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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. A lot of the issues men face in dating and relationships in our generation. And I use to be guilty of this too. Is simply giving too much of a fuck of a woman's opinion and feelings. So much so that we don't assert ourselves. That's not to say a woman's opinions and feelings don't matter. But her opinion and feelings. Shouldn't take priority over what you want. Say what you want and expect from a woman. And be unapologetic about it. Either ya are the people that can fulfill each other's wants and needs. Or not and keep it moving. Also to fathers. Ya need to be assertive about being more involved in ya daughter's dating lives. Young women don't need to be out here dating on their own. Most of them get hurt and become bitter. They need their father or other male figure to vet the guys they're into.
  2. The pencil thin douchebag beard and/or goatee was very popular back then.
  3. It's like a farmer's insurance commercial. Except this ish actually happened
  4. What would society be like. If the average person was self employed? Where instead of big corporations providing the bulk of resources and services for every day people. It would be many smaller mom and pop shops doing so. Would we become less or more competitive internationally? Would breakthroughs in tech come slower or faster? Would quality increase or decrease? Would that shrink or widen the wealth gap? So many questions.
  5. Well damn. Guess I'm just an estrogen filled empty sac. Cuz I ain't about that life
  6. Let's add Do do brown by Too live crew to that list. Unpopular opinion. But I can't stand that damn song. It was at every house party and family event growing up. Everyone is buck wildn on the dance floor. But I'm just hearing the chorus like...."Let me see that do do brown" And everyone is just shouting it. Like ya do realize what this man is saying right??? Sounds like he wants to not only see her bent over with her asshole exposed. But he wants it to be dirty back there. Like wtf!?
  7. A chopped cheese on a roll, iced honey bun, and a tall cold Arizona Iced Tea. That was dinner for 5 bucks in New York. You could always count on that combo at your local bodega when money was tight.
  8. The lady gettin rocked like a fighting game training mode dummy. Is wearing a security jacket. Why is security picking a fight with an employee? And how you security getting rocked by someone in a body suit??? She needs to be fired for getting her ass whupped like that.
  9. He left this world peacefully and knowing that he raised a good man. The loss still hurts but I hope that makes it hurt less.
  10. Alright landed a new job. Just put in my two weeks notice with pratt&whittney. Trading a hour commute, for a 20min one with a $6 per hr pay bump. And getting in on the ground floor of a growing company.
  11. I watched a lot of KS and similar content ( a lot of others just be reacting to his stuff lol ). And something I've noticed with the women who call in? And this aplies to your post too. The ones who just want to vent or get confirmation bias? Will start off listing what makes them so awesome, why the other person or people are terrible. God will send the right man or only God can judge me etc. The ones who actually want advice? Straight up ask for a solution to the problem. And spend more time listening than talking.
  12. 80/20 rule. Majority of women are sharing the minority of men. The tall, good looking, high earning men. These men know they can run through chick's with ease. Thus likely won't commit or compromise on anything. These women then get bitter and jaded over how they can't lock down a top tier dude. And because that's all they see from a dating perspective. That minority represents all men.
  13. Checked out the channel. I'm stuck listening to this one. Too damn catchy.
  14. You probably the type to put candy and sprinkles on good quality ice cream. Or A1 and hot sauce on a good steak.
  15. people like this are just draining lol. Sorry you had a tough life. But that don't make you big man or woman. Don't hate on me for not going through your struggles
  16. The will Smith slap. There are some black women praising Will Smith saying he protected his black woman. Something most black men ae scared to do supposedly. To those black women in particular that agree with Will's actions. They don't want a black man's protection. They want a goon. That will attack on their command. And resort to violence whenever they deem it necessary. Even if it's something petty that could've been talked out. They want to see their man in that primal territorial state. Maybe it's a turn on idk. But if those black women actually wanted to be protected? They would heed the advice and direction of their man or men in their lives. When it comes to avoiding and dealing with conflict. Instead of being first to talk crazy and escalate things. Then expect their man to jump in no questions asked ready to attack. Seen it all too often growing up.
  17. What I lack in height? I make up for it down there. That's my edge against some of these tall bastards lol. So that's a no for me dawg.
  18. Hey question for you 6ft and up master race guys. Would you trade your height for money? Half a mill for every inch you're willing to drop.
  19. What's good ya? Happy new years. Hey so I have a phone interview this Friday with Pratt&Whittney. It's engine maintenance where you have to travel and do engine work on location. So it's an opportunity to do some globe trotting on a company's dime. But due to international travel being a requirement. I need to be vaccinated. So any advice on where I can research the pros and cons of the covid vaccine? Are there different ones? Any possible serious side effects? Im not sure about getting vaccinated. But an opportunity to work for Pratt&Whittney doesn't come every day
  20. Reminds me of that Chris Rock bit. Where certain people can talk shit to others because it doesn't sound as bad if the other did the same. Ladies can have all the standards they want for a man. But a guy can't have standards for a woman. "That's just mean" Found it. Start at 4:50.
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