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Everything posted by Mr.Cipher

  1. Ranked Mode are useless and ranks mean nothing. Mostly only do them for the achivements and then switch to Room/Player Matches.
  2. Considering how shoto infested lower ranks in SF usually are and how dumb most of them are, you should get to Diamond just by hitting your AA DPs consistent. Just a advice play different FGs, it will improve your skillset, thats not meant as SFV sucks (what it does), but from my experience playing lots of different FGs will widen your horizon.
  3. Well Sagat isn't worth playing either, he's good until you meat the characters that play SFV, then he just struggels to achive anything.
  4. Before the Story Monkeys jump on me..... oh wait. I think Ryu is without his SnH completly useles as a fighter and his best ability is being a sore loser and doing angry wake up Shoryukens. Ken is 100x the better fighter, Chun probably has 50x his Skill and I'm sure Sagat would cook him if they would ever fight for real.
  5. That is the look of a Ryu who just lost a fight and now shows what a sore loser he is. She's about to get the same scar as Sagat.
  6. tbh. I would either play Chun, Juri or Menat, when they're in SFVI and the game is actually good. Most likely Chun, I can't stand her from her personality but her gameplay is exactly my shoe.
  7. I mean she got 2 or 3 in SFV. You can even Hazanshu in them now making the purchase actually worth it.
  8. I still think the PS5 will be half assed to make people buy the PS5 Pro in a year or 1 1/2 years. I'm pretty sure this Gen was a test to see if people will bite the hook and I imagen enough did.
  9. To much drama for my taste. But how I understand it. Preppy was an ass to Pertho, Pertho was having a bad time, d3v was a moron for siding with Preppy. And now that was the final nail for SRK. Another note, when can I put the images and Gifs from my Reaction Folder in here? Feels kinda odd not to be able to drag and drop.
  10. But the Netcode is flawless and perfect, according to the Steam Forums, if you have problems with it, the problems are with you, not the Netcode. Here take two Juri Costumes and Dan.
  11. At least my Waifus aren't only in the game to be punching bags for other characters. Right Mr.Bullet Player.
  12. Just pick CSion and shot people in the face with a gun, ain't that different from her Under Night Counterpart. I personaly enjoy the red haired gorilla, who shots the equivalent of 120mm Heat Tank Rounds from her Fingertips.
  13. I wanted to name myself Professor Doktor Herr von Cipher. But thought that was to many stolen, I mean officialy bought, I mean titels I came up with.
  14. You didn't like the 1x1 sized circles? But why, they were perfectly balanced.
  15. Alright how does this place function? Can I burn SRK now?
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