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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. What up peeps. How's everyone doing? Got a lot to catch up on up in here. I finally got back to full time work. For the foreseeable future I'm done with Aviation. At least as a mechanic. I now work in industrial maintenance at a parts manufacturing company that ironically. Make parts for aircraft manufacturers. I'm on the maintenance crew working on the heavy machinery. Guys are really cool and make you feel welcomed. Happy to teach what they know. Company offers all kinds of perks like tuition reimbursement after a year of employment. So that'll come in handy. And my schedule is mon-fri mornings 8hrs. But after I pass probation. I get on the 3-4 day 12hr schedule with a pay bump. So plenty of off days to focus on my engineering studies. So my long term plans for the next few years. Is hold down this job and stay put. While Earning my mechanical engineering degree. Maybe get back into dating. And building my stock portfolio for the next 5 to 10 years. By 40 I want to be financial free or close to it. Working in the engineering field, retire my mom and MAYBE my dad. Depends on how our relationships goes. And hopefully have a family started.
  2. While that is true about Slavery. When it comes to African American slavery in particular. Our ancestors had their culture and identity stripped from them. The Irish were slaves, but they still got to keep their culture and identity. Us though? Not so much.
  3. Well. The big short squeeze happened already. Like two weeks ago. Seems I was late to the party and took a fat L. Lost 1300 on a 3800 investment. 😞 But I learnt my lesson. If I miss the boat. Wait for another boat. Never chase. Imma get back into Zomedica for the March product launch. Focus on that and look for one more play to get into. Then after that. Do due diligence before putting money into any stock. In the meantime. Load up my Brokerage account
  4. I like and respect Queen Latifah, for what she has done in Hip Hop. Especially for the ladies. And her grind all these years. But this... Nah bruh lol. Set it off was perfect casting. It had more realistic action for her character and she was very convincing as that character. But pure over the top action hero??? Did ya see the way she ran from that explosion???
  5. Appreciate that. But we dying. Stock fell further in Pre market. It's like they're keeping this short Ladder attack going non stop. Theyay very well drop the price below 9 dollars. Can't believe they may get away with this.....At least we tried
  6. This guy explains the illegal activity that took place in order to tank AMC stock price today and keep it from taking off. Hedge funds are fighting dirty and tooth and nail to cover their shorts at a profit His vid seems to have restored the confidence of AMC investors that were starting to get cold feet and consider selling out. As long as we continue to buy and hold, and stay above 11.00 a share. We win this
  7. Glad I'm in Atlanta. Saw some flurries for a few hours early morning today and that was it. Don't miss marching through snows hills. Sinking on them. And slush getting in your boots and socks. Now you in school for 8 hrs. Uncomfortable as fuck with soaked ice cold socks and feet.
  8. Alright boys. Tomorrow is the big day for AMC and see if the squeeze is in effect. There has been support and people buying in around the globe. I even got my older sister in on it. We gonna check tomorrow together. Let's see if another great transfer of wealth is going down this week
  9. THE LINE WAS HELD!!! AMC closed above 9 dollars. So the hedge fund short seller options are out of the money! We gonna make bank Monday and Tuesday!
  10. Damnnnnn I wish I had sold my Zom shares and got in on AMC during the after market yesterday. I'm up 22% right now with $2880 Worth of shares invested after selling out of my ABNB shares at a 25% profit and going all in. But if you got in yesterday after the dip? You're looking at a 2x gain today. But they said the hedge fund's option experies today. If AMC closes above 9 bucks and that's looking almost guaranteed. The squeeze will happen and it could explode!
  11. Sold out of all my Zomedica shares at a 25% loss. Lil over 300 bucks. Went all in on AMC and bought almost $1600 Worth of shares in pre market just a few minutes ago. Fuck it. If I'm willing to take a chance on a Penny stock. Why not throw my hat in the ring of a legendary and historic movement in the market. Where the little guy finally gets one over on the bigger guys. Let's see what happens
  12. Yo were you able to make a play on AMC before brokerages started blocking down buy orders?
  13. Not gonna lie. I definitely get the hype around tall vampire lady from RE8. She better be in the next marvel vs capcom. She is what RE7 was missing. A standout villian that makes an impact at first glance. Design and personality wise.
  14. Shit. My dad is mid 50s, with most of his hair with no Grey. Only a few Grey hairs in his beard. My hair is staying on point for quite some time. @MillionXIf you were to hit the lotto. DO.NOT immediately quit your job. Give the two week notice so no one suspects you've come into money. And wait till about 2-4 weeks after the winning ticket was announced to put in your notice @KingTubbThat sucks. But it could be worse. Met dudes who were thinning in their late 20s.
  15. Ya know. I think certain videogame series. Would actually fare better as Movies or TV series. Darkstalkers fits that bill imo. Few care for the games. But some of the characters and the designs still draw attention. And the lore is really fun and so much can be done with it.
  16. Ok stock update: Messed up on Zomedica. Got greedy and chased the run up. Then got hit by the dip. I was crazy enough to average up during the run up. It dipped. Then Wednesday I bought in on the dip too soon. It ended up falling way down. Loss over $300 Was tempted to sell until I remembered a stock youtuber's advice. "It's only a loss, when you sell at a loss" So I still believe in the company so I'll hold. Also he advised buying more stable growth stocks to allow you to handle the risky stocks better. That Air BNB stock I put a grand into back in November started paying off this week. Up by 25% and is basically canceling out my losses on Zomedica. And unlike Zomedica. It won't do any wild fluctuations that require it to be monitored daily. So I learned never to chase a run up. And always wait for the dip on it. Even if it don't come the next day. It will happen sometime that week.
  17. Update on ZOM. It 2x!!! It's at 101% in one day! Damn I'm mad I got out at 70%. But it's cool. It should have a big dip tomorrow or sometime this week. So I can buy back in with my gains. This stock is definitely gonna continue to blow up. Especially when they launch their first product at the end of March
  18. BRUH! I'm invested in Zomedica and that shit open with a 60% gain!!! Down side? I only have 200 bucks worth of shares in it. 😭😭😭 Wanted to play it safe in case it dipped by now after Friday's 25% run up. I'm up 85% percent in less than a week! And my other plays NIO and BNGO opened up over 10%!
  19. Well this year is off to a legendary start. Does this make Trump worse than Andrew Jackson?
  20. . Mechanics: We get shit done ASAP! Realize we fucked up. Then re do the work right ASAP! Who has time to think shit through when there's work to get done!? Engineers: Do work? Pfft. Save that for those wrench turning peons. We are the thinkers. They are the doers. Hey, you mechanic! Who told you, you can shave 16th of an inch of that panel that has no effect on the safety of the plane!? You don't do shit without my authority! This plane is grounded until that panel is fixed to my specs!
  21. Hmm ok so with that being said. Could I get into engineering without traditional schooling? I know I can move up into aircraft maintained management without schooling. But I want to do engineering. Always have
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