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Everything posted by beesuit

  1. That's exactly what they want people to feel. They're preying on people's fears, uncertainty and doubt when they do these short attacks to pick off the panic sells and people's automated stop losses. If you look at the volume, you can see there's hardly the required volume to drive such large dips. It's all artificial, they're just trading stocks back and forth to drive the price down. Usually, you'll see this get offset by people buying into the dip, but since even that's getting restricted its not recovering as much. As long as people hold, which the majority are still doing, they're still most likely to get reamed in the end. EDIT: I don't know shit bout st0nks or finance. I'm just a smoothbrain that vomits what i read on the intrawebz. Not fake news mainstream media shit though, those propaganda spreading sacks of shit can go EAD.
  2. Should try showing em NovrilTataki's video sometime for FGC content creation
  3. You want trashy wholesome shows go watch Oreimo and Eromanga Sensei.
  4. Sounds like something an impostor would say, 65 and 200 game at less than msrp. I motion to vote this man off the ship. I have proof he does no task and just watches john wick.
  5. Rest in Peace Mama axeman. Condolences, sucks u had to go through such shitty experiences.
  6. Light absorbing matter
  7. Stop engaging in obvious bait and feeding the troll. Just flag that shit outta here and move on. It’ll auto remove itself once a certain number of flags are hit.
  8. Here we go with the DMCA retardary again. All these comps never learn.
  9. Racing gaming chairs are retarded. Those things are designed to hold u in place while your car is flinging you around fast bends or crashes and shit. Ain't no one experiencing shit all G's in front of their monitors.
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