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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. It's all about supply and demand my guy. Here in the U.S. There's an insatiable demand for entertainment. Not necessarily quality music, acting etc. Just gotta be entertaining and fit an image. Takashi 69 was a perfect example of this. And not many can provide that entertainment and appeal. So the few who can make bank. Where as us working Joe's and Jane's. Some of us doing jobs that are critical to infrastructure, economic and societal stability, saving lives etc. There's a lot more people that can do these jobs than there are those who can entertain. Also those outside the U.S. how much is the entertainment industry. In your country valued? How much demand is there for it?
  2. On rolling stones top 100 hip hop/ Rap albums. I think hers placed in top 10. While Nas's illmatic was like 24th
  3. Got my passport last week. And with this 7days on 7 days off work schedule? I just gotta bust my ass for a few weeks and get my Financials right. Then I got nothing but time to see the world
  4. And the confident stride away. Like "what you surprised about? You know this is what I do" like walking away from an explosion without looking at it
  5. Well it depends on what she looks like lol. If she looked like Anissa? Maybe with a bit less muscle? Nice. And I have been in that situation. Hence my own experiences. Not a woman demanding my dick and not taking no for an answer. But a woman physically attacking me and making it a point to punk me. I refused to hit back. Got slapped and punched up. I was told I did the right thing yadada. But the lack of respect and ridicule said otherwise. So if some chick I wasn't attracted to tried that? Yeah I'm restraining her if need be. And making it clear you cannot physically challenge me. Don't ever try it again.
  6. Now that's something I didn't consider. And I could see a man "allowing" a woman to force herself on him and not stop her. In fear of things becoming worst if he defended himself. Me personally though? Ego wouldn't allow it. Like I'm not letting a woman physically impose her will on me with her bare hands. Like nah I'll deal with whatever comes next. But I won't accept that. As long as I'm physically and mentally strong. As fucked up as this sounds. From what I've seen growing up in the Bronx and my own experiences? Few will still respect a man that puts hands on a woman. No one respects a man that gets his ass whupped by a woman. They'll say you did the right thing and are a gentleman, a real man etc. But that dude? Will now be talked to and tried in ways. He wouldn't have. Before taking that kind of L from a woman.
  7. Sorry that happened to you. You're a strong person for being able to deal with that. I'd never say sexual assault to men doesn't happen. But that specific case of a woman just going fleece Johnson on a strong capable dude for his dick? @J-rideYeah drunken/ drugged assault is real. Just ask Cardi B. Who openly admitted and bragged about it. And the response was "Haha Teehee dude got caught slippin" Imagine telling Cosby's victims the same @ReticentlyOK I see. But it doesnt get specific enough. Was dude blinded sided with a bat or something when they say attacked or knocked down? Because i doubt the female perp. Just stepped to her male victim like. "Gimmie dat dick or I'm taking it" completely unarmed, without the element of surprise. Like a man would
  8. Show me a irl news article, or something. In which a woman physically over powered and had her way with a physically and mentally strong healthy man. Not drugged, not jumped, not threatened with a weapon. Just sheer brute force the way Annisa did Mark. I did not say female sexual assault of men doesn't happen. I said it happening the way it was portrayed in the Invincible comic. Is hard to take seriously. Outside the context of the show.
  9. Younger me when I was like a 140ish, didnt work out and was a wimp? Nah. Now? Yeah. @ChadoukenI did acknowledge that drugging would be a legit way a woman can rape a man. But just straight up go full fleece Johnson on a dude for his dick? @HD-ManI don't think women aren't capable of rape. I just think the way it was portrayed in the comics is just not believable irl. I mean a woman doing so with help from others, drugging. Gun point? Ok. But just single handedly take a guy's dick on some prison shit?
  10. This comment made my day "My little sister heard crickets outside and was trying to describe it to me. She said "you know that noise when someone tells a joke and nobody laughs"
  11. This shit slaps harder than I imagined. Needs to be played at house parties
  12. It's messed up all around. But unfortunately she did commit a crime in Russia of all places. Russian government don't like us Americans. Enter their country and give them even the slightest reason to put cuffs on ya? And they'll drag it as far as they can. As a big FU to the U.S. I'm sure if she was a citizen of a country on good terms with Russia? It wouldn't have went this far. My black ass couldn't be paid enough to set foot in Russia. Why she didn't just play in Spain or something?
  13. Next generation is coming correct. Soon there will be no more simpin in these streets
  14. This reminded me how fortunate I am to have the career that I have. Despite some of its challenges. And to never take it for granted. I'm doing these gig jobs right now till my start date this Monday. And i will make sure to never be in a position to have to do gig work again. It's OK as extra income. But main income? That's rough.
  15. Someone here mentioned Gray Man. I gave it a watch. Pretty dope. Shout to the that dude lone wolf. He must be a new addition to Wu-Tang. Because he's clearly nothing to fuck with
  16. Ok thanks for reminding me. Update on the job offers. I decided on a job right here in the city. That is the best of both the Macon job and the Kuwait job. It's a mobile mechanic job working on AOG ( Aircraft on ground ) planes. Basically we drive to various locations throughout the southeast mostly. Servicing and fixing aircraft. That have issues that prevent them from being airworthy. And get them back to flying ASAP. It pays very well like the Kuwait job. 40pr hr. A 10 dollar bump from my previous job. And a 7 days on 7 days off work schedule. So go hard one week. And take vacation the next. And I get to stay right here in Atlanta.
  17. I feel like a ignorant dumbass that has lived under a rock all my life. It took a YouTube video about passports from weakest to strongest. For me to find out that the Oceania region of the world. Isn't just Australia and New Zealand. There's a fuck ton of countries out there I never heard of till now. Like Tonga. And Fiji is out there. Glad I'm in the process of getting my passport. I really need to see the world.
  18. Someone mentioned it before. And I can't unsee it. Soaka really does look like he motor boating some cheeks
  19. So you're going to be an engineering apprentice during your time on the seas? Are you gonna be sailing across the open ocean?
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