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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. EVO 2023 is gonna be fucking insane, Mandalay Bay about to make hella cash off all the registrations for their rooms
  2. to be fair it's not entirely unjustified. Half the female roster in Tekken is pushing 40 but have the appearances of 18 year olds, as if Tekken team refuses to model characters that actually look their age
  3. Eh, close enough I guess. At least that's a step closer to the Bruce Lee inspiration for Law since previously he only used the chucks in like cutscenes instead of actual gameplay Still though, the Fei dream remains a dream. I had hopes for his SFV debut but nope, maybe he can get an install SA2 in 6 eventually
  4. From an honorable queen of a Realm that was unjustly invaded and conquered by a ruthless dictator to just a ho Well done NRS, well done
  5. Can you guys stop reminding me how much NRS completely shafted and fucked up BOTH Shao and Kotal in the current lore? I'm still disappointed that these are supposed to be EMPERORS OF OUTWORLD but they get bitch slapped, fooled and manipulated like they're just random scrubs F U C K
  6. Tfw we're not getting a 35th Anni collection with more games and better netcode for entire series
  7. Random but since this is a dragon ball thread - Dokkan is about to have its 8th anniversary celebration in a few days. If you don't mind waiting until July or having to deal with JP text this is now the best time to start playing anyways when is the anime comeback?
  8. If they're making deejay, Blanka and Dhalsim this strong and scary in 6 imagine if Gief somehow lands in the top tier
  9. my experience with xTekken online was so terrible it might as well have been delay
  10. And PS4 at least I'm kinds tired of fighting games releasing rollback updates but only on PC. To me that's completely irrelevant as I don't play on PC nor really intend to
  11. Honestly every season had a fair share of its bullshit and absolutely dumbfuck balance decisions, but still I don't think anything will be worse than the degeneracy of S1 Even with dummy good Ibuki, Guile, Urien, Balrog, Abi in S2 Or how problematic Rashid was for several years until finally they decided to tone him down in S5 Or batshit broken Bison in S3 (making his dash a teleports is still probably the worst change they've made throughout the game's lifespan) Or the CPT winning tier Laura in S4 and the poor idom immediately gets hit by nerfs the following season Then you have characters like Gief, Juri, Alex, Fang, Vega, Falke, Cody, Blanka who remained irrelevant for years on end Poor Charlie literally had to atone for his S1 sins to this very day after he got his legs chopped off in S2 onwards
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