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Everything posted by Disciple0fAnrky

  1. I still don't believe Starhammer is black like at all.
  2. TTRPG means table top role playing game fella fella, but thanks anyways
  3. Better watch out before he teleports behind you and paints the fence fella
  4. Everybody fucking off sounds like a good move to me tbh. Speaking of which, did starhammer actually do just that?
  5. Oh man, this is getting deep. Lets just all calm down and put each other on block or something idk. For the record though I am curious as to what the answer is to his question. I mean the dude is puerto rican, if he had like good credentials I don't see why he wouldn't make a good babysitter. edit: oh here we go with b-tier, go be a smooth brain somewhere else lil fella, back in time out
  6. I don't even know what is going on. What's the deal? Who is stockyjam? Are they a close friend of yours @Sonero
  7. Ya'll gonna post that same video 30 times like you all got each other on ignore or something?
  8. Alright drop it guys, she is obviously a Chinese terrorist and was single handily responsible for the "hoax". Post your trash takes on
  9. All I know is this shit makes me want to play some cyberpunk related ttrpg right now.
  10. lol, kind of suspicious? Are we about to go full starhammer in here? Kinda not in the mood honestly. Ya'll can take that shit to the other site.
  11. Well were they charging ppl money for these dances or memes? Black ops 3 technically wasn't but you could buy loot boxes to get them so its kinda iffy.
  12. I hope they were talking about that wack ass live action movie that nobody asked for
  13. Fortnite been stealing creator content for a while now They even stole from Cod who stole shit from everyone too, but most of the shit in black ops 3 wasn't dance moves but memes in shit so no one cared about it when they did shit, since it was mostly paying homage.
  14. Yeah I read that and all I could think of is it's the future where you can probably become whoever or whatever you want. There is no "transitioning", there is only being. I think that obvious point was lost on this muppet.
  15. paying ppl to learn dances that were stolen from others, this is peak cac.
  16. Not gonna lie, don't care to read any of that but keep on keeping on fella. Can't wait to be disappointed this Thursday whenever I get Cyberpunk.
  17. Ppl love to choose when to be technical and nuanced don't they
  18. Just stupid shit to care about in general meanwhile since we talking about sammichs my ppl out here getting dropped like flies and it is business as usual Like breh you can't even walk into your own home to eat lunch without these dudes assassinating you.
  19. "But but its a different classification guys!!! You don't understand!! If you don't use the terms for the specific age groups it all suddenly becomes completely meaningless!!!!" lol nobody cares we still gonna call them pedos, die mad about it
  20. Naruto fandom is filled with weirdo pedos that slobber over some shitty blind looking mail order bride stalker chick while simultaneously making insane hate filled circle jerks over sakura literally every single day on facebook. But I guess according to "semantics" these ppl aren't disgusting weebo pedos huh 👀
  21. Oof, about is bad is Sonero's take. I imagine a band like that must sell out stadiums to all those non-existent narutards I guess they line up on the spectrum with ppl like this?
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