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Everything posted by Chun-Li_Forever

  1. I'd say the delusion is real. But after the last SF6 comic, maybe it is plausible.
  2. One week away my friends!
  3. Part 4 of Street Fighter 6 comic
  4. I agree with this. Li-Fen may be small, but she at least seems to have developed some form of speech and logic that would suggest child genius but above the physiology of a toddler (like Mel). 8-9 years old sounds feasable, though I wouldn't throw out the possibility of her being maybe a year or two younger (6-7). She is a genius and a prodigy hacker at a young age.
  5. I'm sure there will be no shortage of sweets to purchase around Metro City and Nayshall. But only the most authentic crepes from France is what our beloved deserves, nothing but the best from the best for our Queen Waifu. Stop! Stop! Capcom has given us too much power already! Goodness, save that for the Max Social Link cutscene at least. (Lol, and the Li-Fen walks in and makes it a typical romcom anime scene XD)
  6. Yep, and early Cammy Arcade Mode too. At least we get to see what arcade mode/story is like: Prologue, a Fight your Rival scene, and an epilogue.
  7. Careful if you dont want spoils. But someone got their hands on the full version early, and there's a twitch VOD showcasing some stuff. Including Cammy arcade mode stuff.
  8. It has begun
  9. Just the first chapter, but yes. You can create your character and try out the first chapter of WT.
  10. @CESTUS IIIThis is accurate. I'm guessing in the time between 3 and 6, Chun-Li primarily wanted to put more focus on opening up her school, taking care of kids, and li-Fen. While at the same time, her Director role in Interpol would give her less time in the field and more time closer to home, where she can flip flop between the two when needed.
  11. Chun-Li: The last time we met was at a tournament. Ken: ... Yeah, I don't remember. Chun-Li: You parried my faster-than-lightning kick before you kicked me in the face? Ken: Uh... well, I... Chun-Li: It's got over 7 million views on FooTube? Ken: C'mon it probably wasn't that special... Chun-Li: They named a historical moment after you beating me up! And to make matters worse, Li-Fen never lets me hear the end of it! Ken: ... ... ... This is awkward... How is the little girl doing btw? Chun-Li: Good, thanks for asking.
  12. Never was a fan of Professional Chun, but now that she's older and Director of Special Criminal Intelligence Div, it SOOOOOO much more fitting for her now. I'm in love!
  13. Part2 of SF6 comic is out!
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