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Everything posted by M A R T I A N

  1. Well, early consensus is that I really like the PS5. I think one of the coolest aspects so far is just how seamless and fast everything is. The menus don't stutter or lag like they did all the time on PS4. No more dashboard locking up just because you pressed the home button during a game. No more shitty unresponsive menus in the store. Everything just works. The in-game load times are insane. Booting up a title and actually getting into the gameplay can't take longer than 10 seconds. Even my PC doesn't load shit this fast. Then, you practically have no load times when actually playing. Warping back to the Nexus now? Child's play. Takes less than 5 seconds to transition to entire new worlds and the way they envelope the whole screen in fog to disguise transitions has such an impact on the immersion and momentum of the game. I've already seen tons of little changes besides the obvious graphical stuff. Quality of life changes, little deviations to mess with returning players... Man someone at Bluepoint played Demon's Souls just as much as I did because it's obvious they're huge fans themselves. I have so much more to say but I feel like I'm just getting started using this thing. Still gotta boot up Spidey and the Resident Evil Village demo. Backwards compatability stuff has been pretty cool too, but I'd like to try that with more games before commenting. @AriesWarlockyou might be dissapointed to hear that the only real difference Soul Calibur gets is a boost in load times. It pretty much just runs like the PC version now, which hey, that's better than a straight PS4 port I guess lol. In a more ideal example, however, a game like Nioh 2 gets upgraded to the Remastered re-release for free if you owned it on PS4. Pretty cool.
  2. I am at a constant state of disbelief looking at Demon's Souls @Chadoukendid you beat it? We gotta play now.
  3. I'm not even mad. This is totally a Million-ism if I've ever seen it
  4. Dudes knocking the discless PS5 probably still walk around with one of these Couldn't be me 😩
  5. Forreal. I'm still gonna collect physical PS5 media but I really didn't care which edition I got at this point. I travel with my consoles way too often to carry around a big case of discs so I usually get digital content anyway. Discs have pretty much just been paperweight novelties to me for awhile now. I can't be pulling up to the local with 2 dozen discs, physically switching between all those games constantly. 🤣
  6. Oh, I put another video up today. Ya'll might recognize my first opponent 👀
  7. For sure! I'll probably spend most of today testing backwards compatability stuff to be honest
  8. The very first comment: "This is what a kidney stone would sound like"
  9. I think I'll do just that. You know, instead of making broken AI Loadouts and letting them beat the towers for me like I normally do
  10. Hey that's exactly how I play, except I don't even learn bnb's because I've never really settled on a character in 11 for longer than a few weeks. Really need to just sit down with someone for an hour or 2 and play some casuals, just to feel out the character select a little bit
  11. One of ya'll gotta show me how to play sometime.
  12. Resident Evil has always been known for its takes on various mythological concepts and creatures. They've done giant bats, literal troll monsters, voodoo zombies, I mean damn there's literally a monster named "Nosferatu". Ya boi needs to get a grip. Vampiric characters in Resident Evil is hardly the strangest thing the series has shown us.
  13. Haha, yeah, sometimes I just feel like removing the gauges makes it look a little more cinematic. If it's a TOD I often remove the HUD because there's not much useful information it provides at that point, outside of how much bar it takes to start. Might not hurt to put some of that info in the description though, either way... 🤔 Thanks for watching man.
  14. Man... It's funny how the prospect of a Mass Effect collection on console would've excited me a year ago. Now, it seems like I'd get a better experience just playing the original trilogy releases on PC... Never did actually play 3, might be fun to make a new Shepard and see what it was actually like.
  15. Yeah man. I run into players like that all the time. There are dudes in the high ranks on PSN that would do stuff like that constantly. Goes to show how often people probably let them get away with it, lol. Also, I forgot to mention this but, I'm pretty sure that player who did the Kid Buu TOD on me was dekillsage. He's been messing with that team
  16. Already put it in VGG but, I figured it can go here too. Made a combo compilation of cool TOD's I've found, or just crazy moments during matches. Give it a watch if you're interested! 🙂
  17. Trying to get motivated to make videos again so, I put together a combo video for DBFZ. And by "combo video" I mean an assortment of TOD's and various crazy moments I've had during matches. Check it out if you've got 5 minutes. 🙂 I'll have another similar video up Friday, and a review up by Monday. Spoiler: I've been playing ass loads of Hades. 👀
  18. Your bait game has def gotten weaker since early SRK days bro Edit: This can't be fucking real Bruh, Hugo is a DWARF.
  19. I don't really see the point in arguing the writing. You disliked it, lots of people didn't. Personally I think the characters themselves are what truly drive that series, with the story almost being secondary. And that's from someone who rather enjoyed the narrative. At that point we're splitting hairs over what really boils down to subjective bullshit, when all I was really tryna say is that I see no reason to believe Netflix wouldn't treat these properties with care. My dude really asking for machavelian writing when the source material be like
  20. Based on what exactly? They've put out some pretty good video game related media.
  21. I usually like shorter women but, there's something about this snu snu vampress bro. Something about being picked up at the throat by this woman and being tossed around like a dirty shirt sounds... Oddly appealing to me. 👀
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