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Everything posted by Deadly_Raver

  1. Hey. Hey lady. Welcome to what it's like to be a guy who gets used for a foodie call. Enjoy your tacos.
  2. So I finally got to see the new E.O.E. 3.0. Is it just me or did they 1: remake something that seriously didn't need it and 2: did they turn it into the,"Shit on Shinji Show"? 3: I swear the tech keeps getting better and the humans keep getting worse. Maybe we should've kept it simple at sticks and stones.
  3. *A week ago:* ME: "Yo. ISP. Your shit's broke. When can you fix it?" ISP: "We're kinda backed up right now. We'll get to you when we can." *Today:* ME: "Yo. Me again. You coming out here or what?" ISP: "Sorry. We're still backed up. " ME: "No worries. I just called your competitor. They said they'll get me hooked up tomorrow so I'll be by to cancel my contract with you as soon as they do." *.....................Not even 30 minutes later they are out here and my shit is now working. No lie.* ME: Anyways, I'm back. Hooray and shit.
  4. yo. I missed this until now. Scarlett made the Rat BTFO? Score one for the................well, Scarlett in this case.
  5. You're welcome. It was this or the "Level down" RPG answer and the shooter one sounded crazier. Obviously I went with it.
  6. Yup. that shitI used to pull in my 20s didn't float when the big 3-0 hit me. it's like running through an old 2D shooter all powered up and then suddenly you lose everything but the basic gun but you're still stuck on the harder stage. Well, just take it easy from now on. It's gonna be like that from now on I'm afraid.
  7. I kinda go internet silent for a week or two and THIS shit happens. well, people at the top don't notice the grunts until something breaks. if you ask me, I think what just broke is the camel's proverbial back.
  8. *Drops in from the All-concealing shadows..........* Yo. I know I've been missing for a while. Don't worry. Mother nature didn't merc me over the booty pics, but my Home internet is currently dead because of a box that lived through at least 3 Cat 4s and one Cat5 decided that now is the time to die. Unfortunately, my ISP is slow as hell about getting to me and haven't even given a possible time as to when they'll get here. my buddy is letting me borrow his, but that'll only work in short bursts of a few hours or so at a time. other than that life is still going on over here. All of you stay safe and I'll show up as I can. *Descends back into the all-concealing shadows........*
  9. This is one thing that I've never understood nor liked about the human race, and that is people who can see you're already having a bad time and want to do their part to make it worse. They could easily leave you alone, and you probably asked them to, but no. "Let's keep getting on the guy's back until he Hulks out on us." I'm sorry people can't stop fucking with you at a time like this, but at least you know who not to deal with. I hope hanging around here will at least ease the pain a little. If so, We'll do what we can to keep you from tearing out your hair or anyone else's.
  10. man, it seems like there were several different ways this all could've gone that didn't involve gunfire, but somehow it ended up in gunfire. My new question is: Why the hell did he even bring a gun to a baby shower in the first place? He's at the level of the guy playing the record backwards to try and find secret messages from the devil in them. In both cases, there was something wrong with them that they would even see these ideas as good in the first place.
  11. what? Now I really want to know how all of this started and how it got to that point.
  12. Same here. Me and a buddy went to watch it and it was so good that we jumped up, grabbed tickets and watched it back to back. Good Good Times.
  13. well, I meant to put this picture with the previous post and messed up somehow. So, in a blatant move to jack my post count up and get back to my favorite sprite, here it is.
  14. I didn't see it. I'm guessing that would mean that it's somebody I have on ignore and therefore the usual suspect(s). Apparently, the cali recall failed. You gonna keep newsom? Looks like the exodus will continue. @MillionX Here's another one from the Angryman. I'm not saying,"I told ya so" but I am thinking it.......................and typing it.
  15. Of course they can. "Search your feelings. You know it to be true." I'd jack off while falling out of a plane. If it's truly a sin I'd be dead, but if I just bounce and get up the matter will be settled once and for all.
  16. You're a little late on that one. This is from 2015. Also, A little bit of death battle.
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