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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. Croconaw is criminally underatted. One of the best mid evolution designs. Really has that in between look of still bring kinda cute like it's pre evolution. But also hints at the badass it'll become
  2. Well when they're drowning their hair in flammable oils and aerosols every hour or two. They shouldn't be surprised.
  3. Could've sword Method Man and others wore shower caps and bonnets back in the 90s and early 2000s. They help retain moisture and keep afros neat. So that they don't have to be picked as often.
  4. For real man. This is just edgy gore porn non sense at this point. Like really that image of Miruko wasn't enough to illustrate how hard-core things are?
  5. I'll give that dude this though. It is disrespectful to fly a secondary flag that isn't the flag of the nation you take residence in. Sounds like he wouldn't be so pissed if the Jamaican flag was at least up there too. Flying above the pride flag. Now the woman? Oh yeah she definitely got that "Fuck outta here wit dat shit nigga!" energy
  6. Idk about Haitians. But Jamaicains are notorious for not tolerating homosexual behavior. When they say "Miss me with that gay shit?" That person better listen and knock it off
  7. The assumption that many black men are homophobic. Probably stems from Hip Hop in the late 90s and 2000s. Where it was pretty unwelcoming to gay people. I.E Biggie had a lot of lyrics where he clowns and talks down on gay dudes
  8. I personally don't think my life has been that hard as a man. But who knows? Maybe I'm use to the difficulty. Or for a woman to suddenly be thrust into the average man's shoes. Forget difficulty curve. That's like a 90 degree angle. Fresh&Fit got some extreme takes I disagree with. But one thing they said that is undisputable fact? Is most women think men have it easy. Because most look at the top tier men they desire. The average man and lower is invisible to them. So to are their struggles.
  9. Never thought I'd feel the need to vent over a anime/Manga yet here I am. I fucking HATE the direction they went in for Muriko in My Hero Academia. Spoilers for those who ain't caught up
  10. Just wanted to share a throwback with ya. The main reason i miss old kanye. Is his collabs with such a wide variety of artist.
  11. You'd be surprised how many black people drink soda and alcoholic more than they drink water. Not even melanated skin ages well if lacking water.
  12. Her "gaf" if we can even classify it as that. It's nothing compared to what goes on in U.S politics. Hence the media shouldn't be even reporting it. I did mention him by name because he's the current president. But I also mentioned others before him as to not single him out. But I don't want to ruin the chat with politics. I'll PM you about my beef with Biden. If you want to know. Now for something hallarious to lighten the mood.
  13. Ya keep focusing on Biden. But I did mention twice. Leaders before him as well. Or are we just gonna pretend the image of American politicians for the last decade or two hasnt been a big joke? In which majority has lost respect for them? This Prime minister enjoying a night of partying. Is truly nothing. And from what i looked up. That's all they got on her. They need to stfu and be thankful they have a leader that carries themselves like she gives a damn about how she makes her country look.
  14. From a PR standpoint. That prime Minister just having fun at a party is nothing. Where as not just Biden but leaders before him. Said and did worse from a PR standpoint. That would have you doubting their character and desire to actually do what's in our best intrest.
  15. Oh don't forget classics such as his infamous breakfast club interview. Where he stated you ain't black if you don't vote for him in 2020.
  16. I'll do more digging but long story short. Hunter and Joe Biden aledgedly had some shady dealings going on in Ukraine. With his son being given a C suite position in a company he's laughably unqualified for if I remember correctly.
  18. Rather have a president/prime Minister partying from time to time. Than the fuckery Biden and many presidents before him had going on.
  19. Ok I'm on my first road trip at the new job. We drove out to Nashville Monday morning to fix a plane. Now we're waiting to receive a borescope from our boss. So 2nd night of staying in a hotel. And getting paid for stand by time. We've just been checking out spots in Nashville during this time. This is amazing!
  20. I honestly think the king and queen title a lot of us black people give ourselves and each other is cope. For our horrific start in this country. And our place in American society. Most people referring to themselves as such. Do not carry themselves or take on the responsibilities of a King or Queen Any black person calling themselves king or queen. Ask them when's the last time, they did anything. That made a difference in the lives of people outside of their family and inner circle? King's make sure everyone in their kingdom is eating and healthy. And Queens assist their King in this endeavor. Vast majority do not fit that description.
  21. @MillionXYo do you watch Fresh&Fit's morning episodes? I know a lot tune in for the after hours with the ladies. But their talks about finances, economics etc is some real shit. It's a long watch. But episode they have Tom Nash. And they discuss how the fed is handling inflation. Ghost cities in China and how they're used to inflate their GDP. Shit is wild.
  22. Something funny to talk about. Has anyone seen this "Knuckles approves" meme? I love it, and the quintuple ban is always hallarious. Shout out to Sonic Boom. I gotta watch that show
  23. Fair point. That's why I'm hoping to hear from others. About what is the entertainment industry like in their countries and how much is it in demand. Can a Takashi69 exist in their country?
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