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Everything posted by Gimpy

  1. Something is definitely brewing if the Flash reshoots rumor is true. If so, well played Ezra...well played.
  3. Okay, he might be right and this might make more sense.
  4. I thought you couldn't get any worse than the s regime but I guess I was wrong.
  5. Sounds like Peacemaker and the other shows will be shown on HBO.
  6. Now there are rumors flying around that HBO Max may be next to get the axe.
  7. I actually liked this show. Campy and cheesy at times but if you liked the CW vampire shows then this felt like a successor to them.
  8. The thing that concerned me when the merger happened is that some people were saying that the new guy in charge was sort of frugal. Someone needs to be in his ear telling him scared money don't make money.
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