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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Ok so update on the job offerings. The overseas job in Kuwait got back to me. Unfortunately it's not an A&P position. So the pay is much lower than expected. 18.50 straight. 23 OT. 5/12 2 days off schedule and a 20% bonus at the end of the contract. So total compensation is 74k. Now this is 74k. While living rent free, food provided. Fed and state tax exempt. So I look at this as getting my foot in the door. And possibly getting a A&P position in the future. The living arrangements is nice. We get a 2 bedroom apartment in the city. We each have our own room. And a company car. And after 90 days. We can use our 6 week vacation time. So now just waiting on an offer letter from them this week. And will begin paper work for security clearance. Looking fwd to this.
  2. Not gonna like. That had me on the edge of my seat. Them girls were going at it. Mad respect to them. I can appreciate just about any sport played with great skill and 110% effort
  3. That's fucking horrific. Just chillin in your home. Minding ya business. And all of a sudden. Door is kicked in, and house is suddenly an inferno. All in a matter of minutes if not seconds. Jesus man. It makes ya feel lucky as fuck to live to see adulthood. I know law enforcement are flawed people too. But damn how do you fuck up like this???
  4. Hey those of you raised outside the U.S. If just going by what you see in the media. What would you think of the U.S? Vs what you actually know of the U.S ? This guy's a pussy. Went from American to "world citizen" real quick
  5. Ok so the Mitsubishi MRO in Macon made me an offer. And one of the overseas jobs I applied for actually got back to me wanting to discuss the position. My dumbass never checked my email until late in the day. So guess we'll talk Monday. But damn a lot is happening. My lease is up on the 16th. I was gonna take the one bedroom transfer. But since they taking so long with the offer letter. I haven't signed anything. So if I get this overseas job. I'm outta here. Do a few years. And make some life changing moves. If that falls through though? Then I'll take the job in Macon and move down there.
  6. I hope that isn't true. It'd be awesome if he could land a movie deal for a yugioh cinematic universe. That needs to be a thing. Seeing blue eyes and dark magician throw down on the big screen. Worlds and scenery based on field spells. Making stories out of the lore on the text of cards. Or groups of cards that form a story together. Like no Yugi or anything. The monsters themselves are the main characters. Maybe follow the adventures of Maruading Captain waring with the fiend monsters. Stardust Dragon exploring the cosmos. The Dark Scorpion gang doing epic heist etc
  7. Ok so i got not one. Not two. But 3 job offers. One is 7 days on 7 days off as a traveling mechanic working out of a truck. Another is working at a MRO on a 3/12 schedule but it's in Macon. And last is contracting for a airliner. Working on Airbus passenger planes. My main thing is just getting out of this 5 day a week work schedule. After the first time I worked 4/10s and don't get me started on the heaven that is 3/12s. Standard 5/8s is just torture. I don't know how people do it for years.
  8. They're part of the problem too. This goes back to 08. And the banks. Airliners and other "Too big to fail" companies getting bailed out. I didn't mean to make it seem like stimulus checks alone is the problem. It's money being printed and inflating the economy across the board that's the problem. Money printed to prop up the stock market during the initial pandemic. Money printed to bail out banks and corporations in 08. Money continued to be printed in excess since 08. Government is out of control.. "PRINT MORE MONEY!" Like they don't know how to actually take meaningful and decisive action. They've just been printing money and kicking the can down the road to the next president. Until now we've run out of road. Things are gonna get really bad man.
  9. "Hey we're dealing with very high levels of inflation due to all the excess money being printed over the past decade. And given out during the pandemic. Screwing up supply and demand. The people need help." "There's only one thing we can do to help" "PRINT MORE MONEY! GIVE IT TO THE PEOPLE!" "But that's gonna put more money in circulation. Which is gonna encourage more spending. Which increases demand that current supply can't meet. This makes inflation worse" "PRINT.MORE.MONEEEEEEEEEEEYYYY!!!
  10. Damn I forgot who I had this debate with on Shoryuken. But it seems this is still a topic for debate Team wash cloth by the way. Washing between your cheeks with your bare hands. Miss me with that savagery.
  11. Who had the bigger impact? 80s Micheal Jackson or 90s Micheal Jordan? Based on Impact on their industry/proffession Impact on American society Impact internationally
  12. Fellas. If a chick accepts your bush. Could you accept hers?
  13. It's crazy. Because I've seen women like this growing up. The mentality is. "This is the one baby daddy that steps up for his kid. He must be a good dude. So he should be willing to step up for all the kids." Hence why she made it a point to "expose" him for not being a good dude in her eyes.
  14. Shit like this make me thankful I got no play in high school lol. Single mom tries to "expose" dude for only feeding his kid. And none of his siblings from different men.
  15. Ok so there's this dating coach named Kendra G. And she has people call in and pitch themselves to her viewers. And another Youtuber is reacting to her vid. Whether you agree or disagree with his points doesn't matter. What's important is the day'n'night difference. Between how Kendra's viewers see him vs how those in the manosphere view him. Top vid is the reaction channel. Bottom vid is the original by Kendra
  16. Going to downgrade to a 1 bedroom in my complex. Lil over 1400 for rent. I left New York to avoid these prices. But they eventually made their way down here. And it's still far cheaper than New York currently. Granted I'm living in a nicer area though so I can't really bitch too much. It'd cost 1500 minimum just to live in the Bronx.
  17. This man needs to be given a job in Hollywood. I've never seen editing this damn good on YouTube.
  18. Which would ya say had the biggest influence. On pop culture, and their respective industries. Gen 1 and 2 Era of pokemon. MCU 2008 to 2018 Attitude era WWE 80s Micheal Jackson 90s Micheal Jordan
  19. Yeah I actually just sold out of AMC at a hefty loss. But RDBX did so good. It basically covered the loss. So I'm exiting near break even. Unfortunately I can't exit RDBX yet without risking a free ride violation. So hopefully it goes up in the pre market or early open. And I can get out at break even or better
  20. Ok so my RDBX play is up almost 30% in pre market. I'm now up over 130% on it. Let's see if this can keep climbing towards a squeeze
  21. Redbox stock is looking to make me a few bands this week or next. So many options expired deep in the money on Friday. Gamma Squeeze is pretty much guaranteed. How is it legal to short even 100% of a stock. Let alone 200% percent is beyond me. But yeah they got caught by Retail. Now it's looking like 2020 Gamestop run again
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