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Everything posted by zatalcon3

  1. him* why the hell would we need to call that guy "her" when he is clearly a dude. If some guy starts identifying as a god, do are you going to call him lord now because he wants to be called that? Or what about a white person who says he is now black, should he have rights now to be called the N word with the A at the end? This identity politics is one of the most retarded things of the left and it just shows how society is all about conformity than being real.
  2. But the school stuff, teaching kids this bullshit. I don't disagree about letting an adult person live the way they want, if a grown adult wants to become the opposite gender then fine its a free country. But fuck the politics and battering of science about this. it is creating an insanity and it's almost disturbing how this is being indoctrinated. You should watch the Dr phil episode, one of the trans people said that sex is between the legs and gender is between the ears.. which is exactly right, the gender thing is a delusion.
  3. Its just that school systems are planting this leftist bullshit on kids.
  4. Seriously, why do people think like that with this whole pronoun bullshit?
  5. Look at this. The left got bored of the gender shit so now they are identifying as objects. This is the reason why I should not be prohibited with the whole foods stuff, many other guys could save the world by curing this kind of mental illness which is likely caused by loneliness. These ugly girls need dates. Oh shit. There is a pike and deity pronoun I miss the old days when leftists would just be goths or furries.
  6. I don't think why some people here think being a leftist is the coolest thing to side with, just listen to this insanity
  7. So there is an Hindi version of Forrest Gump At first I thought this was funny but eventually it looks like a good movie that I'd watch.
  8. I bet with the MCU X-men, Prof X and Magneto will be black or gay (or both). Advanced thank you leftists.
  9. Here is an interesting fact. Other than college areas, I've never seen a black person at a starbucks drinking macha coffee while on a laptop. In fact, in most regular parts of the city, i rarely do see black people at a starbucks in general other than the people who work there. I see a lot of black people at dunkin though, come to think of it, I barely see white people at a dunkin.
  10. How many of you think we should return some forms of ancient criminal execution methods? I was watching the trial of the 4th of July and Parkland shooters and it just dawned to me that maybe these pieces of shit should be an example for any future mass shooters. I think we should reinstate the crucifixion and just crucify the two shooters but then again that could be seen as sacrilegious because of how symbolic the cross has been for Christians for over a thousand years, so maybe the Brazen Bull would be a good one to revive.
  11. I'm against these kind of drawings for some people. I think it feeds the fantasies of dudes and gives them desires for women who are way above their tier list and because of that they remain doing the hand. I think most of these nerd artists should consider the reality that their subscribers/followers are likely fat ugly guys so they should draw fat ugly girls in order for others to maintain a sense of reality.
  12. I just saw the leaked footage of the Uvalde massacre and I couldn't finish it. Just hearing the screams of those kids was too much. I think the police who were in that school should be put to jail with a few getting fired and being forced to pay a fine to the families. That was fucking horrible on their part and they are accountable for what happened there. That shit is in infuriating.
  13. I saw Nick Cannon and left about 25min in. It sucked. He isn't funny nor does he have any musical/art talent of any kind. He is a total example of everything wrong about our culture in where untalented fucks just get rich and famous. Fuck him and the leftist society for making guys like him rich.
  14. I don't know why Jordan Peterson like him anyway. I don't know much about his debates, the only thing I watched in full was when he owned a feminist news reporter about salary, but other than that I have not seen/heard much about his views because he is really ugly and he sounds creepy as fuck. He looks like a pedophile who prays on young fat ugly white boys at a chucky cheese. He also looks like vegan who drives a nice blue sports car. Speaking of which, I discovered Irish pubs have a lot of older fan white girls who smoke with a bunch of old fat veterans.. just a pro tip for some.
  15. That comic is truth. I identify as that regular person, especially here. It's just there are no super conservatives here so super liberals are the ones I have to talk the most shit about out.
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