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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Nah, they are bent on having the Street Fighter Reddit be about competitive stuff, frame data, and tech and they get salty when Chun-Li pics and other fan art get hundreds of upvotes, while replays and results of a CPT tournament never gets discussed.
  2. But none of those "cucks" like to talk about SF Story like y'all do. (Which makes all of you 30x cooler). And they also hate it when I post Chun-Li fan art. Let them stay there. I think it's possible. But I think most likely, given how Luke seems to be an important character moving forward, it's gonna be a post-SF5 story, maybe even a post-SF3 story. I think the safest thing they'll do is have the story be stuck in between SF5 and SF3
  3. I haven't been back to the old site in a long while. And I'm more active in discords and in the Street Fighter Reddit. So I think i'm good visiting every now and then opposed to the old site.
  4. It might be a while though, since we'll have to wait until after Luke until we get any new info on SF6.
  5. I'm 95% sure that the youtuber just reads it off the Street Fighter Wikia page, word for word. I'm glad someone said it. Lore and Story is the main reason why I got into fighting games. I can talk for hours about plot and aesthetics, but I get bored within 2 minutes of a "Who's in top 8 at EVO" conversation.
  6. Chun-Li hasn't had a new costume in years. I think she was overdue for another one. Still waiting on a Holiday Themed one too. I think all the other SF Female characters have one except her.
  7. I don't like these. I think the Battle one (Basketball?) looks the best. But I feel that the yellow shoes needs to be replaced with something cooler. Ain't part of basketball culture the shoes? So take advantage of that and why not give him some Jordans, or Lebrons. Hell, even an Air-Sean would be funny. I like how his track suit is open to show more skin. I hate how almost every track suit has almost al similarity with each character. But this one looks like a casual and loose way to wear it. So I htink it's good. Other than that, not too impressed with his story costume. And I think his base costume is "meh" too.
  8. Thoughts Oro Story Mode: I love how Oro (Seemingly the oldest fighter in SF lore) is tight with both Rose (who could practically be immortal herself as well) and Dhalsim. What I can take away from this is that while it's pretty much confirmed that Shadaloo is done: their armies gone, their kings scattered, any physical institutions crumbled, and all assets ceased, there is always a chance for Bison to comeback. Interestingly, if he were to comeback, I'm inferring from this story that he'll come back as some sort of specter, or spiritual form. Maybe corrupting the mind of young potential hosts and feeding off their negative energy to return to form once again. Worst case scenario: next game, M. Bison doesn't come back as a character, but maybe as an "extension" of a new character or puppet form. I do think that the days of Shadaloo and world domination are over though. I don't think M. Bison will ever return to the global power he once yielded. And like many empires, they would take considerable time to rebuild. Like with Rose's story mode, there is talk about an inevitable "apocalypse" in Oro's story mode. So maybe as we head towards the SFIII story, I wonder if we'll get any more answers to it. Maybe a deeper look into what Gill and the Illuminati's plans are for those who aren't the chosen few to be saved? And certainly seeing the Ryu/Oro foreshadowing in the final two dialogues in Oro's story. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Akria Story mode: It's got an anime feel to it, with it's friends-hanging-out vibes, misunderstandings, and of course BEACH EPISODE BABY!!! Just want to mention the elephant ninja in the room: they changed VAs for Ibuki. (I play with the voices in English, so I don't have any opinions on the Japanese voice difference). I will say that Ibuki's original voice did sound much more grating that the one in Akira's story mode. That said, I have to admit that annoying trait about her voice does make Ibuki sound like Ibuki. Both sound good, but personally, I prefer her old VA. We'll see if Cristina Vee will continue voicing her moving forward, or if this is just a one-time replacement deal. (Noticed different dialogue boxes) I'm totally for Akira joining the Karin and friends (because lord knows she's just gonna be the muscle girl on Karin's entourage). I wonder if R. Mika got replaced, or if she's on a muscle pilgrimage with Zangief? I would love to see an anime or comic of these five (maybe including Makoto and Elena as well) just hanging out at the mall like normal young adults do. Akira does feel like a welcoming fit. Rival school flashback for the 2nd fight. However, it's kinda weird: Akira was on a mission to find her brother, and yet he's available in VT1 and Criitical art form? Is there something that I'm missing with the Rival Schools lore? Has that story passed, and Akira is just training with Sakura? Someone add Delfone Bakery to the SF Lore! (And of course Karin would purchase the whole company. Because she's rich, she's Karin, and she can do whateeeeeeeeeeeeeever she wants) Fun fact: Akira's VA Kayli Mills is an absolute sweets gremlin, and LOVE doughnuts. If any of you know me, you know I LOVE my beach and swimsuit tropes in anime. And it felt like a sprinkle of joy with the final scene. Give me Karin's red swimsuit as a DLC ASAP, and I want that Blanka Chan ball as well! Another intersting random fact: According the the SF Wiki, Akira dislikes swimming and has aquaphobia, so I thought it was interesting that Sakura complemented on her being a good swimmer. Maybe Nagare Namikawa of Rivals Schools gave her some lessons? (I'm not famliar with Rival Schools lore, so I'm open for some enlightenment) Overall, no big implications on the long term story, but more about character relationships. I love anime, so this entire story mode felt like an anime episode, which I loved. It was fun, and I liked it for what it was.
  9. Chun-Li to Oro: "I fight for justice and to protect those I care about." Sounds like standard Chun-Li introduction to Oro. Not sure if in canon Chun-Li actually meets the hermit. And if she did, would they have meet in SFV or in SFIII? If they did, I feel this is a good introduction to him on who she is and what she fights for. Nothing much to establish any relationships if any should come moving forward. But all in all, it's a safe win quote that stays true to her. Oro to Chun-Li:" So you pursue Bison, too… He certainly commands a lot of hate, doesn’t he?" Same as above, though this would be more along the lines of them meeting in the SFV lore because supposedly Shadaloo doesn't exist in SFIII. I feel that you can have both win quotes both Chun's and Oro's work as both as an introduction and a follow up introduction. Oro understands Chun's true enemy and why her emotions drive her to fight for justice. Pretty safe and believable quote if they were to meet. So it's good in my opinion. Chun-Li to Akira: You have strong fighter instincts. How about training with me? I feel this is where Chun-Li is showing more of her teacher side that comes into development in SFIII. Akira is much younger, and Chun-Li certainly has more experience under her belt. But she sees potential in the young fighter, and just like the win-quotes from Karin, Chun-Li's experience and training would only help Akira grow as a fighter. I like this quote. The last two have been pretty good with keeping Chun-Li's character true. Akira to Chun-Li: Finally, I got to go up against a real Kung Fu fighter. I feel like I’ve learned a lot. Same as above. A respectful notion between a young fighter and an experienced veteran. I feel some of Akira's kata's give off some stylizations of kung fu, so I believe Akira learning from Chun-Li would be such an honor for her. (I'm pretty sad that Luke is the last time I get to overanalyze Chun-Li's win quotes. But it's been super fun all throughout!)
  10. Kind of a grim look for future "story modes" in the video with the way Sugar Punch talks about how Luke's inclusion might affect Street Fighter in the future.
  11. Akira Character Artwork + Stage Portrait (Notice how KANZUKI is on her motorcycle. Any thoughts or connections to Karin? Or does she have a factory of manufactured vehicle parts as part of her Zaibatsu?)
  12. Saw this question posed on Reddit, and I'd love to hear your opinions. I know character stories are short, and can be shallow at worst. But there are some good ones out there, and some that give these characters some genuine moments. So i'm curious to my SF Story Fam, which SFV Character story was your favorite? EDIT: Copy/Paste my answer from Reddit My favorites are: Chun-Li: Seeing a bit of her story before SF Alpha, and loved seeing Chun-Li for the first time embrace the motherly side of her character with her and Li-Fen Ed: LOVED seeing a more vulnerable side of Balrog we've never seen before. Kolin: I think out of all the character stories, hers was the strongest when it comes to presentation of backstory and motivations. Sakura: Romance in Street Fighter hasn't been a key element in the franchise, but I loved how sweet this one was. Also nice to see Sakura move forward with her story and mature instead of being stuck as a High School girl. Rose: Because of all of the story and lore theories that have popped up since Rose's story mode. Dan: Because it was stupid and funny and I had a great time. E. Honda: Best moment of his character story was this... I mean this.
  13. Take the endings with a grain of salt, especially the Alpha 3 ones, since it just feels like a different storyline compared to the Alpha 1 & 2 canons. But Alpha's canon is weird. Alpha 2 is a retcon of Alpha 1, with some minor differences.
  14. Firstly, I don't think PR Chun-Li is SF canon. Secondly, and personally, we get tired of the same rehashed story over and over again. That's why it was such a treat that Shadaloo was seemingly "destroyed" at the end of SFV and Chun-Li moved on to a new chapter of her life in SFIII. However, if they end up retconing everything in the SF story, at least give Chun-Li's revenge story the proper ending it deserves.
  15. It has been a long while before a Character Story mode was this deep and plot driven. And I enjoyed it very very much. Granted, I was one of the few who didn't want Rose to come back, and that Menat would've been the perfect successor to Rose. But I'm glad she's back now. And the story mode foreshadows something dire ahead. Even after defeating Shadaloo, we're still headed to the End of Days. Rose mentioning Glacier falling into the Ocean (or something along those lines), was that a reference to SFIII? I'm not all for retconing and time travel. Ed Boon and MK has done than many a times already. So I'm not sure how I feel about Rose possibly going back in time to change the fate of everything. But hey, at least the plot is moving forward a little bit. And I am here for it!
  16. Chun-Li to Rose: I know I'm destined to fight, but I WILL put and end to it someday. I find this one to be very insightful. On the surface, it shows that Chun-Li is determined to finish her fight for justice, which she does as in SFIII, she moves on from that motivation. But also, recall to Chun-Li's prologue in USF4, Chun-Li was sensing some hesitation in her fight, and in her ending, she resolves to continue being a cop as she and Guile drive off. Chun-Li is confident that her fight for justice will end one day, but that resolve of hers was not always there. Rose to Chun-Li: In pursuing a certain individual, you invite the company of danger. Surface level quote: Chun-Li pursues M. Bison and Shadaloo, she'll encounter many a dangerous foe. And she certainly has: Assuming all the cutscenes and fight-your-rival dialogues, and OVAs are canon, since then, Chun-Li has faced Balrog, Vega, FANG, M. Bison, Juri, Gen, and possibly more. Each dangerous individuals in their own right. I'm not sure if this quote was just Rose telling Chun-Li what she already knows. Or possibly, what if Rose is forewarning Chun-Li's future, and that in pursuit of Urien to save Li-Fen as in SFIII, Chun-Li will uncover something deep that shall not only put her life at stake, but the fate of the whole world as well. (I may just be overthinking things like I always do with these quotes) Overall, these are great. They don't feel out of place, and I don't sense any deep relationship connection with either of them. It's unclear how much these two interact within the canon, but my guess is probably not as much. Which is stange, since both are connected to M. Bison.
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