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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Made my first $1,000 this week with instacart. I'm actually making close to my mechanic money now. Thank God I listened to my brotha, and got in on Instacart before it went mainstream. Average wait time for new shoppers is like 4 months! I'd still be able to work in aviation. But instacart allows me to stay here in Atlanta. Still plan to enroll in Georgia Perrimeter for their engineering pathway course. Summer semester is in May. So imma grind, and stack up for school. So I'll do instacart full time until my old job brings me back. Do online schooling to knock out the associate degree level stuff. By that time we should be past covid. And I can do my last 2 years in person at Georgia state.
  2. Happy New year guys. Let's all hope 2021 is the year we begin to get out of this shit and start to get back to normal. Got my stimulus this morning, and that went straight to paying rent. I assume that was the case for most. 600 really ain't shit. We needed more. Please my fellow Georgians. Vote Ossoff and Warnock into the senate. Complete the blue wave. 2000 stimulus. Partial student loan forgiveness. Among other things will happen if Biden gets a senate that supports him
  3. Aye. You may be a whole foot taller. But I put on some size. Got up to 190ish now. I ain't saying I'd win. But I ain't going out like that. @DangerousJWell yeah, everyone knows the winter months is the time for staying in doors and fucking all day.
  4. Was talking with @RSG3the other day about our boy Hanzo. And the conversation got me thinking. Guys, assuming we're all well endowed. If you could take inches off your dick, and trade them in for height Would you? And if so how much? Or if you're part of the 6ft and up master race. Would you trade some of your stature for extra inches on your dick?
  5. It'd be messed up. If this pick was taken at a anime convention or something. Amongst people he saw as friends. But one decided to be a dick and create a dating profile using this picture as a cruel joke.
  6. Actually after reading the page before that. He kinda did bring it on himself. All he had to do was take that first jab in stride or talk a Lil shit back. Instead he went full scorched earth and let everyone know he's in his feelings.
  7. Why would they take pics of that poor girl from the back? Clearly her beast features are in the front. Also Merry Christmas to all you foul mouthed God forsaken heathens. Glad you all made it through this truly trying year. Seems uncle Sam don't give a fuck about us. So I'm thinking we here at SRK 2.0 look out for each other. Like real talk. If the government won't do for us. Then we need to do for each other as countrymen. Lastly. Leave Hanzo alone. Read the previous page and that shit was brutal. Like what set all that off?
  8. Over a damn game. That lady did way too damn much at the end. Jusy evil.
  9. Preppy as Homelander. Casting doesn't get anymore perfect than that. Well done sir
  10. Listened to Aint no fun if the hommies can't get none just to recall how wild that song was. Yeah the same way he was wild'n cuz he was young. Megan and Cardi are too. Just another case of right message, wrong messenger. And Karupt's verse in particular was just ridiculous. Sounds like a over the top YouTube parody. But no he's dead serious with it.. It's comical how over the top and direct they was with it.
  11. So a Monster Hunter Movie is set to release on the 18th. For some reason T.I. is in it. Damn shame. Movie looks to be yet another cash grab. Why the u.s military has to be shoehorn into everything???
  12. Here's the article
  13. I'll link the article. That's the best info I can provide. Also that Air Bnb ipo debut. Over 100% gains. However it debuted at 146. Way beyond my price range. So I couldn't get in. Oh well.
  14. Well in the UK. Two people who have taken it. Suffered severe allergic reactions. They've said those that have severe allergic reactions to things. Shouldn't take it, or should take it somewhere, where immediate medical care can be provided. I have allergic reactions to shellfish. Not severe but still I don't think I'll chance it. Unless they fix that issue for those with allergic reactions
  15. Ok so Air BnB IPO is set to drop today during trading hours. I put in a limit order of 800$ at $100 a share for 8 shares. Some are saying it'll open above 100 but that's as high as I can go. If I can get in. And if it rockets on opening day like Door Dash IPO debute did. I can make some bank.
  16. Its always the loudest anti gay people that be doing the absolute most behind closed doors 🤣🤣🤣
  17. People who hate on season 2 of the wire, are typically plebs that only watched for the drug dealing, gang banging, hood parts.
  18. Now that you mentioned that. I had watched a vid about the "downfall" of Jake Paul. And in it. It mentions that he has a military dad. Who in his childhood and teen years. Pushed him into competive sports and wrestling. I'm assuming his dad must've also taught him some military combat tech. So Jake Paul aint no bitch. The goofy everyday bro persona had us underestimating him.
  19. That Jake Paul and Nate Rob fight was the boxing equivalent of a football game in which most of it is 3 and outs and punting on 4th and 1, until one team caught a lucky break with a hail Mary pass for a touchdown on the final play. @SoneroYeah Roy Jones showed his age, but Tyson showed why he's called Iron Mike. Forget Jordan. That's the Mike I wanna be like.
  20. So ya mean to tell me people actually out here eating entire pizza pies by themselves??? I know we Americans are said to have the biggest asses in the world but damn.
  21. We talking a personal sized pizza pie or a family sized one?
  22. All good my dude. Decided to go back to school for engineering. Narrowed it down to either electrical, structural, or mechanical.
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