faster for all versions. LP/EX -2 on block, MP -4 on block, HP – 5 on block. EX gains armor Frame 3 Zonk Knuckle is -3 block and can be made safe if properly spaced. Ruffian Kick gains projectile invincibility on Frame 3, EX on Frame 1 3-bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Metro Ripper– HP+HK: Cody picks up his trademark knife, altering the properties of all of his punch normals. The damage and stun of all punch normals is increased. Lights by 5 damage/10 stun, Mediums by 10 damage/15 Stun, and Heavies by 15 damage/20 stun. If he is hit by his opponent he no longer drops his knife. Zonk Knuckle becomes Zonk Shank. Zonk Shank retains the properties of Zonk Knuckle i.e. -7 on block but receives a 25 Damage/Stun buff. 3-bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Cyclone – QCF+P: Cody performs a swift hook that generates a slow moving (roughly 3 ft/1m tall) cyclone of ki that travels along the ground towards his opponent. LP (1 hit, quick start up and slow recovery), MP (2 hits, slower start up, moderate recovery), HP (3 hits, slowest start up, quickest recovery) EX (3 hits, quick start up and recovery, causes juggle) Cyclone Upper -QCB+P: Cody strikes with a powerful uppercut that generates a large (roughly 6ft/2m tall)stationary tornado in front of him. Nullifies projectiles. LP (moderate start up, 3 hits, -3 on block), MP (slow start up, 4 hits, -5 on block), HP (slowest start up, 5 hits, - 7 on block) EX (moderate start up, 6 hits, -3 on block, causes juggle state) Zonk Knuckle – Hold P, Release: Cody strikes with a vicious dashing punch. Causes Juggle. Projectile invulnerable. Unsafe (-7 on block). EX (Hold two punch buttons, gains 1 hit of armor on frame 1, -7 on block) Ruffian Kick – QCF +K: Cody quickly closes the distance on his opponent with a powerful kick. Kick button determines the angle of the kick. LK (sliding low kick), MK (dashing side kick), HK (dashing high side kick, Anti Air, juggles) EX (projectile invincible Frame 3. LK+MK sliding low kick, LK+HK dashing side kick, MK+HK dashing high side kick) Critical Art: Dead End Irony – QCFx2+K: Cody strikes his foes with a vicious barrage of kicks. LK (hits low), MK (hits mid), HK (Anti Airs). 350 damage V-Trigger 1 Only Final Destruction – QCFx2+P: Cody hits his foe with blinding combination of punches too fast for the eye to see before ending the assault with a powerful version of his Cyclone Upper that send his opponent sailing high into the air. His opponent comes crashing to earth planting them in the ground if this technique KO's his adversary. 400 damage V-Trigger 2 Only Last Dread Dust – QCBx2+P: Cody kicks dust into the eyes of his opponent before pummeling them with brutal combination of strikes capped off by a large pipe strike to the back that sends his adversary crashing into the screen. The initial cloud of dust Cody kicks up nullifies projectiles. 350 damage/175 Stun Reasons to be in SFV: Unbeknownst to Cody, Jessica figured out what happened long ago. She'd hoped Cody would tell her the truth, but she understood why he didn't. She broke up with Cody to convince him and the one threatening her, that their plan was working. While Cody has been locked away, she's been training with Guy and her father. She's not the damsel in distress Cody once knew. She sends him letter telling him “I know what you've done and why. Your heart was in the right place and I appreciate your sacrifice, but you should have trusted me with the truth. I'm not a timid little flower anymore. I'm going to go find who's behind this. There is no reason for you stay locked up anymore, come with me. Love, Jessica....” Cody folds up the letter, puts it in his pocket, and promptly breaks down the wall in his jail cell. -I tried to combine Hero and Criminal Cody into one cohesive character. -I did my best to adhere to the story we were given while making it more sensible. There are lot of characters in the SF universe that get into fights. Only Cody is in jail. Frankly it's lame. For all of it's flaws, Final Fight Revenge's explanation for Cody' being locked up made a lot more sense. -This concept leaves open the possibility for Jessica Haggar concept as well as a concept for Belger's son. Belger's son is the one that wants Cody to suffer for Belger's death. Name: Crimson Viper Spoiler Nickname: C.E.O. (Condescending Enhanced Operative) Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5ft 9in (1.75m) Weight: 148lbs (67kg) B/W/H: 39-24-36 (99cm-61cm-91cm) Hometown: McLean, Virginia Appearance: Crimson Viper has very long red hair that's pulled into very large top braid that ends in pony tail that comes down to her calves. Her yellow visor style sunglasses hides her green eyes. She wears a gray skin tight catsuit with a high collar. The front is unzipped to just above her stomach giving a very low dipped “V” neckline that exposes her cleavage. Viper has a black leather harness on the shoulders of both her arms. She has black pocket compartment strapped to the bicep of her left arm. There is a black leather choker around her neck. Viper wears a pair of near forearm length black leather gloves on her arms. She has a high tech black watch around her left wrist. There is black leather belt around her waist with a large square silver buckle. Her feet are covered by a pair of black leather boots that come half way up her calves. There is a combat knife sheathed on her left boot. She has gun holstered to her right thigh. Likes: Lauren (her daughter), Money Dislikes: Working Overtime, Mission Impediments, Terrorist Organizations Fighting Style: MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) Tone: Crimson Viper has a superior attitude and if often condescending towards her foes. Origins: REDACTED... CLASSIFIED TOP LEVEL CLEARANCE REQUIRED!! Security Clearance Verified Code Name: Crimson Viper Name: Maya Velasquez Military Rank: Captain (United States Marine Corps) Captain Velasquez was recruited from the Marines to the CIA's SAD/SOG (Special Activities Division/Special Operations Group). Cpt. Velasquez's proficiency tests show exceptional marksmanship as well as high level CQC training. Subject is MCMAP 6th Degree black belt. Prior to military enlistment, Cpt. Velasquez earned a black belt in American Karate. Her psychological profile points to the loss of her husband, Gunnery Sergeant Laurence Velasquez, as the primary motivator for interest in covert operations. GySgt. Laurence Velasquez was killed by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) by a terrorist cell in the Middle East. Maya's skill set and unique appearance give make her an ideal candidate for infiltration missions. The brass has some concerns with putting a young mother in the field. However, that risk was deemed necessary. Her Rival: Urien Attributes: (With Battlesuit) Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Techniques: 5 (Without Battlesuit) Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Techniques: 3 925 Stamina 950 Stun (Suit only enhances offensive capability) Throws: Ab Fitness – LP+LK: Viper punches her opponent in the abdomen. She activates the seismic power of her glove on impact creating a shockwave that knocks her foe away from her. Temple Massage – B+LP+LK: Viper jumps onto her opponents shoulders, slams her fists together on each side of their head, and activates the electric function of her gloves, causes them to collapse to the ground behind her. Unique Attacks: Viper Elbow – F+MP: Viper hops into the air and elbows her opponent while turning her body parallel to the ground. Slow startup, -2 on Block. Double Kick – F+HK: Viper strikes with a high left roundhouse kick to the head, cocks back the same leg and mule kicks her opponent in the face. High Jump – D,U or D,UF or D,UB: Viper activates the jets in her boots to increase height and overall travel distance of her jumps. “Empty” jumps have an additional 4F of landing recovery. V-Reversal: Crimson Elbow – F+PPP: Viper twists her upper body away from her opponent, and explodes forward back upward left elbow to her adversary's face. V-Skill: Hover – MP+MK: Viper activates the hover jets in her boots giving access to new movement options. Properties of V-Skill differ on the ground and in the air. Neutral Hover – MP+MK: Viper executes a half height neutral jump. Forward Hover – F+MP+MK: Viper executes a half height forward jump Back Hover – B+MP+MK: Viper executes a half height back jump Aerial Hover – MP+MK (In Air): Viper halts the momentum of her forward or back jump. She floats briefly before descending straight down. Levitating Hover – MP+MK (In Air): Viper levitates briefly during the descent of her neutral jump. Aerial and Levitating Hover have an additional 4F of landing recovery if no attack button is pressed. V-Gauge builds after any blocked or landed attack post Hover. V-Trigger 1: Stun Field – HP+HK: Viper overclocks her suits electric subsystems generating an electric field around her. Her opponents stun gauge slow fills when they are within the field. Effect only does not occur when Viper is knocked down or when she is thrown. When her foes hits her, their Stun Gauge doesn't increase but it does not decrease either. V-Gauge drains quickly for the duration of this V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Afterburn – HP+HK: Viper overclocks torches in her heels enveloping her feet in flames. Viper's normal kick attacks gain a flame effect that grants them a slight damage boost. Her kick attacks cause chip damage for the duration of this V-Trigger. A small puff of flame is created during the startup her high jumps and Aerial Hover/Levitating Hover. This buff of flame has a hit box and can be used to create high execution combos. V-Gauge drains slowly over time. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Thunder Knuckle – QCB+P: Viper twists her upper body backward, charges her left fist with electricity, and charges towards her opponent. Punch button determines attack properties. Attack can be canceled by pressing two P buttons immediately after startup. LP(Low Dashing Punch, ¼ Screen), MP (Standing Dash Punch, ¼ Screen), HP(Anti Air, Rises at 60° Angle) EX(High Dashing Punch, ¾ Screen, Side Switch, Passes Through Opponent's Causing a Crumple State) Seismic Shockwave – QCF-P: Viper raises her left fist into the air before slamming into the ground creating a shockwave of seismic energy that travels along the ground. Speed of the shockwave is determined by the punch button pressed. Attack leaves her opponent standing. Attack can be canceled by pressing two P buttons immediately after startup. LP(Slowest) MP(Faster), HP(Fastest), EX(Fastest, Width of the Shockwave is Doubled, Causes a Juggle State) Seismic Hammer – F,D,DF+P: Viper raises her right fist into the air before slamming into the ground creating seismic explosion beneath her opponent's feet. Punch button determines were the explosion appears. Attack can be canceled by pressing two P buttons immediately after startup. LP(Point Blank), MP( ½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX(Covers Point Blank to ½ Screen) Burn Kick – QCB+K: Viper flips into the air before striking her opponent with a split kick that sets them ablaze. Range of this attack is determined by the kick button pressed. Attack has slow startup. All version are throw invincible. LK(Point Blank), MK( ¼ Screen), HK( ½ Screen), EX(Gains Projectile Invincibility, Fast Startup, Aerial Flip Prior to Kick now has a hit box, 3 Hits) Aerial Burn Kick – QCB+K: (In Air) Viper flips while in the air before striking her opponent with a split kick that sets them ablaze. Can only be performed from a Forward Jump, Forward High Jump, Forward Hover, or Forward Aerial Hover. Attack has slow startup, but has faster startup than grounded version. LK(Slowest Startup), MK(Slower Startup), HK(Slow Startup), EX(Gains Projectile Invincibility, Fast Startup, Flip Prior to Kick now has a hit box, 3 Hits) Critical Art: Burning Shock Quake – QCFx2+P: Viper twists her upper body backward, cocking her left leg high into the air before slamming her flame covered heel into the ground. The ground beneath her foes feet ignites setting the ablaze. She then slams her electrically charged right fist Into the ground. This causes a bolt of electricity to shoot up from the ground shocking her foe. Viper pulls back both of her fist overhead before slamming them into the ground creating an explosion of seismic energy beneath her opponent's feet that sends them shooting high into the air. Her foe crashes back to the Earth, head first, and is planted into the ground if the attack results in a KO. 4 hits 330 damage (3x75, 1x105). Reasons to be in SFV: After successfully infiltrating and undermining S.I.N, Viper's superiors set their sites on Shadaloo losing an operative, Smalt Raven, in the process. Before a counter strategy could be divised, an alliance of the US Military, Interpol, and the Kanzuki Zaibatsu were able to take down Shadaloo. However, Viper was able to ascertain that another organization puppeted the strings that led to Shadaloo's fall. Through intel gained from her informant, Magenta Spider, Viper discovers there are two factions within this organization. She hopes to bring down this “Secret Society” from the inside by sowing discord amongst the two rival factions. Side Notes: CLASSIFIED LIMITED ACCESS GRANTED DUE TO LACK OF SECURITY CLEARANCE The loss of her REDACTED was chief motivator in joining the CIA. Her maiden name is REDACTED. REDACTED is named after REDACTED. REDACTED when she is on deep cover operations. Informant Magenta Spider's identity is REDACTED Operative REDACTED is based out of REDACTED Security Clearance Verified The loss of her husband Gunnery Sergeant Laurence Velasquez was chief motivator in joining the CIA. Her maiden name is Ortiz. Her daughter Lauren is named after her father Gunnery Sergeant Laurence Velasquez . Her daughter Lauren is watched by Operative Velasquez's parents when she is on deep cover operations. Informant Magenta Spider's Identity is Han Joo Rhee (Juri Han) Operative Crimson Viper is based out of Mclean, VA the location of CIA Headquarters Name: Decapre Nickname: The Hidden Blade Sex: Female Ethnicity: Russian Height: 5ft 4in(1.62m) Weight: 134 lbs. (61kg) B/W/H: 34-22-35 (86cm-57cm-88cm) Hometown: Novosibirsk, Russia Appearance: Decapre is short athletic woman with a gymnasts build. She has platinum blonde hair with long bangs that cover the left side of her face. Decapre has a single long pigtail. Her eyes are amber in color and the left side of her face is scarred with burns. Decapre has a sleeveless blue-gray colored tactical military uniform. She has dark grey elbow length gauntlets with fingerless gloves. Her boots are calf length and match the color of her gauntlets. Likes: Ballet, Cammy, Dogs, Masks Dislikes: Cats, Large Crowds Fighting Style: Shadaloo Assassination Techniques Tone: Decapre is a woman of few words. She has poor social skills due to being abducted during her formative years. Origins: Decapre was the original prototype for the dolls. She was blessed, or cursed depending on the perspective, with a natural affinity for Psycho Power. Her true origins are unknown, Decapre refuses to speak of them. However, Interpol believes she is a missing girl from Russia. Fifteen years ago, a young ballerina savant was orphaned in suspicious accident. She was adopted by a Senoh, who is now known to be the lead scientist at Shadaloo, and never seen or heard of again. After the fall of Shadaloo, Decapre was having a difficult time adjusting to life without Psycho Power. Most of the dolls, except for Cammy*, were kidnapped and modified during adolescence. Decapre has been infused with Psycho Power for most her life. At Cammy's behest, Dhalsim came to MI6 to help Decapre. With his help, she was able to gain a measure of peace. Decapre is still a loner. However should does open up to Cammy and Abel (If he brings his dog), on occasion. Her Rival: Ed Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Concealed Assault Advance – LP+LK : Decapre grabs her foe, strikes so quickly that she fades from view, causing her foe to fly into the air before slamming toward the ground. Concealed Assault Invert – B+LP+LK: Decapre grabs her foe, strikes so quickly that she fades from view, appearing to phase through her foe as they go sailing behind her. Concealed Assault Hover – LP+LK : (In Air) Decapre jumps into the air and grabs her foe, strikes so quickly that she fades from view, and reappears as she kicks them towards the ground. Unique Attacks: Twin Blades – B+HP: Decapre strikes with right hooking bladed fist strike followed by a left hooking bladed fist strike. Fox Tail – DF+MK (Overhead) Decapre hops forward and strikes her foe with an overhead right kick. Quick startup, -6 on block. Inverted Edge – B+HK: Decapre strikes with somersault backflip kick that sends her opponent into the air. Attack can anti air but it has slow start up. Causes a juggle state. Sharp Ascent – B+MP, HK (Target Combo – Launcher): Decapre hits her foe with a quick left uppercut followed by single handstand kick that sends her foe into the air. Can be comboed into Concealed Assault Hover (Air Throw). -7 on block Scarred Blade – MP, HP (Target Combo): Decapres strikes with a straight right punch followed by a left handed bladed punch to the sternum. V-Reversal: Black Widow– F+KKK : Decapre rises into the air with swift knee strike, briefly fades from view, and lands an “invisible” strike that sends her foe slamming towards the ground. V-Skill: Invisible Ray – MP+MK : Decapre throws out a left open palm strike that sends an invisible ki wave at her opponent. Attack nullifies projectiles. Invisible Ray can be charged. Tapping MP+MK has a ½ screen range but starts up faster. Holding MP+MK increases the startup time but gives the attack full screen range. V-Trigger 1: Blades of Vengeance – HP+HK : Decapre focuses suppressed anger into her fists creating lavender blades of ki that resemble the Psycho Power infused daggers that she wielded as one of Bisons dolls. Slightly extends the range, damage, and stun of all of her punch attacks. Light Punches 5 Damage/5 Stun, Medium Punches 10 Damage/10 Stun, Heavy Punches 15 Damage/15 stun. EX Vengeful Sting now causes a juggle state. EX Rapid Dagger now causes a crumple state. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Orb of Punishment - HP+HK: Decapre concentrates her rage into a massive slow moving sphere of ki. Sphere locks opponent in place on hit doing 150 damage/200 stun and putting them in a crush counterable state. If blocked, Decapre's opponent still receives 150 stun damage. Single use V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger. Specials: Vengeful Sting-(charge)D,U +P: (anti-air) Decapre focuses all of her ki into her right fist as she strikes with a blade fist uppercut. LP(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Rapid Dagger – Repeatedly Press P: Decapre charges at her foe while striking them with a succession of bladed punches. LP(4 hits, -3 On Block), MP(6 hits, -5 On Block), HP (8 hits, -7 On Block), EX(8 hits, -3 On Block) Mirage- (charge)B,F + K: Decapre moves forward with great speed, seeming to fade from view. Angle of Mirage is determined by the kick button. LK (Full Screen Distance, Horizontal), MK(30°Angle), HK(60° Angle), EX LK+MK (Full Screen Distance, Horizontal), LK+HK(30°Angle), MK+HK(60° Angle) Ground Break – P (From LK Mirage):LP Retreats ½ Screen, MP Halts Dash, HP passes through opponent, EX (LP Retreats Full Screen, MP Halts Dash with Faster Recovery, HP passes through foe, leaves further away) Steel Saber - K(From LK Mirage): Decapre executes a sliding kick that goes under projectiles. Unsafe on block unless properly spaced. EX follows up the Steel Saber with Flying Neck Hunt her USFIV Air Throw (Projectile Invincible, Hard Knock Down) Aerial Break – LP(From MK/HK Mirage): Decapre retreats to original position Hidden Dive – MP(From MK/HK Mirage): Decapre dives straight down Shadow Hammer – HP(From MK/HK Mirage: Decapre dives straight down slamming her fist into the ground. EX Causes Juggle State Shadow Needle – K(From MK/HK Mirage: Decapre strikes her foe with a dive kick. EX causes a crumple state Cannon Drill-(charge)B,F +K: (In Air) Decapre strikes with a horizontal corkscrew kick from her back jump. Kick button alters slightly alters the angle of descent. EX Is Projectile Invincible. Critical Art: Razor Combination Stinger -(charge)B,F,B,F +K: Decapre strikes her foes with blinding speed, sending them into the air, before fading from view. Her foe riddled with strikes from from all angles before Decapre appears above them and drives them into the ground with a powerful dive kick to the sternum. Angle of the first strike determined by the kick button pressed. LK (Full Screen Distance, Horizontal), MK(30°Angle), HK(60° Angle). (20 hits 340 damage) V-Trigger (20 hits 380 damage) Reasons to be in SFV:* Despite the bonds Decapre is developing with Cammy, her “sisters”, and Abel. Decapre has an uneasy feeling. She meditates daily, just as she was instructed by Dhalsim, but she feels the pull of a familiar energy. Decapre knows Psycho Power when she feels it. She must seek out the source and snuff it out if she is every truly going to know peace. *I know this isn't canon. For this concept, Decapre was kidnapped at 7 and cloned. The lessons learned from the experiments on Decapre, would be implemented on her clone code name “Killer Bee”. Killer Bee was moved to the Shadaloo facility in the U.K. There she was aged to match Decapre's age and educated by Shadaloo scientists Dr. Cameron White. This explains where Cammy's name comes from and why Decapre and She have different accents. *Decapre's face was scarred during the initial psycho power infusion process. The equipment overloaded causing a fire that burned her face. Edited July 10, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Deneb Spoiler Nickname: Soul Heir of Shadaloo Sex: Female Ethnicity: Thai(?) Height: 5ft 7in(1.70m) Weight: 152lbs. (69kg) B/W/H: 38-25-37 (97cm-64cm-94cm) Hometown: Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand Appearance: Deneb is a well built woman with long flowing emerald green hair. Her eyes and teeth are a pristine white. She wears a lime green military uniform with gold metallic shoulder guards. There is long flowing black cape hanging from her shoulders. Deneb wears gold gauntlets on her forearms, has no gloves, and emerald green nail polish on her fingernails. She has black leather belt around her waist with a golden belt buckle that features a lighting bolt in the center of it. Deneb had full length lime green pants, with gold shin guards, and black leather combat boots. Likes: Power, Adoration, Chess, Strategy Dislikes: Failure, Incompetence Fighting Style: Soul Power Tone: Deneb has calm demeanor. Her magnanimous nature garners an intense loyalty from her followers. Origins: Deneb's origins are unknown. There are only theories. Some say she is Bison's natural born daughter. Others think she's was designed by Shadaloo's scientists. Her attire is reminiscent of Bisons although she has apparent fascination with the color green. After Bison's defeat, Deneb sees her chance to take the reigns of Shadaloo. While her father used the organization to instill fear the masses in the hopes of dominating the globe, Deneb takes a different path. She uses the vast resources of Shadaloo to instill hope in the people. Helping the downtrodden and garnering an almost Saint like reverence.... Her Rival: Ed Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Soul Slam - LP+LK: Deneb engulfs her opponent in Soul Power, levitates them with her left arm, and slams them down to the ground with her right arm. Soul Toss - B+LP+LK: Deneb engulfs her opponent in Soul Power, levitates them with her left arm, and uses her right arm to toss them behind her. Unique Attacks: Soul Adze – F+MP(overhead): Deneb leans backward with her right arm behind her before striking with a powerful overhead chop. Slow startup, -2 on block. Psycho Axe variaton Soul Slide – DF+MK: Deneb falls to her butt before sliding forward with one leg extended. Leaves foes standing. Travels under projectiles if timed properly. V-Reversal: Soul Repulse – F+PPP : Deneb slams her hands together creating a Soul Power explosion that sends her foes hurtling away. V-Skill: Soul Blast– MP+MK : Deneb strikes with a quick but powerful chest level straight punch. The punch creates a large slow moving sphere of Soul Power. Attack can be charged to increase projectile durability and stun damage. Uncharged -5 on block, 2 hits (1 strike/1 projectile) 75 Damage/125 Stun. (Punch 50 Damage/25 Stun, Projectile 25 Damage/100 Stun). Charged+3 on block, 4 hits (1 strike/3 projectile)125 Damage/250 stun. (Punch 75 Damage/100 Stun, Projectile 50 Damage/150 Stun). Both the initial punch and projectile can nullify projectiles. If time properly, the punch will nullify the opponent's projectile and Deneb's projectile will continue on towards her foe. V-Trigger 1: Pure Soul– HP+HK : Deneb summons the full breadth of her Soul Power. Altering all of her special attacks. Soul Sphere becomes Aura Soul Sphere. Aura Soul Sphere starts up 2F faster and now hits twice. EX Aura Soul Sphere starts up 3F faster and hits 3 times. Angel's Inverse becomes Divine Inverse. Projectile Invincible from Frame 3. EX Divine Inverse now causes a crumple state. Clipper Stomp becomes Daydream Crush. All versions Fully Startup Invincible. EX causes a ground bounce juggle state. Soul Piercer becomes Aura Soul Piercer. Projectile Invincible Frame 3. 10 Damage/20 Stun buff. Standard version gains limited juggle state. EX can juggle mid screen. Enhanced specials drain V-Gauge. Six enhanced specials per V-Trigger. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Soul Warp– HP+HK : Deneb uses her Soul Power to enhance her mobility. She gains the ability to teleport. Deneb can teleport both on the air and in the ground. Teleport can be canceled into from blocked normal attacks. HP+HK teleports and returns to the same location. F+HP+HK teleports right behind the opponent. B+HP+HK teleports a half screen away. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Soul Sphere- QCF + P: Deneb pulls back her left arm, summons an orb of Soul Power, and hurls it at her foe. Punch button determines the speed of the projectile. LP (Slow), MP (Faster), HP (Fastest), EX (2 hits LP+MP Slow, LP+HP Fast, MP+HP Fastest) All projectiles have slow start up and quick recover. Roughly twice the size of Ryu's Hadoken. Angel's Inverse -F,D,DF + P: Deneb jumps forward towards her opponent, somersaults once, and slams both of her palms into her opponent's head. Punch button determines the distance of the jump. Goes over projectiles if time properly. LP (½ Screen), MP(2/3 Screen), HP (¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Auto Tracks) Clipper Stomp -F,D,DF + K: (Anti Air) Deneb performs a rising back flip scissor kick that ends in a chest stomp. LK(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (6F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Soul Piercer- QCB +K : Deneb performs a standing right head kick into a rapidly spinning chest high corkscrew kick. All versions knock down. -3 on block if spaced properly. Unless if blocked at point blank range. LK (2 hits, ½ Screen), MK(3 hits, 2/3 Screen), HK (4 hits, ¾ Screen), EX(Frame 3 Armor, 4 hits, ¾ Screen) Critical Art: Aura Soul Geyser-QCFx2 + K: Deneb performs a rising back flip scissor kick into a rising Soul Crusher (Soul version of the Psycho Crusher). Deneb spins through her foes as she rises, stops her rotating, and double stomps her foes chest driving them into the ground. 14 hits 350 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Deneb seeks the use the popularity of the Worldwide martial arts tournament to expand her sphere of influence. Shining an even bigger light on her charitable acts. The more hopeful the people, the more powerful her Soul Power grows. As they begin to deify her, the people will look to Deneb and Shadaloo instead of their own governments. Deneb will succeed where her father failed. Her grand gestures are not out of the kindness of her heart, but just another method of increasing her power and gaining domination over the world. People seek to bring down a tyrant. People die to protect a saint... Side Note: Like Vega, Deneb is the name of a star I made the joke, so I had to make the concept. Name: Dimitra Spoiler Nickname: The Vengeful Fury Sex: Female Ethnicity: Macedonian Height: 6ft 0in(1.83m) Weight: 165 lbs. (75kg) B/W/H: 36-27-36(92cm-68cm-92cm) Hometown: Veria, Greece (Born in Gevgelija, Macedonia) Appearance: Dimitra is a towering woman with an olive complexion and athletic build. She has sage green eyes and 39 inch (1m) long legs. Her hair is ash brown in color, curly, and shoulder length. Her wardrobe consists of a juniper green singlet with wide walnut brown stripes on the sides. There is a walnut brown symbol of Gaea located at the center of her chest. Dimitra has juniper green gloves on her hands and ankle high brown wrestling shoes. There is a green gem located on the center of her forehead. Likes: Spanakopita*, High Heels (She likes towering over people), Alexandros Dislikes: Her Foster Parents, Deceitful People, Urien Fighting Style: Gaean Pankration Tone: Dimitra puts forth the facade of being an outgoing and sociable woman. In truth, she distant truly trusts no one. Origins: Orphaned at a young age, Dimitra spent her earliest years in various orphanages. Her unusual height made her appear older than she was and seemed to turn off perspective parents. One day a family showed up with their young daughter. Their daughter, Iro, could almost be her twin. Iro's parents smiled at her. Before she knew it, she not only had parents but a “twin” sister too. Iro's parents showered Dimitra with attention. To celebrate her adoption, her new parents gifted her with a beautiful green jewel that was implanted in her forehead. Iro and Dimitra truly looked like twins now. While Iro was sequestered at home with Antreas and her tutors, She was allowed to travel freely. Dimitra was sent to the best boarding schools. Where ever she went, her bodyguard and pankration instructor Alexandros, was always nearby. Dimitra hated training, however Alexandros insisted. No matter what, everyday, sick or well, Alexandros would make her train. Through Alexandros' persistence and her efforts, she was able to master the Boon of Demeter. One of the 66 Secret Arts. Even Alexandros was taken back by this. To her surprise, he insisted that she did not tell her parents about this feat. While visiting her parents in Rhodes, Dimitra, Alexandros, and her parents came under assault by a group of robed figures lead by well dressed man with a jewel in his forehead like her own. Her parents quickly fell, right before her eyes. However the robed figures were no match for Alexandros and her. The well dressed man was another matter. Even with their combined strength they were quickly overwhelmed. As she fell to the ground and faded from consciousness the last thing she was Alexandros being struck down. Awakening in the morgue, Dimitra stumbled away into the night. Vowing vengeance against those wronged her. Her Rival: Urien Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Macedonian Buster – P+K: Dimitra grabs her opponent by the head with both hands and drives them face first into the ground as she falls into a seated position. The attack is basically a Sit Out Facebuster Macedonian Slam – B+P+K: Dimitra picks up her opponent and violently power slams them behind her. Unique Attacks: Erinyes's Vengeance– F+ HP (Overhead): Dimitra reels back and slams her opponent with a brutal headbutt. Slow start up, safe on block. Falling Boulder– D + MP (In Air): From the apex of her forward jump, Dimitra executes a cannonball dive straight down onto her opponent. Must be blocked high. Earthen Axe– B+ HK: A high front kick that can be used as an anti air if timed properly V-Reversal: Shield Breaker- F+KKK: A swift knee to the abdomen to causes her opponent to crumple to the ground V-Skill: Focus of The Furies– MP+MK : Dimitra lowers her head and clinches her fists causing the gem in her forehead to glow. This eliminates the charge time of her next special attack. Completing the animation causes her to gain a small amount in V-Gauge. Landing a charged attack after a successful Focus of The Furies also gains V-Gauge. V-Trigger 1: Boon of Demeter: One of the 66 Secret Arts. Dimitra infuses herself with power of earth. 10% of all of the damage dealt by Dimitra is converted into stamina recovery. All of her normal and special attacks gain a 5% damage buff. She takes no white life damage during her V-Trigger. V-Trigger drains over time. 2 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Curse of Demeter: Dimitra perverts the Boon of Demeter to inflict her wrath on her opponent. 10% of all of the damage dealt by Dimitra is converted into additional stun damage. Her opponent's white life recovery is halted during her V-Trigger. V-Trigger drains over time. 2 bar V-Trigger Specials: Earth Breaker- HCB+ P (Command Grab): Dimitra grabs her opponent by the ankles, yanks their legs out from under them causing them to slam the back of their head into the ground. As they are slamming into the ground, Dimitra jumps into the air and rains down a powerful punch to their head. LP(Most Range, Lowest Damage) MP(Less Range, More Damage, Higher Frame Advantage on hit), HP (Least Range, Most Damage, More Frame Advantage than LP, Less than MP) EX (Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most Damage, Highest Frame Advantage) Discus Lariat- Charge B,F + P: Dimitra rotates 360° degrees as she quickly dashes forward and floors he opponent with a violent clothesline. Projectile invincible during startup, punch button determines the distance traveled. LP(1/4 screen distance, -2 on block) MP(1/2 screen distance, -4 on block), HP(3/4 screen, -5 on block), EX(3/4 screen, gains armor on frame 3, -2 on block) Titan's Hammer -Charge D,U+P: (Anti Air) Dimitra strikes her opponent with a rising double axe handle blow followed up by a sit down power bomb. LP (3F Startup), MP (5F Startup) HP (7F Startup) EX(3F Startup, Fully Startup Invincible, Power Bomb causes ground bounce) Aftershock - Charge B,F + K: Earth Ki based projectile. Dimitra stomps the ground generating a waist high shockwave of ki that travels along the ground towards her foe. Kick button determines speed. LK (Fastest startup, slowest recovery and speed), MK (Slower startup, faster recovery and speed) HK (Slowest startup, fastest recovery and speed) Must be blocked low. EX version puts the opponent into a crumple state. Critical Art: Wrath of Gaea- HCFx2+K: Dimitra stomps the ground with incredible force creating a powerful shock wave beneath her opponent's feet. The force of the shock wave sends her opponent sailing high into the air. Her foe then crashes into the Earth with enough to force to plant them into the ground. Reasons to be in SFV: Dimitra has spent the last several years training with an intensity and focus that she never had before. She relives the her near death and the lost of her family every night in her dreams. Wondering if she had taken Alexandro's teachings more seriously if she would have been able to save them. During this time she learned an awful truth. Alexandro left all of his earthly possessions to her. In his belongings, she found a letter. A letter told her that her parents only adopted her to die in Iro's place. When he learned this awful truth, it was he and not her parents that opted to train her. While he was honor bound to serve them and his younger brother Antreas, he was determined to forge Dimitra into a warrior that could survive trials to come. Now Dimitra no longer seeks revenge for her family only Alexandros. She not only seeks to fell the man known as Urien, but also her “sister” Iro and her mentor Antreas to see if she was complicit in this betrayal. Side Notes: Spanakopita is Greek spinach pie Gaea is the greek goddess of earth Demeter is the Greek Goddes of agriculture and harvest. Erinyes are the Greek furies, the goddesses of vengeance Alexandros and Antreas were saved from the Secret Society by Dimitra's adoptive parents and owed their lives to them. So they begrudingly aided in their plan to save Iro from the Secret Society. Antreas copied the codex of the 66 Secret Arts for Alexandros and ensured that the green gem bestowed upon Dimitra was genuine. They wanted to honor their life debt but give Dimitra the best chance to survive her fate. Iro has no idea of what her parents had planned. Dimitra was selected from several candidates for adoption. Her adoptive parents did extensive research into her family's background and history. They wanted to be certain to find a “twin” that could be passed off as their true daughter. Their data indicated that Dimitra would mirror Iro's physical appearance into adulthood. Name: Dorji (Means Diamond) Spoiler Nickname: The Raging Snowstorm Sex: Female Ethnicity: Tibetan (Khampa) Height: 5ft 9in(1.75m) Weight: 155 lbs. (70kg) B/W/H: 37-27-37 (94cm-69cm-94cm) Hometown: Lhasa, Tibet (China) Appearance: Dorji is a tall, well built woman with silver hair and grayish blue eyes. Her waist length hair is styled in microbraids. Dorji has a white beaded necklace. She wears a blue traditional male Tibetan chupa*. This traditional dress has long sleeves and hangs down to just above Dorji's knees. She has on white pants underneath that are barely visible due to the blue boots she wears that come up to just below her knees. Likes: Being Incognito, Shabalay (Tibetan Meat Patties), Meditation Dislikes: Standing Out, Illuminati Fighting Style: Tescao Tone: Dorji is a stern and no nonsense woman that shows no mercy to the unjust. Origins: Dorji is the youngest of “Twin Leopards of Lhasa”. This mysterious duo garnered their nickname due to their usual hair and eye color. Snow Leopards have silver grey colored fur and can have grayish blue eyes. Known for her aggressive and relentless fighting style. Dorji has the demeanor of an enforcer. Along with her brother, Dorji seems to have specific targets. They all seem to be from the a certain “Secret Society”. If they cross her brother, she crosses them off...permanently. Her Rival: Norbu Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Chilling Blow – LP+LK: Dorji grabs her foe by the back of the head with her left hand, pulls them towards her, and slams an overhead right elbow strike between eyes. Her opponent falls backward landing in front of her. Chilling Axe – LP+LK: Dorji grabs her foe by the back of the head with her left hand, pulls them towards her, and strikes them in the throat with right hand chop. Dorji passes behind her opponent as they fall to the ground. Ice Breaker – LP+LK: (In Air) Dorji grabs her foes head with both hands mid air and then goes straight down to ground where she slams her knee their face send them flipping in front of her. Unique Attacks: Cold Sickle – B+MP: Dorji strikes with a left backhand chop. Chilling Sickle – F+HP: Dorji strikes with a right chop uppercut that can anti air if timed properly. Cold Shoulder – B+HP: (Hit Grab)Dorji grabs her opponent, spins behind them, and violently should charges them in the back. Slow startup, -4 on block, side switches, leaves her at advantage right next to her fallen opponent. Chilling Heel – B+HK: Dorji strikes with a spinning back sweep that slides a short distance (¼ Screen) along the ground. Leaves her foe standing. Goes under projectiles. V-Reversal: Frost Spike – F+KKK: Dorji generates a lance of ice around her leg as she sidekicks her opponent. This causes them to crumple at her feet. V-Skill: Ice Sheet – MP+MK: Dorji stomps the ground creating a slow moving sheet of ice that travels along the ground. Causes the opponent to stumble on hit. Must be blocked low. V-Trigger 1: Furious Winter – HP+HK: Dorji's gains increased command of her frozen ki. The stun damage on all of her attacks is increased and the recovery of her opponents stun bar is cut in half. Normal attack receive a stun buff of 5, 10, 20 damage on light, medium, and heavy attacks. Special attacks receive a stun buff of 10, 20, 40 on light, medium, and heavy attacks. V-Trigger slowly drains over time. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Sudden Blizzard – HP+HK: Dorji's gains an enhanced mental clarity. The charge time for all of her special attacks is cut in half. Opening up new combo options. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Avalanche Palm - Charge B,F + P: Dorji hammers her foe with a powerful, left-right-left, open palm strike combination. Distance traveled is determined by the strength of the punch button. LP (Point blank, fully projectile invincible), MP(½ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F), HP (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F). EX(Projectile Invincible, Causes a Wall Bounce) Ice Fountain – Charge D,U+ P: (Anti Air) Dorji strikes her opponent with a rising, left-right-left, open palm strike combination. High stun, high damage, slow recovery, crush counterable. LP(3F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (4F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (6F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Frozen Guillotine - Charge D,U + K: (Overhead) Dorji flips into air landing in a full split kick. All versions knock down. Kick button determines startup, range, and damage. LK (Point blank, Fastest Startup, Least Damage), MK( 1/8 Screen, Slower Startup, More Damage), HK (¼ Screen, Slowest Startup, Most Damage, Causes Limited Juggle State)EX (Fastest Startup, Grains Armor Frame 3, Causes Ground Bounce) Frost Bisect - Charge B,F +K: Dorji hops into the air, does a full split, and then slams her legs together on the opponent's head. Goes over low attacks . LK (Point blank, Leaves Standing), MK(¼ Screen, Knocks Down), HK (½ Screen, Causes Juggle State). EX(½ Screen, Gains Armor Frame 3, Causes a Crumple State) Critical Art: Raging Avalanche – Charge B,F,BF +P: Dorji hits her opponent with a furious, eleven hit, open palm strike combination that slowly causes them to freeze. After the final blow freezes them, she flips high into the air, and slams down on them with a powerful Frozen Guillotine that leaves them buried, head first, in the ground. 12Hits 360 damage (11x20, 1x140). Reasons to be in SFV: The rise of the Illumanti/Secret Society leads to the emergence of those that seek their downfall. Dorji seeks the undoing of the Illuminati. While her brother gains the information that will lead to their goal, Dorji ensures that their presence remains hidden. Those that aid her brother gain immunity. Those who cross him and risk exposing their aims get a swift end. Side Note: The Traditional Female Chupa comes all the way down to the ankles and is ill suited for combat. Dorji's chupa was actually one of her brother Norbu's that she “borrowed”. Name: Effie Spoiler Nickname: Sprightly Powerhouse Sex: Female Ethnicity: Ukrainian Height: 5ft 0in (1.52m) Weight: 214bs (97kg)* B/W/H: 31-20-33 (79cm-51cm-84cm) Hometown: Mykolaiv, Ukraine Appearance: Effie very petite woman with a childlike appearance. She is barely 5ft (1.52m) tall. Effie has blonde hair styled into two pony tails that are held in place by two red bows. She wears a red collar around her neck and a low cut short tight red dress. Effies red boots come up to her knees. Her hands are covered by red, fingerless gloves, that have thick bracelets at the wrists. All of Effie's attire is covered in small read spikes. Likes: Necro, High Heels, Sunrises, Fresh Air Dislikes: Secret Society, Urien, Tight Spaces Fighting Style: Combat Hopak Tone: Effie is a shy woman of few words. She has a deep appreciation of fresh air and open spaces. Origins: Effie's origins are shrouded in secret for the most part. She was abducted from her home in Belarus as child. She was subject to constant experimentation at the hands of the Secret Society's science teams. Effie would have lost her sanity if it weren't for Ilyia's comforting words and songs. The experiments seem to stunted her growth. Ilyia and Effie were confused by their purpose. Over time, Illyia had gained the ability to generate electric shocks and stretch his limbs like rubber. He'd often stretch his hand through the bars to hold Effies hand when she was at her lowest. However, Effie seemed unchanged at first. She began to notice that despite her diminutive size, she was surprisingly heavy. Also her strength had grown considerably. They hadn't stunted her growth. The Secret Society had greatly increased her strength and bone density. This was the reason for her sprightly size. Slowly they began to pit Illyia and Effie against the other test subjects. The rules were simple. You win or you die. Illyia and Effie were being turned into reluctant gladiators. Eventually only Illyia and Effie remained. The winner would be G-Project's ultimate weapon. It was then that Illyia and Effie decided to escape. They've been running ever since. His Rival: Urien Attributes: Health: 5 Power: 5 Range: 1 Mobility: 2 Techniques: 2 1050 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Siren's Shriek – LP+LK: Effie hops into the air and slaps her open palms together over her opponent's ears causing them to crumple to the ground in front of her. Fairy Toss – B+LP+LK: Effie grabs her foe by the left ankle and effortlessly tosses them behind her. Unique Attacks: Nisse's Heel– F+MK (Overhead): Effie hops forward and kicks downward at a 45° angle with both feet. Slow startup, -2 on block Fairy's Flight – F+HK: Effie hops forward with double jump front kick Dryad's Root - B+HK: Effie hits her foe with an open leg front drop kick to both of their knee caps. This causes them to face plant on the ground. Must be blocked low. Mermaid's Tail – F+HK, B+HK: Effie performs a double jump front kick into a low open leg front drop kick to the opponent's knees. V-Reversal: Sprite Wings – F+PPP: Effie slams both of her fists together, striking her opponent in both kidney's, and causing them to collapse in front of her. V-Skill: Immovable Object – MP+MK: Effie outstretches her left arm as she shrieks. If the animation is completed uninterrupted. Effie gains Frame 1 armor her next special attack. V-Trigger 1: Unstoppable Force – HP+HK: Effie gains heightened durability All of her non EX special moves gain Frame 3 Armor. V-Trigger drains slowly overtime. EX Specials gain new properties. Pixie Mallet gains armor Frame 1 Fay Hammer gains throw invincibility Frame 1 Sylph Slide causes a juggle state Sprite Dive causes a wall bounce Enhanced special attacks do not drain her V-Trigger gauge. Enhanced EX Specials drain V-Gauge. Two EX Specials will exhaust her V-Trigger 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Invisible Force – HP+HK: Effie concentrates her tremendous strength. She now strikes with such force that each of her attacks creates a small shock wave. This increases the hitbox on all of her normal attacks. Slightly increasing her normally short range. This allows her to use existing combos from a further range and it also gives her access to new combos not possible with her normal attack range. V-Trigger drains over time. 2-bar V-Trigger. Specials: Pixie Mallet – F,D,F+P (Overhead): Effie hops forward and strikes her opponent with a flying double axe handle punch. Goes over low attacks. Punch button pressed determines the distance of Effie's hop. LP (Point Blank), MP (¼ Screen), HP (1/3 Screen), EX (Gains Armor on Frame 3, Distance Determined by Buttons Pressed. LP+MP Point Blank, LP+HP ¼ Screen, MP+HP 1/3 Screen) Fay Hammer – HCB+P (Command Grab): Effie grabs her foes by the ankles, picks them overhead, and slams them into the ground. All versions have a 5F Start Up. LP(Most Range, Least Damage, Foe Bounces ¾ Screen Away) MP (Less Range, More Damage, Foe Bounces ½ Screen Away) HP (Least Range, Most Damage, Foe Bounces ¼ Screen Away) EX (Gains Throw Invincibility Frame 3, Most Range, Most Damage, Foe Is Planted Right Next to Effie) Sylph Slide – QCF+K: Effie strikes her foe with a sliding kick that knocks down her opponent. Must be blocked low. Goes under projectiles. Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen) MK (1/3 Screen), HK (½ Screen), EX (Projectile Invincible Frame 3, LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK 1/3 Screen, MK+HK ½ Screen) Sprite Dive – QCB+K (In Air): Effie rolls into a ball and hurls herself at her opponent. Must be done at or near the apex of her jump. Kick button determines the angle of her descent. LK (75° Angle, MK (60° Angle), HK (45° Angle). EX (Fully Projectile Invincible, FLK+MK 75° Angle, LK+HK 60° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle) Critical Art: Nymph's Might – QCFx2+P: Effie grabs her foes by the ankles and tosses them high into the air with all her might. Her foe ascends into the air at rapid speed until they disappear from view. They quickly reappear descending at incredible speed creating a crater upon impact. 1 hit 400 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Effie is tired of running from the Secret Society. The only way she and Illyia will be free is to face them head on. She buries her fears deep down inside. Illyia and her will work together to stop the Secret Society so that they can finally live free and without fear. The Secret Society's experiments have increased Effie's bone and muscle density. Causing her weight to be much higher than a normal person with her stature. Most of her attacks are named for sprites and fairies. Powerful mythical beings of diminutive size. Name: Elena Nickname: Earth's Joyous Rhythm Sex: Female Ethnicity: Kenyan Height: 6'1”(1.85m) Weight: 144lbs (109kg) B/W/H: 34-24-37 (86cm-61cm-94cm) Hometown: Nairobi, Kenya Appearance: Elena is a tall and slender woman. Her attire resembles a white two piece bikini. She has dark brown skin, short white hair, and blue eyes. Her wrists, ankles, and neck are adorned with a half dozen metal bands ranging in color from blue, red, gold, and purple. She has two cloth bands (one red and one blue) tied just below each of her knees and also at the top of her arms. Elena's finger and toenails are painted light blue. Likes: Traveling, Music, Dancing, Making Friends, Her Family Dislikes: Damage to the environment Fighting Style: Capoeira Tone: Elena has bubbly personality and seems to be able to make friends with just about anyone. Origins: Elena is an African princess. Her father traveled abroad in his youth, actually earning a medical doctorate. Elena possesses her father's affinity for travel as well has her older brother's fighting spirit. While most fighters train to become stronger or the best fighter in the world. Elena uses her fighting ability to forge bonds with her opponents and hopefully make new friends. Her Rival: Laura (Friendly) Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 5 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 925 stamina 975 stun Throws: Leg Lift Throw- F+MP+MK: Elena grabs her opponent and strikes them three successive spinning kicks that send them sailing across the screen. Leg Hook -B+MP+MK: Elena grabs her opponent, turns her back to them, and kicks them in the stomach with her back leg, lifting them overhead and throwing them behind her. Unique Attacks: Handstand Kick (overhead) – F+MP: Elena performs a two handed handstand that kicks her opponent with both feet (only hits once) Handstand Whip – F+MK: (overhead)Elena performs a one handed handstand striking with an over head kick wit her back leg. Longer range than the Handstand Kick. Round Arch -B+HK: Elena strikes her opponent with a powerful jumping axe kick. This technique has slow start up but can lead into combos. Sliding – DF+HK: Elena hits her foe with a low sliding kick. This move passes under projectiles when properly timed. Safe on block at max range. Unsafe on block otherwise. V-Reversal: Osprey Strike – F+KKK: Elena coils back and jumps towards with rolling double legged drop kick that sends her opponent a full screen away (Her Focus Attack from USFIV). V-Skill: Hand Stance – MP+MK: Elena performs a handstand that can be followed up with two different attacks or canceled with a back dash. Ostrich Head – P : Elena springs forward with a double legged kick that strikes low Giraffe Neck – K : Elena crashes her legs down on her foe with 2 hit overhead attack V-Trigger 1: Healing – HP+HK: Elena communes with the Earth recover her stamina. She recovers 50 stamina instantly. She also generates 100 stamina of white life that can be recovered over time. Her white life recovery rate doubles until her V-Gauge expires. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Rambunctious Rhythm – HP+HK: Elena's rhythmic movement reaches it's peak. Elena gains the ability to cancel her special attacks into each other. She can't cancel the same special into each other. Special attacks have to be canceled from Light to Medium to Heavy. For example. LP Mallet Smash into MK Lynx Tail into HK Scratch Wheel. The heavy special cancel can be replaced with an EX version of the special. Single use 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Mallet Smash – HCB+P: Elena jumps towards her enemy performing an overhead axe kick that strikes twice. The distance traveled is determined by the punch button. Goes over projectiles if timed properly. The stronger the punch button the slower the start up. HK version is +3 on hit. Allowing for light attack follow up. EX version has the LK versions startup and is +5 on hit. Rhino Horn -HCF+K: Elena attacks her foe with a horizontal flying kick combination. Distance is determined by the kick button. EX version is projectile invincible and causes a juggle state. Scratch Wheel – F,D,DF+K (Anti- Air): Elena flying into the air with a powerful reverse wheel kick. Projectile invincible. No strike invincibility. LK (1 hit), MK, (2 hits), HK (3 hits). EX (6 hits, becomes Spinning Beat, Full Invincible on startup, Crush Counter punishable if blocked) Spin Scythe – QCB+K: (“Rekka” attack) Elena strikes with a powerful spinning kick attack. This attack can be followed up with up to two additional spinning kicks by repeating the QCB+K input. Initial kick and first follow up are safe on block. Second follow up is unsafe on block. EX version causes a hard knock down. Lynx Tail– B,D,DB+ K: Elena hits her opponents with a low hitting spinning kick attack. LK (1 hit, - 2 on block) MK (2 hits, - 5 on block), HK (3 hits, - 7 on block). EX (4 hits, causes a juggle state) Critical Art: Brave Drance-QCFx2 +K: Elena flies towards her foe striking them with a powerful succession of kicks capped off by a powerful multi-hitting Scratch Wheel. As her opponent sails high into the air, Elena does a quick single arm hand stand split with a huge smile on her face.. Reasons to be in SFV: While fighting in a Capoeira tournament in Brazil, Elena becomes fast friends with Manuela Da Silva. Manuela tells Elena that her cousin Laura has gone off to Abu Dhabi for a MECC* competition that is being hosted by someone name Azam. Elena is exited by the proposition of MECC tournament. She's never been to a grappling competition before. Maybe she can meet new people and make even more friends. Manuela can only shake her head and think about how much Elena reminds her of her cousin. *Middle East Combat Club, my Capcom universe version of the real life ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club). Edited July 10, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Fabio Matsuda Spoiler Nickname: Electric Submission Wizard Sex: Male Ethnicity: Brazilian (1/2 Japanese) Height: 6ft 2in(1.88m) Weight: 190 lbs. (86kg) B/W/H: 45-34-35 (114cm-86cm-89cm) Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil Appearance: Fabio is a tall man with slender athletic build. He has dark eyes and long black dreadlocks that are pulled back into an upward pony tail. Fabio wears plain black rimmed glasses when he's not participating in a martial arts contest. He wears a full blue gi that is tied at the waist with a black belt. The upper gi is sleeveless leaving his arms fully exposed. Fabio wears white hand guards. His gi pants are full length and he is barefoot. Likes: Reading, Record Collecting, Watching out for his siblings, Matsuda Jiu Jitsu Dislikes: Rule breakers, Disingenuous people Fighting Style: Traditional Matsuda Jiu Jitsu Tone: Fabio is a serious, dedicated but laid back man. While he takes is craft seriously, he still knows how to relax and have fun once in a while. Origins: Fabio is the oldest grandson of Kinjiro Matsuda. While his younger sister (Laura) travels the globe recruiting for the family school, Fabio has stayed in Brazil. He's taken over the role of lead instructor from his grandfather. His father learned the basics of the art, but it was never his passion. Laura is just as driven, if not moreso, at improving Matsuda Jiu Jistu. However, their philosophies differ. Laura uses the art as her base and adds, drops, or modifies the techniques based on her experience fighting other martial arts disciplines. Fabio sticks the families traditional forms. His focus is in refining them so that they are effective against other martial art disciplines. His younger brother Sean, was more interested in sports than fighting, until recently. Fabio had taught Sean the basics to keep his grandfather from scolding him and to help him defend himself against Laura's playful (Sean doesn't think so) bullying. Sean has taken his training serious as of late, but much to Kinjiro Matsuda's chagrin, it's to impress Ken Masters and become his student. His Rival: Laura Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 3 1025 stamina 1025 stun Throws: Rolling Armbar - LP+LK: Fabio hops onto his opponent's torso, rolls forward, and locks them into an armbar. Anaconda Choke -LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Fabio traps the head and arm of his crouching opponent and rolls into an Ananconda Choke. Ankle Lock -B+LP+LK: Fabio spins behinds his opponent, pulls their legs out from under them, and locks them into an ankle lock D'Arce Choke- B+LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Fabio traps the head and arm of his crouching opponent as he rolls behind them locking them into D'Arce Choke Unique Attacks: Elbow Breaker- B+HP: (Hit Grab): Fabio reaches out and grabs his opponent's left wrist with his right hand, pulls their arm straight to fully extend it, slams his left forearm into their elbow, and pushes their left hand forward with great force. Reaching their elbow. Leaves the opponent standing. +4 on hit, -7 on block Oblique Kick F+MK – Fabio uses his back leg to execute kick quick that targets his opponent's knee. Although this is standing attack this must be blocked low. 6F Startup +2 on hit, -2 on block. V-Reversal: Matsuda Takedown – F+PPP: Fabio halts his opponent's momentum with a double leg takedown that leaves him only ¼ screen away from his foe. V-Skill: Shock Hold – MP+MK : Fabio intercepts his opponent's physical attack and shocks them stunning them briefly allow for a follow up throw or attack that scaled to 60% damage. Shock Hold only does 30 damage/30 stun. B+MP+MK counters jump attacks, MP+MK high attacks, and D+MP+MK low attacks. All versions have a 5F Startup. +5 on hit but follow up window is brief. V-Trigger 1: Fulmination – HP+HK : Electricity pulses through Fabio's body enhancing the potency of all his command grabs. All command grabs gain increased range, full throw invincibility. And a +50 buff their stun damage. V-Gauge drains over time. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Static Discharge – HP+HK: Fabio focuses his electric ki to close the distance on his foe. After activation. Fabio gains access to a new movement option. The Static Charge. Static Charge – HP+HK: Fabio dashes forward with an electrified aura. Dash is projectile invincible frame 1. Dash can be canceled into any standing or crouching normal. Any normal attack that lands from Static Charge can be canceled into any grab or command grab. Two dashes per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-trigger. Specials: Sunrise Guillotine -360°+P: (Command Grab) Fabio grabs his opponent, hops into the air locking them into a Guillotine choke hold, Electrifies his body, and slam them head first into the ground in a DDT like attack before releasing the hold. All versions start up in 5F. Punch button determines grab range, attack damage, and Fabio's proximity to his fallen opponent post throw. LP (Most Range, Least Damage, ½ Screen Away) MP (Less Range, More Damage, ¼ Screen Away), HP (Least Range, Most Damage, 1/3 Screen Away ). EX (Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most Damage, ¼ Screen Away). Volt Rush -HCF+P: (Hit Grab):Fabio's rushes toward his foe with his arms charged with electricity. He grabs them shocking them as he takes them to the ground with an armlock. At is a “hit grab” so it can be blocked. As benefit, it can be comboed into as well. +2 on hit after forward dash. -5 on block when properly spaced. LP (¼ Screen), MP( ½ Screen), HP ( ¾ Screen), EX ( ¾ Screen, Armor on Frame 3) Spark Hook -360°+K: (Command Grab) Fabio slides quickly along the ground with his legs extended. If he makes contact with his opponent, he takes them down with his legs, and locks them into an electrified heel hook. Travels under projectiles starting at Frame 3. Has no strike or throw invincibility. Kick button determines the distance traveled. Developed initially to counter Laura's Thunder Clap. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK ( ¾ Screen), EX ( ¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1) Shock Triangle – 360°+K: (Aerial Command Grab) From a neutral or forward jump, Fabio leaps onto his opponent's shoulders , rolls forward as he slams them into the ground, and locks them in electrified Kinjiro Triangle hold. Kick button determines the range, damage, and distance from the opponent after the techniques lands. LK (Most Range, Least Damage, ½ Screen Away) MK (Less Range, More Damage, ¼ Screen Away), HK (Least Range, Most Damage, 1/3 Screen Away). EX (Air Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most Damage, ¼ Screen Away). Critical Art: Lightning Blackout -720°+P : Fabio locks his opponent into a standing arm triangle choke while sending all of his electric ki through his arm, shocking them until they go limp, he then places his right leg behind both of their legs, and sweeps them out from under them as he drives the back of their head into the ground. 15 hits 400 Damage (1x135, 13x10, 1x135). Reasons to be in SFV: Fabio asks his grandfather, Kinjiro, to temporarily take back the reigns of head instructor at the Matsuda Family Jiu Jitsu school. He tells his grandfather that he wants to show off the traditional MJJ art to the world. “Laura's modified MJJ isn't a truly representative of the family.” Kinjiro agrees to teach the family art in Fabio's stead. In truth, it was Fabio that insisted Laura travel to world to promote the family art. The real reason for him leaving is to keep an eye on his brother Sean. Despite his natural athletic gifts, Fabio feels Sean isn't ready for world class competition. As usual, Fabio has to project his baby brother from himself. Name: Geki Spoiler Nickname: Unseen Dragon (Miezaru Ryū ) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5ft 11in (1.8m) Weight: 170lbs (77kg) B/W/H: 46-32-35(117cm-81cm-89cm) Hometown: Unknown, Japan Appearance: Geki is a slender but well built man. He wears an indigo colored and sleeveless ninja dogi. Geki is fully masked. The only thing not obscured by his mask is his brown eyes. There is a steel gray headband tied around his forehead. He has brown forearm length gauntlets on each arm. His left gauntlet features a triple bladed claw. There is a small satchel hanging from his waist (it holds his shurikens). Geki's Jika-Tabi (split toe ninja boots) are the same steel gray color as his head band. His entire ensemble is devoid of any logos or identifying marks. Likes: Completing Missions Dislikes: Failure Fighting Style: Arranged Ninjutsu Tone: Geki is quiet. He's rarely ever seen and even more rarely heard. If you see or hear Geki, it's because he wants you to. Origins: Geki is complete mystery. Is he one ninja or a clan of ninja sharing a single identity? The last time a Geki was seen was during Sagat's invitational World Martial Arts Tournament. Various rumors implied that he was their to assassinate one of the fighters. Depending who tells you the rumor the target of Geki changes. The one thing that is known is that if a ninja going by the name of Geki is seen. Someone requires a mission of with great difficulty completed. With the fall of Shadaloo, various organizations seek to fill the power vacuum left behind. Could Geki be targeting one of those organizations on the behest of arrival. One can only speculate. His Rival: Vega Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 975 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Saku Tsume (Rending Claw) – LP+LK: Geki grabs his foes and hits them with a violent forehand slicing claw attack. Attack causes his foe to collapse in front of him. Kajiru Tsume (Biting Claw) – B+LP+LK: Geki slices through his a opponent with a backhand claw strike, causing them to crumple to the ground behind him. Engeki (Hidden Attack) – LP+MK: (In Air) Geki grabs his opponent out of the air, disappears into a cloud of smoke, and sends them hurtling towards the ground. Unique Attacks: Ori (Descent) – (In Air) D+MP : Geki cancels his jump arc at it's apex and descends straight down. Orizume (Descent Claw) – (In Air) Geki cancels his jump arc at it's apex and strikes with downward thrusting claw stike -6 on block. Tobikomu Tsume (Pounce Claw)- F+MP: Geki hops forward and attacks with an overhead claw strike. Goes over low attacks. -6 on Block Chigiru Tsume (Shredding Claw) – B+HP: (Anti Air) Geki executes a backwad crescent slicing claw attack over his head. Attack causes a juggle state, only hits airborne opponents. V-Reversal: Sebonezashi (Spine Tingler) – F+KKK: (Side Switch) Geki disappears in a puff of smoke, reappears behind his foes, and hits them with a jumping back kick to the spine. This causes them to crumple to the ground. V-Skill: Endan (Smoke Bomb) – MP+MK: Geki tosses a smoke bomb at his foe. Bomb does minimal damage but high stun. Bomb attack can be charged. Full charged attack causes a crumple state but has a very slow start up. (25 damage/100 Stun Uncharged, 75 damage/240 Stun Fully Charged) Bomb can be tossed three distances. B+MP+MK(Point Blank), MP+MK( ½ Screen), F+MP+MK ( ¾ Screen) V-Trigger 1: Mugen Shuriken (Endless Shuriken) – HP+HK: Geki forgoes the use of physical shurikens and generates them with his ki. He gains unlimited shurikens for the duration of his V-trigger. His Kūchū Shuriken can now be done from a neutral and forward jump. Shuriken damage is increased by 50%. Shuriken attacks do not drain V-Gauge. Gauge drains over time. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Mugen Giman (Endless Deception) – HP+HK: Geki throws his opponent off balance but enhancing his already incredible mobility. After activation, Geki can now execute a Kūchū Yōdō (Aerial Misdirection). HP+HK(In Front of His Foe, In the Air, Full Screen Away) D+HP+HK (In the Air, Above His Foe, this has the fastest recovery time), F+HP+HK (Behind His Foe, In the Air, Full Screen Away) Geki can immediately cancel into a Yōdō (Misdirection) from his new position or he can perform a Kūchū Shuriken Uchi (Aerial Shuriken). Two uses per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Shuriken Uchi (Shuriken Toss)– QCF+P : Geki quickly throws a shuriken at his opponent. The speed of the shuriken is determined by the punch button. All versions travel horizontally. Shuriken's can be deflected by well time physical attacks. Shagami Shuriken Uchi (Crouch Shuriken Toss)– QCB+P : Geki quickly throws a shuriken from a crouching position at his opponent. Slower startup than Shuriken Nage. Must be blocked low. The speed of the shuriken is determined by the punch button. All versions travel horizontally. Shuriken's can be deflected by well time physical attacks. Kūchū Shuriken Uchi (Aerial Shuriken)- QCB+P (In Air): Geki tosses a shuriken from a backward jump. Angle of the shuriken is determined by the punch button. Shuriken's can be deflected by well time physical attacks. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX (Can be done from a Neutral Jump LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state) Zanzō (Afterimage) – QCF+K: Geki dashes forward quickly causing two afterimages to appear behind him. Has three unique follow ups. Start up frames are projectile invulnerable from frame 3. EX is invulnerable from frame 1. P - Mochiageru Tsume (Lifting Claw): Geki strikes with a powerful uppercut with his claw hand that lifts his opponent into the air. Can juggle in the corner. EX can juggle anywhere on screen. K - Shinkirō Kōgeki (Mirage Attack): Geki knocks down his opponent with a sweeping kick. EX causes a hard knock down. P+K -Teishi Eizō (Halting Image): Geki halts his advance. Strength of the buttons pressed determines which of two of the three Geki images disappears. LP+LK (Middle and Right Images Disappear. Left most image is Geki) MP+MK(Left and Right Images Disappear, Middle is Geki), HP+HK (Left and Middle Images Disappear, Right Image is Geki) Kakure Uzu (Hidden Vortex)- QCF+K: Geki hits his foe with a series of sweeping low kicks. Goes under projectiles. Kick button pressed determines damage and attack properties. LK (2 Hits, Leaves Standing, -3 on block) MK (3 hits, Knocks Down, -5 on Block), HK (4 hits, Juggles, -7 on Block), EX( 5 hits, Crumples, -3 on block) Shuriken Hojū (Shuriken Reload) -QCB+K: Geki restocks his Shurikens. Holding down the K button increases the amount of Shurikens reloaded but leaves Geki vulnerable to attack. EX refills half of his shuriken (a quantity of 4). Yōdō (Misdirection) – B,D,DB+K: Geki disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears in another location. Kick button determines the location of Geki's reappearance. LK(In Front of His Foe, Full Screen Away) MK (In his original location, this has the fastest recovery time), HK (Behind His Foe, Full Screen Away). Critical Art: Miezaru Shūgeki (Unseen Assault): Geki hits his foe with massive smoke bomb that obscures the middle 1/3 of the screen. A rapid succession of impact sparks can be seen all over the smoke cloud. When cloud clears Geki and his seemingly unharmed foe are standing next to each other. Geki's foe then slowly slump to their knees before falling backward. (24 hits 360 damage). Reasons to be in SFV: Geki was hired by his client to infiltrate the Secret Society and gather intel on their activities. He enters the World Martial Arts Tournament as cover for his true mission. He seems to recognize all the fighters that “Geki” came across in his last tournament appearance. Whether that's because he's the same man or because he's been expertly debriefed remains to be seen. Side Note: Geki begins each round with 8 shurikens. Like Ibuki, there is an indicator showing the number of Shurikens he has left. Geki lacks the pure damage output of Ibuki. However his multitude of movement options makes him quite elusive. His V-Trigger gives him access to a wide variety of juggle combos. His stun output is high. Geki players would basically hit and run their opponents. Fill up their stun gauge and use his moveset to turn up the pressure. Name: Gill Spoiler Nickname: The New Age Messiah Sex: Male Ethnicity: Unknown (Greek?) Height: 6ft 10in (2.08m) Weight: 311lbs (141kg) B/W/H: 56-36-44 (142cm-92cm-107cm) Hometown: Unknown (Mediterranean?) Appearance: Gill is nearly seven feet, over 2 meters, tall. He has long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, half of his body is red, and the other half blue. Gill has a blue/green jewel in his forehead. He is clad in simply almond colored robes with sandals on his feet. Although sometimes he fights in only his underwear.* (U+LP+MK+HP)* Likes: Order, Utopia, Loyalty, being called Savior Dislikes: Disobedience, Urien Fighting Style: Secret Society Secret Arts Tone: Gill believes he's the worlds savior. Everything he does is to achieve “Utopia” Origins: Gill, along with his brother Urien, was one of many candidates trained from birth to be the possible perfect leader of the Secret Society. Although they are near physical equals, Gill's won out of his brother. Gill possessed an even temperament, mastery of fire and ice, and bore an exact resemblance to the prophesied savior. His Rival: Urien Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 5 Range: 5 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 (Gill only has 800 stamina, but has 1100 stun) Throws: Guilty Bomb – LP+LK : Gill picks up his opponent and drives them into the ground with brutal sit down power bomb. Guilty Bomb – B+LP+LK: Gill picks up his opponent. turns around, and drives them into the ground with brutal sit down power bomb. Unique Attacks: Palm Upper – B+MP: Gill strikes with a lunging left punch to the face Impact Claw – B+HP: Gill grabs his opponent the neck, raises them into the air, and chokes them will slowly freezing/burning them before tossing them to the ground. Step Kick – F+MK: Gill hits his opponent with a lunging step kick to the mid section Burning Sky/Frozen Sky – F+MP, F+HP, B+MP+MK, MP (Target Combo): Gill strikes with lunging left punch to face, followed by an overhead right, and ending in his V-Skill. V-Reversal: Arctic Blaze – F+PPP : Gill grabs his foe by the throat with his left hand, freezes them, and then sets them ablaze with a powerful punch with his right hand. Opponent is sent a full screen away V-Skill: Pyro Geyser/Cryo Geyser: Gill punches the ground creating a pillar of flame/ice beneath his opponent's feet. Sending them skyward and allowing them to be juggled. B+MP+MK (right in font of Gill), MP+MK (mid screen), HP+HK (full screen). Performing a juggle combo increases the V-Gauge built. V-Trigger 1: Resurrection– HP+HK : Gill makes use of his powers of rejuvenation and unlocks his true strength. Gill recovers half of his health (400 stamina) and increases the damage of all his attacks Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis gain increased durability (2 hits). Saber Lariat gains armor on frame 3. Moonsault Knee Drop gains projectile invincibility, and Psycho Head Butt gains full start up invincibility. Gill cannot gain Resurrection from taking damage alone. He has to build at least a bar of V-Gauge. Does not auto activate. Activation has to be initiated by the player. 4-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Restoration – HP+HK : Gill taps into portion of his rejuvenative abilities and recovers 20% of his health (160 stamina). Gill also takes no white life damage for the next 10 seconds. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis -QCF+P : Gill summons a ball of fire/ice and shoots it at his opponent. LP and MP travel horizontally. LP (slower speed), MP (faster speed). HP travels at a 45° angle and causes a juggle state. Saber Lariat – F,D,DF+P: Gill charges his foe with burning/freezing clothesline attack. Knocks down at point blank range. Leaves foes standing at a distance. Punch button determines the distance traveled. HP version causes a hard knockdown at point blank range but is -6 on block at that range. Moonsault Knee Drop– HCB+K : Gill jumps into the air, flips backwards, and dives toward his foe with a burning/freezing double knee attack. Descent angle determined by the button pressed. LK (straight down), MK (60° angle). HK (45° angle) Psycho Head Butt – QCB+P: Gill hops forward striking his enemy with a freezing/burning flying head butt. Punch button determines distance, flies over low attacks, gain invincibility on frame 3. EX has full start up invincibility and enhanced juggle properties. Critical Art: Meteor Shower – QCFx2+P: Gill focuses his ki and rains down orbs of fire and ice. Rapidly and repeatedly freezing and burning his foe. V-Trigger 1 Only Sephirotic Wing – QCFx2+K: Gill floats into the air, manifesting six angelic wings, and sends out continous shockwaves of divine energy. (Cause 400 damage or significant white life damage if blocked) Reasons to be in SFV: Thanks to the machinations of his most loyal servant Kolin, Shadaloo and M.Bison has been removed from the world stage. Gill now sets the stage to begin the construction of his Utopia. He seeks out those worthy to reside his new world and will cleanse away the unworthy in purifying flames. Side Note: DO NOT LET HIM USE HIS V-TRIGGER 1 Tried to figure out a way to make Gill playable, balanced, but still formidable. His V-Skill had to be a good attack since unlike every other character in the game. He is not guaranteed a V-Trigger 1 purely by taking damage. 800 stamina is very low for a high damage game such as SFV. So his V-Trigger 2 also grants health recovery. It's 3-bars to ensure that it only can be used once per round. The player has to forego the permanent offensive buffs of V-Trigger 1 but is guaranteed to have one V-Trigger per round. Name: Gouka (Powerful Flower) Spoiler Nickname: The Mistress of Hado Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5ft 9in(1.75m) Weight: 150 lbs. (68kg) B/W/H: 36-26-37 (91cm-66cm-94cm) Hometown: Unknown, Japan Appearance: Gouka has light brown eyes. A brown bandana tied over her long knee length straight black hair. She wears a brown sleevless gi top tied together with twine rope and brown gi shorts that stop above her knees. She wears prayer beads around the wrist of her left hand. She has sandals on her feet. Likes: Meditation, Solitude, Training, Sparring With Elite Fighters Dislikes: Her Uncle, Dishonor Fighting Style: Ansatsuken (Mu No Hado) Tone: Gouka is a fiery and focused woman. Her personality was shaped by the battle she witnessed between her father and uncle. To her mothers chagrin, perfecting her fathers style of Ansatsuken has been her focus in life. Origins: Gouka is the daughter of Gouken. Trained in his defensive style of Ansatsuken. While going to retrieve her father for supper , she saw her father and uncle locked in combat at the waterfall near her family home. She saw her father's near lifeless body fall into the river at the foot of the waterfall. She dove into the water pulling her father's body to river bank. It was that day she decided to take her training seriously and stop her uncle from sullying her family's honor any further. Her Rival: Akuma Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 1000 stamina 1000 stun Throws: Palm Strike/Back Chop Combination - LP+LK: Gouka hits her opponent with a right open palm punch to the gut, followed by a left hand chop to the lower back Backthrow into Palm Strike - B+LP+LK+motion: She tosses her opponent high into the air and strikes them with a powerful open palm strike as they fall towards the ground Unique Attacks: Harae – D+MP (In Air): Gouka hits her foes with an downward chop for the apex of her jump. Attacks causes a soft knockdown Seichu Nidan Tsuki - F+ FP: She strikes her opponent with a two hit elbow strike (Ryu's SFA3 elbow strike) Senpu Kyaku – F+ HK (overhead): A one hit whirlwind kick. Quick startup but is -6 on block. Shinkai Geri – DF+MK: Gouka performs an upward crouching kick attack. Forces crouching opponents to stand. Despite appearances, this attack is not a good anti air option. V-Reversal: Kongoshin – F+PPP: Gouka stomps the ground violently while executed a powerful back fist that sends the opponent a full screen away. V-Skill: Goshoken – MP+MK: Gouka hits her foe with a precise palm strike that causes a soft knockdown. Projectile invincible from frame 3. Looks nearly identical to Gouken's LP Senkugohoha. Zanku Gosho- MP+MK: (In Air): Gouka strikes with a palm strike from her forward jump. The attack nullifies projectiles from frame 3. V-Trigger 1: Hado No Michi (Way of the Hado)– HP+HK: Gouka focuses and gains peerless control over Mu No Hado. All of her projectile attacks are in enhanced. Gains access to her ultimate technique. The Raijin Shoryuken Go Hadoken startups and recover 1f faster. LP Go Hadoken travels 10% slower. HP Go Hadoken travels 10% faster. Go Hadoken can also be charged into a 2 hit projectile that doubles it damage/stun. EX Go Hadoken becomes Kinite Hadoken. Shakunetsu Hadoken gains full startup invincibility and a 20 damage/30 stun buff. EX version causes a juggle state. Zanku Go Hadoken can now be performed from neutral and back jumps. EX Zanku Go Hadoken becomes Kinite Zanku Hadoken. Tsumetai Hadoken startups 5 frames faster, recovers 2f faster, and received a 15 damage/25 stun buff. V-Gauge does not drain slowly over time. Gouka can perform 6 enchanced projectiles before her gauge is completely drained. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Kōsoku Renzoku Hadō (Rapid Continuous Hado) – HP+HK: Gouka's focus grants her the ability to strike with rapid successive Hado based attacks on hit. Gouka cannot cancel the same type of Hadoken into itself. V-Trigger depletes after four cancels. Gouka can access the Kinite Hadoken and Kinite Zanku Hadoken from this V-Trigger as well Note: This would allow Gouka to land of all her standard Hadoken attacks in one combo. i.e. Tsumetai Hadoken into Go Hadoken into Shakunetsu Hadoken, jump canceled into Zanku Go Hadoken. For max damage, she can replace the Go Hadoken with the Kinite Hadoken and the Zanku Go Hadoken with the Kinite Zanku Hadoken if she has two EX bars available. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Go Hadoken-QCF + P: One handed horizontal projectile attack. Damage, startup, and recovery are the same for LP,MP, HP versions. Button strength only alters the speed of the projectile. EX Startups and recovers 1F faster, hits twice, and knocks down. Shakunetsu Hadoken -F,D,DF +P (Forward, Down, Down Forward): (Anti Air) Gouka targets her opponents head with a large point blank projectile. Unlike the Go Hadoken, Gouka uses both of her hands to generate this attack. Punch button determines the startup and damage. All standard versions have upper body invincibility from jump attacks. LP(3f, 100 damage), MP (5f, 120 damage), HP (6f, 135 damage) EX (3f, 150 damage, full start up invincibility). Zanku Go Hadoken- QCF + P: (In Air) One handed fireball performed from a forward jump. The punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state) Tsumetai Hadoken-QCB+ P (Freezing Surge Fist): Gouka pulls back both of her hands to generate an ice cold blast of ki. The punch button determines the speed and startup of the projectile. All versions of the Tsumetai Hadoken hit three times and do 90 damage. LP(Fastest Startup, Slowest Speed) MP(Slower Startup, Faster Speed), HP(Slowest Startup, Fastest Speed, Causes Juggle Corner Only) EX(Fastest Startup, Fastest Speed, 105 damage,, Causes Juggle State ) Joudan Sokutou Geri - HCF+ K: A powerful standing high side kick. Startup and attack properties determined by the kick button. LK(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foes Standing), MK(Slower Startup, Knocks down), HK (Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX(Fastest Startup, Causes Wall Bounce) V-Trigger Only Kinite Hadoken- QCF + PP : Gouka pulls back both of her hands and summons electric energy with her left hand while summon fiery energy in her right hand. She combines them into a power scorching/shocking hadoken. Attack costs one EX bar Uncharged (2 hits 120 damage/150 Stun) Charged(4hits 180 damage/210 stun) Kinite Zanku Hadoken - QCF + PP (in air): Two handed air fireball. Air version of the Kinite Hadoken. Does less damage. Attack costs one EX bar. Uncharged (2 hits 100 damage/125 Stun) Charged(4hits 150 damage/175 stun) Charging the Kinite Zanku Hadoken causes her to levitate in place briefly before the attack is released. Critical Art: Shinku Tatsumaki Go Rasen-QCFx2 + KKK (Close Range, Anti-Air) A more powetful 16 hit version of Gouken's Tatsumaki Go Rasen. 330 Damage (90, 14x10, 100) V-Trigger 1 Only Raijin Shoryuken-QCFx2 + P : Gouka dashes across the screen striking with a powerful one hit sparking version of her Seichu Nidan Tsuki (elbow strike), she follows up with a powerful electrically charged 3 hit Shin Shoryuken. 380 Damage/160 Stun (80, 3x100) Reasons to be in SFV:* Against both her mother and father's wishes, she enters to the tournament to face her uncle. She fears that her father won't have the heart to kill his own brother. Gouka only knows her uncle for what he is in the present. She feels that her father's found memories of training with his brother will keep him from doing what is necessary. Side Notes: *To satisfy Capcom's need to add "shotos" while giving players a character that isn't another version of an existing character i.e. "Evil" Ryu Name: Gouka (World Destroying Conflagration) Spoiler Nickname: The Mistress of Destruction Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5ft 9in(1.75m) Weight: 161 lbs. (73kg) B/W/H: 36-26-37 (91cm-66cm-94cm) Hometown: Unknown, Japan Appearance: Gouka has red eyes. Wild knee length unkempt red hair. She wears a topless dark grey gi with full length pants and black rope instead of a belt. Her chest is wrapped in white bandages. Her abdomen, shoulders and arms are exposed. She is barefoot and does not wear gloves. Likes: Solitude, Getting Stronger Dislikes: Akuma, Satsui No Hado, Herself (For Resorting To Satsui No Hado) Fighting Style: Ansatsuken (Satsui No Hado) Tone: Gouka is a woman with a singular focus. The destruction of her uncle. She feels that her family is responsible for any deaths caused by Akuma because her father showed him mercy. Origins: Gouka is the daughter of Gouken. Originally trained in his defensive style of Ansatsuken. She abandoned her father's teachings and embraced the Satsui No Hado. She believes that her father's shunning of Satsui No Hado is what lead to his defeat. Gouka believes that the only way to stop her uncle is to fight him on his terms. She has embraced and mastered Satsui No Hado. She will stop Akuma once and for all. She will stop herself when her task is complete. She will end Satsui No Hado. Her Rival: Akuma Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Throat chop into Palm Strike - LP+LK: Gouka chops her opponent in throat with her left hand and follows it up with a powerful palm strike to the sternum Trip/Back Chop Combination - B+LP+LK+motion: Gouka trips her opponent with her right leg and chops them at the base of the spine of their lower back Unique Attacks: Debiru Kujinkyaku - D+ MK (In Air): Gouka executes a diving kick at the apex of her jump. Ryuu Kyaku – F+ MK (overhead): Gouka hits her foe with a two hit axe kick. Slow startup but the attack is safe, -2 on block. V-Reversal: Seichu Nidan Tsuki - F+PPP: Gouka strikes her opponent with a powerful dashing elbow strike that causes her foes crumple at her feet. V-Skill: Tenma Shuretto – MP+MK: Gouka assumes a defensive posture to counter her foes attack. If successful, Gouka teleports above her opponent and attacks them will falling knife hand chop to the head. Resembles a less powerful version of the Misogi. B+MP+MK counters jump in attacks. D+MP+MK counters low attacks. Nullifies projectile attacks but the counter portion of the attack only applies to physical attacks. V-Trigger 1: Ken No Michi (Way of the Fist)– HP+HK: Gouka focuses her rage and is consumed by the Satsui No Hado. Increasing the potency of all of her special attacks She also gains access to her ultimate technique. The Messatsu Goshoken Tsumetai Goshoken gains armor on frame 1. Damage and Stun out put increased. (20 damage/30 stun) HP version causes a hard knockdown. Hyakkishu gains projectile invincibility on frame 3. EX gains complete projectile invincibility Hyakki Gojin is now an overhead attack. Gorai Shoryuken gains full startup invincibility. EX now causes juggle state. Shakunetsu Jiraiken causes a hard knockdown. EX version causes a ground bounce. Damage and Stun out put increased. (10 damage/20 stun) Tatsumaki Zankukyaku LK, MK gain enhanced juggle properties. LK (Sends the opponent higher into the air) MK (Juggles like the Non V-Trigger LK Tatsu) HK (Receives 15damage/25 Stun Buff) EX(Range of the Vacuum Effect Increases, Opponent is locked into the attack after the initial guaranteeing that all 8 hits land, Gains an additional juggle point) Tatsumaki Gorasen gains full projectile invincibility and armor on frame 3, LK and MK(Startup Reduced by 2F), HK (Startup Reduced by 1F) V-Gauge does not drain slowly over time. Gouka can perform 6 enhanced projectiles before her gauge is completely drained. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Hadō Dageki Satsujin (Homicidal Hado) – HP+HK: Gouka's Satsui no Hado overflows, wrapping her in fiery red aura and giving her access to her deadly versions of the Hadoken. Shi Hadōken – (Death Surge Fist) HP+HK: Gouka pulls back both of her hands to generate a deadly burning red blast of ki. 3 hits 120 Damage/150 Stun Zanku Shi Hadōken – (Aerial Death Surge Fist) HP+HK: (In Air): Gouka hurls a deadly two handed aerial red ki blast from backward, forward, or neutral jump. 3 hits 90 Damage/120 Stun Shin Shi Hadō– (True Death Wave) Charge HP+HK: Gouka concentrates the entirety of her overflowing ki into a deadly burning ki blast. 6 hits 240 Damage/300 stun. Causes guard break if blocked and 150 Stun. Requires the a full V-Gauge. Completely drains V-Trigger. Shin Zanku Shi Hadō (True Aerial Death Wave) Charge HP+HK: (In Air) Gouka hurls the entirety of her overflowing ki into a deadly aerial red ki blast from backward, forward, or neutral jump. 6 shits 180 Damage/240 Stun. Causes guard break if blocked and 120 Stun. Requires the a full V-Gauge. Completely drains V-Trigger. Gouka can throw four standard hadokens before her V-Trigger expires. Charged Hadokens require the entire V-Gauge. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Tsumetai Goshoken-QCB + P: Charging palm strike that engulfs her opponent in tremendous cold. Distance traveled is determined by the strength of the punch button. LP (Point blank, fully projectile invincible), MP(Half Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F), HP (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F). EX(Projectile Invincible, Causes a Crumple State) Hyakkishu -HCF +P (Demon Flip): Gouka does a forward rolling jump towards her opponent with various follow ups, punch strength determines distance/angle. Goes over projectile attacks. EX (Gains projectile invincibility on frame 3) Hyakki Gozan (no input) Gouka performs a sliding sweep kick Hyakki Gojin +K Gouka performs a dive kick similar to the Debiru Kujinkyaku Hyakki Gosai +LP+LK Gouka hits her opponent with backflip knee followed up by a chop to the neck Hyakki Gotsui +LP+LK Gouka grabs her airborne opponent by head and drives them into the ground Gorai Shoryuken-F,D,DF+ P (Roaring Thunder Dragon Fist): Gouka focuses her ki around her fist, generating a powerful electric aura, before striking with a devastating rising left uppercut. High stun, moderate damage, slow recovery, crush counterable. LP(3F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (4F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (6F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Shakunetsu Jiraiken- F,D,DF + K: (Scorching Heat Landmine Fist) Gouka jumps into air, slamming her fist in the ground and engulfing her foe in flames. EX (Hit's Overhead)(Her version of Oni's Sekisei Jiraken) Tatsumaki Zankukyaku-QCF +K: Gouka executes a horizontally traveling rapid spinning kick attack. All version of this attack are projectile invincible. LK (2hits, Causes Juggle State) MK (3hits, Causes Limited Juggle State), HK (4 hits, Knocks Down) EX (Messatsu Zankukyaku. 8 hits, Vacuum Effect, Causes Juggle State) Tatsumaki Gorasen- HCB+ K: (Anti Air) Rising spinning kick attack. No start up invincibility, fast recovery high damage, not crush counterable. Does more damage than the Gorai Shoryuken but less stun. LK (5F Startup, 4hits) MK (6F Startup, 5hits) HK (7F Startup, 6hits), EX (5F Startup, 8hits, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Critical Art: Messatsu Go Hado-QCFx2 + P (projectile attack): Gouka focuses the power of the Satsui No Hado into a powerful scorching 8 hit hadoken. (350 damage point blank, 320 damage sweep distance or greater), punch button determines the speed of the projectile) Messatsu Go Zanku-QCFx2 + P (in air) (projectile attack): Two handed air fireball. Air version of the Messatus Go Hado. Does less damage. (300 damage, punch button determines the angle of the projectile) Messatsu Go Shoha-QCBx2 +P (Anti Air)(projectile attack): Anti air version of the Messatsu Go Hado, Gouka fires a powerful Hadoken directly upward, only hits jumping opponents. (330 damage) V-Trigger Only Messatsu Goshoken-QCBx2 + P: Gouka's ultimate technique. This is a powerful charging palm strike. Gouka travels forward at blinding speed, hitting her opponent with an open palm strike to the sternum, after the strike connects she sends a tremendous amount of Ki through her opponents chest (2hits 400 damage) Similar effect to the Psycho Punisher but more violent. Reasons to be in SFV:* Gouka has sequestered herself in the wilderness of Japan for years. Living off the land, she hasn't seen anyone since she left father's seemingly lifeless body with her mother. Gaining a master over Satsui No Hado while still maintaining her since of self, she leaves her makeshift residence behind. Focusing her mind, she senses a gathering of powerful foes. She knows her target will feel their presence as well. So she waits for him to appear. She will have her reckoning. Side Note: Satsui No Hado version of Gouka. Mu No Hado Gouka has a mastery of projectile attacks. Satsui No Hado Gouka focuses on physical attack Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Gouken Spoiler Nickname: The Master of The Void Sex: Male Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 6'2”(1.88m) Weight: 240lbs (109kg) B/W/H: 50-37-40 (127cm-95cm-101cm) Hometown: Unknown, Japan Appearance: Gouken is a thickly muscled, mostly bald, elderly man with a long white pony tail that is adorned with a single large prayer bead. He wears a severely worn out gi. Wear and tear has reduced the dark gray top half to sash like single sleeve appearance. The bottom half is light gray, almost white, in color and is secured with a large twine rope. Smaller twin ropes hold the bottom of his pant legs in place. He is bare foot and bare fisted. Foregoing both gloves and footwear. Likes: Training, His Students, Dango, Meditation, Goutetsu Dislikes: Mosquitos, Satsui No Hado, Akuma Fighting Style: Ansatsuken (Mu No Hado) Tone: Gouken is a serious man with tremendous focus Origins: Gouken and his brother Gouki (Akuma) were taken in by Goutetsu when they were young. He trained them both in the traditional (Satsui No Hado) style of Ansatsuken. Despite having more defensive and nontraditional tendencies, Gouken continually bested his brother. Gouken sought his own path. He left Goutetsu's tutelage on a Musha shugyō(Warrior's Pilgrimage). He would find another path to the mastery of Ansatsuken. His Rival: Akuma Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 5 1025 stamina 1025 stun Throws: Raikotokya- F+MP+MK: Gouken shoulder throws his opponent into the ground with such force that they bounce off the ground, he then performs a jumping spin kick to his foes spine, sending them a short distance away. Amaoroshi -B+MP+MK: Gouken backthrows his foe high into the air and hits them with a roundhouse kick, overhead chop combination just before they hit the ground. Unique Attacks: Sakotsukudaki – F+MP: Gouken strikes his opponent with a powerful, single hit, overhead chop. Shinkai Geri – DF+MK: (Anti Air)Gouken perform an upward crouching sweep attack Tenma Kujinkyaku -D+MK (In Air): Gouken performs a dive kick from his forward jump. V-Reversal: Joudan Sokuto Geri – F+KKK: Gouken hits his opponent with a powerful standing side kick that sends his opponent to the opposite side of the screen. V-Skill: Fudoshin – MP+MK: Gouken stomps the ground violently creating a small shock wave. Can be charged by holding down MP+MK. Charged version is -2 on block and causes a crumple state on hit. Uncharged version starts up quickly but is -5 on block. V-Trigger 1: Mu No Hado – HP+HK: Gouken centers himself and gains enough focus to unleash the true power of the void. Gohadoken's become two hits uncharged. Charged Gohadoken's are now three hits. EX Gohadoken's become Denki Hadoken (Electric) and deal additional stun damage. Charged EX Denki Hadoken's become Denjin Hadoken'. Each level of charge costs additional meter. 1 bar 120damage/200 stun, 2 bars 180 damage, 300 stun, 3 bars 240damage/400 stun (unblockable, depletes V-Gauge) Senkugoshoha gains armor on frame 3. EX Senkugoshoha gains armor on frame 1. Non Ex Tatsumaki Gorasen hits crouchers. Each enhanced attack drains V-Gauge. V-Gauge bar only drains from using enhanced specials. 6 enhanced specials per V-Trigger unless otherwise noted. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Yama no Chikara – HP+HK: Gouken foregoes the Power of the Void for the strength of a mountain. Senkugoshoha can now be charged. Fully charged it now causes a guard break. While charging Senkugoshoha has one hit of armor. Hyakkishu gains an additional follow up, Hyakki Goheki, when a punch button is pressed. This is Gouken's Air Parry. Gouken will absorb a single hit of his opponents jump attack and leave them in a juggle state. Kongoshin now causes a wall bounce instead merely sending his foe a full screen away. Gouken can used 4 enhanced specials before the V-Trigger expires. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Gohadoken – QCF+P: Gouken focuses his ki into one hand to create one handed projectile. Punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (Horizontal). MP (30° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have quick start up/recovery but only deal 50 damage. Can be charged to create more powerful to hit variant that deals 100 damage. EX version, Gouken tosses a two Gohadoken's, one with each hand. Can be charged to create two 2-hit projectiles that deal 100 damage each. LP+MP(Two Horizontal), LP+HP(One Horizontal, One 45° Angle), MP+HP(One 30°Angle, One 45° Angle) Senkugoshoha -F,D,DF+P: Gouken charges forward with a devastating palm strike. Distance traveled is determined by the strength of the punch button. LP (Point blank, fully projectile invincible), MP(Half Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F), HP (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible after 3F). EX(Projectile Invincible, Second Hit causes a juggle state) Kongoshin – B,D,DB+P: Gouken parries his opponents attack and sends them across the screen with a powerful strike. Punch button determines parry type. 150 damage and stun)LP(Low), MP (Mid), HP (High). EX (Parries All Attacks, Damaged reduced to 100 Damage & Stun). Whiffed Kongoshin's are crush counterable. Tatsumaki Gourasen – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Rising variation of the traditional Tatsumaki Sepukyaku. No start up invincibility, fast recovery, high damage. Full animation only occurs if hit lands. If the first hit lands, opponent is locked into the technique. Does not hit crouching opponent's, not crush counterable on whiff. LK (3hits) MK (4hits) HK (5hits), EX (8 hits, start up invincible, hits crouching opponents, crush counterable on whiff) Zankuu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku – QCB+ K (In Air) Gouken executes a horizontal Tatsumaki Senpukya from a forward jump. Single hit. EX version's direction can be controlled by the player and has no height restriction. Hyakkishu -HCF +K: Gouken does a forward rolling jump towards his opponent with various follow ups, punch strength determines distance/angle (Demon Flip) Hyakki Gozan (no input) Gouken performs a sliding sweep kick Hyakki Gojin +K Gouken performs a dive kick similar to the Tenma Kujinkyaku Hyakki Gosai +LP+LK (grab) Gouken hits his opponent with backflip knee followed up by a chop to the neck Hyakki Gotsui +LP+LK (air grab) Gouken grabs his airborne opponent by head and drives them into the ground V-Trigger Only Kinite Shoryuken-F,D,DF +KK: (Anti Air): Gouken strikes with powerful 7 hit left handed dragon punch. (Start up invincibility, 3F, fast recovery, high damage, crush counterable on whiff.) 250 damage/150 stun. In addition costing one EX bar, this move costs half of Gouken's V-Gauge Critical Art: Shin Shoryuken-QCFx2 +P (Anti-Air): The ultimate Shoryuken technique. Gouken channels the power of the void into his fists. Striking his foe with a vicious right uppercut to the abdomen followed by an equally powerful left shoryuken to his opponents jaw. (400 damage/0 Stun) V-Trigger Only Denjin Goshoken-QCFx2 +K: Gouken channels the power Mu No Hado into a powerful electric ki fueled charging palm. Gouken strikes with blinding speed, hitting his opponent with an open palm strike to the sternum, after the strike connects his foe is electrified and poweful surge of ki, resembling a lighting strike shoots out of the back of their chest(2hits 400 damage/400 stun) Mu No Hado version of Goutetsu's Metsu Goshoken that he used against Akuma in Street Fighter Assassin's Fist. Reasons to be in SFV: Gouken has successfully mastered his own brand of Ansatsuken. He's trained disciples and passed on that knowledge to the next generation. However, there is one thing that he has not down. He has not put a end to his brother. Gouken and his brother will cross paths again... Side Note: Gouken in his V-Trigger 1 is essentially the boss version of Gouken from SFIV. Name: Guy (Gai Yamamoto) Spoiler Nickname: Master of Bushinryu Sex: Male Ethnicity: American Height: 5'ft 10.5in (1.79m) Weight: 170lbs (77kg) B/W/H: 45-30-32 (114m-76cm-81cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Guy has shoulder length dark brown hair tied into a low pony tail. His eyes are brown. Guy wears a red sleeveless ninja gi. He wears a wire mesh shirt underneath that is visible at the neckline of his gi. A white Bushin kanji symbol is on the upper left portion of the gi,His hands are covered by yellow fingerless gloves. Guy has a yellow band around his waist. The pants of his gi are also red. There are yellow bands around his ankles. Guy wears red High Top “Victoria “brand basketball shoes. The Victoria logo on the sides of the sneakers is black and resembles a lightning bolt. Likes: Salmon Ochazuke, Chilled Tofu, Sneakers, Rice with Green Tea Dislikes: Western Horizontal Writing, Ibuki's Lazy Behavior, Satsui no Hado, Mad Gear, Shadoloo Fighting Style: Bushinryu Tone: Guy is a calm and noble man. He almost always does the right thing. Origins: Guy is the son of Japanese immigrants. His father moved to Metro City to take as an engineer for Metro City Motors. Unfortunately, MCM's business took a serious hit after a few years. Guy's father was laid off. Guy's family moved to the inner city. Here he'd meet Cody and they'd become fast friends. Guy's parents pooled their savings to purchase a small restaurant. With the only Japanese restaurant in the area, they were able to make ends meet. Guy's family flew home to Japan every summer. During one of those visits, Guy would bump into Shidoshi (Master) Genryusai. his daughters, and Zeku. Guy and Genryusai's eldest daughter Rena quickly became smitten with each other. When Zeku offered to start training Guy in Bushinryu, he initially accepted just to spend more time with Rena. Guy would spend most of his summers training with Zeku. With Zeku periodically come to Metro City to ensure Guy wasn't slacking on his training. Keeping Cody out of trouble, ensured that Guy's battle sense stayed sharp. After the events of the original Final Fight, Cody and Guy's friendship would become strained. After taking down the Mad Gear Gang couldn't keep himself out of brawls. Guy would began to spend more time in Japan. He'd eventually defeat his Shidoshi, Zeku, and become the 39th Master of Bushinyu. Guy would open up two Bushinryu schools. One in Metro City and one in Japan. Guy would split his time between both his schools. With Rena, taking over at the Japanese school whenever he was in Metro City. His Rival: Maki Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 5 1000 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Tsukami Nage (Grab Throw)– LP+LK: Guy grabs his foe and knees them twice in the stomach before hitting them with a hopping knee to the face. Seoi Nage (Shoulder Throw) – B+LP+LK: Guy grabs his opponent and tosses them over his shoulder behind him. Unique Attacks: Sankaku Tobi (Wall Jump) – UB (Towards Wall/In Air): Guy briefly grabs the wall and jumps off of it. Kubi Kudaki (Neck Breaker) - F+MP (Overhead): Guy pulls back his left elbow to his forehead and slams it downward at his opponent. 2 hits Slow startup, +2 on hit, -2 on block. Kamaitachi (Ninja Sickle) DF+HK: Guy performs a back handspring kick that strikes the opponent twice. Slow startup, has limited juggle capability, -2 on block Hiji Otoshi (Elbow Drop) – D+MP: (In Air) Guy performs an elbow drop from the apex of a forward jump that immediately halts his momentum causing him to descend straight down. Bushin Nijū Ken (Martial God Double Fist) – MP, HP: (Target Comb) Guy hits his opponent with a right punch to the gut followed by a left upward palm strike. Bushin Gokusa Ken (Martial God Prison Chain Fist) – LP, MP, HP, HK: (Target Combo) Guy strikes with a quick left back fist, right punch to gut, left upward palm strike, and standing spin kick. (Guys Final Fight Combo) Bushinryu Seoi Nage (Martial God Style Shoulder Throw) – LP, MP, HP, D+HK: (Target Combo) Guy strikes with a quick left back fist, right punch to gut, left upward palm strike, and tosses his opponent over his shoulder behind him. (Guys Final Fight Combo into throw) V-Reversal: Inori Naguru (Prayer Strike)– F+PPP: Guy bows his head briefly while bringing his hands together with his middle and fore fingers of his left hand pointing upward before striking with a left open palm punch that sends his opponent a ½ screen away. V-Skill: Bushin Hageshī Kaen (Martial God Raging Blaze) – MP+MK: Guy pulls back his right arm, turning his left shoulder toward his foe, before twisting forward violently with a long arm palm attack that creates a large stationary orange projectile. Slow startup projectile that causes a juggle state. Attack can be charged. Uncharged (1 hit, Limited Juggle State, -2 on Block, Cancels 1 hit Projectiles) Charged (3 hits, Juggles The Foe Higher, 0 on block, Overwhelms 1 or 2 hit projectiles, Cancels 3 hit Projectiles). Builds a small amount of V-Gauge if blocked, builds more on hit, and the first juggled hit. V-Trigger 1: Bushin Sokudo(Martial God Velocity) – HP+HK: Guy focuses his ki and gains overwhelming speed and mobility. Forward Walk Speed Increased from 5 to 5.5 Back Walk Speed Increased from 3.9 to 4.4 Forward Dash Frames Reduced from 18F to 16F Back Dash Frames Reduced from 26F to 24F Overall Jump Frames Reduced 40F to 38F Bushin Flip Frames Reduced from LP(60F to 55F)MP(65F to 60F)HP(65F to 60F)EX(57F to 52F) Hayagake (Rapid Run) forward speed increased by 10% 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Bushin Tejina Kōgeki(Martial God Juggling Assault) – HP+HK: Guy concentrates his ki into his limbs increasing his combo potential. All of Guys striking special attacks gain juggle properties. Any special attack performed during this V-trigger ignores the juggle point limit. Any special attack comboed into itself adheres to the normal juggle system. Special attacks comboed into other special attacks maintain the enhanced juggle properties. Four enhanced special per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Hozanto (Crumbling Mountain Tussle) – QCB+P: Guy turns as he advances slamming his elbow upward into his foe with great force. All versions become projectile invulnerable Frame 3 and knock down the opponent. Punch button determines the travel distance of the attack. LP (¼ Screen) MP (½ Screen) HP (¾ Screen) EX (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1) Bushin Tobi (Martial God Flip) – QCF+P: Guy flips in the air towards his foe to close the distance. Punch button determines the distance traveled. Bushin Tobi has two follow up options. LP (¼ Screen) MP (½ Screen) HP (¾ Screen) EX (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1) Izuna no Hiji Otoshi (Izuna Elbow Drop) – P: Guy halts the forward momentum of his flip and descends downward with an elbow drop Bushin Izuna Otoshi (Martial God Izuna Drop) – P: (Close Range) Guy grabs his foe and flips over their shoulders driving them head first into the ground Kaiten Izuna Otoshi (Rotating Izuna Drop) – QCF+P (In Air, Command Grab) Guy grabs his adversary mid air, flips them both upside down, and drive his opponent into the ground head first. Damage and landing proximity identical between all versions. Punch button determines where Guy reaches. LP(Reaches Below Him), MP (Reaches In Front), HP (Reaches Above Him), EX(Covers All Grab Ranges). Bushin Senpu Kyaku (Martial God Whirlwind Leg)- QCB+K: Guy performs a rising whirlwind kick that has a horizontal rotation. All versions are invincible to aerial attacks. Kick button determines attack properties. LK (3 Hits, Hits Crouching Opponents, Least Damage), MK(4 Hits, Doesn't Hit Crouchers, More Damage), HK(5 Hits, Only hits aerial opponents, Throw/Projectile Invincible, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX (6 Hits, Hits Crouchers, Full Start Up Invincibility, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Hayagake (Rapid Run) – QCB+K: Guy runs towards his foe to close the distance. Kick button determines the distance traveled. Hayagake has multiple follow up options. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen) HK (¾ Screen) EX (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 3) Kyuuteishi (Sudden Stop) – LK: Guy comes to a sudden stop. Kage Sukui (Shadow Kick) – MK: Guy performs a sliding kick that must be blocked low. Kubikari (Neck Flip) – HK: (Overhead) Guy strikes with a side long wheek kick. Can anti air with proper timing. Must be blocked high. Critical Art: Bushin Hasoken (Martial God Eight Twin Fistsl) – QCFx2+P: Guys hops into the air striking his adversary in the face with a left punch. If it connects Guy rising into the air pummeling his foe with nine hit combination of punches and kick before concluding the assault with a 360° spin kick to the face that sends his opponent flying across the screen. 11 Hits 330 Damage (10x20, 1x130) V-Trigger 1 Only Bushin Muso Renge (Martial God Unmatched Lotus Blossom) – QCFx2+P: Guy grabs his opponent hits them with a gut punch/spinning kick combination that sends them flying away. The background goes white, Guy sprints behind his foe with blind speed pummeling from all sides with with a five hit combination that sends them hurtling in the other direction. Guy sprints behind them once more hitting with another five hit combination from all sides. The background goes pitch black and Guy hits his opponent with a seven hit combination that causes them to crumple to the ground as the darkness fades to light. 19 Hits 380 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Guy enters the tournament simply to settle things once and for all with Maki. Their rivalry has put a strain on Rena and Maki's relationship. He's hoping to defeat Maki and convince her to head up his Bushinryu school based in Japan. This would allow him to move to Metro City with Rena and help his old friend and new mayor Cody clean up the city once again. Side Note: Gai means victory. Gai started going by “Guy” because people kept misspelling his name in school. Guy's sneakers were originally Nike's. Capcom changed Swoosh logo to a lighting bolt to avoid legal issues. Nike is the Greek Goddess of Victory. Victoria is the Roman Goddess of Victory. Which is why I made up the “Victoria” sneaker brand. I gave Guy the Yamamoto surname because Rena's surname is Genryusai. Name: Ingrid Sólbjörnsdóttir Spoiler Nickname: The Embodiment of Sól Sex: Female Ethnicity: Icelandic Height: 5ft 10in(1.79m) Weight: 141 lbs. (64kg) B/W/H: 36-24-36(92cm-61cm-92cm) Hometown: Húsavík, Iceland Appearance: Ingrid has long white hair and red eyes. She wears a variation of the traditional Icelandic Kyrtill. A Kyrtill is a single piece gown with an ankle length skirt and elbow length sleeves that is patterned in design after traditional Viking clothing. She does not wear the Phyrgian cap and veil. Ingrid's dress is the traditional “smurf” blue. With golden embroidery on neckline and sleeves. She has metallic golden belt with a buckle that resembles the Sun. Likes: Skyr (Icelandic cheese that's similar to yogurt), Hot Springs, Isold (Her Grandmother's) Stories Dislikes: Pylsur (Icelandic hotdog made with lamb), Sarcasm, Ignorance Fighting Style: Hnefi Sólarinna(Fist of the Sun) Tone: Ingrid exudes an air of arrogance. She is the first member of the Sunna clan to inherit Sol's power since her grandmother Isold. She's always been the most powerful fighter in Clan Sunna. Origins: According to legend, Ingrid's family is descended from Sol the Norse Goddess of the Sun. The clan name, Sunna, is another name for Sol. The Sunna Clan fled to Iceland after nearly being wiped out by the Clan of Fenrir. The Máni Clan was obliterated covering their escape. (Máni is the Norse God of the Moon.) She's been trained since she was a small child in Hnefi Sólarinna by her grandmother. Her Rival: Necalli Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 950 Health/950 Stun Throws: Sólbruna (Sunburn) - LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the shoulders, puts her right leg behind her opponents legs, and shoves her opponent to the ground with her right arm Sólvindur (Solar Wind) - B+LP+LK: Ingrid grabs her opponent by the wrist and tosses them over her head and behind her Unique Attacks: Tvískiptur Sól (Dual Sun) – F+ MP (overhead): A single hit double axe handle punch V-Reversal: Sól Nova-F+PPP: Ingrid summons circular orb of solar ki that detonates and send her opponet flying a full screen away. V-Skill: Sól Charge-MP+MK: Ingrid strikes her opponent with a fiery shoulder charge. Tapping MP+MK Quarter Screen travel distance, safe on block. Holding MP+MK Half Screen travel distance, causes juggle, unsafe if blocked V-Trigger 1: Ljós Sólarinnar(Light of the Sun) -HP+HK: Ingrid is surrounded by a “Solar Aura”. The properties of her projectiles are enhanced. Sól Set landing recovery reduced by 2F. 15 Damage/15 Stun Buff. Relaxed juggle points. Sól Shot recovery reduced by 2F. 20 Damage/20 Stun Buff. Causes a juggle state at close range V-Trigger Gauge drains over time. Enhanced projectiles do not reduce her V-Trigger Gauge. 3 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Sólarupprás og Sólsetur (Sunrise and Sunset) -HP+HK Ingrid genrates a massive Sun shaped aura around her body that she hurls at her opponent leaving them in a juggle state. Ingrid gets two per V-Trigger, the first of which is released upon V-Trigger activation. This V-Trigger can be used from the ground or in the air. Sólarupprás is the grounded version. Sólsetur is the air version. 150 damage/100 Stun. Sólarupprás (Sunrise)-HP+HK from a grounded state. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid rises straight up into the air. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólarupprás does not count against juggle point limit. Sólsetur (Sunset)- HP+HK from any (forward, neutral, or back) jump. The massive Sun shaped projectile surrounding Ingrid sinks straight down into the ground. Leaving her foes in a juggle state. Initial juggle from Sólsetur does not count against juggle point limit. 2 bar V-Trigger Specials: Sól Set-QCF + P: (In Air)A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Very slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle),EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle) Sól Shot-QCF + P: A fiery projectile that resembles the Sun itself. Slow recovery time. The angle is determined by the strength punch. LP (Horizontal), MP (30° Angle), HP (45° Angle), EX (LP+MP Horizontal, LP+HP 30° Angle, MP+HP 45° Angle) Sól Embrace-HCB+ P (Command Grab): Ingrid grabs her opponent by the neck with both hands and channels ki through her hands engulfing them in flames. Startup and Damage determined by the button pressed. LP(5F Startup, Least Damage), MP(6F Startup, More Damage), HP(7F Startup, Most Damage), EX(5F Startup, Most Damage) Sól Flare- QCF + K: (Strikes Low) Ingrid hits her a opponent with a sliding low kick that knocks down her opponent. Slide goes under projectiles. Kick button determines distance. LK( ¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX ( 2/3 Screen, Causes Juggle State, Side Switch at Point Blank Range) Full Sól (Full Moon)-HCB+ K (Hit Grab): Ingrid dashes toward her opponent, grabs them by the neck with one hand, summons a moon like white orb of ki with her other, and slams it into their face causes the to burst into white flames. Kick button determines the distance she travels. LK( ¼ of screen) MK(½ screen) HK (¾ screen) EX(Auto tracks, Causes Juggle) Critical Art: Sól Explosion- HCFx2+P: Ingrid generates massive Sun shaped aura around herself that explodes on contact with her foe. 340 damage Reasons to be in SFV:* Ingrid's grandmother disappeared after being contacted by an apparent survivor of the Máni Clan. Witness say that her grandmother and the Máni Clansman were overwhelmed by a “God of Fire and Ice.” Ingrid seeks the return of her grandmother and the potential restoration of her sister clan The Máni. Side Note: *Ingrid with an Icelandic/Norse origin. Not a generic loli/school girl design. Name: Iro (Personification of Hera) Spoiler Nickname: The Veiled Goddess Sex: Female Ethnicity: Greek (?) Height: 6ft 2in(1.88m) Weight: 176 lbs. (80kg) B/W/H: 39-26-39(99cm-66cm-99cm) Hometown: Rhodes (Rhodes City, Island of Rhodes) Appearance: Iro is statuesque woman in supreme physical condition. She has curly, sandy brown hair that is waist length. Her eyes are emerald green and her legs are 40 inches (Just over 1m) long. Iro has an olive complexion. Her attire is essentially of Women's MMA gear. She sports a ivory colored top/sports bra with gold accents along with ivory colored shorts with gold accents. She doesn't wear gloves nor shoes. Iro also has an ivory headband that covers her forehead*. Likes: Nature, Languages (She speaks most known languages), Reading, Ancient Architecture Dislikes: High Heels (She's already tall), Condescending People,Callousness Fighting Style: Veiled Pankration Tone: Iro has had limited contact with the outside world. Which makes her curious and inquisitive. Her friendly demeanor can quickly turn sour in the face of rude behavior. Origins: Currently residing in Rhodes, Iro moved frequently throughout her life. Living on various islands in homes with impeccable sight lines and quick egress points. Although, they never spoke of it. It was clear to her that her parents were constantly on the run. Since she has been able to talk, her parents have brought in the finest tutors to educate her. This also holds true for her martial capabilities. Trained to her physical limits and studying until mental exhaustion daily. Through this rigid lifestyle she was able to master the Armor of Gaea** and the Blades of Themis*** two of the 66 Secret Arts described to Iro by her parents. After mastering those two arts, her parents placed her in the care of Antreas, the family steward, and sent her to the island of Rhodes. Her Rival: Urien Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 2 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1050 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Fall from Grace - LP+LK: (In Air):: Iro catches her opponent by the throat and slams them into ground. Athenian Spike - LP+LK: (Iro grabs her opponent, lifts them over her head and drives them head first into the ground while falling to her knees) Essentially a more vicious version of the Tombstone Piledriver Reverse Athenian Spike - B+LP+LK:( Iro grabs her opponent, lifts them over her head, turns in the opposite direction, and then drives them head first into the ground while falling to her knees) backthrow version of her forward throw Unique Attacks: Amazon Headbutt – F+ HP (Hit Grab): Iro extends both of her arms, grabs them by the head, and hits them with headbutt Earthen Hammer – F + MP (Overhead): Iro clasps her hands together, pulls them back overhead and slams them down on her opponent Gail Heel – F+ MK: A quick push kick to the abdomen V-Reversal: Titan's Wall - F+PPP: A quick striking shoulder charge that knocks her opponent across the screen V-Skill: Gust Lariat – MP+MK : A clothesline punch. Can be charged. Uncharged version does not knockdown. Fully charged version knocks down and side switches at point blank range. (Similar to Gill's Saber Lariat) V-Trigger 1: Armor of Gaea - HP+HK :Iro's body becomes as hard as stone. She takes no white life damage during her V-Trigger. Cyclokinesis now hit her opponent twice and puts them in a juggle state if landed at point blank range. All of her strike based specials gain 1 hit of armor (from frame 3 on) and a 10% damage buff. All of her normals gain a 5% damage buff. 3 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Rage of Aura - HP+HK: Iro becomes the embodiment of Aura's fury. After activation she gains access to a command grab. Iro grabs her opponent by the throat with her right hand, lifts them off the ground, pulls back her left arm, draining a small amount of her foes stamina, before punishing them with a vicious punch to the abdomen that causes them to crumple at Iro's feet. 5F Start up 160 damage/150 Stun. Immediate 50 Stamina Gain. Additional 25 Stamina gain over the next 5 seconds. (5 per second). Two landed grabs per V-Trigger. Each whiffed grab cost a ¼ of her gauge. 2 bar V-Trigger Specials: Cyclokinesis - QCF + P: Wind Ki based projectile. Iro generates a ball of cyclonic (wind) ki and fires it at her opponent. Moderate recovery time. The properties are determined by the strength punch. LP (Horizontal Slow Moving, MP (Horizontal Fast Moving, HP 45(° Angle Moderate Speed). Summit Avalanche - HCB+ K (Command Hit Grab): Iro charges her opponent, grabs them by the neck with her left hand, lifts them over her head and slams them into the ground. The strength of the punch button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX ( ¾ Screen, Armor on Frame 3) Meteor Strike - HCB + P: (Overhead) Iro somersault's forward and strikes with a powerful overhead punch. Punch determines distance. Goes over low attacks. All versions are projectile invincible on Frame 3. LP(Point Blank), MP (¼ Screen), HP (½ Screen) EX (½ Screen, Fully Projectile Invincible) Turbulent Assault - HCF+ K: Iro charges her opponent, strikes them with a side kick to the abdomen, and follows up with a rapid succession of kicks to the ankle, knee , hip, and finally a kick to the chin which causes a juggle state. The strength of the kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX ( ¾ Screen, Armor on Frame 3) Critical Art: Blades of Themis - HCFx2+P: One of the 66 Secret Arts. Iro strikes her opponent with a powerful bladed punch to the sternum. Upon impact, her opponent is surrounded by twelve wind based ki attacks resembling the blades of a sword. These ki attacks converge on her opponent in unison inflicting massive damage. 13 hits 350 damage (1x110, 12x20). Reasons to be in SFV: Iro's parents along with her adopted sister Dimitra**** were slain shortly after she was placed in Antreas care. Unbeknownst to Antreas, Iro has been investigatimg the murder of her family. All of her leads point to a mysterious man with white hair and a jewel in his forehead..... Side Note: Iro's headband conceals a green gem in her forehead. This glows upon activation of her V-Trigger and during her critical art. Gaea is the mother of all Greek Titans and Gods. The Goddess of earth Aura is the Titan Goddess of Wind Themis is the Titan goddess of divine law and order Iro's doesn't know that Dimitra was adopted as her body double. While Iro was sequestered away in the family estate only leaving the grounds when they were moving to another location. Dimitra has allowed to go out in public. They also had a green gem implanted in her forehead. They tipped off the Illuminati to their location after Iro was sent away. In their eyes, they were finally granting their daughter her freedom. Name: Ismaya Spoiler Nickname: Nature's Untouchable Ranger Sex: Male Ethnicity: Indonesian Height: 5'7”(1.70m) Weight: 146lbs (66kg) B/W/H: 43-31-33 (108cm-79cm-84cm) Hometown: Bandung, Indonesia Appearance: Ismaya is a short man with brown eyes, tan skin, and black hair. His hair is in a “thick crop style”. He has no facial hair. Ismaya wears a variation of the Polisi Kehutanan Indonesia (Indonesia Forest Ranger) uniform. He has on a forest green collared button up shirt, with a red undershirt, and cargo style pants that are the same shade of green. Ismaya has on black leather belt with a gold buckle. He also has a Karambit (small curved knife) in a scabbard hanging from his waist. Ismaya wears a beret on his head and has black boots on his feet. Likes: Nature, Animals, Dancing, Karedok Dislikes: Poachers, Bullies Fighting Style: Pencak Silat Tone: Ismaya is a jovial man that enjoys nature. His Pencak Silat techniques are often modeled after the animals he protects. Origins: Ismaya is forest ranger from Indonesia. As a child he had a hard time getting along with others. He'd often run off into the wilderness to be alone. It was at this time that he developed an affinity for animals and an appreciation of nature. Because of his diminutive size and awkward social skills, Ismaya was often bullied. His father enrolled Ismaya in the local Silat school. He wanted Ismaya to be able to fend for himself. With his exceptional speed and agility, Ismaya excelled at Silat. What he lacked in power he more than made up for with his speed and surprising endurance. Now able to defend himself, Ismaya wanted to do the same for his animal friends. Ismaya decided that he would join the Polisi Kehutanan Indonesia (Indonesia Forest Rangers) as soon as he was able. His Rival: Rashid Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 1 Range: 2 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 1025 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Komodo Bite - LP+LK : Ismaya grabs his foe and hit them with quick left punch to the face followed by a hard front kick to the chest. Elephant Tusk -B+LP+LK: Ismaya picks up his opponent in a fireman's carry, and quickly tosses them behind him. Maleo Talon - LP+LK (In Air): Ismaya grabs the the opponent, rolls 450°, and kicks them towards the ground. Unique Attacks: Sun Bear's Grasp – B (In Air): Ismaya grabs the wall and jumps toward his opponent Dhole Fang – B+MP: A quick upward elbow strike that can be used an an anti air (4F Startup) Fishing Cat Paw – F+HP: Ismaya strikes with a quick overhead left elbow strike. Quick startup, slow recovery. - 6 on block Kijang Hop - F+LK: Ismaya performs a quick hopping knee strike that goes over low attacks Cuscus Tail – B+MK: Ismaya hits his foe with a quick low back kick to the knee Banded Civet Slide – B+HK: (Side Switch) Ismaya performs a short distance sliding kick to the ankles. Attack causes his opponent to flip over and land behind him. -7 on block V-Reversal: Rhino's Charge - F+PPP: Ismaya knocks down his foe with a swift head butt. V-Skill: Macaque Cartwheel – MP+MK: Ismaya cartwheels forward or backward. Cartwheel is projectile/strike invulnerable from frame 3. MP+MK cartwheels forward. B+MP+MK Cartwheels backward. Macaque Strike – P: (From Forward Cartwheel): Ismaya cartwheels into a flying left elbow attack. -6 on block Macaque Blow – K: (From Backward Cartwheel): Ismaya flips into a double footed flying kick. – 6 on block V-Trigger 1: Peregrine's Flight – HP+HK: Ismaya gains the ability to super jump and double jump in all directions. D,U (Neutral Super Jump) D, UB (Back Super Jump), D,UF (Forward Super Jump). Pressing D+MK during normal or super jump near the apex of the jump will initial a double jump. Sun Bear's Grasp can be used after a double jump. Each jumps drains V-Gauge with an exception. A double jump initiated from a super does drain additional V-Gauge. Double jumps from regular jumps do drain V-Gauge. Ismaya gets approximately 3 enhanced jumps per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Leopard's Bound – HP+HK: Ismaya gains the ability to double dash. HP+HK dashes forward and B+HP+HK dashes backwards. The first dash is fully invincible. The second dash projectile and strike invincible frame 3. Ismaya can dash forward twice, dash backward twice, dash forward then backward, or dash backward then forward. First or Second dash can be canceled into any of Ismaya's normal attacks. Ismaya gets approximately 3 double dashes per V-Trigger. Canceling the first dash into an attack counts as against one of your three double dash activation's. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Anoa Horns – QCF+P: Ismaya charges forward with a hooking right elbow followed up immediately by a back right elbow. Distance traveled determined by the punch button. LP(Point Blank), MP( ¼ Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX (Gains armor on frame 1, Distance traveled determined by buttons pressed. LP+MP Point Blank, LP+HP ¼ Screen, MP+HP ½ Screen) Tiger Claws – QCB+P: Ismaya strikes his opponent in the stomach with a punch, followed by a left elbow to the jaw, followed by right elbow to the jaw, left elbow uppercut to the chin, and sends them flying away with a spinning back elbow to the sternum. Damage, Startup, and Properties determined by the punch button pressed. LP(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foe Standing) MP(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, Juggles), EX(Fastest Startup, Causes Crumple State, -6 on block) Babirusa Tusk – HCF+K: Ismaya attacks his foe with a flying left knee strike to the chest. Distance traveled is determined by the kick button. Projectile invincible from Frame 3. LK (¼ Screen), MK (½ screen), HK (¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible from Frame 1, Juggles, distance traveled determined by the buttons pressed. LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen, MK+HK ¾ Screen) Merak Beak – F,DF+K: (Anti Air) Ismaya rises straight up into the air with a flying knee attack. Attack has no horizontal movement. All versions juggle, but are difficult to combo outside of the corner. Kick button determines the height of the attack and ease of a juggle follow up. LK(3F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks, Lowest Juggle Height) MP (4F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks, Higher Juggle Height), HP (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks, Highest Juggle Height), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Highest Juggle Height) Proboscis Pounce – HCB+K: Ismaya jumps backward, pushes off the wall, and strikes his foe with a flying kick. Angle and distance of the attack is determined by the kick button. Projectile invulnerable from frame 3. LK (¼ Screen), MK (½ screen), HK (¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible from Frame 1, Causes Crumple state, distance traveled determined by the buttons pressed. LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen, MK+HK ¾ Screen) Critical Art: Nature's Wrath: QCBx2+P: Ismaya's uses his incredible speed to hit his opponent with a barrage of punches, elbows, knees, and kicks ending with a powerful Merak Beak that sends his foe high into the air. 33 hits (330 damage). Opponent can be comboed after the final hit if Nature's Wrath is performed in the corner. Reasons to be in SFV: Ismaya wants to use fighting ability to protect his animal friends. He wants to win the World Martial Arts tournament for two reasons. The platform so he can draw attention to the many endangered species of his homeland and the money. He plans to use the prize money help train and employ additional rangers. Side Note: All of Ismaya's attacks are named for animals native to Indonesia Wanted to try something different. Usually fast characters have low health. Ismaya has high health and high speed. His damage output is low. Since he has to open up his opponent several times to win. His various movement options help him open up his foe and his high health allow him to have more opportunites to do so. His low stun allows his opponents to dizzy him quickly if they can lock him down. Ismaya's forward and backward walk speed and forward and back dash would be the fastest in the game. Ismaya means Wise, God-Like. I saw God Like and immediately knew this had to be the for my Pencak Silat practitioner Karedok is a vegetable salad in peanut sauce. It's a dish from the West Java region of Indonesia. Bandung is located in West Java. Edited October 30, 2020 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Jessica Haggar Spoiler Nickname: Hot Tempered Damsel Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5'ft 8in (1.73m) Weight: 139lbs (63kg) B/W/H: 37-24-35 (94cm-61cm-89cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Jessica is a physically fit woman. She has long flowing blonde hair. Her eyes are blue and has on red lipstick. Jessica wears a form fitting, red, single piece, MMA style body suit that leaves her arms completely exposed and legs exposed from the thigh down. Jessica has white fingerless MMA gloves on her hands and red fingernail polish. She has ankle high wrestling shoes on her feet. Her shoes are white with red striping. Likes: Chili Dogs, Traveling, Rena (Best Friend), Poker Dislikes: Selfish men, Being Treated Like A Princess (By Her Father) Fighting Style: MMA (Wrestling, Bushinryu, Street Fighting) Tone: Jessica is a headstrong woman. While she is generally well mannered, she doe have her father's temper. She can be quite the hot head when she's angry. Origins: Jessica is the daughter of Metro City mayor Mike Haggar. She gained international fame after being the victim of a kidnapping at the hands of the Mad Gear Gang. Hey boyfriend, at the time, Cody teamed up with his best friend Guy and her father to mount a rescue. After being saved, Cody and Jessica would go on European vacation. They were happy for few days, but she noticed a change in Cody. She could tell something was bothering him but he wouldn't say what. After they returned home, Cody got into constant brawls. So many that his heroic reputation and her father's influence couldn't keep him out of jail. At first she was angry at Cody, until she figured out what was going on. Jessica was tired of being the “damsel in distress” , Jessica becomes determined to defend herself. Her father begrudgingly begins to train her. She also reaches out to Rena Genryusai. Her fathers wrestling skills are mostly based on his size and strength. Rena's Bushinryu was more fitting for someone of Jessica's stature. Her goal was to combine her fathers wrestling with Rena's Bushinryu and a few things she picked up from Cody. It's been several years but Jessica has developed herself into a formidable fighter. She's undefeated in her brief MCF (Metro Cage Federation) career although she and Roxy fought to a draw in her very first fight. When she isn't training or fighting, Jessica with Rena's help has been looking into who is truly behind Cody's incarceration. His Rival: Roxy Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 975 Stamina 975 Stun Throws: Ruffian Clinch – LP+LK: Jessica clinches her opponent, knees them in the ribs four times, and tosses them forward over her shoulder. Mayoral Toss – B+LP+LK: Jessica clinches with her opponent and arm drag throws them behind her Bushin Otoshi – (In Air) P+K: Jessica grabs her opponent out of the air and drives them into the ground with an Izuna Drop. Unique Attacks: Jaw Breaker – B+HP: Jessica strikes with a slow uppercut to the jaw that can function as an anti air if correctly timed. Cross Body Block – F+MP (Overhead): Jessica jumps at her opponent using her body as a weapon. Fast start up, slow recovery, goes over low attacks -6 on block. Neck Flip – F+MK (Overhead) : Jessica hops into the air and executes a Bushin style sidelong wheel kick. Slow start up, Goes over low attacks, -2 on block. V-Reversal: Flying Lariat – F+PPP: (Side Switch) Jessica strikes her foe with a flying clothesline, that knocks her foe down, and causes her to land behind them. V-Skill: Hayagake (Run) – MP+MK: Jessica performs a Bushin style command run that is projectile invincible from Frame 3. Distance traveled determined by the command input. B+MP+MK (1/3 Screen), MP+MK (½ Screen), F+MP+MK (2/3 Screen). Pressing the K button during the dash causes Jessica to strike with a Kage Sukui (Shadow Kick). A low hitting slide kick that is -7 on block. Jessica only gains V-Gauge when the Kage Sukui hits or is blocked. V-Trigger 1: Damsel's Revenge – HP+HK: Jessica lets her rage overflow gaining the ability to cancel any of her attacks into one of two V-Trigger exclusive target combos. Metro Skyline – LP,LP, MP, HP: Jessica hits her foe with two jabs followed by a body blow and then an uppercut that generates a small (roughly 3ft/1m tall)stationary tornado under the feet of her opponent that sends them spinning straight up into the air leaving them in a juggle state. Bushin Chain – LK, LK, MK, HK: Jessica hits her foe with left roundhouse kick, right roundhouse kick, a high side kick that sends the opponent skyward, and ends the combination with a flying axe kick that sends the opponent crashing to the ground causing a hard knock down. Jessica gets two target combo chains per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Damsel's Scorn – HP+HK: Jessica's rage grants her a temporary boost of strength allowing her to cancel into Cyclone Driver from any physical special attack landed. This Cyclone Driver has it's damaged scaled to 70% of it's normal damage. Two Cyclone Driver cancels per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Zonk Shoulder – Hold P, Release: Jessica strikes with a spinning back shoulder strike. Knocks Down. Projectile invulnerable. Unsafe (-9 on block). EX (Hold two punch buttons, gains 1 hit of armor on frame 3, Causes Crumple State, -6 on block) Cyclone Driver -HCB+P (Command Grab): Jessica strikes with a powerful uppercut that generates a small (roughly 3ft/1m tall)stationary tornado under the feet of her opponent that sends them spinning straight up into the air. Jessica then jumps into the air, grabs her spinning opponent, and drives them into the ground with a spinning sit down power bomb. All versions have a 7F start up. LP (Most Range, Least Damage, Most Recovery On Hit), MP (Less Range, More Damage, Less Recovery On Hit), HP (Least Range, Most Damage, Least Recovery On Hit) EX (Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most damage, Least Recovery On Hit) Violent Gavel – QCF+P (Rekka): A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Jessica strikes with a right hammer fist uppercut. followed by a left hammer fist uppercut, and finishes the attach with a double axe handle uppercut. Punch button determines the distance traveled. LP( ¼ Screen, Leaves Standing), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Causes Juggle), EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, Causes Wall Bounce, LP+MP ¼ Screen, LP+HP 1/3 Screen, MP+HP ½ Screen) Ruffian Heel – QCB +K (Rekka) : A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Jessica quickly closes the distance on his opponent with a swift sliding low kick, that is followed up by a dashing side kick, and ends with dashing high side kick. Kick button determines the angle of the kick. Kick button determines the distance traveled. First hit must be blocked low. LK( ¼ Screen, Knocks Down), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Causes Juggle), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 3, Causes Crumple State, LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK 1/3 Screen, MK+HK ½ Screen) Bushin Fudo Kogeki (Bushin Floating Attack) – F,D,F +K (Anti Air Rekka): A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. A weaker kick variation of Guy's Bushin Hassou Ken. Jessica strikes with rising jump front that can be followed by two additional kicks. Kick buttons determines the attack properties. Attack has no start up invincibility. LK (3F Startup, Hits Crouchers, Least Damage) MK (5F Startup, Does Not Hit Crouchers, Juggles in the Corner, More Damage), HK (7F Startup, Only Hits Airborne Opponents, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX (Full Start Up Invincibility, 4F Startup, Hits Crouchers, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Critical Art: Violent Cyclone Izuna Otoshi – QCFx2+P: Jessica combines her three main disciplines into once viscous combination. She strikes with a powerful double axe handle uppercut that knocks her opponent off their feet, before they can hit the ground Jessica nails them with left hand uppercut that generates a massive cyclone that sends them high into the air, she jumps into the air and brings her foe crashing back to earth with a spinning Izuna Drop. 3 hits 345 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Jessica is using the tournament as means to flush out whatever remnant of Mad Gear is responsible for Cody's situation. She knows that putting herself at risk would cause her father and Cody to come to aid her. She's hoping that this will get the mastermind behind Cody's incarceration to reveal himself so that she can take them down. As a bonus she has chance to settle the score between her an Roxy. A draw may not be a loss, but it isn't a satisfying outcome either. Side Note: -Jessica's move set combines elements of Haggar's wrestling, Bushinryu, and Cody's street fighting. Name: Jianyu Vilar Spoiler Nickname: The Strident Staff Sex: Female Ethnicity: Macanese Height: 5ft 5in(1.65m) Weight: 126 lbs. (57kg) B/W/H: 33-22-34 (84cm-57cm-86cm) Hometown: Macao, China Appearance: Jianyu is a petite woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Her hair is tied into two long odango buns on each side. Each bun has a braided pig tail that hangs down to the small of her back. She wears a custom white sleeveless mini qipao (Chinese Dress) with red outlines, the qipao is tied with a yellow belt. Her legs are covered with red stockings and she wears yellow shoes. Likes: Spicy Food, Jiaozi, Internet Shopping Dislikes: Cleaning, Housekeeping Fighting Style: Choy Lit Fut/Shadaloo Assassination Techniques Tone: Jianyu is a lout and boisterous woman. She is often the center of attention Origins: Hailing from from Macao (Macau), China, Jianyu and her sister Xiayu are Macanese. They are of Chinese and Portuguese descent. A former Portuguese colony city located on the eastern coast of the Chinese mainland. While her parents, Rodrigo Vilar and Guofang Ku, were away on business. Jianyu and Xiayu spent a of time with their grandfather Siu-Wong Ku. Enamored with his skill, Jianyu and Xiayu (with her sister's prodding) asked to learn Choy Li Fut from him. Her sister liked to get up close and person during combat, but Jianyu liked keeping them at a distance. She preferred the quarterstaff. “You can't be hit, if your out of range,” she thought.. Jianyu liked to be the center of attention. She'd often drag her more reserved sister around. Xiayu would fade into the background, but Jianyu would be front and center. Jianyu's more provocative manner of dress would be a point of frustration for father. Wanting to show off for their friends, Jianyu convinced Xiayu to participate in a martial arts demonstration at one of their father's grand openings. Unfortunately, this garnered the attention of an agent of Shadaloo. The sisters would be kidnapped and placed into Bison's doll program. The fall of Shadaloo freed the sisters from mind control. Unbeknownst to her sister, Jianyu blamed herself for their capture by Shadaloo. She resolved herself to spend the rest of her life making this up to Xiayu. Her Rival: Xiayu Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 5 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Tail Slam (Tērusuramu) LP+LK: Jianyu grabs the middle of her staff with both hands, hits her foe with a short upward strike to the chin, spins into full extension staff strike to the abdomen, lifts her foe overhead, and slams them into the ground. Tail Whip (Tēruhoippu) -B+LP+LK+motion: JJianyu grabs the middle of her staff with both hands, hits her foe with a short right hooking strike to the jaw, spins extended her staff underneath her foes legs, lifts them overhead by the crouch, and slams them behind her. Unique Attacks: Swiping Claw (Suwaipu Tsume) – F+MP: Jianyu performs a horizontal spinning staff strike that reaches ½ screen. -7 on block Sweeping Tail (Haku O) - B+HP: Jianyu executes a low horizontal spinning staff strike that knocks her opponent of their feet. Longer range than her sweep but –10 on block. Drake Combination (Doreiku no Kumiawase) -F+MP, B+HP: (Target Combo) Jianyu performs a horizontal spinning staff strike followed by a low horizontal spinning staff strike that knocks down her foe. -10 on block V-Reversal: Dragon Strike (Doragon Kōgeki) – F+PPP : Jianyu strikes with spinning back strike that sends her foe a full screen away. V-Skill: Nimble Claw (Subayai Tsume) – MP+MK : Jianyu grabs her staff with both hands stretching them out to full length while striking a pose similar to classic doll “Shadaloo” pose. If the animation is completed without interruption. Her next attack is only -2 on block. V-Trigger 1: Swift Dragon (Jinsokuna Ryū) – HP+HK : Jianyu unleashes her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology and improving her offensive capabilities. The recovery of her special attacks is improved. All of Jianyu's special attacks become -2 on Block. EX versions become 0 on Block. Nimble Claw's -2 on block effect stacks with this V-Trigger making a special attack 0 on block and EX attacks +2 on block. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Stout Dragon (Ganjōna Ryū) – HP+HK : Jianyu unleashes her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology and improving her defensive capabilities. The durability of her special attacks is improved. All of her special attacks gain armor on Frame 3. All EX special moves except Dragon's Bite gains Frame 1 armor. EX Dragon's Bite can no longer be crush countered. Special attacks drain ¼ of her V-Gauge. EX attacks drain ½ of her V-Gauge. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Dragon's Tail (Doragon No O)- HCF + P: Jianyu strikes with a powerful, full extension, staff strike that reach 3/4. All versions knock down. LP (1 hit, Horizontal Sternum Strike, -5 on block), MP (2 hits, Ankle and Chin Strikes, -7 on block), HP (3 hits, Sternum then Ankle and Chin Strikes, -9 on block) EX ( 3 hits, Sternum then Ankle and Chin Strikes, Causes Juggle State, -5 on block) Dragon Fang (Ryū no Kiba) - HCB+P: (Over Head) Jianyu hops into the air, somersaults forward, and slams the ground with a two handed staff strike. Punch button determines start up and damage. LP(One Flip, Slow Startup, Leaves Standing, +4 on Hit, -6 on Block), MP (Two Flips, Slower Startup, Knocks Down, - 4 on Block), HP (Three Flips, Slowest Startup, Hard Knock Down, - 2 on Block) EX (Three Flips, Fastest Startup, Causes Ground Bounce, - 2 on Block) Dragon's Bite (Doragon no Kōshō) - F,D,DF +P: (anti-air) Jianyu executes a two hand upward staff strike that knocks her foe into the air. She hops after them and slams them to the ground with a two hand downward staff strike. Lacks the horizontal range of the Cannon Spike. LP (6F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (7F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (8F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Cannon Arrow (Taihō Arō) – HCF+K: Jianyu strikes with a swift sliding low kick that knocks down her opponent. The kick button pressed determines the distance and damage of the attack. Her grounded variation of the Cannon Spike. Must be blocked low. LK (Least Damage, ½ Screen, -2 on Block), MK(More Damage, 2/3 Screen, -4 on Block), HK (Most Damage, ¾ Screen, -5 on Block), EX(Most Damage, Projectile Invincible Frame 1, ¾ Screen, -2 on Block) Critical Art: Furious Dragon (Mōretsuna Ryū)-QCFx2 + K: Jianyu strikes with forceful left handed upward (30° Angle) staff strike to the chin that knocks her opponent into the air. She follows that attack up with 31 rapid fire right staff strikes, and concluded the attacks with a power left handed staff strike to the sternum that sides her foes to the opposite side of the screen. 33 hits 330 damage (1x50,31x5, 1x125) Reasons to be in SFV: Jianyu would be content with living the life of luxury back in Macao with her parents. However, her sister was determined to join Interpol. Remembering her self made vow, Jianyu joins her. She will do whatever it takes to make her sister happy. Hopefully taking down this Secret Society will satisfy Xiayu's need for justice and they can return home. Side notes: Jianyu is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese, and English Name: Joe (SF1) Spoiler Nickname: The Rogue Star Sex: Male Ethnicity: American Height: 6'1 1/4”(1.86m) Weight: 167lbs (76kg) B/W/H: 46-30-34(117cm-76cm-86cm) Hometown: Springfield, Missouri Appearance: Joe is a tall and lanky man. He has short spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. Joe wears a gray tank top with red jeans and white sneakers. His jeans are secured with a white belt with a large gray star shaped belt buckle. Joes hands are covered with black fingerless gloves. Likes: Star Shaped Things, Fame, Victory, Trains Dislikes: Pickles, Defeat Fighting Style: Savate de Rue (French Kickboxing) Tone: Joe is a hot tempered glory seeker. He's quest for fame was the source of his downfall. Origins: Joe rose to fame at young age. His exceptional speed made him a terror on the kickboxing circuit. Dismantling every foe he faced, Joe became the American Kickboxing Champion with ease. His undefeated record and brash demeanor caught the attention of Hollywood. Joe received an invitation to Sagat's World Martial Arts Tournament. Joe had hoped to win the tournament and leverage title into a huge movie deal. Unfortunately for Joe, he did not win the tournament. However, he did manage a three picture movie deal. Joe used his advance to secure a huge mansion and purchase cars. Joe's movie career was a massive failure. Joe's first film “Cowboy Kickboxer” was lambasted by critics, but moderately successive. However the novelty of seeing the American Kickboxing champion in films quickly wore off for audiences. “Cowboy Kickboxer 2” bombed at the box office at the third film was a direct to video release. His finances in tatters, Joe hopes a return to the fight game can change his fortunes. His Rival: Dee Jay Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3 925 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Miscreant Smash – LP+LK: Joe clinches with his opponent and hits them with a double jumping knee to the head Outlaw Toss – B+LP+LK: Joe clinches with his opponent, knees them in the stock, and then tosses them over his shoulder Unique Attacks: Twin Star – F+MP: (Overhead) Joe rains down two successive overhead elbows on his opponent. Jawbreaker – B+HP: Joe strikes his foe with upward elbow strike with his lead arm. Can be used as an anti-air Trick Star – D+MK (In Air): Joe strikes his foe with a diving knee attack. Can only be done from a neutral or forward jump. Height restricted can only be done from near the apex of his jump. V-Reversal: Chin Check – F+KKK: Joe knocks down his opponent with a back kick to the jaw. V-Skill: Shooting Star– MP+MK: Joe executes a super jump. He jumps higher and covers more distance than his standard jump. Shooting Star is floatier than his standard jump. V-Gauge is generated from all blocked and landed jump attacks. Trick Star can be used from Shooting Star to alter Joe's jump angle. V-Trigger 1: Rapscallion's Speed – HP+HK: Joe's already impressive speed is enhanced. His walk and dash speeds are improved. Shooting Star now has the same total frames as his standard jump. Vagrant Slide gains reduced startup and recovery. Each Shooting Star or Vagrant Slide drains his V-Gauge. Gauge will deplete after three uses of Shooting Star or Vagrant Slide. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Swindler's Fury – HP+HK: Joe focuses his speed on dealing damage to his foe, instead of enhancing his mobility. Rogue Elbow becomes Blackguard Elbow. A fourth elbow is added to the end of the usually 3 hit combination, enhancing the attacks juggle properties. All version LP, MP, HP, and EX now have juggle properties. The number of juggle points granted is determined by the strength of the punch button pressed. The higher the strength, the more juggle capability. EX has the most juggle points. Charlatan Heel is a new move granted to Joe. This done by inputting the Rending Sweeps attack input after a Rolling Sobat. (QCB+K, QCF+K). Joe hits his foe with a Rolling Sobat, Rending Sweep combination attack. Move retains the Rolling Sobat's attack properties. LK(Point Blank), MK ( ¼ Screen), HK ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the Corner) EX (½ Screen, Causes juggle state. Gains armor on frame 3) Outlaw Knee – F,D,DF+K (Anti Air): Joe executes a rising double knee attack. Attack is strike invincible frame 1. However the attack is vulnerable to throws and projectiles. All versions cause a juggle state. The higher the strength, the more juggle capability. EX gains armor frame 3 and has the most juggle points. Each of his V-Trigger exclusive attacks drains his V-Gauge. 5 attacks per V-Trigger. 3-bar V-Trigger. Specials: Vagrant Slide – QCF+P : Joe quickly slides forward to close the distance or escape his opponent. Start up is vulnerable to projectiles. Can pass under projectiles if timed properly. Vulnerable to throws. Punch button determines movement properties. LP (¼ screen, doesn't pass through the opponent), MP (1/3 screen, passes through the opponent at point blank range for cross ups), HP (½ screen, passes through opponents, mainly used to escape pressure) EX (Start up is throw invincible, distance traveled determined by the buttons pressed. LP+MP (¼ Screen) LP+HP (1/3 Screen), MP+HP (½ Screen) Rogue Elbow – QCB+P : (Rekka attack) Joe strikes with a spinning right back elbow to the face. The attack be followed by up to two additional elbow attacks by repeating the special move input. The second attack is a spinning left back elbow, and ending attack is a spinning right elbow uppercut. Punch button determines distance traveled and damage. LP (Shortest distance traveled, least damage, - 2 on block), MP(Travels further, more damage, -4 on block), HP (Travels the furthest, most damage, - 7 on block) EX (Projectile Invincible, 3rd hit causes a juggle state) Rolling Sobat – QCB+K: Joe's signature attack. He jumps forward with a quick spinning kick. Goes over low attacks. All versions knock down. Distance determined by the kick button pressed. LK(Point Blank), MK ( ¼ Screen), HK ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the Corner) EX (½ Screen, Causes juggle state. Gains armor on frame 3) Rending Sweep – QCF+K: Joe strikes with a lighting fast sweeping kick that knocks down his opponent. Attack passes under projectiles. Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (Stationary), MK (¼ screen), HK (½ Screen).EX (Auto tracks, Hard Knockdown) Critical Art: Ping Pong Pummel – QCFx2+K : Joe's incredible speed is put on display in speedy barrage of kicks. Joe kicks his opponent into the air with a standing sidekick, dashes behind them kicks them in the opposite direction, repeating this display a half dozen times before finally flooring them with a powerful Rolling Sobat kick. (7hits 350 damage). Reasons to be in SFV: Joe believes he's destined for fame. He tried and failed to turn his kickboxing championship into the career as a Hollywood action star. With his last two movies tanking and his money drying up. Joe pools whats left of his resources into flying in the best trainers and sparring partners available. He's going to win the World Martial Arts tournament and become the star he deserves to be. Name:Julia (Juli) Spoiler Nickname: The Fractured Soul Sex: Female Ethnicity: German Height: 5ft 5in(1.65m) Weight: 137 lbs. (62kg) B/W/H: 36-23-36 (92cm-59cm-92cm) Hometown: Wiesbaden-Klarenthal, Germany (Klarenthal is a burrough of Wiesbaden) Appearance: Long brown hair tied into bun in back, bangs in the front, and brown eyes. She wears a sleeveless black top, blue jeans, and cowboy boots. She has small string necklace with an eagle pendant. (Gift from Soaring Condor/Noembelu) Likes: T.Hawk, S.Condor, Juni, Archery Dislikes: Her Memories (from her time as a doll) Fighting Style: Shadaloo Assassination Techniques/Soul Power Tone: Julia is a sullen woman struggling with the memories of her actions as a doll. She has resolved to prevent others from sharing her fate. That goal gives her the focus to carry on. Origins: After being freed from Shadaloo by Cammy and the others. Julia was returned to the Thunderfoot tribe to recover. There she was plagued by nightmares. Memories of the terrible tasks she performed while under the control of M.Bison. She'd wake up screaming. Frantically trying to wash the blood from her hands. The tribal shamans were at a loss. In desperation T.Hawk reached out to Rose. Rose determined that residual Psycho Power combined with her returning memories were the cause of Julia's pain. While she couldn't take away her memories, she could use her Soul Power to purge the remaining Psycho Power from her body. After the purge, Julia started to manifest Soul Power herself. She left the tribe for her home in Germany. Julia resolved to master this new found power and use it to ensure there would be no other Shadaloo's. Her Rival: Juni (Friendly) Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 975 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Shoulder Toss - LP+LK: Juli grabs her foes and tosses them over her shoulder (Bison's Forward Throw) Full Nelson Back Suplex - B+LP+LK: Juli places her foe into a full nelson and suplexes them behind her. Unique Attacks: Soul Slide – DF+MK: Julia slides forward a short distance striking her opponent low V-Reversal: Soul Riposte – F+KKK : a spinning back kick to the midsection that sends the opponent a full screen away V-Skill: Soul Levitation – MP+MK : (Hit Grab) Julia strikes her opponent with an open palm to the chest briefly engulfing them in soul power. Her opponent floats briefly, allowing for limited juggle combos. Unsafe if blocked. V-Trigger 1: Restored Soul – HP+HK : Julia wipes away her doubts, fears, and taps into her new found potential. She can now cancel Soul Impact into Soul Banish. Soul Spike gains start up invincibility. Sniping Arrow gains enhanced juggle properties allowing for new combos. Uncanceled Soul Banish causes a hard knockdown. Julia can perform six enhanced attacks. Each attack depletes her V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Replenishing Soul – HP+HK: Julia uses her Soul Power to generate a small healing field around her feet that saps her opponents stamina and heals her own. Stamina isn't drained when Juli is blocking or she or her opponent is knocked down. Stamina regen rate his halved when her opponent is blocking. Stamina recovery his capped at 175 points. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Soul Shot-QCF + P: Juli clinches her right fist and throws a quick uppercut that generates a large orb of Soul Power that horizontally towards her foe. The punch button determines the speed of the projectile. The stronger the button strength, the faster the projectile travels. Quick startup and recovery. Low damage but relatively large projectile. EX version hits twice. Knocks down at distance, juggles at point blank range. Soul Power version of Bison's Pyscho Shot. Soul Banish -F,D,DF +P (Overhead) : Juli charges her left hand with a tremendous amount of Soul Power, raises her left arm, and brings down a powerful hammer fist on her foe. Punch button pressed determines the startup and damage. LP(Slow Startup, Least Damage), MP(Slower Startup, More Damage), HP(Slowest Startup, Most Damage, Hard Knock Down), EX(Slow Startup, Leaves Foes Standing, +5 on hit) A Soul Powered version of M.Bison's Psycho Banish from the CvS series Soul Impact- HCB + P: A Soul Powered right uppercut followed by A Soul Powered overhand left. Distance traveled determined by the strength of the punch button. LP (Point Blank), MP( ¼ Screen) HP ( ½ Screen). EX (5F Startup, Armor Frame 3, Knocks Down).Soul Powered Version of Bison's Psycho Impact from the CvS series. Sniping Arrow-QCF+ K A quick flying kick, distance determined by the strength of the kick. LK version starts up in 3 frames, doesn't knock down. MK version knocks down. HK version causes a juggle state. EX version causes a Wall Bounce. Soul Spike- F,D,DF+ K: (Anti-Air)Variation of the Cannon Spike, slower start up, higher damage. Juli spins to perform a Cannon Spike with her back leg. Cammy uses her lead leg. LK(5F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (6F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Critical Art: Soul Nova-QCFx2 + PPP: Julia concentrates her soul power into massive blue-green Soul Shot that resembles the Sun. She hurls it at her opponent and upon contact it creates a massive explosion that resembles a small scale Supernova. 1Hit 330 damage. Reasons to be in SFV:* Juli runs into Juni while she's home in Germany. From Juni she learns of a Secret Society that is kidnapping and experimenting on people. She offers to help Juni and Cammy hunt down this organization and put a stop to their dealings. Name: Juni Spoiler Nickname: The Amnesiac Agent Sex: Female Ethnicity: Swedish* Height: 5ft 3in(1.60m) Weight: 128 lbs. (58kg) B/W/H: 34-22-35 (86cm-57cm-88cm) Hometown: Örebro,Sweden* Appearance: Strawberry Blonde Hair in a bob style, Brown eyes. Juni wears a blue Delta Red leotard with blue camouflage pants, and brown combat boots. She wears brown forearm length gloves. Her head is uncovered. Likes: Cammy, Delta Red, Juli, Cats Dislikes: Small spaces, Dogs Fighting Style: Shadaloo Assassination Techniques Tone: Despite her lack of memory, Juni is an upbeat young woman. She focuses on training with Cammy and Lita Luwanda hoping her memory will return some day. Origins: Unlike the rest of the dolls, Juni escaped experimentation by S.I.N. She was rescued by Cammy and taken in by Delta Red. Juni hopes to use the fighting skills she gained will under Bison's subjugation to help others. Juni doesn't recall her past. She feels a deep since of foreboding when she tries to remember anything prior to her rescue.** Her Rival: Juri Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 2 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: STO - LP+LK: Juni uses places her right leg behind both of her foes legs while simultaneously clotheslining them into the ground. (Clothesline leg sweep) Half Nelson Back Suplex -B +LP+LK+motion: Juri grabs her opponent, places them in half nelson, and suplexes them behind her. Unique Attacks: Falling Arc (Over Head)- F+MK: Juni strikes with a quick left axe kick. -6 on block V-Reversal: Delta Kick – F+KKK : a quick jumping front kick that sends the opponent a half screen away V-Skill: Overcharge – MP+MK : Juni briefly taps into her doll enhanced physiology eliminating the charge time of her next attack. Animation must complete for this to take effect. Effect goes away after the use of one charge based special. Small amount of V-Gauge gained when animation completes. Additional gauge gained when charge attack hits or his blocked. Less gauge gained on block. V-Trigger 1: Assassination Protocol – HP+HK : Juni uses her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology and improving her offensive capabilities. Her adrenal system goes into overdrive. The charge time of all her specials are reduced. Her motion specials are buffed. Falling Arrow becomes -2 on block. Mach Slide start ups and recovers 1f faster. Mach Driver/Interceptor startup time reduced from 7f to 5f. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Sentinel Protocol – HP+HK : Juni uses her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology. Her adrenal system goes into overdrive improving her defensive capabilities. All of her charge specials gain armor on frame 3. Mach Slide is Fully Invincible at startup but subject to Crush Counters. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Sliding Arrow- (charge)B,F + K: Juni focuses her ki and quickly strikes with a blazing fast sliding kick. Projectile invincible Frame 3. Kick bottom determines distance. All versions knock down. LK (4F Startup, 1/3 Screen) . MK (5F Startup, ½ Screen) HK (6F Startup, ¾ Screen) EX (4F Startup, ¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1) Rising Arrow-(charge)D,U +K: (anti-air) A vertical striking version of the Spiral Arrow, excellent anti cross up tool. Lacks the horizontal range of the Cannon Spike. LK (3F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (4F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (5F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Falling Arrow-QCF+K (in air): A dive kick performed from a forward jump. The button strength alters the kick angle of attack. LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle). EX (LK+MK 60° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 30° Angle) Mach Slide - QCF+K: A quick forward teleport. Distance is determined by the strength of the kick. Projectile invincible and Strike Invincible from frame 3. LK (1/3 Screen) . MK (½ Screen) HK ( ¾ Screen) EX (Projectile and Strike Invincible from frame 1, LK+MK 1/3 Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen, MK+HK ¾ Screen) Mach Driver-360°+ P (Command Grab): Juni grabs her opponent, jumps into high into the air, rolls forward multiple times before driving them into ground with both feet. Punch button determines grab range and damage. LP (7F, Most Range, Least Damage), MP(7F, Less Range, More Damage), HP (7F, Least Range, Most Damage), EX(7F, Most Range, Most Damage). Mach Interceptor-360°+ P (Command Grab/In Air): Juni grabs her opponent out of the air, rolls forward multiple times before driving them into ground with both feet. Punch button determines grab range and landing position. LP (7F, Most Range, 1/2 Screen Away), MP(7F, Less Range, 1/3 Screen Away), HP (7F, Least Range, 1/4 Screen Away), EX(7F, Most Range, 1/8 Screen Away) Critical Art: Arrow Geyser-QCFx2 + KKK: (Anti-Air) Juni hits her opponent with a powerful Rising Arrow that carries them high into the air. She sails past them and as they fall back to Earth, She drives their head into the ground with a brutal Falling Arrow. The initial Rising Arrow has a slight vacuum effect that increases its horizontal range. It has a hit box on both sides. 22 hits (330 damage) Reasons to be in SFV:* Juni feels a bond with Cammy due to their similar backgrounds. She grateful for being rescued from S.I.N. She views Cammy and the rest of Delta Red as family. Working with them to stop the next Bison from arising gives her a sense of purpose. Side Note: I know Capcom lists Juni's origins as Germany. I changed it to Sweden because Juni is a Swedish girl's name. Juni's father is a gymnastics coach and her mother is a Säpo (Swedish Security Service) Agent. Her mother was running an investigation that was impeding Bison's plans. Juni was kidnapped to be brainwashed to take out her parents. Specifically her mother. Her natural ability caused Shadaloo to rethink using her a throw away asset. She had been a gymnast since she was a small child. Her new mission was to take out her parents and return to Shadaloo where she would be enrolled into the Doll program. She rigged gas explosion at her home. Her parents were believed to be killed. They survived and Säpo gave them new identities for their protection. Her parents believe she died in that explosion. Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Kosmus Ingimundsson Spoiler Nickname: The Light of Máni Sex: Male Ethnicity: Faroese Height: 6ft 3in(1.91m) Weight: 209 lbs. (95kg) B/W/H: 42-35-38(107cm-89cm-97cm) Hometown: Tórshavn, Faroe Islands Appearance: Kosmus has shoulder length indigo colored hair and silver eyes. He wears a variation of traditional Faroese clothing. He has gray long sleeve jacket that is unfastened with a white dress undershirt. A series of silver colored button run down the middle of his shirt and adorn each side of the open jacket as well. Kosmus has on knee length gray pants, knee high white socks, and gray dress shoes. Likes: Tvøst og spik(Pilot Whale meat, blubber, and potatoes), Jokes/Humor, Cold Weather Dislikes: Skerpikjøt (wind-dried mutton), Hot Weather, People with no sense of humor Fighting Style: Nevaleikur Mánans (Boxing of the Moon) Tone: Kosmus is sarcastic and seemingly never serious. Despite this outward facade, he's quite dedicated to his clan. His humor masks an intense level of focus. Origins: Kosmus is one of the few surviving members of The Máni Clan. His clan was nearly wiped out while turning back the treacherous Clan of Fenrir. Their sacrifice allowed the Sunna clan to escape to Iceland. What was left of his clan sought refuge on the Faroe Islands His father, Ingimund, stumbled upon a god of “Fire and Ice”. Lacking the strength to stop this “god” on his own, he reached out to Isold, leader of The Sunna Clan. Neither his father or Isold where heard from again. Kosmus seeks to complete his father's task. Unite the Sun and the Moon to stop the “god of fire and ice”. His Rival: Ingrid (friendly) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 1000 Health/1000 Stun Throws: Waning Gibbous - P+K: Kosmus grabs his opponent by the shoulders, flips over them, and uses the momentum to throw them into the ground. Waxing Gibbous -B+P+K: Kosmus grabs hos opponent by the shoulders, flips over them, and kicks them in the back with both feet sending them sailing behind him. Unique Attacks: Fjøra (Low Tide)- B+MP: Kosmus hits his opponent with a quick low spinning back fist to the knee. Must be blocked low. Flóð (High Tide)– F+ MK (overhead): Kosmus strikes with a quick forward somersault kick. Two hits, relatively quick start up. -6 on block. V-Reversal: Máni Crescent -F+PPP: Kosmus strikes with a quick backfist cloaked in a crescent white aura that pushes his foe a half screen away. V-Skill: Mánamyrking (Lunar Eclipse): Kosmus manifests a horizontal slowing moving white orb of ki. Does 0damage/100stun on hit, 0damage/50 Stun on block. Can only cause a dizzy on hit. V-Trigger 1: Fullmáni (Full Moon): Kosmus is surrounded by a “Lunar Aura”. The stun damage of all of his normal and special attacks receive a small increase. Light Attacks received a 5 stun damage buff. Medium Attacks receive a 10 stun damage buff. Heavy Attacks recieve a 20 stun buff. Light Specials recieve a 10 stun damage buff. Medium Specials recieve a 20 stun buff. Heavy Specials receive a 30 stun buff . 3 bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Blóðmáni (Blood Moon): Kosmus is surrounded by a “Blood Red Lunar Aura”. Kosmus 's special attacks gain a DOT (Damage Over Time) effect. Light Specials do an additional 5 damage per second for 5 seconds. Medium Specials do an additional 10 damage per second for 5 seconds. Heavy Specials do an additional 15 damage per second for 5 seconds. DOT effect only happens on hit. Effect is cancelled when Kosmus is hit by his opponent. DOT effect can KO Kosmus' opponent. Three enhanced special attacks per V-Trigger. 2 bar V-Trigger Specials: First Quarter-F,D,F + P: (Anti Air)Kosmus quickly strikes forward with a bladed fist and then quick sweeps his bladed fist overhead, generating a half moon arc of lunar ki directly above him. The “shell” of ki nullifies aerial or arching projectiles if properly timed. (Akuma's Zanku Hadoken, Kolin's Hail storm, Dhalsim's Yoga Fire.) LP (1 hit, 3f start up), MP (2 hits, 4f start up), HP (3 hits, 5f start up) EX (4 hits, 3f start up, Invincible 1-6f) Waning Crescent -HCB+ P: Kosmus strikes his foe with a bladed punch to the sternum followed by a series of rapidly slicing strikes that create crescent shaped ki trails. LP (4 hits, -2 on block, doesn't knock down), MP (5 hits, -4 on block, knocks down), HP (6 hits, -7 on block, causes a juggle state), EX (8 hits, -3 on block, causes a juggle state) Náttsól (Night Sun) – QCB+P (In Air): Kosmus slices the air with backhand chop that generates a yellow-orange crescent wave of energy. Can only be performed from a forward jump. Punch button determines the start up speed and strength of the attack. Negates projectile attacks if timed correctly. LP (fastest start up, lowest damage) MP(slower start up, higher damage), HP (Slowest start up, Highest Damage, Causes a juggle state), EX (Can be performed from backward, neutral, and forward jumps, fastest startup, causes juggle state). Last Quarter – HCB+K: Kosmus hits his foe with a rolling axe kick (similar Evil Ryu's) that creates a half moon shaped “shell” of ki. This ki “shell” will reflect single hit projectiles. The EX version reflects multi-hitting non critical art projectiles. LK (fast start up, leaves opponent standing), MK (slower start up, knocks down), HK (slowest start up, causes juggle), EX (fast start up, 2 hits, causes juggle) Waxing Crescent- QCF + K: (“Rekka attack”) Kosmus strikes with a roundhouse kick that generates a crescent blade of kick. This attack can be followed up twice by repeating the motion and has two different enders. One that hits high and the other that hits low. EX version has gains armor on frame 3. 2nd Followup Cutting Crescent - QCF+K: Kosmus follows up with a crescent bladed kick 3rd Followup Slicing Crescent - QCF+K: Kosmus ends the attack with a with a crescent powered spinning back kick that leaves his foes standing or Sweeping Crescent - QCB+K: A sweeping crescent sweep kick that knocks his foe down. Critical Art: Tendring(New Moon)- HCFx2+P: Kosmus strikes his foe with a powerful bladed punch to the sternum and the screen fades to black. He then hits his opponent with a barrage of half moon ki strikes that illuminate the screen briefly on hit, before ending the assault with a full moon shaped ki blast that explodes and re-illuminates the screen. 360 damage/0 Stun. (360 damage/180 stun in V-Trigger 1) Reasons to be in SFV:* Kosmus is troubled by any one that could overwhelm his father and a member of the Sunna Clan. With so few of his people left, Kosmus seeks out The Sunna Clan. He hopes to form an alliance that can not only stop the “god of fire and ice” but also return each clans elder home safely. Side Note: The Faroe Islands are a small group of Islands between east of Iceland, west of Norway, and north of the United Kingdom. Name: Kwan Rhee Spoiler Nickname: Vigilant Arsenal Sex: Male Ethnicity: North Korean Height: 5'10 (1.78m) Weight: 180lbs (82kg) B/W/H: 42-32-35 (107cm-81cm-89cm) Hometown: Chongjin, North Korea Appearance: Kwan has black hair his eyes are light brown. His hair is in a “high and tight” style. Kwan wears an olive and tan (Korean People's Army) uniform with no hat. His over shirt is unbuttoned and he wears a white t-shirt. He wears brown combat boots and has a Hi Baek Du San pistol, holstered on his right waist. Likes: Fishing,Hi Baek Du San (North Korean copy of the CZ 75 pistol), Weapon Collection Dislikes: Propaganda, Gluttony Fighting Style: Gongkwon Yusul (Korean Art combines Hapkido, Jujutsu, Judo and Boxing) Tone: Kwan is a stoic man that shows little emotion. Despite appearances, he is passionate about improving things for his people. Origins: Kwan grew up poor. As a child, he's do odd jobs and even scavenge to help take care of his mother and younger sister. He noticed that soldiers were better cared for than most. It was then that Kwan decided that he'd join the military. As soldier he'd be able to ensure is family would be taken care of. Kwan excelled in the military rapidly ascending to the rank of Major. He developed into a skilled fighter and specialized in intelligence gathering. As an officer in military intelligence, he became away of Shadaloo. An organization who's influence seemingly spanned the globe. He often wondered what a such an organization could do if it had a different focus. His Rival: Juri Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Vice Grip (Supinating Wrist Lock) – LP+LK: Kwan grabs his foes right arm, twists their wrist, and takes them to the ground Whip's Lash (Hip Shift Throw) – B+LP+LK: Kwan grabs his foe by the collar, lifts them into the air, and flips them over his hips to the ground behind him. Unique Attacks: Rapid Hammer – MP, B+MP, F+HP: (Target Combo): Kwan strikes with a straight right into a left hook combination that is capped off by right uppercut to the chin. Swift Dagger – F+MK: (Overhead) Kwan executes an inside crescent axe kick. Faster Startup, -6 on block. Can't be comboed. Violent Axe – F+HK: (Overhead) Kwan steps forward while lifting his right legs high into the air before bringing it crashing down upon his foe. Slow startup, More damage than Swift Dagger, -2 on block, can combo into light attacks. V-Reversal: Stunning Rapier – F+KKK: Kwan sends his foe staggering backward with a knife edge push kick. V-Skill: Catapult – MP+MK: Kwan Rhee performs a full screen super jump. All jumping attacks are available from this jump. MP+MK (Neutral), B+MP+MK (Back Jump), F+MP+MK (Forward Jump). V-Gauge builds on blocked and landed attacks from Catapult. Jump has additional recovery frames on whiffed attacks and jumps in which no attack button is pressed. V-Trigger 1: Full Armament – HP+HK: Kwan Rhee unleashes his full power. The Charge Time for all of his special attacks are eliminated. V-Gauge slowly drains over time. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Concussive Arsenal – HP+HK: Kwan Rhee's projectile attacks are in enhanced. Kwan gains the ability to immediately cancel into Concussive Bullet from Concussive Grenade and vice versa. This allows Kwan Rhee to have two standard projectiles on screen at once or three EX projectiles. Remember EX Concussive Bullet is two projectiles. If he cancels from an EX version of either projectile, it only cost him on EX bar. Four cancels per V-Trigger 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Concussive Bullet - Charge B, F+P: Kwan performs a spear hand strike that generates a bullet shaped wave of ki that travels horizontally. Punch button determines the speed of the projectile. LP (Slowest), MP (Moderate), HP(Fastest), EX (Kwan throws two projectiles. One with each hand.) Button combinations determines projectile speed. LP+MP (Slowest), LP+HP (Moderate), MP+FP(Fastest) Concussive Grenade – Charge D,U+P: Kwan performs an overhead knife hand strike that generates an orb of ki that travels in a horizontal arc. Punch button determines the distance of the projectile's arc. LP (½ Screen Arc), MP (¾ Screen Arc), HP(Full Screen Arc), EX (Larger 2 Hit Orb) Button combinations determines the travel distance. LP+MP (½ Screen), LP+HP (¾ Screen), MP+FP(Full Screen) Sword Slicer – Charge D,U+K: (Anti-Air) Kwan strikes his opponent with a rising outside crescent kick into a 720° spinning hook kick. LK(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MK (6F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HK (*F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Piercing Lance - Charge B,F+K: Kwan focuses ki to propel himself into a high flying side kick that knocks down the opponent. Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen), MK (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen), EX (Gains Armor on Frame 3) Button combinations determines distance. LK+MK (½ Screen), LK+HK (½ Screen), MK+HK (¾ Screen) Bolas Trap– 360°+K :(Command Grab) Kwan uses a low spinning heel kick to take his opponent's legs out from under them, causing them to fall to their back, he then locks in a heel hook. Kick button determines startup, damage, and advantage on hit. LK(5F Startup,Least Damage, Leaves Kwan -2), MK(6F Startup, More Damage, Leaves Kwan +/-0) HK(7F Startup, Most Damage, Leaves Kwan +2) EX(5F Startup, Throw Invincible, Most Damage, Leaves Kwan +2) Critical Art: Bullet Storm – Charge B,F,B,F+P: Kwan strikes with a front leg hook kick that sends his foe spinning into the air. He then strikes with a rapid succession of spear hand strikes, riddling his foe with several Concussive Bullets before striking his foe in the spine with a Piercing Lance. 9 hits 350 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Kwan has little interest in the tournament itself. He enters under the guise of bringing glory to his homeland. In truth, he only enters to gather information on the remnants of Shadaloo. Kwan seeks to take command of whats left of Shadaloo and forge it into his own organization. One that he would use to bring hope to his homeland. Victory Quotes: Juri: “You'd fit in great where I come from. No, that is NOT a compliment.” Name: Lee Spoiler Nickname: Drunken Master Sex: Male Ethnicity: Chinese Height: 5ft 6in (1.67m) Weight: 172lbs (78kg) B/W/H: 45-35-35(114cm-89cm-89cm) Hometown: Hong Kong, China Appearance: Lee is a short, stout, and powerful man. He wears a visorless black cap with a golden emblem on it's front center. Lee has long black hair that hangs all the way down to his back to his waist. He has a fu manchu moustache and beard. Lee wears a purple long sleeved Kung Fu shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He wars gray pants and his gourd tied to his waist. On his feet, he wears black slippers with white socks. Likes: Good Real Estate, Xiaolongbao (Chinese Steamed Bun), Baijiu (Chinese White Alcohol) Dislikes: Tooth Decay, Cheap Wine Fighting Style: Bajiquan and Drunken Fist Tone: Lee is jovial man. He finds enjoyment in fighting. Training and fighting helps relieve the stress that builds up from running his real estate business. Origins: Lee is a semi-retired fighter and small time real estate mogul. In his youth, his passion for fighting lead him to the tournament scene. His prowess in Bajiquan reached such a level that he was one of only two Chinese fighters invited to the King of Muay Thai, Sagat's, World Martial Arts tournament. Lee leveraged his minor celebrity from the tournament into a real estate business. While he retired from competitive fighting, Lee's passion for Martial Arts remained. He took to teaching his nephews, Yun and Yang in Bajiquan. Lee himself used his private training time to focus on mastering the art of the Drunken Fist. His Rival: Zeku Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 2 Mobility: 2 Technique: 5 950 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Tetsuzankou (Iron Mountain Lean) – LP+LK: Lee grabs his opponent and slams them with a shoulder strike that sends them a third screen away. Zenpo Tenshin Tenohira (Forward Turnover Palm) – B+LP+LK: Lee does a handstand flip over his opponent's shoulders and strikes them in the back of the head with an open palm strike. Unique Attacks: Teranku Kyaku (Tumbling Leg) – F+MK: Lee flips forward, striking his foe with both of his feet, and lands on his back. Moderately quick startup. +3 on hit, -7 on block. V-Reversal: Zenpou Tenshin (Forward Turnover) – F+PPP: Lee performs over a hand stand flip over his opponents shoulders landing behind them. V-Skill: Hyōtan Surō (Gourd Throw) - MP+MK: Lee tosses his gourd at his foe before yanking it back and re-affixing it to his waist. D+MP+MK will cause Lee to toss his his guard downward to trip up his foe. V-Trigger 1: Suiken (Drunken Master) – HP+HK: Lee drinks the entire contents of his gourd. He no longer needs to perform Sakenomi no Hiji to perform the Teranku Tenohira or Raigeki Shu. Sakenomi no Hiji is replaced by the Byakko Soushouda. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Hyōtan Chagu (Gourd Chug) – HP+HK: Lee quickly chugs half of his gourd. Briefly gaining the ability to use Teranku Tenohira and Raigeki Shu without using Sakenomi no Hiji. Lee can perform three attacks before his V-Trigger expires. Gains access to Kobokushi during V-Trigger. Kobokushi does not drain V-Trigger. Kobokushi (Tiger Beating Child) - HP+HK: Lee strikes with a half extension double palm strike. Slow startup, Leaves Foe Standing, Negates Projectiles. +3 on hit. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Sakenomi no Hiji (Drunkard Elbow) – QCF+P: Lee grabs the gourd from his waist and performs a quick elbow uppercut while drinking. Damage increases with punch button strength. Punch Button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foe Standing), MP(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX (Fastest Startup, Causes Juggle State) Kyōi-Tekina Tenohira (Staggering Palm) – QCB+P : Lee drunkenly stumbles backward before charging forward with a open hand palm strike. Punch button determines the distance traveled. Staggering animation is strike invincible. Staggering animation is vulnerable to throws. LP (Point Blank), MP (¼ Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX (Stagger Frames Strike/Throw Invincible, Causes Crumple State) Tsumazuku Kyaku (Stumbling Heel) – F,D,DF+K: (Anti-Air/Launcher): Lee falls to his back while kick his right leg upward launching his opponent in the air. The stronger the kick button, the higher the opponet is launched into the air. LK(5F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (6F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Inshu Senpu Kyaku (Drunken Whirl Kick) – QCB+K: (Rekka): Lee hops forward and strikes with a spinning kick. Attack can be repeated up to three times in a row., goes over low attacks, and is projectile invincible from Frame 3. Damage increases with kick button strength. Kick Button determines startup and corner carry. LK(Fastest Startup, 1/3 Screen), MK(Slower Startup, ½ Screen), HP(Slowest Startup, 2/3 Screen), EX (Fastest Startup, 2/3 Screen, Hard Knock Down) After Sakenomi no Hiji Teranku Tenohira (Tumbling Palm) – F,D,DF+P: Lee rolls forward and executes a double palm strike. Distance traveled is determined by the punch button. Roll is projectile invincible. LP (¼ Screen), MP( ½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX( ¾ Screen, Causes Crumple State) Raigeki Shu (Thunder Striking Kick) – QCB+K (In Air): Lee performs the family's signature dive kick. Angle of the kick is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle). EX (LK+MK 60° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 30° Angle) V-Trigger 1 Only Byakko Soushouda (White Tiger Twin Palm Strike) – QCF+P: Replaces Sakenomi no Hiji in during V-Trigger: Lee strikes with a full extension double palm strike. All version negate projectiles when timed problem. Damage increases with punch button strength. Punch Button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foe Standing), MP(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX (Fastest Startup, Causes Wall Bounce) Critical Art: Yotta Kaminoikari (Drunken God's Wrath): Lee strikes his foe with powerful right open palm to the face, spins around them rapidly striking them with elbows to the head, and sends them flying a full screen away with a powerful right open palm strike to the abdomen. 10 hits 340 damage (1x120, 8x10, 1x140). Reasons to be in SFV: Lee enters the world martial arts tournament for fun. He's been working hard to build his real estate company. His family pushes him to take a deserved vacation. After hearing about the latest world tournament from his nephews, he decides to enter. While this wasn't the vacation that his family intended, his business manager uses it as an opportunity to help promote Lee's business. Name: Lyra Spoiler Nickname: The Soul Matriarch Sex: Female Ethnicity: Greek (?) Height: 5ft 10in(1.78m) Weight: 156lbs. (71kg) B/W/H: 35-25-37 (89cm-64cm-94cm) Hometown: Corfu, Greece Appearance: Lyra is a tall middle aged (?)woman with long silver white hair and deep golden eyes. She has an olive complexion and wears lavender lip stick. A glowing indigo crystal hangs from the elaborate gold necklace around her neck. She has elegant light gray (a few shades darker than her hair) elbow length gloves on each of her arms. Her dress, the same shade of light gray, is sleeveless, and knee length. It is low cut and the indigo crystal from her necklace nestles between her bosom. Lyra has a bejeweled golden belt around her waist that features a large circular belt buckle featuring another glowing indigo crystal. Seven smaller crystals of the same shade adorn the belt. She wears light gray leather dress shoes that are ankle high with a small heel. Likes: Fasolada(Greek white been soup), Swimming, UV Rays, Meditation Dislikes: Trahana (Greek soup)Psycho Power, Bison Fighting Style: Soul Power Tone: Lyra is the enigmatic master of Rose and Bison. Her true age is unknown but she looks not much older than Rose Origins: Lyra is a true master of Soul Power. A type of ki energy wielded by few. She sought to pass on her knowledge to the worthy. Lyra carefully vetted her students, looking for any hint of malice. Much to her dismay, it was one of her best and brightest students that became consumed with gaining power. He perverted her teachings and slaughtered nearly all of her pupils. Lyra used all of her power to shield her few remaining pupils from Bison's assault. She ordered them to scatter but Rose remained. She was determined to help her master put a stop to Bison's terror. Her Rival: Ed (She detects his Psycho Power and seeks him out) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 2 Technique: 5 975 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Soul Fall - LP+LK: Lyra engulfs the feet of her opponent in Soul Power,. She then uses it to pull her foes feet out from under them, causing them fall backward violently. Slamming the back of their head into the ground. Soul Tumble - B+LP+LK:: Lyra wraps the torso of her foe in Soul Power. She pulls them toward her rapidly and quickly sweep kicks their legs causing them to tumble behind her.. Unique Attacks: Soul Slice – F+MP(overhead): Lyra strikes her opponent with overhand Soul powered chop while advancing forward. A bladed strike version of Bison's Psycho Axe. Soul Glistró̱ – DF+MK: Lyra's version of Bison's famous slide. It's slower, doesn't travel quite as far, but is safe on block unless done point blank. Has to be blocked low. V-Reversal: Soul Repel – F+PPP : Lyra creates a small crystalline orb of Soul Power in between her and her foe. The orb explodes and sends them a full screen away V-Skill: Soul Quell – MP+MK : Lyra uses her soul power to create a brief force field around her that absorbs physical and projectile attacks. Can be performed in the air. Air version only absorbs projectile attacks. Slow start up leaves Lyra open to punishment at close range. V-Trigger 1: Soul Power– HP+HK : Lyra summons the full breadth of her Soul Power. Altering all of her special attacks. Soul Shard becomes Aura Soul Shard. Charged Aura Soul Shards now create two crystals for 100 damage. Soul Fragment becomes Aura Soul Fragment. Aura Soul Fragment can be performed with neutral, forward, and back jumps. EX Aura Soul Fragment generates 3 shards for 150 damage. Soul Shatter and Soul Fracture become Aura Soul Shatter and Aura Soul Fracture. Startup time reduced to 5f. Damage/Stun are increased by 15/25. Soul Remnant becomes Aura Soul Remnant. LK, MK, and HK versions gain armor on frame 3. Damage/Stun increased by 10/20, EX receives a Damage/Stun buff of 20/30. Only Aura Soul Fragments performed from a forward or back jump drain her V-Gauge faster. Otherwise her gauge slowly drains. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Astral Soul– HP+HK : Lyra uses her Soul Power to enhance her usually limited mobility. Her forward and back walk speeds are increased. Forward walkspeed increased from 0.32 to 0.40 Backward walkspeed increased from 0.28 to 0.45 Foward dash frames reduced from 19 to 16 Backward dash frames reduced from 24 to 21 Overall jump frames reduced from 46(3F Startup/39 in Air/4F Landing) to 45(3F Startup/38 in Air/4F Landing) V-Trigger slowly drains over time. Gains access to Aura Soul Satellite. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Soul Shard-QCF + P: Lyra manifests a crystalline shard of Soul Power and blasts it at her opponent. Punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (Horizontal). MP (30° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have quick start up/recovery and deal 75 damage. Roughly half the size of Ryu's Hadoken. Can be charged to alter timing. Doesn't increase damage or durability. EX version is three shards(150 damage). LP+MP(Horizontal), LP+HP(30° Angle), MP+HP(45° Angle) Soul Fragment -QCF + P(in air): Lyra manifests a crystalline shard of Soul Power and blasts it at her opponent from the air. Can only be performed from a neutral jump. Punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP(70° Angle). MP (60° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have quick start up/recovery and deal 50 damage. Roughly half the size of Ryu's Hadoken. EX version is two shards(100 damage). LP+MP(70° Angle), LP+HP(60° Angle), MP+HP(45° Angle) Soul Shatter -360° +P(Command Grab) : Lyra strikes her opponent with an open palm strike to the chest entrapping them in a large Soul Power crystal. With her opposite hand, she creates an orb of Soul Power that she slams in the crystal, shattering it, causing an explosion that sends her foe hurtling across the screen. 6F start up. LP(most range, lowest damage, sends the opponent ½ screen away), MP(less range, higher damage, sends the opponent ¾ screen away), HP(least range, highest damage, sends the opponent full screen away) EX(most range, highest damage, opponent's place determined by the player. Hold Back (½ screen), Hold Down (¾ screen), Hold Forward (Full Screen) Soul Fracture- 360° +P(in air)(Command Grab): Lyra captures her opponent in a Soul Power field. She rotates them 180° turning them head first toward the ground. She then spiked them into the ground with great force. Punch determines through range, strength, and distant from her foe. 6F start up. LP(most range, lowest damage, sends the opponent ½ screen away), MP(less range, higher damage, sends the opponent ¾ screen away), HP(least range, highest damage, sends the opponent full screen away) EX(most range, highest damage, opponent's place determined by the player. Hold Back (½ screen), Hold Down (¾ screen), Hold Forward (Full Screen) Soul Remnant-HCB+ K: Lyra glows with a Soul Power aura as she executes and somersault kick that resembles a reverse version of Bison's Double Knee Press. LK (knocks down), MK(knocks ½ screen away) HK, (knocks into the air creating a juggle state), EX(invincible startup, knocks high into the air, creates a juggle state) Critical Art: Soul Sunderer-QCFx2 + PPP: Lyra strikes her foe with a powerful double palm strike, entrapping them in a large Soul Power Crystal. She then pulls her arms back and summons a dozen Soul Shards around the crystal. Lyra slams her hands together causing the shards to crash into the crystal creating a massive explosion. V-Trigger Only Aura Soul Satellite-QCFx2 +KKK: Lyra summons four crystalline spheres of Soul Power that orbit her body. Each sphere causes 45 damage. All the spheres only cause half the damage of Soul Sunderer (360 damage). However they can be uses in setups, create combos that are other wise not possible and can juggle even when the player has used up all the available juggle points. Reasons to be in SFV: Feeling Bison's defeat, Lyra finally thought she could rest easy. Her former ward's and his Psycho Power had finally been wiped out for good. However, she could fill small hint of Psycho Power in the world. A hint that was growing in strength with each passing day. Lyra wants to make sure that Bison and his Psycho Power are snuffed out once and for all. Side Notes: Lyra is a constellation that contains the star Vega Lyra is also female name of Greek origin. Hence the change of her hometown and inclusion of Greek dishes in her likes and dislikes. Corfu is located on island of the west coast of Greece and relatively close to Italy. Lyra's is far older than she appears. She looks not much older than Rose and only her hair color hints at her age. Lyra is a true projectile zoner. SFV frowns on that. I tried to figure a way for that play style to work in SFV. Given all the anti-projectile tools in SFV. Her projectiles have good start up and recovery(for SFV), and do relatively high damage. Her command grabs and Soul Remnant are designed to allow her to create space between her and her opponent. She has low mobility but 1000/1000 health/stun. If Lyra tracks down Ed, she'd try to help rid him of Bison. Lyra would see that despite everything, Ed isn't truly evil. She'd feel responsible for his suffering as it's a direct result of Bison. She'd try to expel Psycho Power from Ed and teach him to use Soul Power instead. As it would be the best way to help him resist Bison's presence. Name: Lucia Morgan Spoiler Nickname: Long Legs of the Law Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5ft 8in (1.73m) Weight: 137lbs (62kg) B/W/H: 34-24-38(86cm-61cm-97cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Lucia has short blonde hair in bob style. Her eyes are brown. She has a slight but muscular upper body and large well built legs. Lucia wears a blue t-shirt that has “S.C.U.” on the front in silver lettering. She has an open short collared leather vest on over her t-shirt. Lucia's S.C.U. Police badge is on upper right half of her vest. She wears blue jeans with a black leather built. Lucia has a sidearm resembling a S&W 5906, holstered at her waist. She has black combat boots on her feet. Likes: Instant Noodles, Metro City, SCU (Special Crime Unit) Dislikes: Cooking, Gangs Fighting Style: American Kenpō Tone: Lucia is earnest and forthright woman. Her rough upbringing forged her into an officer with a strong since of justice. Origins: Lucia grew up in the slums of Metro City to a poor but hardworking family. The hoodlums in her neighborhood often accosted and robbed the people making an honest living. Living in such an environment created the resolve in Lucia to grow up and strong to defend others. Not being able to afford lessons, Lucia clean the mats of the local Kenpo dojo after school in exchange for lessons. Lucia excelled at Kenpo qucikly. Soon she was helping instruct others and taught self defense classes out of the dojo to earn money and pay for her further instruction. Upon graduating high school, Lucia immediately enrolled in the Metro City Police Academy. She wanted to clean up her neighborhood and becoming a police officer would give her the means to do so. Lucia quickly ascended the ranks and eventually joined the Special Crime Unit. She helped Haggar, Guy, and Dean take down the Skull Cross Gang. Her Rival: Chun Li (Friendly) Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3 900 Health/1000 Stun Throws: Harsh Sentence – LP+LK: Lucia grabs her foe, knees them twice, and then throws them over her shoulder Stiff Sentence – LP+LK: Lucia grabs her opponent and plants them in the ground behind her with a Bridging German Suplex Unique Attacks: Lights Out – B+HP: Lucia hits her foe with a spinning back elbow to the face Breath Taker – B+MK: Lucia strikes with a swift high left knee strike. 5F Startup, -4 on Block. Split Decision – F+HK: (Overhead) Lucia hops into the air and performs a full split wheel kick. Slow start up, -2 on block. Has a hit box both in front and behind her. The rear hit box does not hit overhead. Double Knee Drop- D+MK: (In Air) : Lucia performs a double knee drop from mid air S.C.U. Combination – LK, MK, HK, B+HP (Target Combo): Lucia's standard Final Fight 3 combo. Lucia strikes with mid, low, high side kick combination followed by a spinning back elbow. V-Reversal: Due Process -F+KKK: Lucia grabs her opponent, spins behind them, and knees them in the back. Causing them to crumple to the ground. V-Skill: Flame Aura – MP+MK: Lucia stands on one leg as she summons a fiery aura. If the animation completes uninterrupted, Lucia gains frame 3 projectile invincibility on her next special attack and a small amount of V-Gauge. Blocked and landed enhanced specials also build V-Gauge. V-Trigger 1: Conflagration – HP+HK: Lucia's lower legs become engulfed in flames. Altering the properties of all of her kick attacks. All of her kick specials set her opponents on fire. Spin Stampede becomes Flame Stampede. All Versions gain armor frame 3. EX version gains armor on frame 1 and now causes a crumple state. Stun Damage increased by 30. Rising Whirlwind becomes Scorching Whirlwind. All version gain full startup invincibility. All version gain a 50 stun buff. EX now starts up in 3F. Windmill Kick becomes Blazing Windmill. All versions gain juggle properties. An addition 10 stun is done per hit. Burning Heel becomes Inferno Heel. Reflects projectiles if properly time. Grounded versions gain a 25 Damage/25 Stun Buff. Air versions gain juggle properties. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Blazing Aura – HP+HK: Lucia stomps the ground igniting a large fiery aura around her. All of her special attacks gain Frame 1 projectile invincibility. Startup and Recovery of Forward and Back Dash is decreased by 1F. Flame Aura becomes Blazing Shield, when timed properly, it will now reflect projectiles back at her opponent. Blazing Shield drains V-Gauge 1/3 of the V-Gauge immediately upon use. All other special moves, with the exception of Hot Pursuit, will drain the V-Gauge after 3 uses. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Spin Stampede – QCB+P: Lucia rushes her foe with a three hit combination attack. She strikes with an elbow, followed by roundhouse kick to the head, and knocks her foe down with a roundhouse kick to the chest. LP (Point Blank, Fastest Startup,), MP(¼ Screen, Slower Startup), HP( ½ Screen, Slowest Startup) EX (Gains Armor On Frame 3, Fastest Startup, LP+MP Point Blank, LP+HP ¼ Screen, MP+HP ½ Screen, Causes Wall Bounce) Hot Pursuit -QCF+P: Lucia closes the distance by quickly running at her opponent. Run can be canceled into any normal attack. Projectile invulnerable from Frame 3. LP (¼ Screen), MK(½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen) EX (2/3 Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1) Rising Whirlwind – F,D,DF+K (Anti Air): Lucia strikes with a rising knee into a spinning kick attack. Kick button determines the damage and start up speed. LK(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MK (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HK (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Windmill Kick – QCF +K: Lucia attacks her opponent with a forward moving vertically spinning kick attack. Attack patch has a slight arc. Kick button determines the attacks properties. Throw Invincible Frame 3. LK (3F Startup, 3hits, Least Damage, ¼ Screen), MK (5F Startup, 4 hits, More Damage, ½ Screen), HK (6F Startup, 5 hits, Most Damage, ¾ Screen) EX (4F Startup, 6 hits, Most Damage, ¾ Screen, All Hits Land on Juggled Opponents) Burning Heel – QCB +K: Lucia executes a jump spinning back kick that sets her opponent a blaze. Attack goes over low attacks. Can be performed mid air from a forward jump. Kick button determines attack properties. Nullifies projectiles when properly timed. LK(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foes Standing), MK(Slower Start Up, Knocks Down, Juggles in Corner), HK(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX (Fastest Startup, Causes Juggle State, Gains Armor Frame 3) Critical Art: A.P.B. (Ascending Pyre Barrage) – QCFx2+K: Lucia's Final Fight 3 Super Attack. Lucia strikes with a four hit roundhouse kick combination to the head and body of her opponent, followed by a four hit Rising Whirlwind, and concluding with a two hit Burning Heel. 10Hits 350 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Lucia has noticed an uptick in organized crime in Metro City. She brings her findings directly to the Mayor, fearing a reemergence of the Mad Gear or Skull Cross Gangs. Further study hinted at something else. Something with international implications. After meeting with a liaison from Interpol, Lucia would be working with Chun Li to infiltrate the upcoming World Martial Arts tournament to ferret out and neutralize this unknown criminal organization. Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Maki Genryusai Spoiler Nickname: Kunoichi Baikā (The Ninja Biker) Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5'ft 7in (1.70m) Weight: 135lbs (61kg) B/W/H: 36-24-36 (91cm-61cm-891cm) Hometown: Kōka-shi, Japan Appearance: Maki has long bleached blonde hair. Her natural hair color is dark brown. Her bangs come down to her eyebrows and the rest of her hair is pulled into a long pony tail. Maki's ponytail is tied by a red headband. She wears the upper half of a red sleeveless ninja gi on her torso. The gi comes to her mid thigh. She has red shorts underneath her gi. Maki had metal arm guards on her forearms and shins. She wears white high to sneakers on her feet with red laces. Maki has two tonfas strapped to her back. Although she usually only wields one of them in her left hand. Likes: Motorcycles, Carlos, Rena, Tapioca, Fighting, Guy Dislikes: Zeku, Waiting on others, Girl treatment matters Fighting Style: Bushinryu Tone: Maki is brash, tomboyish, aggressive and a bit of a hot head. Origins: Maki is the youngest daughter of the 37th Master of Bushinryu and Guy's rival. Growing up she was a delinquent that often got into street fights. After humbling the local hoods, she made them part of her biker gang The Bushin Riders (Bushin Raidā). The name annoyed her father, as she intended. When her sister and father were kidnapped by the reborn Mad Gear Gang, Maki ditched the biker gang life. She teamed up with Mike Haggar and Carlos Miyamoto to bring down Retu and save her family. The happiness of their reunion was short lived. Her father's disciple and 38th Master of Bushinyu, Zeku was defeated by Guy. Zeku named him the 39th Master of Bushinryu. This angered Maki. She felt that as daughter of the 37th Master, she had earned the right to fight for the mantle. Maki challenged Guy, over Rena's objections. Despite her skill, she was soundly defeated. Her father passed away shortly thereafter. After his funeral, Maki disappeared. Unbeknownst to Rena and Guy, she's been training with Carlos in South America. Only the letters Rena receives on her and their father's birthday let her know that Maki is still alive. Her Rival: Guy, Zeku Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 975 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Baikā Seigi (Biker Justice)– LP+LK: Maki grabs her opponent, punches them in the stomach twice with the long end of her tonfa, and hits them with a left uppercut with the short end of her tonfa. Hane Goshi (Spring Hip Throw) – B+LP+LK: Maki grabs her opponent by the head, turns her hip towards them, and flips over her shoulder behind them. Unique Attacks: Handorubā Shōtotsu (Handlebar Collision) - F+MP (Overhead): Maki performs a fast left overhead strike with her tonfa. Quick startup, +2 on hit, -6 on block. Kaze Saku Kyaku (Wind Split Kick) F+HK: Maki rises into the air while performing a full extension, she does full split, jumping front kick. Combo ender from Final Fight 2. 8F Startup, can be used as an anti air with proper timing. Bushin Hiza Hiji(Martial God Knee Elbow) – D+MP: (In Air) Maki performs an right elbow and knee drop from a near vertical aerial stance fat the apex of her forward jump. that immediately halts her momentum and causes her to descend straight down. If the knee lands +2 on hit, -2 on block. If the elbow lands +3 on hit, 0 on block. Maki's D+Jump Attack from Final Fight 2. Bushin Danmaku (Martial God Barrage) – LP,LP,MP,MP, F+HK: (Target Combo) Maki hits her opponent with two left jabs, a right straight, left elbow, and jumping front kick. (Her Final Fight 2 combo) Can juggle in the corner. Bushin Kōgeki Hikō (Martial God Assault Flight) – LP,LP,MP,MP, D+HK: (Target Combo) Maki hits her opponent with two left jabs, a right straight, left elbow, and then throws them over her shoulder behind her. (Her Final Fight 2 combo into throw). Reppukyaku (Furious Wind Kick) – U+K (During Quick Rise): Maki flips back onto her tonfa, performing a vertical handstand kick at a 60° angle, while spinning rapidly. 75 Damage/75 Stun, Causes 25 white life (recoverable) damage with each use.(Invincible to Airborne Attacks, Strike/Throw Invincible from Frame 3,Crush Counterable on Block). V-Reversal: Kōhō Chūgaeri Kyaku (Backward Somersault Kick) – F+KKK: Maki uses a backward somersault kick to send her foe flying away from her. V-Skill: Bushin Tate (Martial God Shield) – MP+MK: Maki takes an aggressive stance and lets out a scream. If the animation completes Maki's next special attack gains projectile invincibility frame 3. EX Hayagake gains frame 1 invincibility. The next physical attack that lands against her does 10% less damage. V-Gauge is gained if the animation completes and after an enhanced special attacks lands or is blocked. V-Trigger 1: Sōdai Bushin Gekitai Suru (Grand Martial God Ward) – HP+HK: Maki uses her mastery of Bushinryu to increase her defensive capabilities. Hassoukyaku, Hayagake, and Saka Hayagake gain armor on Frame 3. White life damage received is cut in half. V-Trigger drains over time. Three armored specials per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Kūchū Bushin Ha (Aerial Martial God Blade) – HP+HK: Maki displays true aerial mastery of Bushinryu. She can now perform Hassoukyaku from a backward jump anywhere on the stage. Tengu Daoshi gains increased grab range. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Genko (Pass Through Fist) – QCF+P: Maki lunges forward and strikes her foe with a power right hook that knocks down her opponent. Dissipates projectiles if properly timed. Punch button determines startup and damage. LP (Fastest Startup, Least Damage, -7 on block) MP (Slower Startup, More Damage, -4 on block) HP (Most Damage, Slowest Startup, -2 on block) EX (Reflect Projectiles With Proper Timing, Fastest Startup, Most Damage, - 2 on block Hassoukyaku (Eight Ships Kick) - QCB+P (In Air) Only works at the edges of the screen. Maki grasps the wall and follows up with a variety of actions. Re-entering the QCB+P command will cause her to drop down from the wall. Kabe Tobu (Wall Jump) – LK: Maki jumps off the wall a ½ screen away Bushin Sensui Kyaku (Martial God Dive Kick) – MK: Maki attacks her foe with a dive kick Bushin Nibui (Martial God Stump) – HK : (Command Grab) Maki grabs her foe, flips backwards, and land on them with both feet on their chest Tengu Daoshi (Tengu Collapse) – HCF+P (Command Grab) (In Air): Maki snatches her opponent out of the air and drives them head first into the ground with a belly to back suplex. Grab ranged and damage determined by the punch button pressed. LP(Most Range, Less Damage, Lands ½ Screen Away) MP (Less Range, More Damage, Lands ¼ Screen Away) HP(Least Range, Most Damage, Lands Next To Foe) EX (Most Range, Most Damage, Lands Next To Foe) Hayagake (Rapid Run) – QCF+K: Maki runs towards her opponent and follows up the run with a variety of actions. Kick button determines the distance traveled by the run. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen) HK (¾ Screen) EX (¾ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 3) Yameru (Halt) – LK : Maki brings her unto a quick stop. Bakushin Tengu Daoshi (Dashing Heavenly Dog Drop)- MK: Maki executes a sliding kick and grabs her foe and drives them head first into the ground with a belly to back suplex Atsuen Otoshi (Rolling Drop) – HK: Maki jumps up kicks her foes in the face, grabs them by the shoulder, flips over them, driving them head first into the ground. Saka Hayagake (Reverse Rapid Run)- QCB+K: Maki runs away her opponent and follows up the run with a variety of actions. Kick button determines the distance traveled by the run. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen) HK (¾ Screen) EX (¾ Screen, Throw Invincible) Yameru (Halt) – LK : Maki brings her unto a quick stop. Ku Tobu (Retreating Jump) – MK: Maki jumps away from her foe Gyaku Tobu (Reverse Jump) – HK: Maki reverses her momentum by jumping back towards her opponent. Critical Art: Tesshinou (Iron Heart Demolisher) – QCFx2+K: Maki charges her opponent hitting them with blindingly fast flying kick to the sternum that sends them crashing into the edge of the stage with such force that they bounce back towards her. She crushes her rebounding foe with a power Genko. 2 Hits 330 Damage (2x165) V-Trigger 2 Only Ajaratengu (Giant Tengu Drop) – 360°x2+P: (Ground or In Air) Maki grabs her foe and ascends to the top of the stage, while ascending Maki rapidly slams them back and forth against the edges of the stage. When she reaches the top, she drives her foe head first into the ground with a powerful Tengu Daoshi. 10 hits 365 damage (9x25, 1x140) Reasons to be in SFV: Maki still believes that she should be the true successor of Bushinryu. She's spent the last few years refining her skills for inevitable rematch with Guy. Hearing that Zeku is entering this years tournament. Maki enters as well. If She can defeat Zeku, she's know her skills will have improved enough to defeat Guy. She'll gain the mantle held by her father and become the 40th Master of Bushinryu. Name: Marion (Mari) Ette Spoiler Nickname: The Flawless Agent Sex: Female Ethnicity: French (?) Height: 5ft 9in (1.75m) Weight: 165lbs (75kg) B/W/H: 35-25-37 (89cm-64cm-94cm) Hometown: Paris, France Appearance: Mari has red hair in bob hairstyle with bangs that sweep from left to right. Her skin has an olive tone and her eyes are hazel. Her build combines the stature of a model with the muscle tone of a gymnast. She wars a dark blue tactical combat DSGE uniform with black combat boots and gloves. Likes: Training (Melee, Firearms, Hand to Hand), Completing Missions, Learning New Things Dislikes: Social Interaction(Outside of the workplace), Failure Fighting Style: Custom CQC (specifically designed to maximize her physical attributes) Tone: Mari primary concern is the mission. She has an almost superhuman drive to bring down criminal organizations. Despite, her professional prowess. She finds social interactions awkward. Given her skill has an undercover operative, that fact is odd. Origins: Little is known about Mari's childhood. Her personnel file says that she is an orphan with no family. She entered the DSGE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure )* and excelled immediately. Mari is an intellectual and physical prodigy. Despite her youth, she is master of various languages and martial arts. She's an exceptional marksman with an incredible grasp of tactics. As an agent, she seems to good to be true. Her superior often remarks “C'est comme si vous étiez conçu dans un laboratoire“ - “It's like you were designed in a lab” The DSGE has her under observation and has run extensive background checks but can't find anything of note. Her intuition and sources have been invaluable and has led to the fall of several criminal and terrorists organizations. This success has lead to her becoming a DSGE liaison to foreign intelligence organizations. She has coordinated missions with Cammy, Chun Li, and Guile to takedown remnant Shadaloo cells. *French equivalent to the CIA Her Rival: Cain Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Flame Out – LP+LK: Mari kicks her foe in the stomach causing them to double over, she then axe kicks them in the back of the head. Causing them to slam face first into the ground. Ignition – B+LP+LK: Mari kicks her foe in the stomach causing them to double over, she then rolls over their back and kicks them in the butt causing them stumble to the ground behind her. Ursa Major – LP+LK (in air): Grabs her opponent mid air and plants them into the ground with a sit down piledriver. Unique Attacks: Blue Mace – F+HP : Mari quickly flips behind her foe and strikes them with an aerial double axe handle blow Twin Flame – B+MP: Mari hits her enemy with a quick left elbow uppercut followed by a left downward elbow strike V-Reversal: Backdraft – F+KKK : Mari somersaults backward kicking her opponent under the chin and sending them a half screen away. V-Skill: Aerial Assault – MP+MK : Mari somersaults into the air and attacks her opponent in various ways. If no input is pressed she flips straight up into the air. B+MP+MK causes her to flip away from her opponent. F+MP+MK causes her to flip towards her opponent. LP+LK – Ursa Minor : Mari somersaults forward, and power bombs her foe into the ground. P – Blunt Mallet: Mari performs a low spinning back fist, knocking her opponent down K – Pointed Lance: Mari executes a double legged dive kick V-Trigger 1: Overdrive – HP+HK: Mari gains an indigo aura that improves her mobility and strength of her special attacks. The speed of her forward and back dash increases. All versions of Indigo Razor juggle (Punch strength determines number of juggle points). Blaze Knuckle gains projectile invincibility and increased damage. Blazing Stampede now juggles and has increased damage. Burning Wheel has full start up invincibility. All enhanced attacks drain V-Gauge. Forward and Back Dash do not drain V-Gauge. Mari can execute three enhanced attacks before her V-Gauge is depleted. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Incinerating Pyre: HP+K: Mari stomps the ground creating spiraling pyre of blue flames directly in front of her. Start up has no invincibility but this can be used as an anti air if timed correctly. Attack does 120 Damage/240 Stun. Attacks leaves the opponent on fire, causing damage overtime until Mari's opponent lands a hit on her. Two activation's per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Indigo Razor – HCF+P : Mari quickly slashes her right hand upward generating a dark blue stationary spinning of ki. The punch button pressed changes the properties of the attack. LP (fast startup, low damage, doesn't knockdown), MP (slower startup, highest damage, knocks down) HP (slowest startup, moderate damage, causes a juggle state, -2 on block) EX (fast startup, highest damage, causes juggle state) Blaze Knuckle – QCB+P: Mari rushes towards her for with a dashing punch while engulfed by blue (Indigo) flames. This attack resembles Crimson Vipers MP Thunder Knuckle. Distance determined by punches. All version knock down. All versions cause the same damage and stun. Blazing Stampede – QCB+K, +K,K (in air): Mari executes a dive kick while engulfed by a blue (Indigo) aura. Upon contact her foes is ignited in blue flame. The kick button can be pressed twice upon hit for two successive follow up kicks. Can be done from neutral or forward jump. Kick button determines the angle. Very unsafe on block. Burning Wheel – F,DF,F +K: (Anti Air) Mari performs a rising cyclone kick with both of her legs covered in blue flames. Attack looks very much like Chun Li's Tenshoukyaku. LK (fastest startup), MK (best anti air properties), HK (slowest startup, biggest damage) Critical Art: Indigo Inferno – QCFx2+P : Mari's passes through her opponent repeatedly with multiple (eleven) Blaze Knuckles, before ending the barrage with a powerful single hit Burning Wheel that sends her foe sailing through the air. Initial (Blaze Knuckle) portion of the Critical Art resembles Gen's Zetsuei (Mantis) Ultra Combo 1 from SFIV. 12 Hits 340 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Mari's goal is to identify and neutralize the leadership of the Secret Society. It's her directive from her DSGE team leader and unbeknownst to her, her true master Cain of Synergy Technologies. Side Note: -Mari is “Agent Marigold” - Full name is Marion Ette (She's subject to puppet jokes by her contemporaries) -She was created by Shadoloo as a replacement for Killer Bee -Project Marionette was Shadoloo's plan to create the perfect doll from scratch. The project took genetic samples from all 13 of Bison's doll and constructed an individual doll with best attributes of all thirteen, I.e Cammy's speed and Noembelu's strength -Cain used the data he gained as Seth to modify Mari to be resistant to Psycho Power -Mari is unaware that she is Cain's agent. She's been thoroughly programmed with focus on her job. Only becoming aware that she is Agent Marigold when Cain's utters her trigger phrase -Cain feeds Mari information that she can use to bring down rival criminal organizations and enemies to Synergy. This serves a dual purpose. Synergy is strengthened by the fall of its competitors. Mari gains more power in the DSGE, allowing her to influence and further limit the expansion of Synergy's enemies. -Cain specifically designed her fighting style around her physical attributes to maximize her effectiveness Ending: Mari and her DSGE team are captured by a disguised Cain. He reveals to a Mari that she's really his sleeper agent to Mari's disbelief. She's the prototype and he plains to infiltrate all the top intelligence agencies with similar operatives. Mari attempts to attack Cain but he utters a phrase that stops her in her tracks. He then orders Mari to execute the team leader, who has been like a mother to her in her time with the DSGE. Mari loads her gun. Puts it to the team leader's head. She begins to shake with tears streaming down her face. Mari then turns yelling “I AM NOT YOUR PUPPET!” and tries to fire at Cain who disarms her. A fight ensues and despite her best efforts, Cain quickly gains the upper hand. Her team manages to free themselves during the battle and comes to Mari's aid just as Cain is about to land the killing blow. He flees the scene before Mari and her team can ascertain his true identity. Name: Maya Velasquez Spoiler Nickname: Dauntless Marine Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5ft 9in (1.75m) Weight: 148lbs (67kg) B/W/H: 39-24-36 (99cm-61cm-91cm) Hometown: Corpis Christi, Texas Appearance: Maya has long red hair tied into a “military donut bun” to meet Marine regulations. She has green eyes, large lips, and an olive complexion. Maya has a short sleeve green t-shirt with black letters, “USMC”, across the bosom. She has on green camouflage pants and tan leather combat boots. Maya has a black belt with holster, around her waist. The gun in her holster resembles an M9 Beretta. She also has a “kabar”, standard issue combat knife, strapped to the outside of her left thigh. Likes: Her Family (Husband and Daughter), Humbling Smug People, Track & Field Dislikes: Being Stationed Away from Family, Lazy Students Fighting Style: MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) Tone: Maya exudes confidence and fears no opponent Origins: Captain Maya Velasquez is an elite Marine CQC instructor. Maya was star Track & Field athlete in school. She was the number one ranked under 18 Heptathlete in the United States. Maya was offered several scholarships but had to decline due to becoming pregnant with her daughter Lauren. Her boyfriend, Laurence Velasquez, enlisted in the Marines and asked her to marry him. Much to the chagrin of both their parents, she accepted. Maya enrolled in the NROTC, Marine Option after Lauren was born. Maya would go onto become a MCMAP instructor. MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) requires officers to have a black belt in a Civilian martial art. Maya was black belt, 1st Dan, in American Karate. Maya's natural athleticism and CQC (Close Quarters Combat) abilities allowed her to progress in skill at remarkable pace. Eventually she'd become a Six Tab (6th Degree) MCMAP black belt. Being an instructor kept her close to home, for the most part, allowing her as much time as was possible with Lauren. Her Rival: Cammy Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Techniques: 3 925 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Stomach Crunch – LP+LK: Maya punches her opponent in the abdomen with left-right punch combination and sends her flying with a left uppercut. Instant Migraine – B+LP+LK: Maya jumps onto her opponents shoulders, and rapidly slams her fists together on each side of their head repeatedly, causing them to collapse to the ground behind her. Unique Attacks: Scarlet Elbow – F+MP: Maya hops into the air and elbows her opponent while turning her body parallel to the ground. Slow startup, -2 on Block. Double Kick – F+HK: Maya strikes with a high left roundhouse kick to the head, cocks back the same leg and mule kicks her opponent in the face. Split Combination – LP, MP, D+HP, HP: (Target Combo) Maya strikes her foe with a left-right straight punch combination, goes into a full split, hits opponent with a left straight punch to the groin followed right uppercut to her doubled over opponent's jaw. V-Reversal: Ka-Bar– F+PPP: Maya strikes with a right knife edged punch to the throat that cause her foe to crumple to ground. V-Skill: A.J.P. (Alternative Jump Protocol) – MP+MK: Maya executes a half height neutral, forward, or backward jump. Neutral A.J.P – MP+MK: May executes a half height neutral jump. Forward A.J.P – F+MP+MK: Maya executes a half height forward jump Back A.J.P – B+MP+MK: Maya executes a half height back jump V-Gauge builds after any blocked or landed attack post A.J.P activation. V-Trigger 1: V.T.O.L (Vertical TakeOff and Landing)– HP+HK: Maya has a rush of adrenaline and is now able to perform Split Kicks from Neutral and Backward Jumps. Aerial Split Kicks no longer have a height restriction. Both Ground and Aerial version of the Split Kick cause a juggle state. Four enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: C.N.S (Combat Knife Stance) – HP+HK: Maya unsheathes her standard issue combat knife and uses it in battle. The range, damage, and stun values for punch attacks are increased. Punch attacks now cause chip damage. Light attacks receive a 5 damage/5 stun buff, Medium attacks receive a 10 damage/10 stun buff, and Heavy Attacks receive a 15 damage/15 Stun buffs. This buffs carry over to all her knuckle attacks. In addition. Sliding Knuckle is now +2 on hit. Dashing Knuckle is +3 on hit. Rising Knuckle gains invincibility to Airborne attacks. EX is fully invincible but now susceptible to Crush Counters. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Sliding Knuckle – QCB+P: Maya crouches, twists her upper body backward, and charges forward with a straight right punch. Goes under projectiles with proper timing. Leaves foes standing. Must be blocked low. +1 on hit. Distance traveled determined by the punch button pressed. LP( ¼ Screen), MP ( 1/3 Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 1, ¾ Screen) Dashing Knuckle – QCF+P: Viper twists her upper body backward, and charges forward with a dashing left punch. Punch button determines attack properties. Leaves foes standing. +2 on hit. Distance traveled determined by the punch button pressed. LP( ¼ Screen), MP ( 1/3 Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX(+3 on hit, ¾ Screen) Rising Knuckle – F,D,DF+P: Viper twists her upper body backward, and charges upward with a rising left punch. Punch button determines the ascent angle. No start up invincibility, 3F Startup, knocks down. LP (75° Angle), MP (60° Angle), HP (45°Angle) EX (Invincible to Airborne Attacks, Causes Juggle State, LP+MP 75° Angle, LP+HP 60° Angle, MP+HP 45°Angle) Split Kick – QCB+K: Maya flips into the air before striking her opponent with a split kick that knocks them down. Range of this attack is determined by the kick button pressed. Attack has slow startup. All version are throw invincible. LK(Point Blank), MK( ¼ Screen), HK( ½ Screen), EX(Gains Projectile Invincibility, Fast Startup, Aerial Flip Prior to Kick now has a hit box, 3 Hits) Aerial Split Kick – QCB+K: (In Air) Maya flips while in the air before striking her opponent with a split kick. Can only be performed from a forward jump. Attack has slow startup, but has faster startup than grounded version. LK(Slowest Startup), MK(Slower Startup), HK(Slow Startup), EX(Gains Projectile Invincibility, Fast Startup, Flip Prior to Kick now has a hit box, 3 Hits, Causes A Juggle State) Critical Art: Charging Knuckle Barrage – QCFx2+P: Maya pummels her opponent with a barrage of Sliding and Dashing Knuckles, striking them a half dozen times before knocking them into the air with a two hit Rising Knuckle. 8 hits 330 damage (6x20, 2x105). Reasons to be in SFV: This is simply Crimson Viper, prior to joining the CIA. If for some reason during the current era, she were caught without her battle suit. This is how she would fight. Side Notes: Her maiden name is Ortiz. Her daughter Lauren is named after her father Laurence. She has never met her father's parents Maya's parents didn't approve of her marriage initially but came around. Laurence hasn't seen his parents since he enlisted. On the rare occasion that she and Laurence are on tour. Lauren is watched by Maya's parents. Name: Mike (SF1) Spoiler Nickname: The Cunning Counter Puncher Sex: Male Ethnicity: American Height: 6'3 1/2”(1.92m) Weight: 218lbs (99kg) B/W/H: 49-34-36(125cm-86cm-91cm) Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Appearance: Mike has short black hair cut into a close cropped fade and brown eyes. He wears a red sleeveless shirt that is tucked into his blue jeans and white high top sneakers. Mike wears a gold rope chain around his neck and a gold tooth. His hands are wrapped in white tape and his jeans are secured with a silver buckled belt. Likes: Family, Cars, Football, Helping Kids Dislikes: Injuries, Paparazzi Fighting Style: Boxing (Philly Shell) Tone: Mike is generous man that uses the fame and fortune he gained as boxing champion to help others. Origins: Growing up in poverty, Mike resorted to thievery to help provide food for his family. He didn't like the feeling of being hungry as a child and refused to let his younger sister experience the same thing. As a juvenile, Mike finally got caught. While he was incarcerated, he took up boxing. He was actually quite good at it. Catching the eye of US Olympic Boxing coach. To the surprise of even his coach, Mike earned a gold medal. He quickly turned pro, using the money to provide for his mother and sister. After the heavyweight champions opponent had to drop out their fight due to injury, Mike was tabbed as his replacement. His gold medal and inexperience made the fight an easy sell to the public and seemingly easy task for the champion. He was underestimated and stunned the boxing world by becoming champion at just 21 years of age. Mike would hold the title for 3 years before losing the title to Balrog in thrilling fight that saw him lose via TKO in 12th round. All three judges had Mike up 106-103 going into the 12th Round. Mike would the stun the boxing world by retiring at age 24. Having made a fortune in boxing, Mike would return to Oklahoma to open a community center. A place where he'd spend his free time teaching kids how to box and organizing charities to help the disadvantaged youths. His Rival: Balrog (Boxer) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 975 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: One, Two, Three – LP+LK: Mike clinches with his opponent and strikes them with two quick body shots, followed by short uppercut. Chin Check – B+LP+LK: Mike clinches with his opponent, rotates 180 degrees, and floors them with an uppercut to the chin. Unique Attacks: Check Hook – B+MP: Mike throws an evasive hook punch that lands as his foes sails past him. This causes a side switch. Bolo Punch – F+MK: Mike hits his opponent with a quick circular arm punch. V-Reversal: Buzzing Cross – F+KKK: Mike stun his foe with a swift cross to the face that leaves the opponent standing V-Skill: Butterfly Shuffle– MP+MK: Mike bob and weaves to evade his opponents attack. V-Gauge builds with each successful weave. Has two optional follow ups. P – Lifting Stinger : Mike executes a swift uppercut that knocks his opponent into the air. -7 on block K – Sweeping Stinger: Mike performs a quick hook punch to his foes knees knocking them down. Hard knock down -9 on block V-Trigger 1: Sweet Science – HP+HK: Mike gains enhanced mobility and the ability to chain together his normal attacks and some special attacks. This allows him to string together longer combinations to compensate for his low damage. Each chain combo drains he V-Gauge. V-Gauge only drains when a chain combo is used. His faster forward and backward dashes do not drain his V-Gauge. He can perform a Triple Stinger at the cost of his entire V-Gauge. Triple Stinger turns Variable Stinger into a Rekka style attack allowed the player to perform an Overhand Stinger, Abdomen Stinger, and Cranial Stinger in succession. The motion for the attack must be inputted for each Stinger. 240 damage/240 stun Triple Stinger can only be performed with a full V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Butterfly Flutter – HP+HK: Mike's agility reaches it peak. He now gains the ability to dodge attacks by pressing HP+HK. Each successful dodge partially restores his V-Gauge. Successfully reading your opponent will extend the duration of his V-Trigger. Dodging attacks negates any white life or chip damage. Dodging a Light attack leaves Mike +1, Medium +2, and Heavy +3. 2-Bar V-Trigger. Specials: Stinging Swarm – QCF+P : Mike treats his opponents head like as speed bag. He rolls his fists quickly, rapidly stinging his foes face with repeated punches. LK (4hits, - 2 on block, leaves opponent standing) MK (5hits, -4 on block, causes soft knockdown), HK (6 hits, -6 on bock, causes juggle state in corner only) EX(8 hits, -3 on block, causes juggle state) Stinging Blow – QCB+P: Mike staggers his foe with a precise dashing hook punch to the liver. Punch button determines the distance traveled. LP (stationary), MP(¼ screen), HP (½ screen), EX ( 1/3 Screen, Causes Crumple State) Variable Stinger – F,DF,F+P: Mike strikes his foes with one of his three signature techniques. Punch button determines the technique. EX Overhand Stinger causes a hard knock down, EX Abdomen Stinger is +3 on hit allowing for a follow up combo. EX Cranial Stinger does additional stun damage LP – Overhand Stinger - (overhead) Mike strikes with a quick overhand right MP- Abdomen Stinger - Mike slams his foe with a powerful uppercut to the stomach HP- Cranial Stinger – Mike hits his foe with a lighting fast right hook to the temple Butterfly Block -QCB+K: Mike intercepts his opponents attack, leaving them vulnerable to a counter attack. Punch button determines the type of deflected. LK (Low), MK (Mid/High), HK (Jump In Attacks) Butterfly Float – QCB+K: (In Air): Mike changes the trajectory of his forward jump. LK(Short Back Dash), MK (Halts His Forward Momentum), HK (Forward Dash). All jump attacks can be performed after Butterfly Float. Whiffing or performing no follow up attack results in extended landing recovery frames. EX version does not have extended landing recovery frames. LK+MK(Short Back Dash), LK+HK (Halts His Forward Momentum), MK+HK (Forward Dash) Critical Art: Blinding Stinger – QCFx2+P : Mike strikes with a blisteringly fast combination of punches. Hitting his opponent with 10 hit left-right combination to the body, followed by right hook to the temple, and a left uppercut to the chin that sends them flying into the air. 12 hits total (10x20 damage, 1x50 damage, 1x100 damage) 350 damage total. Reasons to be in SFV: Mike was contacted by his former boxing promoter. He was able to get a rematch with Balrog sanctioned by the boxing commission. The chance for “The Cunning Counter Puncher” to avenge his only defeat against the “Crazy Buffalo” would do huge PPV numbers. While he is more than satisfied with career, Mike knows he could help a lot of kids with the money he'd earn in the rematch. “Clash vs. Crass 2: Redemption” live from the Golden Bullion in Las Vegas. Who will win the match of former champons? Tune in live on PPV. - Mike's boxing style is based more on speed and agility. The names of his special attacks are a nod to Muhammad Ali Name: Mike Haggar Spoiler Nickname: Mayor of Earth Sex: Male Ethnicity: American Height: 6ft 7in (2.02m) Weight: 307lbs (139kg) B/W/H: 61-46-48 (155cm-117cm-122cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Haggar is a massive well muscled man. He has brown slicked back hair with a hint of gray. His eyes are brown and a thick brown mustache. He wears a white collared long sleeve button up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. Haggar wears a leather watch on his left wrist. He has on green slacks. There is a single brown leather suspender that is fastened on the right ride of his waist , goes across his chest, and goes over his left shoulder. Haggar has black dress shoes on his feet. Likes: Jessica, Wrestling, Curry Rice, Hamburgers Dislikes: Criminals, Gangs Fighting Style: Wrestling Tone: Haggar is a no nonsense man that takes crap from no one. While he has no issue delegating tasks, he won't hesitate to take care of things himself. Origins: Haggar was a renowned street fighter in his youth. As an adult he joined the CWA and became a famous professional wrestler. Haggar's trademark Double Lariat granted him many of victory. It's also the source of an unusual rivalry with Zangief. Zangief saw this maneuver and developed his own variation of it. This enraged Haggar who promptly developed his version of Zangief's Spinning Piledriver that he dubbed the Screwdriver. Despite both Zangief and Haggar having storied wrestling careers, they never actually met in the ring. After retiring, Haggar became Mayor of Metro City. He gained global fame after his daughter Jessica was kidnapped by Mad Gear. Rather than relying on his police force, Haggar fought alongside Cody and Guy to bring down the Mad Gear gang and rescue her. His Rival: Zangief Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 3 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Back Breaker – P+K: Haggar lifts his opponent high overhead and slams them onto his out stretched knee. Back Drop – B+P+K: Haggar picks up his opponent lifts them high into the air and back drops them behind him. Flying Pile Driver – (In Air) P+K: Haggar snatches his foe out of the air and spike them head first into the ground with a classic Pile Driver Unique Attacks: Knife Edge Chop – B+MP: Haggar hits his opponent with backhand chop to the chest Head of State – F+HP (Hit Grab): Haggar grabs his opponents by the head with both hands. Hoists them into the air and headbutts them in the sternum sending them into the air. Juggles in the corner. Hammer of Justice - (Target Combo) MP, B+MP, HP: Haggar strikes his for with two body punches followed by an overhead double axe handle punch that knocks down. Classic FF combo. V-Reversal: Big Boot – F+KKK: Haggar floors his opponent with boot the face that sends them a ¼ screen away V-Skill: Missile Drop Kick – MP+MK: Haggar hops into a powerful drop kick that goes over low attacks and causes a knock down. Attack can be charged by holding down the attack buttons. Fully charged the Missile Drop Kick causes a wall bounce. V-Trigger 1: Slam Master – HP+HK: Haggar's temper boils over. All Screwdriver's gain 5F Startup, Increased throw range, and damage. Haggar gains a new move. Jackhammer an aerial version of his Screwdriver command grab. Haggar's walk and dash speed is increased. V-Trigger is permanent. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Muscle Bomber – HP+HK: Haggar's temper explodes. All Double Lariats gain a vacuum effect. The stronger the button combination the wider the vacuum effects range. Juggle capabilities of the LP+MP version and EX version are increased. LP+HP and MP+HP versions receive a 20 damage/30 stun boost. V-Trigger is permanent. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Screwdriver -360°+P (Command Grab): Haggar's rendition of Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver. All versions have a 6F start up. Doesn't spin as fast as Zangief's and does less damage. LP (Most Range, Least Damage, Most Recovery On Hit), MP (Less Range, More Damage, Less Recovery On Hit), HP (Least Range, Most Damage, Least Recovery On Hit) EX (5F Start up, Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most damage, Least Recovery On Hit) Double Lariat – P+P: Haggar's signature technique, later copied by Zangief. The punch buttons pressed changes the properties of the lariat. All version are projectile invincible from Frame 1. LP+MP(Fastest Start up and Recovery, Least Damage, 1 hit, Limited Juggle Properties), LP+HP (Slower Start Up and Recovery, More Damage, 2 hits, Soft Knock Down), MP+HP(Slowest Startup and Recovery, Most Damage, 3 hits, Hard Knock Down) EX (3P, Fastest Start up and Recovery, Most Damage, 5 hits, Juggles, Limited Vacuum Effect) Violent Ax – F,D,DF+P: Haggar strikes with a shoulder charge followed up by a powerful double axe handle uppercut. Punch button determines the distance traveled. LP( ¼ Screen, Leaves Standing), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Causes Juggle), EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, Causes Wall Bounce, LP+MP ¼ Screen, LP+HP 1/3 Screen, MP+HP ½ Screen) Hoodlum Launcher – 360°+K (Command Grab): Haggar rushes towards his foe, grabs them, and tosses them into the air placing them in juggle state. Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK( ¼ Screen), MK (½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Auto tracks, Tosses Foe Higher Into the Air, Gains Armor on Frame 3) V-Trigger 1 Only Jackhammer -360°+P (In Air): Aerial version of Haggar's Screwdriver. Must be performed from a forward jump. Does 15 less damage and 25 less stun than the Screwdriver. LP (Most Range, Least Damage, Most Recovery On Hit), MP (Less Range, More Damage, Less Recovery On Hit), HP (Least Range, Most Damage, Least Recovery On Hit) EX (Air Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most damage, Least Recovery On Hit) Critical Art: Final Haggar Buster - 720°+P : Haggar grabs his foe and hits them with a back drop. He then grabs their legs, giants swings them high into the air, jumps after them, and plants them into the ground with Screwdriver. 2Hit 380 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Haggar's reason for entering the tournament seems simple. He wants to settle his rivalry with Zangief. While publicly, that seems like his man focus. He's also in the tournament to help Jessica. He knows she's up to something dangerous and anyone that messes with his baby girl will have hell to pay. Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Mi Na (Kim Mi Na) Spoiler Nickname: Legs of Tempest Sex: Female Ethnicity: South Korean Height: 5'7”(1.70m) Weight: 130lbs (59kg) B/W/H: 33-23-37 (84cm-58cm-94cm) Hometown: Busan, South Korea Appearance: Mi Na has medium length dark brown hair that hangs down just below her collarbone. Her bangs hang just above her eyebrows. Mi Na's eyes are light brown. She has petite but toned upper body with a modest bosom. Mi Na's lower body is larger in comparison featuring thick muscular thighs and calf muscles. She wears a custom, primarily white Taekwondo gi. The upper gi is sleeveless with red trim around the collar and arm openings. The lower gi features pants that stop at the top of her calves and has blue trim around the base of her pant legs. She has a black belt tied around her waist. Mi Na has black fingerless gloves on her hands with red nail polish. She has black ankle guards on her feet with blue toe nail polish. Likes: Yakgwa (Korean Honey Cookies), Challenges, Demoralizing Opponents Dislikes: Boredom, Weakness Fighting Style: Taekwondo Tone: Mi Na is extremely arrogant. She hadn't tasted defeat since she was a child and it shows in her attitude. She talks down and belittles her opponents. Origins: Kim Mi Na (Kim is her family name, Mi Na is her given name) is South Korea's Taekwondo champion. She's undefeated as a professional against both male and female opponents. She's only ever tasted defeat as an amateur. Another Taekwondo prodigy, Han Joo Rhee (Juri), defeated her in their only meeting. Mi Na trained hard for a potential rematch at the next tournament, but Joo Rhee never showed. The Han family's car was struck by a hail of bullets as they drove to the arena. Mr and Mrs Han were killed and Joo Rhee was critically injured. Joo Rhee was never seen again after that. Fate had robbed Mi Na of a chance at redemption. She felt cheated by this and she felt guilty for feeling that way. She would use a growing arrogance to hid this feeling. Mi Na went on to achieve great success. A few years later Mi Na would turn pro as a young teen and set the Taekwondo world on fire. She easily defeated all of her opponents, Mi Na quickly grew bored of female competition and decided to challenge the men's champion. Who refused. Mi Na finally goaded him into a fight by putting her entire personal fortune on the line if he could defeat her. Despite his best efforts, he could not. Mi Na was crowned the best Taekwondo fighter in the world. “The Invincible Legs of Tempest” is how she became known, but she was unsatisfied. She didn't feel invincible. Others may have forgotten, but she never got past her lone defeat as an amateur. Rival: Juri Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Furatsuki Kaze (Wobbling Wind)– LP+LK: Mi Na steps on her opponents left knee with her right foot, steps on their right shoulder with her left foot, quickly places her right foot on their forehead, and violent kicks off their head sending her tumbling backwards. Hayai Kaze (Swift Wind) – B+LP+LK: Mi Na steps on her opponents left knee with her right foot, steps on their right shoulder with her left foot, quickly places her right foot behind their head, and flips forward kicking them in the back up of the head causing them stumble and fall behind her. Kyōi-Tekina Kaze (Astounding Wind) – LP+LK (In Air): Mi Na flips over her opponent and drives both her feet into the small of their back, sending them crash straight down into the ground. Unique Attacks: Sora Henka (Sky Change) - B+Near Wall (In Air): Mi Na grabs the wall and jumps toward her opponent Kaze Nejiru (Twisting Wind) - B+MP: Mi Na strikes with a right twisting kick. 5F can anti air with proper timing. Idaina Senpū (Great Whirlwind) – F+HP: Mi Na hits her for with a hopping 360° kick. Slow startup, goes over low attacks. Crush Counter attack. -4 on block. Daunbāsuto (Downburst) - F+MK: (Overhead) Mi Na performs a quick downward (axe) kick. -6 block, +2 on hit. Ochiru Arashi (Storm Falling)- F+HK: (Overhead) Mi Na performs a jumping downward (axe) kick. Slower startup than Daunbāsuto but has more range. Attack is -2 block and +4 on hit. Jōshō Arashi (Ascent Tempest) - LK, MK, HK: (Target Combo): Mi Na strikes with a front kick, left-right side kick combination. Sidekicks whiff on crouching opponents. -6 on block Kōka Arashi (Descent Tempest)- MP, MK, D+HK: (Target Combo): Mi Na strikes with a right-left turning kick combination followed by a left back sweep kick. - 6 on block V-Reversal: Toppū Kyaku (Squall Kick) – F+KKK: Mi Na performs a back kick that strikes her opponent in the face and sends them spinning away from her. V-Skill: Uindochenji (Changing Wind) – MP+MK: Mi Na deflects the opponents attack and evades to one of three positions. MP+MK (Above In Front), B+MP+MK (½ Screen Backward), F+MP+MK (½ Screen Forward). V-Gauge builds on deflecting attacks and follow up attacks from the “Above In Front” position. All jump normals are available from that position. V-Trigger 1: Kūki Yūi (Air Superiority) – HP+HK: Mi Na focuses her ki to enhance her aerial offense. Sora Sakeru Kyaku can now be performed from neutral and backward jumps. LK version is now +3 on hit. MK now causes a hard knock down. HK version now causes a juggle state. EX is plus +7 on hit.. Can cancel into a Rakka Senpū Tsubasa of equal strength on hit. Rakka Senpū Tsubasa can now be performed from neutral and backward jumps. Attack gains projectile invincibility. EX version gains an additional juggle point 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Kaze Denryū (Wind Current) – HP+HK: Mi Na gains the ability to store all three of her projectiles at once. While her V-Trigger is active, an additionalg Store Gauge appears above her V-Trigger gauge. Holding down the kick button while performing a Kazakiri Ha during V-Trigger immediately stores the projectile. Allowing Mi Na have the projectile in reserve without having to continue to hold down the kick button. To release the projectile press HP+HK and the appropriate direction. EX Kazakiri Ha cannot be V-Trigger stored. HP+HK – Horizontal (After LK Kazakiri Ha is stored) B+HP+HK – 30° Angle (After MK Kazakiri Ha is stored) F+HP+HK – 45° Angle (After HK Kazakiri Ha is stored) V-Trigger stores can be canceled into one another on hit and block. Non stored Kazakiri Ha attacks can still be performed during V-Trigger. Storing projectiles does not drain V-Gauge. V-Gauge drains when they are released. Up to four stores per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Sora Sakeru Kyaku (Sky Cleaving Leg) – QCF+K (In Air) From a forward jump Mi Na executes a somersault kick directly downward, landing in a full split. Kick button determines the startup and attack properties. LK (Fastest Startup, Least Damage, +2 on hit, Leaves Foe Standing), MK (Slower Startup, More Damage, Soft Knock Down), HK (Slowest Startup, Most Damage, Hard Knock Down), EX (Fastest Startup, Most Damage, +5 on Hit, Leaves Foe Standing) Kazakiri Ha (Wind Cutting Blade) - QCF+K: Mi Na uses a roundhouse kick to generate a thin blade of ki that cuts through the air as it heads toward her opponent. Holding down the kick button allows the projectile to stored. Only one projectile can be stored at a time. Releasing the button will initiate the attack. She can move normally while the projectile is being stored. LK (Horizontal), MK (30° Angle), HK (45° Angle), EX 2 Hits (LK+MK Horizontal, LK+HK 30° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle) Rakka Senpū Tsubasa (Descending Whirlwind Blade)– QCB+K: (In Air) Mi Na performs rapid descending kick combination . Initial kick can be followed up by two additional attacks. Three additional attacks for the EX version. K - Champion Kick (First Follow Up): Mi Na strikes with a spinning back left kick. K - Hyper Foot (Second Follow Up: Mi Na strikes with a spinning back right kick. K - Super X Strike (EX Only -Third Follow Up): Mi Na strikes with a spinning left axe kick that causes a hard knock down LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle) EX (LK+MK 60° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 30° Angle) Kaitenkteki Hoshikyaku (Rotating Star Kick)– QCB+K: Mi Na jumps into the air striking her opponent with a front split kick, if the first hit connects, she begins to spin rapidly. Kick button determines the distance traveled and damage. The final hit, no matter the kick strength, causes a knock down. LK (2 Hits, ¼ Screen), MK (3 Hits, 1/3 Screen), HK (4 Hits, ½ Screen), EX( 6 Hits, ½ Screen, Final Hit Causes Juggle State) Critical Art: Kaze Funsai Ha (Wind Shattering Blade) – QCFx2+K: Mi Na strikes with a rapid succession of Kazakiri Ha projectiles that strike her foe at multiple angles . The forces of the multiple projetiles cause her foe to rise into the air. Leaving them prone for a 720° spin to the sternum that sends the crashing into the edge of the stage. 11 hits 330 damage (10x25, 1x80) Reasons to be in SFV: Mi Na was set to announce her retirement when she caught wind of the last World Martial Arts tournament. In it, she saw a Taekwondo fighter of great skill. One that seemed familiar. The fighter was called “Juri”. Her rival had survived and gained immense power. Mi Na had her chance to prove which of them is best after all. She retired from the Taekwondo circuit, not to give up fighting however. She would spend the next year honing her skills. Mi Na would be at the next World Martial Arts tournament. She would have her rematch. Victory Quotes: Ryu:“Disappointing, I expected more for the one who felled Sagat.” Chun Li: “The strongest woman in the world is me. Remember that when you regain consciousness.” Nash: “Two time All American Martial Arts Champion Charles Nash!? I heard you were KIA. You move swiftly for dead man, but not swiftly enough” M.Bison: “Such power, finally a warrior worthy to share the same ring with me.” Cammy: “You may seem quick to others, but for me you were moving in slow motion.” Birdie: “The competitive eating contest is that way slob. Get your disgusting visage out of my sight!” Ken: “I expected more from the reigning AAMA Champion. Competition must be lacking in your country. Your fire was easy to snuff out” Necalli: “I hope losing satiates your hunger because the only thing you’ll be d-d-devouring is defeat ahahahaha” Vega: “A truly beautiful fighter does not need a mask. They have the skill to remain untouched. Gaze upon true beauty matador.” R.Mika: “The only predetermined outcome here is my victory. You and your partner were mere gnats for me to swat.” Rashid: “Your ‘Turbulent Wind’ is a mere breeze against my tempest. Mr…what was your name again? No matter, you are not worth remembering” Karin: “An lowly pauper lacks the class to challenge a queen. Stick to running your business Kanzuki. Leave fighting to the professionals.” Zangief: “Your fascination with building muscle leaves you a large and easily hit-table target. Strength means nothing when you can’t hit your opponent. I own your skies.” Laura: “If this is what Matsuda Jiu Jitsu is capable of, you should shut down your school. What a pathetic display!” Dhalsim: “It seems that your ‘Enlightenment’ did not bestow upon you competent fighting skills. Go home to your family before you get yourself killed old man.” F.A.N.G.: “Two minutes? Not even if I were blinded folded with my hands tied behind my back. Now fly away silly bird before I ground you permanently.” Alex: “I’ve heard great things about your gym. Apparently they were all wrong. Your technique is sloppy and you were no threat to me. Too bad you don’t fight as well as you look…oh well.” Guile: “I can see why you are Air Force, you wouldn’t make it in the Marines with those skills. If this is the best your military has to offer, your country is doomed.” Ibuki: “Whatever boy you find needs to be a capable fighter because you certainly cannot defend yourself.” Balrog:”Raw power and no technique makes you easy to defeat.” Juri: “I was impressed by your ability…when I thought it was your own. All these years, I thought you were special. You were just lucky” Urien: “And here I thought you were this evenings entertainment. I actually broke a sweat. Urien was it? You are a worthy opponent.” Akuma: “What are you!? Such power, speed, and skill. I’m trembling!? Ah, so this is what fear feels like.” Kolin: ”There is an ice cream shop around the corner with a “Now Hiring” sign. You should apply, fighting is clearly not your forte.” Ed: “I’ve seen this sloppy technique before, you need to find a new trainer. Your meager talents are being wasted.” Abigail:”Your occupation is fitting. A junkyard is the perfect place someone who’s skills are pure trash.” Menat: “You saw this beating in your future and still fought me. I would call you stupid but that would be an insult to idiots.” Zeku: “Are you truly one fighter? Fighting you is like fighting two different people. This was…fun. I’m actually…impressed.” Sakura: “Considering that you are self taught, your paltry talents are almost impressive.” Blanka: “Not even the animal kingdom can stand before my might. Scurry off to the jungle creature, it is safer than fighting with me.” Falke: “If this is what intensive training gets you, you may want to seek a new line of work. “ Name: Nakato* Spoiler Nickname: The Raging Spire of Lightning Sex: Female Ethnicity: Dinka (Sudanese) Height: 6ft 4in (1.93 m) Weight: 177lbs (80kg) B/W/H: 37-27-37(94cm-68cm-94cm) Hometown: South Sudan (city unknown) Appearance: Nakato is a towering figure with dark brown skin, golden eyes, and very short curly dark red hair. She has an toned muscular build reminiscent of a track athlete, albeit a big one. She wears ebony, well tailored pants suit, with gold embroidery, and black dress shoes. She had dark crimson dress shirt under her suit jacket that is only buttoned up to her abdomen. Like Urien, her suit seems almost painted on. Likes: Urien, Strength, Nature, Wasswa Dislikes: Weakness, Disloyalty Fighting Style: Secret Society CQC Tone: Nakato is cold and calculating woman with little sentimentality. She relishes her job and as Urien's personal enforcer. Although they share the same origin, she and Wasswa (her twin brother) have starkly different personalities. Origins: Nakato was born in a war torn portion of southern Sudan. Her village was wiped out in one of the many civil wars. During the fighting, her family home collapsed. Wasswa dove on top of her protecting her and was badly injured. Nakato created a makeshift home and nursed her brother backed to health. Together they braved the wilds of their homeland surviving the roaming bands of soldiers and wildlife until they were discovered by a member of the Secret Society. Impressed by their ability to survive, they were brought into the order and ascending to it's highest ranks. Nakato eventually became member of Urien's guard detail. A highly difficult position. His guards didn't last long as Urien was hard to impress and didn't tolerate failure. A group of former guards had enough of Urien and decided the secret society would be better off without him. Nakato thwarted their assassination attempt. Singlehandedly defeating and executing a dozen mutinous former guards. In the process she had done something that no one had done before. Earned Urien's respect. “Kneel before me Nakato!”, Urien bellowed. As Nakato knelt before Urien, she felt a surge of power. Her ki sparked with electricity. “Arise Nakato, we have work to do....” Her Rival: Wasswa Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Shock Therapy – P+K : Nakato clasps her hands together over her opponents ears and charges them with electricity, shocking her opponent and causing them to collapse to the ground. Spine Tingler– B+P+K: Nakato grabs her opponent with both hands, hoists them overhead, electrifies them, and slams them behind her. Unique Attacks: Violence Headbutt – F+MP : (overhead) Nakato reels back and violently slams her head into her opponent Spark Heel – LK, MK (Target Combo): A left side kick to the abdomen, followed by an immediate left side kick to the face V-Reversal: Arcing Deflector F+PPP : Nakato generates a blue electric shield that shocks her opponent and knocks them a half screen away. Looks like a blue Aegis Reflector V-Skill: Arc Fault – MP+MK : Nakato charges her body with electrical energy. Increasing the damage on her next special attack and adding projectile invincibility to Dangerous Knee Bash turning it into Dangerous Knee Bolt. Builds a small amount of V-Gauge with a successful charge. Builds additional V-Gauge on when the charge attack lands on the opposition. V-Trigger 1: Sparking Rage – HP+HK : Nakato charges her body with electrical energy doubling the white life damage caused by blocking her attacks. She gains the ability to cancel all specials but the Arc Compressor into one another. Each cancel expends V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Arc Storm - HP+HK: Nakato's arms gain a sparking aura improving the capabilities of her Arc Bolts. Startup time of all Arc Bolts are decreased by 2F. LP Range Increased to ½ Screen. MP Range Increased to ¾ Screen. HP Range Increased to Full Screen. EX Range Increased to Full Screen. Recovery reduced by 2F. 6 projectiles per trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Arc Piercer - F,D,DF +P : Nakato strikes with a brutal left uppercut to the body that sends a bolt of electricity through the opponent on hit. Attack has no invincibility. All versions knock down. LP(3F Startup, Least Damage), MP(5F Startup, More Damage, Juggles In Corner), HP(6F Startup, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX(3F Startup, Armor Frame 3, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) Arc Bolt - QCB+P : Nakato holds up a clinched fist generating a slowing moving bolt of lighting, Punch button strength determines the distance traveled. All versions leave the opponent standing. LP (Fastest Startup. Slowest Recovery, ¼ screen) MP (Slower Startup, Faster Recovery, 1/3 screen) HP (Slowest Startup, Fastest Recovery, ½ Screen) EX(Fastest Startup, Fastest Recovery, Causes Juggle State).HP and EX versions recover fast enough for Nakato to follow behind it. Arc Compressor - HCB+K : (Command Grab) Nakato stuns her opponent with an electrified palm strike to the chest and squeezes them in between two compressing Arc Deflectors. LK (Most Range, Least Damage, Leaves Opponent ½ Screen Away) MK (Less Range, More Damage, Leaves Opponent ¼ Screen Away) HK (Least Range, Most Damage, does more damage than LK and leaves Nakato right next to her opponent. Dangerous Knee Bash: - QCF +K: Nakato flies at her flow with great speed and hits them with a double knee strike. LK travels the shortest distance. HK the farthest. None of them knockdown all are -2 on block if properly spaced. Goes over low attacks. EX knocks down/causes a juggle state. Critical Art: Lightning Constrictor: – QCFx2+P: Nakato strikes with a powerful Arc Bolt. Stunning her opponent and follows up by creating to two massive Arcing Deflectors on each side of the opponent that compress together and create massive electrical explosion. Reasons to be in SFV: Much to Wasswa's chagrin. Nakato is Urien's enforcer. Like Urien she believes the strong to should rule over the weak. That belief comes from watching the peaceful people of her village being overrun. Nakato seeks to increase her lords power. He requires “specimens” for his experiments and Nakato will acquire them. Side Note: *means second of twins in Luganda -Wasswa is older twin brother. -her hair color is natural and not dyed. -her cold demeanor only softens around her brother or Lord Urien. Name: Norbu (Means Jewel) Spoiler Nickname: The Serene Snowfall Sex: Male Ethnicity: Tibetan (Khampa) Height: 6ft 2in(1.88m) Weight: 194 lbs. (88kg) B/W/H: 45-35-37 (114cm-89cm-94cm) Hometown: Lhasa, Tibet (China) Appearance: Norbu is a lanky but well built man with straight shoulder length silver hair and grayish blue eyes. He wears a snow white jaunty cowboy hat on his head. He wears a blue traditional male Tibetan chupa. This traditional dress has long sleeves and hangs down to just above Norbu's knees. He has on blue pants underneath that are barely visible due to the white boots he wears that come up to just below his knees. Likes: Horseback Riding, Tigmo (Fermented Bread), Dancing Dislikes: Illuminati, Being Incognito Fighting Style: Tescao Tone: Norbu is a laid back man with a seemingly nonchalant attitude. Origins: Norbu is the oldest of “Twin Leopards of Lhasa”. This mysterious duo garnered their nickname due to their usual hair and eye color. Snow Leopards have silver grey colored fur and can have grayish blue eyes. Norbu is known for his calm, almost serene demeanor. Norbu seems to focus on certain targets. People that can give information on certain “Secret Society”. If those targets betray his trust, if they are foolish enough to squander his mercy, they are sure to have chilling final confrontation with his younger sister Dorji. His Rival: Dorji Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 4 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Frost Fall – LP+LK: Norbu grabs his opponent, puts his right leg behind his opponent's legs, and strikes them in the throat with right hand chop. This causes them to flip forward in front of him. Cold Hammer – LP+LK: Norbu grabs his opponent with his right arm, flips them into the air, and his them with a left handed spinning back fist to the spine that sends them ¾ of screen away. Unique Attacks: Frozen Claw – F+MP: (Overhead) Norbu strikes with a quick right overhead palm strike. -6 on block Cold Palm – B+HP: Norbu strikes with a far reaching left open palm strike. Cold Divide – B+HK: Norbu does a split and then hit his foe with a left hand hammer fist to the knee, knocking them off their feet. Twin Frost – B+HP, F+MP: (Target Combo) Norbu strikes with a left open palm strike followed by a right overhead open palm strike. Second hit has to be blocked high. -6 on block. V-Reversal: Frost Spire – F+KKK: Norbu stomps the ground creating a spire of ice that sends his opponents flying a full screen away. V-Skill: Ice Drift – MP+MK: Norbu generates a sheet of ice under his feet as he slides toward his opponent. Slide goes under projectile attacks. Slide has three travel distances. B+MP+MK (¼ Screen), MP+MK (½ Screen), F+MP+MK (¾ Screen). Slide is -5 on block. V-Trigger 1: Ice Storm – HP+HK: Norbu increases the power of all of his projectile attacks. All standard projectile attacks now hit twice, juggle at close range, and knockdown at long range. EX projectiles share the same properties but hit three times. Ice Sickle can be performed from a Backward or Neutral jump. 3-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Ice Shower – HP+HK: Norbu increases the rate he throw his projectile attacks. All standard projectile attacks startup 2F and Recover 1F faster. EX projectiles startup 3F and Recover 2F faster. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Frozen Sickle -QCF + P: Norbu strikes with a backhand chop that creates an icy sickle shaped projectile. Damage, startup, and recovery are the same for LP,MP, HP versions. Button strength only alters the speed of the projectile. EX Startups and recovers 1F faster, hits twice, and knocks down. Ice Sickle -QCF + P: (In Air) Norbu strikes with a overhand chop from a forward jump that creates an icy sickle shaped projectile. The punch button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (60° Angle, MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle)EX (LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP( 30° Angle) 2 hits, causes a juggle state) Avalanche Strike -F,D,DF +P (Forward, Down, Down Forward): Norbu stuns his foe with a powerful double palm strike. Punch button determines the startup and damage. LP(3F, 100 Damage), MP (5F, 120 Damage), HP (6F, 135 damage) EX (3F, 135 damage, Full Start Up invincibility, Crush Counterable, Causes Wall Bounce). Frozen Scythe -QCF+ K: Norbu strikes with a spinning back sweep that creates an icy sickle shaped projectile that moves along the ground. Damage, startup, and recovery are the same for LK,MK, HK versions. Starts up and recovers 1F slower than Frozen Sickle but deals 10 more damage and stun. Button strength only alters the speed of the projectile. EX Startups and recovers 1F faster, hits twice, and knocks down. Critical Art: Serene Avalanche – QCFx2+P: Norbu hits his foe with a powerful double palm strike that freezes them as it sends them a ½ screen away. As they slide away from him, Norbu creates a massive ball of ice that drops onto his opponent, burying them into the ground. 3 Hits 330 damage. Reasons to be in SFV: With the emergence of the Secret Society/Illuminati, there are those that rise up to defeat them. Norbu is one of those people. The organization he is apart of is the seeming antithesis of Illuminati. Agents of the Illuminati are coming from out of the shadows. Norbu will seek out those agents and gain intel. He will see the Illuminati fall. - All of Norbu's projectile special attacks have strike and projectile properties at close range. This means projectile invincible moves would still be stuffed by these attacks at close range. However any physical only counter attacks possessed by his opponent counter his projectile maneuvers at this range. Name: Ntombi Van Zandt Spoiler Nickname: The Nimble Feline (Die Ratse Kat) Sex: Female Ethnicity: Dutch/South African Height: 5ft 11in(1.80m) Weight: 148 lbs. (67kg) B/W/H: 34-24-36 (86cm-61cm-91cm) Hometown: Durban, South Africa Appearance: Ntombi has long brown hair. Her hair is cornrowed into a large single braid that hangs down to her posterior. Ntombi has hazel eyes and a caramel complexion. She wears a red sleeveless spandex MMA top with gold spandex MMA style shorts that are just short of knee length. Her hands are covered with red mma style fighting gloves. The left glove has “Vader” imprinted across the knuckles and the right glove has “Umama” imprinted across the knuckles. Her feet are bare. *Umama is Zulu for my mother. Vader(va-dur) is Dutch for father. Likes: Teaching, Crowds, Victory, Bobotie (South African Dish) Dislikes: Solitude, Shadaloo, Defeat Fighting Style: Obnu Bilate Tone: Despite the taboo of her mixed parentage, Ntombi is a sociable and outgoing girl. Her martial arts training allowed her to travel all over the globe. Many of those places did not frown upon her origin. While her brother buried his nose in his books and stuck to himself. Ntombi used the training she received from Yaone Phewa* to enter as many international tournaments as possible. Making many friends along the way. *Based on the founder of Obnu Bilate ("Pappa" Nat Whylch ). Origins: Ntombi is of Dutch and Zulu descent. With her immediate family estranged from the rest of both sides of her family, Ntombi has always sought a large circle of friends. She quickly picked up Obnu Bilate from Yaone Phewa. Her natural skill at martial arts started to garner her international acclaim. Through martial arts, she was able to travel and spend lots of time outside of her home country. She even eventually was able to convince her brother to enter a few tournaments, showing him a more accepting world. Ntombi set her sights on a world championship. First she need to win the PAMAL (Pan African Martial Arts League) junior championship to receive an invitation to the world tournament. Ntombi was able to win at the PAMAL tournament with ease, but unfortunately she would never make it to the worlds. Shortly after her victory, she was absconded by Shadaloo. Her natural ability caught the attention of M.Bison himself. Ntombi would replace Juni and form the basis for F.A.N.G.'s next generation doll program. Fortunately for Ntombi, her time as “Inlangura” (mangled version of the Zulu word for June), was short. Her brother was tirelessly looking for her and was able to locate her right as Shadaloo fell. With Bison defeated, Ntombi's conditioning slowly began to fade. She returned hom to Durban with her brother. Ntombi is a freestyle righter. While her brother uses discrete forms of Savate and Obnu to read his opponent's. Ntombi perfectly interweaves the styles into her own aggressive form of Obnu Bilate to confuse her foes and keeps them off balance. Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3 900 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Cat Claw– LP+LK : Ntombi strikes her opponent with a left open palm to the neck stunning them, she places her right leg behind both her foes legs, and strikes them in the sternum with a right open palm strike. Ntombi's opponent tumbles end over end away from her. Feline Maul – B+LP+LK: Ntombi slips behind her opponent, puts them in a reverse standing arm triangle, puts her left leg in front of both their legs, trips them, and forces them to face plant on the ground. Wildcat Fall – LP-LK: (In Air) Ntombi grabs her opponent by the forehead and drives them head first into the ground. Unique Attacks: Paw Swipe – B+MP: Ntombi strikes her foe with a powerful left hook. +3 on hit. -2 on block. Claw Swipe – F+HK: Ntombi hits her opponet with a right high kick. Can anti air with proper timing. Prowler Strike – HP, F+HP: Ntombi stuns her opponent with an right uppercut to the body, and follows up with a left uppercut to the body. +5 on hit, -6 on block. Prowler Fang – HP, F+HK: Ntombi stuns her opponent with an uppercut to the body, sides steps them, and kicks them to the back of the head. Side switches -8 on block Violent Roar – MP, B+MP, HK: Ntombi hits her opponent with right hook, left hook, and push kick combination Blackfoot Takedown – F+HK, D+HK: Ntombi strikes with a right high kick, right back sweep combination that knocks her opponent down. V-Reversal: Leopard Tail - F+KKK: Ntombi strikes with a powerful low kick to the knee that knocks her foe off their feet. V-Skill: Serval's Snare – MP+MK: Ntombi slams her arms together, slamming both of her fists into their neck, stunning them. +4 on hit, -7 on block. Any follow up combo from successfully landing this attack gains additional V-Gauge V-Trigger 1: Panthera's Fury - HP+HK: Ntombi's eyes gleam briefly and her combo ability is enchanced. Lioness Paw and Leopard Crush can be comboed into from special cancelable normals. (her Cr. MK for example). Each combo cancel drains her V-Gauge. Three combo cancels per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Pride's Matriarch – HP+HK: Ntombi lets out a roar and her offensive capabilities are increased. Caracal Cry can be performed from a backward and neutral jump Cheetah Strike gains invincibility from aerial attacks. EX Cheetah Strike is fully invincible at start up is crush counterable. Stun damage output is increased by 10% on all attacks V-Trigger gauge drains over time. Neutral/Backward jump Caracal Cry's ¼ of the V-Gauge with each use. EX Cheetah Strikes drain 1/3 of the V-Gauge with each use. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Lioness Paw -F,D,DF + P: (Overhead) Ntombi leaps into the air towards her opponent and strikes them with an overhead palm strike to the head that knocks them down. Distance travel determined by the punch button. Projectile invulnerable frame 3. All version have the same damage output and advantage on hit. LP (¼ Screen), MP(1/2 Screen,), HP (¾ Screen). EX(Fully Projectile Invincible, Causes Ground Bounce, Distance Traveled Can Be Altered ( Press left ,right, or nothing during startup ¼ , ½ , or ¾ Screen) Leopard Crush - HCB +P: (Command Grab) Ntombi leaps into the air towards opponent, lands on their shoulders, grasps their head with her ankles, and performs forward somersault that drives their head into the ground. Distance travel determined by the punch button. Projectile invulnerable frame 3. All version have the same damage output and advantage on hit. LP (¼ Screen), MP(1/2 Screen,), HP (¾ Screen). EX(Fully Projectile Invincible, Increased Damage, Distance Traveled Can Be Altered ( Press left ,right, or nothing during startup ¼ , ½ , or ¾ Screen) Cheetah Strike -HCB+ K: Ntombi performs a back flip kick that send her opponent into the air, she followed a quick barrage of high, low, and mid level side kicks. Start up and Damage is determined by the button pressed. LK (3 Hits, Fastest Startup, Least Damage), MK (4 Hits, Slower Startup, More Damage) HK (5 Hits, Slowest Startup, Most Damage), EX (7 hits, Fastest Startup, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) Caracal Cry: QCF+ K: (In Air) Ntombi does an aerial wheel kick, from a forward jump, that sends a large slow moving projectile at her opponent. All version cause a juggle state. Descent Angle of the projectile is determined by the kick button. LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle). EX (45° Angle, 2 hits, Reduced Recovery, Causes a juggle state) Critical Art: Predator Ambush -QCBx2 + K: Ntombi performs a back flip kick that send her opponent into the air, follows up with a blindingly quick barrage of two dozen kicks, and finishes the combination with a powerful Serval Paw that plants her foe into the ground. 26 Hits 330 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Ntombi, before run in with Shadaloo, was intent on becoming a world champion. As soon as her recovery was complete, she immediately entered in the world martial arts tournament. She seeks to prove her strength on a world stage. With the fame granted to her by a world championship, Ntombi would open a Obnu Bilate school in Durban. She wants to spread the art that positively affected her life to others. Side note: -Yaone Phewa is from Botswana, that's why he doesn't have a South African name. -Ntombi's attacks are named after South African cats -Ntombi was given the designation of “Inlangura” a mangled version of uNhlangula (Zulu word for the month June) Name: Olivier St. Gelais Spoiler Nickname: The Frozen Prodigy Sex: Male Ethnicity: French Canadian Height: 5ft 11in(1.83m) Weight: 198 lbs. (90kg) B/W/H:43-33-36 (109cm-84cm-91cm) Hometown: Laval, Quebec Appearance: Short Crew Cut, Light Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Clean Shaven, Fair Complexion, shirtless , short mma shorts patterned after the fleurs-de-lis, blue mma style fighting gloves. Likes: Learning New Martial Arts Disciplines, Competition, Snowboarding, French Pea Soup, Traveling Dislikes: Crêpes de la Chandeleur, Braggarts, Skiing Fighting Style: MMA (Rindoukan Karate, Matsuda Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Lao, Judo) Tone: Olivier is a focused man. He views almost everything a competition. He doesn't believe in doing things halfway and endeavors to be the best at anything he does. Origins: The youngest child of world class athletes (His father's a champion karateka, his mother is an Olympic gold medalist in Judo), Olivier inherited his parents lust for competition. He strives to be the best in everything he does. While is older brothers, and sister became accomplished martial arts in their own right. Olivier was the only one to combine his parents disciplines. After becoming enamored with the emerging sport of MMA, Olivier trained with the Canadian Olympic wrestling team. Recognizing his passion, his parents sent him to Brazil were he studied Matsuda Jiu Jitsu (trained along side Fabio Matsuda), Laos (where he learned Muay Lao) and later Japan to round out martial arts skill set. After 5 years away from Canada, Olivier joined the CFC (Cage Fighting Championship) capturing the Welterweight (170lb), Middleweight (185lbs), and Openweight (no weight restrictions) Titles. His Rival(s): Laura, Vincenzo Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Arm Drag to Inside Trip -LP+LK: MJJ Takedown, Olivier locks up his opponents arm, using the leverage to trip his opponent with his outside leg Seoi Otoshi - B+LP+LK: (Judo throw) Olivier grabs his opponent by the arm and flips them over his shoulder while falling to one knee. Unique Attacks: Ice Breaker – F+MK (Overhead) A quick standing axe kick V-Reversal: Brain Freeze – F+KKK : A jump front kick to the face that sends the opponents to the opposite side of the screen. V-Skill: Frost Bite – MP+MK : A spinning outside crescent kick, inside crescent kick, hook kick combination attack that causes a juggle state V-Trigger 1: Ice Age – HP+HK: Olivier envelops himself in a frozen aura that reducing the damage he receives by 30%. Absorbing 4 medium attacks will end this state, Absorbing 3 heavy attacks will end this state. Light attacks will not reduce it's duration. Northern Sky Blow is +2 on hit in this state. EX Northern Sky Blow gets a 25 Damage/50 Stun buff. Northern Lights Throw gets increased grab range for all versions. V-Trigger only ends when Olivier's opponents lands enough attacks. 3 Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Permafrost – HP+HK: Olivier envelops himself in a frozen aura that grants him Frame 3 armor on all of his special attacks. 3 enhanced specials per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Northern Sky Blow-HCF + P: A powerful freezing Superman Punch, the punch determines the strength and horizontal distance traveled, briefly freezes the opponent on hit. All standard versions are +1 on hit. Leaves opponet standing. LP(Point Blank) MP(¼ Screen) HP (1/3 Screen), EX(1/3 Screen, Fastest Startup, Causes Crumple State) Darting Avalanche - HCB +K : (Dashing Command Grab) An explosive double leg takedown. Punch strength determines distance traveled. LK(1/3 Screen), MK (½ Screen), HK(2/3 Screen) EX has full projectile invincibility Has two different follow up grapple attacks. P – Frozen Prism: Olivier follows up the Darting Avalanche with an freezing arm triangle K – Chilling Leg Lock: Olivier follows up the Darting Avalanche with a freezing knee bar, causes a side switch Northern Lights Throw-HCB+ P: (Command Grab) A modified Hane Makikomi (Spring Wrap-around Throw), Olivier grabs his opponents arm, turns back towards their chest, jumps into the arm, and hip tosses them to the ground, while maintaining a hold on there are. Can be followed up. Grab range and damage determined by the punch button pressed. Stronger the button the higher the damage and the lower the range. P – Chilling Arm Bar: Olivier locks on freezing arm bar for addition damage, resets to neutral on release K – Frozen Heel: A quick stomp to the head, does less damage but leaves him +1 and next to his foe Glacial Wheel Kick-F,D,DF+ K : A quick, yet powerful wheel kick to the head that briefly freezes Olivier's opponent in their tracks. Negates projectiles if timed correctly. LK (3f Startup +1 on hit), MK (5f Startup, Juggles), (7f Startup, Juggles, Anti Air), EX (6f, Startup Invincibility, Juggles, Anti Air) Critical Art: Unending Winter-HCFx2 + K :Olivier strikes his opponent with a powerful Northern Sky Blow, followed by a Glacial Wheel Kick which sends his opponent into the air, he then jumps into the air, slams them the ground with modified Ura Nage (Judo Power Slam), and finishes them off by picking them up off the ground with Daki-Age before slamming to the ground on their head. 5 Hits 340 Damage Reasons to be in SFV Olivier seeks to be the best martial artist in the world. He firmly believes in an “iron sharpens iron” philosophy. He believes he has to fight the best competition in the world to improve as a martial arts. Winning the World Martial Arts Tournament will affirm his status as the strongest fighter in the world. Side notes: -Olivier trained under Kinjiro Matsuda alongside Fabio and Laura Matsuda. -Fabio is one of his best friends. -Laura started modifying her MJJ after seeing Olivier combine multiple arts in his last CFC Championship Fight. -While in Japan, he trained with Retsu -To stamina and durability, Olivier trained in the bitter cold in only his MMA shorts. This is how he developed the ability to manipulate “Frozen” Ki. - He'll fly in martial artist from different disciplines to train with him at his gym. If they're unable to travel, he'll fly to their countries to train Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Orfiel Spoiler Nickname: The Herald of Justice and Light Sex: Male Ethnicity: Unknown Height: 6ft 1in (1.86m) Weight: 212lbs (96kg) B/W/H: 50-34-36(127cm-86cm-92cm) Hometown: Unknown Appearance: Orfiel has short, slicked back, platinum blonde (nearly white) hair and ivory skin tone. He has a blue gem in his forehead. He wears a white sleeveless vest with golden buttons and embroidery. The vest has a small version of Gill's red, blue, and gold symbol on the back at the base of the neck. His slacks are are all white with the exception of the golden stitching. His gloves are gold with white embroidery and his golden boots resemble a soldier's combat boots. Likes: Justice, Gill, Lawfulness, Scotch Dislikes: Urien, Chaos Fighting Style: Elite Military and Secret Society Combat Training Tone: Orfiel is a man of few words. He rarely speaks and when he does its straight and to the point. He sees Urien's unbalanced nature as a threat to Gill Origins: No one, not even the elite of the Secret Society seems to know Orfiel's origins. He appeared suddenly with Gill and Kolin one day. Acting as Gill's personal guardian. Dubbed the “White Shadow” by many within the order due to his bright attire and seeming ability to show up out of nowhere to address any threats, perceived or otherwise, to Gill. He is said to be Kolin's long lost brother. His Rival: Urien Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925Stun Throws: Excommunication – LP+LK : Orfiel grabs his hits them with a violent shoulder charge to the sternum that sends them a full screen away. Banishment – B+LP+LK : Orfiel grabs his opponent around the waist and executes a German Release Suplex, tossing them a full screen away instead of driving them into the ground Fall From Heaven – LP+LK (in air): Orfiel snatches his opponent from the air, lifts them overhead, and explodes toward the ground while slamming them on his knee (Powerful Backbreaker) Unique Attacks: Blind Justice – B+HP: Orfiel strikes with a spinning back fist to the face Divine Hammer – F+MP: (Overhead) Orfiel hits his opponent with a one handed chopping hammer fist. Angelic Knee – B+MK : Orfiel hops at his opponent with a knee striek Enforcer – F + HK: Orfiel hits his opponent with a vicious step kick to the abdomen V-Reversal: Sliding Justice – F+KKK: Orfiel executes a quick sliding kick that takes his opponent off their feet and places him behind them V-Skill: Justice Mirror – MP+MK: Orfiel’s left forearm glows and strikes upward with a quick uppercut. This attack deflects projectile attack back at his opponents. This is also a physical attack that can be combed into. -6 on block. While reflecting his opponent’s projectile, he can cancel into his Justice Edge or Sweeping Justice Edge (High or Low Project Attacks) to increase the V-Gauge he builds and the damage dealt to the opposition. V-Trigger 1: Light of Rejuvenation – HP+HK: The blue gem on Orfiel’s forehead glows white and he releases restorative energy to heal his injuries. Grants 150 points of Gray Life and triples his gray life regeneration. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Light of Judgment – HP+HK: The blue gem on Orfiel’s forehead glows blue and increases the destructive power of his attacks. Justice Edge and Sweeping Justice Edge now hit twice, EX versions hit 3 times. Divine Cutter now generates an short range crescent projectile of light, EX generates a half screen projectile. Divine Guillotine generates a short range crescent projectile, the angle of the projectile is determined by the kick button pressed. EX version generates a ¼ screen projectile. Divine Light's startup and recovery are reduced by 1f. 6 enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. Divine Light does not count as an enhanced attack and doesn't not drain V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Justice Edge-QCF+P: Orfiel pulls back his right arm as it glows brightly white and quickly swipes it forward. Generating a white chest high blade like projectile that travels horizontally at his opponent. (Resembles ki generated by Alex’s Flash Chop). Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. All projectiles startup and recovery relatively quickly. (LP –fastest startup, travel speed, but slowest recovery: MP – slower startup, moderate travel speed, faster recovery: HP- slowest startup, slowest travel speed, faster recovery) The recovery speed of HP Justice Edge allows the player to follow behind the projectile for mix ups and pressure. Sweeping Justice Edge –QCF+K: Orfiel crouches down as his back leg glows white, performs a sweep attack that generates an ankle level white bladed projectile. Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. Startup and recovery speeds are slower than Justice Edge. (LK –fastest startup, travel speed, but slowest recovery: MK – slower startup, moderate travel speed, faster recovery: HK- slowest startup, slowest travel speed, faster recovery) The recovery speed of HP Justice Edge allows the player to follow behind the projectile for mix ups and pressure. Divine Cutter – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Orfiel spins his back to his foe and executes a rising back somersault kick. LK (2 hits fastest startup, no invincibility, juggles) MK (slower start up, upper body invincibility from frame 3, full projectile invincibility, no juggle properties, HK (slowest startup, only projectile invincible from frame 3, biggest damage, juggles) EX has LK startup, full invincibility, and juggles Divine Guillotine – QCB+K: (in air) Orfiel executes a downward somersault kick. LK goes straight down, MK has slight horizontal movement (half sweep range, HK has the most horizontal movement (sweep range) EX causes a ground bounce, angle changes based on the two buttons pressed Divine Light – QCB+P: Orfiel glows white and disappears from view. Re-appearing in one of three different positions depending on the button pressed. LP (He reappears in the same place) MP (He appears outside of sweep distance in front of his opponent) HP (He appears outside of sweep range behind his opponent) Critical Art: Divine Ascension – HCFx2+K: Orfiel combines his two favorite techniques into one powerful attack. He strikes with an incredibly powerful Divine Cutter that generates a massive vertical Justice Edge that carries his opponent high into the air. They then plummet to the ground taking additional damage when they land. 9 Hits 360 Damage Reasons to be SFV: Orfiel believes wholeheartedly that Gill's leadership is the only thing that will lead to a just world. He views Gill as a selfless leader that will do what is necessary for the good of the world. He suspects that Urien is seeking to usurp his brother for his own personal game. Orfiel will ensure that Urien's scheming will not harm Gill. Side Note: -Orfiel is the name of the Archangel that guards the Throne of God. -He is the only member of Gill's triumvirate with a jeweled forehead -Is said to be Kolin's brother, although Urien doubts this -He is a member of Gill's Triumvirate which is made of up of the The Phantasm of Ice, Spectre of Fire, and Herald of Light. Each member was bestowed an aspect of Gill's power. Orfiel was bestowed with Gill's rejuvenating light. -Orfiel is a repurposed Charlie Nash. This character's existence is based on the premise that Eleven, not Nash participated in A Shadow Falls Name: Phantom Spoiler Nickname: Paralyzing Siren Sex: Female Ethnicity: Chinese ? Height: 5ft 6in(1.68m) Weight: 126 lbs. (57kg) B/W/H: 34-22-35 (86cm-56cm-89cm) Hometown: Hong Kong Appearance: Phantom is a slender but fit woman. Her long black hair hangs to the small of her back and is styled into two braided pony tails. She wears a custom knee length qipao that features full length sleeves. Phantom's qipao is silver in color. Her collar, buttons, sleeve, and skirt edges are outlined in purple. She has black stockings on her legs. Phantom has purple ankle length leather boots on her feet. At the base of her wrists, Phantom has two small needles that she channels her stunning poison through to debilitate her foes. Likes: F.A.N.G. , Purpose, Poison, Challenging Missions Dislikes: Failure, Easy Tasks Fighting Style: Chinese Kenpo Tone: Phantom focused a cold woman. Her mission is paramount. Nothing else matters. Origins: Phantom was a con artist hailing from the streets of Hong Kong. Like the sirens of the old Greek legends, she'd tempt male passersby with her beauty. Once she lured them to her lair, her brother would record incriminating video of the unsuspecting target. They used this take to force their unwitting marks to surrender all their cash and valuables. One day they targeted F.A.N.G., something in Phantom's eyes intrigued F.A.N.G. They tried their con job on F.A.N.G., but he didn't care for their tricks. He presented them with a, unbeknownst to them, poisoned stack of cash or ornamental dagger. The cash would cost them their lives and the dagger their hands. If they feel into F.A.N.G.'s trap. While her brother eyed the money, Phantom was enamored with the dagger. Something about the strange characters inscribed upon it called to her. Too F.A.N.G.'s surprise. She did not want the dagger. She only wanted to learn the meaning of the characters engraved in it. F.A.N.G offered to teach her the meaning of the characters, but she'd had to give up everything to gain this knowledge. She accepted F.A.N.G.'s terms. He christened her “Phantom”. She abandoned her former life and walked off into the night with F.A.N.G...never to be seen again. Her Rival: Ed Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3 925 Stamina 925 Stun Special Note: Phantom's open palm strikes poison her opponents with a paralyzing poison. This poison inflicts 5 point of stun per second for 5 seconds. This causes up to an additional 25 points of stun on normal special moves and 50 for EX specials. Unless otherwise noted. Throws: Head Over Heels -LP+LK: Phantom hooks her foes right ankle with her right foot and performs a windmill kick that cause her flip onto their head. Debilitating Flight -B+LP+LK: Phantom hooks her foes crouch with her right foot and performs a back spring split kick that sends her foe sailing overhead and behind her. Unique Attacks: Nirenko – B+ HP: Phantom strikes with a quick high-low left palm strike combination. Attack causes Stun DOT damage on hit. -7 on block. Double Take – F+MK: Phantom advances on her opponent with a forward moving, standing, double knee strike. V-Reversal: Mesmerizing Wheel – F+PPP: Phantom cartwheels through her opponent landing behind them. V-Skill: Stunning Palm- MP+MK: Phantom strikes with a forehand back fist. If time correctly, the back fist will deflect her opponent's physical attack and she'll counter with a twin open palm strike. Her left hand palm strike at the base of her foes neck and her right palm strikes the lower abdomen. Counter palm strike does 60damage/180 stun. Backhand only does 45damage/60 stun. V-Trigger 1: Stunning Aura -HP+HK: Phantom generates a poison aura field that slowly paralyzes her foe. Her opponent's stun gauge slowly builds if they are in close proximity to Phantom. Blocking does not negate the effect. Effect is only halted if Phantom is knocked down. If her opponent's stun gauge is full Phantom has to land a hit to dizzy them. 2 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Limbs of Enfeeblement-HP+HK: Phantom gains a poison aura around her feet giving her kick special attacks the same stun DOT properties as her open palm attacks. Bemusing Pirouette causes a Stun DOT of 5 stun per tick. EX version does 10 stun per tick. Halting Heel becomes Benumbing Heel gaining a Stun DOT of 5 stun per tick. EX gains a 10 stun per tick DOT. 3-bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Stunning Pirouette - QCF + P: Phantom spins on one leg before striking with a powerful left hand open palm strike. Distance traveled and number of spins determined by the strength of the punch button. Pirouette is strike and projectile invincible from Frame 3. Cannot Pirouette through her opponents. LP (One Spin, Point Blank), MP, (Two Spins, ¼ Screen), HP (Three Spins, ½ Screen) EX (Three Spins, Strike/Projectile Invincible Frame 1, ½ Screen, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick) Paralyzing Palms -QCB + P: (Rekka)A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Phantom strike with a left palm strike to the stomach, followed by a right palm strike chest, and ends the combination with a left palms strike to the neck. Punch button determines the distance traveled and attack properties. LP( ¼ Screen, Knocks Down), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the corner), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 3, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick, ¾ Screen) Immobilizing Kiss - F,D,DF+ P: (Anti Air) Phantom strikes her foe with an upward palm strike that lands under her foes chin and lifts them off the ground. Attack only has airborne attack invincibility. Has no grounded strike, throw, or projectile invincibility. LP(3F Startup, Quick left hand palm strike, Least Damage) MP (5F Startup, Slower right hand palms strike, More Damage, HP (7F Startup, Slow left-right palm strike combination, Most Damage), EX (3F Startup, Fast Left-right palm stike combination, Full Startup Invincibility, Most Damage, Crush Counterable, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick) Bemusing Pirouette- QCB+ K: Phantom spins on one leg to avoid her opponent's attacks. Pirouette is strike and projectile invincible frame 1. Can Pirouette through opponents. LK(Spins In Place), MK, (¼ Screen), HK (½ Screen) EX (LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen , MK+HK ¾ Screen, Causes Stun DOT when passing through opponents, 5 stun per tick) Halting Heel- QCF+ K: Phantom strikes at her foe with a jumping front kick. Kick button determines the number of kicks and the distance traveled. Attack is not strikes and projectile invincible. Attack is throw invincible. LK (Single Kick, ¼ Screen, Causes Juggle), MK (Double Kick, ½ Screen, Leaves Foe Staning) HK (Triple Kick, ¾ Screen, Knocks Down) EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, Triple Kick, ¾ Screen) Critical Art: Petrifying Onslaught - HCFx2+P: Phantom strikes her opponent with a right palm strike to the neck, left palm strike to the stomach, right-left palm strike combo to the chest, and final double palm strike to a sternum. The combination leaves her foe paralyzed. Phantom then pirouettes backward and then forward to into a high roundhouse kick to the temple. 6 Hits , 330 damage Reasons to be in SFV:* Phantom soles purpose is help F.A.N.G restore Shadaloo. F.A.N.G wants Neo Shadaloo disposed of. She will eliminate Ed, Falke, and all her cohorts. With Neo Shadaloo out of the way, her master will be free restore Shadaloo and find a way to bring about the return of Lord Bison. Name: Rena Genryusai Spoiler Nickname: First Lady of Bushinryu Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5'ft 6in (1.68m) Weight: 130lbs (59kg) B/W/H: 35-24-35 (89cm-61cm-89cm) Hometown: Japan Appearance: Rena has long black hair that hangs to the middle of her back. Her bangs are parted in the front. She has light brown eyes. Rena wears a dark gray kimono with white trim. The kimono comes down to her knees and has split along the right side to allow for unrestricted movement. She has a red body suit underneath her kimono that runs from her upper sternum to her knees. Rena has ankle high red jika-tabi boots on her feet with white soles. Likes: Guy, Jessica (Best Friend), Family Dislikes: Rose, Confined Spaces, Gangs Fighting Style: Bushinryu Tone: Rena is a reserved woman. She is well mannered, respectful, and slow to anger. Origins: Rena is the oldest daughter of the 37th Master of Bushinryu and Guy's fiance. She along with her father were kidnapped by the reconstituted Mad Gear Gang. With Cody and Guy unavailable, her sister Maki reached out to Mike Haggar to assist in their rescue. Joined by Carlos Miyamoto, the trio was able to rescue Rena and her father from the Mad Gear Gang. After her abduction, Rena focused on perfecting her Bushinryu with her father until his fortunate passing. Her Rival: Rose Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 2 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Zanko (Mountain Lean)– LP+LK: Rena grabs her opponent's arm, pulls them towards, and slams her shoulder into their sternum sending them flying backward. Gyaku Zanko (Reverse Mountain Lean)– B+LP+LK: Rena grabs her opponent's arm, spins behind them, and slams her shoulder into their back causing them to fall forward. Unique Attacks: Kabe Janpu (Wall Jump) – UB (Towards Wall/In Air): Rena briefly grabs the wall and jumps off of it. Zugaikotsu Kossetsu (Skull Breaker) - F+MP (Overhead): Rena does small hop forward while striking with a powerful overhead right punch. Slow startup, +3 on hit, -2 on block. Kunoichi Kama (Ninja Sickle) DF+MK: Rena performs a back handspring kick that strikes the opponent twice. Slow startup, has limited juggle capability, -2 on block Hiji Otoshi(Elbow Drop) – D+MP: (In Air) Rena performs an elbow drop from the apex of a forward jump that immediately halts her momentum and causes her to descend straight down. Bushin Retsukyaku (Martial God Rending Legs) - LK,MK,HK, F+HK: (Target Combo) Rena strikes with a rapid succession of kicks. Can juggle in the corner. V-Reversal: Honō Bakudan (Fire Bomb) – F+PPP: Rena tosses bomb at her foes feet that explodes and sends them a full screen away. V-Skill: Bushin Uku (Martial God Float) – MP+MK: Rena gains the ability to double jump from a neutral or forward jump. Double jump has to be executed near the apex of her jump. Rena can perform any of her normal attacks or her Bushin Nagareboshi from this double jump. V-Gauge is gained from landed or blocked attacks. V-Trigger 1: Bushin Kūchū Arashi (Martial God Aerial Storm) – HP+HK: Rena shows a near peerless master of Bushinryu. Post activation, she gains the ability to execute an aerial chain combo that causes a juggle state. Bushin Okiagaru Ken (Martial God Rising Fist) - LP,MP,HP, F+HP: (In Air) Rena chains together a rapid combination of punches. Single aerial chain per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Bushin Kasai (Martial God Conflagration) – HP+HK: Rena's mastery over her fiery ki is enhanced. The Bushin Shien Hado now travels full screen. Bushin Shien Hado recovery reduced by 3F. Gains access to the Bushin Shōkyaku Hado critical art. Five enhanced projectiles per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Bushin Shien Hado (Martial God Kindling Flame Surge) – QCF+P: Rena pulls back her left arm, turning her back to the screen, before twisting forward violently with a long arm palm attack that creates a large stationary orange projectile. Punch button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, 2hits, Least Damage, Leaves Standing), MP(Slower Startup, 3 hits, More Damage, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, 4 hits, Most Damage, Causes aJuggle State) EX(Fastest Startup, 5 hits, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) Bushin Nagareboshi (Martial God Falling Star) – QCB+P: (Command Grab/In Air): Rena grabs her foe out of the air, flips backward, and drives her knees into their chest as she slams them into the ground. LP(Least Damage, Most Range), MP(More Damage, Less Range), HP(Most Damage, Least Range), EX(Most Damage, Most Range). Bushin Senpu Ha (Martial God Whirlwind Blade)- FDF+K: Rena performs a rising whirlwind kick that has a vertical rotation. (Guy's Bushin Senpu Kyaku has a horizontal rotation). All versions are invincible to aerial attacks. Kick button determines attack properties. LK (2 Hits, Hits Crouching Opponents, Least Damage), MK(3 Hits, Doesn't Hit Crouchers, More Damage), HK(4 Hits, Only hits aerial opponents, Throw/Projectile Invincible, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX (5 Hits, Hits Crouchers, Full Start Up Invincibility, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Bushin Setsudan Kyaku (Martial God Cutting Leg) – QCB+K: Rena somersaults forward into a front split kick. Goes over projectiles when properly timed. Startup and Damage is the same across all versions. Kick Button determines the distance traveled. LK(1/3 Screen), MK(1/2 Screen), HK(2/3 Screen), EX(3/4 Screen, Fully Projectile Invincible). Critical Art: Bushin Hayai Rasen (Martial God Rapid Spiral) – QCFx2+K: Rena lifts her foe into the air with a powerful 10 hit Bushin Senpu Ha, followed by a crushing single hit Bushin Setsudan Kyaku, that plants her foe into the ground.. 11 Hits 330 Damage (1x80, 9x10, 1x160) V-Trigger 2 Only Bushin Shōkyaku Hado (Martial God Incineration Surge) – QCFx2+P: Rena pulls back both of her arms, leans back at the waist, and thrusts forward both of her arms violent in double open palm strike that creates a massive stationary orange projectile. 10 Hits 360 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Rena fears that Jessica's hot headed nature will get her into trouble. She comes along with Jessica on her quest to clear Cody's name. With former Mad Gear members such as Roxy and Abigail in the mix. Rena wants to make sure Jessica keeps her focus. In addition, she'd like to have a few words with Rose. Rena doesn't care for how Rose always seems to pull Guy into danger. Name: Rhonwen Van Zandt (South African First Name, Dutch Last Name) Spoiler Nickname: The Silent Snake (Die Stille Slang) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Dutch/South African Height:6ft 2in(1.88m) Weight: 187 lbs. (85kg) B/W/H: 42-32-34 (107cm-81cm-86cm) Hometown: Durban, South Africa Appearance: Brown Pulled Back Dreadlocks, Hazel Eyes, Caramel Complexion, black sleeveless undershirt , forest green short sleeved collared shirt (unbuttoned), denim shorts (knee length), black mma style fighting gloves. Left glove has “Umama” imprinted across the knuckles, right glove had “Vader” imprinted across the knuckles. *Umama is Zulu for my mother. Vader(va-dur) is Dutch for father. Likes: Solitude, Reading, Languages, Fishing, Bobotie (South African Dish) Dislikes: Crowds, Biltong (Beef Jerky), Firearms Fighting Style: Obnu/Savate (Obnu Bilate in V-Trigger) Tone: Because of his mixed parentage, Rhonwen was ostracized as a child. He is a loner, he spent his time buried in books. To honor both his parents, he tries to draw from both cultures. As a child he started to learn Obnu Bilate from Yaone Phewa* a handyman employed by his father. Obnu Bilate combines Obnu and Savate into a single style. Based on the founder of Obnu Bilate ("Pappa" Nat Whylch ). Origins: Rhonwen’s father is of Dutch descent and his mother is of Zulu descent. Both is paternal and maternal grandparents are estranged from his immediate family. They more or less disowned his parents. As a small child, both white and black South Africans often accosted his family. In one particular incident a homeless man actually fought off an unruly mob to protect his mother and baby sister. Since his parents didn’t have much money, they took the man (Yaone Phewa) in. Enamored with the way Yaone was able to take on multiple attackers, a young Rhonwen often followed him around mimicking him during his training. Eventually, Yaone began to instruct Rhonwen and later his sister Ntombi in the art of Obnu Bilate. To earn his keep, Yaone often helped Rhonwen’s father on his fishing boat. A talented fighter, Rhonwen has won several Obnu and Savate tournaments. Rhonwen is technical fighter. He'll fight in a purely Obnu or Savate style to pick up on his foes weaknesses and tendencies. Once he's figured them out, he overwhelms them with Obnu Bilate. Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws:Obnu/V-Trigger Only Cobra Coil -LP+LK: Rhonwen grabs his opponent, putting them in standing arm triangle, he puts his right leg behind both their legs and trips them, forcing them to the ground Boomslang Buster -B+LP+LK: Rhonwen executes a waist lock takedown, he grabs his opponent around the waist from behind, picks them up and throws them face first to the ground Cobra Slam -LP+LK (in air): Rhonwen catches his opponent with a flying arm triangle, halting their momentum, before driving them straight down with modified choke slam Viper Suplex -B+LP+LK (in air): Rhonwen catches his opponent with front waist lock, and suplexes them over his head, tossing them away from him.Savate Only Stinging Venom - LP+LK: Rhonwen grabs his opponent hits them with left hook, right hook, and push kick combination Stunning Venom-B+LP+LK: Rhonwen stuns his opponent with a punch to the body, sides steps them, and kicks them with a kick to the back of the head Unique Attacks:Obnu Only Snake Fang – F+HP : (Hit Grab): Rhonwen strikes his opponent with an open palm to the neck, grabs them by the throat, and slams them to the groundSavate Only Coiled Strike – F+MP: Rhonwen lands a left and right uppercut combination to the body Tail Whip – F+HK: Rhonwen somersaults forward and uses the moment to strike with an overhead kick, slow startup, -2 on block V-Reversal:Obnu Only Snake Toss F+PPP: Rhonwen executes a fireman's carry throw that tosses his opponent a half screen awaySavate Only Snake Bite F+KKK: Rhonwen strikes with a back sidekick to the abdomen and knocks his foe a full screen away V-Skill: Style Switch – MP+MK: Rhonwen switches between his Obnu and Savate styles. Can “Style Cancel” normals to extend combos and gain V-Gauge. This cancel mechanic allows him to compensate for his overall low damage output. V-Trigger 1: Obnu Bilate (Combination of traditional African martial art of Obnu and Savate)- HP+HK: Rhonwen perfectly blends his Obnu and Savate styles. He gains access to all of his specials and unique attacks. He gains the best version of each of his normal attacks and throw. He gains access to unique Critical Art. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Venom Switch- HP+HK: Rhonwen foes goes combining his styles into for enhancing them separately.Obnu Puff Adder Palm standard versions gain juggle capabilities. EX causes wall bounce Boomslang Driver start up reduced from 6F to 5F. Grab range increased, 10 Damage/20 Stun Buff. EX Gains Throw Invincibility Savate Mamba Strike all versions gain armor frame 3 Spitting Cobra LK travels 2/3 Screen, MK travels ¾ Screen, HK hits twice, EX medium sized projectile hits 3 times. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials:Obnu/V-Trigger Only Puff Adder Palm -HCF + P: Rhonwen hits his opponent in the face with an open palm strike to the face that inflicts moderate damage and high stun. LP (Fastest Start Up, Point Blank), MP (Slower Start Up, ½ Sweep Distance), HP (Slowest Start up, Travels Full Sweep Distance), EX(3 Frame Armor, Fastest Start UP, Full Sweep Distance) Boomslang Driver - HCB +P: (Command Grab) Rhonwen grabs his opponent, placing them in a fireman's carry position, he jumps into the air, as he plummets downward, he turns his body horizontal driving his opponent's head into the ground. Grab range and damage determined by the punch button. Stronger the button the higher the damage and lower the range. EX has the most range and damage. Savate/V-Trigger Only Mamba Strike -HCB+ K: Rhonwen strikes with a rear leg low side kick, front leg low side kick, and ends with reverse kick to the head. LK (fastest start up, leaves opponent standing) MK (slower start up, knocks opponent down) HK (slowest start up, final hit causes a juggle state) EX (Fastest Start Up, Causes Crumple State) Spitting Cobra: QCF+ K: (Projectile) Rhonwen does a quick spinning back kick that sends slow moving projectile at his opponent. All version cause a juggle state and inflict high stun LK (largest projectile, dissipates half screen) MK (medium sized projectile, dissipates 2/3rd of screen) HK (small projectile, does not dissipate) EX (medium sized projectile, hits twice, does not dissipate) Critical Art:Obnu Only Gaboon Viper Bomb--360°+ P : Rhonwen grabs his opponent, jumps high into the air, and executes a rolling powerbomb. 1 Hit 360 damageSavate Only Cape Cobra Combination --QCFx2 + K: Rhonwen strikes his a opponent with a blindingly fast succession of kicks (two dozen kicks in one second) stunning them. He hits them with a power standing side kick to the chest that sends them flying across the screen. 25 hits 330 DamageObnu Bilate Grootslang's Wrath --QCBx2 + K: Rhonwen strikes his a opponent with a blindingly fast succession of kicks (three dozen kicks in one second) stunning them. He then grabs them, jumps high into the air, and drives them into the ground with a powerful rolling powerbomb. 37 hits 380 damage Reasons to be in SFV Ntombi, Rhonwen’s sister, disappeared after winning the PAMAL (Pan African Martial Arts League) junior freestyle championship. Rhonwen has been scouring most of southern Africa in attempt to find her. The only lead he could find was pertaining to a mysterious man showing up for the championship match. The man was described as being dressed in red and wearing a cape. After looking into it further, he found that similar “disappearances” had taken place elsewhere at competitions in different parts of the world. All the disappearances had two things in common. All of the missing fighters were teenage girls and this man in red was present at all of the title matches. Just as Rhonwen is about to plot his next course of action he notices an article about and upcoming worldwide fighting tournament. He's certain at least one of the competitors will drawn this man in reds attention. Quotes: Ryu: So you are the famous Ryu, Yaone told me how tough you’d be. He wasn’t exaggerating. Ken: Now that I've won, I guess that makes me the All American Martial Arts Champion....right? Laura: Every time I fight someone from Brazil, they use some sort of electric attacks. Is it something you all eat? Karin: Come work for you? I appreciate the offer but I have to find Ntombi Nash: Wait...aren't you Guile's friend? I thought you were dead. Birdie: You're hungry? Man look at the size of you. You may want to consider a diet. R.Mika: Two one one? How is that fair. You seem strong enough to fight on your own. Ibuki: Have you seen a man in red? He tends to go after people like you. No? Well please be careful. Alex: Seems like you combine multiple styles as well. I'd give you the run back but I'm looking for someone. F.A.N.G: You think you can poison a serpent? You're beaten. Where is Ntombi!? Chun-li: The cops in Durban don’t look anything like you…oh um. Could help me find this Bison character. He took something very important to me. Zangief: Okay Mr. Red Cyclone, why don’t you spin yourself out of my way? Guile: So you are looking for Bison too? When I find him, I’ll be sure to get justice for your friend. Balrog (Boxer): From champion to lap dog, what a shameful man. You tell me what he did with my sister and I’ll consider giving you back your precious “fight money.” Vega (claw): Tell me where your boss is or you’ll be using that mask to hide your face not protect it. Cammy: It didn’t have to come to this. I just wanted to ask you a few questions. What do you know Shadoloo and the man in red? Rashid: Shadoloo has your friend? I'll make sure their reign of terror ends. Dhalism: I’ve quite a few inyangas** in my life, but never on that could stretch their limbs. You must be quite powerful. Bison: I’m only going to ask this once. Where is my sister! Juri: What is your deal lady? I think you need professional help. Necalli: Are you some sort of tokoloshe***? I've read about them. Never though they were real.... Urien: Hitting you is like strikes a statue. What the heck are you made out of? Akuma: I’ve never faced anyone like you before. You are literally a man possessed. Side note: Intulo - lizard man that is the cause of mortality and death in Zulu mythology Inyaga - Zulu witch doctor Tokoloshe – Zulu word for demon Yaone Phewa is from Botswana, that's why he doesn't have a South African name. Rhonwen's attacks are named after venomous South African snakes The Grootslang is a mythical serpent that is a cross between snake and an elephant Ntombi was given the designation of “Inlangura” a mangled version of uNhlangula (Zulu word for the month June) Name: Rose Spoiler Nickname: The Elegant Seer Sex: Female Ethnicity: Italian Height: 5ft 10in(1.78m) Weight: 145 lbs. (66kg) B/W/H: 37-25-35 (94cm-64cm-89cm) Hometown: Genoa, Italy Appearance: Rose is tall woman with long dark lilac colored hair and violet eyes*. She has full lips and a fair complexion. Rose wears a long magenta dress that features large golden buttons, which are also on her sleeves. The dress has a split mid thigh. She has a large black belt with a golden buckle. She wears black tights underneath her dress which completely covers her legs. Rose has golden scarf that floats around her shoulders and she has on high heel shoes. Likes: Sherry (wine), Taking Baths, Sleeping In Dislikes: UV Rays, Waking Up Early, Evil Auras (Dark Ki) Fighting Style: Soul Power Tone: Rose is a mysterious women with the ability to see into the future through her tarot cards. Origins: Rose has a unknown past tied to M.Bison. With her prophecy coming true and Ryu defeating Bison once and for all. She thought that she'd finally be able to relax with a long hot bath. However her cards are now showing her two new figures. Two tall blonde men. One with skin of indigo and crimson. The other with a bandana and suspenders. It seems she has new vision. One with a new protagonist and antagonist. Her Rival: Alex (friendly) Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 5 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws: Soul Drain - LP+LK: Rose performs a vertical handstand on her opponents shoulders, grabs them by the head, and then channels Soul Power threw it. Soul Drain -B+LP+LK: Rose performs a vertical handstand on her opponents shoulders, grabs them by the head, channels Soul Power threw it, and flips behind them. Soul Fade - LP+LK (in air): Rose charges her hand with Soul Power, grabs her opponent by the side of the face, releases the Soul Power she charged and throws them to the ground. Soul Etiolate – B+LP+LK: (in air) Rose charges her hand with Soul Power, grabs her opponent by the side of the face, releases the Soul Power she charged and throws them behind her. Unique Attacks: Soul Slide – DF+MK: Roses performs a sliding attack that hits low and is safe on block when properly spaced. Soul Piede – F+HK (overhead): Rose leans forward while placing her right hand on the ground, twists her hips, and whips her back leg at her opponents head. Long range overhead with faster startup and recovery. Low damage and cant' be comboed unless in V-Trigger. V-Reversal: Soul Deflect – F+PPP : Rose strikes with double open palm strike that engulfs her opponent in Soul Power and sends them a full screen away V-Skill: Soul Reflect – MP+MK : Rose uses her soul power to absorb or reflect projectiles. B+MP+MK absorbs. MP+MK reflects projectiles horizontally. D+MP+MK reflects projectiles upward. Only reflects projectile attacks. Can be used as a physical attack. B+MP+MK hits lows. MP+MK hits mid. D+MP+MK puts her opponents into a juggle state. V-Trigger 1: Soul Illusion– HP+HK : Rose uses her Soul Power to conjure two shadow images that last until her V-Gauge drains completely. These images mimic Roses normal attacks and can also hit her opponent. In addition to greatly boosting Roses combo potential, it also increases the amount of gray life her medium and heavy attacks generate. This helps compensate for her lower than average damage output. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Soul Satellite-QCFx2 +KKK: Rose summons two spheres of Soul Power that orbit her body. Each sphere causes 50 damage. While both spheres together only do 100 damage total, they can be used in setups and create combos that are other wise not possible and can juggle even when the player has used up all the available juggle points. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Soul Spark-QCF + P: Rose uncoils her scarf and unleashing a projectile of pure Soul Power at her opponent. LP has fast startup and recovery but slow horizontal travel speed. MP has moderate start up time and travel speed. HP has slow startup, fast recovery, and does 50% more damage (75 compared to 50) than the LP version. Soul Slam -F,D,DF +P (Forward, Down, Down Forward): Rose flies into the air grabs her opponent by the neck, engulfs them in Soul Power, and drives them straight into the ground. All versions have the same startup and damage. (7frames). The button strength determines the angle of Roses ascent. With LP being a near straight vertical rise and HP reaching the farthest. EX hits standing opponents on the way up and gains invincibility on the third frame.** Soul Throw -F,D,DF +P (Forward, Down, Down Forward): (Hold back during Soul Slam's ascension): Roses backthrow version of the Soul Slam. Rose flies into the air grabs her opponent by the neck, engulfs them in Soul Power, and hurls them behind her at great velocity. The damage, startup, overall properties are the same. The only difference is that Rose throws her opponent behind her instead of slamming them straight down.** Soul Siphon- HCB + P: (Hit Grab) Rose whips out her scarf and grabs her opponent doing minimal damage (50) but draining a small amount of EX Gauge. LP has the fastest startup, shortest range, and drains the least amount of meter. MP increases the range, start up, and meter drain. HP has the slowest start up but the scarf stretches its' full length. EX has the HP Siphon's Range, LP Siphon's startup, and drains HP as well as EX Gauge. Soul Spiral-HCF+ K: Rose corkscrews her scarf around her fist, dashes towards her foes, and strikes. Punch strength determines travel distance. Startup and Damage the same for all version. Is -2 when properly space. EX version has 1 hit of armor frame 1, does increased damage, but is -4 on block. Critical Art: Aura Soul Driver-QCFx2 + PPP: Rose coils her scarf around her arm and strikes with a powerful Soul Powered uppercut that sends her foes into they air. She jumps after them, grabs them by the neck, and overloads their body with Soul Power before sending them hurdling towards the ground at breakneck speed. Reasons to be in SFV: With Bison defeated, Rose thought she could finally rest. However she became haunted by images of the world being engulfed in flames. At the center of the fire, she saw a tall man with skin of indigo and crimson. Her mind then took her to the image of another man. A young man residing in New York with the power to prevent her dark vision from coming to fruition. Side Note: *Rose's eye color isn't consistent. They appear brown in some official art, purple in others, and even blue in the last CFN profile. **Allows Rose players that have cornered their opponents to maintain corner pressure. Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Roxy Spoiler Nickname: The Rough and Tumble Rider Sex: Female Ethnicity: American Height: 5ft 9in(1.75m) Weight: 150 lbs. (68kg) B/W/H: 38-26-37 (97cm-66cm-94cm) Hometown: Metro City, USA Appearance: Roxy long straight orange hair that comes down to her waist. She wears a dark crimson long sleeve leather jacket, unzipped with a short black t-shirt underneath that shows her midriff. She has on matching dark crimson leather pants with black snakeskin leather boots. Her hands are covered by black leather weight training gloves. Likes: Poison, Her Motorcycle*, MCMA** Gym, Muscle Training, Shopping Dislikes: Haggar, Trains, Wimps, Bigots Fighting Style: Street Jitsu*** Tone: Roxy is nonsense woman. That doesn't crap from anyone. If you don't respect her. You'll learn to.... Origins: Roxy grew up in an orphanage in Metro City. She was tomboy and because of this she was ostracized and bullied by both the boys and girls of the orphanage. The few friends she did have began to avoid her so they wouldn't get picked on. That was until a new orphan showed up. He was different, but anyone that tried to pick on him learned not to. The hard way. He took Roxy under his wing. Taught her how to protect herself and even told her his deepest secret. Roxy didn't care. He was the sister she never had and they'd had each others backs every since. Her Rival: Olivier Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 2 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Street Wise - LP+LK: Roxy stomps on her opponents foot and hit them with quick chop to the throat Giant Drop –B+LP+LK: a pro wrestling move she picked up in her time in Mad Gear. Roxy picks up her opponent, hoists them into the air , and drives them into the ground back first. Back Drop she learned from Andore Unique Attacks: Switch Blade– B + MP: A quick backfist to the sternum Abigail's Regards: DF+MP: (Overhead) A slow but powerful overhead right punch Handle Bar Strike – B +HP: Roxy hits her foe with spinning right back elbow, followed by a spinning left back elbow Patella Buster – F+HK: A fast front push kick to the knee V-Reversal: Heel Boy – F+PPP: Roxy picks her foes up by the torso and slams their groin into her knee (Reverse atomic drop), doesn't know down puts her opponent just out side of sweep range V-Skill: Lockdown – MP+MK: A quick forward or backdash (B+MP+MK)that travels half the distance of her normal dash. Can cancel all normal and special physical attacks from the dash. However any blocked canceled attack will be at least -4 on block. Dash has no strike or throw invincibility. V-Trigger 1: Unchained Rage – HP+HK : Roxy unleashes her fury. Gaining armor, on frame 3, and juggle properties on all of her physical attack specials. The grab range of Tough Love is also increased. Five enhanced attacks will deplete her V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Nut Cracker – HP+HK : Roxy's Birth Control special attack gains Rekka properties. She can now chain three Birth Control attacks in a row. The properties of the each rekka is determined by the strength of the kick button. LK (Leaves Standing +4 on hit), MK(Causes a Hard Knock Down), HK (Causes a Limited Juggle State), EX(Causes a Crumple State). Two activations per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger. Specials: Knuckle Duster -QCF + P: Roxy introduces her foes to her fist with a three punch combination. A left hook to the temple, followed by right hook to to the temple, ending with a quick uppercut to the chin. LP (Point Blank, Fastest Startup, Leaves Standing), MP(1/8 Screen, Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP (Slowest Startup, ¼ Screen Range, Limited Juggle Properties) EX (Fastest Startup, ¼ Screen Range, Limited Juggle Properties) Tough Love- HCB + P: (Command Grab) : Roxy grabs her opponent by jumping on their shoulders, wrapping her legs around their head, raining down two quick elbows to the top of the head, before flying to the air, flipping forward, and driving their head into the ground. 6F Startup. Grab range and damage determined by the strength of the punch button. The stronger the button the higher the damage and lower the range. EX Version has the highest range and damage. Toxic Heel-F,D,DF +K (Forward, Down, Down Forward): A forward flipping somersault kick that goes over horizontal projectiles. Similar to Poison's Love Me Tender without the follow grapple. All versions knock down. Distance determined by the kick button pressed. LK (1/3 Screen), MK (½ Screen), HK(2/3 Screen) EX (Auto Tracks, Fully Projectile Invincible) Birth Control-HCF+ K: A lighting quick dashing knee to the groin. Distance is determined by kick button pressed. -2 on block if properly spaced. Unsafe is blocked at point blank range. +2 on hit. Leaves foe standing. LK (1/3 Screen), MK (½ Screen), HK(2/3 Screen) EX (Fastest Startup, ¾ Screen, Knocks Down) Critical Art: The Tenderizer-QCFx2 + PPP: Roxy charges forward and strikers her foe in the throat stunning them. She follows up with a dozen quick body punches and sends them flying into the stage wall with a powerful standing side kick to the sternum. 14 Hits 350 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: A budding Mixed Martial Artist with her own style. Roxy wants to use the world martial arts scene to garner notice from the CFC****. She figures if she can take down a few world famous martial artist, she'll net a huge contract from the CFC. Side Note: She calls her bike the Venom Rocket, birthday present from Poison. Metro City Martial Arts – The MMA Gym Roxy opened with the money she “earned” in Mad Gear Self taught martial arts style. Roxy has become adept at picking up techniques for before and after he time with Mad Gear. If someone was using skill that was better than what she knew, she practiced it and used it to replace the less effective skill she new. Over time this developed into her own Mixed Martial Art. She initially opened up the MCMA Gym as way to learn more techniques after her time in Mad Gear ended. Eventually she grew to love learning new skills and putting them to use in the Cage. Cage Fighting Championship – analog to the UFC that I created for the Street Fighter universe. First introduced in my Canadian Street Fighter concept. Olivier St. Gelias Poison and Roxy share the same birthday. This helped make it easier for them to pull off becoming twin sisters. People look at their resemblance, see their birthdays, and don't question Poison's gender. Poison was integral to her surviving the orphanage and becoming who she is now. Roxy was more than happy to return the favor by helping Poison be who she truly is. They're sisters. Anyone that says differently eats a Knuckle Duster. Name: Sagat Spoiler Nickname: King of Kickboxers Sex: Male Ethnicity: Thai Height: 7ft 5in (2.26m) Weight: 339lbs (154kg) B/W/H: 53-36-39 (135cm-92cm-99cm) Hometown: Ayutthaya, Thailand Appearance: Sagat is massive man of incredible height. He wears a red and blue striped mongkol (Muay Thai headband) on his forehead and has black eye patch covering his right eye. His left eye is solid white. Sagat's head is completely bald except for the long black pony tail at the base of his skull. He is shirtless with a massive scar running from his lower left abdomen all the way up to his right collarbone. Sagat has blue kickboxing trunks with a red waistband and red stripes going down the side of each leg. His forearms and hands are wrapped in white tape with only his fingers exposed. Sagat's lower calves and ankles are also wrapped in white tape. However only a small part of each foot arch is taped leaving him essentially barefoot. Likes: Strong Warriors, Good Sportsmanship, Fighting with Ryu Dislikes: Poor Sportmanship, Adon, Metsu Shoyuken (It Scared him) Fighting Style: Muay Thai Tone: Sagat is honorable and humble warrior with a violent past. He regrets that his former star pupil, Adon, has seemingly adopted the brash, violent personality of his youth. Origins: Sagat is the former world martial arts champion and reigning “Emperor of Muay Thai”. Hot headed and brash as a youth, Sagat let his temper get the best of him in a fight with Go Hibiki. Go accidentally injured Sagat's eye and the young champion lost his cool. Killing the fighter in front of his wife and young son. That incident changed him. While still confident, that incident with Go Hibiki was always at the back of his mind. It wasn't until is surprising defeat against young fighter named Ryu did Sagat's temper reappear. Scarred by Ryu's Shoryuken. Sagat fell in with the underground criminal organization known as Shadaloo. He didn't care for Bison's goals. He only cared that Bison sought Ryu and allying with him would give him his best chance at seeking revenge. Sagat would use his newly developed technique, the Tiger Uppercut, to leave his mark on Ryu and regain his world championship. It wasn't until a chance encounter with Go Hibiki's son Dan did Sagat see the foolishness of vengeance. Seeing how the desire for revenge twisted Dan, he let Dan win their fight. He also left Shadaloo. Sagat still sought out a rematch with Ryu, but only to see how much both he and Ryu have improved. The two have developed a friendly rivalry. After a long sabbatical in the jungles of Thailand, Sagat wishes to test his newly refined techniques against the best the world has to offer. His Rival: Ryu Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 4 Mobility: 2 Technique: 4 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Tiger Rage– LP+LK: Sagat grabs his opponent by the head and knees them three times. The final knee sends his opponent sailing a ¾ of the screen away. Tiger Carry – B+LP+LK: Sagat grabs his opponent by the neck and waist, picks them up overhead, and slams them down behind him causing them to bounce a ½ screen away. Unique Attacks: Tiger Elbow – F+HP (Overhead) – Sagat strikes with a slow but powerful overhead elbow strike. Slow startup, -2 on block. Low Step Kick – F+LK – Sagat steps forward and strikes with a kick to his opponent's lower leg. Must be blocked low. High Step Kick – F+HK – Sagat steps forward and strikes with a roundhouse kick. Can be used an anti air. Puts the opponent juggle state. Step Kick Feint – HK, HK (In rapid succession) – Sagat steps forward and fakes a step kick. Can be used to bait opponents. V-Reversal: Tiger Bite – F+PPP: Sagat pulls back his right arm and leg. He then slams his right elbow and knee together mimicking the powerful bite of tiger's jaw. Attack causes his opponent to crumple at his feet. V-Skill: Angry Scar – MP+MK: Sagat places his hand on his scar and chuckles briefly. If the animation completes he gains a small bit of V-Gauge and a damage boost to his next Tiger Blow. LP/MP/HP Tiger Blow 20 Damage/Stun, EX Tiger Blow 50 Damage/Stun V-Trigger 1: Tiger Serenity – HP+HK: Sagat clears his mind and gains increased Ki control enhancing his Tiger Shots. Startup on all Tiger Shots reduced by 2F, Recovery reduced by 1F. EX High Tiger Shot puts his opponent in a juggle state a close range. LP/LK Tiger Shot moved 15% slower. HP/HK Tiger Shot moves 15% faster. EX Low Tiger Shot causes a hard knock down at close range. Sagat also gains access to the Tiger Cannon critical art. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Tiger Fury – HP+HK: Sagat unleashes his rage enhancing all of his physical attack specials. Tiger Blow gains full startup invincibility and 15 Damage/Stun buff, stacks with Angry Scar. EX Starts Up in 3F Tiger Fang gains projectile invincibility on Frame 1. 25 Damage/Stun buff. Tiger Knee gains armor on frame 3. 10 Damage/Stun Buff. EX gains armor frame 1. Sagat can perform 4 enhanced attacks or burn his entire V-Gauge with a manual version of his Tiger Genocide (Sagat manually cancels his Tiger Fang into Tiger Knee into Tiger Blow) 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Tiger Blow – F,D,DF+P (Anti Air): Sagat performs a swift and powerful standing right uppercut into a rising elbow strike. After the uppercut strikes his opponent's jaw, Sagat continues the motion, bringing his elbow upward striking them in the jaw again as he rising into the air. Punch button determines the damage and start up speed. LP(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) High Tiger Shot – QCF+P : Sagat pulls back both of his arms with clinched fist and throws them forward violently creating a horizontally traveling ki wave. Punch button determines travel speed. LP(Slow), MP (Faster), HP (Fastest). EX(2hits, More Damage, LP+MP Slow, LP+HP Faster, MP+HP Fastest) Low Tiger Shot– QCF+K : Sagat crouches, pulls back both of his arms with clinched fists, and throws them forward violently creating a horizontally traveling ki wave. Startup and Recovery 1F slower than High Tiger Shot. Kick button determines travel speed. LK(Slow), MK (Faster), HK (Fastest). EX(2hits, More Damage, LK+MK Slow, LK+HK Faster, MK+HK Fastest) Tiger Fang – QCB +K: Sagat hurtles towards his opponent with a flying left side kick. Distance traveled is determined by the kick button. Projectile invulnerable from Frame 3. LK (¼ Screen, Leaves Standing), MK(½ Screen, Knocks Down), HK( ¾ Screen, Knocks Down) EX (2/3 Screen, Causes Wall bounce) Tiger Knee – F,D, DF+K: Sagat strikes with a flying right knee attack. Can be used as an anti air if timed properly, however the attack has no invincibility. Kick button determines attack properties and distance traveled. LK (Point Blank, Fastest Startup, Knocks down), MK(¼ Screen, Slower Startup, Juggles In Corner), HK( ½ Screen, Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State) EX (Gains Armor On Frame 3, Fastest Startup, LK+MK Point Blank, LK+HK ¼ Screen, MK+HK ½ Screen, Causes Crumple State) Critical Art: Tiger Destruction – QCFx2+K: Sagat hits his opponent with a crushing two hit, Tiger Knee followed by a vicious 8 hit double Tiger Blow that sends his foe skyward and sets them on fire. 10 hits 350 damage V-Trigger 1 Only High Tiger Cannon – QCBx2+P : Sagat pulls back both of his arms with clinched fist, generating fiery ki, and then throws his fists forward violently creating a massive High Tiger Shot that sets his opponent ablaze. Projectile causes a limited juggle state, corner only. Speed of the projectile is determined by the button pressed. LP(Slow), MP (Faster), HP (Fastest). 6 hits 360 damage Low Tiger Cannon – QCBx2+K : Sagat crouches, pulls back both of his arms with clinched fist generating fiery ki, and then throws his fists forward violently creating a massive Low Tiger Shot that sets his opponent ablaze. Slower startup than High Tiger Cannon, limited juggle state point blank, larger juggle window in the corner. Speed of the projectile is determined by the button pressed. LK(Slow), MK (Faster), HK (Fastest). 6 hits 360 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Sagat missed the previous tournament while he was taking a time away to train in his village in Thailand. He was surprised to learn that Bison and Shadaloo had finally fell. He was also disappointed that no one represented Muay Thai in the tournament. Sagat aims to show the world the power of Muay Thai and hopes to cross paths with Ryu once gain while doing so Name: Sakura Kasugano Spoiler Nickname: Fierce Blossom Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5ft 4in (1.63m) Weight: 133lbs (60kg) B/W/H: 33-22-33 (84cm-57cm-84cm) Hometown: Tokyo, Japan Appearance: Sakura is short woman with a slight but fit build. Her brown hair is in a bob style and comes down to the nape of her neck. She has brown eyes. Sakura has a white headband. She wears a red long sleeve athletic jacket with a single white strip that runs the length of her arms. There is a whistle hanging around her neck. Sakura has on black biker style shorts that stop at her mid thigh. She has white cross trainer style sneakers on her feet with white socks. Likes: White Rice, Sports, Video Games, Training, Strong Opponent's Dislikes: Gaming with Tsukushi (her brother), Satsui No Hado Fighting Style: Garyū Ansatsuken (Self Taught Ansatsuken) Tone: Sakura is a cheerful extrovert that has an extreme focus on improving her fighting ability. Origins: Sakura was in the audience when Ryu defeated Sagat. She was enamored with Ryu. To see the much smaller fighter fell the Emperor of Muay Thai inspired her. Sakura wanted to know everything about this fighter. Who was Ryu? Where did he train? Would teach her how to fight as well? Kei through Sakura's interest would fade with time, but didn't. She watched as many of Ryu's fights as possible. Intensely studying his movements and copying them to the best of her ability. She began testing herself against schoolyard bullies. When they no longer provide a challenge, she began cutting class to participate in underground fights. It's only because of Kei constantly covering for her, that she didn't end up flunking out of school. After finally meeting Ryu, she truly learned how far she had to go. It was just a sparring match, but Sakura could barely even lay finger on Ryu. She asked him to be her teacher but he declined to her disappointment. Sakura resolved to improve. Finding a rival, Karin Kanzuki, to help her push herself to her limits. It's been several years, Sakura has had several encounters with Ryu. Although she's gotten better, she's still no match for him. Her Rival: Karin Kanzuki Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 2 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Sērā Shotto (Sailor Shot) – LP+LK: Sakura grabs her opponent, does handstand on their shoulders, flips her knees into their back, and toss them forward. Choba Throw – B+LP+LK: Sakura bounds off her opponents shoulders and hits them with a double kick in the back sending them flying behind her. Unique Attacks: Hana Kyaku (Flower Kick )– F+MK (Overhead) – Sakura strikes with an single hit overhead kick. Moderate startup up. -6 on block Furiko Appā (Pendulum Upper) – B+HP – Sakura performs a standing double axe handle upper cut. Can be used as an anti air. V-Reversal: Nijū Hana Ken (Dual Flower Fists) – Sakura strikes with a left, right solar plexus punch combination that sends her foe reeling a half screen away but leaves them standing. V-Skill: Sakura Otoshi (Blossom Drop) – MP+MK: Sakura initiates a forward command jump that can be followed up with a double axehandle punch that knocks down her opponent. Distance of the jump can be modified by the command entered. B+MP+MK ( ¼ Screen), MP+MK ( ½ Screen) F+MP+MK (¾ Screen). V-Trigger 1: Sakura Fubuki (Blossom Blizzard) – HP+HK: Sakura strikes with a rapid fire combination. A double hit Shagami Senpukyaku, followed by a double hit Shunpukyaku, that ends with a powerful three hit Shouoken leaving her opponent in a juggle state. 250 Damage/125 Stun. Single Use V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Mizu no Michi (Way of Water)– HP+HK: Sakura focuses her mind and gains access to water based ki attacks. All of her punch button special moves are enhanced. Gains access to her strongest technique the Mizu Funshutsu Ken Hadoken becomes Mizu Hadoken startups and recover 1f faster. Mizu Hadoken has the properties of a Level 1 Charged Hadoken (70 damage, Medium Sized Projectile) but travels full screen. Charged Mizu Hadoken has the properties of a Max Charge Hadoken (Large Projectile, 100 Damage) but travels ¾ Screen. Hadosho becomes Mizu Hadosho gains full startup invincibility and a 15 damage/25 stun buff. EX version causes a wall bounce. All version are no crush counterable Shouoken becomes Shio Shouoken. Sakura is enveloped by a watery aura of ki during Shouoken. Attack is projectile invincible from frame 1. Damage/Stun increase is determined by button strength. LP 10 Damage/20 Stun, MP 15 Damage/30 Stun, HP 20 Damage/40 Stun. EX 25 Damage/50 Stun V-Gauge drains slowly over time. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Hadoken (Wave Motion Fist) – QCF+P : Sakura pulls back both of her arms and throws a projectile at her opponent. Slow startup, speed determined by the button pressed, the higher the button strength, the faster it travels, can be charged to increase the projectile size and damage at the expense of range. Uncharged (Small Projectile, 40 damage, Full Screen Range) Level 1 Charge (Medium Projectile, 70 damage, ¾ Screen Range), Max Charge (Large Projectile, 100 Damage, ½ Screen Range) EX Range remains the same. Gains faster startup and more damage. Uncharged (60 damage) Level 1 Charge (90 damage), Max Charge (120 Damage) Hadosho (Surging Palms)– QCB+P : Sakura pulls back both of her arms and strikes with a large point blank projectile. Punch button determines the startup and damage all versions knock down. LP (Fastest Startup, 1 hit, 90 Damage/135 Stun), MP (Slower Startup, 2 hit, 110 Damage/165 Stun), HP (Slowest Startup, 3 hit, 130 Damage/195 Stun), EX (Fastest Startup, 3 hit, 150 Damage/225 Stun). Shouoken (Blooming Cherry Fist) – F,D,DF+P : Sakura strikes with a charging uppercut that knocks her foe down. Attack has no invincibility. Startup, Damage, and Distance traveled determined by the punch button. LP (3F Startup, 2 hits, Least Damage, 1/8 Screen), MP (5F Startup, 4 hits, More Damage, 1/3 Screen), HP (7F Startup, 6 hits, Most Damage, ½ Screen) EX (4F Start up, 6 hits, Most Damage, ½ Screen, Armor on Frame 3) Shagami Shunpukyaku (Low Twirling Gale Kick) – QCB +K: Sakura strikes with a rapidly spinning crouching whirldwind kick. Must be blocked low. MK and HK versions end with a standing side kick. Button pressed determines the startup, damage, and distance traveled. LK (Fastest Startup, Point Blank, 2 hits, Leaves Standing), MK )Slower Startup, ¼ Screen, 3 hits, Knocks Down), HK (Slowest Startup, ½ Screen, 4 hits, Juggles In The Corner), EX (Fastest Startup, ½ Screen, 5 hits, Causes Crumple State) Kūchū Shunpukyaku (Aerial Twirling Gale Kick) – QCB+K (In Air): Sakura executes a descending whirlwind kick from a forward jump. All version hit once and cause a soft knock down. Button pressed determines the angle of descent. LK (Straight Down), MK (30° Angle), HK(45° Angle) EX (Straight Down, Has a vacuum effect, 5 hits, Causes Juggle State) Rakuyō Hanabira Kyaku (Falling Petal Kick)– QCF+K (In Air) : Sakura performs a double leg dive kick from a forward jump. Button pressed determines the angle of descent. LK (30° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK(60° Angle) EX (LK+MK 30° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 60° Angle Causes hard Knock Down) Critical Art: Dai Kōzui Hadoken (Great Flood Wave Motion Fist) – QCFx2+P: Sakura pulls back both of her arms, focuses all of her ki into her hands, and hurls a massive water ki based projectile at her opponent. 5 hits (5x60) 300 damage. V-Trigger 2 Only Mizu Funshutsu Ken (Water Spout Fist) – QCBx2+P : Sakura hits her opponent with a powerful Shouoken combination. She strikes with a powerful single hit left handed Shouoken to the abdomen, followed by a single hit right hand Shouken to the abdomen, and ends the attack with a three hit left handed Shouoken uppercut that sends her opponent flying into the air. 5 hits (2x100, 3x55) 365 damage. Reasons to be in SFV: While sparring with Karin, Sakura hears about the fight with Shadaloo. She regrets not coming along on the adventure. Sakura can't believe Karin got to fight along side Ryu against M.Bison and his “Four Kings”. Sakura is especially intrigued by the new level of power Ryu has achieved. “A Ryu that has overcome the Satsui No Hado?” she mutters. “I have to see this for myself.” Name: Sean Matsuda Spoiler Nickname: The Cannonball Kid Sex: Male Ethnicity: Brazilian (1/2 Japanese) Height: 6ft 0in(1.83m)* Weight: 185 lbs. (84kg)* B/W/H: 45-33-34 (114cm-84cm-86cm) Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil Appearance: Sean wears a yellow long sleeve hoodie with a black stripe running the length of his outer arms. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. The hoodie has a large black on the upper chest. Sean wears matching yellow jogging pants that have black strips running the length of his outer leg. He has on red MMA fighting gloves. Sean's basketball sneakers are red with white soles and striping. His hair is dark brown (nearly black), styled in short dreadlocks on the top of his head, and shaved on the sides. Sean's eyes are brown. Likes: Ken, Basketball, Futebol (Soccer), Gaming, Bubble Gum Dislikes: Dan, Laura's bullying Fighting Style: Matsuda Jiu Jitsu combined with self taught Ansatsuken Tone: Sean is a jovial person. He enjoys the competition of sport and only seems unhappy when his sister is pestering him. Origins: Sean is the youngest grandson of Kinjiro Matsuda. While his older brother (Fabio) and sister (Laura) gravitated towards the family martial art. Sean was more interested in sports. His only motivation for learning Matsuda Jiu Jitsu was to be able to fend of his older sisters playful “bullying”. After being attacked by F.A.N.G and Shadaloo, Sean became enamored with learning Ansatsuken from Ken Masters. Ken wasn't interested in having any students. So Sean took it upon himself teach himself Ansatsuken by watching all of Ken's fights and mimicking his techniques. His Rival: Laura Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 2 1000 stamina 900 stun Throws: Seoi Throw – LP+LK: Sean performs a classic Judo forward throw. Tomoe Throw – B+LP+LK: Sean grabs his foe by the shoulders, put his foot into their sternum, and falls backward tossing them behind him. Unique Attacks: Sean Pachiki – F+HP : (overhead) Sean strikes his foe with a vicious two hit headbutt Rolling Sobat – F+HK: A jumping Sobat kick that sails over low attacks and has long range V-Skill: Zenten – MP+MK : Sean rolls forward toward his opponent. Roll is projectile invincible. Can pass through his opponents at close range or when they are down. Can be canceled into to Sean's low kick attacks only. V-Gauge is only gained from blocked or landed low attacks. V-Trigger 1: Hado Explosão– HP+HK : Sean focuses energy into a powerful fast moving Hadoken. Causes a hard knockdown. Does 125 damage/250 stun. Fast start up. Long recovery on whiff. Low durability. Is canceled out by standard projectiles (except Ibuki's kunai) and loses to multi-hitting projectiles. Sean has two Hado Explosãos per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Raio No Hado – HP+HK: Sean gains a sparking aura that grants a small damage and significant stun boost to all of his special attacks. Matsuda Shoot follow ups grain a 10 damage/50 stun buff Shoryu Esmagamento gains a 5 damage/30 stun buff Tornado Kyaku gains a 10 damage/25 stun buff Ryuubi Chute and Zankuu Ryuubi Chute gains a 15 damage/50 stun buff Five enhanced attacks per V-Trigger 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Matsuda Shoot-QCF+P: Sean forward dashes low towards his opponent. The strength of the punch determines the distance traveled. If no input is entered. The Matsuda Shoot is simply a forward command dash with no strike or throw invincibility that does not pass through his opponent. Dash gains projectile invincibility on frame 3. EX version is projectile invincible frame 1. P- Sean Tackle: (Hit Grab)Sean executes a double leg takedown followed up by punches. The strength of punch button used to Matsuda Shoot determines the number of punches. LP (2 hits), MP (3 hits), HP (4 hits), EX (5 hits), must be blocked low. K- Kinjiro Triangle (Command Grab): Sean leaps onto his opponent's shoulders causing them to fall backwards while he locks in a triangle choke. The strength of punch button used to Matsuda Shoot determines the number of hits. LK (2 hits), MK (3 hits), HK (4 hits), EX (5 hits), only grabs standing opponents. Shoryu Esmagamento-F,D,DF+P: An improvised version of Ken's Shoryuken. Sean spins 360° at apex of his ascent and tacks on an aerial punch that sends his foe crashing to the ground. All versions do two hits. Strength of the punch button determines the height of his ascent. More of a combo ender, lacks invincibility. Anti-airing requires precise timing with the MP version. EX (Shoryu Canhão): Sean's version of the Shoryu Reppa. Has full startup invincibility. Rapidly pressing the punch button increases the damage/stun and hits. Maximum of 10 hits. Tornado Kyaku-QCB+K: Sean's self taught variation of the Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku. He jumps toward his opponent striking them with alternation left and right flying kicks. Distance traveled and number hits determined by the strength of the kick button pressed. LK (2 hits), MK (3 hits), HK (4 hits) EX (5 its, final hit causes juggle state) Ryuubi Chute-QCF+K: (Dragon Tail Kick): Sean performs a high flying arching with wheel kick. Laura's Volty Line (overhead) is variation of this technique. Goes over projectiles. Kick button determines distance. LK(1/2 Screen), MK(3/4 Screen), HK(Full Screen) EX ((Full Screen, Projectile Invincible, Causes Knock Down) Zankuu Ryuubi Chute-QCB+K:(In Air)(Sky Slashing Dragon Tail Kick): Sean executes a falling Ryuubi Chute from a forward jump. Has to be inputted at the apex of his jump. Kick button pressed determines the descent angle. LK (10° Angle), MK (20° Angle), HK (30° Angle) EX (15° Angle) plus on hit, allows for a followup combo. Critical Art: Tornado Jinrai Kyaku -QCBx2+K (Tornado Thunder Kick): Sean's version of Ken's Shippu Jinrai Kyaku (Super Art 3 in SF3). The first five kicks of this attack mirror Ken's technique exactly. However, instead going into a rising Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaka. Sean goes into a rising Tornado and ends the attack with powerful Céu Cauda do Dragão Kyaku that sends his opponent hurtling to the ground at high speed. Reasons to be in SFV: After being attacked by F.A.N.G. and his Shadoloo goons, Sean couldn't stop thinking about how weak he was and how cool Ken was. He has seen world class grappling growing up but he had never seen striking on the level of Ken's. He dedicated himself learning everything he could about Ken's style. He got videos of all his fights and dedicated all his free time to master his signature moves. If he can show Ken how strong he's gotten on his own, Sean is sure he can get Ken to accept him as a student. *CFN Profile card lists him as 5'9” (1.75m) and 149lbs (68kg). He had a growth spurt. Both his father and brother are 6'2” (1.88m) and 180lbs (82kg). -SFV Sean is in the vain of his SF3 New Generation/Second Impact play style. His damage is below average but his stun output is high. -Renamed the dash from Sean Tackle to Matsuda Shoot and named the Punch follow up Sean Tackle. This was to allow the for a secondary follow up Kinjiro Triangle (named for his grandfather) to show off more of his Matsuda Jiu Jitsu training. Side Note: Sean's special attack names were often a combination of English and Japanese. I believe this was left over from when Sean was intended to be American. Changed that to a Portuguese-Japanese combination. Hado Burst - Hado Explosão Dragon Smash – Shoryu Esmagamento Shoryu Cannon – Shoryu Canhão Tornado – Tornado Kyaku (Tornado in Portuguese is Tornado) Ryuubi Chute - Ryuubi Kyaku Raio means Lightning in Portuguese Name: Sigmund Wimmer Spoiler Nickname: The Red Emperor (Der Rote Kaiser) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Austrian Height: 6'4”(1.93m) Weight: 252lbs (114kg) B/W/H: 49-37-40 (124cm-94cm-102cm) Hometown: Graz, Austria Appearance: Sigmund is tall with an athletic build. He has short red slicked back hair with a tuft of red hair on his chin. His eyes are light blue. Sigmund wheres a golden headband that resembles a crown. He is shirtless and has red elbow pads on each arm. Around his waist is a black leather weight belt with golden trim. Sigmund has white tights and red calf length wrestling boots. Likes: Farahilde, Weissbier (Wheat Beer), Cross Training, Humor Dislikes: Overly Serious People, Wine Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling Tone: Sigmund is an exuberant young man. He jovial demeanor fools people into thinking he doesn't take his craft seriously. That is not the case. Origins: The youngest son wine magnate Franz Wimmer, Sigmund has always been the black sheep of the family. While his family was all about high society, he preferred to hangout with their butler and maid's children Ludolf and Farahilde. His older siblings, Amadeus and Astrid, frowned upon his behavior. “It's not fitting of a Wimmer” but Sigmund didn't care. In an effort to get closer to his son, Franz took Sigmund, Ludolf, and Farahilde with he on a business trip to the UK. During the trip, Sigmund saw a poster “Mike Haggar vs Titantic Tim! One night only!” Sigmund begged his father to take him to the event. Despite his misgivings, Franz took Sigmund and the other children to the event. Franz would live to regret this decision. From that point on, young Sigmund became obsessed with professional wrestling. He'd often come home to find Sigmund and Ludolf reenacting their favorite matches. Even Farahilde got in on the act. As he grew up Sigmund continued to enjoy wrestling and his father tolerated it as long as he excelled in his studies. Upon graduating university, Sigmund was expected to take his place in the family winery business. He declined. Sigmund was going to be the best professional wrestler in the world. Infuriated, his father cut him off financially. Figuring this would force Sigmund to abandon his “foolish” hobby and join the family business. Unfortunately for Franz, Sigmund had been planning this for ages. He'd been saving his money since he was a teenager. Spending most of his time with Ludolf and Farahilde growing up, Sigmund was more comfortable with a “meager” lifestyle. Sigmund and his two closest friends would get a place together and achieve their dream together. Rival: Zangief Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 5 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Zurückbrecher (Back Breaker) - LP+LK: Sigmund grabs his foe and hits them with a Tilt A Whirl Back breaker. Gesichtsbrecher (Face Breaker) -LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Sigmund picks up his crouching opponent by the head and plants them face first into the ground with a Sitout Facebuster Halsbrecher (Neck Breaker)-B+LP+LK: Sigmund grabs his opponent head, spins behind him, and hits them with a reverse neck breaker. Bulldogge (Bulldog) - B+LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Sigmund grabs his crouching opponents head, jumps backwards, and plants them face first into the ground with one handed bulldog. Macht Zuschlagen(Power Slam) - LP+LK (In Air): Sigmund catches his opponent mid air and spins 270° as he slams them into the ground. Das Ende (The End) - B+LP+LK (In Air): Sigmund snatches his opponent out of the air and drives them head first into the ground with a DDT. Unique Attacks: Karmesin Schlegel (Crimson Maul) - F+MP: (Overhead) Sigmund clasps his hands together pulls them back behind his head and slams them down on his opponent. Attack be charged. Charging the attack increases the startup time but increases the advantage on hit. Uncharged (+1 on hit, - 6 on block) Charged (+4 on hit, -2 on block) Rotwein Keule (Claret Mace) – F+HP: Sigmund leaps forward and strikes his foe with a Superman Punch. Cerise Degen (Cerise Epee) - F+MK: Sigmund floors his opponent with a standing single leg drop kick to the head Kardinal Hellebarde (Cardinal Halberd )- F+HK: Sigmund hits his opponent under their chin with a vicious super kick. V-Reversal: Rot Hammer (Red Hammer) – F+KKK: Sigmund knock his opponent down with a dropsault. (Drop Kick into a somersault) V-Skill: Amboss Krachen (Anvil Crash) – MP+MK: (Hit Grab) Sigmund grabs his foe, picks them up, and slams their groin down onto his knee, stunning them and allowing him to combo into his grab and command grabs. 6F Startup, -7 on Block (Reverse Atomic Drop) V-Trigger 1: Kontern Kutter (Counter Cutter) – HP+HK: After activating this V-Trigger, Sigmund gains an additional way to land his signature move the Korund Kutter . This variation of the technique is a counter grab. Hoher Kontern Kutter (High Counter Cutter) - B+HP+HK: Sigmund intercepts his foes aerial attack, catching them out of the air and planted them face first with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 195 Damage/260 Stun Kontern Kutter (Counter Cutter) -HP+HK: Sigmund deflects his opponents high/mid attack and quick hits them with a a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 180 Damage/210 Stun Neidriger Kontern Kutter (Low Counter Cutter)- D+HP+HK: Sigmund block his foes attack, hits them with a knee lift that causes them to stand, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 195 Damage/260 Stun Luftig Kontern Kutter(Aerial Counter Cutter) – HP+HK: Sigmund parries his foes attack, grabs them mid air, spins 180° around their torso and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter).160 Damge/200 Stun Whiffed attempts leave Sigmund vulnerable to a crush counter. Sigmund has two Kontern Kutter's per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Kaiser Stärke (Emperor's Strength) – HP+HK: Sigmund “hulks up” and becomes surrounded by a regal red aura. His stamina and stun defense is increased by 25%. 2-Bar V-Trigger Permanent Specials: Korund Kutter (Corundum Cutter) – 360°+P: (Command Grab) Sigmund grabs his opponent, puts them in a fireman's carry position, jumps into the air, spins his opponent 180° off his shoulder, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). All versions start up in 5F. Punch button determines the damage and grab range. LP (Least Damage, Most Range, +0 On hit), MP(More Damage, Less Range, +4 On Hit), HP(Most Damage, Least Range, +2 On Hit) EX(Throw Invincible 1-5F, Most Damage, Most Range, +4 On Hit) Rubin Kutter (Ruby Cutter) - F,D,DF+P: (Anti Air Command Grab) Sigmund jumps up into the air, grabs his opponent, and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog. Command Grab becomes active on frame 6.(Diamond Cutter). Punch button determines ascent angle. LP (Straight Up, Anti Cross Up), MP(60° Angle), HP(45° Angle), EX(Fully Invincible to Airborne Attacks on Frame 1, LP+MP Straight Up, LP+HP 60° Angle, MP+HP 45° Angle) Rhodonit Kutter (Rhodonite Cutter) – 360°+K: (Dashing Command Grab) Sigmund charges towards his opponent, grabs them, spins 180° around their torso and plants them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen) EX(Grains armor on Frame 3, ¾ Screen). Granat Kutter (Garnet Cutter) – F,D,DF+K: (Jumping Command Grab) Sigmund jumps at his opponent, lands on their shoulders, performs a handstand, and spins into a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). Causes a side switch. Kick button determines the distance of the jump. LK (¼ Screen) MK (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen) EX (Projectile Invincible, “Back during startup”¼ Screen, “Neutral during startup ½ Screen, ¾ Screen “Forward during startup”) Critical Art: Zyklon Juwel Kutter (Cyclone Gem Kutter) – 360°x2+P: Sigmund grabs his opponent, puts them in a fireman's carry position, spins rapidly as he rises high into the air, descends at a breakneck speed while still rotating rapidly, and just before impact he spins his opponent 180° off his shoulder planting them face first into the ground with a ¾ face lock front bulldog (Diamond Cutter). 1Hit 350 damage Reasons to be SFV: After making a name for himself in the regional circuit, Sigmund seeks to make it on the grand stage. The world tournament will give him the exposure he needs to finally get the call up the big leagues. The CWA! He'll show the the world that you never know where a Kutter will come from. Victory Quotes: Ryu: “Never expected a little man to hit so hard. This was fun!” Chun Li: “They don't have police officers that look like you were I'm from. Umm...I'm not under arrest am I!?” Nash: “Nice gimmick. You'd make a great heel. Have you ever thought about professional wrestling?” M.Bison: “Look buddy, I'm all for fun and games, but you take things to far.” Cammy: “Wow your fast. You really dart all over the place, I think I'll call you 'Rikoschettieren'(Ricochet).” Birdie: “You are pretty strong and fast for a guy so out of shape. I'll give you personal trainer's card. I think you have championship potential” Ken: “Fire without pyrotechnics!? Man there are really cool guys at this tournament” Necalli: “You some sort of cannibal or something? What a lunatic!” Vega: “Claws? Really man. Is this a hardcore rules match!?” R.Mika: “When I heard my opponent was named Meike* (Mika), I thought you'd be from back home. I would have invited Farahilde if I knew this was going to be tag match” Rashid: “No way, Azam is your butler!? That guy is legend, you think he'd be willing to train with me?” Karin: “Okay, I won. That means I get a sponsorship now...right?” Zangief: “Mr. Zangief, it's been a great honor to wrestle with you. You look so fearsome. I never expected you to be such a nice guy ” Laura: “Train at your school? Sure why not, I'm always looking to learn more moves” Dhalsim: “Okay, you are going to have to show me how you do that. That stretchy limb thing you do would go over big with the fans.” F.A.N.G.: “Not sure what your deal is man. Also why are you so focused on being number 2? You should never settle for second best.” Alex: “I like your style man. Stadium, main event, you versus me. What do you say?” Guile: “How do you get your hair stand up like that? Does your military allow that?” Ibuki: “Sorry you are cute and all, but I'm taken.” Balrog: ”Are you using loaded gloves? You hit like a panzer.” Juri: “I like the aggressive type, but 'no means no' lady. You're borderline homicidal....” Urien: “How does your ego fit in your head? You are strong but your personality stinks” Akuma: “I need to step up my workout routine. I have 25 kilos on you. How do you hit harder than I do?” Kolin: ”Hmmm.....your religious zealot gimmick is good heel material. What do you mean it's not a gimmick?” Ed: “Your uniform is...uh interesting. Ed, you seem like a fellow with good intentions. Your look should reflect that ” Abigail:”Heiliger Strohsack! Ich glaub mich knutscht ein Elch! (Holy Smokes! I don't believe it!) How are you so big!?” Menat: “Fortune Teller? That's a bit corny. That persona will never get you over.” Zeku: “Can't figure it out, where is your tag team partner coming from? You are the same guy!? No way!” Sakura: “My trainer taught me to never judge and opponent by their size. Sakura, you punch well above your weight.” Blanka: “Mist! (Damn!). That's a cool costume. Who's your seamstress? This is really you!?.” Falke: “Entspann dich! (Lighten up1), training seriously doesn't mean you can't have fun.“ Side Note: *Meike pronounced (Me-ka) is German/Austrian girls name. Sigmund's unique attacks all have a variation of Red in their names. They are also named for weapons. Sigmunds special attacks all have a red gemstone in their name. Farahilde, the daughter of his family butler and maid, is his girlfriend and a fellow wrestler. Ludolf, Farahilde's brother, is his best friend and manager. Sigmund's ability to land his finishing “Kutter” technique from seemingly anywhere has gained him great popularity in a short time. Edited July 27, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Soaring Condor (aka Little Eagle/Noembelu)* Spoiler Nickname: The Wings of Wrath Sex: Female Ethnicity: Mexican (Native American) Height: 6ft 0in(1.83m)** Weight: 169 lbs. (77kg)** B/W/H: 37-26-39 (94-66cm-99cm) Hometown: Guadalajara, Mexico Appearance: Long brown hair tied into two pig tails, bangs in the front, and hazel eyes. She wears an open tan leather jacket, red sleeveless t-shirt, and black leather pants with tan leather boots. Likes: Solitude, Hunting, Her Tomahawks. Her “Sisters” Dislikes: Crowds, Discussing Her Past, Shadaloo, S.I.N Fighting Style: Shadaloo Assassination Techniques/Thunderfoot Style Martial Arts Tone: Soaring Condor is a solitary woman. She is quick to anger and only seems to be at peace when she's in combat. As she grew over the years, Shadoloo optimized her fighting style to rely more on power than speed. S.Condor bears some resentment towards T.Hawk for failing to find and rescue both Julia and her. Origins: After S.I.N. Had finished their experiments, Eagle and the rest of her “sisters” were simply dumped in the nearby wilderness and left to die. Both Fortunately and unfortunately, she and her “sisters” were found by F.A.N.G. While their lives were saved, they were once again enslaved by Shadaloo. In his efforts to impress Bison. F.A.N.G. , healed the dolls, intensified their brainwashing, and increased their Pscyho Power infusion. Cammy thanks to the combined efforts of the Kanzuki Zaibatsu, Interpol (Chun-Li) and USAF (Guile) was able to free the dolls from Bison's control.*** Eagles memory remains fragmented. Her fighting prowess however, remains intact. Her Rival: Juri, Necalli Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 2 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Towering Slam -LP+LK: Condor grabs her opponent and executes a quick scoop body slam Condor Flip- B+LP+LK:: Eagle hips tosses her opponent behind her Condor Driver - LP+LK (in air): Condor snatches her opponent out of the air and drives them into the ground with a sit down powerbomb Unique Attacks: Rising Hatchet: B+MP S.Condor does a quick upward chop with her left hand. Can be used as an anti-air. Falling Hatchet: F+P HP (Overhead) S.Condor does a slow overhead chop with her right hand. Twin Hatchet: B+MP, F+HP (Target Combo) Condor performs a Rising Hatchet, Falling Hatchet target combination V-Reversal: Front Snap Kick : F+KKK S.Condor performs a quick front snap kick that causes her opponent to reel back but not fall down V-Skill: Wingspan: MP+MK : Condor leans back with her arms spread wide and lets out a shriek that powers up her next throw. Increases the range on all of her normal and command throws. Effect wears off when her throw connects, whiffs, or is successfully teched V-Trigger 1: Condor's Fury: HP+HK: Condor releases all of her rage powering up all of her throws. All throws gain increased range, damage (+10 standard, +20 Soaring Slam), stun (+25 standard throws, +50 Soaring Slam). Soaring Slam gains full throw invincibility. EX Soaring Slam starts up one frame faster (6f to 5f) Four standard throws and three Special Throws per V-Trigger 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Mexican Huracán: HP+HK: Condor's rage grants her the fury of a hurricane. She gains the ability to cancel one Soaring Slam into another. She can land a maximum of three Soaring Slams in a row. Canceled versions of the Soaring Slam do reduced damage/stun. First slams 100%, Second 50%, 25% Example HP Slam (180 damage/200 stun, 2nd 90 damage/100 Stun, 3rd 45 damage/50 Stun Total 315 damage/370 stun) EX Slam (200 damage/220 stun, 2nd 100 damage/110 Stun, 3rd 50 damage/55 stun Total 350 damage/385 stun. Using all three cancels in a row exhausts the V-Gauge. EX cancel only costs 1 EX bar. If only two cancels are used. Two Mexican Huracáns can be used per V-Trigger. However the second Soaring Slam is scaled to 25% damage and stun. 3-Bar V-Trigger. Specials: Soaring Slam-HCB + P: Condor grabs her foe by the neck, jumps high into the air, and slams them on their head. Punch button pressed determines the grab range and damage. The stronger the attack button the higher the damage but the lower the range EX Version has the highest damage and LP versions range. Mexican Typhoon without the arm rotation...basically a flying choke slam Cyclone Knuckle- HCF + P: Condor's variation of the Axel Spin Knuckle, She does not leave the ground, has faster start up and retains projectile invulnerability. Horizontal range is reduced. LP(Point Blank), MP( ¼ Screen), HP( ½ Screen). EX (Faster Startup, ¾ Screen) Condor Talon-QCF+ K A jumping right front kick, followed by a jumping left kick (Similar to Felicia's Delta Kick). Kick button pressed determines the damage and range. Stronger the button, the more damage and range. -2 on block if space correctly otherwise the listed values apply. LK( ¼ Screen, -4 on block), MK( ½ Screen, -5 on block), HK( ¾ Screen, -7 on block), EX ( ¾ Screen, -4 on block) Rising Talon- F,D,DF+ K: (Anti-Air)A single hit rising knee variation/combination of T.Hawk's Tomahawk Buster and Cammy's Canon Spike. Quick start up, limited invincibility (EX only), moderate damage, quick recovery. LK (3F) MK (4F), HK (5F), EX (3F, Upper Body Invincibility only) Diving Condor – PPP (in air): Eagle's version of the Condor Dive. Unlike T.Hawk's version, the Diving Condor has to be executed at the apex of her forward jump. +1 on Hit, -5 on Block. Critical Art: Condor's Wrath-HCFx2 + KKK: Condor knocks her opponent into the air with a powerful Rising Talon, catches her opponent out of the air and slams them into the ground with a high flying Condor Driver, before picking them up and finishing them off with a Soaring Slam that's twice of elevation of her HP Soaring Slam. 3 Hits 360 damage. Reasons to be in SFV:* Soaring Condor is filled with both anger and resentment over what's happened to her. While her follow dolls long to recall their pasts, she does not want to recall the girl that was too weak to defend herself and her people. Fighting satiates her rage and she feels that the only thing that will bring her peace is ensuring that others don't suffer her fate. Shadoloo may have fallen but she senses a darkness (Illuminati) on the horizon. Side Note: *When she was taken by Bison, she was only 5'5” girl. Now that she's a 6' tall woman, Little Eagle is no longer appropriate name, I changed her name from Towering Eagle to Soaring Condor after thinking about what Darth Ender told me on Capcom Unity. Falcon's aren't used in Native American lore and having a character named Eagle and another named Little Eagle that are unrelated is stupid. **The Dolls are all between 5'3 and 5'5. Given her association with T.Hawk and to make her T.Hawk sourced skills more believable, I thought that making her larger would be necessary. Given her age when she was taken it's plausible, albeit unlikely, that she'd still be capable of growing. ***Altered her original story to account for the events that occurred in A Shadow Falls Name: Tahiry Spoiler Nickname: Tempest of Water and WindSex: FemaleEthnicity: MalagasyHeight: 5ft 1in (1.55m)Weight: 119lbs (54kg)B/W/H: 33-22-37 (84cm-56cm-94cm)Hometown: Manakara, MadagascarAppearance: Tahiry is a petite woman with copper brown skin, sepia brown hair, and sandy brown eyes. Her wavy hair is chin length. She wears a white sport bra style top with ocean blue trim around the neck, arms, and above her abdomen. Tahiry has white boxing style trunks with an ocean blue colored waist band and trim. She has ocean blue fist wraps with white fingernail polish. Tahiry has ocean blue ankle sleeves that leave her heels and toes exposed. Her toe nails are painted white to match her fingernails.Likes: Swimming, Family, Analyzing Fights, Ranovola (Burnt Rice Tea)Dislikes: Arid Environments, Disappointed her fatherFighting Style: MoraingyTone: Tahiry is competitive woman with a kind spirit and a great love for her family.Origins: Tahiry is the daughter of Tsiraka the “Monsoon of Madagascar”. Her father was the greatest Moraingy champion that Madagascar has ever known. Her two older brothers, Tsiory and Tanjona, followed in their father's foot steps. While they both became solid fighters with great technique, they lacked Tsiraka's natural talent. Tahiry was different. Her father frowned upon her becoming a fighter. Undeterred, Tahiry would watch her father train her brothers and then on her own mimic what see saw. Without any formal training and without her father's blessing, Tahiry would travel to opposite end of Madagascar and compete. She instinctually commanded water and wind based ki. This along with incredible speed made her an unbeatable fighter. It's hard to defeat a foe you can't hit. Despite his initial misgivings, her father was proud of his daughter for forgiving her own path. If she could do so well on her own, what could she do with formal training?Her Rival: WasswaAttributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 2 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 StunThrows:Fierce Wind– LP+LK : Tahiry strikes with a quick hook to the liver that cause her foe to crumple to the ground.Fierce Current – B+LP+LK : Tahiry quickly slips behind her opponent striking the with a hook to the kidney causing them to crumple to the ground.Unique Attacks:Undertow – B+HP: Tahiry throws a lower right hook to her foes ankle, knocking them down.Downburst - F+HK: (Overhead): Tahiry strikes with a quick overhand left punch that hits twice. -6 on block.Tidal Wave – F+HK, B+HP: (Target Combo): Tahiry performs an overhand left, low right hook combination that knocks down.V-Reversal: Tidal Wake – F+PPP: Tahiry hits her foe with a uppercut to the jaw that knocks them into air and causes them to land a ½ screen away . V-Skill:Gale Vacuum – MP+MK: Tahiry creates a sphere of wind that pulls the opponent closer to her. The gust can be created at three different ranges. B+MP+MK ( ¼ Screen), MP+MK (½ Screen), F+MP+MK (¾ Screen). Gust causes no damage but leaves the opponent open to attack. If blocked, the gust still pushes the opponent towards Tahiry. The distanced is halved if the gust is blocked.V-Trigger 1:Monsoon – HP+HK: Tahiry concentrates her cyclonic ki around her left fist and her aquatic ki around her right fist. This creates a large water/wind fist aura around her fists that extends the range on all of her punches. Her hit boxes are extended, her hurt boxes are not. While this doesn't increase the damage of her blows, the enhanced range increases her combo potential. Her V-Gauge drains with each blocked or landed punch. It doesn't decrease over time or on whiffed punches. 2-Bar V-Trigger.V-Trigger 2:Gusting Wave – HP+HK: Tahiry manipulates her wind and water based ki to gain access to an armored command dash. Pressing HP+HK after V-Trigger activation will cause Tahiry to raise her right arm creating a wall of aquatic ki in front of her and outstretch her left arm to create a powerful gust of wind that propels her forward. Attack input can be held down and then released to alter dash timing. Back dashing while holding down the input will cancel the attack at the expense of half of Tahiry's V-Gauge. Dash does have a hit box that will put Tahiry's foe into a juggle state on hit. Her aquatic shield reflects all projectile attacks except for Critical Arts. Projectiles will not dissipate the shield. Shield will dissipate after absorbing one physical attack. Two dashes per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger.Specials:Gale Vangomioriky – QCB+P : A wind powered uppercut to the body that sends the opponent stumbling backward but standing. Punch button determines start up speed, damage, and advantage on hit. LP(3F Startup, +1 On Hit) MP (5F Startup, +2 On Hit) HP(7F Startup, +3 On hit) EX(3F Startup, Causes Crumple State)Gust Mandraoky – QCF+P : A charging, wind powered, left-right hook combination. Projectile invincible at start up. Punch Button determines distance traveled. Leaves the opponent standing. LP( ¼ Screen), MP ( 1/3 screen), HP ( ½ Screen), EX( ½ Screen, Causes Spinning Juggle State)Geyser Vangofary – QCB+K: A water powered overhead punch that strikes the ground causing a “geyser” of ki to erupt from the ground. Does not hit overhead. Kick button determines start up speed, damage, and attack properties. LK(3F Startup, Soft Knock Down) MK (5F Startup, Hard Knock Down) HK(7F Startup, Causes Juggle State) EX(7F Startup, Gains Armor on Frame 3, Causes Juggle State)Rip Current Mitso – QCF+K: A dashing, water powered, left-right straight punch combination. Strike invincible at start up. Kick Button determines distance traveled. Leaves the opponent standing. LK( ¼ Screen), MK ( 1/3 screen), HK ( ½ Screen), EX( ½ Screen, Causes Wall Bounce)Critical Art:Typhoon's Eye – QCFx2+P: Tahiry strikes with a powerful wind powered left straight punch to the sternum that sends her foes sailing away from her. She quickly follows up with a right hook that creates a tidal wave of ki behind her foe that brings them towards her. Tahiry then pummels them with as series of punches to the body before uppercutting them skyward with a geyser of ki. As her foe sails, skyward, she ends the combination with an overhead punch that creates a power gust of wind above them that slams them into the ground. 14 hits 350 damage (50x2,10x10, 75x2)Reasons to be in SFV: Tahiry simply seeks a new challenge. With her father and brothers behind her, she knows her refined technique will be a match for anyone. She'll prove the strength of Moraingy to the world. What she does not know is that her natural ability has garnered the attention of the Secret Society. While Gill sends Wasswa to reach out and recruit her, Urien sends Nakato to bring her back to him by any means necessary. Side Notes: -Moraingy is punch heavy martial art from Madagascar, in the traditional variety there are very few kicks. It's a punch heavy martial art. -Only two of her attack buttons are kicks. LK, MK. There rest of her buttons are a punch attacks. -Moraingy has it's own versions of traditional boxing style punches. Vangomioriky is a uppercut style punch., Mandraoky is a hook style punch, Vangofary is an overhead punch, and Mitso is a straight punch. Name: Terentia Vardakas Spoiler Nickname: Titan of Thessaloniki Sex: Female Ethnicity: Greek Height: 6ft 1in(1.85m) Weight: 168 lbs. (76kg) B/W/H: 37-26-38(94cm-66cm-97cm) Hometown: Thessaloniki, Greece Appearance: Terentia has shoulder length curly black hair, green eyes, and olive skin tone. She has a toned but not overly muscular physique. Terentia wears a women's wrestling singlet patterned after the Greek Flag. She wears blue fingerless MMA style gloves and blue wrestling shoes with white laces. Terentia wears her three Olympic gold medals around her neck Likes: Fighting, Pasticcio, Swimming, Singing, Training Dislikes: Laziness, Bullies, Unskilled Opponents Fighting Style: Pankration of The Pantheon Tone: Terentia is a good hearted woman with a chip on her shoulder. She doesn't like when her abilities are marginalized because of her gender. Origins: Born in the small town of Kozani, she moved to Thessaloniki as a teenager. Her father was a six time Olympic Gold medalist in Greco Roman wrestling. He's the one that taught her in Pankration. She cherishes competition and prefers to compete against boys since she's almost always bigger and stronger than any women she faces. She was only allowed to compete against men in the Olympics after beating former champions in both boxing (Mike from SF1) and wrestling (Victor Ortega from Saturday Night Slam Masters) in exhibition matches. Terentia has three olympic gold medals. Two for wrestling (Women's 67 to 72kg and Men's 74kg), and one boxing (Men's Middleweight). Her Rival: Iro Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 2 Technique: 4 1000 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Slam of Bia – P+K: Terentia grabs her opponent around the waist using her body as a pivot point to slam them Entanglement of Ceto – B+P+K: Terentia grabs her opponent, hip tosses them behind her, and executes an armbar as they land. Unique Attacks: Wave of Amphitrite – F+ HP : Terentia reels back and strikes her foe with left handed lariat Light of Eos – B + MP: Terentia strikes swiftly with a right uppercut that can be used as an anti air. Does not hit crouching opponents. Strife of Eris – F+ HK: Terentia uses her left foot to stomp on her opponent's feet. Attack must be blocked low. -6 on block. V-Reversal: Rage of Enyo - F+KKK: Terentia strikes her foe with a front kick to the face that knocks them off their feet V-Skill: Swiftness of Thoosa - MP+MK: Terentia deflects her opponents attack and counters with a right inside leg kick followed by a left inside leg kick, and finishes the combination with hard left heel/push kick to the stomach. MP+MK counters high/mid attacks. D+MP+MK counters low attacks. V-Trigger 1: Power of the Titans: Terentia calls about the strength of the Titans. All of her grounded heavy attacks can now be charged to cause a guard break. Charged heavy attacks gain one hit of armor. Fists of Otrera and Rage of Nemesis gain armor on Frame 3. Wrath of Nemesis gains armor on Frame1. 2 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Scorn of the Goddesses : Terentia calls forth the wrath of all Goddesses. All of Terentia's normal and special attacks receive a 15% Damage and Stun boost. The frame data and other properties of her attacks remain unchanged. V-Trigger has a 20 second duration. 3-Bar V-Trigger. Specials: Arrow of Artemis - HCF + P: Terentia simulates stringing a bow, generating a slow moving projectile that's trajectory is controlled by the strength of the punch button used. LP (Horizontal). MP (30° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have moderate start up and recovery. Fists of Otrera - F,D,DF +P Terentia dashes forward delivering a powerful right punch to the abdomen followed by a crushing left hook to the temple. All versions knock down and are projectile invincible from Frame 3. Punch button determines the distance traveled. LP (¼ Screen), MP (½ Screen), HK (¾ Screen), EX (Auto Tracks Startup is Projectile Invincible from Frame 1) Rage of Nemesis - HCF + K: (Command Grab) Terentia Drives her shoulder in her opponents abdomen, grabs them by thighs, hoists them on her shoulder before driving them into the ground with all her might. Kick button determines the distance traveled. LK (¼ Screen), MK (1/3 Screen), HK (½ Screen), EX becomes Wrath of Nemesis (Auto Tracks, Gains armor on Frame 3, Terentia ends the attack with three successive slams instead of one ) Fury of Philyra - HCB+ K (Command Grab) Terentia punches her opponent in the throat to stun them, slips behind and grabs them before jumping into the air (height depends on button pressed) and suplexing her foe head first into the ground. Kick button determines the damage and range of the grab. LK(Most Range, Lowest Damage) MK(Less Range, More Damage, Higher Frame Advantage on hit), HK (Least Range, Most Damage, More Frame Advantage than LP, Less than MP) EX Becomes Judgment of Philyra (Terentia slams her foe into the ground before suplexing them. Throw Invincible, Most Range, Most Damage, Highest Frame Advantage) Critical Art: Barrage of Otrera - HCFx2 + P: Terentia dashes forward delivering a powerful right, left, right punch to the abdomen followed by a crushing left, right, left hook to the head, followed with a right inside leg kick followed by a left inside leg kick, left heel/push kick to the stomach, ending with a brutal right head kick to the temple. 10 hits 380 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Terenthia sees the tournament as an opportunity to face true competition and show off the power of her family's variation of Pankration. She wants to be the first woman to be considered the worlds best fighter. Coming off her dominant performance at the summer Olympics, she seeks to be truly challenged. A tournament against the world's best fighters of varying martial arts disciplines seems like a prime opportunity for her. Side Notes: -dynamis is basically the greek work for strength Origin of Attack Names: Terentia's attacks are named after Greek Goddesses. The attacks are representative of the attributes of each Goddess with one exception one Goddess. Philrya is the Goddess of the region of Greece that Terentia is from. That being the case. Her most powerful attacks are named for Philrya. Achlys : Greek Goddess of Death Mist and Poison Anemoi: Greek wind deities Amphitrite: Goddess of the Sea Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt Bia: Goddess of Force and Raw Energy Ceto: Goddess of Sea Monsters Enyo: Goddess of War and Destruction Eos: Titan Goddess of the Dawn Eris: Goddes of Chaos and Strife Nemesis: Goddess of Righteous Anger Otrera: Mother of the Amazons Philyra: Goddess of Beauty, Perfume, Healing and Writing. (Thessalian Goddess) Thanatos: Personification of death Thoosa: Goddess of Dangerously Swift Currents Quotes: Ryu: Your style is impeccable. You must of had an excellent teacher. Rose: I usually frown on the use of weapons in hand to hand fight, but any one that can turn a scarf into a weapon has my respect. Ken: Your calculated recklessness makes you a formidable foe. Kolin: Systema is it? An intriguing style of combat, but no match for my Pankration Chun-li: Your leg strength is amazing and your kicks are unmatched. What is your training regiment? Abigail: I did not think Titans still walked the Earth!? Ed: Focus less on your snark and more on your technique. That power of yours could make you a warrior of worth. F.A.N.G.: I will not be overwhelmed by your death mist minion of Achlys. Zangief: Your strength is impressive, but your skills are lackluster. Alex: I never expected such strength from an unknown. We should to do this again sometime. Guile: Your sonic boom must take a great amount of dunamis* to create. What's your secret? Balrog (Boxer): If you had obsessed over your technique like you obsess over money, you might be a challenge. Vega (Claw): Only a coward hides behind a mask and brings a weapon to a hand to hand fight. Cammy: You possess a lot of power for such a petite girl. Ibuki: If I knew any cool boys, I wouldn't subject them to you. Menat: First a scarf and now a crystal ball, what is it with you fortune tellers? Dhalism: Wow! How did you do that weird stretchy thing with your limbs? Bison: Be one of your dolls? What sort of pathetic pick up line is that? Necalli: You do not belong here Hades, return to the Underworld Karin: A massive ego and incredible skill? A rare combination indeed. Nash: You will not have my life Thanatos. Return to the Afterlife. You do not belong here. Juri: Relying only on your legs makes your fighting style predictable. Laura: You want to be my grappling bud? R.Mika: What sorcery is this? Okay, you have to tell me where does Nadeshiko comes from. Birdie: Fighting is not for you. Maybe you should look into competitive eating. Urien: I would expect exceptional Pankration from Ares. Striking you is like punching a marble statue. Rashid: Just which Anemoi are you? Your ability to ride the winds makes difficult to get a hold of. Akuma: Fighting you is like battling Hades. What is this dark power you wield? Zeku: How are you able to roll back time....are you Chronos? Gouken: Your dynamis* is incredible as is your skill. We have to fight again. Perfect Victory Quote: Thanks for the sparring session now where is my real opponent? Wait!? It was you? You should consider retiring. Intros: Stretches her left leg, right leg, both arms, and then assumes her stance. Stage: Lefkos Pyrgos (White Tower), Hystoric landmark of Thessaloniki, Greece Name: Tora Shinzo Spoiler Nickname: Solemn Tiger (Genshukuna Tora) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Japanese ? Height: 5ft 10in(1.78m) Weight: 195 lbs. (88.5kg) B/W/H: 49-33-35(125cm-84cm-89cm) Hometown: Ayutthaya, Thailand Appearance: Tora has brown eyes and long brown hair that hangs down his back to his waist. He is a well built man. Tora is shirtless and wears only the orange pants of his karate gi. He has black belt tied around his waist and his fists are wrapped in black tape. Tora has a black headband tied around his forehead and has nothing on his feet. Likes: Sagat, Training, Karaoke Dislikes: Adon, Wakame (Seaweed), Recovering Memories Fighting Style: Muay Thai(Tiger Style ) Tone: Tora serious man and focused man. Training is all he has now and he enjoys it. Origins: Tora has no memory of his past. Sagat has taken him under his wing. Sagat told Tora that he was injured in a fight they had together. Tora apparently challenged Sagat to fight he did not want. When Tora woke up Sagat took him on as a disciple. He said “If and when you gain your memory, I want to be a warrior capable of defeating me.” That was two years ago. He still can't recall who he was prior to his memory loss. Tora no longer wants to know who he was before. He's noticed the surprise in Sagat's face at how well he's progressed as fighter. If he can progress so far, in such a short frame of time, it must mean the man he was before was lacking. Tora no longer wants to be that man. His Rival: Ann Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Tiger Ambush -LP+LK: Tora grabs his foe with a Thai Clinch and pulls their head down as he knees them in the face causing them to fly backward. Tiger Toss-B+LP+LK: Tora grabs his foe, hits them with a spinning back elbow to the gut, and tosses them over his shoulder. Unique Attacks: Pouncing Claw– F+ MK: (Overhead) Tora performs a hopping knee strike that hits overhead. Attack has slow startup, but is -2 on block. Strong Paw Kick– B+HK: Tora executes a high reaching right roundhouse kick. Attack has excellent vertical range but limited horizontal range. Does not hit crouching opponents. V-Reversal: Strong Claw Strike – F+PPP: Tora grabs his foe by the neck and strikes them with a powerful straight punch to the sternum that knocks them down. V-Skill: Incitement - MP+MK: Tora turns his back to his opponent, clinches his fists gaining a white aura, and says “Anata ga yūkigāreba watashi o kōgeki shi nasai” - “Attack me if you dare”. If the animation completes. Tora gains armor on frame 3 for all of his special attacks except for Tiger Shot. V-Trigger 1: Tiger Clarity -HP+HK: Tora clears his mind and gains increased Ki control enhancing his Tiger Shots. Startup on all Tiger Shots reduced by 1F, Recovery reduced by 1F. All Tiger Shots hit twice. LP Tiger Shots knock down opponents and MP/HP Tiger Shots gain enhanced Juggle properties. EX Tiger Shot starts up 2F faster, recovers 1ft faster, and hits 3 times. Four enhanced Tiger Shots per V-Trigger. 2 bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Tiger Knee Barrage-HP+HK: Tora gains a white glowing aura around his body, Giving him access to a new technique post V-Trigger activation. Tiger Knee Barrage – HP+HK: (Command Grab): Tora grabs his foe in a Thai clinch, hops into the air, and hits them with five successive knees to the face. The final knee knocks the opponent into the air allowing for a follow up juggle combo. 6F Startup, 115 Damage/250 Stun. Each Tiger Knee Barrage costs half of Tora's V-Gauge, so he only gets grabs per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger Specials: Tiger Shot - QCF + P: Tora pulls back both of his arms with clinched fists and throws them forward violently towards his opponent generating a wave of ki. Punch Button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (Horizontal). MP (30° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have moderate start up/recovery. EX version, Tora tosses a larger two hit Tiger Shot. LP+MP(Horizontal), LP+HP(30° Angle), MP+HP(45° Angle) Tiger Revolver -QCB + P: (Rekka)A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Tora hits his foe with a right hooking elbow strike. followed by a left hooking elbow strike, and finishes the attack with a right elbow uppercut. Punch button determines the distance traveled and attack properties. LP( ¼ Screen, Knocks Down), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the corner), EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, Launches His Foe, ½ Screen) Tiger Crush- F,D,DF+ K: (Anti Air) Tora ascends into the air rapidly while executing a triple knee strike. Strength of the kick button used determines startup and damage. Attack only has airborne attack invincibility. Has no grounded strike, throw, or projectile invincibility. LP(3F Startup, Least Damage) MP (4F Startup, More Damage, HP (5F Startup, Most Damage), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Most Damage, Crush Counterable) Tiger Smash- QCB+ K: Tora flies toward his foe with aerial alternating left-right knee combination. All versions of this attack are projectile invincible. LK (2hits) MK (3hits), HK (4 hits) EX (5 hits, Causes Hard Knock down) Tiger Crash- QCB+ K: (In Air) Tora performs a violent diving double knee strike from a forward jump. The descent angle of the attack is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (65° Angle), MK (55° Angle), HK(45° Angle), EX( LK+MK 65° Angle, LK+HK 55° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle) Critical Art: Tiger Victory Assault- HCFx2+P: Tora strikes his foes with a barrage of standing elbow and knee strikes before sending them skyward with power six hit Tiger Crush and hurtling back to earth with vicious Tiger Crash. Attack leaves his foe planted in the ground if it ends the round. (17 Hits , 340 damage) Reasons to be in SFV:* Tora simply wants to test his progress under Sagat's tutelage. Although he fears he may learn his true identity. He joins Sagat in the World's Martial Arts tournament. His goal being to beat all of his opponents and face his master, Sagat, in the championship match. Only then will he get a true gauge of how far his come in the past two years. This desire to see how strong he truly has become, overrides his fear of finding out who he was. Name: Tzilla (Pronounced “Zee-lah” means defender in Hebrew) Spoiler Nickname: The Flying Lioness Sex: Female Ethnicity: Israeli Height: 5'6”(1.68m) Weight: 136lbs (62kg) B/W/H: 34-24-35 (86cm-61cm-88cm) Hometown: Haifa, Israel Appearance: Tzilla is a petite but well built woman. She has toned arms and well defined abs. She has short slicked back black hair, hazel eyes, and olive skin. She wears a black sleeveless shirt and beige military pants with black combat boots. Her dog tags hang from around her neck. She has black, fingerless, mma style gloves on her hands. Likes: Family, Flying, Duty, Sabich Dislikes: Dereliction of Duty, Shore Leave Fighting Style: Krav Maga Tone: Tzilla serious and focused soldier that commands tremendous respect from her comrades. She is all about her job, her duty, and she actually dislikes taking vacations. Her petite build belies her exceptional strength. Origins: Tzilla comes from a military family. Her grandfather, father, and brothers have all chosen permanent service after their mandatory two year conscription. Tzilla followed suit joining the IAF and becoming a top pilot. Growing up in a military environment, she has a soldiers mindset. Even in her down time, she's works to get better. Her shore leave consists of logging hours on the flight simulator, practicing her marksmanship at the shooting range, and schooling her brothers in CQC training. During a joint combat operation, Tzilla and her Turkish wingman received a request for aide from the isle of Cyprus. They were both shot down, crashing near Mt. Olympus. While she didn't sustain any significant injury, her compatriot suffered a broken leg. Tzilla secured a defensible position for him and drew the enemy forces in the opposite direction. She took them out, one by one, and turned her attention to locating the source of the weapon that brought them down. By the time she reached the location, the enemy was already evacuating their forces. She only caught a glimpse of the woman in charge, a blonde woman referred to as “Helen” by her subordinates. Her Rival: Kolin Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 2 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Paralyzer – LP+LK : Tzilla grabs the opponent with a front head lock and quickly elbows them to the spine Anesthesia – B+LP+LK: Tzilla strikes the opponent in the throat, shifts behind them, and locks in a choke hold. Unique Attacks: Disarmed - B+HP: (Hit Grab) Tzilla grabs her opponent and takes them to the ground with an arm lock. Disorientation – F+MP (Overhead) Tzilla strikes with a quick left handed chop to the neck and collarbone area. Quick startup, -6 on block. Disabler - MK, MP, B+HP: (Target Combo) Tzilla hits her foe with a left low kick, right cross, and ends the combination by grabbing her foe and taking them to the ground with an arm lock. V-Reversal: Stifler – F+KKK: (Side Switch) Tzilla spins behind her opponent, grabs them by the head, and slams them into the ground. V-Skill: Anticipation – MP+MK: Tzilla assumes an aggressive stance. If the animation completes she gains a V-Gauge. Interceptor, Immobilizer, and Deflector no longer require a successful counter for full damage. V-Trigger 1: Unyielding – HP+HK: Tzilla gains a virtually impervious defense and peerless counters. She no longer block attacks but evades them causing her to take no white life damage. A just frame block in this state will allow her to evade a chip damage KO from her opponent's Critical Art. Interceptor, Immobilizer, and Deflector no longer require a successful counter for full damage. Evading (Blocking) her opponent's attacks drains her V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Unrelenting – HP+HK: Tzilla offensive capabilities are improved. The base damage of all her strike counters (Interceptor, Immobilizer, and Deflector) are increased by 20% and counter window to get max damage on these attacks is increased by 1F. Subjugation's startup is reduced from 6F to 5F and receives a 10% damage and stun buff. Four enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Interceptor – QCB+P: (Strike Counter) Tzilla strikes with a quick left backhand punch. If timed correctly, the punch will deflect her opponent's incoming attack, and she will follow up with a power straight right punch to the face. Attack only counters mid and high attacks. Punch button determines the start up time, damage, and counter attack properties. Two damage levels. One for the attack and One for a successful counter. LP(3F Startup, Leaves Opponent Standing, 80/120damage), MP (5F Startup, Knocks Down, 100/150 damage), HP (7F Startup, Causes a Juggle State, 120/180 damage), EX (4F Startup, Causes Crumple State, 130/195 damage, Crush Counterable) Subjugation – HCF+P: (Command Chain Throw): Tzilla initiates a standing arm and wrist lock that can be followed up by three different finishers. Punch button determines the range of the throw and damage of each follow up. All versions start up in 6F and are throw invincible. LP (Most Range), MP(Less Range, Highest Frame Advantage), HP (Least Range, Most Damage), EX(Most Range, Most Damage, Enhances Followups, Neutralizer is hard knock down, Incapactior does more stun damage, Blackout can juggle outside of the corner) Neutralizer – F+P: Switches to an elbow lock, puts her right leg behind her opponents, and trip slams them to the ground. Leaves her standing next to her foe. Incapacitator - B+P (Side Switch) Spins 180°, back elbows her foes in the gut, flips them over her shoulder, and stomps on their face Blackout - F+K: wrenches her foes arm forcing them to double over in pain, she then kicks them in the face. This causes her fly a short distance away. Juggles in the corner Immobilizer – QCB+K: (Strike Counter) Tzilla strikes with a swift low leg kick. If timed correctly, the kick will deflect her opponent's incoming attack, and she will follow up with a high side kick to the throat. Attack only counters low attacks. Kick button determines the start up time, damage, and counter attack properties. Two damage levels. One for the attack and One for a successful counter. LK(3F Startup, Leaves Opponent Standing, 80/120damage), MK (5F Startup, Knocks Down, 100/150 damage), HK (7F Startup, Causes a Juggle State, 120/180 damage), EX (4F Startup, Causes Crumple State, 130/195 damage, Crush Counterable) Deflector – F,D,DF+K: (Anti Air, Strike Counter): Tzilla quickly strikes with a back high kick. If timed properly this can counter jump in attacks. The kick will catch the opponent in the gut, Tzilla will then slam them face down, and quickly ankle lock her prone foe. LK(4F Startup, Leaves Opponent Standing, 100/150damage), MK (6F Startup, 120/180 damage), HK (8F Startup, 140/210 damage), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, 150/225 damage, Crush Counterable) Critical Art: Dismantler – QCFx2+K: Tzilla puts her opponent out of commission with a powerful combination of kicks. She start the combination with powerful right kick to her opponents left knee, followed by equal strong left kick to the opponent's right knee. This causes them to fall to their knees. She continues the assault with brutal right axe kick to her foes collarbone immediately followed by a vicious left back somersault kick to her opponent's chin that sends them high into the air. (4 hits 380 damage) Reasons to be in SFV: Through hard work and her family's military connections. Tzilla is able to determine that the Secret Society was responsible for shooting down her plane. While attempting to track down further leads, she's forced to take shore leave. Not one to give up so easily, Tzilla continues her investigation on her down time. She spots a woman that resembles “Helen” surrounding the festivities of the upcoming World Martial Arts tournament. Her superiors were more than happy to grant her permission to enter the tournament. In their eyes, she was finally dropping her inquiry . In reality, she was only digging deeper. Side Note: -Tzilla's plane closely resembles an IAI Kfir (Israeli designed multirole combat plane) -Her nickname, “The Flying Lioness” is a reference to her being a pilot and the nickname of the IAI Kfir. Which was known as the Lion Cub. -Sabich is a pita stuffed with hard boiled eggs and fried eggplant. Edited July 28, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Vincenzo Abbandonato Spoiler Nickname: The Smoldering Bull (Il Toro Fumante) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Italian Height: 6ft 3in(1.91m) Weight: 220 lbs. (100kg) B/W/H: 45-35-39(114cm-89cm-99cm) Hometown: Turin (Piedmont Region), Italy Appearance: Vincenzo has dark brown hair styled in a pompadour, a goatee, and grey eyes. He wears an expensive burgundy three piece suit, with a champagne colored shirt, and a solid black tie. He also wears black leather driving gloves and black dress shoes. Likes: Giustino's (His Restaurant), Fighting, Fast Cars, Opera Dislikes: Flying, Snow, Weak Opponents, Fighting Style: Kick Jitsu (Italian Art that combines striking arts i.e. Boxing, Karate, Kung Fu with Ju Jitsu) Tone: Vincenzo's rough childhood has left him short tempered with little patience for excuses. Despite being orphaned he was able to win multiple national championships and open his own restaurant. His brutish demeanor belies his appreciation for the arts, Opera in particular. Origins: Vincenzo's parents were killed in a plane crash during a snow storm when he was 8 years old. Since he had no other family. He was place in an orphanage. Vincenzo didn't handle the loss of his parents well. He was constantly getting into fights with the other orphans. At 10, he ran away from the orphanage and struck out his own. Shortly thereafter he was taken in by an autoworker* named Giustino**. Coincidentally, Giustino lost his wife and child in the same plane crash. Giustino enrolled Vincenzo into a Metodo Bianchi (Italian Jujitsu) School in effort to instill discipline. It was somewhat successful and Vincenzo moved on to Kick Jitsu for the additional challenge. He developed an appreciation for Opera after hearing his neighbor’s daughter, Letizia***, practicing after school. After winning his first national Kick Jitsu titles he opened a restaurant and named it after the man that had taken him in. His Rival: Balrog (Boxer) Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Fumare Tacco (Smoking Heel) LP+LK: Vincenzo grabs his opponent arm, executes an over the shoulder throw, and stomps on their face Tacco a Vapore(Steaming Heel) B+LP+LK:Vincenzo grabs his opponents arm, flips them on their back and stomps on their face Frattura del Braccio Volare (Flying Arm Breaker) LP+LK: Air Throw. Vincenzo catches his opponent out of the air with a flying armbar Unique Attacks: Falce Fumante(Smoking Sickle) F+MK : Over head. Vincenzo hits his opponent with a quick striking two hit hook kick. Quick (for an overhead) start up, unsafe safe (-6) on block. Scivolo Ardente (Fiery Slide) F+HK : Vincenzo strikes his foe with a sliding kick. Attack goes under projectiles and is -2 on block if spaced properly. Leaves foes standing. V-Reversal: Gancio Tacco Cocente (Scorching Heel Hook) F+KKK: Vincenzo locks hit opponent into burning heel hook to halt his opponents momentum. V-Skill: Esaurito (Burnout) – MP+MK A quick short range forward dash. Travels half the distance of his regular dash. Can only dash forward. Can be canceled into any normal attacks. Cancel can be interrupted with a well timed 4f or faster normal attack from his opponent. Attempting to interrupt Esaurito leaves you vulnerable Prendere Nota and Dritta Prendere Nota (Takedown) -MP+MK (held down)A flying scissor kick takedown. Vincenzo jumps up grabs his opponents head with his legs and takes them down to the ground head first. Dritta (Heads Up) – D+MP+MK A sliding scissor kick take down. Vincenzo slides his right leg behind his opponents ankles and uses kicks his left leg into his opponents torso taking them off their feet. V-Trigger 1: La Rabbia Brucia (Burning Rage)- HP+HK: Vincenzo is engulfed in red flames: Enhances his movement and gives him access to chain combos. In his standard state, Vincenzo has average walk and dash speeds. In his V-Trigger, he has the fastest dash and walk speed in the game. Each dash or chain combo drains his V-Gauge. Two chain combos depletes his V-Gauge entirely 2 Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Una Furia Ribollente (Seething Fury) HP+HK:: Vincenzo's legs are engulfed in red flames. Enhancing his kick special attacks and adding a new technique. Onda Incendiaria to his move list. This move is a large two hit projectile that travels half screen. It's performed by pressing HP+HK post V-Trigger activation. Tacco Torrido can be performed without EX Gauge at the expense of V-Gauge Corno Ardente is now projectile invincible frame 1. EX version causes a wall bounce. Specials: Pugno Fuso:(Molten Fist) QCF +P: Vincenzo's hand becomes surrounded by red flames and he delivers a stunning punch to the liver. Distance determined by punch strength. LP (Fast Startup, Point Blank Range), MP (Moderate Startup, Travels half sweep range), HP (Travels sweep distance, slow startup, can be followed up by Bruciante Attesa Combinazione ), EX (Travels sweep distance, Fast Startup, can be followed up by Bruciante Attesa Combinazione ) Bruciante Attesa Combinazione(Searing Combination Hold) HCB +P: Command Grab. Vincenzo executes a flying triangle/armbar combination hold. He jumps onto his opponents shoulders with his legs engulfed in red flames, he somersaults forward into the arm and slams his opponent to ground while locking in a triangle and armbar. Damage and grab range determined by the punch button. LP (Somersaults once, largest range, lowest damage) MP (Somersaults twice, less range,moderate damage, highest frame advantage****) HP (Somersaults three times, least range, most damage), EX (Somersaults three times, largest range, most damage) Tacco Fiammeggiante (Blazing Heel) QCF+K: A red fiery kicking strike. The kick button determines the attack properties. LK (spinning back sweep, knocks down) MK (spinning back kick to the body) HK (spinning back kick to the head, juggles, can be used as an anti air), EX (Becomes Tacco Torrido – Torrid Heel, becomes a 3 fiery kick combination. Vincenzo performs the LK,MK, and HK versions in succession. Corno Ardente (Burning Horn) QCB+K: Vincenzo strikes with a charging red fiery side kick. The kick button determines the distance traveled. Projectile invincible frame 3. Leaves foes standing. LK (¼ Screen), MK(1/3 Screen), HK(1/2 Screen), EX (½ Screen, Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Knocks Down) V-Trigger 2 Only: Onda Incendiaria (Incendiary Wave)HP+HK: Vincenzo performs an axe kick that generates a slow moving crescent shaped burning projectile attack. Projectile is roughly the same height as Vincenzo. Travels ½ Screen. Moves that travel under projectiles will be hit by Onda Icendiaria. Projectile knocks down on hit. Has limited jugglep properties. Can be used for juggles combos point blank or in the corner. Critical Art: Eruzione Scottatura (Scalding Eruption) HCFx2 +K Vincenzo unleashes his rage on the opposition with a brutal assault. He starts with a modified left right Pugno Fuso combination to both kidneys, one Tacco Fiammeggiante to the liver, and a final Tacco Fiammeggiante to the face Reasons to be in SFV: Vincenzo likes a challenge. He's always pushing self and trying new things. He's not satisfied with the inadequate competition. If he can't find a suitable rival he plans to retire and focus on expanding Giustino's outside of Turin. Side Note: *The Italian Auto Industry is centered in Turin **Cooking is Giustino's passion. He retired to run Vincenzo's restaurant. ***Letizia is Vincenzo's girlfriend. She's a professional opera singer. Her voice range is soprano. She's one of the few people that can calm Vincenzo down when he's angry. She usually does so with a song. **** Medium strength command grabs tend to lack functionality. I was looking for something that would give the player a reason to work the Medium version of the Bruciante Attesa Combinazione into their arsenal. Name: Vinh Spoiler Name: Vinh Nickname: Dark Protection (Bảo Vệ Tối) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Vietnamese Height: 5 ft 11in (1.8m) Weight: 198lbs (90kg) B/W/H: 48-36-38(122cm-91.5cm-96.5cm) Hometown: Kien Gang, Vietnam Appearance: Vinh tall for his village. His hair was originally black and his eyes brown. After his power awakened, his hair and eyes became Red. His wears a Vietnamese Rice Hat (Asian Conical hat) on his head that he removes before battle. Vinh is well built and wears a blue short sleeved collared shirt with only one of the three buttons fastened. He has on beige cargo styled shorts with a twine rope holding them up instead of a belt. Vinh has simple sandals on his feet. Likes: Defending The Weak, Tung, His Parents (Adoptive), His Birth Mother Dislikes: People That Prey on the Weak, Losing control of his power, Sewing Fighting Style: Vovinam Tone: Vinh is quite and focused man. He likes the help others and has little patience for those they pay on the week. Vinh has an incredible will power. This allows him to control the “dark power” inside of him and not let it overwhelm him. Origins: An exhausted mother came staggering into a small fishing village. She collapsed with a newborn baby crying in her arms. Apparently the ship she was on sank out at sea. Unbeknownst to her, the lifeboat she commandeered had been damaged and was slowly taking on water. She feel asleep only to awake to the boat sinking. Still miles from shore, she clinched her baby to her bosom and swam to land via backstroke to keep her child's head above water. A young fisherman and his wife saw the woman. His wife grabbed hold of her baby as her husband picked up the mother and carried her to the village doctor. Awaking half delirious, she cried out “My baby...is my baby alright”. The doctor smiled at the young woman, “Thanks to you, he'll be just fine.” The mother reached her arm out to the fisherman and his wife. Both of them grasped hold of her hand, “Thank...you....please...please take care of my child.” The couple nodded at her, before either of them could say word. The young mother passed away. True to their word, the fisherman and his wife would adopt the child. They could not have children of their own. Not nothing the mother or the baby's name. They named the child Vinh (Bay), since that is what his brave mother traversed to ensure his survival. Although they were of meager means, they paid to have the mother given a proper burial. She was laid to rest in the field just behind their home. The couple would take Vinh to her grave every year. Telling him how brave she was and to ensure he never forgot her. Vinh possessed his mother's iron will. Often doing the seemingly impossible. Whether it be stopping a bullies twice his size from picking other children or hauling in fish that were even too big for his adoptive father to carry. His tragic birth and forthright demeanor endured him to the village. This iron will and innate trait of doing the right thing would get him into trouble one day. A group of bandits saw the village as an easy target. The villagers, in an effort to avoid any further trouble, just handed over what little they had. Vinh would not stand for this. As he tussled with one of the bandits, trying to get back the meager coins his family had, they began to beat on him. Despite being a young child, they showed him no mercy. They knew that this would pacify any other villagers from resisting them in the future. However something snapped in Vinh, his hair and eyes became bright red. This confused the bandits momentarily stopping in their tracks. This would be their undoing, Vinh struck like furious beast. Returning the beating he received from them tenfold. The bandits ran off in terror, dropping their ill gotten gains. His fellow villagers were relieved and horrified at the same time. They didn't know what to make up of Vinh. His parents were quick remind them of how Vinh always helped out everyone in the village. He'd never done anyone harm. Not to mention the fact that they'd never have to worry about bandits again. This calmed them down somewhat. However, some of them never looked a Vinh the same way. There was one exception, Tung. Tung was one of the most respected members of the village. He'd been both a fighter and a soldier in his youth. Tung recognized the power Vinh displayed. He marveled that a child possessed such strength. Despite his rage, Vinh had only used this power against the bandits. Tung would take Vinh under his wing. With his parents permission, Tung began training him in Vovinam. Tung knew how dangerous that power could be. He would teach the boy focus and control. Tung would ensure that Vinh maintain control his power. He wouldn't let him become a demon that was only satiated by violnce. His Rival: Akuma Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5 950 Health/1050 Stun Throws: Lightless Day – LP+LK: Vinh lifts his foe off the ground with his left hand by the top of their head, charges their body with dark ki, and hits them in the chest with an open palm strike cause the ki to explode sending his foe flying away from him. Eventide – B+LP+LK: Vinh lifts his foe off the ground with his left hand by the top of their head, charges their body with dark ki, slams them behind, and stomps on their head causing an explosion that sends his foe sliding away from him on the ground. Darkness Falls – LP+LK: (In Air) Vinh grabs his foe mid air, throws them straight down, and lands on them with a violent left stomp to the chest. Unique Attacks: Dark Palm – F+MP: Vinh strikes his with right upward palm strike to the chin. Can anti air with proper timing. 5F Startup, -5 on block. Shade Claw – F+HP: (overhead) Vinh hops with a left overhead open palm strike. Goes over low attacks with proper timing. Slow startup, -2 on block. Dark Descent – D+MP (In Air): From the apex of his forward jump Vinh strikes straight downward with an open palm strike. Savage Shroud– D+MK (In Air): From the apex of his forward jump Vinh hits his opponent with a right knee strike. Descends at a 60° Angle. Shadow Horns – F+MP, F+HP: Vinh strikes his with right upward palm strike to the chin followed by a hopping overhead right palm strike. V-Reversal: Dead of Night – F+KKK: Vinh strikes with a quick right upward palm punch with his right hand emanating black ki. He then kicks his momentarily blinded foe with a left side kick to the chest, knocking them down. V-Skill: Onyx Surge – MP+MK: Vinh executes a double palm strike that generated a point blank, black colored projectile. Standing and crouching versions can be charged to alter it's properties. Can be performed from a forward jump, while standing, or crouching. Sky Onyx Surge – MP+MK: (In Air) Vinh pulls back both hands while in the air before pushing them forward rapidly at a downward 45° degree angle. +1 on hit/-4 on block. High Onyx Surge – MP+MK: Vinh pulls back both and before pushing them forward rapidly. Uncharged (Point Blank Rage, +2 on Hit, -5 on block) Charged (½ Screen Range, +3 on Hit, -2 on Block) Low Onyx Surge – MP+MK: From a crouching position, Vinh pulls back both and before pushing them forward rapidly. Slower startup than High Onyx Surge. Uncharged (Point Blank Rage, +1 on Hit, -4 on block) Charged (½ Screen Range, +2 on Hit, -0 on Block) V-Trigger 1: Indomitable Will – HP+HK: Vinh releases the full strength of his “dark power” while maintaining complete control of himself. All of Vinh's special attacks become their EX versions. Spending V-Gauge instead of EX Gauge. EX moves that cost EX Gauge can still be used during this V-Trigger allowing Vinh to perform damaging combos that would otherwise not be possible. Three bonus EX moves can be done per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Obsidian Wave – HP-HK: Vinh gains access to a 3 hit horizontal projectile, Obsidian Wave, after V-Trigger activation. Pressing HP+HK after activation performs the Obsidian Wave. Obsidian Wave causes a juggle state. B+HP+HK (Slow Speed), HP+HK (Standard Speed), F+HP+HK (Fast Speed). Three projectiles per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger. Specials: Umbra Wind – QCF+P : Vinh strikes his foe with a rapid barrage of high, mid, low left and right punches. LP (6 hits), MP (9 hits), HP (12 hits) EX (Frame 3 Armor, 12 hits) Umbra Gale – QCF+P (In Air): From a forward jump Vinh strikes with a rapid barrage of high, mid, and low left and right punches. (LP 4 Hits), MP (6 hits), HP(8 hits), EX (8 Hits, Causes A Juggle State) Nightfall – F,D,DF+ K: (Anti Air) Vinh shows flexibility and strength with a rising front kick that parallels his torso followed by a front somersault kick that spikes his foe into the ground. LK(3F Startup, Throw Invincible) MK (4F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HK (5F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Causes Ground Bounce) Dusk Shadow– HCF+ K: Vinh fades into a shadow and evades his opponent. The kick button determines the direction of the evasion. Strike Invincible Frame 1, Projectile Invincible Frame 3. LK (Teleports ½ screen backward) MK (Teleports directly upwards) HK (Teleports through his opponent a ½ screen behind them) EX (Strike/Projectile Invincilbe Frame 1, Throw Invincible Frame 3. LK+MK Backward ½ Screen, LK+HK Upward, MK+HK Foward ½ Screen.) Each evasion can be canceled into a counter attack. Penumbra Claw – LK : Vinh cancels his backward teleport into a powerful spinning sidekick that knocks his foe down. - 6 on block. EX (Causes a Crumple State) Penumbra Talon – MK : Vinh cancels his upward teleport into a diving kick that travels straight downward knocking down his foe. - 5 on block. EX (Cause a Ground Bounce) Penumbra Fang – HK: Vinh cancels his forward teleport into a back high kick that knocks his foe down. -6 on block. EX (Causes a Juggle State) Twilight Wake - B,D,DB+ K: (Anti Air) Vinh executes a standing back somersault kick that generates a rising purple blade of ki. At point blank range the attack hits twice, the opponent is lifting into the air by the kick causing them to get struck by the projectile. All versions startup in 7F. Kick button determines the angle of the projectile. LK (Rises Straight Up) MK (30° Angle) HK (45° Angle) EX (5F Startup, 2 hit Projectile, 3 Hits Point Blank, LK+MK Rises Straight Up, LK+HK 30° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle) Critical Art: Final Sunset – QCFx2+P: Vinh strikes with a powerful right open palm to the abdomen, followed in quick succession by an equal forceful left open palm to the chin that lifts his foe of their feet. Before the force of that blow gets the chance to send his opponent skyward, Vinh strikes with a blindingly fast and brutal double palm strike that sends his adversary crashing into the side of the stage with tremendous force. 4 hits 330 Damage.(2x55, 2x110) V-trigger 1 Only Infinite Night – LK,LK,B, LP, HK : Vinh dashes at his opponent. Striking with a open palm gut punch that sends a wave of dark ki through their body that forms in a shadow image of Vinh behind them. The shadow strikes with a open palm strike to the small of the opponent's back that mirrors Vingh's initial gut punch. After that the punch lands. Vinh and his shadow strike with eighteen (each) simultaneous blows in complete synchronous that end with Vinh hitting an open palm strike to the sternum and his shadow an open palm strike to the upper back. Vinh takes his hand away from his opponent's chest pulling shadow of ki back through body and back into his own. His foes then falls to their knees before falling face first to the ground. 39 hits 400 damage (2x20, 36x5, 1x180) Reasons to be in SFV: Vinh initially enters the tournament to win the prize money to help his struggling fishing village. However, he starts to sense a dark force. Vinh feels the force beckon to him. At first he feels that maybe his power is overwhelming him, Vinh quickly realizes that the dark energy in not his own. There is another like him and Vinh doubts that his other entity is friendly. Side Note: Vinh means Bay or Gulf in Vietnamese His “Dark Power” is the Satsui No Hado His clothing is typical of fisherman from the area While he isn't large by global standards, he is for his village. All of his clothing was hand sewn by his adoptive mother. Vinh is adept at sewing. He hates it, but took it up to ease the burden on his adoptive mother as she got older The villagers never found out the name his mother. Her grave simply says “Can đảm Mẹ”, Vietnamese for Valiant Mother His nickname bảo vệ tối means “dark protection”. One of the kids heard the bandits say the village was under bảo vệ tối as they left the village streaking in terror. Rather than let anyone know it bothered him. Vinh went with it and it became a term of endearment in time. Vovinam (Martial Arts of Vietnam) was created in 1936 and covers hand to hand and weapon based combat. Name: Wasswa Spoiler Nickname: The Towering Spectre of FireSex: MaleEthnicity: Dinka (Sudanese)Height: 6ft 6in (1.98m)Weight: 234lbs (106kg)B/W/H: 49-36-39 (124cm-91cm-99cm)Hometown: South Sudan (city unknown)Appearance: Wasswa is a tall man with dark brown skin and golden eyes. He has close cropped dark red hair with sideburns that lead into a line beard and goatee. He has an athletic sprinters build. He wears a silver collared dress shirt that's buttoned all the way up and matching silver slacks. He has a blood red vest over his dressed shirt and matching blood red dress shoes. Gill's emblem patch is on the upper left part of his vest.Likes: Nakato, Gill, Nature, OrderDislikes: Cruelty, MercilessnessFighting Style: Secret Society CQCTone: Wasswa is a warm and caring man. Which is surprising given his origins and his position in Gill's Triumvirate. His personality is nearly the polar opposite of Nakato's (his twin sister).Origins: Wasswa was born in a war torn portion of southern Sudan. His village was wiped out in one of the many civil wars. As their family home collapsed around them, Wasswa dove on top of his sister to protect her. When he awoke, he found himself in a makeshift hut. His sister had been caring for him while is wounds healed. They braved the wilds in shifts, Wasswa hunted by day and Nakato by night. This way one of them was always awake. This kept them from the grasp of roving soldiers. Their ability to survive caught the attention of a Secret Society member. Wasswa's martial prowess yet kind soul garnered Gill's attention. He needed someone he could trust to carry out specific tasks. Tasks he could no longer entrust to his brother Urien. After dozens of successes at the most difficult missions the Secret Society had to offer, Gill bestowed the power of flame upon Wasswa.His Rival: NakatoAttributes: Health: 4 Power: 3 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1025 Stamina 1025 StunThrows:Burning Asphyxiation – P+K : Wasswa grabs his foes by the neck, raises them into the air, sets them ablaze and tosses them a short distance awayPyrokinetic Slam – B+P+K: Wasswa grabs his opponent with both hands, hoists them overhead, sets them ablaze, and slams them behind him.Unique Attacks:Firestarter – LP, MP (Target Combo): Left hook elbow strike followed by a left back elbow strike.Blazing Blow – B+MP: (Overhead) A downward right elbow strike.Toe Scorcher – DF+MK: A quick stomp to the feet. Must be blocked lowV-Reversal:Searing Eruption – F+KKK : Wasswa generates a fiery explosion that blows his opponent away.V-Skill:Meteor Blast: MP+MK: Wasswa slams his fist together in front him creating a small fiery explosion. Nullifies projectiles. Knocks down. Can only be comboed from a juggle or V-Trigger cancel.V-Trigger 1:Conflagration– HP+HK : Wasswa's entire body begins to radiate a fiery aura. Granting unscaled DOT (damage over time) properties to all his special attacks. Light special attacks get one tick of 10 damage. Medium special attacks get two ticks of 10 damage. Heavy attack gain three ticks of 10 damage. DOT effect negates white life regeneration. DOT effect can be neutralized by landing an hit on Wasswa. 3-Bar V-Trigger PermanentV-Trigger 2:Divine Wildfire– HP+HK : Wasswa's hands and feet radiate a burning white aura. Granting unscaled SOT (stun over time) properties to all his special attacks. Light special attacks get one tick of 15 stun damage. Medium special attacks get two ticks of 15 damage. Heavy attacks gain one tick of 20 stun damage followed by two ticks of 15 stun damage. SOT effect negates stun gauge recovery. SOT effect can be neutralized by landing an hit on Wasswa. 3-Bar V-Trigger PermanentSpecials:Napalm Wake -QCF+K : Wasswa stomps his foot into the ground creating a fiery shockwave of ki that travels towards his opponent. (Resembles Terry Bogard's Power Wave). Kick button determines speed. Startup, recovery, and damage are the same for all variations. Must be blocked low. EX version pops opponent into the air at point blank range.Napalm Spire – F,D,DF+P: (anti air)Wasswa slams his fist into the ground creating a stationary pillar of flames in front of him. All versions juggle airborne opponents and lack any invincibility. LP (fastest start up, leaves grounded opponent's standing) MP (slower startup, knocks down grounded opponents) HP (slowest start up, sends opponents airborne causing a juggle state) EX OTG's after Crush Counter SweepMeteor Rain – QCB+P : Wasswa jumps straight up into the air and fires a meteor like projectile downward at his opponent. Damage, speed, start up, and recovery are the same across all versions. Button strength only changes the direction. EX version has full start up invincibility.Inferno Pike – QCB+K: Wasswa hurtles at his foe with a flying kick. His lead leg is engulfed in flames. Kick button determines distance. Projectile invincible from frame 3. EX version is fully projectile invincible and causes a juggle state. (Kick looks very similar to the final flying kick Sagat's Tiger Raid)Critical Art:Grand Napalm Wake – QCFx2: Wasswa stomps his foot into the ground creating a large fiery shockwave, that sets his opponent ablaze while carrying them into the corner of the screen at a high speed. Once they reach the corner, they slam into the end of the stage, causing them to suffer additional injury.Reasons to be in SFV: Wasswa is Gill's enforcer. If Kolin's misdirection and subterfuge is in effective, Wasswa is sent in with a more direct approach. He'll happily take on the sins of violence if it prevents incidents like the one that orphaned he and his sister. Orfiel has told Wasswa of his suspicions of Urien. Wasswa hopes to make Nakato that Gill's way, not Urien's is the best for the worlds future.Side Note: *means first of twins in Luganda -Nakato is his younger twin sister -Is a member of Gill's Triumvirate along with Kolin and Orfiel. -his hair color is natural and not dyed. Name: Win Kyi Sein (Bright Clear Diamond) Spoiler Nickname: The Tigress of BurmaSex: FemaleEthnicity: BurmeseHeight: 5ft 7in(1.70m)Weight: 139 lbs. (63kg)B/W/H: 35-23-37 (89cm-58cm-94cm)Hometown: Dawei, Taninthaya. (Burma)Appearance: Black hair pulled back into a single braided pony tail, light brown eyes, twine rope fist wraps, women’s kick boxing attire, small waist, wide hips, large but not Chun-Li sized thighs, barefootLikes: Tigers, Helping the weak, Fighting, Punishing the unjust, Nanjee Thohk (Burmese cuisine)Dislikes: Shadoloo, SPDC (Burma’s military lead government), CowardsFighting Style: Lethwei (Burmese Kick Boxing)Tone: Win Kyi Sein is a cold and brutal fighter that relies on her speed to overwhelm her foes. The death of her family changed her outlook on life. Formerly a warm hearted girl that looked at fighting a merely a means to lift her family from poverty, their deaths chilled her heart. She believes in justice by any means necessary and has no problem killing those she considers villainous.Origins: Win Kyi Sein grew up in a poor farming family. Despite being the youngest child and the only girl, Win Kyi Sein held her own in the constant scraps with her brothers. Tired of seeing her family struggle to make ends meet, she took on odd jobs at her neighbor’s farm. He was a retired fighter. In addition to the extra money she earned by working for him, he gave her Lethwei lessons. “It’s not safe for pretty young girl these days” he’d say to her. She’d think back on the number of her friends that turned missing after bands of soldiers would pass through town. One day while she was training, her family was killed by a band of these soldiers. One by one those soldiers ended up missing. She mourned her family’s death, and blamed herself for not being there to defend them.Her Rival: Bison. After discovering that Juri was just using S.I.N as a way to get to Shadoloo and Bison. Win Kyi Sein set her sights on the true mastermind behind her family's destruction.Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 StunThrows:Tigress Ambush - LP+LK: Win Kyi Sein grabs her opponent in a classic kickboxing clinch and delivers two knees to the ribs followed by a knee to the face that sends them flipping backwards.Tigress Leap – B+LP+LK: Win Kyi Sein hops onto her opponents shoulders and delivers a double elbow to the top of their head and then lands behind themUnique Attacks:Bengal Tooth – F+MK (Overhead): Win strikes her for with a forward somersault axe kick, slow startup, +3 on hit, -2 on block. Her version of the Jaguar Kick.Bengal Pounce –D+MK in mid air: From the apex of her jump, Win dives towards her opponent with a double knee.V-Reversal:Bengal Fang- F+PPP: A quick spinning back elbow to the head that knocks her opponent across the screenV-Skill:Bengal Hop – : A quick mini-jump (half the height of the her standard jump) can be followed up by any jumping normal. MP+MK (Neutral hop), F+MP+MK (Forward Hop), B+MP+MK (Back Hop)V-Trigger 1:Eye of the Tigress -HP+HK: Win gains immense focus boosting her mobility. The speed of her forward and back dash is increased. The duration of her jump is reduced by 1 frame. White life recovery is doubled. Bengal Paws gain start up invincibility but drains her V-Meter with each use. Gains access to Tigress Maul Critical Art. 2-Bar V-TriggerV-Trigger 2:Wrath of the Tigress - HP+HK: Win gains immense focus boosting her offensive capabilities. Normal attack damage increased by 5%. Special attack damage increased by 10%. White life damage dealt to her foes is doubled. Gains new projectile attack. Tigress Roar, Tigress Roar is a three hit version of HK Bengal Roar, drains V-Meter with each use. Performed by pressing HP+HK after V-Trigger activation. Also gains access to Tigress Maul Critical Art . 3-Bar V-TriggerSpecials:Bengal Paw -HCB + P: Win stikes with a quick dashing left elbow strike to the sternum. The distance of the strike is determined by the strength of the punch button. Projectile Invincible frame 1. Is not throw or strike invincible. LP (¼ Screen), MP( ½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX (Gaines Armor Frame 3, ¾ Screen) Resembles Andy Bogard’s Zaneiken.Bengal Strike -F,D,DF +P (Forward, Down, Down Forward): Win jumps toward her opponent and delivers a crushing left elbow to the top of the head. The jump arc is similar to that of the demon flip. LP (¼ Screen), MP( ½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX (Projectile Invincible Frame 1, ¾ Screen)Bengal Crush- F,D,DF +K (Forward, Down, Down Forward): (Anti Air) A vicious jumping double knee. Strength of the kick button used determines height. Short version has juggle properties. LP(4F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (5F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (6F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (4F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility)Bengal Claw -QCB+ K (Close Range): Win performs a quick dashing flying knee. Good priority and combo ability. Does NOT pass through projectiles. All versions knock down. Throw Invincible Frame 3. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Throw Invincible Frame 1, ¾ Screen, Causes Juggle State)Looks like the running flying knee Tony Jaa uses in Ong Bak.Bengal’s Roar - QCB+ K (projectile attack): A standing mid kick that releases a wave of golden energy, which envelops her opponent in a brief gold flame. Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. All projectiles startup and recovery relatively quickly. LK (Slowest Travel Speed), MK (Moderate Travel Speed), HK (Fastest Travel Speed) EX (Starts up 2F faster, 2 hits, Fastest Travel Speed, Juggles Point Blank)Critical Art:Tigress Decimation - QCFx2 + P (Dashing Attack) Win hits her opponent with a Bengal Paw, the camera zooms in as she follows with a right elbowed Bengal Strike that starts to crumple her opponent as she hits them with a Bengal Crush than sends them high into the air, as they fall back towards the ground with their back towards her, Win finishes them with a brutal Bengal Claw. 4 Hits 330 DamageV-Trigger OnlyTigress Maul -HCFx2 + K (Camera zooms in tight similar to Gouken’s Shin Shoryuken): Win hits her opponent with a vicious rising left knee that creates a shock wave effect. She follows with half dozen rising right and left knees and finishes her opponent with a blazing golden Bengal Crush. Only Available in *V-Trigger. Complete drains her V-Gauge if used. 14 Hits 370 DamageReasons to be in SFV: The weapons used to kill her family were products of the S.I.N Corporation. After “disposing” of several S.I.N. operatives, she discovers that S.I.N is merely the weapons division of Shadoloo. She vows to eliminate Shadoloo and it's “Four Kings”.Quotes:Ryu: I’d expect such a tough fight from one that defeated Sagat.Ken: Despite your privilege, you possess a warriors spirit. Surprising...Laura: Behind your infuriating demeanor lies a skilled fighterKarin: When it comes to fighting, I'm high class and you're the pauperNash: Not even death has kept you a way from seeking justice....I admire that in you.Birdie: The only thing I'll feed you is my fist. Tell me all you know about Shadoloo and I may yet spare you.R.Mika: Come back when you are woman enough to fight me one on one.Ibuki: This is not a game school girl. Leave while you're still able.Alex: Your combination of striking and grappling is impressive. We'll have to do this again sometime. F.A.N.G: I won't be taking your poison, but I will be taking your life. Fall in agony you soulless lackey. Chun-li: We all seek justice in our own way. You chose the path the cop and I chose the way of the vigilante. Zangief: Size does matter. You were huge, slow, and easy to hit. Guile: It looks like my mission takes precedence today soldier boy. Balrog (Boxer): A dead man can’t spend money. Vega (claw): I hope you thought you death was beautiful. I’d ask you but you cannot answer. Cammy: Looks like the “killer bee” got stung. Rashid: Shadoloo has your friend? I'll make sure their reign of terror ends. Dhalsim: I do not need your counsel. I'm the personification of what you'd call karma. Bison: Arise again if you like, I’ll enjoy ending you again. Juri: You’re kicks were impressive, too bad I won’t be seeing them again. Necalli: I am the predator here, I will not be devoured by mere prey. Urien: False deity, your iron body is no match for my iron will. Akuma: Death becomes you demon. Name: Xiayu Vilar Spoiler Nickname: The Silent MaskSex: FemaleEthnicity: MacaneseHeight: 5ft 5in(1.65m)Weight: 126 lbs. (57kg)B/W/H: 33-22-34 (84cm-57cm-86cm)Hometown: Macao, ChinaAppearance: Xiayu is a petite woman with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Her bangs spike outward covering the right side of her forehead while the rest of her hair his pulled back into a “horn” behind her left ear. Xiayu's face is covered by a white Chinese opera mask. The mask is painted with a fearsome red face that features yellow outlines around the eyes, mouth, and nose. She wears a custom red sleeveless qipao (Chinese Dress) with white outlines, the qipao is tied with a yellow belt. Her legs are covered with white stockings and she wears yellow shoes. Likes: Spicy Food, Shumai, Kung Fu MoviesDislikes: Those who speak ill of othersFighting Style: Choy Li Fut/Shadaloo Assassination TechniquesTone: Xiayu is a quiet and reserved woman. She often goes unnoticed by those not paying close attention.Origins: Xiayu hails from Macao (Macau), China. A former Portuguese colony city located on the eastern coast of the Chinese mainland. Her father is the exceedingly successful Casino and Hotel owner Rodrigo Vilar. Her mother, Guofang Ku, is former ballerina and beauty queen. As a child, Xiayu and her sister Jianyu where trained in Choy Li Fut by their grandfather Siu-Wong Ku. While Jianyu preferred to keep her foes at bay with a quarterstaff, Xiayu preferred close range combat with the shuāng jié gùn (nunchaku). This was a trend with the sisters. Despite being identical twins, or maybe because of it. Xiayu and Jianyu were opposites. Xiayu was quiet, she kept her hair short, and wore more conservative clothing. While performing a martial arts demonstration at one of their father's casino grand openings, the sisters were absconded by a mysterious man. This man was an agent of Shadaloo. Unfortunately for the sisters they would be subjects of the “Doll” program. After years of being puppets for Bison, the Dolls were finally freed when he fell. Xiayu is free to chart her own path now. After reuniting with her parents. Xiayu looks to the future. Her Rival: Jianyu Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4 950 Stamina 950 Stun Throws:Serpent Coil (Hebi Koiru)LP+LK : Xiayu wraps her nunchaku around her foes ankle, pulls their leg out from under them, and causes them to fall backward slamming the back of their head into the ground. Serpent Trip (Hebi no T abi)- B+LP+LK: Xiayu spins behind her, wraps her nunchaku around her foes ankle, pull their leg upward, and sweeps their other leg out from under them. Unique Attacks:Snake Bite (Hebi Kōshō) (Over Head)- F+MP: Xiayu spins her nunchaku upward with her right arm before snapping them downward at her foe. Quick startup, +2 on hit. -6 on block Cannon Strike (Taihō Kōgeki) – D+MK (In Air): Xiayu strikes with trademark dive kick of the Shadaloo Dolls. Must be executed at the apex of her forward jump. Leaves foes standing, +2 on hit, -5 on block.V-Reversal:Whipping Snake (Muchiuchi Hebi) – F+PPP : Xiayu performs a modified Axel Spin Knuckle that ends in a nunchaku strike. Attack leaves her foe a ½ screen away from her. V-Skill: Nimble Fang (Subayai Kiba) – MP+MK : Xiayu grabs her nunchaku with both hands stretching them out to full length while striking a pose similar to classic doll “Shadaloo” pose. If the animation is completed without interruption. Her next attack gains an additional +2 on hit. This effect does not take place during V-Trigger 1. V-Trigger 1: Sudden Snake (Totsuzen no Hebi) – HP+HK : Xiayu focuses her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology and improves her offensive capabilities. Any initial attack in a combo is given counter hit status. The additional advantage on hit, opens more damaging combos. If the initial attack is a true counter hit, the follow up attack is granted counter hit status. Each 3-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Evasive Snake (Kaihi-tekina Hebi) – HP+HK :Xiayu focuses her ki to trigger her enhanced physiology and improves her defensive capabilities. While this V-Trigger is active, Xiayu complete evades any attacks instead of blocking causing her to take no chip or white life damage. While evading attacks the rate her V-Gauge drains is doubled. Pressing HP+HK with precise, just frame, timing will execute. Paralysis Snake (Mahi no Hebi). Paralysis Snake is double fist strike with ends of her nunchaku. The attack does 0 damage and counts toward damage scaling but leaves Xiayu plus +3. This effect can be stacked with the +2 advantage granted by Nimble Fang. Paralysis Snake drains half of Xiayu's V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials:Twisting Snake (Nejireta Hebi) QCB + P: (Rekka) Xiayu executes a right vertically rotating nunchaku strike. This attack can be followed up twice by repeating the attack input. Second trike is a left vertically rotating nunchaku strike, and the final attack is a spinning back fist horizontally rotating nunchaku strike. The distance traveled and damage is determined by the punch button pressed. LP (¼ Screen, Least Damage, -2 on Block) MP (1/3 Screen, More Damage, -4 on Block), HP( ½ Screen, Most Damage, -6 on Block) EX (Frame 3 Armor, ½ Screen, Most Damage, -2 on Block) Coiling Snake (Koiru-maki hebi) QCF + P: (Rekka) Xiayu performs a low right horizontally rotating nunchaku strike. This has slower startup than Twisting Snake but is safer on block. attack can be followed up twice by repeating the attack input. Second strike is a left horizontally rotating nunchaku strike, and the final attack is a low spinning back fist horizontally rotating nunchaku strike. The distance traveled and damage is determined by the punch button pressed. LP (¼ Screen, Least Damage, -1 on Block) MP (1/3 Screen, More Damage, -3 on Block), HP( ½ Screen, Most Damage, -5 on Block) EX (Causes Juggle State, ½ Screen, Most Damage, -2 on Block) Winding Serpent (Maki Hebi) -F,D,DF+P or P (Rapidly): (Anti Air) Xiayu performs a left uppercutting stikes while spinning her nunchaku vertically. Damage an attack properties are determined by the punch button. LP (3F Startup, 4 hits, Least Damage, Throw Invincible) MP (4F Startup, 6 hits, More Damage, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (5F Startup,8 hits, Most Damage, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (3F Startup, 9 hits, Most Damage, Full Startup Invincibility, Juggles In The Corner) Rotating Arrow (Kaiten Yajirushi) (Nejireta Arō) -QCF+K : Xiayu performs a standing left head kick into a rapidly spinning chest high corkscrew kick. Attack is projectile invincible Frame 3. All versions knock down. . LK (1 hit, ½ Screen, -3 on Block), MK(2 hits, 2/3 Screen, -5 on Block), HK (3 hits, ¾ Screen, -7 on Block), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 1, 4 hits, ¾ Screen, Passes Through Foe on Block) Critical Art: Entangling Snake (Motsure Hebi) -QCFx2 + K: Xiayu strikes with a seemingly endless barrage of nunchaku strikes that ends with a kick that resembles a high powered Cannon Spike 33 hits 330 damage (32x5, 1x170).Reasons to be in SFV: In spite of her reserved nature, Xiayu joins Interpol. She wants to work with Cammy and her “sisters” to prevent the return of Shadaloo or any organization like it. Taking notice of some strange happenings across Southeast Asia. She compares notes with Cammy. It seems an organization called the Illuminati or Secret Society is on the rise. This organization seems to be behind the upcoming World Martial Arts tournament. Xiayu enters the tournament to figure out what they are up to. Side Notes: Xiayu is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese, and English Edited July 28, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) Name: Ximena Spoiler Nickname: New Age Karateka Sex: Female Ethnicity: Dominican Height: 5ft 8in (1.73m) Weight: 150lbs (68kg) B/W/H: 35-25-39 (89cm-64cm-99cm) Hometown: Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Appearance: Ximena has a toned, fitness model type of build. She has a caramel complexion, with hazel eyes, green eye shadow, and dark brown hair. Her hair is braided into an afro puff that is tied off with a blue ribbon. Ximena wears a tight white u-neck shirt with no sleeves. Her neck is adorned with a thin yellow gold necklace. She wears red shorts that stop at mid thigh and blue sneakers. Ximena has red, fingerless, MMA, style gloves on her hands. Likes: Traveling, Dancing, Sports, Learning New Things Dislikes: Rigid Thinking, Wastes of Talent Fighting Style: Dynamic Karate Tone: Ximena is a calculating, inquisitive, and yet laid back woman. While almost everything she does is to improve her art. She doesn't let that prevent her from enjoying life. Origins: Ximena was enamored with martial arts action films as a child. She'd run around her house or out in her yard acting out the scenes from her favorite films. Seeing her excitement, her parents enrolled her in the local karate school. The used it as motivation to for education. As long as she did well in school, she got to take karate. Ximena was proficient both at her art and her studies. She became Junior Pan-American Karate Champion. With her combination looks and skill, Ximena became a minor celebrity. She was able to spar with other martial artists of different disciplines. It was then that she discovered that some of her arts techniques flawed or in some cases plain ineffective. Her master was a staunch traditionalist. He wouldn't hear any of Ximena's suggestions. It was then that Ximena decided to take the funds she earned from her celebrity to travel the world. She would visit various schools, train with their masters, and develop a form of Karate for the modern age. Her Rival: Laura (Her Best Friend) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Techniques: 3 950 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Stomach Buster – LP+LK: Ximena strikes with a stiff front kick to her foes abdomen. Lifting them off the ground on her foot and raising them over her head. She then brings her leg downward with tremendous speed, slamming her foe into the ground in front of her. Reverse Stomach Buster – B+LP+LK: Ximena strikes with a stiff front kick to her foes abdomen. Lifting them off the ground on her foot and raising them over her head. She then turns 180°, before bringing her leg downward with tremendous speed, slamming her foe into the ground behind her. Abdominal Crush – LP+LK: (In Air) Ximena grabs her opponent out of the air, rotates 90° degrees, and drives both of her feet into their stomach driving them straight into the ground with a stomp. Unique Attacks: Capsize – B+MK: Ximena hooks the ankle of her foe's right foot with her own and performs an inside crescent kick causing them to flip 180° and land on their head. Must be blocked low. Surf's Up - F+HK: Ximena hops forward and strikes with a jumping roundhouse kick. Goes over low attacks. Upended – LP,MP, B+MK: Ximena strikes with a two punch combination that ends with her flipping her opponent on their head with an inside crescent kick. V-Reversal: Take Off – F+PPP: Ximena hits her foe with a quick right hand open palm strike to the chin that sends them flying a half screen away. V-Skill: Backspin – MP+MK (Hit Grab): Ximena grabs her foe and quickly spins behind them. Leaving her +4 on hit. Damage is scaled 50% on hits or combos landed after Backspin. Hits and combos landed directly after Backspin build additional V-Gauge. V-Trigger 1: Freeform – HP+HK: Ximena puts her improving technique on display as she gains the ability to cancel her special attacks into each other. She cannot cancel into the same special attack. The cancels available depend on the moves properties. EX Specials open up additional possibilities. If the initial special attacks knocks down, you cannot follow up with a cancel. Single Use V-Trigger. 2-bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Dynamite Kata – HP+HK: Ximena turns her quickness into to power with this form. She can now cancel any standing or crouching heavy normal into another heavy normal. Two identical normals can be canceled into one another. 3 cancels per V-Trigger. 3-bar V-Trigger Specials: Rushing Wave – F,D,F+P: Ximena rushes towards he foe with a rapid dash. Dash is projectile invincible from frame 3. Punch button pressed determines the distance of the dash. LP (¼ Screen), MP (½ Screen), HP (¾ Screen), EX (Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Distance Determined by Buttons Pressed. LP+MP ¼ Screen, LP+HP ½ Screen, MP+HP ¾ Screen) Dash has three follow up attacks. LP- Stone Splitter (Overhead): Ximena does a short hop into the air and strikes with a flying left chop. EX +3 on hit. -2 on Block. MP- Ice Cutter: Ximena strikes with a low sweeping left hand chop that sweeps her foe of their feet. Must be blocked low. EX causes hard knock down. -4 on Block HP- Wood Breaker: Ximena strikes with a powerful open palm strike to the sternum. EX causes crumple state. -6 on Block Stern Reprisal – HCF+P: Ximena stuns her foe with a quick straight left punch to the head before pummeling them with a powerful right straight punch to the sternum. Punch button pressed determines startup speed and damage. LP(4F Start Up, Least Damage, Leaves Standing) MP (5F Startup, More Damage, Knocks Down) HP (6F Startup, Most Damage, Knocks Down) EX (4F Startup, Most Damage, Causes Wall Bounce) Grand Spike – F,D,DF+K: Ximena strikes with a rising left axe kick that catches her foes under the chin. At the apex of her ascent with her foe still on her foot, she drives their head straight down into the ground. Attack lacks strike and projectile invincibility. LK (3F Startup, Least Damage, Fastest Recovery), MK (5F Startup, More Damage, Longer Recovery) HK (7F Startup, Most Damage, Longest Recovery, Causes Juggle) EX(3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Most Damage, Cross Counterable) Backstep Blast – HCB+K: Ximena takes a quick evasive back dash followed up immediately by powerful dashing high side kick to the head. Throw Invincible Frame 1. LK (Leaves Standing, Least Damage, -2 on block), MK (Knocks Down, More Damage, -4 on block), HK (Juggles in the corner, Most Damage, -6 on block), EX (Causes Juggle State, Most Damage, -2 on block) Critical Art: Caribbean Storm – QCFx2+K: Ximena breaks down her foe with a rapid succession of strikes that seem to come from all angles. She strikes her foe with a right straight punch to the face, quickly gets behind them and lands a right roundhouse kick to the side, swiftly appears in front of them striking with a straight left punch to abdomen that doubles them over, appears at their side left front kicking them to the face causing them to stand straight up, and finishes the combination with a spinning back kick to the face that sends her foe flying a full screen away. 5 hits 350 damage Reasons to be in SFV: Ximena wants to test herself and her art against the best martial arts practitioners in the world.. She believes her training and alterations to her masters teachings has lead to a more effective version of Karate. The only way to prove that is in fights against the best opposition the world has to offer. Victory Quotes: Ryu: “We seem to be walking the same path of self improvement. May we continue to find our answers in the heart of battle” Chun Li: “You should improve punching techniques. While your kicks are impressive, they'd be more effective if your foes feared your fists.” Nash: “I saw your championship fights. You preceded Ken Masters.....I thought you had died!?” M.Bison: “Such power and such evil. I am glad I prevailed this day. May the light of day extinguish your dark shadow.” Cammy: “Blinding speed with surprising power. Thank you for this battle, it will help me improve my defensive techniques.” Birdie: “Feed you!? You wouldn't say that if you tried my cooking. Birdie you have talent, if only you had the drive to make use of it.” Ken: “I've seen this style before, but your rendition is far more aggressive. It takes a true warrior to mold their style to their strengths. Necalli: “Devour me!? I'm not sure what you are into, but I'm here to fight.” Vega: “How can such a handsome man be such an ugly person...” R.Mika: “Powerful, unorthodox, and a tag partner. This has definitely been an experience” Rashid: “I'm going to train in a wind tunnel. So be ready when we fight again Rashid.” Karin: “Not so smug now. Who is showing who the divide in our class” Zangief: “Are all those scars truly from bears. Wait none of them are on your back. Clearly your courage exceeds even your strength!” Laura:”Hey Laura, it's been awhile. We'll have to spar again sometime. Umm..tell Fabio I said hello.” Dhalsim:”There are reach advantages and then there is you. Your variable reach is quite the puzzle. I look forward to fighting you again.” F.A.N.G: “Two minutes? I only needed half the time to finish you. Focus more on your technique and less on your poisonous tricks.” Alex: “What does Tom always say? 'Iron sharpens iron' He's given you a razor edge. I'm going to have spend some more time sparring at your gym. You have a good fight camp.” Guile:”That well rounded style of yours is hard to crack. Those waves you hurl are near impossible to dodge.” Ibuki: “Not what I was expecting from a ninja. Are you dedicated to your craft? Your mind seems elsewhere.” Balrog: “A brawler with no skill and only strength. When they said I was fighting the champ. I was hoping for Dudley.” Juri: “How good are you really? You were a prodigy. Now you seem to lack the talent to keep up with your natural ability.” Urien: “What exactly are you? I recognize your style as Pankration but.....there is something about your aura.” Akuma: “I've heard stories about a fighter with your ability. I'll get stronger. I can tell you were holding back.” Kolin: “Systema is not a style I've fought against before. I'd invite you spar at my gym...but you don't seem like someone I'd want to associate with.” Ed: “I swear you look like the kid that traveled around with Balrog. That can't be possible....can it?” Abigail: “I have family in Metro City. They've told me stories about you and a guy in pink. I thought they were exaggerating....” Menat: “If you could see the future you would dodged my finishing combination” Zeku: “Laura told me about you. I thought maybe Sean and her were trying to get one over on me. Guess not. How can you go from old to young?” Name: Yamato/Yasha Nadeshiko Spoiler Nickname: Split Personality Grappler (Nijūjinkaku Resura) Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5ft 7½in (1.71m) Weight: 159lbs (72kg) B/W/H: 36-27-36 (91cm-69cm-91cm) Hometown: Hakone, Japan Appearance: Nadeshiko is a stout and powerfully built woman. She short black hair in a bob hairstyle. Nadeshiko has dark eyes and wears a two piece, midriff baring wrestling leotard. The top piece is long sleeved with av-shaped neckline that shows off her cleavage. The left half of the piece is white with black kanji, 大和ナデシコ, (Yamato Nadeshiko) running down the arm. The right half of the piece is red with a Japanese Flag logo on the shoulder. The neckline and the base of the piece has red border. Nadeshiko has a red sash tied around her waist. She had on a white bikini bottom that shows off her legs. Nadeshiko has red knee pads and long white boots with red laces on her feet. When she becomes Yasha, she puts on a white kabuki mask that red eye shadow and black eyebrows painted on it. There are nose and mouth holes in the mask. Red lips are painted around the mouth hole. Likes: Wagashi, Shiba Inu, (Cruelty) Dislikes: Ball Games, (R. Mika) Fighting Style: Professional Wrestling Tone: Yamato Nadeshiko is a fiery yet humble woman. (Yasha Nadeshiko cold, brutal, and merciless woman) Origins: Nanae grew up in Hakone, Japan. A tourist town about an hour outside of Tokyo known for it's hot springs and traditional Japanese inns. Which is fitting because she is the only daughter of innkeepers. Nanae was reserved and quiet. The “ideal” daughter. The kids in the town teased Nanae. Her family was well off and she was “perfect”. They called her Yamato Nadeshiko. A usually endearing term denoting the “ideal woman”. However, they did not mean it as a compliment. The inference was that Nanae was perfect and thought she was better than them. When she was a little girl, a famous wrestler stayed at her family inn. She'd never seen a wrestler before. As the wrestler and her training partners practiced in backyard of the inn, Nanae peered curiously out her window. She was completely enamored with what she saw. The wrestler noticed the curiously little girl looking at them from her window. Nervous, the meek Nanae quickly hid under her bed. A few moments later, she heard a knock at her door. Nanae remained still, trying to stay as quiet as possible. She could hear the door open and foot steps coming toward her. She closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard a “whooshing” sound. As Nadeshiko opened her eyes, a large woman was standing above her, holding up her mattress and box spring with one hand. It was Yoko Harmageddon. She smiled down at the frightened Nanae, offering Nanae her hand. Nanae took her hand. From that point on, every year Yoko would vacation at the Sato family inn. Nanae would anxiously wait her return. Each time she visited the inn Yoko would show her a new move. Nanae would catch would ever matches she could and try her best to emulate what she saw. When she was old enough, Nanae decided that she would leave with Yoko. Knowing her parents wouldn't approve. She wrote a long letter to them. Nanae left the letter on her bed and departed with Yoko for the IJWPW. Her Rival: R.Mika Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 2 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 950 stamina 1050 stun Throws: Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only Petal Slam – LP+LK: Nadeshiko picks up her opponent and scoop body slams them. Nectar Suplex – B+LP+LK: Nadeshiko snap suplexes her opponent behind her. Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only Blossom Breaker – LP+LK: Nadeshiko grabs her foe by the side of the head, puts her head under their chin, jumps into the air, and slams theirchin onto the top of her head. (Jawbreaker) Rose Thorn – B+LP+LK: Nadeshiko picks her opponent up by the waist, turns 180°, and slams their groin onto her knee (Inverted Atomic Drop) Pollinater – LP+LK: (Crouching Opponent) Nadeshiko grabs her crouching foe by the head and knees them in the face, lifting them off the ground. (Shining Wizard) Unique Attacks: Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only Yamato Lariat –F+HP: (Hit Grab) Nadeshiko grabs her foes by the neck with her left arm, pull them in, and uses her right arm to floor them with a standing lariat. Attacks causes a side switch. Flying Nadeshiko – F+HK: Nadeshiko hits her opponent with a flying body splash, attack leaves her opponent standing. +3 on Hit, -5 on Block Bloom Elbow – D+MP: (In Air) Nadeshiko executes a flying elbow drop from the apex of her forward jump. Bloom Elbow halts her forward momentum and she descends straight downward. Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only Brain Freeze – B+HP: Nadeshiko executes a quick head butt that leaves her opponent standing after it hits. Bad Touch – B+MP: Nadeshiko drops to one knee and strikes her opponent with hammer fist uppercut to the groin. Attack must be blocked low. (Low Blow) V-Reversal: Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only Flower In Bloom – F+KKK: Nadeshiko kicks her foe in the gut and plants them face first in the ground with a double underhook face buster (HHH's Pedigree) Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only Eye Poke – F+PPP: Nadeshiko pokes her opponent in the eyes causing them to stagger backward. Leaves the opponent standing. V-Skill: Spring Time – MP+MK: Nadeshiko handsprings toward her opponent. The handspring is Projectile and Strike invincible frame 3. If no button is pressed, Nadeshiko returns to her neutral stance with 8 Recovery Frames. Three follow ups. 2 for Yamato, 1 for Yasha Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only P - Spring Breeze: Nadeshiko strikes her opponent with a flying back elbow to the head. Attack knocks down opponent. K – Spring Shower: Nadeshiko converts her handspring into kick that hits overhead. Attack must be block high. -6 On Block. Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only LP+LK – Yasha Buster: Nadeshiko grabs her opponents head with her back facing them and drive it into the ground. (Handspring Bulldog) V-Trigger 1: Full Nadeshiko – HP+HK: Nadeshiko throws off traditional pro wrestling classifications and comes at her opponent with her full wrestling arsenal. Nadeshiko can now us her face and heel attacks at the same time. Her Yamato (Face) Throws are still done with MP+MK. Her Yasha (Heel) Throws are done with HP-HK and B+HP+HK. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Heel's Heat – HP+HK: Nadeshko goes full heel and pulls out a chair to assault her opponent. All of Nadeshko's punch attacks gain increased range, damage, and frame advantage. Grey life damage of all MP, HP punch attacks is doubled. LP attacks now do a small amount of Grey life damage. Nadeshiko gains a new special. V-Trigger duration 1600F Chair Toss – F+HP+HK: Nadeshko throws a spinning chair at her opponent. Attack costs 1/3 (535F) of her V-Gauge. LP Attack Cost (100F), MP(160F), HP(200F) Each punch attack drains the V-Gauge. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Bow Breaker – 360°+P: (Command Grab) Nadeshiko grabs her opponent, spins behind them, lifts them overhead, jumps into air, spins 180°, puts both of her knees into her foe's back while pulling back on their head with her right hand and ankles with her left hand. She then drives her foes into the ground while maintaining the Bow Hold. Grabs range, damage, and landing distance from the opponent is determined by the punch button pressed. All versions have 5F Startup. LP(Most Range, 180 Damage/200 Stun, Lands ½ Screen Away) MP(Less Range, 190 Damage/200 Stun, Lands ¼ Screen Away) HP(Least RANGE, 200 Damage/200 Stun, Land's Point Blank) EX(Most Range, 240 Damage/250 Stun, Land's Point Blank) Maiden Scorn – QCB+K: Nadeshiko hits her opponent in the head with a twisting jump kick. (Enziguri). Attack goes over low attacks. All versions knock down. Startup, damage, and advantage on hit, determined by the kick button. LK (12F Startup, 75 Damage/150 Stun) MK(18F Startup, 100 Damage/150 Stun), HK(24F Startup, 125 Damage/200 Stun), EX(18F Startup, 150 Damage/240 Stun) Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only Heel Turn – D,D+PP: Yamato Nadeshiko turns into Yasha Nadeshiko Yamato Buster - 360°+K: (Running Command Grab) Nadeshiko runs at her opponent , hops at them, spins behind them, grabs them by the back of the head with hand, and drives them face first into the ground. (One Hand Bulldog). Distance traveled and damage determined by the punch button pressed. LP(180 Damage/200 Stun, 1/3 Screen) MP(190 Damage/200 Stun, ½ Screen) HP(200 Damage/200 Stun, 2/3 screen) EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, 225 Damage/240 Stun, Land's Point Blank) Peek-A-Boo Driver - QCF+K: (Anti Air Grab) Nadeshiko jumps into the air , performs a full split before slamming her feet onto the sides of her opponents head, and backflipping to drive their head directly into the ground. (Hurricanrana Driver). Attack causes a side switch. Kickbutton determines the startup and damage. LK(6F Startup, 140 Damage/200 Stun) MK(8F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun), HK(10F Startup, 160 Damage/200 Stun), EX(Full Startup Invincibility, 6F Startup, 180 Damage/200 Stun) Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only Face Turn – D,D+PP: YashaNadeshiko turns into Yamato Nadeshiko Green Mist – HCF+P: Nadeshiko spits cloud of green mist in her opponents faces causing them to stagger backward. Leaves the opponent standing. The punch button pressed determines the duration, damage, and advantage on hit. Has projectile properties. LP (12F Startup 60 Damage/150 Stun) MP(16F Startup 90 Damage/180 Stun, 2 Hits) HP(20F Startup 120 Damage/210 Stun, 3 Hits) EX(12F Startup 150 Damage/240 Stun) Shinai Blitz – QCB+P: (Rekka) Nadeshiko pulls out a shinai (bambo training sword) and pummels her opponent with up to three strikes. The first swing is a two hand horizontal strike to the left side of the head, second swing is a two hand horizontal strike to the right side of the abdomen, and the final strike is homerun swing to the jaw that sends the opponent sailing through the air. Punch button determines the startup, damage, and distance traveled. LP (7F Startup, 160 Damage/160 Stun, ¼ Screen) MP(9F Startup, 170 Damage/170 Stun, 1/3 Screen) HP(10F Startup, 180 Damage/Stun, ½ Screen) EX (7F Startup, 200 Damage/200 Stun, ½ Screen) Critical Art: Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) Only Maiden Embrace – 360°x2+P: Nadeshiko grabs her foes, spends behinds them, locks them in a cross face chicken wing, jumps high into the air, and back suplexes them directly on their head. ( 3 Hits 380 Damage (2x50, 1x280) Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Only Extreme Rules – HCFx2+K: Nadeshiko slams a steel chair over her opponents head and tosses it on the ground behind her. Hits them in the gut with a Shinai (bamboo training sword) breaking it, She grabs her stunned opponent, jumps backward, high into the air, and slams them face first onto the chair with a sitout facebuster. 3 Hits 330 Damage (3x110) Reasons to be in SFV: Yamato Nadeshiko (Face) With Mika going solo, Nadeshiko had to vacate her IJWPW (Iwashigahama Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling) Tag Team Championship. After a failed attempt to regain the titles with promising but green IJWPW rookie Maple Storm, Nadeshiko decided against a solo title run. Preferring the camaraderie of tag team wrestling, Nadeshiko enters the World Martial Arts Tournament. She'll either convince Mika to return or find a new more capable tag team partner. Yasha Nadeshiko (Heel) Yasha Nadeshiko enters the World Martial Arts Tournament to break Rainbow Mika. Defeating Mika isn't enough. She wants to defeat her precious “Master Zangief” and her wealthy sponsor Karin Kanzuki. After waylaying those closest to her, Yasha Nadeshiko will challenge Mika to retirement match and defeat her. After taking away Mika's friends and her career, her vengeance will be complete. Name: Yul Kahn Spoiler Nickname: Stealth Conqueror Sex: Male Ethnicity: Mongolian Height: 6ft 2in (1.88m) Weight: 216lbs (98kg) B/W/H: 46-35-37(117cm-89cm-94cm) Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Appearance: Yul has a muscular build. He short black cropped hair, a neatly trimmed goatee, with no beard. Yul's eyes are golden in color. He wears a modern take on traditional Mongolian armor made of lightweight an highly durable synthetic leather over a synthetic red silk shirt and pants.. Yul has blue “leather” armor that is stitched together from small rectangular pieces. The stitching is golden color. The upper tunic has shoulder pads and is sleeveless. It features a fauld that stops of above the knee. The fauld covers a white leather built with golden trim and horse emblem on the buckle. His blue leather pants have identical stitching a construction. Yul's forearms are cover by white leather gauntlets with gold trim. His hands are gloveless. Yul has white leather boots with gold trim and laces that stop just below his knee. Likes: Studying Languages, Training, Business Acquisitions, Equestrianism Dislikes: Failure, Ignorance Fighting Style: Jaws of The Horde Tone: Yul is calculated, calm, and perceptive. He is known for being “5 steps” ahead of his adversaries. Origins: As his surname implies, Yul can trace his lineage all the way back to the great Genghis Khan. His ancestor have spent the last eight centuries trying to sire the next great conqueror. While most people marry for love, Khan's family arranged marriages to ensure the strongest offspring. The result of 800 years of the smartest and strongest marrying is Yul Khan. His exception physical capability is matched a superior intellect. Yul's family is not only the richest in Mongolia but one of the richest in the world. Only the Kanzuki Zaibatsu exceeds the Golden Khan Conglomerate in wealth. The conglomerate is a combination of his mother's mining operations, his father's agricultural business, and his recently founded a quickly ascending technology corporation. Yul has developed a state of the art microchip architecture that quickly taken the globe by storm. Due to his family's wealth and disposition, Yul has had the best education money can buy. From the age of nine on, he has spent a half a year in a different country. Learning of their histories and cultures. As a result Yul has mastered dozens of languages and martial arts. He has taken the best elements of those arts and combined them into his own unique style that he has dubbed Jaws of The Horde. Although he rarely has to resort to physical confrontations. Yul's extensive knowledge of foreign cultures allows him to gain control of whatever assets he desires with little resistance. Yul seeks to bring order to the chaos of the world. He has subjugated numerous businesses , of the legal and illegal variety. He has become the hidden super power of the world. Yul believes that only under his sole leadership can humanity achieve true greatness. His Rival: Gill Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 5 Range: 4 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5 925 Health/925 Stun Throws: Blue Horde Driver – LP+LK: Yul uses his left arm to grabs his foe's face with a claw grip, lifts them off the ground, and drives them into the ground onto the back of their head. White Horde Slam -B+LP+LK: Yul use his right arm to grab his foe's face with a claw grip, lifts them overhead, and slams them into the ground behind him. Golden Horde Stampede- LP+LK (In Air): Yul snatches his foe out of the air with his left hand claw grip, slams them into the ground, and immediately pummels with right hand to the face. Unique Attacks: Rending Halberd -B+MP – Yul strikes with a double axe handle uppercut that can anti air with proper timing. Sword Pommel- F+HP (Overhead): Yul hits his opponent with an left overhead hammer fist. 26F Startup, +4 on Hit, - 2 on Block Arrow Fall – D+HK: From the apex of his forward jump, Yul executes a diving one foot stomp that descends at a 60° angle. Impending Siege – B+MP, F+HP: Yul hits his foe with a double axe handle uppercut into a left overhead hammerfist combination. V-Reversal: Catapult Clash – F+KKK: Yul mule kicks his opponent with both feet, sending them flying a ½ screen away. V-Skill: Subjugation Might – MP+MK: (Command Grab) Yul violently clasps his hands together on each side of his opponents face, lifts them off the ground, jumps into the air, and throws them downward slamming the back of their head on the ground. Can be charged to increase damage, V-Gauge gain, grab range, and advantage on hit. Uncharged, 8F Startup, Shorter Grab Range, 160 Damage/210 Stun, Lands half screen away, 60F whiff recovery Charged, 12F Startup, Longer Grab Range, 200 Damage/250 Stun, Lands Next To Foe, 60F whiff recovery Subjugation Fury – MP+MK: (In Air, Command Grab) Yul snatches his opponent out of the air, by grasping their head with both hands, and drives them into the ground with a modified sit out powerbowb. 6F Startup, 175 Damage/225 Stun, Lands ½ Screen Away, 12F whiff recovery upon landing. V-Trigger 1: Unyielding Conqueror – HP+HK: Yul's entire body becomes surrounded by a golden aura increasing defense. White Life damaged received is reduced by 50%, this does NOT stack with this V-Triggers damage reduction Damage received reduced by 15% Back Dash gains invincibility at cost of ½ his V-Gauge Vanquisher Might gains armor frame 3 at cost of ¼ of his V-Gauge 2-Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Overwhelming Conqueror – HP+HK: Yul's hands and feet become engulfed in golden flames increasing his offensive capability and giving him access to the Triumphant Conquest critical art. Subjugation Might - Uncharged Startup Reduced from 8F to 7F, charged Startup Reduced from 12F to 10F Subjugation Fury - Startup Reduced from 6F to 5F, landing recovery on whiff reduced from 12F to 10F Cavalry Spear – Projectile Invincibility on Frame 1, LP 0 on Block, MP -2 on Block, HP, -4 on Block, EX Causes Juggle State Trebuchet Launch – LP, MP Total Frames Reduced 44F to 40F, HP 45F to 42F, EX 30F to 27F Incineration Bow – LP, MP, HP Total Frames Reduced 58F to 52F, EX 49F to 46F Scalding Arrow Head – Startup Reduced from 9F to 7F, Mangonel Crash – LK Startup Reduced 15F to 12F, MK 20F to 17F, HK 24F to 21F, EX 12F to 9F Crowning Sabre – LK Startup Reduced 5F to 3F, MK 6F to 4F, HK 7F to 5F, EX 5F to 4F, Full Startup Invincibility 3 Bar V-Trigger, Permanent Specials: Cavalry Spear – HCF+P : Yul cocks back his left arm, twisting his torso 180°, and explodes forward extending his left arm outward striking his foe in the sternum with a knife hand punch to the sternum. All versions knock down. Distance determined by the punch button pressed. Projectile invincible frame 3. LP (¼ Screen, -2 on Block), MP( ½ Screen, -4 on Block), HP( ¾ Screen, -5 on Block) EX( ¾ Screen, Gains Armor Frame 3) Trebuchet Launch – F,D,DF+P: Yul soars forward through the air while pulling back his right arm twisting his torso 180°. The jump arch and travel distance is determined by the punch button pressed. LP (¼ Screen), MP(½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Hold Back ¼ Screen, No Input ½ Screen, Hold Forward ¾ Screen) Attack has two follow up options. Boulder Crash – P: (Overhead)Yul strikes his foe in the forehead with an open palm strike. Sweeping Lance – K: Yul spins 360° and strikes with a low left backhand chop that knocks his foe off their feet. Must be blocked low. Incineration Bow – HCB+P: Yul raises his left arm and chops downward creating an arc of golden flame resembling a bow. While doing so, he pulls back his right arm, and thrusts it forward creating an flaming arrow like projectile that carries the flaming arc forward. All versions startup in 23F(58 Total Frames), Hit twice, and knock down (80 Damage/160 Stun). Punch Button pressed determines the projectile speed. LP(Slow), MP(Faster), HP(Fastest) EX(14F Startup , 49 Total Frames, 100 Damage/200 Stun, LP+MP Slow, LP+HP Faster, MP+HP Fastest) Scalding Arrow Head – HCB+P (In Air): From a neutral jump, Yul cocks back his left arm, twisting his torso 180°, and explodes with a left knife hand punch that creates a small arrow head shaped projectile. 9F Startup, 9F Recovery on Landing. Projectile angle determined by the punch button pressed. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX (Can be performed neutral or forward jump, LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state) Mangonel Crash – F,D,DF+K: Yul jumps slightly forward high into the air and descends rapidly stomps the ground with both feet. The impact creates a shockwave directly in front him that staggers or floors his opponent. LK(Fastest Startup, Staggers Opponent) MK(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HK(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX(Fastest Startup, Launches Opponent Into The Air) Crowning Sabre – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Yul strikes his foe with a front flip somersault axe kick that sets his foe ablaze in golden flames. The kick button pressed determine the height, startup, and damage of the attack. All versions become invincible to airborne attacks on the first active frame. LK (5F Startup, Standing Somersault), MK(6F, Hopping Somersault) HK(7F, Jumping Somersault), EX(5F, Jumping Somersault, Causes Ground Bounce) Critical Art: Vanquisher Dominion – HCFx2+K: Yul spins 360 ° and strikes his opponent with a high spinning back kick that sends then sailing skyward, he jumps after them and sends them crashing into the ground with a powerful Crowning Sabre, and plants them into the ground with a quaking Mangonel Crash. 3 hits 330 Damage V-Trigger 2 Only Triumphant Conquest – LP, LK, F, HP, HK: Yul strikes his foe at point blank range with a massive Scalding Arrow Head that carries his foe into the air at a 45° Degree angle, He then fires twenty small Scalding Arrow Heads at his prone aerial, while they descend form that attack, he charges an enormous Incineration Bow that strikes his foe and violent slams them against the side of the screen 30 Hits 400 Damage (5x10, 20x10, 5x30) Reasons to be in SFV: The fall of Shadaloo has allowed to Yul to accelerate his own plans for domination. The only real obstacle to his goals is the Illumanti/Secret Society. He will take out their leadership and use the confusion to increase his own grip on the world. Name: Zeger Verhoeven Spoiler Nickname: The Young Phenom (De Jong Wonderkind) Sex: Male Ethnicity: Dutch Height: 7ft 0in (2.26m) Weight: 344lbs (156kg) B/W/H: 54-37-40(137cm-94cm-102cm) Hometown: Breda, Netherlands Appearance: Zeger is a towering man with a lean but muscular build. He has dirty blonde hair. His head is completely shaven on the sides with the long hair on the top of his pulled into a ponytail that comes down to the middle of his back. Zeger wears a white sleeveless t-shirt. The collar and arm holes of the T-shirt are red. The chest of the T-Shirt features a blue logo. It is comprised of the letters “VKA” across the chest and the silhouette of a fighter performing a high step kick below it. He has on white kickboxing shorts with a wide red waistband and a pair of blue stripes running down the sides of each leg. His hand are covered with blue kickboxing gloves with white colored thumbs and red wristband. Zeger has red ankle guards on his feet. The calf, heel, and toe opens have blue trim. Likes: Anonymity, Nuakan, Stroopwafel (Dutch Waffle Cookie) Dislikes: Arrogance, Adon, Paparazzi Fighting Style: Dutch Kickboxing Tone: Zeger is a respectful young man that remains humble despite his fame. Origins: Zeger comes from a kickboxing family. Both his mother Anika and father Kerstan were professional kickboxers. While neither of them achieved a championship level, they did open a successful and respected kickboxing gym. Verhoeven Kickboksen Academie (Kickboxing Academy) has become renown for producing high caliber technical boxers. Not known for their athleticim, Anika and Kerstan were both great technicians. Zeger, unlike his parents, has been blessed exceptional physical ability. His ability combined with his parents technical style has made him a prodigy. Competitors christened him “De Jong Wonderkind” or The Young Phenom after he quickly climbed the ranks while remaining undefeated. Zeger grew watching the film of the great kickboxers of past and present. His favorite fighter was the previous Emperor of Muay Thai, Nuakan. Despite his great size, Nuakan possessed great stamina and agility. Although Zeger uses his family style, his approach to fighting mirror's Nuakan. Like his favorite fighter, Zeger has great agiliity and stamina despite his great size. His Rival: Sagat Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 2 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4 1025 Stamina 1025 Stun Throws: Dolk Mep (Dagger Blow) – LP+LK: Zeger snags his opponent in a Thai cling and hits them with a powerful right hooking elbow strike that sends them fspinning away. Hamer Klap (Hammer Blow)– B+LP+LK: Zeger snags his opponent in a Thai clinch, turns them around, hops up and elbows them on the top of the head. His staggers backward and falls down. Unique Attacks: Opwaadering Klap (Lifting Blow) – F+MP – Zeger strikes with a quick upward elbow strike (6F) than can anti air with proper timing. Hamer Val (Hammer Fall) – F+HP (Overhead) – Zeger rains down a quick downward right elbow strike that hits overhead. Fast startup, +2 on hit, -6 on block Knieschijf Run (Patella Crush) – F+LK – Zeger hits with a quick downward left kick to his opponent's knee. Must be blocked low. -5 on block Knie Lift (Knee Lift) – B+HK – Zeger hits his opponent with a powerful right knee that launches his opponent. -7 on block Opklimmend Val (Rising Fall) – F+MP, F+HP – Zeger strike's with a quick upward elbow strike into overhead elbow strike combination Run Draagraket (Crush Launcher) - F+LK, B+HK – Zeger hits his foe with downward left kick to the knee followed by a powerful right knee that launches his opponent. V-Reversal: Snelle Elleboog (Rapid Elbow) – F+PPP: Zeger steps forward and hits his opponent stiff hooking right elbow to temple that knocks them down. V-Skill: Kinetisch Pareren(Kinetic Riposte) – MP+MK: Zeger raises his right knee and lowers hit right elbow until they both meet. If timed properly, Zeger will absorb his opponents attack whether it's physical or a projectile. If it's physical, the opponent is blown back a quarter screen. Successful attempts cause Zeger to store the kinetic energy from the attack giving access to a projectile of his own. Zeger can store enough energy for up to three projectiles. All projectiles are 38 Total Frames. (Same as Guile's Sonic Boom). Since a successful attempts cause no damage to his opponent, failed attempts are NOT subject to a Crush Counter. Hollands Kielzog (Dutch Wake) – B+MP+MK: (Requires 1 energy store): Zeger releases a fast medium sized projectile. 90 Damage/150 Stun Hollands Golf (Dutch Wave) – MP+MK: (Requires 2 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast large projectile. 2Hits 120 Damage/200 Stun Causes Limited Juggle State Hollands Schokgolf (Dutch Shockwave) – F+MP+MK (Requires 3 energy stores): Zeger release a massive fast moving projectile. 3 hits 150 Damage/250 Stun Zeger gains a small amount of V-Gauge from successful ripostes and blocked projectiles. He gets a significant boost to his V-Gauge from landed projectiles. V-Trigger 1: Hollands Pistool (Dutch Pistol) – HP+HK: Zeger internalizes his own kinetic energy. Giving him access to Dutch Wake with no need for stores and his other projectiles receive decrease in energy store requirements. Hollands Kielzog (Dutch Wake) – B+HP+HK: (Requires 0 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast standard sized projectile. 90 Damage/150 Stun, 1/8 V-Gauge cost Hollands Golf (Dutch Wave) – HP+HK: (Requires 1 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast medium projectile. 2Hits 120 Damage/200 Stun, Causes Limited Juggle State, ¼ V-Gauge cost. Hollands Schokgolf (Dutch Shockwave)– F+HP+HK (Requires 2 energy stores): Zeger release a large fast moving projectile. 3 hits 150 Damage/250 Stun, Causes Juggle State, ½ V-Gauge Cost Hollands Kanon (Dutch Cannon) – D+HP+HK (Requires 3 stores): Zeger release a massive fast moving projectile. 5 hits 250 Damage/350 Stun Causes Juggle State, Expends V-Trigger 3 Bar V-Trigger V-Trigger 2: Vlaams Furie (Flemish Fury)– HP+HK: Zeger focuses his kinetic energy into his arms and legs. All of Zeger's physical strike based attacks have their Startup reduced by 1F. Attacks that leave his opponent standing gain an +1 advantage on hit. Attacks that knock his opponent down leaves him +2 after a forward dash. The reduced startup and advantage after a forward dash does not apply to his Elleboog Salvo command grab. V-Trigger gauge drains over time. 2 Bar V-Trigger Specials: Elleboog Salvo (Elbow Salvo) – QCB+P: (Command Grab) Zeger clinches with his opponent and hits them with a short left-right elbow combination to his opponent's temples followed by a left-right double elbow uppercut combination. 6F Startup. Grab range, damage, and position relative to the opponent is determined by the punch button. LP(Most Range, Least Damage, Knocks Foe ¾ Screen Away), MP(Less Range, More Damage, Knocks Foe ¼ Screen Away, HP(Least Range, Most Damage, Knocks Foe ½ Screen Away) EX (Most Range, Most Damage, Leaves Zeger Standing Next To His Opponent) Elleboog Spervuur (Elbow Cannonade) – QCF+P : (Rekka) Zeger strikes with a spinning right back elbow that can be followed up with two more elbows by repeating the attacks input command. Second followup is a spinning left back elbow, and the final follow up has Zeger spins 360° striking with a powerful right elbow. Travel distance is the same for all versions. All versions leave the opponent standing. Punch button determines startup and damage output. LP(5F, Least Damage, +1 on Hit), MP(6F, More Damage, +2 on hit), HP(7F, Most Damage,+3 on hit), EX(5F, Most Damage, Frame 3 Armor, Crumples Opponent) Plançon Stamp (Plançon Kick)– QCF+K : Zeger strikes with a powerful dashing high side kick that leaves his foes standing. Kick button determines the distance travel. Damage and advantage on hit is universal. All version are +2 on hit. All versions are -4 on block when properly spaced. Improperly spaced Plason Kick's are incredibly unsafe. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, ¾ Screen) Godendart Stamp (Godendart Kick) – QCB +K: Zeger strikes with a powerful dashing low step kick that takes his foes of their feet. Kick button determines the distance travel. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, ¾ Screen) Strijdvlegel Stamp (Strijdvlegel Kick) – F,D, DF+K: (Anti Air) : Zeger performs a vicious high left step kick that has different properties depending on whether his foe grounded or in the air. All versions are invincible to Aerial Attacks and Projectiles frame 3. (Aerial Opponent) His foes is left doubled over on his foot. He then brings leg down to the ground violently causing them bounce off the ground back into the air. Zeger then hits his prone aerial foe with a swift spinning back kick to small of their back that sends the hurtling away. (Grounded Opponent) Zeger's high step kick lifts his foe into the air and Zeger hits his prone aerial foe with a swift spinning back kick to the abdomen that sends his foe flying away. LK(5F Startup, Aerial 3hits 135 Damage/150 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 90 Damage/100 Stun), MK(7F Startup, Aerial 3hits 165 Damage/180 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 110 Damage/120 Stun), HK(9F Startup, Aerial 3hits 195 Damage/210 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 130 Damage/140 Stun), EX(6F Startup, Aerial 3hits 210 Damage/225 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 140 Damage/150 Stun) Critical Art: Arsenaal Spervuur (Arsenal Barrage) – QCFx2+K: Zeger strikes with a charging back left elbow strike to the sternum, stunning his opponent. He then strikes with a right hooking elbow to the temple, a left hooking elbow to the temple, a spinning right back elbow to the jaw, a left elbow uppercut, and he sends his foe face first into the ground with a jumping right elbow smash to the head. 6 Hits 340 Damage (5x40, 1x140) Reasons to be in SFV: Zeger enter the tournament solely to face off against Sagat. Sagat is considered the greatest kickboxer in the world. He defeated Zeger's idol, Nuakan, to earn the title of Emperor of Muay Thai. If Zeger can defeat Sagat, he'll be considered the greatest kickboxer in the world. With a victory of Sagat, Zeger seeks to not only honor his parents but earn the respect of his idol Nuakan. With Nuakan's respect, Zeger hopes to be granted the honor of learning his signature attack. The invincible knee strike known as the Hanuman Kick. Side Note: Zeger's elbow based specials are named for rapid fire artilerry stickes. Zeger's kick attacks are named after medieval Dutch melee weapons. Zeger is the antithesis of Sagat. While they both possess great range, Zeger's style focuses on melee attacks. He's more mobile than Sagat, but lacks his power. Edited November 20, 2018 by Darc_Requiem CESTUS III 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 On 3/11/2018 at 3:18 AM, misterBee said: Darc setting up shop! 😎 Yep, I like it here 😏 If I can finish them up and I have two projects near completion. Lee (Yun and Yang's Uncle) and Rena (Guy's fiance and Maki's sister). I need to add throws, unique attacks, and a critical art for Lee. I need throws for Rena. Not promising anything soon. The Lee concept has been something I've been fiddling with for months. Rena is a recent occurrence though. Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 Well Rena is finished. Lee still needs work. Name: Rena Genryusai Nickname: First Lady of Bushinryu Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5'ft 6in (1.68m) Weight: 130lbs (59kg) B/W/H: 35-24-35 (89cm-61cm-89cm) Hometown: Japan Appearance: Rena has long black hair that hangs to the middle of her back. Her bangs are parted in the front. She has light brown eyes. Rena wears a dark gray kimono with white trim. The kimono comes down to her knees and has split along the right side to allow for unrestricted movement. She has a red body suit underneath her kimono that runs from her upper sternum to her knees. Rena has ankle high red jika-tabi boots on her feet with white soles. Likes: Guy, Jessica (Best Friend), Family Dislikes: Rose, Confined Spaces, Gangs Fighting Style: Bushinryu Tone: Rena is a reserved woman. She is well mannered, respectful, and slow to anger. Origins: Rena is the oldest daughter of the 37th Master of Bushinryu and Guy's fiance. She along with her father were kidnapped by the reconstituted Mad Gear Gang. With Cody and Guy unavailable, her sister Maki reached out to Mike Haggar to assist in their rescue. Joined by Carlos Miyamoto, the trio was able to rescue Rena and her father from the Mad Gear Gang. After her abduction, Rena focused on perfecting her Bushinryu with her father until his fortunate passing. Her Rival: Rose Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 2 Mobility: 5 Technique: 4 925 Stamina 925 Stun Throws: Zanko (Mountain Lean)– LP+LK: Rena grabs her opponent's arm, pulls them towards, and slams her shoulder into their sternum sending them flying backward. Gyaku Zanko (Reverse Mountain Lean) – B+LP+LK: Rena grabs her opponent's arm, spins behind them, and slams her shoulder into their back causing them to fall forward. Unique Attacks: Kabe Janpu (Wall Jump) – UB (Towards Wall/In Air): Rena briefly grabs the wall and jumps off of it. Zugaikotsu Kossetsu (Skull Breaker) - F+MP (Overhead): Rena does small hop forward while striking with a powerful overhead right punch. Slow startup, +3 on hit, -2 on block. Kunoichi Kama (Ninja Sickle) DF+MK: Rena performs a back handspring kick that strikes the opponent twice. Slow startup, has limited juggle capability, -2 on block Hiji Otoshi(Elbow Drop) – D+MP: (In Air) Rena performs an elbow drop from the apex of a forward jump that immediately halts her momentum and causes her to descend straight down. Bushin Retsukyaku (Martial God Rending Legs) - LK,MK,HK, F+HK: (Target Combo) Rena strikes with a rapid succession of kicks. Can juggle in the corner. V-Reversal: Honō Bakudan (Fire Bomb) – F+PPP: Rena tosses bomb at her foes feet that explodes and sends them a full screen away. V-Skill: Bushin Uku (Martial God Float) – MP+MK: Rena gains the ability to double jump from a neutral or forward jump. Double jump has to be executed near the apex of her jump. Rena can perform any of her normal attacks or her Bushin Nagareboshi from this double jump. V-Gauge is gained from landed or blocked attacks. V-Trigger 1: Bushin Kūchū Arashi (Martial God Aerial Storm) – HP+HK: Rena shows a near peerless master of Bushinryu. Post activation, she gains the ability to execute an aerial chain combo that causes a juggle state. Bushin Okiagaru Ken (Martial God Rising Fist) - LP,MP,HP, F+HP: (In Air) Rena chains together a rapid combination of punches. Single aerial chain per V-Trigger. 2-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Bushin Kasai (Martial God Conflagration) – HP+HK: Rena's mastery over her fiery ki is enhanced. The Bushin Shien Hado now travels full screen. Bushin Shien Hado recovery reduced by 3F. Gains access to the Bushin Shōkyaku Hado critical art. Five enhanced projectiles per V-Trigger. 3-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Bushin Shien Hado (Martial God Kindling Flame Surge) – QCF+P: Rena pulls back her left arm, turning her back to the screen, before twisting forward violently with a long arm palm attack that creates a large stationary orange projectile. Punch button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, 2hits, Least Damage, Leaves Standing), MP(Slower Startup, 3 hits, More Damage, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, 4 hits, Most Damage, Causes aJuggle State) EX(Fastest Startup, 5 hits, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State) Bushin Nagareboshi (Martial God Falling Star) – QCB+P: (Command Grab/In Air): Rena grabs her foe out of the air, flips backward, and drives her knees into their chest as she slams them into the ground. LP(Least Damage, Most Range), MP(More Damage, Less Range), HP(Most Damage, Least Range), EX(Most Damage, Most Range). Bushin Senpu Ha (Martial God Whirlwind Blade)- FDF+K: Rena performs a rising whirlwind kick that has a vertical rotation. (Guy's Bushin Senpu Kyaku has a horizontal rotation). All versions are invincible to aerial attacks. Kick button determines attack properties. LK (2 Hits, Hits Crouching Opponents, Least Damage), MK(3 Hits, Doesn't Hit Crouchers, More Damage), HK(4 Hits, Only hits aerial opponents, Throw/Projectile Invincible, Most Damage, Causes Juggle State), EX (5 Hits, Hits Crouchers, Full Start Up Invincibility, Causes Juggle State, Crush Counterable) Bushin Setsudan Kyaku (Martial God Cutting Leg) – QCB+K: Rena somersaults forward into a front split kick. Goes over projectiles when properly timed. Startup and Damage is the same across all versions. Kick Button determines the distance traveled. LK(1/3 Screen), MK(1/2 Screen), HK(2/3 Screen), EX(3/4 Screen, Fully Projectile Invincible). Critical Art: Bushin Hayai Rasen (Martial God Rapid Spiral) – QCFx2+K: Rena lifts her foe into the air with a powerful 10 hit Bushin Senpu Ha, followed by a crushing single hit Bushin Setsudan Kyaku, that plants her foe into the ground.. 11 Hits 330 Damage (1x80, 9x10, 1x160) V-Trigger 2 Only Bushin Shōkyaku Hado (Martial God Incineration Surge) – QCFx2+P: Rena pulls back both of her arms, leans back at the waist, and thrusts forward both of her arms violent in double open palm strike that creates a massive stationary orange projectile. 10 Hits 360 Damage Reasons to be in SFV: Rena fears that Jessica's hot headed nature will get her into trouble. She comes along with Jessica on her quest to clear Cody's name. With former Mad Gear members such as Roxy and Abigail in the mix. Rena wants to make sure Jessica keeps her focus. In addition, she'd like to have a few words with Rose. Rena doesn't care for how Rose always seems to pull Guy into danger. Quote
Onyxe Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 I hope you don't mind adding some characters ideas on here from time. Otherwise I promise to make this my first and last one NEW CHALLENGER Code Name: Cool Anaconda Real Name: Orion Alexandre Sex: Male Nationality: American (Father is of a Haitian descent) Height: 5'6 Weight: 120 lbs. Hair Color: Sunshine Blonde (dyed) Brunette (natural) Eye Color: Purple (contacts) Brown (natural) Skin Color: Caramel Brown Likes: Men, comic and manga, sorbet, going on missions, his commander Queen Cobra, Crimson Viper Dislikes: His life prior to becoming an agent, battling depression, evil people, sexism Outfit: A skin tight scarlet body suit with zipper pulled down below his belly button, a neatly tied baby blue scarf around his neck, dandelion goggles, combat gloves, and boots Fighting Style: A combination of basic fighting instincts and the uses of secret spy gadgets Bio: Prior to becoming an agent for the C.I.A. code name Cool Anaconda. Orion was just a regular man living at home with his mother and youngest brother. One night while walking around his neighborhood Orion had heard what sounded like a fight taking place by a nearby park. Knowing that he should had just ran back home, Orion decided against his better judgment and ran into the park. Upon his arrival he spotted a crimson hair woman in a black suit battling against three male assassins. Ignoring the dangers of getting himself involved Orion decided to help the woman. While proving ineffective of aiding the woman in battle and nearly getting himself killed. The distraction had allowed the woman to defeat the three assassins. Impressed by his bravery the woman introduced herself as Crimson Viper and offered Orion the chance of a lifetime. Not wanting to waste the rest of his life away. Orion left home and shortly after joined the C.I.A. and became Cool Anaconda, a flamboyant secret agent of justice. While not as smart as his fellow agents. Cool Anaconda's enthusiasm and gadget capabilities had gotten him quite far in the agency. During the events of SFV Cool Anaconda was tasked to infiltrate Shadaloo along with Crimson Viper. Shortly after they were discovered by M. Bison forcing them both to retreat. Cool Anaconda was then given an assignment to travel the world in order to find suitable fighters to join the C.I.A. Personality: While Orion is a rather pessimistic person due to the crappy life his has lived. Upon becoming Cool Anaconda, Orion's behavior is more out going and flirtatious especially towards attractive men (Ryu, Cody, Balrog, Rashid, Nash) and teasing to women (Juri, Chun-Li, Cammy, Karin, Menat) and tends to act like he's some sought of superhero at times. However during intense situations Cool Anaconda's real personality sneaks out from time. Thankful for his new life with the C.I.A. Cool Anaconda gets along well with his fellow agents. Whenever he's not on a mission he visits his mother only to regret it every time Move List THROWS Falling In Love: Cool Anaconda grabs the opponent and forces himself on them and slams them back first to the ground Jaded Lover: Cool Anaconda grabs the opponent and throws them over his head Bad Date (In Air) Cool Anaconda performs and ariel on his opponent sending them to the ground UNIQUE ATTACKS Isn't He Lovely (F+MP) Cool Anaconda performs a two hit strike with an elbow to the chest and a punch to the face Model Behavior (F+MK) Cool Anaconda performs a two hit cartwheel kick to the opponent. Unsafe on block V- REVERSAL Shake It Off (F+PPP) Cool Anaconda hits the opponent with a butt strike which causes a knockdown if successful V-SKILL Grenade: Works the same way as Black Orchid's grenade move from Killer Instincts V TRIGGER ONE Shock Shooter: Using the electro gun on his hip. Cool Anaconda gains an attack called Paralyzer Shock for a limited time. Giving him access to a projectile attack that causes high stun. This is a two bars V Trigger V TRIGGER TWO Ruthless Aggression: A three bar V Trigger that increases the frames of Cool Anaconda's normal attacks similar to Juri's first V-Trigger. Along with giving him access to counter physical attacks in the same manner as Kolin's Frost Touch SPECIAL ATTACKS 1. Heart Attack: Cool Anaconda performs a speedy punch attack that electrocutes an non blocking opponent on hit. Depending on the punch button press determines the distance. EX version is two hit moves the causes a wall bounce 2. Sickle Dance: Cool Anaconda performs a two hit backwards somersault attack onto his opponent. Damage varies depending on the K button press. EX Version does three hit and more damage. A good wake up attack or combo ender 3. Deceitful Lover: Cool Anaconda grabs the opponent and gives them a quick peck on the lips before flipping his body onto the opponent's shoulder and twists their neck. EX Version Cool Anaconda gives a quick peck on the lips then strikes the opponent with two quick knee strikes to the stomach. Then ends the assault by twisting their neck 4. Rapid Fire: Cool Anaconda performs a combination of rekka like kicks. Only the light version won't cause a knockdown. Ex Version does not require the player to press addition buttons CRITICAL ART Kill Time: The super start out in the same animation of Makoto's Hayate. If the attack is successful Cool Anaconda will unleash several powerful punches and kicks. The opponent dazed from the many hits. Cool Anaconda leaps into the air before delivering a powerful electric punch to the opponent's face knocking them to the ground Darc_Requiem 1 Quote
misterBee Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 Repeat posts from the other forum are fine, but please keep them in spoilers or the page will be a million miles long. Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 11, 2018 Author Posted March 11, 2018 @Onyxe The thread is for everyone. I wish @Savagery would show up. He had some good concepts. Cool Anaconda seems like a contemporary of Crimson Viper, Jade Goat, and Smalt Raven. Or am I mistaken? Quote
Onyxe Posted March 11, 2018 Posted March 11, 2018 @Darc_Requiem Thanks dude and yes that would be correct Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 12, 2018 Author Posted March 12, 2018 On 3/11/2018 at 4:19 PM, Onyxe said: @Darc_Requiem Thanks dude and yes that would be correct I talked with @misterBee. He increased the character count for threads. Usually when I create a new concept I post it in a new post and go back and add it to my original post. That way, for anyone that is interested, it's easy to see what's been done. That's why I give each one separate spoiler tags. I don't want to overload people. You'll get a TLDR complaint plus it just clutters things up. Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 14, 2018 Author Posted March 14, 2018 (edited) Name: Lee Nickname: Drunken Master Sex: Male Ethnicity: Chinese Height: 5ft 6in (1.67m) Weight: 172lbs (78kg) B/W/H: 45-35-35(114cm-89cm-89cm) Hometown: Hong Kong, China Appearance: Lee is a short, stout, and powerful man. He wears a visorless black cap with a golden emblem on it's front center. Lee has long black hair that hangs all the way down to his back to his waist. He has a fu manchu moustache and beard. Lee wears a purple long sleeved Kung Fu shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He wars gray pants and his gourd tied to his waist. On his feet, he wears black slippers with white socks. Likes: Good Real Estate, Xiaolongbao (Chinese Steamed Bun), Baijiu (Chinese White Alcohol) Dislikes: Tooth Decay, Cheap Wine Fighting Style: Bajiquan and Drunken Fist Tone: Lee is jovial man. He finds enjoyment in fighting. Training and fighting helps relieve the stress that builds up from running his real estate business. Origins: Lee is a semi-retired fighter and small time real estate mogul. In his youth, his passion for fighting lead him to the tournament scene. His prowess in Bajiquan reached such a level that he was one of only two Chinese fighters invited to the King of Muay Thai, Sagat's, World Martial Arts tournament. Lee leveraged his minor celebrity from the tournament into a real estate business. While he retired from competitive fighting, Lee's passion for Martial Arts remained. He took to teaching his nephews, Yun and Yang in Bajiquan. Lee himself used his private training time to focus on mastering the art of the Drunken Fist. His Rival: Zeku Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 4 Range: 2 Mobility: 2 Technique: 5 950 Stamina 1050 Stun Throws: Tetsuzankou (Iron Mountain Lean) – LP+LK: Lee grabs his opponent and slams them with a shoulder strike that sends them a third screen away. Zenpo Tenshin Tenohira (Forward Turnover Palm) – B+LP+LK: Lee does a handstand flip over his opponent's shoulders and strikes them in the back of the head with an open palm strike. Unique Attacks: Teranku Kyaku (Tumbling Leg) – F+MK: Lee flips forward, striking his foe with both of his feet, and lands on his back. Moderately quick startup. +3 on hit, -7 on block. V-Reversal: Zenpou Tenshin (Forward Turnover) – F+PPP: Lee performs over a hand stand flip over his opponents shoulders landing behind them. V-Skill: Hyōtan Surō (Gourd Throw) - MP+MK: Lee tosses his gourd at his foe before yanking it back and re-affixing it to his waist. D+MP+MK will cause Lee to toss his his guard downward to trip up his foe. V-Trigger 1: Suiken (Drunken Master) – HP+HK: Lee drinks the entire contents of his gourd. He no longer needs to perform Sakenomi no Hiji to perform the Teranku Tenohira or Raigeki Shu. Sakenomi no Hiji is replaced by the Byakko Soushouda. 3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent V-Trigger 2: Hyōtan Chagu (Gourd Chug) – HP+HK: Lee quickly chugs half of his gourd. Briefly gaining the ability to use Teranku Tenohira and Raigeki Shu without using Sakenomi no Hiji. Lee can perform three attacks before his V-Trigger expires. Gains access to Kobokushi during V-Trigger. Kobokushi does not drain V-Trigger. Kobokushi (Tiger Beating Child) - HP+HK: Lee strikes with a half extension double palm strike. Slow startup, Leaves Foe Standing, Negates Projectiles. +3 on hit. 2-Bar V-Trigger Specials: Sakenomi no Hiji (Drunkard Elbow) – QCF+P: Lee grabs the gourd from his waist and performs a quick elbow uppercut while drinking. Damage increases with punch button strength. Punch Button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foe Standing), MP(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX (Fastest Startup, Causes Juggle State) Kyōi-Tekina Tenohira (Staggering Palm) – QCB+P : Lee drunkenly stumbles backward before charging forward with a open hand palm strike. Punch button determines the distance traveled. Staggering animation is strike invincible. Staggering animation is vulnerable to throws. LP (Point Blank), MP (¼ Screen), HP (½ Screen), EX (Stagger Frames Strike/Throw Invincible, Causes Crumple State) Tsumazuku Kyaku (Stumbling Heel) – F,D,DF+K: (Anti-Air/Launcher): Lee falls to his back while kicking his right leg upward launching his opponent in the air. The stronger the kick button, the higher the opponet is launched into the air. LK(5F Startup, Throw Invincible) MP (6F Startup, Invincible to Airborne Attacks), HP (7F Startup, Strike/Projectile Invincible from frame 3), EX (5F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility) Inshu Senpu Kyaku (Drunken Whirl Kick) – QCB+K: (Rekka): Lee hops forward and strikes with a spinning kick. Attack can be repeated up to three times in a row., goes over low attacks, and is projectile invincible from Frame 3. Damage increases with kick button strength. Kick Button determines startup and corner carry. LK(Fastest Startup, 1/3 Screen), MK(Slower Startup, ½ Screen), HP(Slowest Startup, 2/3 Screen), EX (Fastest Startup, 2/3 Screen, Hard Knock Down) After Sakenomi no Hiji Teranku Tenohira (Tumbling Palm) – F,D,DF+P: Lee rolls forward and executes a double palm strike. Distance traveled is determined by the punch button. Roll is projectile invincible. LP (¼ Screen), MP( ½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX( ¾ Screen, Causes Crumple State) Raigeki Shu (Thunder Striking Kick) – QCB+K (In Air): Lee performs the family's signature dive kick. Angle of the kick is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (60° Angle), MK (45° Angle), HK (30° Angle). EX (LK+MK 60° Angle, LK+HK 45° Angle, MK+HK 30° Angle) V-Trigger 1 Only Byakko Soushouda (White Tiger Twin Palm Strike) – QCF+P: Replaces Sakenomi no Hiji during V-Trigger: Lee strikes with a full extension double palm strike. All version negate projectiles when timed properly. Damage increases with punch button strength. Punch Button determines attack properties. LP(Fastest Startup, Leaves Foe Standing), MP(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HP(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX (Fastest Startup, Causes Wall Bounce) Critical Art: Yotta Kaminoikari (Drunken God's Wrath): Lee strikes his foe with powerful right open palm to the face, spins around them rapidly striking them with elbows to the head, and sends them flying a full screen away with a powerful right open palm strike to the abdomen. 10 hits 340 damage (1x120, 8x10, 1x140). Reasons to be in SFV: Lee enters the world martial arts tournament for fun. He's been working hard to build his real estate company. His family pushes him to take a deserved vacation. After hearing about the latest world tournament from his nephews, he decides to enter. While this wasn't the vacation that his family intended, his business manager uses it as an opportunity to help promote Lee's business. Edited March 29, 2018 by Darc_Requiem Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 17, 2018 Author Posted March 17, 2018 (edited) He guys finally finished up Lee. Edited March 21, 2018 by Darc_Requiem Quote
The_Weasel Posted March 21, 2018 Posted March 21, 2018 @Darc_Requiem Like I said on the old forum, reading through these profiles has inspired me to type up a character of my own that I've had in my head for a bit. It began as a legitimate attempt at making a female King of Fighters MC that didn't suck or use T&A to draw people in, but now the it has kind-of sort-of mutated into a parody of several different SNK protagonists in all but name. Somebody liked the idea enough to draw concept art and color it though… I'll post it in this thread when it's done. I have a moveset already typed up, but it's not in SFV style and isn't as technical in terms of notations, frame data and what-have-you. Darc_Requiem 1 Quote
The_Weasel Posted March 28, 2018 Posted March 28, 2018 (edited) Well, it took me long enough... Here's my take on a "New Dan Hibiki"-ish sort of character, but instead of one particular group of fighters she's a parody of a whole bunch of SNK's sprawling cast. Name: Katja Hartkern Spoiler Nickname: "Big Black Thunder" Sex: Female Ethnicity: Unknown Height: 6' (185cm) Weight: 160lbs (72kg) B/W/H: 38-26-38 (97cm-67cm-99cm) Hometown: Sydney, Australia Appearance: Katja is a strikingly muscular woman with a rather statuesque figure. She has short, pixie-like Blonde hair (That may or may not be dyed) while her eyes are Slate Grey. Her skin is of a deep tan complexion and sports several scars, the two most visible being on the right side of her chest heading toward her heart and on the left side of her cheek going down towards her neck. (Not unlike Cammy White's distinctive facial scars.) Her fighting attire of choice is an old, worn motorcycle leathersuit that's solid Black, but sports Silver trim on its zippers, buttons and pocket-guards. She wears Black leather gloves with Silver buttons on the wrist-straps and Black leather boots with more Silver detailing, suggesting they all came with the Leathersuit. The back of the suit sports the words "Right Lane Death Squad" etched into the leather with White stitching across the top of her shoulders and her signature logo sits underneath it: A Red heart being split in half by a Yellow bolt of lighting, with a stylized letter "K" on left side of the bolt and a matching letter "H" on the right. Likes: Swimming, Motorcycle Racing, Dislikes: Bill Collectors, 'Stuck-Up' People, Traffic Jams Fighting Style: Personal take on Saikyo Style Tone: Katja seems to view the world with a weary, sarcastic view that can come across as being downright cynical at times. She's honest on the views of her opponents to the point of being blunt, but depending on who she fights her attitude can change quickly into that of a sullen, serious fighter that doesn't talk much. Origins: Katja Hartkern's origins are unknown as of this time, with only rumors and speculation offering any ideasto her past. Some say she's a genetic replica of a high-ranking member of The Illuminati. (Thought to be Urien judging from her use of electricity in combat as well as her eye, skin & hair color.) Others say she was an experiment created by Shadaloo's scientists using bits and pieces of different DNA along with techniques learned from The Doll Project and Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. One particularly ludicris claim was that she lived as a normal person until being struck by lightning and getting bitten by a venomous cobra at the exact same moment, which unlocked her potential as a fighter. Even her name is up to some debate, with some believing it to be little more than an elaborate pseudonym. What is not in doubt are Katja's talents in the ring, with her name becoming a force to be reckoned with in lower-level and underground fighting competitions. It was in one of those tournaments that Katja encountered Dan Hibiki and, strangely, took a liking to the bumbling braggart of "Saikyo Style" after beating him to a pulp. Within a year, Katja had learned all there was to know about the way of Saikyo-ryuu and began to add onto it through picking up techniques from fighters she had vanquished, as well as the few she considered equal or better. Her Rival: Juri(?) Attributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 2 Technique: 5 1025 Stamina 1000 Stun Throws: Oni Otoshi - B+LP+LK: Katja grabs the opponent with what appears to be a traditional "Judo Flip" throw, but while rolling along the ground plants her foot in the torso of the opponent before kicking/pushing them upward and back away from her. Particularly useful for getting out of, or forcing the opponent into a corner. Raijin no Hatsugane - LP+LK: Katja grabs the opponent by the collar of their outfit/scruff of their neck, then knees them in the stomach repeatedly before landing a standing uppercut to knock them away. Oni Fuusha (In-Air Only) - LP+LK: Katja grabs the opponent with what appears to be a traditional "Judo Flip" throw, but pulls them down to the ground and then while rolling along the ground, plants her foot in the torso of the opponent before kicking/pushing them upward and back away from her. Unique Attacks: Asura Chop - F+MP (Overhead) : A traditional "Karate Chop" that hits twice. If this move is used in combos, it will lose its overhead properties. Left Hook - F+HP: Katja uses her close arm to throw out a hook punch, looking the other way to be able to twist and transfer her whole upper-body weight into the attacking arm. This attack has a somewhat slow start-up, but can be cancelled into several special moves and can stop certain jump-in attacks cold; However, It is unsafe on block. When used as a Crush-Counter, it stuns the opponent longer than usual, leading to further combination opportunities. Right Straight - F+LP: Katja uses her far arm to deliver a boxing-style straight punch. Depending on how this attack is used, it can be cancelled into a few different special moves. It can knock back the opponent further on Crush-Counter. The Widow-Maker - B+HK (Overhead): Katja lifts her feet up and makes a downward "Axe Kick" to the skull of her opponent. Holding down HK can change the timing of when the kick is released, making this an effective vortex tool, it is relatively unsafe on block. If used as a Crush-Counter, it causes the opponent to crumble to the ground. Electric Slide - DF+HK: Katja drops down low and slides towards the opponent with her left leg outstretched. While not exactly useful on it's own, this attack can go under certain projectiles if timed correctly and can lead to further combos. Certain characters can punish this attack's recovery however. Kowloon Frog Kick - F+MK: Katja does a quick, hopping kick. While not particularly effective on its own, this move can come in handy during certain combos and as a pressure tool. The opponent is knocked back further and recovers slower when this move is successfully used as a Crush-Counter. V-Reversal: Thrust Punch - F+LP+MP+HP: Katja thows all of her bodyweight into a shoulder punch that, if it connects successfully, knocks the opponent back and away from her as she shakes out her hand. V-Skill: Ukenagashi - MP+MK: Katja takes a defensive stance and parries a hit of an incoming attack. With each successful parry, the V-Gauge fills and grey damage is dealt. However, the timing to parry multiple-hit moves is quite strict and if unsuccessful, the full damage of the attack and any pre-existing grey damage will be dealt. V-Trigger I: Hashiru no Raijin - HP+HK: An advancing dash that can be used to close in on the opponent, as well as change Katja's positioning on screen. It also unlocks two new special moves that can be done during the dash. (See Special Moves for more details.) However, The recovery time after this move is performed opens Katja up to certain attacks. Once active, the V-Gauge naturally depletes over time. Using the Dash drains the V-Gauge faster; Using special moves tied to the dash do not drain the V-Gauge. 3 Dashes per V-Gauge. 1 special move follow-up per Dash. 2-Bar V-Trigger. V-Trigger 2: Sho-mei'o Katja - HP+HK: A power-up move that completely changes Katja's attack animations and fighting stance, the properties of all of Katja's available Special Moves and unlock a "Hidden" second Critical Art. In exchange, it also locks out the use of EX Special Moves. Ha'oh Raikou Ken becomes "Raijin no Mugetsu". Raijin no Mugetsu is a true projectile; Katja uses her other arm to shoot the ball of electricity out of her hand towards the opponent. Depending on the strength of the punch used, this Projectile changes in size and the speed it moves across the stage. (LP = Fast & Small, MP = Balanced, HP = Slowest and Largest) Ko'hou becomes "Shin Ko'hou". Shin Ko'hou now resembles a classic "Dragon Punch" Uppercut visually as well as functionally, but trades height and angle for damage. All versions are 2 frames quicker on start-up and can go through certain special moves if timed correctly thanks to up to two hits of auto-guard, but the MP & HP are unsafe on block. LP version is 2 hits and barely lifts Katja up off of the ground at a shallow angle; MP version is 3 hits and closer to LP "Regular" Ko'hou in terms of horizontal range; HP version is two chained uppercuts [5 hits total] that have a much larger electricity effect. Tatsumaki Shippu Kyaku becomes "Taifu Shippu Kyaku". Taifu Shippu Kyaku becomes a 3-Hit "Rekka" with different Kick strengths determining the nature of the last hit. LK version's last hit knocks the opponent back and away from you if it connects cleanly; MK version's last hit pops the opponent into the air for a follow-up attack; HK version creates a small trail of electricity off of each hit (Increasing the stun damage) with the last hit causes a hard knockdown and acts as an overhead. Saifa Raikou Ken becomes "Kuuchuu Raikou Ken". Kuuchuu Raikou Ken is now a projectile that travels downward at roughly a 30 degree angle from where you release it. Holding down the selected Punch button can change the strength, of the projectile, but leaves Katja wide-open in mid-air for counter-hits. LP is the fastest-releasing projectile and moves quickly, but is the weakest in terms of damage; MP is balanced in terms of release speed, damage and movement speed; HP is the slowest in terms of movement and release speed, but easily does the most damage. Inazuma no Hakai becomes available to use while V-Trigger II is active and the EX Bar is full. (See the "Critical Arts" section for further details.) Enhanced specials drain the V-Gauge. Six enhanced specials per V-Trigger. 3-bar V-Trigger. The first Rekka of Taifu Shippu Kyaku consumes 1/6th of the V-Gauge regardless of whether or not it hits the opponent cleanly or is blocked; Follow-up hits/Rekkas do not consume V-Gauge. Specials: Ha'oh Raikou Ken - QCF+P: A short-range ball of electricity. Though it doesn't actually leave Katja's hands, it can trade/nullify other projectiles. LP version is the easiest to combo into/out of; MP version can juggle the opponent if used as a Crush Counter ; HP version does the most stun damage but is the least-safe on block; EX Version does the most damage overall, creates a much bigger "Projectile" that's 4 hits when used up close and can stop certain jump-in attacks. Ko'hou - D, DF, F+P: A wild-looking uppercut. Depending on the strength of the punch used, it can alter the angle of Katja's upwards trajectory, change how many hits of armor it has on start-up and determine the recovery speed of the attack. LP version has no armor, but is the easiest to combo into/out of, has an upwards arc of 30 degrees and recovers the fastest; MP has 1 hit of armor on start-up, travels at an arc of roughly 45 degrees Tatsumaki Shippu Kyaku - QCB+K: A Whirlwind Kick that advances towards the opponent. LK version has no additional hits outside of the initial contact, is the easiest to combo into/out of and is safe on block; MK version is 2 hits and can cause crumple-stun if successfully used as a Crush-Counter; HK version is 3 Hits, creates a small trail of electricity on the last hit and can cause a hard knockdown if used as a Crush-Counter; The EX Version is 4 hits, has the fastest travel speed and can juggle in-air opponents. Saifa Raikou Ken (In-Air Only) - QCF+P: Katja stops in the air for a moment, then comes down at an 45 degree angle with an electrified energy shield in front of her. The strength of the punch button used in this attack can alter how long Katja stays in the air before releasing it. While this a good move for playing mind-games with the opponent, you have to time this attack correctly as it doesn't come out immediately and it leaves Katja vulnerable to anti-air counter-hits if used too close to the opponent. V-Trigger 1 Only: Bakurai Ken - F+P Repeatedly: A string of incredibly fast, Boxing-Style Punches. It can be done to advance towards the opponent or punish a mistake/the recovery of certain attacks; However, this move can be countered by low sweeps and Katja will stop after the first puch if blocked. Enrai Kyaku - F+K Repeatedly: A standing string of lightning-fast kicks. It's particularly effective for creating a possible "Vortex" situation if timed correctly on a downed enemy; However, this move can be countered by low sweeps and Katja will stop after the first kick if blocked. Critical Arts: Fuujin to Raijin no Tenshouken - QCFx2+P: Katja does a powered-up version of of her "Electric Slide" Unique Attack. If it hits the opponent, Katja combos into a near-vertical version of her Ko'Hou uppercut that spins her around fast enough to carry herself through the air much higher than normal, hitting the opponent up to 15 times. Though it is easily comboable, the damage overall is only slightly above average unless it's used on its own or off of a counter-hit. It is highly unsafe if blocked and also will not start unless the initial hit V-Trigger II Only: Inazuma no Hakai - LP, LP, F, MK, HP: Katja dashes towards the opponent, then goes to grab them. If this move successfully connects the screen goes dark, hit-sparks fly everywhere and Katja drops out of the sky to land a skull-crushing final blow [15 hits total]. Though it is quite fast and the teleport-like dash can reach from relatively far away, Katja is vulnerable to getting hit out of this by projectiles of all kinds, it cannot catch opponents out of the air unless they're in the middle of performing a Ukemi and it cannot hit opponents that have already been knocked down. Reasons to be in SFV: In the time Katja Hartkern has been on the road living the life of a "Karate Vagabond", "Big Black Thunder" has left a trail of smashed dojos and broken bodies in her wake, made a few friends and many bitter rivals all over the world, studied under and alongside some the greatest masters to ever walk the earth and let them beat their martial arts knowledge into her body, scored a couple of underground tournament wins to keep her cache of entry fee & travel money healthy... Yet, few challenges compare to upcoming World Martial Arts tournament. Having gotten an entry through ill-gotten gains and growing weary of the constant travel, Katja looks at the latest "Street Fighter" competition as a litmus test of her own abilities: If she does well and makes it out in mostly one piece, she'll continue on and begin to enter the next evolution of herself as a fighter and as a person. If she doesn't get past the first round or make it out alive... Well, she'll figure something out. So.... Yeah. I feel that this is still not as technically-minded as some of DARC_REQUIEM's bios, but I feel this is an OK start. As always, rate/review/flame/encourage and suggest changes if you feel they're needed. Katja also has a couple of alternate costumes, but I'm too tired to post them right now. Lastly, if anyone's interested, the piece of concept art someone drew of Katja is visible on the old SRK forum version of this thread. Edited August 5, 2018 by The_Weasel Fixed a grammatical error or two and filled out a couple of Biography slots that were left blank. Darc_Requiem 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 29, 2018 Author Posted March 29, 2018 (edited) @The_Weasel I didn't really have a chance to respond earlier, but I wanted to commend you on your work. I checked out the art work at SRK1. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Katja is as fleshed out anything I've done. Before clicking the spoiler figured you'd just constructed a move set or just a narrative. You went all out on both. Plus you also described all of her techniques in detail. Since I could give you two thumbs up. I gave you one here and one at SRK1. Edited March 29, 2018 by Darc_Requiem The_Weasel 1 Quote
The_Weasel Posted March 29, 2018 Posted March 29, 2018 3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said: @The_Weasel I didn't really have a chance to respond earlier, but I wanted to commend you on your work. I checked out the art work at SRK1. I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Katja is as fleshed out anything I've done. Before clicking the spoiler figured you'd just constructed a move set or just a narrative. You went all out on both. Plus you also described all of her techniques in detail. Since I could give you two thumbs up. I have you one here and one at SRK1. Thank you. I feel that for as not-good as I am at playing SFV (Last in both of my previous tournaments), I can understand the game, how the systems flow to create a fully-featured moveset and understand what the strengths and weaknesses of that moveset might be. For Katja, I wanted to get the feeling across that for all of the tools she has and all of the potential there could be for shenanigans with either V-Trigger, she's a high-risk moderate-rewards fighter that can get stuffed easily. Basically a character lab-monsters could flock to, make videos of the character doing flashy stuff, then sort of either drop the game again or go back to playing a functionally better character. I have a couple other characters typed up, but nothing as complete as this first one... Ah well, watch this space. I'll be back. Darc_Requiem 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 30, 2018 Author Posted March 30, 2018 I have no ETA on it's completion and I won't advise anyone to expect much but I'm fleshing out my original concept. It's an idea that originally got me thinking about character concepts in the first place. I just never fully fleshed it out. That said, it's a relatively simple idea. Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted March 31, 2018 Author Posted March 31, 2018 (edited) Because of @mykka Name: Phantom Nickname: Paralyzing SirenSex: FemaleEthnicity: Chinese ?Height: 5ft 6in(1.68m)Weight: 126 lbs. (57kg)B/W/H: 34-22-35 (86cm-56cm-89cm)Hometown: Hong KongAppearance: Phantom is a slender but fit woman. Her long black hair hangs to the small of her back and is styled into two braided pony tails. She wears a custom knee length qipao that features full length sleeves. Phantom's qipao is silver in color. Her collar, buttons, sleeve, and skirt edges are outlined in purple. She has black stockings on her legs. Phantom has purple ankle length leather boots on her feet. At the base of her wrists, Phantom has two small needles that she channels her stunning poison through to debilitate her foes.Likes: F.A.N.G. , Purpose, Poison, Challenging MissionsDislikes: Failure, Easy TasksFighting Style: Chinese KenpoTone: Phantom focused a cold woman. Her mission is paramount. Nothing else matters.Origins: Phantom was a con artist hailing from the streets of Hong Kong. Like the sirens of the old Greek legends, she'd tempt male passersby with her beauty. Once she lured them to her lair, her brother would record incriminating video of the unsuspecting target. They used this take to force their unwitting marks to surrender all their cash and valuables. One day they targeted F.A.N.G., something in Phantom's eyes intrigued F.A.N.G. They tried their con job on F.A.N.G., but he didn't care for their tricks. He presented them with a, unbeknownst to them, poisoned stack of cash or ornamental dagger. The cash would cost them their lives and the dagger their hands. If they feel into F.A.N.G.'s trap. While her brother eyed the money, Phantom was enamored with the dagger. Something about the strange characters inscribed upon it called to her. Too F.A.N.G.'s surprise. She did not want the dagger. She only wanted to learn the meaning of the characters engraved in it. F.A.N.G offered to teach her the meaning of the characters, but she'd had to give up everything to gain this knowledge. She accepted F.A.N.G.'s terms. He christened her “Phantom”. She abandoned her former life and walked off into the night with F.A.N.G...never to be seen again.Her Rival: EdAttributes: Health: 2 Power: 2 Range: 3 Mobility: 5 Technique: 3 925 Stamina 925 StunSpecial Note: Phantom's open palm strikes poison her opponents with a paralyzing poison. This poison inflicts 5 point of stun per second for 5 seconds. This causes up to an additional 25 points of stun on normal special moves and 50 for EX specials. Unless otherwise noted.Throws:Head Over Heels -LP+LK: Phantom hooks her foes right ankle with her right foot and performs a windmill kick that cause her flip onto their head.Debilitating Flight -B+LP+LK: Phantom hooks her foes crouch with her right foot and performs a back spring split kick that sends her foe sailing overhead and behind her.Unique Attacks:Nirenko – B+ HP: Phantom strikes with a quick high-low left palm strike combination. Attack causes Stun DOT damage on hit. -7 on block.Double Take – F+MK: Phantom advances on her opponent with a forward moving, standing, double knee strike.V-Reversal:Mesmerizing Wheel – F+PPP: Phantom cartwheels through her opponent landing behind them.V-Skill:Stunning Palm- MP+MK: Phantom strikes with a forehand back fist. If time correctly, the back fist will deflect her opponent's physical attack and she'll counter with a twin open palm strike. Her left hand palm strike at the base of her foes neck and her right palm strikes the lower abdomen. Counter palm strike does 60damage/180 stun. Backhand only does 45damage/60 stun.V-Trigger 1: Stunning Aura -HP+HK: Phantom generates a poison aura field that slowly paralyzes her foe. Her opponent's stun gauge slowly builds if they are in close proximity to Phantom. Blocking does not negate the effect. Effect is only halted if Phantom is knocked down. If her opponent's stun gauge is full Phantom has to land a hit to dizzy them. 2 bar V-TriggerV-Trigger 2:Limbs of Enfeeblement -HP+HK: Phantom gains a poison aura around her feet giving her kick special attacks the same stun DOT properties as her open palm attacks. Bemusing Pirouette causes a Stun DOT of 5 stun per tick. EX version does 10 stun per tick. Halting Heel becomes Benumbing Heel gaining a Stun DOT of 5 stun per tick. EX gains a 10 stun per tick DOT. 3-bar V-Trigger PermanentSpecials:Stunning Pirouette - QCF + P: Phantom spins on one leg before striking with a powerful left hand open palm strike. Distance traveled and number of spins determined by the strength of the punch button. Pirouette is strike and projectile invincible from Frame 3. Cannot Pirouette through her opponents. LP (One Spin, Point Blank), MP, (Two Spins, ¼ Screen), HP (Three Spins, ½ Screen) EX (Three Spins, Strike/Projectile Invincible Frame 1, ½ Screen, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick)Paralyzing Palms -QCB + P: (Rekka)A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Phantom strike with a left palm strike to the stomach, followed by a right palm strike chest, and ends the combination with a left palms strike to the neck. Punch button determines the distance traveled and attack properties. LP( ¼ Screen, Knocks Down), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the corner), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 3, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick, ¾ Screen)Immobilizing Kiss - F,D,DF+ P: (Anti Air) Phantom strikes her foe with an upward palm strike that lands under her foes chin and lifts them off the ground. Attack only has airborne attack invincibility. Has no grounded strike, throw, or projectile invincibility. LP(3F Startup, Quick left hand palm strike, Least Damage) MP (5F Startup, Slower right hand palms strike, More Damage, HP (7F Startup, Slow left-right palm strike combination, Most Damage), EX (3F Startup, Fast Left-right palm stike combination, Full Startup Invincibility, Most Damage, Crush Counterable, Stun DOT increased from 5 to 10 per tick)Bemusing Pirouette - QCB+ K: Phantom spins on one leg to avoid her opponent's attacks. Pirouette is strike and projectile invincible frame 1. Can Pirouette through opponents. LK(Spins In Place), MK, (¼ Screen), HK (½ Screen) EX (LK+MK ¼ Screen, LK+HK ½ Screen , MK+HK ¾ Screen, Causes Stun DOT when passing through opponents, 5 stun per tick)Halting Heel- QCF+ K: Phantom strikes at her foe with a jumping front kick. Kick button determines the number of kicks and the distance traveled. Attack is not strikes and projectile invincible. Attack is throw invincible. LK (Single Kick, ¼ Screen, Causes Juggle), MK (Double Kick, ½ Screen, Leaves Foe Staning) HK (Triple Kick, ¾ Screen, Knocks Down) EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, Triple Kick, ¾ Screen)Critical Art:Petrifying Onslaught - HCFx2+P: Phantom strikes her opponent with a right palm strike to the neck, left palm strike to the stomach, right-left palm strike combo to the chest, and final double palm strike to a sternum. The combination leaves her foe paralyzed. Phantom then pirouettes backward and then forward to into a high roundhouse kick to the temple. 6 Hits , 330 damageReasons to be in SFV:* Phantom soles purpose is help F.A.N.G restore Shadaloo. F.A.N.G wants Neo Shadaloo disposed of. She will eliminate Ed, Falke, and all her cohorts. With Neo Shadaloo out of the way, her master will be free restore Shadaloo and find a way to bring about the return of Lord Bison. Edited March 31, 2018 by Darc_Requiem mykka 1 Quote
Onyxe Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 Name: Leilani Spoiler Age: 36 Nationality: Panamanian Height: 6'0 Weight: 139 pounds Hair Color: Lavender with pink tips Eye Color: reddish brown Skin Color: Mahogany Fighting Style: Tae Kwon Do Likes: Honey Roasted Cashews, her nails, her buxom physic Dislikes: Humid weather, weak men BIO: A gorgeous and mysterious woman who's beauty is unaffected by her age. Leilani is the only child of a wealthy family residing in Panama. Taught at a young age by her Instructor in the fighting arts of Tae Kwon Do. Leilani had fully mastered Tae Kwon Do by the age of eleven, defeating several students previously trained by her Instructor. After High School Leilani was discovered by a modeling agency and shortly after became a career model. Years later with a successful modeling career and an accomplished fighter. Leilani started to become bored with her routine life and was desperate for some excitement. Leilani then discovered news about an upcoming World Warriors Tournament. Wishing to test her skills against the greatest fighters from around the globe Leilani enters the tournament COMMAND LIST Throws 1. Bermuda Triangle: Leilani grabs her opponent and wraps her legs around their neck and snaps it. The opponent falls to the ground with Leilani's butt position on their face 2. Scandal Toss: Leilani grabs her opponent and using only her left leg throws the opponent over her head Unique Attacks 1. Nasty Lady (F+MK) Leilani strikes her opponent with a sweeping like kick with her left foot. Good for combos but unsafe on block 2. You Should Be Honored (F+HP) Leilani performs a slow but strong two hit slap attack. Good for combos and minus 0 on block V Reversal Swan Spin (F+KKK) Leilani extends her right leg and spins her body around like a ballerina, knocking the opponent away if performed on time V Skills Venus Fly Trap: Leilani performs a Flamingo Stance with her left leg. If struck by a physical base attack including Critical Art. Leilani counters with a kick to the opponent's chest causing them to crumple to the ground, allowing Leilani to follow up with additional attacks. However this V-Skill has a slow recovery leaving Leilani vulnerable to crush counters if performed at the improper time Special Attacks 1. Beauty Marks: Pressing KKK, Leilani performs a triple kick attack. This move does not have an EX version and is inspired by Hwoarang's "Machine Gun Kick" 2. Thorn Kick: QCF+ K Leilani strikes her foe in the chest using her left foot and knocks them away with her right foot. EX version causes a wall bounce 3. Blade Kick: QCB+P Leilani performs a slash like flip kick to her opponent knocking them in the air. EX version has invincibility and is two hits instead of one. This move is similar to Asuka's "Dragon Wheel Kick" 4. Violet Storm (In Air) QCF+K Leilani's body surrounded in a lavender color aura spins herself diagonally towards her opponent, striking them with her feet. This move works like Tanya's aerial drill kick from Mortal Kombat X. Ex Version is faster and slightly more damaging 5. Dirty Pollen F+K+BKK Leilani performs a lunging kick with her right foot then a knee strike with her left leg then knocks the opponent down with her right foot. This moves does not have an EX version 6. Cosmetic Surgery (Near Foe) 360 motion + P Leilani grabs her opponent then jumps on their chest before proceeding to stomp on their face 3 times . The third stomps slams the opponent into the ground. EX version Leilani does five stomps instead of three V-Trigger One: Diamond Diva : Leilani's heavy kick receives one hit of armor, Beauty Mark does increase damage even on chip. Violet Storm also gains a hit of armor both normal and EX V-Trigger Two:Trickery Kicks: Leilani is able to combo and cancels various attacks into other attacks. Ranging for her normal kicks to her Special Attacks. Allowing her to perform combos she normally cannot access outside of V Trigger 2. Leilani's "Beauty Mark" also becomes a five hit attack instead of three Critical Art: Marvelous Misfortune: Leilani positions her left leg ina Flamingo Stance before extending her leg as she glides across the screen. If she manages to hit a non blocking opponent. Leilani plants her foot onto the opponent's face and pushes them to wall "just like Necalli's CA". The opponent's back to the wall and Leilani's foot planted on their face. Leilani turns her head away from her opponent as she looks fondly at her nails. Then using the same foot she planted to the opponent with starts kicking their face and chest relentlessly. Leilani then ends her assault as the opponent crumples to the ground. This CA is a seventeen hit combo Darc_Requiem 1 Quote
Darc_Requiem Posted April 1, 2018 Author Posted April 1, 2018 (edited) This is what I was working on before the Phantom bug got placed in my ear by Mykka It's nothing special. The first idea I ever had back when I was kid playing SFA2. Just never bother fleshing out. Name: Tora Shinzo Nickname: Solemn Tiger (Genshukuna Tora)Sex: MaleEthnicity: Japanese ?Height: 5ft 10in(1.78m)Weight: 195 lbs. (88.5kg)B/W/H: 49-33-35(125cm-84cm-89cm)Hometown: Ayutthaya, ThailandAppearance: Tora has brown eyes and long brown hair that hangs down his back to his waist. He is a well built man. Tora is shirtless and wears only the orange pants of his karate gi. He has black belt tied around his waist and his fists are wrapped in black tape. Tora has a black headband tied around his forehead and has nothing on his feet.Likes: Sagat, Training, KaraokeDislikes: Adon, Wakame (Seaweed), Recovering MemoriesFighting Style: Muay Thai(Tiger Style )Tone: Tora serious man and focused man. Training is all he has now and he enjoys it.Origins: Tora has no memory of his past. Sagat has taken him under his wing. Sagat told Tora that he was injured in a fight they had together. Tora apparently challenged Sagat to fight he did not want. When Tora woke up Sagat took him on as a disciple. He said “If and when you gain your memory, I want to be a warrior capable of defeating me.” That was two years ago. He still can't recall who he was prior to his memory loss. Tora no longer wants to know who he was before. He's noticed the surprise in Sagat's face at how well he's progressed as fighter. If he can progress so far, in such a short frame of time, it must mean the man he was before was lacking. Tora no longer wants to be that man.Her Rival: AnnAttributes: Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 3 1000 Stamina 1000 StunThrows:Tiger Ambush -LP+LK: Tora grabs his foe with a Thai Clinch and pulls their head down as he knees them in the face causing them to fly backward.Tiger Toss -B+LP+LK: Tora grabs his foe, hits them with a spinning back elbow to the gut, and tosses them over his shoulder.Unique Attacks:Pouncing Claw – F+ MK: (Overhead) Tora performs a hopping knee strike that hits overhead. Attack has slow startup, but is -2 on block.Strong Paw Kick– B+HK: Tora executes a high reaching right roundhouse kick. Attack has excellent vertical range but limited horizontal range. Does not hit crouching opponents. V-Reversal:Strong Claw Strike – F+PPP: Tora grabs his foe by the neck and strikes them with a powerful straight punch to the sternum that knocks them down.V-Skill:Incitement - MP+MK: Tora turns his back to his opponent, clinches his fists gaining a white aura, and says “Anata ga yūkigāreba watashi o kōgeki shi nasai” - “Attack me if you dare”. If the animation completes. Tora gains armor on frame 3 for all of his special attacks except for Tiger Shot.V-Trigger 1: Tiger Clarity -HP+HK: Tora clears his mind and gains increased Ki control enhancing his Tiger Shots. Startup on all Tiger Shots reduced by 1F, Recovery reduced by 1F. All Tiger Shots hit twice. LP Tiger Shots knock down opponents and MP/HP Tiger Shots gain enhanced Juggle properties. EX Tiger Shot starts up 2F faster, recovers 1ft faster, and hits 3 times. Four enhanced Tiger Shots per V-Trigger. 2 bar V-TriggerV-Trigger 2:Tiger Knee Barrage-HP+HK: Tora gains a white glowing aura around his body, Giving him access to a new technique post V-Trigger activation. Tiger Knee Barrage – HP+HK: (Command Grab): Tora grabs his foe in a Thai clinch, hops into the air, and hits them with five successive knees to the face. The final knee knocks the opponent into the air allowing for a follow up juggle combo. 6F Startup, 115 Damage/250 Stun. Each Tiger Knee Barrage costs half of Tora's V-Gauge, so he only gets grabs per V-Trigger. 2-bar V-TriggerSpecials:Tiger Shot - QCF + P: Tora pulls back both of his arms with clinched fists and throws them forward violently towards his opponent generating a wave of ki. Punch Button determines the angle of the projectile. LP (Horizontal). MP (30° Angle) HP (45° Angle) All projectiles have moderate start up/recovery. EX version, Tora tosses a larger two hit Tiger Shot. LP+MP(Horizontal), LP+HP(30° Angle), MP+HP(45° Angle)Tiger Revolver -QCB + P: (Rekka)A “Rekka” style attack that can be extended by repeated the motion up to three times. Tora hits his foe with a right hooking elbow strike. followed by a left hooking elbow strike, and finishes the attack with a right elbow uppercut. Punch button determines the distance traveled and attack properties. LP( ¼ Screen, Knocks Down), MP (1/3 Screen, Knocks Down), HP ( ½ Screen, Juggles in the corner), EX(Gains Armor Frame 3, Launches His Foe, ½ Screen)Tiger Crush- F,D,DF+ K: (Anti Air) Tora ascends into the air rapidly while executing a triple knee strike. Strength of the kick button used determines startup and damage. Attack only has airborne attack invincibility. Has no grounded strike, throw, or projectile invincibility. LP(3F Startup, Least Damage) MP (4F Startup, More Damage, HP (5F Startup, Most Damage), EX (3F Startup, Full Startup Invincibility, Most Damage, Crush Counterable)Tiger Smash- QCB+ K: Tora flies toward his foe with aerial alternating left-right knee combination. All versions of this attack are projectile invincible. LK (2hits) MK (3hits), HK (4 hits) EX (5 hits, Causes Hard Knock down)Tiger Crash- QCB+ K: (In Air) Tora performs a violent diving double knee strike from a forward jump. The descent angle of the attack is determined by the kick button pressed. LK (65° Angle), MK (55° Angle), HK(45° Angle), EX( LK+MK 65° Angle, LK+HK 55° Angle, MK+HK 45° Angle)Critical Art: Tiger Victory Assault- HCFx2+P: Tora strikes his foes with a barrage of standing elbow and knee strikes before sending them skyward with power six hit Tiger Crush and hurtling back to earth with vicious Tiger Crash. Attack leaves his foe planted in the ground if it ends the round. (17 Hits , 340 damage)Reasons to be in SFV:* Tora simply wants to test his progress under Sagat's tutelage. Although he fears he may learn his true identity. He joins Sagat in the World's Martial Arts tournament. His goal being to beat all of his opponents and face his master, Sagat, in the championship match. Only then will he get a true gauge of how far his come in the past two years. This desire to see how strong he truly has become, overrides his fear of finding out who he was. Edited April 2, 2018 by Darc_Requiem Quote
Onyxe Posted April 2, 2018 Posted April 2, 2018 Name: Ryumi Hoshi Spoiler Age: 21 Sex: Female Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5'8 Weight: 122 Pounds Hair Color: Reddish Brown Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: French Vanilla Fighting Style: Anti Ansatsuken Likes: Traveling, her best friend Kennedy Masters, The Assassin Chun-Li, Matcha Swiss Rolls, Mr. Kasugano, her pervy Sensei Gouken, carnivals Dislikes: Boring fights, accidentally exposing her breast in battle, Empress Bison Of Shadowine, The Legendary Pervy Martial Artist Gouki, losing to the handsome unscarred Muay Thai fighter Sagat BIO: Ryumi Hoshi is a beautiful Martial Artist from an alternate universe known as the Momiverse. A world where not only are some of the SF characters genders are reverse but with a Ecchi feel to it similar to Queen's Blade, but not as dark as the main SF universe. Very much like her male counterpart Ryumi travels the globe in order to become a powerful fighter, but unlike her counterpart. Ryumi enjoys having fun and trying out delicious foods. After suffering an embarrassing defeat at the hands of Sagat. Ryumi returned to her Master Gouken for more training. During her training a portal had opened and accidentally swallowed Ryumi and landing her in the main universe. While unsure how she will manage in this unknown world. Ryumi is hopeful she'll return to her world soon enough. In the meantime she decides to compete in this world's World Warriors Tournament. Unknown to Ryumi her Master Gouken had contacted his former fling the Scantly Clad Mystic Rose to open a portal for his pupil. In order to test her fighting skills in a much harsher world Appearance: A well build Japanese woman with a nice size breast and booty. Dressed in a sexualize version of a GI. Ryumi wears her hair down with a braid on the left side of her hair, and wears a cool sport sneakers custom made for her by her BFF Kennedy. Ryumi also wears orange fight gloves gifted to her by Sagat Ryumi's Command List Throws 1. Piece Of Cake: Ryumi grabs her opponent and trips them to the ground. She then jumps on top of her opponent planting her butt on their face. Ryumi laughs as she gets off of them 2. Strike A Pose: The same as Ryu's "Somersault Throw" but afterwards Ryumi strikes a cutesy pose before going back into her battle stance 3. Hard Crush (Against Airborne Foe) Ryumi grabs her opponent and plants her knees on their spine and slams them to the ground V-Skill Bravery Angel: Very much like Ken's V-Skill, Ryumi runs towards her opponent but can follow up the run with one of two attacks 1. Sniper Punch: Ryumi performs a speedy punch similar to Terry Bogard's "Burning Knuckle" 2. Valiant Kick: Ryumi performs a speedy somersault attack that can evade Projectiles, but does less damage than Sniper Punch Unique Attacks 1. Lily Slash (F+LK) Ryumi performs a leaping overhead kick 2. Ball Breaker (F+HK) Ryumi performs a double knee strike to her opponent V-Reversal Watch Your Mouth (During Guard press F+KKK) Ryumi performs a small jump and kicks the opponent in the face causing a knockdown Special Attacks 1. Waterball (QCF+P) Ryumi releases a blast of water from her hand. Light punch for a short distance projectile Medium punch for moderate distance, and Heavy Punch for full screen. EX version goes full screen and does extra damage 2. Harbinger Elbow (QCB+P) Ryumi performs a speedy elbow strike. Depending on the P punch press determine the distance. EX version goes nearly full screen and causes a wall bounce if Ryumi hits a non blocking foe 3. Rising Pain (QCF+K) Ryumi performs a upper knee strike. EX version is invincible and does two hits following Ryumi blasting her opponent away with a burst of water 4. Aerial Water (In Air Press QCF+P) Ryumi's aerial version of her Waterball Attack. Light Aerial Water ball travels the slowest distance, Medium average, and Heavy the fastest. EX version Ryumi unleashes a big ball of water at her foe 5. Hurricane Kick (QCB+K) Ryumi jumps off the ground and extends out her right leg as she spins her body around, performing a stationary three hit spinning kick. Depending the kick button press determines the speed and damage of the attack. EX version has invincibility and does five hits, but unsafe on block V Trigger One: Heavy Rain: Ryumi gains the ability to unleashes multiple Waterballs like Guile's Sonic Booms with his first V Trigger. Ryumi can also perform a standing Waterball and go into the air to perform an Aerial Water Ball V Trigger Two: Stormy Force: Ryumi's Hurricane Kick can go full screen with a electric effect for each successful hit. Ryumi's Harbinger Elbow gains a hit of armor and is able to perform anti air Waterballs Critical Art: Path Of The Warrior: Ryumi performs a leaping kick attack similar to the start of Ken's CA. If the hit is successful Ryumi then starts to strike with variety of punches and kicks. The opponent dazed after several hits. Ryumi starts forming a powerful ball of water between her hands and once she's finished. Ryumi blasts the opponent away with a powerful stream of water Quote
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