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Lord Vega

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Everything posted by Lord Vega

  1. What's gonna happen if I get thumbed down enough? Ha ha ha! I don't remember. Does the thumb downing just bury the post?
  2. The first game I played online was Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. I only played it for like a minute because online play was super choppy. After that I never played it's online mode anymore. I just stuck to doing time attacks until Gran Turismo 5 was released.
  3. Humanity can change if you believe they will. Faith has the potential to change things. If you have enough faith, you can move the universe. I feel humanity has two basic paths or timelines. One is self destruction and the other is greatness. If enough people change within the collective, the whole collective will be changed since everything is connected via our electromagnetic fields in our brains and hearts that is connected to Earth's electromagnetic field. It's the domino and snowball affect. Our minds and souls are literally connected to Earth and everyone else. Everything affects everything because reality is an interconnected fractal. Change one part of the fractal and the whole fractal gets affected. Sometimes one part is more powerful than the other parts and that part can cause greater change.
  4. 6 is actually a Divine number. When you reduce 666 it becomes 9 which is the highest number of the Divine. 6 + 6 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3. 3 + 6 = 9. Everything works for the highest good of all which includes evil. 3, 6, and 9 are the keys to the Universe according to Nikola Tesla who was basically a god since he was a self realized being. Satan's days are pretty much over. The same thing goes with his followers. They are not something to be worried about at all. I'm starting to think that the being called the Demiurge or Yaldobaoth who is the soulless son of Sophia is actually Satan. Demiurge/False God uses the light of the True God to trap us in the material realm which I call Hell. This false god pretends to be the real God. We get recycled here over and over until we escape. The True God's realm is the spiritual light realm which I call Heaven. The stereotypical Satan that people believe in is likely not even real. It's likely just another construct or lie made by the Demiurge. I really do feel we are now in The End Times. It's been like that for a while actually. The End Times probably started when the Nag Hammadi text were discovered back in 1945. The world is being purified as we speak. I would not trust the Bible too much since it has been distorted. I would rather read gnostic texts and other sacred texts like the Emerald Tablets of Thoth to gain omnipotence since they have not been too corrupted or at all. One interesting thing happened to me today on Facebook; some random Catholic called me a heretic under my Metatron's Cube photo. I wonder when I will be permabanned from this forum. If it happens, oh well. If it does happen, it would likely mean that my mission has been accomplished here. The good thing about manifesting is that manifesting good things is easier to do.
  5. Having absolute condition would be a really fun thing. It's amazing that there are omnipotent beings out there right now. They manifested that power via subliminals and other means like meditation. With omnipotence I would go to Heaven and stay there for a while. When I go outside, I mostly don't wear my mask now. I would put it on if someone hassles me since I don't want trouble. The virus is like a fly going through the mask which is like a chain link fence. It's pretty much useless. The only way to be truly protected from the virus is to wear an air tight body suit like what the people wear who work with deadly viruses.
  6. Heart power should be the most powerful. It has the potential to make you omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. It should give you the power to control souls/light if it was represented properly. When you have the ability to control souls, you have the ability to control everything. Yeah, I know that clip was meant to be funny. I just felt like being serious about the power of heart. It's all in the heart: Good and evil, right and wrong, darkness and light, nothing and everything. The heart has an electromagnetic field that is much more powerful than the brain's electromagnetic field. In reality the heart has more control over the brain than the brain's control over the heart. These two organs communicate with each other, but the heart rules the brain. There is a reason why the ancient Egyptians discarded the brain and preserved the heart; the reason is that our true identity is in our hearts. The heart is the master organ. There is also a very good reason why you are still alive when you are brain "dead"; it is because your heart is still beating and your soul/life/light is still within you.
  8. I wonder if the world is really going to end like what the ancients said. Some say it's going to be all destroyed or things will just break down horribly and be built up again for the better. I think you have to be on the right side to make it to the good place after the fire, water, and war purification. I feel the cleansing process is already happening on the individual and world level. The rate of cleansing and revelation seems to be speeding up. The increasing light in the ether is the major catalyst for this process. There is so much shit in this world that needs to be flushed down the toilet. I feel I will be ready for it. One way to truly survive the coming destruction is to become an ascended master of massive light power.
  9. I would put the figures in a glass cabinet; in that way I would not need to clean them, but I can still see them. Edit: You can also get those cleaner things that blow air that you use to clean keyboards with for intricate figures.
  10. All races have been slaves. It was actually black people in Africa that sold other black people to slavery to the white people. It's funny how some black people, not all, don't see the racism in themselves when they are being racist towards white people. Being racist towards whites is now okay. Why is that? Turning the hate back around to the white people will not solve anything. It will just breed more hate. Hate is hate and it's never good unless you are hating on something that is actually wrong. Holding onto hate and anger will never do you any good. Those two emotions will only destroy yourself and others.
  11. I have pretty good self control now when it comes to not eating when I don't need to eat. It's actually time to eat now since I am hungry.
  12. Man, I'm so bored. I should probably do something creative like make some of my abstract art. I realized an easy way to lose weight; eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you feel satisfied.
  13. Angel is what he hates. He focuses on what he hates so much that he actually loves it. What you focus you become.
  14. I don't care if I get permabanned. I don't care if people don't like me. I will stop the insults, but I will not stop the weird ideas since they are not against the rules or are they? I thought we just need to respect each other and not talk about politics and religion. I'm going to manifest absolutely perfect condition. It's a superpower. How about that for a weird idea, Ayo?
  15. Life imitates art and vice versa. The creative types are really smart. They show you the truth in their art. @DangerousJSo, she assumed you were gay because you didn't hit on her? She was probably interested in you. Not showing interest in women doesn't mean you're gay. There could be multiple reasons why men don't show interest. I'm sure you know that. I think most of us here know that.
  16. I have not watched anime in a while, but I did notice a lot of anime is really into that stuff. Dragon Ball is about transcending limitation on the good guys side vs certain types of beings are inherently superior on the bad guys side.
  17. I'm obligated to like all people? Love must be genuine, but you can fake it until you make it. That's take time though. You can't force yourself to love or like people right away. It's a learning process. When you are completely pure, you will naturally love everyone, but I'm not like that, yet. You will naturally like or dislike people due to instinct. It's something you can't really choose very well. The heart loves what the heart loves or not. I don't really dislike LGBTI and beyond people. They are just there to me like the hetero people. I just don't want them to infringe on my boundaries or force their agenda on me. I know some don't have an agenda and they are being themselves and don't force people to like them.
  18. Did I say I was pure? No, I didn't. I said I am in the gray area, therefore I am not, yet. I am working on it. I still have a bunch of issues, man. I still get offended and mad and other things. I am much better though. It takes time to clean up.
  19. People will deny the truth and run away from it, but it will eventually get to them. 🙂 You will even see it on TV soon. Due to the arrogance of the ignorant, they will always mock the ones that truly know. That's just how it works.
  20. Ah, It doesn't matter. All truth will be revealed and all lies will be exposed soon. It's going to be forced on you, too since it's going to be everywhere and you will not be able to hide from it. Your cognitive dissonance will cause you much pain since you will resist the truth.
  21. You think I am speaking nonsense, but that only means you can't make sense of it because you do not understand it. 🙂 The basis of your understanding of quantum physics is based on a total lie therefore your whole reality is a lie. If you watch this channel, you might learn what light really is, but you likely won't due to being heavily brainwashed:
  22. I already know that I will never convince most of you here. Your body is literally made out of electrons which is light. If light has no mass than you would have no material existence. The ancients have always known this and they were a lot smarter than us. Light is like water. It's the water of life itself. How can something that has no existence exist? That's total nonsense, people. Mankind did degrade since the Golden Age. We are in the Iron Age of Darkness, but we are in transition back to the Golden Age of Light.
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