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Everything posted by EvilCanadian

  1. what I dont like is a week or so ago I did an interest tier list for SF6 spawned bunch of of other people making their own lists and like every single motherfucker put E. Honda at the bottom of their lists Whats wrong with yall, Honda is basically the peak male experience. Why are you so weak and scared to embrace his power???????
  2. Lily vs Juri gonna be fun SF4 Juri vs Hawk was a nightmare cause she could do high fireball and hit him standing, let alone anything else(same vs hugo) now only low fireballs, but condor spire still exists. Juri will never get a single fireball off ever lol
  3. Almost as if the reason sfv couldn't take off was the fact it was missing a specific kind of flight
  4. but it is MK styled Its literally MK deceptions Konquest mode, just with a street fighter coat of paint Konquest mode is also just about the best fighting game single player mode of all time so its only a good thing
  5. Typhoon only has 1 frame in the trailer startup before it starts the 2player grab animation, so theres literally just not enough info. I am ASSUMING its 5f/6f, but will need more footage to know for sure.
  6. grabbler info Zangief: SPD is 5f Atomic suplex 10f Manon Grab is 6f Seems to have a longer range grab of the same animation that can be up to 14f to connect? Like same diff, she just moves forward while doing it Marisa Grab(stance only) is 6f Honda: Oicho is 5f This is over a bunch of different builds so I dont know if there actually is a 5f/6f wall between the characters, or they change their mind on what grabs should be build to build.
  7. showcase matches of the recent 3 inevitable final beta gotta run single player story mode showcases too, although that prob be right before launch but yeah they gotta stretch a bit now
  8. also while I do wanna see new footage of the new chars please capcom somewhere along the line give us like one match of Honda so we can get an idea whats going on. Half the footage of him is useless mashing, I just wanna see how much drive gauge damage hundred hand slap does 😞
  9. I saw people acting like Lily's character and expression being silly is some big stretch from t.hawk if you ever put real time into hawk you were one of the silliest motherfuckers alive, so it makes perfect sense
  10. also imagine playing the crack with all those fuckin LOSER CHARACTERS when all the actually neat members of the cast aren't in there.
  11. also theres a lot of hawk in lily has tomahawk buster condor dive condor spire mexican typhoon raging typhoon and a lot of hawks normals, although they might take you a 2nd look cause its a bit disgused under the bonk sticks and shit. Ill prob do a video about it tomorrow but gotta do the normal breakdown stuff first
  12. ed told everyone straight up months ago I made a video about it that got tens of thousands of views and nobody listened
  13. my hope is to gimmick as many people as I can with whatever garbage low tier character I pick that nobody has bothered to learn how to fight against
  14. fuck it I signed up for evo for sf6 ive never gone, and year 1 of SF6 is the time to go if there ever was one fuck me its gonna be expensive though, saving for it starts today
  15. and games from third party partners which is the exact language they used last time SF6 showed up at the state of play
  16. Sonic fox made top 8 with Fang when he was basically the dogshit dirt worst character for their first and basically only SFV tournament its a possibility
  17. make dumb meme cammy fans pour in "WHY IS IT AGAINST CAMMY" cammy fans are fragile 🤔
  18. ign has done at least 2 "SF6 events" already where they showed exactly jack shit in terms of anything new, so i dont have any hopes for it
  19. Where the fuck is my Lily trailer gonna be you think this is a fucking game capcom?
  20. youtube has a shadowban function when those kinda shitty people show up, it gets used often, have fun shouting into the void.
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