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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. When I say don't rely on government. I mean don't sit around waiting on the government to do what's right. Or to fix problems. The American people. Need to put a fire under their ass. And make them do their jobs. Or remove them and replace them with those that will. So maybe my wording is wrong. But that's what I mean. Because if politicians feel like they don't have to really do shit? They won't. "Oh the people are upset about low wages, expensive health care, etc? Are they actually gonna March on us and make demands and have us removed if we don't comply? No? We good then. Back to bullshitting and living off the tax payer's dime"
  2. Ok so people are demanding to be paid what they feel they are worth. Good. We need to see more of that. And I said to protest these politicians, and oust them like those in other countries would. You don't vote into a broken system. There's no delusion on my end. I said earlier in a capitalist society. You do not rely on government.
  3. So let me get this straight....We have the freedom of speech to criticize our government and share ideas. The freedom of assembly to put those ideas into action and protest our government. The freedom to pursue any and all knowledge available to improve our ability to create wealth for ourselves. In arguably the most lucrative and politically stable environments to do so in. And instead of using these freedoms. To fix or improve on the issues you listed or our own situations. We just gonna sit around bitching about it??? That makes no sense at all. And it clearly makes no sense to those who immigrate here. Because they go on to do awesome shit and set the next generation of their families. Up for success. Or if they don't like how their country is run? They protest and remove the leaders that are failing them.
  4. Bruh. You know how many immigrants from less developed nations literally risk their lives trying to get here? And those that do go on to make the most of the opportunities and quality of life granted here. So much so they run laps around muh fuckas that were born and raised here! Like they bust their ass doing jobs the average American turns their nose up at. They do these jobs day in day out 10 12 16 hr days. Then go on to stack that money. And invest in buying up retail space to open businesses and shit. And create their own small communities. I understand some people have it rough. But the average American doesn't have the right to bitch and whine. We have it too good compared to most of the world. Most Americans honestly. Are stupid with their money. Living way beyond their means. America is a capitalist society. Meaning we ain't suppose to sit around. Waiting on the government to make things fair. Or expect a private business to pay us what we feel we're worth. We're suppose to demand it and get shit done ourselves! People need to either tell their boss to give them a cost of living adjustment. Find an emoyer that'll pay it. Or create their own opportunity to earn more. As for our politicians? Again don't wait on them. Light a fire under their ass and make them deliver or get out
  5. Fair enough. But there's a reason those from less developed countries. Fight tooth and nail to get here. And have far more appreciation for the opportunities and quality of life here. Than the average Anerican
  6. But those hard times humble people. And make them appreciative of not only what they got. But who they got in their life. And here in the states? It ain't perfect. But day to day life has gotten so comfortable and easy. What was done to get us to this point and keep it this way. Isn't appreciated.
  7. I said that in jest. I'm aware of our history to some degree. Not all men stepped up in hard times. Hence why I said women will follow THOSE THAT DO without question.
  8. Stop killing what little faith and pride I have left in my country man.
  9. Nothing like economic instability, disabled infrastructure and a societal break down to force people to grow up and get their ish together. A lot of men would man up, and a lot of women would would follow those men no questions asked.
  10. Well I was thinking more of like civil rights Era, first wave feminism, civil war and shit. Imagine if we had to be the generation to deal with that.
  11. The price for freedom man. The only difference between us in the states and them? Is we were lucky and blessed to have generations of men and women before us. Who did the heavy lifting and sacrificing. But we take it for granted.
  12. American prisons could really be a place to reform people. The tools and programs are there. Unfortunately those that could be reformed. Get tossed in with the monsters that are beyond redemption. And it's either adapt or die. Some are able to avoid problems and actually use the provided programs and tools to reform themselves. And others are not so fortunate.
  13. Yeah Chicken Wings all across the board are really expensive now. Go to the grocery store and compare the price to breast or legs.
  14. Makes me wonder is it really a good idea to have a revolving door of presidents? Each with their own or even polar opposite agendas? Every 4 or 8 years. It's "Hey nice job you've done with your term. Be a shame if I came in and undid everything you've implemented before there was even a chance to see real results. And took the country in a complete different direction"
  15. Man basically said "Take ya best shot, and ya betta knock me out or ya fucked. Oh I'm still standing with not even so much as a nosebleed? Looks like ya fucked"
  16. So New York has a polio outbreak. How the fuck does polio make a comeback in not only a developed first world nation. But one of the most important and developed cities in the world???
  17. My beef with race swapped characters. Is that it's the laziest form of inclusion and diversity. Make a new IP with a new character that is black, Asian, Latino etc. With a story and challenges unique to his or her race and or culture? Ain't nobody got time fo dat! Just take a popular well known brand. And put a black person on the front and call it a day.
  18. I think he's more disappointed with his barber than this 9/11 menu. Because look at that corner bruh. Definitely one of those barbers that's an ex con just trying to stay out of trouble. Not one that actually gives a damn about his craft.
  19. Hallarious. But Jesus actually led by example. Many on the far left. Say people should be charitable and help those less fortunate. But offer them free paid travel, room and food. To help build infrastructure and housing in rural parts of Africa or South America that lack it. How many you think will bitch up? And the homelessness in some of the most liberal cities. How can people who believe so strongly in lending a helping hand. Just ignore homeless people sleeping right in front of businesses and what not?
  20. Memphis brothas are different. @MillionXwhy yo city produce people like this man???
  21. Croconaw is criminally underatted. One of the best mid evolution designs. Really has that in between look of still bring kinda cute like it's pre evolution. But also hints at the badass it'll become
  22. Well when they're drowning their hair in flammable oils and aerosols every hour or two. They shouldn't be surprised.
  23. Could've sword Method Man and others wore shower caps and bonnets back in the 90s and early 2000s. They help retain moisture and keep afros neat. So that they don't have to be picked as often.
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