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Everything posted by BB_Hoody

  1. So.Many. Questions bruh..... Like did his gun jam? He couldn't afford ammo and hoped just showing the gun would be enough? Are they family? I don't think so because you don't give family a beat down like that. Just wow....I'm glad no one died though.
  2. Hol up. Dude who got whupped. Did he charge at him with a rifle in hand???
  3. Hey anyone here ever flew spirit? I need a round trip flight to New Orleans on the 2nd. And they're the only affordable flight. It's a 90min flight. Is it as bad as people say? Is it worth it?
  4. Guys. Please don't go out like this. And if you know anyone that seems so focused on gettin money or a degree etc. That they seem to not make time for people? Or think they're so strong and independent. They good by themselves? Or maybe just shut themselves off from the world? Show them this 😭
  5. Cuz America runs on Dunkin. The men and women maintaining our roads, sewers, powerlines, cars, trucks, aircrafts ( yo ), working on the shipping docks at ports, police, EMT firefighters etc. Hard men and women doing hard shit. We get our coffee at Dunkin. And a lot of us brothas. Have decided against college and went into these skilled trade fields. Also I personally see plenty of blue collar white folks at Dunkin. Starbucks attracts the more preppy, and white collar crowd. And the majority of that crowd is white people
  6. Felicia is considered a nerfed and fair version of him. And she's mid tier. That tells us all we need to know about that cheap broken bastard.
  7. Hidden Figures is among the GOAT black movies imo. Doesnt seem like it gets enough praise. Amazing real life story that shows a black woman's strength in a good way. Not a toxic, caricature way. Casting on point. Acting on point, writing on point. And that soundtrack! My man Pharell killed that shit!
  8. We can still think of more. But Rice Cakes is definitely the go to. Also anyone can think of any real life examples??? Because I don't think the diets and generics of most Asians. Allow for it. Oh wait southeast Asians in places like Thailand got the rice cakes
  9. Suggestions .Lemon cake (cause yellow ) .Chunny or chunner ( thick like chun-li ) .Dragon Fruit ( asian play on juicy fruit ) .Stuffed dumplins or dumplins with extra meat .Wagyu beef with some fat on it
  10. They really do just be hiring anyone with a functioning body and brain to do the job.
  11. Had a similar thing happen today. Took a Amazon flex delivery block. Estimated 4hrs for 90 bucks. But due to severe weather. Wherehouse was closed. Called support and they still gave me the pay for it. So free money
  12. Rewatched Indigo league on Netflix. Felt like a kid again. Red, Blue and yellow definitely aged poorly. But damn. There was nothing like being a kid when pokemon first came out.
  13. Stumbled across this poke camp vid of the Gen 8 starters. And yeah it really puts into proper perspective. How disturbingly close to human these guys are. It's weird. These starters are so humanoid in design. That its really hard to see them as creatures that can be tamed and obedient like a pet. Especially Intellion. He looks like something straight out of the Sly Cooper series.
  14. Inflation is continuing to get worse. So prices keep going up. I.E last year a 1 bedroom where I'm at was 1100. Now it's 1560. People are feeling the pressure. And that pressure is gonna get worse and worse. People better start putting money to the side for when shit hits the fan. Don't be surprised if some ladies come to ya. Down for a fwb relationship. Hoping to get saved when things get bad
  15. Me and my brotha just finished moving. Moved a stacked washer and dryer down stairs. Never again. So blessed the new apartment is on the ground floor. Next time I move? Money will be up where I can pay movers. And I'll be moving into a house
  16. Yeah that's her. Just her weapons are different and she's black. Which I like. But I recognize those tattoos and flowing hair with the feather in it anywhere. Edit: Is she black in that drawing? Or is she in some thick shade?
  17. Dragon's Crown was awesome. Still got my physical PS3 copy. I will always treasure it.
  18. Ok, fair enough. But we do agree car insurance companies. Shouldn't just be making bank off us. Simply because they can pay for damages that may never happen. I'd really like to take this to a congress person. Or whatever steps is needed to begin to make this a reality. Imagine how much relief it would give the average person. To get a good portion of that premium back every 6 months for driving well.
  19. Exactly! We talking several hundreds of dollars people paying every month for insurance. Only to need it once or twice in their life time. Either government needs to make it so that people have to have the money to cover an accident when purchasing a car. Or make it so that insurance companies. Have to refund x percent of the premium paid. If no accidents occurred during the life of the policy
  20. One of the things in life that pisses me off to no end. To shell out all that money month after month. "Just in case" But it goes to some corperation that decides if you actually need it or not. Should something happen. And not to an account you can access. Car insurance at least needs to be done away with. Instead. A person buying a car. Should have x amount of money available for accidents. Upon purchase of the car. And that money should be set aside in an account. And should an accident occur. The bank can be contacted. And they'll use money from the account to pay for damages. I'm sure it's more complicated than that. But this car insurance shit ain't it. It needs to go
  21. Yeah I've seen way too many of these dumb coins like Dodge, ape, Luna etc. Sky rocket then completely dump soon after. To ever put money into any crypto. I'd only get DCA into Bitcoin or etherium
  22. Thanks for the reminder to make sure everything is what my potential employer says it is. This is a big move. Would suck to go over there and get finesse because I didn't do my due diligence.
  23. I double checked. I was told up to a certain amount is tax free after 330 days. And this confirms it.
  24. This among many other reasons. Is why my black ass. Don't mess with any body of water bigger than a bath tub.
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