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Everything posted by Disciple0fAnrky

  1. grandma from no frills solos one piece, dbz, bleach, black clover, mha, naruto, and fairy fail at the same time
  2. That convo is about as fruitful as shounentards arguing about who is or what is light speed. Guess this kid is light speed then
  3. Anyone else? Who is even playing that old ass game? Didn't we all play it 10 years ago? Is there new content on this re-release? Some of them indie games coming out looking nice. I still don't care about anything else them indies and this dfo stuff coming out along side a few jrpgs like Granblue relink Still el oh eling at the dumb ass that said this looked worse graphic-wise than Nier Automata. Y'all really just be saying anything. Was this already shared?
  4. Cool! Speaking of sequels looks like they are making one to No man's sky
  5. What game is this and why is Hachishakusama in it? I just watched her get murked in that Otherside picnic anime this week but I guess it wasn't enough XD
  6. So how is facebook dying? Must of have not been paying attention while I was trolling all these weebs on it 😄
  7. Like how are you a fan of this shit for this long, fetishize this shit, slurp up a show about ninjas and still know nothing about the basics of the feudal culture that it is based on lol Couldn't be me
  8. Also people that don't understand what systematic racism is need to really keep they mouth the fuck closed lol Tryna have an opinion when your ass didn't even know about private prisons in 2020, boi if you don't....... Kinda like arguing about physics with a crackhead, actually that would be more fruitful than what just transpired above. Ok more like arguing with big brain anime fans that sit here and dick ride shows like naruto and japan but then post shit like this
  9. Instead of saying viking stuff is racist how about wack ass racist stop trying to associate with vikings? They need to associate with this guy instead
  10. Is it now? Can you explain to us why fiber is so important for your chakra points my informed friend?
  11. I think I hear covid calling my name too even though I played it safe. Kinda sad when your own family dont even take shit seriously over here giving two fucks about themselves or their family due to listening to morons.
  12. I did ugly laugh when he was a baby and had the panties on his head
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