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Everything posted by sKreetFighteZ

  1. Well i personally think Juni and Juli can hold their own. Sometimes Juli is said to be weaker than Juni due to her know those circles she has on her chest? Yes those, so they be getting in the way sometimes so it makes it somewhat difficult for her to fight but then again you have Birdie and Laura with massive breasts and yet they do just fine. Also, it seems that Juni has Akuma’s fighting data (i wonder why he isn't listed as a rival) so i guess this is why Juni has the upper hand between the two.
  2. Happy New Years guys! This is a little late but in this short period of time but love you all and thanks for the contributions you've all helped me with 🥰. Quick question, so i was reading the scans from the All About Capcom Fighting Games Book and i was reading about the SF characters, and I got confused about the titles of the games, mainly " スト Ⅱ, スト II ダッシュ,スト Ⅱ ターボ, スパ Ⅱ, スパ ⅡX". I usually acknowledge each game by its full name instead of abbreviations so those are kind of confusing for me. (This may be a wrong choice of words but )
  3. Hey, this is actually interesting to read bc I never really thought about it like that but this is really interesting. Speaking of Birdie, ima go translate his profile since i have nothing else better to do
  4. Yeah, in the trivia they said his weight gain is remiscent of wrestlers letting themselves go after they retired and as an avid wrestling lover....i can confirm this. And the outrageous thing is his booger can actually damage a character's health bar, even tho it barely does shit 😭 .
  5. I guess this thread proves that Birdie has been getting his ass beat by some 46kg girls, these years haven't been going so well for him lately 😪.
  6. Yeah, i understand what you're tryna get at, I just thought the Dolls would have been portrayed in a different way. I still love the Dolls nonetheless.
  7. It's my favorite part about SF, however if Capcom does a little exploration of what some of the unplayable can do, i think it would be something great. And yes, i don't mind Azam having a little inspiration from Zangief as it does shows the connection between the two the same way Ryu and Ken have similar fighting styles but have ways you can tell them apart. A little acrobatics won't harm anyone, it's kinda similar to Rashid too. The Dolls are okay as a group, but sometimes Capcom doesn't take much opportunity to display what they can do personally (especially the weapon users). Also, Noembelu is described as the physically strongest of all the Dolls and the Dolls powerhouse, so what better way to show it is by taking out ANOTHER POWERHOUSE of sorts...a gluttonous one at that. And that's one thing that concerns me, in the AAC and the wiki, they are portrayed as one of Bison's elites so the fact that they are being shown as weak is a little off given the fact that they have rigorous training sessions and Bison's dislike for incompetent subordinates, this is a litte odd.
  8. After receiving what could possibly be the most greatest christmas gift ever awhile ago by @Lord_Vega here's Ryu's bio from the SF5CE Guide. 真の強さを求め修行を続ける格闘家 。礼儀正しく誠実な性格で 、 自分より強い相手と闘うために世界を旅する 。己の中に生まれたもう一つの存在 、「 殺意 の 波動 」と闘い続け 、その力をコントロールするために日々精進を重ねている 。 A martial artist who continues his training in search of true strength. He is truly sincere in manner and personality, and travels the world seeking to fight against stronger opponents than himself. He continues to fight against the “Surge of Murderous Intent”, another entity that been born within himself. It's a little late as he came in with more new stuff for me to look at, however please enjoy and feel free to revise it if any mistakes should be seen.
  9. And to think i was just about to post Ryu's translations from this guide lol 😭, you came in just at the right time 😁 .
  10. All 3 of them had the potential to become something great in SF5, unfortunately Capcom didn't take the chance to show off what they could do in the story mode so their playstyles are left up to our imaginations 😪. However I do recall Takayuki Nakayama posting on his twitter regarding Azam's fighting style. From what i could get from these photos, it appears that Azam has similar moves to Zangief. It make sense given the fact that he used to be a pro wrestler similar to Zangief. Also, according to this post, it also appears that Noembelu may have a preference for fighting with both axes and sickles as weapons, so Noembelu has a nice amount of potential along with the twin sisters Xiayu and Jianyu, as Xiayu has her nunchakus and Jianyu has her bō staff.
  11. I mean you see Noembelu standing in front of Laura like they were bouta square up but they never did
  12. It was actually nice to read this thread and your points of views. I actually enjoyed all the stories but if one thing, Falke's overall story is nice but it doesn't add up to anything and Falke makes me wanna piss off flames just looking at her.
  13. Guys it's late but i stayed up translating Chun-Li’s father's bio from the AAC: Chun-Li’s father AAC: 春麗の父【人物・♂】■『 スト Ⅱ 』シリーズ/『 スト ZERO 』シリーズ/スト Ⅲ 3rd/『 スト EX 』シリーズ/『 VS. 』シリーズ 春麗 が 長年 捜し つづけ て いる 父親 。ICPO の 麻薬 捜査 班 に 所属 し て い た が 、シャドルー がらみ の 事件 に 巻きこま れ て 行方 不明 に な り 、春麗 が ストリート ファイト を はじめる きっ かけ を 作っ た 。中国 拳法 の 達人 で 、 春麗 の 師 でも ある 。さらに 、 元 と は 何 か 関係 が ある よ うで 、春麗 が 使う 元伝暗殺蹴 は 元 → 春麗 の 父 → 春麗 へ と 伝え られ た もの らしい 。シリーズ 中 一 度 も 姿 を 見せ ず 、 生死 は いまだ 不明 だ が 、「 スト Ⅱ 」 シリーズ の エンディング で は 、 すでに 死亡 し た もの と 見なさ れ て いる 。 ■ ストリートファイター ザ・ムービー バイソン 将軍 の 手 に かかり 殺さ れ た 。 Chun-Li’s father【Character・♂】■“SF2” series/“SFZERO” series/SF3TS/“SFEX” series/“Vs.” series Chun-Li’s father, who she continues to search for many years. He belonged to the ICPO'S narcotics investigation team when he went missing after being involved in an incident related to Shadaloo, which made an opportunity for Chun-Li to start street fighting. He is a master of Chinese martial arts and is also Chun-Li's teacher. Additionally, it appears that there's a connection to Gen, as the Genden Assassination Kick (Moto den ansatsuke) Chun-Li uses seems to have been passed down from Gen → Chun-Li’s father →Chun-Li. He never once appeared in the series, as life and death are still unclear and in the “SF2” endings, he is considered deceased. ■ Street Fighter: The Movie He was murdered at the hands of General Bison (Balrog).
  14. Btw, Nash just looks so damn tired. The man is HARDLY smiling like looks at that man 💀🙄.
  15. I very much do like it 😁. Can't wait for the other information to come in. Also,, I didn't know they have other books 🤔, i don't own them so unfortunately i never saw any of this information.
  17. Happy holidays guys. I hope ur all doing well. I decided to do the bios of Honda's sumo students. Nishi no Fuji AAC: 西の富士【人物・♂】■『 スト Ⅱ 』 シリーズ エドモンド本だのエンディングに姿を見せる、本田の弟子のひとり。開発者のひとり、NIN氏がそのモデル? Nishi no Fuji【Character・♂】■ “SF2” series One of E. Honda’s disciples, who appears in his ending. His model is perhaps NIN, one of the developers? Hatoyama AAC: はとのやま 鳩山【人物・♂】■『 スト Ⅱ 』 シリーズ エドモンド 本田 の 弟子 の ひとり 。 本田 の エン ディング で 姿 を 見せる 。 Hatoyama【Character・♂】■ “SF2” series One of E.Honda’s disciples. He appears in Honda’s ending. Maru no Umi AAC: まるのうみ 丸乃湖【人物・♂】■『 スト Ⅱ 』 シリーズ エドモンド 本田 の エンディング に 登場 する 、彼 の 弟子 の ひとり 。 Maru no Umi【Character・♂ 】■ “SF2” series He's one of E.Honda’s disciples, who appears in his ending. Yasuhanada AAC: やすはなだ 安花田【人物・♂】■『 スト Ⅱ 』 シリーズ エドモンド 本田 の エンディング に 登場 する 弟子 の ひとり 。開発者 の ひとり 、 AKIMAN 氏がそ の 名 の 由来 ? Yasuhanada【Character・♂ 】■ “SF2” series One of E.Honda’s disciples, who appears in his ending. His name is perhaps derived from AKIMAN, one of the developers ?
  18. Okay now this is funny 😭🤣. I find F.A.N.G the most hypocritical with Aprile there, speaking of Aprile, I now realize the many similarities her and Menat have.
  19. Thank you for translating these. These were very interesting to read into. Also the AAC guide that mentioned the Dolls said they were all subjected to rigorous training sessions, so i assumed they were strong in their own right so i don't know why they would sell März as weak even though she is an elite assassin of Shadaloo. Dolls AAC: ベガ親衛隊【組織】■ ストZERO3 シャドルー の 強化兵士 の なか でも 選び抜か れ た 者 たち から 成る 、 ベガ の 親衛隊。薬物 による 洗脳•強化 と きびしい 訓練 を 受け て おり 、 機械的 に ベガ に し た が う。 隊員 が 10 ~ 20 代 の 女性 ば かり で 、 しかも 身体 に フィット し た レオター ド の 衣装 を 制服 として 着せ られ て いる の は、 ベガ の 趣味 だろ う か …… 。 世界各地 から 集め られ た 計 12 名 の 隊員 ( エネーロ 、 フェヴリエ 、 メルヅア ブリーレ 、 サツキ 、 ユーニ 、 ユーリ 、 サンタム 、 ジウユー 、 ヤンユー 、 ノウェンベル 、 ディカープリ ) が おり 、 それぞれ の 名前 は 1 月 から 12 月 の 各月 に 由来 し て いる 。 ただし , ゲーム 中 に 姿 を 見せ るのは 10 名 まで。 Vega Guards【Organization】■ SFZERO3 A group consisting of carefully chosen people who undergo enhancements to become supreme soldiers of Shadaloo, Vega’s Elite Guard (Dolls). Using drugs• as a method of brainwashing, they receive enhancements and are submit to rigorous training sessions, but they are mechanically subject to Vega. The members consists of abducted females ranging between the ages of 10 ~ 20 who’s attire consists of form fitting leotard bodysuits… I wonder if that’s one of Vega’s interests. The group consists of 12 members who’ve been collected from all over the world, each with a name derived from a corresponding month of the abductees home country:(Enero, Février, März, Aprile, Satsuki, Juni, Juli, Santamu, Xiayu, Jianyu, Noembelu, Decapre). Although 12 members are featured only 10 make an appearance in game. I do recall Satsuki having an Izuna Drop move 🤔, perhaps it isn't talked about as much because she's most known for her swordsmanship. Here's the video for the Dolls moveset. Satsuki's Izuna Drop move is at the 2:38 timestamp.
  20. I found some information I'd like to share with you all. So i was looking for some information ab the Dolls (when the Shadaloo Research website was introducing them), and i came across these japanese transcripts on a blog bc well i think it wasn't there anymore): (there are some images but it doesn't show the complete text). Enero: 【エネーロ】彼女がいちおうのリーダーデス。特殊任務の計画を練ったり 他のメンバーに指示だししたりする役目デスね。戦闘も出来ますので戦地に赴いて、直接指揮を取る事も多いみたいデス。声帯模写が得意で、敵を混乱させることが出来ますデス。結構プライドが高いので、扱いに困ることもあるんデス。次は Février : 【フェヴリエ】二丁のサブマシンガンを器用に使いこなす 銃火器の担当デス。口が物凄く悪いので 気を付けた方が良いデスよ。口げんかじゃ絶対勝てないデス。時間の無駄デス。  März: 【メルツ】 彼女は情報操作 サイバー攻撃を得意としているデス。非力ながらも それなりに戦うことは出来る見たいデスよ。こういうタイプが怒ったら 怖いんデスよねェ。実は秘密裏にボクシング(エクササイズ的な?)をやっていたらしいデス。   Aprile: 【アプリーレ】医療キットを持ち歩き 仲間の救護を担当しているデス。この F.A.N.G様謹製の 神経毒を支給してあるので いざとなったら 毒を使い攻撃してくるデショネ。イタリア出身で新体操なんかをやっていた様で、そこに目を付けてさらってきたとの事デスよ!怖い!人さらいアカン! Satsuki: 【サツキ】ジャパニーズサムライスタイルの戦闘員デス。戦闘力はDollsでナンバー1デスね。 愛刀ムラサメブレードの切れ味は ものすんごいらしいデス。まぁ ワタシに刃向って来たら 毒で刀ごと溶かしてやりますデスけどね。実は体術も得意で、相手を掴み上空にジャンプし地面に叩きつける技を持っていたりするデス。フーリガンコンビネーションの亜流技で、結構かっこいいデス。スライディングもしますデスね。 Juli: 【ユーリ】スナイピングアローを使う戦闘員デスね。前作で色々あったみたいデスが 無事にシャドルーに帰還し 世界征服に加担してますデス。 Santamu: 【サンタム】こちらは槍を使った戦闘が得意な隊員デス。 視力が良いので 高台から敵地を見渡し 効率よく任務を遂行する事が出来るのデス。ゴールデンライオンタマリンのキキが相棒の様デスヨ。動物が好きで、キキを酷使するのに心を痛めている様デスが、世界のため、ベガ様のためにはやむを得んデス。 Xiayu and Jianyu: 【ジウユー】と【ヤンユー】は双子デス ヌンチャクを使って闘う京劇風ペイントをしている方がジウユー。棍を使ってアクロバティックに戦う方がヤンユー見たいデス。よく間違ってしまうデスよ。コンビネーション技が得意らしいデス。なんかズルっこデスね。 Noembelu: 【ノウェンベル】Dollsのパワーキャラ担当デス。片手斧を二つ装備しているデス。両手に斧を持ち 回転しながら斬りつける攻撃が強烈デス。言葉少ない寡黙なヤツデス。野菜を育てるのが趣味、らしいので基地の屋上の一角を提供し、菜園をやっているデス。あと人形作りが得意らしいデスよ。 Decapre: 最後は【ディカープリ】ベガ様のサイコパワーの影響を一番強く受けてる戦闘員デス。元Dollsのキラー・ビーとか言うヤツの事が嫌い?みたいデスよ。ワタシは過去の事は全く知らないので何とも言えないデスけどね。マスクはマイナーチェンジしてるらしいデスよ。 Welp, that's all the information i found so far. I haven't really looked into it that much but this was all i found and i wonder if this is all Canon or not. Unfortunately juni doesn't have one which sucks bc i wanted to know what she done inside Shadaloo but oh well. Enjoy yourself.
  21. Damn. This is kind of interesting to hear tho. I never noticed all these things before. At first i thought you said the only elements a human can control was 3 and so i thought Gill's resurrection and Urien's aegis reflector was apart of that but i think not since those are considered the 66 arts i believe.
  22. Yeah you're right. I kinda hope they add on to what they have to the Secret Society as a whole. I like how they made Kolin, who was nothing but a sprite in Gill's intro, into a fighter with a nice background. So I believe Capcom will have something good in store when it comes to the Secret Society.
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