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Everything posted by JustBooming

  1. @Mattatsu RTd this - it took me a good number of attempts, but eventually worked
  2. Strive open beta now downloadable, just got it on the PS app.
  3. I don't want to preach to the converted, but I used to read my older brother's 2000AD comics all the time, and Judge Dredd is fucking SUPERB
  4. So you're going to get one and report back, right?
  5. @Voltthat's why I asked! (Sorry, I misunderstood your reply)
  6. Yeah, that's what I was wondering, and that makes good sense - but wouldn't that screw up Falke's ex moves?
  7. What do you reckon V-shift's command will be? Same as red focus? I just re-watched the Dan v Dan fight, and it seemed that the v gauge filled more quickly. At about 33% damage, he had a full (2 bar) V gauge, with no VS usage. I just tested this on the existing game, and after roughly that damage, Ryu had just over one and a half. I'd guess there's a V meter build up buff across the board, given how much more useful the meter is (or imo less likely, HP buff across the board, or Dan just has weirdly high HP in this build. Or it's just a test build and none of this matters.)
  8. I've no idea, was just providing all the info I have
  9. I'm guessing as part of whatever show this is: Oops. @Dayaan
  10. You'd think they'd be hyping up the 5th char reveal too, to get more folk watching. I reckon bullshit
  11. Has this been shown to be bullshit yet? 5th character stuff. I can kinda somewhat believe it, but it seems just too easy to make this crap up.
  12. I'm from the UK! We're polite (linguistically), but we're good at swearing. And also cunts, it seems* * actually
  13. Ugh, I'm not exactly proud of my take-piss response, but I think the prick deserved it. Edit: the guy literally (in the realest sense of the word) just spammed Flying Barcelona Attack, over and over. And I was Guile. Madness.
  14. Thanks man, irony is I was laughing so hard at the weak shit he sent, I stopped just to share with folk, breaking my streak
  15. As a few here know, I'm a very, very, anxious bastard, but I just decided to play V ranked for a bit. Just four matches in, I got amazing PS4 hatemail which actually reassured me rather than put me off; before I could feel my heart beating fast, and after I was so amused and distracted it all melted away. I know this is a pointless post, but where else can I share this nonsense?
  16. 6'3" lanky bastard, can really confirm. Chopping onions on a standard height counter wrecks me. Edit: not to make a joke about it - folk assume I can do all sorts of lifting and carrying and shit owing to my height, and fuck me... that stuff hurts after a bit! And saying "No my back!"... usually doesn't wash
  17. Weird, but they do mention info on Rose on the Steam news page
  18. If that's the date from this article, I think it's maybe 5 as in "Street Fighter 5"? I dunno if there's been any announcement anywhere else, so if so, ignore me
  19. Nahhh, I was just late - glad to hear he won though
  20. Is it over or is Twitch being an arse? I'm getting a messed up blank Twitch stream as though it's live but streaming nothing
  21. Hahaha, I talked a friend into getting MHW on release, he got super into it. He works tech support at nights, unsupervised, so raced ahead of me with the LBG pierce op nonsense that was in at the start. Then he got to Nergi within a few days of release... and holy shit, I've never heard him rage as hard as he did. This was before anybody had him worked out, before everybody was aware of the superman dive tech. It was so pissing funny, he was literally at breaking the disc ragepoint for three days. When he finally got the kill, I was nearly deafened I can completely get the complaints about grinding for mats though - especially in the base game, but will say it helped me to treat the campaign as a single player thing, and when it came to grinding, as a social thing to do with friends while talking shit and having a laugh. Game offers up some legitimately funny or epic moments that way. I dropped out hard farming elder dragons to augment my IG in World though, that was a bridge too far.
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