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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. She doesn't deserve that. She's still a human being who hasn't done any real harm to anyone from what we know. However certain actions and words will effect your reputation. Long after you've said and done it.
  2. If Scrappy Doo was actually allowed to try to back up all dat sh1t he be talking.
  3. Yeah at that point. You're living in your own personal mini town. That's the kind of estate you could move your parents, siblings and their kids in with you. And all live comfy with plenty of space
  4. Dude in the suit is wild'n. I agree with some manosphere/redpill talking points. But this ain't it. No way he'd advise his daughter, sister mother etc. To endure physical abuse for a marriage. The day your significant other attempts to actually put hands on you with the intent do damage? Is the day that relationship is dead because respect is out the window. GTFO no looking back. They broke up the family, not you.
  5. We're blessed to have grown up with gaming. Back when games were a labor of love. Where they took pride in making the best game they could. Now? AAA game studios are no better than fucing mobile game developers with how damn near everything is behind a pay wall. And have you seen the absolutely giant middle to the consumer. That is Overwatch 2 canceling the PVE that was promised in 2019? Fuckers scrapped it within the same year. But only now are telling people they chose to do that. 4 fucking years of lies! Just dangling a carrot on a string. Then throwing it in the garbage. What the fuck was the point making a OW2??? They could've just kept supporting Overwatch 1 as it was! Fuck gaming today man.....
  6. ๐ŸŽตDon't go chasing waterfalls. Just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're use to๐ŸŽต @Jion_Wansu Damn doesnt get anymore 90s gaming music than that. Thanks for the nostrallgia trip
  7. Not gonna say all women. But on average. Women speak based on how they feel in that moment. Not with too much thought. This is why a lot of them say sh1t that contradict what they said even minutes ago. They're not thinking about what they said earlier and how they need to be consistent with that. Their feelings towards that have passed. So they completely forget what they said. I.E this woman uses sassy as an alternative to gay. But when she felt attacked for doing so? She forgot she does that. And just went into defense mode claiming she don't. Edit: In regards to the only fans models becoming moms topic.
  8. Not justification. Cause and effect. Riding the subway in New York will have you on edge and paranoid at times. There's no transit cops around or nothing. So when sh1t jumps off? And it's likely it will. People are gonna take matters into their own hands. Now if there was an actual transit cop assigned to that train. Riding it to where he could be alerted and help? This likely wouldn't have happened
  9. I think it shows how some people are really lacking common sense and can't be bothered to actually think. When it comes to things that doesn't have to do with specifically their day to day life and intrest. Ask some of them what's going on, on tik tok. Latest trends, gossip or whatever. And they'll turn into a ivy league proffesor.
  10. There's lessons you and witnesses get to learn from. Then there's lessons only the witnesses get to learn from.
  11. That would be the dudes who'd make an example out of ya for public disrespect like that kid on the bus displayed. It was sad to hear of some dudes I knew off. Ending up dead for running they're mouth or acting out of pocket. A simple azz whuppin would've checked them.....
  12. I grew up in Bronx, NY Some of the older dudes on the block were about that life. Some were law abiding, but use to be about that life and still got those instincts. Majority were working men. But what they all had in common? They kept themselves strong and fight ready. No one wanted to be seen and singled out as weak and could be stepped to any kind of way. And had to be ready for anyone. So that's why I saw most teens who bucked up to adults. Because they had some size on them get folded bad. Dudes understood like you said. Teens can do damage. So you got dealt with like a grown man Some would just do enough to make the youngin realize he bit off more than he can chew. And wanna stand down. Others took public disrespect to heart and would make an example out of you.
  13. My experience is different from yours growing up then. I've seen those very teens you're talking about. Step to grown men on the block with that disrespect. Feelin themselves. Only to literally have their potential careers ended. Because the teen was ready for a fight. While the adult was ready to do real damage. All that working out and sh1t means nothing. When you're up against someone that has no chill, wont hesitate to commit real violence, and knows how to fight. And most teens aren't prepared for that kind of fight. It ain't about a sense of invincibility or whatever. It's about how real sh1t can get. When you aren't stepping to a grown man that is a teacher that gives a damn about you and their own career. And instead are stepping to a grown man, that is not only willing to match your energy. But go well beyond it because they don't give a fuck about your life and future. That's why I specified an adult that doesn't care about that kid's life and has no restraint. The average adult who ain't about that violence and lives a sedintary life? Yeah a strong teen who works out regularly can take him. An adult man that works out, can fight, and has no issue with dealing real damage? Most teens don't want that smoke
  14. Every kid is gangsta until they disrespect an adult that doesn't value their life and has no chill.
  15. If this goes to a judge and she gets awarded anything at all? Dating will be officially dead in the west.
  16. This angers me. It's one thing to be an annoying Karen. But playing damsel in distress when you're in the wrong. Expecting everyone to dog pile on the young black man? Just fucking rage inducing
  17. True, somethings gotta give. But No one in government. Wants to be the one who stops kicking the can. And ushers in economic Armageddon. So whatever has to be sacrificed is worth it to them.
  18. Idk man. I've seen way too many times. The threat of a government shutdown being sensationalized. Only for the debt ceiling to be raises again and again. No one wants those problems. Someone is gonna cave.
  19. They're just gonna raise the debt ceiling. They're not pressed to stop kicking the can
  20. The way that girl at 0:37 mark. Runs up eager to talk to her is adorable
  21. Thanks for reminding about her. Haven't checked on her in a minute. A slim thick white woman like that don't make no sense. But I'm here for it @MillionXYour taste in women is excellent sir ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  22. Well with the indentured servants. There was an agreement. In exchange for passage on the ship to get to the new world. They would work for x amount of time. After which their debt is paid and were given land, or a lump sum of money. ACTUAL slaves? The agreement was with the chiefs of conquering African tribes. In which prisoners of war. Were sold to them as property. Thus you arrive a slave, work live and die a slave. And your children and grandchildren go on to suffer the same fate.
  23. This Chris Rock bit pretty much sums up people who think like her. Dude was ahead of his time with this.
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