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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. Are Aki AND Rashid now lowkey the best animated characters in all of 6? This kinda makes me think that maybe the DLC charas are given a bigger budget or perhaps don't focus on mocap as much as the rest of the roster
  2. Snake really skipped EVO to just randomly win an online CPT tourney and get into Capcom cup without spending a dime on travel or hotel expenses, while maining the worst character in the game What a fucking gigachad
  3. The turnaround from Angry Bird's top 6 Evo run to the finals here too. Wasn't expecting such a sweep by kakeru
  4. The hipocrisy is still annoying. American fgc is doing all these pushes towards diversity, more women, conde of conduct, cancelling those who use slurs etc, and try to stand behind the principles, but as soon as esports money is added to the equation - sorry the cash is more important
  5. Man this Saudi tournament fucking sucks. One hour of talking for 5 minutes of actual fighting game action. All this oil money production value for an event that puts you to sleep
  6. Because if the stages were smaller you'd be pushed into a corner with a single drive impact
  7. Hot take but they made perfect booms too easy to execute. When I see guile in a match I swear it's ALWAYS red/"shooting", the input leniency is crazy
  8. We weren't gonna have the fight money system in 6 regardless of people bitching. It's an industry wide issue now.
  9. Real fgc plays on snack boxes now, better pony up that 300$ for razer kitsune
  10. She looks like a Chinese alien - weird body proportions, narrow face, lack of eyebrows, strangely colored eyelashes, creepy mouth. She's just FANG with tits + Juri psychotic characterization. Was hoping for more in that regard but hopefully at least her gameplay is cool And because she's a waifu you know Capcom will print all print all kinds of fetish costumes
  11. I'm not enritrly sure Aki translates well into 3d from concept art and her udon comic self. Not in a realistic style anyway. I kinda hope Capcom does an update similar to SFV where you have a selection of shading/filter for the character models
  12. Are people unironically still huffing hopium that the marvel vs series isn't dead and buried after how fucking disasterous Infinite was? Why would any company or developer seriously think it's a good idea to continue that franchise?
  13. It looks fucking amazing If they fix the biggest current criticisms (stupid long throw tech window, easy inputs having no drawback and instant cooldowns, and raging Strike simply bring poorly designed), Rising legit might be a great game
  14. Last week's beta was the first time I've touched granblue since the closed network test 3 years ago Played around 100 matches and shit was super fun, just pick soriz and punch motherfuckers from across the screen
  15. It's quite an achievement for a single character to ruin an entire game's integrity in the span of a couple of hours
  16. Imma be real - production value at this year's Evo fucking sucks dick covered in shit
  17. How dare you compare the new poison queen with that pathetic bitch called Amber
  18. Just over half an hour for 19 matches is insane pacing. I'm actually kind of surprised EVO went with a top-6 format this year and the game is scheduled for 3 hours of a total runtime, I feel like the entire final will finish in half that lol But I guess the rest of those 3 hours will be filled with ads
  19. Less than 7 hours left boys Enjoy There's a ton to watch and follow even beyond just the SF6 stuff
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