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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. Because he'd get cooked without the guilty gear system mechanics to back him up
  2. If there's one possible redeeming factor for Abigail coming back it's that he'll at least be redesigned to not look like a fucking biolab freak unlike his SFV self. I don't expect Capcom to change his personality so he will still be mentally challenged LARPing as a car
  3. Akira isn't even the most interesting RIVAL schools character. It honestly feels that outside her air combos Capcom went with thw safest choice imaginable when the series roster has some crazy wacky shit that could only be produced in the 90s
  4. Prefer to erase that entire first year from my memory, it was so fucking bad
  5. Menat's feet in RE Engine will break the Internet Rashid is already confirmed so that's another tick. G definitely needs to come back. Maybe Kolin if they expand on her ice mechanic. The rest can get bent.
  6. Fei is gonna cook if he's in 6,capcom actually likes rekkas again
  7. Here's a crazier idea - Joe or King as a KOF Crossover character in 6 Just imagine Venom Strike zoning in this game with all of the drive system shit
  8. They haven't shown trailers for Jun, Lars and Jack yet so yeah it checks out. And announcing a new roster member + possibly more closed beta locations at EVO Japan seems like a given
  9. There's difference between removing bloat (which everybody agreed needed to go, such as weight classes which only created convoluted combo routes per character) and targeting normies The fighting game developers can't seem to find the middle ground between those two things for the life of theirs, ArcSys included. Capcom's attempt with SF6 might genuinely be the first time in over a decade where a fighting game is actually properly designed for all skill levels
  10. They objectively cut character tools when going from Xrd to ggst
  11. They're not developing these games entirely on their own For dbfz they had support from Bandai Namco (sound team, publishing, developers) For GBVS they had support from Cygames (music, writing, etc) For DNF they mostly utilised help from Eighting (design wise) I'd assume all of those projects also had additional developers for coding, polishing, UI, graphics Team Blue is also mostly free since BlazBlue is dead and is a significant chunk of ArcSys, while Team Red is primarily focused on Strive, including Ishiwatari himself So I'm not too surprised they're juggling this many games all at once. The biggest question is how many coding staff they had to dedicate for rollback implementations in each project, including previous titles And of course we don't k ow if they're secretly cooking up another new fighting game (persona 5 arena cope)
  12. Apparently it's like an Ism select, based on the presentation at Arc Revo you have two choices - one cube gives you less powerful Awakening but it activates at 50% HP left, the other is more powerful awakening but you have to be at 30% or less, just like currently. They're basically expanding the strategy pre-match a bit
  13. Of course not, it's Strive - a game where every single character is dumbed down
  14. They're really stretching this shit out with DNF. And quite honestly the publisher is horribly mismanaging the project It had massive gaps between info dumps re-release, it had next to no advertisement, it's not at two consecutive EVOs, people had to wait for months on end for balance patches, the first DLC character was teased *last year* and is only coming sometime during Summer, the other season pass roster members haven't been confirmed yet we're supposed to shell out money essentially a year in advance since the final character won't be out until 2024, and NOW THAT arc tour ended we don't even know if it'll comeback for another competitive league
  15. Honestly I think the char select screen looks like trash. All the icons mesh together into an incoherent mess and nobody stands out. Could've at least given everyone a color background like their SF6 website profile and a unique name font (which is only featured in a promotional media)
  16. Where did you get this weird idea that SFA3 is more popular than 2? Nobody ever talks about the alpha games outside enthusiasts
  17. Yes? SF2 is the golden goose for Capcom - it begs most attention, its characters come back more often and are featured in more media, its got most versions and ports over the years, IV was its direct sequel, 3 initially flopped because of a lack of 2's roster members, all the merchandise typically is connected to 2, and so on and so forth Same with FF7 for Square - look how much that game got milked during the peak of its popularity with a hundred spinoffs and shit, and how after the remake came back Squenix again pushes everything around 7 to the public
  18. Good thing Street Fighter doesn't have gun characters. Imagine Red Hood or Happy Chaos or Naoto in SF6
  19. that kid could play MK1 too if NRS actually bothered to... you know... port *any* of their past games onto modern hardware. It's baffling that not a single remaster has been done since the Injustice Ultimate Edition port from PS3 to PS4
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