Stage Select


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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. I'm sorry but Lily looks like a goblin. They fucked up her face
  2. Just because it's unique doesn't make it good Also P4U had all-out attacks that worked the same and universally
  4. They're just taking a note from Harada and keeping an element of surprise and discovery for the players /s
  5. Unpopular opinion - the priority system in V combined with cruch counter system and fucked up hit/hurtboxes caused way more harm to the game than good
  6. Is Chris really trying to gain relevance by beefing with lupe fiasco of all people
  7. 6 has the benefit of riding the positive feedback on last season of V, CPT 2022 ended fairly well, and it's also not a platform exclusive this time, plus the game is coming out with good netcode, with crossplay, on two different console generations, AND it's further fixing all the flaws V had from battle system to features. Provided Capcom don't somehow royally screw it up with egregious post launch monetization or shit balancing, I'm fully expecting 6 to climb into Capcom hall of fame in terms of units sold and at least 1 million copies by EVO if not sooner
  8. Oh it was? I still actually haven't watched the presentation
  9. God I hope Capcom adds some kind of a limited mode where we can use the world tour avatars for online pvp. I don't care how broken, silly, stupid or cursed that would be - let people have fun. At some point beating random NPCs will get boring
  10. Where have you been? Shader compilation on startup has been an issue with major releases for at least a year now with various titles, though mostly UE based ones. Thought RE avoids the subject altogether
  11. There are options to change controls to classic in both FG and WT
  12. BTW I love the smooth transition of the music from stage select screen to character select. I listened to both yesterday and damn the instrumental is REALLY good just wish there was a lyrics toggle Oh and I love how the fighting ground graffiti moves on tact with the menu theme, nice touch Starting to get in tune with the Cpu fights, but I find level 7 too easy (it kinda makes "mistakes", such as not finishing a combo proper or not converting pokes etc) and then the jump to level 8 is like an experienced tourney goes. Capcom prolly should adjust that Still don't quite understand the instant round start drive rush the Cpu sometimes does, I might have to watch it more closely but it doesn't do the cancel out of a normal and it doesn't enter the party stance fully either
  13. People who are grinding the crack right now might initially have an advantage but will just fold and get blown up remember how Fchamp had MVCI like 2 months prior to launch and didn't accomplish shit?
  14. Online uses your respective platform network id I'm pretty sure
  15. How so you guys feel about having access to a full drive gauge every round, meter carrying between rounds, and drive impact giving a wall bounce in the corner on block?
  16. Does anyone else find it weird and amusing how SF6 has pretty good music in the Battle Hub lobby, main menu, character creator, the World Tour map, and the "Tutorial" (even though that's just the Genbu Temple stage) but all the character themes except Ryu and Jamie are just trash? You'd think it would be at least the other way around as worst case scenario, or both are equally good as in V, but no
  17. Vesper actually deserves the views, dude's been grinding for over a decade
  18. There's plenty of locations across the series that aren't simply [city name], just having a country is vague enough already. Or just not speficy those either and only list the places
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