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Everything posted by locoghoul

  1. Finished watching Snyder cut, damn knew it was gonna be better but that was something else. Not saying is a masterpiece BUT is gonna be a long ass time until I can say I legit enjoy watching a 4 h movie. Just think about that. Also, it wasnt entirely new as well since a good portion of the plot was included in the Whedon version. I am very sad though cause Fisher coulda had a good flick off that and now is all gone. Sigh
  2. Started watching Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Bruh dat Disney budget yo. I kinda like where the plot is going. I get Winter Soldier vibes except built up slowly. Didnt expect to like this but imma watch the whole thing.
  3. I am watching it over the weekend, glad it has been getting poaitive comments so far
  4. The finale felt rushed idk. Like there were at least 3 arcs they were doing at the same time. It shoulda been split into two episodes imo. Rambeau didnt do shit in the end. She was basically set up bait for later. The way Wanda leaves as well is very unreal, like she just puts on a hoodie and leaves. I really enjoyed the series though, adding Kat Dennings was an alley oop
  5. I wouldn't mind banging Olsen every other night
  6. My wife and I binge watched Jessica Jones season 1 and really liked it. Daredevil was fucking great too. Havent watched Luke Cage yet
  7. The one fucking time I come here to lurk and a dumbass spoils the next episode without tags or anything. Thats what i get for coming here...
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