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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. Have to disagree here. The characters are very obviously well detailed and sport high polygon counts, and their body proportions are exaggerated in certain ways like Ryu's chest, Luke's arms, Gief's entire body etc, but the models aren't shades in any way - it's just the engine handling the lighting, which in turn makes the characters look like they stick out or photoshopped in, or flat in certain stages IMO they shouldn't have. Even despite RE Engine being fantastic in how well optimised the Capcom titles have been since RE7, they basically tied themselves down to hardware straight from 2012 You gotta keep in mind - from launch all the way to whenever SF6 is supposed to have its support end because a brand new major fighting game is on the way, whenever Capcom creates a new stage or perhaps a new world tour area or a brand new game mode or even something a simple as character's SFX for specials and supers - they need to make sure that content can be used and played on PS4 and XB1 at rock solid 60fps (or at least acceptable 30). The world tour mode is already limited at 30fps, both the exploration and the matches, which means Battle Hub is also likely framerate capped since you can meet and fight other players with your avatar there. And judging by the demo, even then it's not ideal and it's not constant 30 with potential dips down to 20-25 PS4 isn't magically getting better at running the game outside of Capcom putting in effort into optimisation through patches, but essentially they'll have to limit their own scope for future content. That's not to mention the fact that 6 is utilising dynamic resolution, there's seemingly no anti aliasing present and characters are less detailed, while the input lag reduction creates horrible screen tearing to maintain framerate, just to try and barely match PS5 version Tldr shit's fucked
  2. It got leaked in the Capcom breach from a couple of years ago Last gen systems objectively hold the entire industry back right now. The sooner they're gone the better
  3. They can just add progress transfer between same console family (Xb1 to sx, PS4 to ps5) so people don't lose their avatars when moving to current gen hardware
  4. They're not gonna support PS4 until 2028-2030, that's just insanity. At least with a new revision they'll have a valid justification to cut last gen off
  5. I hope Super SF6 is next gen only so Capcom can upgrade the graphics
  6. Anything would be an upgrade over the current boxart. Capcom unironically causing long term damage with that popeye lookin ass on the front. At least we'll get a Super Street Fighter 6 in a couple of years
  7. Aw she doesn't do the weird noises anymore
  8. Grapplers are hard for casuals. They can't even do a quarter circle motion, now you're asking them to make a full one?
  9. Personally I always used the fishing boat at evening stage, whatever it's actually called. IMO it was among the nicest looking in the game and had good visual clarity The drive thru at night stage looked beautiful but actually playing on it felt terrible because of the neon light overload (music was great tho)
  10. I'd like Capcom to instead delve more into their other franchises and bring them as stages into 6,kinda like what the crossovers did
  11. Who's this rando and why should anybody pay attention to this opinion?
  12. CESTUS can you stop using these giant gifs and pictures in your posts that break the page layout At least hide them under a spoiler
  13. That's the next step - reduce the button layout from 6 to 4 for SF7 in 2030 #Make4AttacksTheStandard
  14. Gonna be hilarious if Capcom tried to attract casuals with Modern control shit but ends up damaging the competitive integrity of the game because a slightly lower damage output isn't enough to outweigh the benefits of one button specials and supers
  15. Personally I only like Deejay (1.25x speed), Manon (1.25x speed), Jamie and Ryu I can't stand the rest of the tracks no matter the playback speed or the dynamic part. Hell I can't even remember any others and I listened to all of them barely a week ago
  16. Do you guys feel that a bit too much stuff is tied to the Drive gauge in 6 as opposed to V gauge in 5? I was watching the SETS stream today with Problem X and Joker and kinda had this thought that with how integral Drive system is to 6's system mechanics, it involves so many different elements - blocking drains the gauge - impact uses the gauge - dash cancels need the gauge - guard cancels require the gauge - ex moves spend the gauge - parrying can't be used without the gauge - completely exhausting the gauge puts you at a significant disadvantage (more blockstun, more damage received, instant dizzy if you're hit by a DI, loss of access to aforementioned mechanics, chip kills) Meanwhile the Super gauge is used.... Exclusively for supers. Granted it's cool that you have access to all 3 levels at any time as long as you got the stocks required unlike SF3 where you had to choose one or 2/Alpha/IV where you were limited to the predetermined super, but still Maybe Capcom should have done it like KOFXV and FighterZ where EX moves cost half a stock? I'm just not sure I'm entirely on board with the idea of essentially your match hinging one meter system, plus there's no way to refill it instantly once you're in burnout, you can only speed it up by going on the offensive
  17. This game runs on PS4 at 60fps with seemingly no framerate issues (world tour aside) I'd say most pcs should handle it just fine
  18. Holy shit that udon swimsuit issue Yeah we're totally getting some of those designs as coomer bait cosmetic DLC after launch
  19. Gief is fucking gigantic, can't even imagine Hugo or Abi in this artstyle
  20. I'm sorry but Lily looks like a goblin. They fucked up her face
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