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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. For my one piece watchers and readers What do you call a man pissing in the clouds? I'll see myself out
  2. I appreciate that you're willing to engage with me. Only through experience, conversations with those who have said experience, and having an open mind willing to hear other views and ideas can we learn. Lastly. To answer your question. A young woman I met in Oklahoma City when I lived there working a contract. She was my neighbor, right across fron my door. Just moved in. I introduced myself and helped her dad with moving some furniture into her apartment. A few days later I saw her in passing. She invited me into her home and we chilled getting to know each other. I liked her, she looked good and I figured she liked me to cuz she invited me in. So I asked her out. She said she isn't trying to date right now. That's cool. I at least shot my shot. But then she hits me with this. "But if you ever get tired of self serving, I'm right here. Just 50 an hour" Told her nah I'm good on that. And asked her why she moving like this? You got a dad in your life that seems to care. She said "Yeah but love and care don't pay the bills. My dad loves me but he always struggled to do for me and my mom" Doing this got me paid to where I got my own place and car now. I asked her if she likes what she does. How long she trying to do this? She tells me she don't know. She likes the money and attention. But she knows they don't really care about her. And that this is the most money she ever made working and did and seen too much to go back to working a regular job, or being in a relationship.
  3. I'm not saying they shouldn't do anything to survive. I'm saying that this course of action. Can effect them later, should they then desire other things in life. So they should be persuaded and shown another route. As for how you feel about my view on a woman's vag? We'll just have to disagree on that. Which is fine as long as you don't hate and talk down to me just because we differ on this. I would hate for us to no longer be cool over a difference of views. And I'm not saying a woman had to make babbies. But the ability to bring life into the world is there. That's amazing and shouldn't be viewed as whatever imo. Yes being in financial hard times, not knowing where your next meal is coming from, etc. Would have the same effect. The difference? Financial hard times don't have to stay that way. With work, and help from others. That can change. But years of sex work? That stays with a woman forever. Wether she gets out of it or not. And her behavior, and tendencies will show it.
  4. Thats the thing. They're not worried about a mate. As you said they're just worried about right now. And a lot of women who didn't care to have a mate at the time. May change their tune when they're older and stable. But at that point. She will have developed behaviors, tendencies etc. That would have a lot of men deem her unfit to be a wife. Then she'll have to cope with likely living her life single if that's not what she wants. Due to choices she made while operating in survival mode. And let's take men or dating put of the equation. Sex work is terrible on the psyche of most women. It causes women to no longer view their womanhood as a portal that brings life into the world. And instead as a money making machine. This causes many, sense of self worth to go to shit. Because due to the nature of the work they chose. And we do spend a good chunk of our time working. Most of her interactions with people, mainly men. Are transactional. How many women in that line of work find actual comradery, pride in their work, develop a bond with customers etc? Doing that for years will fuck someone up.
  5. Ok my post was poorly worded. I should've specified you can try to persuade them. Because yes nothing is guaranteed. My own biases from where I grew up, and what I've seen and experienced plays a factor in how I present such questions and some of my takes. I'll work on trying to set bias aside and be more general. And why I think the potentially promiscuous young woman interested in sex work is easier to talk out of getting into that life? Just my limited experience. Most young women view it as the fastest and easiest track to financial independence. And aren't thinking about how it could effect them if they wanted to pursue a mate or pursue other work outside of sex work. If they're sat down and talked to and informed about it. And provided with a stable home to where money isn't too much of a worry, and dad is around being a good role model for what to look for in a man. They tend not to pursue that life.
  6. Remember ya can persuade them from this life. I guess the point of my question is which challenge would you rather take on, and how would ya go about changing their mind about their course of action? Me personally I'd to deal with daughter interested in sex work. Young women wanting to be promiscuous or getting into sex work for fast money is actually easier to deal with. There are proven ways to keep women from wanting that life style. But a young man who feels like he has to do the most to get respect and/or is impatient and feels like he needs big money now? That's a long and tough battle to get through to him.
  7. Ok so would you try to get her to consider another way of life? Or you'd encourage her on this course? If the later. Why?
  8. Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?
  9. Got damn I forgot how much the starman theme from Super Paper Mario slaps! Everything from the army of 8 bit versions of yourself running by, the giant 8 bit version of you being drawn. And just absolutely wrecking everything in your path to an epic groove that makes ya wanna salsa dance. One of the hypest moments in gaming for me.
  10. Prince was said to be so nice on the court. He could've went pro if he had the height.
  11. Micheal Jackson and Prince. Despite their larger than life personalities, talents and life styles. Where always described as down to earth people that were easy to talk to and get along with. By those who met them. As well as their subject matter in their music. Micheal in particular with hits like "they don't care about is" "man in the mirror" etc.
  12. They were relatable. They seemed like everyday people who just happened to be very talented. As appose to feeling like their talent puts them above everyday people.
  13. Ok enjoyed my time back home in the states. Got to reconnect with some family I haven't seen in years. I'll never stay at mom's again. I'm getting a hotel whenever I'm in New york. Now it's time to head back to Qatar and back to work. At least till August. Then I'm off to either Thailand or New Zealand for my next vacation.
  14. Couldn't fathom this in a black house hold. Just no black child is bold or crazy enough to do some ish like that to their mama or daddy. If so? That child better know how to call 911 and cps.
  15. And I'll admit. He wild for stuff like that. To some degree he's playing a character, and to some degree he's also serious. But I honestly think Andrew has matured in the few years after that interview. You don't hear such things from him anymore
  16. I hear you on that. But on the flip side. You have some women enforcing this as well. But only when it's convient for them. I E a real man does this and that for a woman. He knows that's his role, and wouldn't leave a lady to do it. But should a man dare say the same when it comes to what a woman's role is? Then it's a problem. The message is toxic and out dated etc.
  17. I didn't say you. I'm speaking how he's described in general by people. And I'm not just defensive over him. But men in general who try to promote masculinity, family, leadership, self improvement, and enjoying what comes with putting in the work to become that best version of one's self. And get hate for it. Now those who miss use his advice. And try to be fake alpha tough guys. Or trying to dominate any and all interactions with a woman. Etc. Yeah they deserve to get shifted on.
  18. And yet when Andrew challenges women on this. As seen in those vids I linked. He's sexist, misogynist, old fashioned. Caveman mentality, he wants women to be slaves to a man etc. @axeman61Fair enough. But ya wild for just recklessly throwing around this sex trafficking label.
  19. Yeah he ain't perfect. He definitely has some Ls on his record. Like most people. But as to your point about him just being about promoting a life of greed, excess and materialism? I'll let him speak for himself There's other examples. But those are most notable to me. And I'm not saying women have to be wives and mothers to live a fulfilling life. But I just wonder. What is the point of being so career and money driven. With no family to share it all with?This goes for men too. And I agree we all need to get back to giving a damn about one another. But it seems very hard to get back to that. When so many value career, accomplishments, income etc. And value relationships, family and community so little. @RSG3 Andrew and Tristan Tate have both been released from jail. They're on house arrest now. But it looks like the charges are gonna be dropped. So is he innocent until proven guilty? Or are ya condemning a man based on ya opinion of him?
  20. And this is valid. And the thing is. Andrew to my knowledge. Never said to force yourself into that alpha leader role. Like that cringy kid did. He encourages men to become the man. That a woman and others. Would naturally want to follow. And to not tolerate unruly women in dating. Always be willing to hear your womans input before making decisions. But you should be a man that your lady. Is comfortable with allowing to make that final decision. Because yes, someone forcing themselves into that alpha leader role. When no one asked for one nor did a situation call for one? Yeah no one likes that guy/lady
  21. Hmm ok. I see that. However. Responsibility without authority, is slavery. If you have a responsibility to something, or someone. And you have no say so over how you go about handling that responsibility? You're a workhorse. Not a leader. For example. Some women want to feel protected and safe around their man. Knowing he'll step up if danger approaches. But there's more to protection than just squaring off with an aggressor. There's also wisdom, structure and advice that he can offer. To minimize the risk of danger coming her way. However she has the mindset of "I'm not a child, don't tell me what to do. You have no authority over me etc" And from personal experience. This tends to lead to women getting into dangerous situations. That could've been avoided if she had followed the man's words and structure. Instead she wants to do whatever. And expect the man to just rush in and get her out of a bad situation she may find herself in. I don't know about other communities. But in the black community. It's common to see women disregarding what a man has to say in a situation, handling it how she wants to. Then expecting him to jump in once things jump off to where she can't handle it.
  22. What has Adndrew said exactly that gets people so rilled up??? Or as you say "putting someone else in their place to lift you up to make it work"? What has he said that implies that? And I'll look up David Goggins.
  23. You should go back to not saying a damn thing to me buddy. I've done the same but I'll gladly make you my favorite topic of discussion if you'd like.
  24. I think Andrew Tate's ok. Yeah some of his ideals can be a bit much. But his overall message of getting men back in their masculine and being the best version of themselves is great imo.
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