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Everything posted by Maravilla

  1. I think playing 6 months of SFV is enough to know they crush counters/ the priority system was far superior than sf4 in that regards. Look at sf4 matches, every time two players were close to each other it was light+light+light+light until someone connected, this ain't a mike Tyson jab session. Y'all gon learn today'
  2. Ok then keep on using light for footsies, use lights mid combo, use lights on oki, use lights on wake up, use lights in the air, ground, outside the arcade whatever just MASH LIGHTS see if yours connects first.
  3. Yea but let's face it, Akuma is badass so it's understandable!
  4. I still think crush counters was a very good mechanic, you had to think about throwing out normals and moves now, no more "let's mash lights to see who connects first" trash.
  5. Now that's THE fighting game our our lives! 12+ years after people still playing their teams different and still finding tech, don't hate!
  6. I never played sf4, barely played SFV at all lol, but as far as I can tell hasnt SFV been the most popular fighting game since it came out? Even with the horrible launch? As far as entrants and viewers go it's 90% of the time been the top fighter.
  7. Cool thanks, how you guys feels about that? Would you guys prefer the dizzy bar back?
  8. Wait, are there dizzies in sf6? Haven't noticed a dizzy bar on the demo.
  9. Cool thanks. Could it be used as a mixup also? Like drive rush and either do an overhead, low or throw? Or does it not work that way?
  10. Simple question, in what scenario would drive rush be a good option? I mean rush drive is a command dash right? Like kens vskill 1?
  11. Seems like shimmies aren't going to be as strong in sf6, if possible at all.
  12. So for parry you can keep holding the buttons, in what situation would you need this for?
  13. I wouldn't call it cheating unless there's a tournament like 2 weeks after the release, but I do think those people have an advantage for the first couple of months, after that then skill level will take the lead.
  14. You guys think sf6 is overall slower than SFV? Like walk speeds etc.
  15. I played SFV for 5 months, couldn't make it out of bronze lol.
  16. Nope, I joined srk a little before it was closed down. I have no time or reason to troll without a reason on the biggest fgc game. Maravilla means marvel because I love marvel.
  17. Drive parry? So aside from drive impact (which is a parry cmon now) there's a "drive parry"? Man this keeps getting better and better, no wonder they chose Luke as the protagonist, this game is gonna be a disaster.
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