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Everything posted by Zatalcon2

  1. I hated it. Kevin smith’s woke ass fucked it up. Mother fucker needs to shut the fuck up and go play magic the gathering or DoD with jack black or some other fat ugly nerd celeb.
  2. Catholic priests should still be the main sith lord when it comes to the subject of sexual predators. I think there was a recent cardinal in nyc that just got caught for fucking kids during the 70s. R Kelly is also high on that list
  3. Most taxi drivers in nyc feel the same. Do you know how hard it was for me to get a can during the middle of the night? Almost impossible. The majority of taxi drivers do not stop for black people during the night because of how many times they experienced getting robbed or just dealing with some shithead feeling he needs to show he has that thug life bullshit. I recall one driver expressing how he prefers other ethnicities because they some how have the common sense that there isn't much to mug off a cab driver, the blacks he encountered would rob even if the driver just had 25$ in his wallet because they just need to feel that gangsta cred. This driver was black btw, even black drivers dont stop for blacks. thank god they made uber and lift. It’s much easier to get a ride past 9pm.
  4. Yup. Big boba fan here.. sadly, i cant get boba with my demographic because for some odd reason they all consider it a white and asian drink. So i get looked at in a weird way as if i am uncle tom or something if i suggest to go out to OneZo (which is an S++ tier boba spot in NYC) over sitting in park benches, smoking weed while listening to fake digital made music with someone talking about drugs, banging ugly hoes and breaking the law over it (modern day rap music) with hood rat fat girls who are as educated as a 2nd grader swarming the joint. Boba drinks have widen my friend demographic and its one of the ways i managed to get friends of different backgrounds who actually know something of value rather than just how and where 2pac got shot.
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