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Everything posted by JustBooming

  1. Oh aye, I'm working on that, and am going to stick with the game. Will get it on PC too when on sale; be good to fight you with non-SFV netcode
  2. I'm struggling to find a second char. I've played hundreds of matches against a friend as Ky, and now instinctively know how he operates (at least in this limited pairing, with me probably being crap), but I've not found one other character I like.
  3. This sounds stupid and obvious, and prob has already been said before, but when I see something in Strive I want to test, I load up a diff profile on my PS4 and just reject the network terms (and so skip the login nonsense) before starting the game. Can be in training mode in 30 seconds or so - can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.
  4. Oh man, thanks - you just reminded me that my way older brother chipped in a lot to get me a Mega-CD back in the day. I should get him a nice bottle of whisky or something for it.
  5. Good grief, haha! To save folk an Eventhubs click, here's the post from Harada:
  6. This is so depressing, as I've been taking notes from your posts and wanted to see you batter him! I even used your counter hit option select a few times - though I use it more as an easy hit confirm into super.
  7. @Pair of Rooksif it helps, just been talking to my friend, who says he'll be happy to fight sets as Axl whenever he can vs. you (and probably as Leo). Though remember we've each just started and will be a bit shite!
  8. Not really, sorry, though I've got a better handle on his Axl. Leo's still a guessing game forever for me. This is probably very basic for you - this is the first GG game I've tried playing at length, but here are my scrubby ways to deal with him - specifically my mate's equally scrubby Axl. Stun Dipper seems to be my most useful move - it seems to punish many of his Sickle Flash follow ups. I also tend to save my tension for RCs on Stun Dipper in case it's blocked. If I have the meter, I'll occasionally chuck it out in neutral and RC it if blocked - basically I just do all I can to corner him. If it is blocked and I RC out of it/he fails to punish, then it's Foudre Arc spam time to push more to the corner. I also (try to) save Burst to keep Axl in the corner - I'll happily take the damage my friend's capable of doing mid-screen, but if I have him cornered and he lands a decent hit, I'll always Burst there. Foudre Arc spam also seems to really frustrate him in the corner - it's just then a matter of telling when he's pissed off with that, and will try to leap out, and hope my hail mary DP connects. I've also long given up trying to punish his command grab - if I manage to jump and IAD towards afterwards, I just block and am happy enough getting a bit closer. I think his 6K beats all I can do in the air to try to start anything, at least from 3/4 screen or more. It's nothing I've sat down and labbed, and is probably only good vs. very new Axl players/my mate's particular Axl - this is just what's evolved through our many dozens of Ky/Axl games. Maybe there's be the odd thing there that'll give you food for thought, but I wouldn't bet much on it.
  9. No, you're on the right path. At the VERY LEAST least no catch-up item bias for those at the back - three coins or one coin or whatever for being in 1st place can fucking do one.
  10. @Mattatsu @KingTubbSorry, I have to run, I just ran in to see if things were working out but couldn't help but start fighting - GGS! Edit: Didn't have my phone on me either, so couldn't see the chat here. Sorry, next time will do. And fuck me, that netcode is good!
  11. I reckon this should be the default room for now. I might try to get on, but I'm still working, and it's very fucking late here!
  12. Seriously - tried Rev2 after the betas, and was shocked at how Strive made it look so bad (comparatively) Edit: Other canvas idea:
  13. Bit of a side issue, and very nerdy, but I like to get canvas prints of games for my gaming room/office, and this game is going to bloody overwhelm the walls if I don't control it - tiny little 20x20 cm screenshots like this from games I've had with friends - I could get dozens of them done, and still not be finished.
  14. I've had player rooms working before, but my mate found two rooms with the same code - the other night was the only time I've had a connection prob with them. Update's only 250MB too, but on base PS4 the "copying" part of the update is very, very slow.
  15. @KingTubbWhat's your PSN? I can't play now as it's gone 2am and I have a shitload of stuff to do tomorrow, but I'm fucking itching to get more games when I can
  16. (I make no apology for wakeup super, as I'm a special kind of noob)
  17. GGS! It's fucking incredible we're able to play over such distances, max rollback frames I saw was 5, min was 2!
  18. @MattatsuIf I can get the game booted up fast enough, I have at least enough time for 2 or 3 matches, see that netcode in action
  19. Though I'm being eaten alive by a mate's Leo and picked to death by the same guy's Axl, I'm gonna keep on with Ky. I figure as a long-time SF player that if I don't have to worry with (too much) character freakery, it'll help me learn the basic systems of Strive more quickly. Also, as a GG newbie, fuck Leo and Axl - any tips welcome
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