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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. It was wasted on frivolous spending. Name brand clothes, sneakers, electronics. Cheap flights around the country, eating out regularly etc. @Sonero Also I don't disagree with ya about Tom Brady. I'm just saying. That's what likely comes with hyper compeitive over achievers like him. So a woman wanting to deal with a dude like him. Should come ready to move on his terms. Or get a man more open to compromise.
  2. That's why I said if people aren't gonna do the responsible and wise thing with the money. Then be bold and take risk to grow it. Instead of spending cuz it's there. Maybe this was just a issue for a lot of blacks folks that I know and are aware of.
  3. All I'm saying. Is that dudes like Tom Brady? They don't compromise. They didn't get to where they are by doing so. They compete and conquer on their terms. This is why dudes like him. Need a woman that'll just join the winning team and play the part he needs her to play.
  4. The initial pandemic? No but people did travel as things eased up. Like c'mon i went through the pandemic like everyone else. I know what was up. And the other part of my reply? That's important
  5. I'm glad to hear you to took a chance making moves out here. And it's paying off. My post is about if people were presented with an opportunity to save on rent for a year. What would they do? What would ya do? Because from what I saw in 2020. A lot of people would squander it. @Daemos From what I know of Tom Brady? That dude breathes, eats and sleeps football and loves to compete. He was moving like this long before she married him. So she knew what she was signing up for. He ain't suddenly change up. Maybe she was hoping he'd change. But seems like that dude does not want to walk away until he feels he can no longer compete.
  6. Make moves meaning do something with your money. So that it can in the near future or later. Allow you to earn more. Or work for you. Now I hear you on what sense it makes to use that money to do that. Instead of saving it for the rent you'll eventually owe. That would be the wise and responsible thing to do. The bold and risky thing to do would be to take that money. And use it to pay for training to get a cert that'll allow you to earn more. Or invest that money into a business venture, stock market, buy an asset etc. With the plan that'll you'll recoup the money to cover your past due rent and be in a better financial position. But a lot of people did neither. They did the foolish and reckless option. Of just spending it on trivial shit, traveling etc. Then come end of the eviction moratorium. People are crying and panicking. Like if you're not gonna save it for rent. At least swing for the fences and try to flip that money or invest in training and education to earn a higher paying job. At least that way one can say they tried make something of that.
  7. I'll say it again. Guys that are achieving like this? Their best bet is a woman that's ready to join a winning team and play the role the guy needs her to play. A woman this successful is just not gonna follow a successful man's lead. She's gonna wanna be co-ceo. It's not gonna be consult with her before making major decisions. It's gonna be you need her approval to make that decision. A well accomplished man didn't get to where he is by moving like that. So why marry a woman that'll put you in that position if you're that dude???
  8. Ok so just something that came to mind I wanted to talk about. With the new job I'll be starting. I'll be able to live rent and tax free, as well as food covered for a year. I may do another year if I like it. Not only is the pay solid but the main benefit is not paying rent or taxes. So I was thinking. How much of a difference maker. Would it be. If people got a year. To live rent and tax free? Just a year to pocket that money. Now one would think that would be a life changing difference or something significant right? Yet in 2020 all the way up till the end of the eviction prevention pandemic laws sometime in 2021. It seems to my knowledge. Very few made anything of that opportunity to at least live with rent payments deferred. Yes you still had to eventually pay that accumulated rent back. And there were those who lost their jobs and struggled to find work in their field. But if you were willing to take a lower paying job which there were plenty. Or even stack up the unemployment and stimulus payments. One could've stacked that money that wasn't going to rent. And tried to make moves with it. So if people were given a year to just not pay taxes or rent. How many would actually do anything with that opportunity? 🤔
  9. Does she understand. Her chances to secure a commited relationship from a quality man she'd want. Becomes damn near 0 if she does this?
  10. Facts. A dude making boss moves like that? Has no problem finding a woman he wants as long as he has an abundance mindset. There's tens of millions of beautiful women. There's very few opportunities to achieve like that at such a young age. A guy like that needs a woman that'll just join the winning team. And play the part he needs her to play. Nothing more nothing less.
  11. Didnt want to share this until it was official, and now it is. Oct 17th. I'll be starting a new job with Amentum formerly Dynacorp. I'll be flying out to San Antonio that day for a week of training. Then flying out to AL Udeid Airforce Base in Qatar to work. It's a 1 year contract overseas. I'll be living and working on base. 5d 12hr mon-Fri off on weekends. 24 days of R&R I can spend however after 3 months. So thinking every 3 months I'll come back to the states for a week. This will be my first time not only leaving U.S soil. And stepping out into the world. But actually living in another country. Nervous and excited. I'm not gonna just stay my ass on base. Nah imma go to Doha and see how the locals live. Maybe even visit some smaller nearby cities. Also all the money I make is tax free and I'm living rent free. A whole year not having to pay uncle same or for housing or food. Overtime all year round and a 20% bonus at the end of the contract. If I like it? I'll do another year. And come back home with over 100k. Ready to make life changing moves. Edit: Where can I watch The Big Lebowski? It's not on Netflix
  12. Well of course because back then actors actually had to act, writers actually had to write, directors had to actually direct. And artist who could make quality backdrops and environments were valued Couldn't just CGI and post edit, crap into gold
  13. Remind of his match against Panic. That big dude that beat Mai and took her star chips from the Tournament. Yugi used Catapult turtle effect to shoot a monster at that Castle monster's "flotation ring". causing it to crash down and kill all of Panic's monsters lmao. This is why actual Yugioh TCG is bullshit. The card game came as a result of the popularity of the show. Not the other way around. Thus they had to make shit up on the fly. Confusing the fuck out of us kids. So many of us coming to play using examples from the show as rules. Only for an older kid to drop a rule book from a starter deck on us, blowing our little impressionable minds lol. Like wat? Zombies can die without using shield and sword on them? Wat there's actual fusion monster cards? You can't just use polymerization and fuse anything? You have to sacrifice monsters to summon big ones???
  14. How can I watch the movie if you don't let me live? 😅 Edit: @RSG3Just looked the movie up. Damn it came out in 98. Yeah you got it bro lol. Imma shut up and go watch it
  15. Forgive me bruh. I've heard of the movie. One of my fav memes is from it "That's just like your opinion man" But I'm a early 90s baby. Before my time man. But imma give it a watch before I go to bed
  16. @ChadoukenIs this dude the inspiration for Cotton Hill? Did he also like blonde haired pawgs way before it was in style? And shit talk his son?
  17. @Chadouken"Those Chinamen in Japan" Bruh.....Chill just isn't in yo vocabulary is it?
  18. @ChadoukenDoes it live up to the hype? Cuz there's a Asian shopping plaza not far from me I'm sure I can try some at.
  19. So Credit Karma finally gave me good approval odds for the Amex Gold card. Decided to apply and I got approved. Card comes in on the 5th. Officially moved up from starter credit cards. And got my first big boy credit card. Well I guess technically my capital one getting upgraded to quick silver and now giving cash back on purchases would count as first. But this is bigger.
  20. Or getting a strand of hair on your nuts snagged in the fabric of your underwear. And that bitch is just brutally tugging on it with each damn step. So it's either take one big quick painful step to unsnag it. Or find somewhere private to do it by hand.
  21. Ok so had my dental work done. I decided against the root canal. And just had it removed. An older guy from my previous job i kept in touch with was. Was willing to take time off from work to take me to the appointment. Then to the grocer to pick up food and drop me off homewhen my bro wasn't able to. That moment when someone you're cool with. Comes through when ya need'em and proves themselves to be a friend. 😃 Definitely will always keep in touch and see him whenever I'm in town.
  22. This man really hit him with that star trek move. But I think other dude is just giving a Daniel Day Lewis level flopping performance
  23. It's like the fall of Rome. Everyone just wants to do whatever, whenever without any shame or judgment. And don't want to do the necessary things to maintain a strong stable society. All this is fine until another nation notices. And decides to be bold enough to try you. Or do things they otherwise wouldn't if you were strong.
  24. This man has truly mastered mind over matter. So much so that by choosing when he wants to not acknowledge gravity? He can remove gravity's effect at precise moments.
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