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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. Chun-Li to Dan: "Sorry. You were acting suspicious, so I kicked you. It's what I do." Dan to Chun-Li: "C'mon, give it a rest, lady! What are you investigatin' me for?! Thoughts: Okay, Chun's win quote to Dan is actually freaking funny. I think Chun might actually kick Dan for being annoying more than being suspicious. (Because Really, Dan suspicious?) But her quote made me laugh. Dan to Chun-Li's quote, sounds like he's just trying to get away from her because he can't escape from being the joke. Poor Dan, he can't escape any BS (Dan is the only character to talk during his YOU WIN animation too)
  2. There is something symbolic about the spider and the blue and gold butterfly, and I LOVE IT!!!
  3. I do love the 3D models that SFV has going on right now. Much more improved than SFIV's 3D models. This kind of look gives SF its uniqueness. With MK and Injustice going for the most realistic looking character models, more more stylized but still some realistic aspects of 3D fighters like Tekken and DoA, Street Fighter's 3D models being more stylized than realistic, and then the 2D look of anime fighters.
  4. Already purchased mine. And it's an excellent deal, 25 USD for all of that? Hell yes!
  5. I'll get the criticisms out of the way first. I think that sometimes, your words sound mumbled up or inaudible. Either because your natural speaking voice is so quiet and soft, or sometimes you just talk too fast. I know when you show that nerdy side, you sped up the tempo, which works with the excitement, but for the rest of the vid, I feel that you could speak a little slower so the viewer would understand. Also, I would recommend having a little more energy in your voice, or record the audio like you are giving a Presentation, instead of just reporting information. Other than that, I really liked the series. As a story and lore fan myself, this was a nicely done video that summarized all the character's moments in the SFIII story. Each one that their own focus time, and was either short or longer depending on how important they were. I love the sprite animations you added into the video. Especially since it keeps things fun and interesting instead of looking at gameplay footage or in-game artwork for a whole 14 min. You have a pretty good sense of humor too, and i loved how you sprinkled that into the video. I just wished for more energy behind that. I feel there is so much more to these characters and their story than just this video can cover. But it does a great job of scratching the surface; just giving us an overal general background on the Lore as a whole rather than going in-depth like some other channels do. (DiGi Valentine, or SugarPunch Design Works) I can't wait for the next part, and for Chun-Li to make her appearence when you get to talking about her. I wonder, will you plan on covering all the other series of SF? Nicely done with it. I can imagine that it takes a lot of work for you on this video. But I really enjoyed it. Nice job
  6. What can I say? I love it when Chun-Li shows skin!
  7. Meh, Training is overrated, but I do see why people like it. It's too clashy for me.
  8. I updated my post with detailed descriptions of all costumes. I love glasses Chun School costume, but not the professional costume. Both Alpha and Classic are both iconic costumes in my opinion. I think her classic one is her most recognizable and iconic, so that's why I have it a tier higher than Alpha. Plus, SFV's version has the fingerless gloves that kind of ruin the costume for me. Yeah, I probaly was a little too generous/lazy putting it on D-Tier instead of creating an F-Tier to the list
  9. Thoughts? S-Tier Vacation (01 + Easter Egg): One of Chun-Li’s two swimsuit costumes, and my personal favorite SFV costume she’s got. The Easter egg version loses the skirt. It’s the most revealing costume Chun-Li has as it shows the most skin, and allowing the viewer to appreciate and admire the magnificent fit body that Chun-Li has. The blue flower in the hair adds a touch of cuteness, femininity, and heart, emphasizing her beauty. She looks ready to go for a swim, or kick some ass on the beach. It’s almost a perfect 10/10. If I were nitpicking, I’d remove the flip-flops and have her go barefoot. Seeing her kick in those flip-flops looks impractical, and it looks weird that they should fly off her feet but never do. And this just may be me, but I would remove the skirt in general and just give us a solid two-piece swimsuit. But even still, it’s a perfect summer costume for the perfect SF Waifu. Battle (05): Chun-Li first debut this costume in SFIV, and it makes a triumphant return in SFV, with a few differences. Most notably her hair is let down. This is a hair style that we rarely see with Chun-Li as it’s always tied in her oxhorn fashion. It’s a wonderful difference that heightens her beauty. Other changes are gold design on the chest area of the dress that resembles the same pattern as her qipao and a red tassel in the center of her middle sash. With the dress cut to show her signature legs, this costume is another home run. It really emphasizes the magnificence of Chun-Li but it looks like she could still very well fight bad guys in it too. They take everything that worked in her SFIV version and make it better. Default (01): Chun-Li’s most iconic and recognizable costume, transcending from game to game with few-to-no changes. The Chinese qipao is cut for better use of her legs, so when she kicks, the back and front end of her qipao flicker around rapidly, displaying the true power of her legs. Speaking of legs, she dons brown pantyhose with white boots, as always. Her spiked bracelets complete the set. This costume has worked for years with Chun-Li. And despite many future costumes really taking advantage of her sex appeal, this did a great job in showing the kind of person Chun-Li was. Feminine but strong. Beautiful but striking. This dress didn’t have to use sex as a tool because it was sexy, confident, and appealing already, just like her. A true masterpiece that will stay for years to come. A-Tier Swimsuit (08 + Easter Egg): Chun-Li’s first swimsuit costume did a lot of good things. The long pareo has a great design, and it is cut almost like the bottom part of her battle dress, almost gives her a mermaid feel to her outfit, which looks good. I’m not a fan of her shoes as they look pretty heavy and clunky. Not really something I see her walking on the beach with, unless it’s a formal night party. Her hair design has her in a ponytail and bun with a pin securing it in place. It looks neat. But one thing I don’t like about this one is the sunglasses on her head. It looks hardly practical and with it being on her head could be hazardous. Still, the Easter egg variation shows much of her body one again which is always nice on the eyes. A wonderful costume, nonetheless. It’s just hard to compare when the second one (Vacation Costume) does so much better with it. Undercover Cop (01 OR 06): Out of all the police themed costume’s she has, I believe this one is her best. It’s by far Chun-Li’s most badass costume she’s got. The thick leather jacket over a hoodie gives that tough exterior of a hardworking seasoned veteran on the force. The pants look real skin tight, but I would easily believe it would hardly restrict Chun-Li’s movement. She does look like a true undercover cop in this one. Although, if it were up to me, I’d remove the gun entirely, or have it in a holster rather than clipped to her side. Chun-Li is a fierce and dangerous fighter, even without firearms. So having a gun right there serves nothing more than a distraction. Still, another badass costume for Chun. Alpha/Nostalgia (01): Another costume that stands the test of time and has been a staple for Chun-Li ever since. Although not as striking as her default costume, her Alpha costume was more to showcase her athleticism and speed. The blue unitard, vest, and tennis shoes emphasize more on movement than flow. It’s a great legacy costume with Chun, however, I’m not a fan of the changes the SFV version brings. The fighter gloves she wears on her hands feel out of place. It’s great for an in-ring training tool, but not in her alpha days when she’s investigating Shadaloo. Still, this costume gets high praise for its lasting legacy and appearances in other games and media. B-Tier School Uniform (01 + Easter Egg): I’ll be honest, if Street Fighter ever did a high school parody, then this would be the exact role I could envision Chun-Li playing: the studious smart girl who puts much focus on academic excellence to please her strict father. Otherwise, she’s more than likely to play the School Teacher instead. Luckily, this costume covers both archetypes. Chun-Li with those nerdy glasses and pigtails ups the cuteness factor (having her Easter egg variation with the hair down amps up the cuteness even more). Recent media (Udon Comics) has shown she can look good in this as a teacher. But if she were in high school, I bet she’ll rock it as well. Wedding Dress (01): It’s a bold idea to have Chun-Li don a wedding dress, however, it’s every Chun-Li main’s dream: to see their beautiful waifu in such a beautiful dress saying the words “I Do”, linking them together forever in FGC matrimony. Chun-Li does look gorgeous in this dress, although fighting in it would prove very troublesome as it “fluffs” and “poofs” with every movement she makes. Hardly practical, but ever so elegant. Will we ever see Chun-Li find the right man and someday wear this dress? Who knows? But for every Chun-Li main, it’s a dream come true. Covert Ops (01): It’s hard to judge this costume when it’s so similar to her Battle costume. And the layers and changes they add to this one just feel a tad too much. I’m not a big fan of boas on costumes, especially in a fighting game costume. It feels like the most impractical accessory, which can either blind the fighter, or be used against them when they get choked by it. I will say this though: this looks much more formal than her Battle dress. It may be the opened-toed shoes, the boa, or the amount of bracelets on Chun’s arms. Or maybe Chun is wearing more make up in this one. And although she still looks elegant, it mostly fails from a practical standpoint. And it doesn’t help that it’s almost a copy of her battle dress, just with more accessories. Story (01): Probably Chun-Li’s most underrated and most underappreciated costume is her story costume. Many forget she wears this costume way before her story in Alpha. Before Chun-Li became a detective and joined Shadaloo, she was a rookie: young, eager, and virtuous. It makes sense, before giving her a promotion; she would start at the bottom, doing simple things like traffic stops, parking tickets, and patrols. It really does look like your standard deputy police uniform (although the white boots are a little questionable. Maybe it’s to pay homage to her default costume) Still, this was a part of Chun-Li’s history, the uniform that started her journey to become the great ICPO agent she is today. Morrigan (01): Rather than looking 100% like Morrigan, this costume looks like Chun-Li cosplaying as Morrigan (albeit, very VERY well). Any alterations, like eye color, lips, teeth, and she would end up looking like the succubus herself. Heck, the wings on her look awesome already. It’s a really good costume for her, fitting because both are the leading ladies in their own respective games. The whole debate on whether a cross-over costume should look 100% like the original, or just the fighter cosplaying as them is still on-going. But if it were the later, Chun-Li rocks this Morrigan costume so well. I do feel the mods do a better job of making Chun look EXACTLY like Morrigan. But if you want to keep the sprit and look of Chun close to your heart, then Capcom did a good job with this. C-Tier Pajamas (02): All I ask is that you take away one thing, and replace another thing: First take away the apron. It looks so very odd and unnecessary. And the only way I see her wearing it is if she’s up in the morning wearing the same clothes but cooking breakfast. When you think of pajamas, you think of comfort. The apron doesn’t add any layers of comfort; it just looks out of place. Second, replace those crocs on her shoes. I think a more practical choice would be to go bare foot. A second option would be for her to wear bedtime slippers. Much less practical but it certainly fits the pajama theme. Only reason why this doesn’t get docked any lower is because Chun-Li is showing skin, and skin is a huge plus for me. Only way this costume would jump a tier or two is if Capcom brought back her old SFII Animated Movie nightgown and dubbed that the pajama costume. Track Suit (01): You know the old saying: “If everyone is special, then no one is”? I feel this applies to this costume. Since everyone got one, then it makes the costume feel less special. Even so, I feel it doesn’t do much to make itself stand out amongst the other tracksuit costumes. It just feels so Uniform. Every SF Fighter has a distinct style and design. And I feel giving Chun-Li the same costume as everyone with little varying changes that spice up the design makes this costume feel plain. That said, I don’t feel this costume is either good or bad. Her Alpha costume is a much better visual of her athleticism. But I also feel this one feels more like a workout costume than her Training one. Track Suit is essentially the BINGO Free-Space of SF Costumes. CPT (02): Another formal dress for Chun, although I feel this one is her weakest. She still looks really good, but first off, the large feather boa just creates a massive distraction. (And I’ve already talked about how impractical I think they are for fighting in my Covert Ops explanation.) I can credit this one for being different by giving Chun pantyhose, while the other dresses have her legs bare. However, although different, it doesn’t contrast as much because both the pantyhose and her dress have dark color bases. If the dress was more vibrant or had a lighter color base, I think it would work. But there is not enough contrast for the eyes to make it interesting. She still looks great, and the makeup on her, is a good plus. But the other two dresses really make her pop and highlight her beauty so much more. Special Forces (01): I’ll be honest. This costume does look like something Chun-Li would wear… if Street Fighter were a FPS game. If she were to engage in a two-round bout against an opponent wearing this, for a fighter that relies so much on movement, speed, and fluidity, all of those pads, the bulletproof vest, and helmet would greatly restrict most of that. If it was a short takedown and quick fight, then fine. But for a game like SF, it doesn’t do it for me. Attach a sidearm to her and she gets some bonus points. But I feel this one didn’t quite knock it out of the park. June (02) I’m glad Chun was the first one to get this crossover costume, but my god, looking at it and you can throw the word “practical” out the door, especially with those knee pegs coming out. I’m not a big fan of her hair, but I guess that’s the way the character was designed. I like how June’s costume and Chun-Li’s qipao design are almost similar, so there is that familiarity with that one. Like the Morrigan one, Chun-Li looks as close as she can look with the June costume. Except she’s MUCH thicker. Only thing more distracting than her thighs are those knee pegs. Appropriately given to her, although Chun’s thickness does throw me off just a slight. And my god those knee pegs… D-Tier Training (01): I think this one is Chun-Li’s most overrated costume out of her entire collection. The main reason being that it clashes too much with two different ideas. My guess is Capcom wanted to combine two of her best costumes: her classic qipao with her elegant battle dress. But doing that made the design feel lazy. So they thought adding some combat gear (leg guards, and fighting gloves) would make it different. But it only emphasizes more of the design’s laziness. The worst offense of this costume is that it doesn’t have an identity. For a costume called training, it does a lot to make sure that it looks elegant while doing so. Now Chun can still look sexy while training, but the qipao/dress combination just feels like it’s trying WAY too hard. The leg guards, and shoes, not to mention the fighter gloves are great for a training costume, but when paired with the dress, it just throws everything off. And it works the other way around too. If you want to keep the qipao/dress, then I feel the leg guards, shoes, and gloves need to be replaced. Overall, I feel this costume boils down to two words: Clashing and Laziness Professional (03): This is a good themed outfit for Chun. Unfortunately, I think it does a little too good. So much so that she ends up looking older than what she presumably is. I like the concept of her working as a boss lady in a corporation. But it does very little to make it stand out, or retain the styles and ideals that make up Chun-Li. As much as I love for Chun-Li to have all these costumes, I strongly feel this could easily have gone to someone like Karin. It’s a decent outfit, but it’s easily forgettable. Red Bull B-Girl (04): In my opinion, it’s Chun-Li’s worst costume in SFV. It’s one thing to take advantage of the sex appeal, but not if it means sacrificing the character. And I feel that’s what this costume does. Chun-Li’s B-Girl costume just outright skanks her. And only color 04 makes her look remotely close to what she looks like, and that’s just dealing with skin and hair color. Every other costume is a drastic change that makes Chun-Li almost unrecognizable. This costume destroys Chun-Li’s character and objectifies her sex appeal for the sake of raking in money. The previous costumes have all displayed a lot or a little of what makes Chun-Li beautiful, powerful, strong, and sexy without destroying her character. This costume is the only one that does. (I would also put the Tracksuit Chun-Li costume in C-Tier, right in between Pajamas and CPT) Chun has a lot of costumes, doesn't she?
  10. Fair arguements. I do agree with you that the fight should've been a ganged-up fight. M. Bison is already powerful enough, but adding the power he got from the black moons, he's was pretty much a borderline God. However, i don't think that's any excuse for the writers to let someone completely random like Ryu be the one to have the last fight. It's only fitting that the one with the most investment against Shadaloo should be the ones to finish it. Here's what I would've done. Combining The4thSnake's video, with your idea, I would've had Nash, Guile, and Chun-Li (maybe Ryu) all attack M. Bison, but he's too strong, too powerful, and easily overwhelms them. Nash makes the noble sacrifice to drain M. Bison as much as he can to weaken him. Nash lays in Guile's arms, finally bringing closure for Guile (and would somewhat enforce his SFV Arcade Mode ending). But that sets it up for one last battle for Chun-Li. Even though he's weakened, It's still a hard fight for Chun-Li, but she barely pulls it out at the end. And I think this is the pivotal moment for her. She's finally at hand to end Bison once and for all and avenge her father. But at the same time, Chun-Li sees Li-Fen is in danger (either held hostage by FANG or something). This is a character moment for Chun as she chooses to let Bison for somethign greater than revenge. As Bison escapes, he is "devoured" by a Necalli, and Ryu has to use his newfound Power of Nothingness to stop the beast before he wrecks havoc on the world, That way, (and if set and wrtten well in the begining), Necalli won't have to resort to just being a random jobber for most of A Shadow Falls.
  11. I still contend that Chun-Li deserved that final fight against M. Bison more than Ryu, or anyone else. It would've been a perfect book-end to her "revenge" arc before opening the "motherhood" chapter of her life with Li-Fen. Btut SFIII was in the right direction with the MC being Alex and the main baddies being the Illuminati and Urien/Gill.
  12. Not to take anything away from this Story thread. But if you guys wanna jump in, they're discussing Story Mode in the Street Fighter V General Thread
  13. This guy explains how Story mode in SFV could've been improved. Valid points?
  14. Technically, it's a costume mod (with the Chun-Li Alpha Easter Egg Version of the costume), so proportions could've been changed as well. 🤤 My vote would be M Bison as the final boss of the game, and Gill mainly serves as a precursor to being SFIII's boss. I feel Necalli had potential to being a final boss character, if the story wasn't about the fall of Shadaloo. He's too mysterious to just be jobbed by everyone. I feel bad for him
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