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Everything posted by Maravilla

  1. Yea thanks. Yea she's almost not a stock character since her qcb+lk is fast as hell, is a combo ender, and is safe on block and loads a stock.
  2. At my level even ryus denjin charge while being a nerf, (yes, that's a nerf my dudes) is STILL pretty fun to use, we don't worry about rank, we worry about having fun. Pro players however will have a problem with ryu, that's why nobody uses him.
  3. Any juri players here? Do y'all ever find yourself struggling to stock your projectiles?
  4. Xrd SUCKS! Strive is how gg should have been since the beginning.
  5. One way to help ryu out would be to be able to stock 3 denjin charges like someone already suggested or have him use it whenever he chooses so he can still use regular fireballs.
  6. How much time do you guys spend on sf6 on average a day? Or a week?
  7. The main issue with ryu to me isn't that ken does everything better etc. it's that his denjin charge or whatever you call it almost feels like a nerf, I remember reading somewhere that it actually makes ryu worse in a way because you lose pressure,oki,etc. by stocking it.
  8. Dude gets triggered like that over a connection, muthafaka deserves to get his ass whooped by wifi users! Ones missing a Ethernet cable the others missing a brain.
  9. Yea no motions, we'll see how that plays out for project l, (it's gonna fail).
  10. Yea and that dude would have gotten fired by now because of that decision lol.
  11. Modern will NEVER replace classic, yall should know this by now lol.
  12. They don't need to send you full screen, they're not zoners, they WANT to keep you close. If you get hit by a fireball d,df,f+Kick thrn yes he can also get you with it but you have to not block it FROM FULL SCREEN AWAY lol, that's the exact same thing as ryu doing a fireball from full screen away and then doing level 2 super if the opponent doesn't block the fireball, it will also connect. Im not saying jp isn't top tier, or that he needs it, I'm saying other characters have strong stuff too, he's a zoner he should have powerful zoning tools, but pretty sure he has trouble against faster characters coming in going ham etc. Honestly to me top 5 right now (which can change soon as the game is new) are jp,ken,guile (yes guile mofos) and dumb ass luke.
  13. Ok I was wrong and I apologize, you CAN combo into level three from lights. You have to mash after light striborg. However, again, you STILL have to be close to connect with lights, doesn't that apply to EVERY character in this game? Ken can combo into his level 3 from lp,lp,dp,level3, so can ryu, so can Luke, so can juri, so can cammy,so can marisa,etc. what's the difference?
  14. Are you sure you can go into level 3 off those lights and light striborg? I think NOT! Next post better be an apology! Edit- obviously trolling about the apology, but yea he can't combo from what you mentioned.
  15. The explanation above about jp having to land his hp stribog is correct. You're not landing stribog in neutral mostly and you can't combo into it like the other versions where you can't follow up with anything. So in order to land that you either have to get lucky and land it in neutral or drive rush into it after a normal which will cost you three bars. Pretty sure every other character can combo into level 3 off certain hits.
  16. Im surprised no media has said that sf6 broke the all time record in peak viewership and total viewership. By almost double what dbfz had in 2018 and by a fourth of what MK11 did at the reveal. Even beat out smash bro's record. I'd imagine eventhubs would have had an article by now.
  17. 1/2 for me. I actually do like sf6 I like it's mechanics, combo potential, etc. what I do not like is that none of the characters are clicking with me, ryus too basic AGAIN. Half the roster are store characters so to me they feel like your fighting your opponent AND fighting time to load your stuff.
  18. Cool thanks. So bigbird is implying jps cane reaches far?
  19. In those examples what do the green and red boxes mean? Is red where she can hit or get hit?
  20. I saw way too many matches at Evo where he got to his "necalli" state just to have the round be over 2 seconds later. Store/load/install characters SUCK!
  21. Does blocking normals take chip damage? I noticed on some Evo matches that some players got chipped out in rounds, can normals and specials chip you out or just supers?
  22. Nah dawgs ds5 is a good as any other pad out there, git gud!
  23. My main issue with this game is that half the cast are store/load characters. Always felt like all those type of characters are incomplete.
  24. Oh ok I didn't understand your post then my bad, so your problem is you getting tilted because of a mistake etc. for a long time, including matches after? Yea honestly that depends on the person, his character, the way he handles issues etc. some people just get over things faster than others. But I'm pretty sure you can definitely learn to not care so much eventually, pretty sure that's what's gonna happen one way or another.
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