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Everything posted by Disciple0fAnrky

  1. Shit's almost as funny as these weirdos stalking my facebook because I said their shitty rape anime is trash and needs to get yeeted into the sun. And this is coming from someone that enjoyed Goblin Slayer Edit: Glad it was just normal deep throating issues and not life threatening. Good stuff maxx
  2. Lol this video Perfectly captures the essence of this failure of a story and the pathetic fanbase it has. Manga/anime sure has fallen into the gutter when shit like this is being championed by a bunch of pussyless incel rape apologist
  3. I sincerely hope redo of a healer gets shit canned after the first episode and taken off of japanese tv lol. The fact that complete and utter garbage like it is even getting a show and people are excited about it lets me know that the anime community in of itself is filled with irredeemable trash. Meanwhile we will never get a second season of Grimgar.
  4. lol all as it should be
  5. Ppl really taking this dudes post at face value? I need that shit you hitting too cause it's that good good. Got y'all on them green pills in this bitch like queen's gambit
  6. This will be us looking down at you peasants from now on
  7. Naw I just want to give a reason to the people that actually deserve it. I don't want them coming at me later asking why this and that happened. Couldn't really care less tbh, shits just another source of amusement for me but I try to balance that by trying to keep mrbee from going insane. That being said ya'll don't blame me, my hands are tied. I am just going with the flow.
  8. Make sure you guys report these dumb ass post otherwise it will look like I was just being a dick and censoring obvious trolls and lunatics and then their shitty enablers will start crying to the admin about it. Thx Anyways this song and this video always fucks with me
  9. This?
  10. Man after watching Talentless Nana I am sure that Sakura was over kill and plain old Nana with no powers would be able to murk class 1a Damn that song for that Eva trailer is god awful. I wish that dude would learn how to sing.
  11. Welp at least it wasn't battle angel bad. Poor Diana gonna have to be content with just the og animated movie as everything else has her being a complete moron with no sense of agency. I wonder how many stereotypes they have in the new movie?
  12. Like the first one was literally scripted by some lame ass from Sex in the City which is why it has that terrible pacing that it has. Freaking watching Wonder woman being led around like a lost puppy dog was painful to watch.
  13. Damn if the first one is better than it must be a really bad movie.
  14. Man I don't even remember who this hanzo dude is. I went ham watching this Alice in Borderlands show. This gotta be @MillionXnumber one show right now lol
  15. Lol they need to blow up joey like they did that beached whale
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