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Everything posted by JustBooming

  1. - embeds not working - it's cracking Honda whiff punish
  2. Aye, definitely has a "too good to be true" ring to it. My Steam window has since changed though, to show this With a SF6 update queued, but not yet available.
  3. I've seen this posted a few times, apparently from GreenManGaming's Discord: If not BS, a person who saw it asked GMG if it was when they'd be sending out keys, or launch - was told it was launch times. I'm trying to take this with a huge pinch of salt..
  4. And still no decent Hyper Fighting Guile colour, dammit!
  5. Looks like this link is gonna be the SF6 centre for updates, etc. Scroll down a bit, and there's a spot for news and updates. Buckler's Boot Camp | STREET FIGHTER 6 | CAPCOM Edit: Post on WT skill tree Post on VFX
  6. Once @Voltgets the game, can we have a bet/bribe that makes him have to earn and wear the Blankachan costume for a month? (Edit: ingame)
  7. Fucking hell, regardless of the content of the article, which I'm not nearly educated enough to comment on*, way to make it all about him with the tweet. * I just want people to be safe, happy and do their thing
  8. Re. lobbies on launch/this weekend, we appropriated NA 244 for the open beta. Could be good to do it again.
  9. Now reading that it's gonna be midnight EST on those forever accurate sites Reddit and the Steam community, so I have no clue what to believe
  10. I'm going to wait and see what happens with the battle pass situation. In V we didn't get everything if we bought the season passes, there were still costumes and stages that weren't included, every year. If everything else was purchased, that'd probably add up to a chunk in most seasons. Not saying it isn't going to be nasty though, just think it's best to wait and see. I'm basically telling myself that I'll be able to play it tomorrow night at midnight. Seems a bit easier that way... a bit.
  11. It is, aye. I'm not an anti-Denuvo crusader, and have never had issues with it - but adding/announcing it so close to the game's release could be seen as shitty move for those who take issue with it
  12. Suggests a midnight launch UTC, right? What does it say to those in other timezones?
  13. That's a shitter, where did you order from? I've ordered from GreenManGaming a good handful of times, and they always came through in plenty of time (though sometimes after preloads started) so I wouldn't get too worried yet. Good luck!
  14. He's gone rogue, @Daemoscontain him Edit: I'm sorry, Monkey - it was all a silly joke
  15. Does anybody know when 6 is unlocked on Steam next Friday? Is it the standard 10am Pacific time, or a midnight thing?
  16. Hahaha, I missed the part about "NOT in the game" 😄
  17. Urk! He's back! Yet again I was kiiinda pointing out how watches or 2012 posters didn't really matter. I do genuinely love your dedication! Edit: (And I can do a good Bison impression on a good day!)
  18. Hahaha, true. In 2012! Guile was on a watch! I don't think either example will convince either of us. You know I want Bison back, but Seiko watches or 2012 animated movies can't really represent the Zeitgeist tooo accurately 😄
  19. As much as I love Bison and wish him to return, these images reflect the zeitgeist more accurately.
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