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Everything posted by JustBooming

  1. I change mine often as I'm an easily amused dick. I'm either Steven or JustBooming or Eggy Ken or whoever depending on who I'm playing with, just check the MS club now you've applied!
  2. That's my feeling now, still have to decide on a main and find that secret sauce that makes things click. Same with @VhoziteI believe (difference being I'm crap) Sorry if I've been inattentive, but first I've heard of that, and I hope that it goes well!
  3. We just chose an empty lobby and fucked around in there
  4. Same as last time maybe, iirc? 6pm EST on Saturday?
  5. I'm sure I read something about Laura and static electricity running her hands through her hair, but it was years ago.
  6. Anyone else watching Saltmine? Kinda late to link it as it's GF, but Valmaster's Chun is great
  7. CFN: JustBooming Edit: Thanks for handling this
  8. Edit: I always liked reading what Dime wrote. This is just a cheap gag.
  9. He still has the eye twitch, he's still orange*, he's still the same 😞 *I don't even like orange, it just gets me when AVs change and it takes a second to register who it is. I had an orange J forever, so that's the thing I guess
  10. Found out what was wrong with perfect booms for me in combos. I got too used to SFV's late cancelling on and developed a weird timing for that without even realising it. Now if I basically plink - just a touch slower I have a far better success rate.
  11. I worry about the same: can do it fine when I'm in the special kids' training mode for DI counters, but in a match, muscle memory ( to boom, as one example) takes over and it'll take a good long while to break that habit, if ever.
  12. I don't know, I claimed the gift ingame while online a few hours ago, and it looked just like titles. And once you're a decent level, you can just spaff ingame zenny to get costumes, maybe about 15 mins per costume. Edit: Just tried the same with Lily, no dice. Bah.
  13. Did anybody else just randomly get 7700 drive tickets? I was having connection probs, went to WT mode and unlocked Dhalsim's alt. I didn't receive it ingame, but when I did get back online, I got a notification saying I'd got the DTs and the costume. I already accepted the 1 mil players gift. Edit: Only bought the base edition.I'm gonna spend it quick!
  14. That'd be superb if the site hit a threshold of folk to do do!
  15. How about trying the fireball as a hcf move? That's helped me in the past with such nonsense. Still a fireball motion, and one that's in your muscle memory. Edit: I appreciate that it's not a lot different from starting from 1, but mentally mapping the fb in some circumstances to be a hcf has genuinely helped.
  16. Around the Masters Foundation, there are a tonne of low level NPCs carrying bronze nuggets, if you inspect them you can see those. Gotta beat them in under 9 seconds to get the nugget, but that's the fastest way I've found
  17. I bought all the costumes I wanted using coins, but a friend was wondering if you got all 10 colours for the alts earned in WT, and it turns out you do. Spammed scrapheap challenge for cash and got Luke's ingame.
  18. Working hard on being a nasty bastard, for... whatever reason
  19. The Juri talk reminded me of @Skort- hope you're good and enjoying 6!
  20. I fucked around doing this with VPNs just an hour or two ago, and they all screwed up after a 15 min period then download/decrypting time going to shit. Check Discord for @misterBeeinsights, he knows far more than me about this
  21. Diablo and SF have apparently fucked over the PSN servers, I've been told - not by an expert, just someone who follows this quite closely
  22. I bought a 360 just for SFIV. Travelled a good 45 mins there to pick up my copy, 45 mins back, and no shit when I got back: RROD. Took it back , luckily had kept the receipt. Packed the console up, got it replaced. Back home, some three hours after the game had been out. I'd fucking left the disc in the console I had taken back. I called them, crapping myself and thankfully they remembered me, and I got the disc back. I was SO fucking pissed off!
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