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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. This is why I got into Street Fighter, and prefer to have my focus on story and the characters. Remember my fellow story peeps: Any drama that goes on in the Lore, stays in the Lore. Any drama that goes on in the FGC however, that shit can spread like wild fire to the point of being unsalvageable.
  2. They did something like that. But I think a little differently. I think the 2nd beta of SFV had Mika, Vega, Necalli, and I think Ken. But after a few days, they put back in Ryu, Chun, Bison, and Nash.
  3. I believe it's the same 8 characters as the first beta test. So no new quotes for the weekend.
  4. First off, we welcome all newcomers to the SF fandom. Hope your friend's daughter enjoys it. How much time does she have on her hands? If she wants something very quick, and fairly accurate, if a little exaggerated: If she wants to chillax with some popcorn and enjoy a movie's length of character lore (with some exaggeration): Best way to learn about the story is through the characters. So def videos about the characters and their lore leading up to where they are now helps. I definitely recommend DigiValentine for some fun overviews. He may not get through all of the chaaracters, but the ones he does cover are very enjoyable and informative. And while I can't your friend's daughter with every character and all their stories, as the world's leading expert in all things Chun-Li, I can help you with one. Here are the best vids to explain Chun-Li.
  5. Updated, and detailed. I think this youtuber did a great job with his research while making the video his own.
  6. I was planning on making my create-a-character a Chun-Li clone, because I wanted to control Chun-Li as I roam around the city. Now with the SF Masters being able to travel with you wherever you go, I can take my Waifu to see a fight at the Metro City arena, or enjoy a sunset beach vacay in Jamaica, or see the collesium in Italy, or enjoy a carnival and crepe in France. Oh I can just imagine it right now, Chun-Li_Forever and Chun-Li taking a nice walk down the streets of Metro City... then we get into a scrum and beat down the fools who dare try to mess with us. Then Chun-Li tells me how to refine my techniques, to watch out for whiff punish opportunities, and to stay in my footsies range. Then we'll walk to the mall to get some new drip before concluding with some ice cream... πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ˜πŸ€πŸ’™ Li-Fen can look after Chun-Li's kung fu school while we're out... probably... she'll be fine.
  7. I was planning on making my create-a-character a Chun-Li clone, because I wanted to control Chun-Li as I roam around the city. Now with the SF Masters being able to travel with you wherever you go, I can take my Waifu to see a fight at the Metro City arena, or enjoy a sunset beach vacay in Jamaica, or see the collesium in Italy, or enjoy a carnival and crepe in France. Oh I can just imagine it right now, Chun-Li_Forever and Chun-Li taking a nice walk down the streets of Metro City... then we get into a scrum and beat down the fools who dare try to mess with us. Then Chun-Li tells me how to refine my techniques, to watch out for whiff punish opportunities, and to stay in my footsies range. Then we'll walk to the mall to get some new drip before concluding with some ice cream... πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ˜πŸ€πŸ’™ Li-Fen can look after Chun-Li's kung fu school while we're out... probably... she'll be fine.
  8. Well, Juri does what Juri wants, and is more of an anti-hero nowadays. Or more accurately, she's in an unstable and emotional mental state due to her favorite girl crush moving from her like how Andy threw away Woody in Toy Story 2. I think with SF6 looking like an era of peace, the story mode focusing on exploring the city and the world, while becoming stronger; instead of the usual terrorist attacks, world domination, or Armageddon looming. I think if JP is the main villain, his plot isn't going to be anything too grand. Maybe just sowing the seeds for a future SF plot or threat down the line. But compared to Shadaloo and M. Bison, Gill and the Illuminati, hell, I'll even add Seth and SIN to that mix, but compared to all of them, JP villainy standing isn't that strong IMO.
  9. I don't think anyone on the starting SF6 roster, aside from JP, has any villainy traits to them. They all are fighting for something noble or something for or of themselves. Only confirmed characters that sceam villainy are JP, Akuma, Ken (in case of a plot twist that his involvement at with Nayshall is actually true), and AKI.
  10. I think she’s too young to be playable. (No one wants to deal woth the backlash of punching a kid in the face). I think she’s gonna stay as an npc for 6. But maybe for SF7…?
  11. Don't look if you don't want to be spoiled ahead of TGA. But characters revealed.
  12. Damn! First the release date, and now the character leaks before TGA? This same shit happened with Kimberly and Juri at EVO. Hype was still felt thouth. Can't wait to see them in action. Hoping from the screencaps, we'll get more looks at World Tour as well.
  13. IM JUMPING! CAPCOM HAS BLESSED ME! THATS MY F***IN BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Plus, June 2nd 2022 was when they revealed Chun-Li. So yeah, CapGods have blessed me. Imma take my WHOLE BIRTHDAY WEEK OFF! I’s usually be bummed by yhe long 6 month wait. But im just on a high right now, im not that mad.
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