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The Slick Tony

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Everything posted by The Slick Tony

  1. Saw this clip earlier. A pretty good setup actually but it does have a few holes: the Kimberly could have just jumped forward when they say the DI (considering they were quick enough to react with their own DI), they could have parried, or they could have used her OD Tatsu (which is straight up invincible). One of those setups that look good because it was a beta and everyone was new but will get dissected rather quickly.
  2. To continue this - It worked! I created a Franken-Jedi and the game didn't crash 😆
  3. You got to love old games. They have the raddest glitches 😅. I discovered recently that there is an infinite XP exploit at the beginning of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. So, of course, I had to try it 😈. It's has took 5 hours but I am almost to max level 🤣. But wait, there's more... There is an Xbox version exclusive glitch that allows you to trick the game into switching a desired characters class. Thus, when I reach max experience, I'll 'save' the level ups until I want to cross-class. Then I'll jump to Max level. Stay with me, there is even more... At a certain point, your character is forced to become a Jedi. Erasing your previous class. There is a problem though - the game can't recognize three classes at once. So, if you do it right and prevent a crash, the game erases the second class and reverts the character to the level they were at pre-glitch (in my case, 2). But, you keep all of the stats and abilities you acquired on level up. So, your character ends up reaching level 38, essentially. Bypassing the hard cap of 20. Basically -
  4. I'm done 😅 Closing thoughts: The Drive System is EXTREMELY important for every character... except Guile. He plays really weird with it, so to speak. He is all around good without the Drive System (unlike some characters) but he somehow suffers from IV's Focus Attack Syndrome AND benefits from V-esque V System shenanigans. It's... odd. As for my main, Ryu, you have to be on point with the meter management to win. You also have to abuse certain normals (F+HP, cr.MK, and F+HK) to get far. Making him harder to use than Guile and feel somewhat sluggish. For fun, here's a matchup for Ryu: Beats: Ken, Jamie, Luke (although, barely saw him) Neutral: Chun-Li, Guile (unless you try to get in a fireball war), Ryu (of course) Loses: Kimberly, Juri Final thoughts: 1. I really, REALLY, liked the feel once I started proactively using the Drive System. This game, more so than V or III, WANTS you to be aggressive. 2. Kimberly or Guile is the best of the beta cast. Jamie is the worst.
  5. Also, while it takes conditioning, Ryu's F+HK is an awesome low crush. It's made some of my opponents afraid to push buttons.
  6. I can't win against a good Kimberly. I get pushed into the corner and then I'm royally screwed 😅.
  7. Yeah, I've gone against some cats who look like they've been playing the game for longer than two 3-day periods.
  8. After a shimmy or after the knockdown is how I use it. Catching them on wakeup is pretty easy and people are (mostly) wary to use OD moves (which are the only invincible moves) on wakeup.
  9. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of Solar Plexus Punch 😆. It's one of the few normals actually PLUS on block and nobody seems to realize it 😅.
  10. Some thoughts on the Beta: 1. I have to get use to it but I'm feeling the Drive System. It's nice to have access to all of your tools right away, but at the same time, you have to manage your resources properly as not to lose them. 2. Similar to all my time playing III, I find parrying to be nigh useless (but that's just me 😅). 3. Drive Impact is actually not as good as one might think. Is it spamable? Very. Is it good? Yes. Is it too good? Actually no. It is quite reactable. The only time it is very dangerous is when you or your opponent is stuck in the corner. 4. Now on to my major criticism - the characters feel a bit weighty. Not quite sluggish but almost like an MK character. The two I used the most so far are Guile & Ryu and both of them have that feeling. I played a couple with Jaime and Kimberly and they felt more snappy. So, the weigty feeling is probably on purpose. 5. Another design decision I'm neutral on is the seemingly lack of pressure. On one hand, it is easy to get out of a sticky situation thanks to most buttons being minus on block. On the other hand, the lack of button pressure has led to a lot of throw & DI spam, so far.
  11. My gif game sucks but I made an Imgur album breaking down the gameplay sections of the TGA trailer -
  12. @HecatomI don't know you... and I don't agree with %90 of what you say... and we'd probably never hangout but happy B-Day, man!
  13. I'm surprised we haven't gotten any mini showcase videos of the new reveals yet. Maybe they'll be shadow dropped into the second beta 🤔.
  14. Man, that was a dope trailer. Now we got a release date. 6 months is a hell of a wait but my wallet is happy.
  15. Yeah, I finally dropped my Twitter account a few days ago. Best decision I made in a while.
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