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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. One of my fears of getting old. Weak guts and bladder. I don't want to live in fear of pissing or shitting myself if I'm out too long. And can't venture too far from a bathroom
  2. @AriesWarlockI'm mad politicians actually think the average American is that stupid and ignorant. But we must be giving them reasons to think so.
  3. Her perfect dream guy isn't suppose to take a L from a more powerful foe. That leaves him with trauma, self doubt, fear, and depression that causes him to let himself go. That's for us normies.
  4. With the way he talking. You'd think early 2000s Ye. Dropping songs like "when it all falls down" with lines such as "even if you in a benz u still a nigga in a coup" was never a thing. Just someone we imagined. Like he spoke and related to us like someone who been through the struggle. Now he acting brand new to it??? This man going out sad. He legit needs help
  5. Only bitch here is you for this rant over a slight jab lol. Grow some nuts and take a joke man. Don't bring this anger to the bedroom aight? She's a woman, not a stress relief doll. Make love to her lady parts. Don't take your anger and self esteem issues out on them
  6. Moving pretty fast their Stu. Figured you'd spend a couple of months being her best friend first.
  7. I ain't out here lookin for wifey. I'm here to get paid. But Im down for a good time. But first month or two? All about paying off credit cards, and paying for my car's body work
  8. Housing? Meh for now. We live in dorm trailers with small make shift rooms we share with another. Air conditioned, lighting a bed ,storage locker and that's it. Within the first 90 days we will be moving out. If we're lucky? To bigger dorm rooms with our own bathrooms and rooms! Or a double stacked trailer with bathrooms in the hall. Instead of having to walk outside to the latrine/showers. Transport? I live on base and I need a international license to drive around. They're working on that. So for now I'm stuck on base. With my boss giving me rides to and from work. But once I get the driving test done and get my license? I can use a company provided vehicle. To get around base and drive off base. Food? The chow hall here is A+ Air Force got it good! Eggs on a grill, oatmeal, French toast, bacon, links, biscuits and gravy, chicken rice and beans. Plantains etc. It's ridiculous! I see why the other branches be hatin on the Air Force lol. I was told out of all the middle easy contracting bases? Al Udied is said to be the go to choice. Kuwait however? Is rough. So dodged a bullet turning down the Kuwait offer before this one.
  9. Wasup ya? So did my first week out here at AL Udied Airforce base. And if there's one thing I can say? There are some fine ass young ladies here in the Airforce. I'm not complaining, but wtf??? I was not expecting this but I'm pleasantly surprised.
  10. Yeah the only difference between us and Animals. Is our brain developed enough. To where we grew a conscious and the ability to think and process. We don't operate in primal mode 24/7 like animals. Oh and wasup guys. I'm out here in Doha Qatar now. Airline and Airport is top notch. Smoothest roads I've ever rode on. And Al Udied Airforce base is massive. Living Qatars are nothing to brag about but it isn't terrible. Bathrooms are shockingly clean for a military base. Roommate is a really cool older guy with lots of experience contract and living overseas. But he snores like a bear We work opposite schedules. He's morning. I'm overnight. 12 hr shifts, 6 days a week until we get more guys. Then it'll be 5 days a week. So only on Sundays are we really sharing the room. There's little things I'm learning about things to have when traveling. What needs to go in checked bag. Vs what's allowed in a carry on. Had to give up my African Shea butter lotion at a TSA check because if this. 😥 So I start my first shift in about 3 hrs and 45mins. They have a pretty nice rec center to hang out at. And American fast food chains, and a store to buy goods from home. Once I've cleared up my credit cards and other things. I'll sign up for off base activities in the city.
  11. He needs to cut the bitch loose. No woman who truly values you. Would put you in a situation like that. It's one thing if trouble came her way I.E A mugger or something. But talking shit to a whole group of people. Knowing damn well it's your man that's gonna have to bail you out if things go left? Fuck any woman like that. And men of some kind of value shouldn't tolerate such women
  12. China's economy is way too fucked to attempt this. Not to mention the civil unrest and protest from those refusing to pay rent on those apartments in the Ghost cities. Imagine telling them, not only do we want you to foot the bill for these ghost cities were building to inflate our GDP. We also want you to go to war. The only war they'll fight is a civil one against the government. China ain't about to do shit.
  13. Absolute facts. A sista with a nice body and some red lingerie and lip stick. Be looking like chocolate with strawberry drizzled on it. She bend over and you got a chocolate cake with strawberry icing
  14. I can't think of a more appropriate use for that Tom The Cat confused and stressed meme than this sh1t here. Like....what!? There's no one in her home or in her life to stop her from doing ish ike that? There's no one that cares enough to say anything? Sad
  15. For a baby? It completely screws with their head. You look like a complete stranger and you're in their personal space. They're legit scared
  16. That sounds lame to me. If I'm married? I'm taking this paintbrush out the plastic. And going full Van Gogh on my wife. Just painting master pieces on that beautiful canvas.
  17. It's Jamel. But close enough to a stereotypical black name. So of course I've done that. From my experience? Divorced white milfs and swingers absolutely love hetting smashed by black men. And they are shockingly low key with it. Like if you ever drive through a quiet suburb. That makes you think of the old white picket fence, green grass, spouse and 2 kids and a dog American dream life style? There's likely a couple of divorces or swingers inviting black dudes in the middle of the night.
  18. Ok back in New York for a few days before flying out to Texas for training Monday. Great seeing the family again and being in my old neighborhood. My youngest Nephew man.... When he first came to stay with Me, his dad and our sista? He didn't smile much. Very serious kid who liked to hit instead of talk and wasn't too comfortable around us at first but over time started to come around and we grew close. Only now I see just how much he now loves his uncle. Because when I came through the door? "UNCLE JAMEL!" Biggest smile on his face. And he rushed in for a hug. As well as my niece. I gotta make time to bond with her as well. I'm just happy to see him so happy and playful like a kid ought to be. Also he and his brother beat me in Smash Ultimate. In a few months. He went from struggling to use Up B to get back on stage when knocked off. To knowing how to mix grabs into his attacks to keep you guessing. I'm like wut? Who is this guy? Freakin Justin Wong over here lol. I can't do basic strays against them anymore. I'm actually gonna have to go try hard in today's rematch lol.
  19. Sounds like moms didn't put a damn thing away for him. No stock portfolio, no trust, no house, nothing. Smh
  20. This schtick isn't tired for you already? Cmon man I know you gotta have something else you can throw at us. I believe in you. But do you believe in yourself?
  21. Watch em in order guys. He's right about others being the straight men.
  22. Well Jerry was the straight man of the bunch that allowed the crazy antics of the others to really hit home when he's effected by it. Like Hank Hill and his friends. Dysfunction and shenanigans isn't so funny if everyone is participating in the madness. Someone has to be the stick in the mud.
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