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The SF6 Thread: Mai in the streets, Shiranui in the sheets.

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  • misterBee changed the title to The Street Fighter 6 Thread - Death of the Lounge
Posted (edited)

continuation from the other thread...



The thing is its easy just to say that you can simply banned the 2 other casual controls in tourney the thing is.


If your in MTG and know how many CASUAL FORMATS RiSE and blow up through the years.


like EDH, modern and pauper weren't started from WOTC themselves.  They are casual formats that became bigger than WOTC sanctioned formats like STANDARD or type2.


some WOTC made formats that are sanctioned to combat this or technically similar to the casual popular easily died because it cant compete to what the demographic wants to


Just remembered RATIO tournament MVC2


What I mean by this is the problem that those modern controls are not GATEWAY to improve and be into the standard/classic controls because they are separate and unrelated to each other.  its like a testing phase REPLACEMENT?


Continously using modern doesn't improve your standard/classic usage either.


modern controls are entirely different and an alternative, its not a tool to educate and motivate to use classic one.


and  nowadays controllers like hit box and other controller box do shake everything from.the traditional norm of the OG arcade sticks.


We're entering an era of controllers and command input revolution.


And Capcom modern option handicap would be the start of the division combined with tbe c0ntrollers revolution


FG Mobile Games 2008-2010 that aren't pay2win and free2play have been critisize so much for the controller aspect because of having easier command inputs on screen or easy controller nowadays were adapting that to present console and PC fighters


if art and info is on an era that the ai will shake it now in FG its controllers and motion input revolution


I need to be specific with 2008 to 2010 Like UMK3 IOS, SF4VOLTZ and KOF-i not MK Mobile and other new KOF mobile.





Edited by Shakunetsu
34 minutes ago, Shakunetsu said:

I need to be specific with 2008 to 2010 Like UMK3 IOS, SF4VOLTZ and KOF-i not MK Mobile and other new KOF mobile.





SF4 Volt and KoF-i were both really well done and showed that you can really do a lot with a simplified control scheme. 


An d let's be honest, it's pretty preposterous that SF has had SIX fucking attack buttons for this long. The only thing more preposterous than that is the punch buttons SF1 originally had.

1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

SF4 Volt and KoF-i were both really well done and showed that you can really do a lot with a simplified control scheme

I was bash most of the time that i raise this two games as the closest thing a decent 2D FG mobile could get compare to the newer one that others said better from the like of Marvel Contest of Champions and Injustice Mobile.

18 minutes ago, -PVL93- said:

That's the next step - reduce the button layout from 6 to 4 for SF7 in 2030



the problem with this is that SF is losing its tradition and brand identity as a fighter compare to other fighters.


looks like Tekken will stay with there limb format normals.


I wonder what things should became the next and new staple that would STANDARDIZE the future of SF, after SF6 regarding special execution, input commands, button layouts and fighting game controllers.


A radical change is coming to execution to playing Fighting Games in the future not just by the HARDWARE but also the CONTROL SCHEME.



31 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

HP may not be universal anymore. At the very least, Zangief looks to have more health than everyone else.

Great nice GIF on GIFER - by Bandira

Better than nothing, if was for me Honda would get similar treatment and to lesser extent Marisa too


I know lot people hate it but personally i miss the SF4 approach where slow big body characters were getting more health, in my mind was  good way to balance small characters having speed/agility advantage

44 minutes ago, EvilCanadian said:


It's a meme but not completely devoid of truth. I wouldn't call it "woke" but there is something off about this.

There's absolutely nothing about Lily that makes me think she's not going to become a filler character, she's not even Juli and Hawk's daughter. Like if they really wanted a female Thunderfoot, Juli/Julia was always there to be reimagined as a free spirit warrior lady with an actual history in the series.


They could've also introduced a new concept entirely if they are adamant on a new character, and brought back Hawk with a reimagined playstyle like Lily's current.

1 hour ago, Daemos said:

It's a meme but not completely devoid of truth. I wouldn't call it "woke" but there is something off about this.

There's absolutely nothing about Lily that makes me think she's not going to become a filler character, she's not even Juli and Hawk's daughter. Like if they really wanted a female Thunderfoot, Juli/Julia was always there to be reimagined as a free spirit warrior lady with an actual history in the series.


They could've also introduced a new concept entirely if they are adamant on a new character, and brought back Hawk with a reimagined playstyle like Lily's current.

1) you shouldn't give a shitpost image this much thought

2) If Juli became a thunderfoot rep then its a WHITE WOMAN CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING NATIVE SOCIETY and then thats its own can of beans.


Now that said you can reimagine Juli as like a instagram star and shes just now about "oh I love the thunderfoot spirituality" while selling shit ripoff tribal necklaces on etsy or something.


Also Lily is cool and I like her so shes ok.

1 minute ago, EvilCanadian said:

shes german bro

That's conjecture. The truth is murky.

Both Juli and Noembelu were kidnapped from the Thunderfoot tribe. Udon came up with the story that she is the daughter of a German doctor working there when the kidnapping happened. But Capcom have not disclosed her original nationality (her profile has her birthplace as "Germany (?)" officially). Capcom have said that she studied in Germany as some point in her life, but beyond that she has no memory.

Hawk remembers her though. Their love is true and beyond race anyway. Even if she was white like you say, she would be married to Hawk in SF6 which means she gets a Thunderfoot pass against wokeism.

5 hours ago, Daemos said:

It's a meme but not completely devoid of truth. I wouldn't call it "woke" but there is something off about this.

There's absolutely nothing about Lily that makes me think she's not going to become a filler character, she's not even Juli and Hawk's daughter. Like if they really wanted a female Thunderfoot, Juli/Julia was always there to be reimagined as a free spirit warrior lady with an actual history in the series.


They could've also introduced a new concept entirely if they are adamant on a new character, and brought back Hawk with a reimagined playstyle like Lily's current.

T. Hawk wasn't exactly tearing up the popularity charts. Cutesy girl characters tend to be more popular than big buff dudes. 


No need to overthink this.  LOL


If it’s an isolated incident I would agree but they turned Seth and FANG into girls too to pander.


One could argue that Manon is also based on the original girl Abel design even though she doesn’t play like Abel, the parallels can be drawn.


It’s a bad trend not because it is woke (I don’t think it is), but because it lacks creativity.


8 hours ago, Vhozite said:

I really like Ryu’s Denjin charge it gives him something to do while a fireball in on the screen if he doesn’t want to reposition while zoning. 

I like how it increases the combo potential of Hashogeki. I see a lot of Ryu's most damaging combos uses a Denjin Charge version of Hashogeki along with EX Hashogeki in the combo. Without Denjin Charge, Hashogeki is more limited in combos.

Posted (edited)

Remy,Abel,and now Manon.

Why am I always drawn to the Frenchies in SF?


Jamie's English VA is the English VA for City Hunter ? 

They really want me to buy the game on launch huh.


Rooflemonger's/Evil Canadian's videos are much better than Maximilian's.




Edited by DangerousJ
Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Rooflemonger's/Evil Canadian's videos are much better than Maximilian's.

They would be if he actually supported the return of Bison. You know who supports Bison's return? Max-fucking-milian. And that's why he has 1.5 MILLION subs.

@EvilCanadianis so close to become the GOAT, but he can't be as long as he supports that damn dirty ape!

Edited by Daemos
5 hours ago, misterBee said:

T. Hawk wasn't exactly tearing up the popularity charts. Cutesy girl characters tend to be more popular than big buff dudes. 

Bro, people don't wanna feel T.Hawk's warm embrace as his big muscley arms hugs you to make you feel as safe as he keeps his tribe?


Gay as fuck of them TBH.


29 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Why am I always drawn to the Frenchies in SF?


Gay as fuck of you TBH.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

Remy,Abel,and now Manon.

Why am I always drawn to the Frenchies in SF?


Ok ignoring the fact that its with the red bull account cause I don't know why he uses that account to shitpost


for all yall who watch all the SF6 videos going on, is there literally anyone else besides woolie(who is also from quebec like me) who says Manons name correctly? Cause I only ever hear "man-on" or "mannon"





seriously every video with Manon I have tons of french people fall all over themselves in shock that I am the only person who says the name right. It went from funny for a while to kinda sad now.

Edited by EvilCanadian
Posted (edited)

I say it correctly but that's only because I took French a long time ago and had a French American Friend when I was growing up in the Caribbean.


Most MURRICANS are unfamiliar with French names.

If they took French or traveled there, it was probably in grade school a long time now.


Spanish is basically the second language of the USA and there are greater needs for Spanish speakers than French. 


Also ,when they see the spelling, they are probably thinking it is pronounced similarly to "Shannon."


Canada : Francais 

USA : espanol

Edited by DangerousJ
14 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

5 years ago today I reached super Diamond.


You should probably change how you practice during the week.


People think you can just grind it out through gameplay to get better but that's not actually true.

25 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:



5 years ago today I reached super Diamond. The guy on the right that I beat to get there is now UGM on his main account and GM on his PS4. I still can’t get past 20000. I fucking hate my life. 

Simply means you have less to unlearn come SF6


an advantage actually, you are already that much further ahead anyone at GM rank.

12 minutes ago, Sonero said:


You should probably change how you practice during the week.


People think you can just grind it out through gameplay to get better but that's not actually true.

I don’t know what to practice. I basically got laughed out of the west coast discord by DannyPhan when I went there asking for help. Basically the equivalent of it you haven’t gotten past X point after all this time just cope till 6 comes out. 


This is a convo I'm having with a Strive homie. A lot of people get carried by intangibles so they have a hard time talking about anything. They also can be kind of assholes about the fact they get Ws.


either way, I gotta quit some nonsense and just grind out writing for a few days. There's some pen to paper I wanna throw out there into the FGC aether.

6 hours ago, Daemos said:

It's a meme but not completely devoid of truth. I wouldn't call it "woke" but there is something off about this.


Yeah, SF6 is not woke

SF6 seen the kind of shit it's happening in hollywood/netflix universe and assumed if that is what big american market wants they will PRETEND to be a bit like that


There are many little empty marketing gestures they do, but scratching through a VERY thin layer of surface SF is the same is ever been



Just played the beta over Parsec with a friend, the first time I've used Parsec. The lag was a bit rough, but shitting hell, the game's fun against real people. He was hosting, but I managed to take a few games of him. even got to feel real fancy with a drive rush combo that completely burned out my meter before losing. I was a little apprehensive about the game, given the beta and just playing against the CPU, but now I can't wait for release.

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