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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Based off the interview, I'm worried that Arcade/Story mode is gonna be nothing more than truncated version of World Tour instead of adding any additional information.
  2. Accurate, I think. Takes a lot from the SF/Chun-Li Fandom page,
  3. Maybe when Luke was a child, they started small, like a shopping mall. But that attack caught the eye of someone within the Masters Corporation. Maybe a disgruntled board member(s) who want Ken out? Fast forward to SF6 and now, these terrorists have gone bigger? or maybe because they've gone bigger, they've got some financial backing, which could link them to Ken's corporation, of which Ken would know nothing about of course. I'm just shitposting and letting my hands type out ideas that are zooming in my head. But I do think that we can't eliminate the fac tthere could be some connection between Luke bombing and Ken's accusations
  4. Holy shit, possibility it's related to Luke's Story mode in SFV? The udon prequel comic about SF6 may give some interesting information
  5. SF6 Chun-Li is the greatest she's ever looked in her lifetime. Her animations and idle stance should've been relooked at, but just from a character model standpoint, I've fallen in love all over again.
  6. Dude, imagine all of the game getting leaked and we don't even have a release date yet! Initial Reactions to the Chun-Li/Juri interactions. Supposedly these are from World Tour right? Well it def seems like the characters are gonna serve more than just teachers and mentors to teach us their moves to get around the city. Sounds like there's gonna be actual interactions between characters too. Immeditely in the first clip, you can hear the difference between the two. Juri right off the bat insults Chun-Li's new job of taking care and teaching kids. But Chun-Li, apparently and assumedly being the adult in the situation, responds firstly with "What's gotten you so angry to begin with?!". A valid question, seeing as Chun-Li has moved on from her previous engagements, while Juri is still moping around like a psycho ex-GF. Even in Chun's dialogue, you can hear her give Juri an option to resolve things without having to escalate to violence. But she know deep down that Juri is still dangerous, and if all else should fail, she would not hesitate to resort to violence to protect herself. What does interest me is Chun-Li says she's "gonna have to bring you in". Does Chun-Li still give her local police or interpol some consultation or assistance outside of her teaching job? Does her police instincts still reside in her? i don't think she's that far off from retirement, unless she just recently retired. I thought she'd retire right after SF3. So it's interesting how Chun-Li threatens to bring Juri in, when she's just a normal civilian now. These dialogues are interesting. Even though it seems like World Tour Dialogue, it does sound like it could also potentially be Arcade Mode cutscenes/dialogue. And some of these lines are spoken during the actual fight, much like in SF4, or during the A Shadow Falls fights against characters. "Little Miss Retiree" sounds like an awkward insult. I don't know, not a big fan. The "little" to me implies something childish, young, immature, insignifcant to be a threat. But at the same time, is "retiree" supposed to take a shot at Chun-Li's age?
  7. Personally, I love the addition of battle damage. Forget the blood, cuts, and blackened eyes. But the sweat gleaming off their skin (face and arms), plus their dirtied fighting outfits really give you that feeling that the characters were in a real and physical fight. Heck, in some of the Super/Critical arts, you can see some sweat flying. I guess I never really questioned it since they stopped doing it altogether in Alpha, 3, 4, and 5. But it shows Capcom is really taking steps to focus on the realism: when a character gets whalloped with a massive combo or attack, they DONT look the same as when they started the fight. I mean, how can you? Body parts coliding against each other, bodies hitting the wall and ground, each strike/fireball/grab looking like its making an impact.
  8. This Between the blood and sweat flying, and the vomiting, plus the obvious battle damage in the Win/Loss screen. Honestly, the battle damage in SF6 is reletively tame compared to what you see in SF2 and even SFIII New Generation. But I'm sure the devs will have an option to turn it off.
  9. I don't know about you, but I think SF6 Chun is the BEST Chun-Li has ever looked. As the resident Chun-Li Expert with a PhD in Thighcology and a Masters in Kick-nesiology , not to mention 30 years of love and devotion to the Queen and Waifu herself, I think my opinion should count for something right?
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