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Everything posted by -PVL93-

  1. That has to be the lowest among all current fighting games, right? A very good sign if Capcom decides to continue using RE Engine for more fighting games Meanwhile UE is still struggling
  2. I don't really like anyone else in the 6 launch roster and ryu/Ken are basically always same from game to game
  3. Why must Capcom make me suffer bruh No Akuma until next spring. No fei long in V or 6. Sagat was mid in V until like two seasons later
  4. Mate nobody does money matches anymore. People are bitchmade as fuck now and the esport circuits ban holding any at related tournaments cuz it's considered thuggery or something
  5. More games should be like this ffs. So many times I have zero interest in multiplayer (like Doom) but it's a part of the base package that you can't remove even though I'm literally never going to touch unless I'm a trophy hunter
  6. How much of a blowup do you guys think week 1 of SF6 is going to be? Server issues, netcode problems, first locals fraud wins because of the crack access, etc?
  7. Ngl AKI Bikini costume gonna go ham, I'm excited Capcom isn't missing out on an opportunity to cash in on the coomer crowd with another street fighter entry
  8. it's not just them Chun had an arced jump Ken had the run Ryu got electricity on specials and parrying Guile got a trap and rapid firing projectiles Nash had quick dash/teleport and a projectile absorb Mika got the promo cut and an assist call Gief got hyperarmor and a vortex effect Laura got a command dash Rashid had a command jump/command roll Birdie had the banana/soda can toss It geniunely felt like some thought was put into the combat system and how these characters fit into it Then we got through S1 DLC...and S2.... And this is only the V-System stuff. Don't even get me started on only Ryu having a unique animation on the sweep getting blocked or the stage KOs that completely vanished
  9. IMO V Triggers and V Skills started out as something actually cool, unique and somewhat thought out and as season 1 went by onwards it just turned into a boring "here's a special this character had in past games, you only get to use it 3 times per match" and shit The drive system is a massive step forward because we at least can use either of 3 supers at any time as long as we have meter, don't even need to pick and choose just one pre-match, and certain characters just straight up get installs
  10. Surely they'd want to continue the live service model from SF5? I could see the primary monetization coming from character costumes, stages, roster expansion and avatar customization, but things like World Tour zones or additional classic games for Battle Hub lobby will be distributed for free
  11. NRS had preorder bonus characters for years and the games still sold in the millions. Eliza was a temporary preorder exclusive in T7 and the game was a success. Alex literally released for SFV a month after the game's launch and they mapped out the schedule around mid to late February. Let's stop pretending as if Capcom shows the DLC characters now it'll be some kind of a disaster and 6 flops
  12. The season pass is already advertised as part of the Deluxe and Ultimate editions on top of Bonus colors and costumes. No point in beating around the bush.
  13. So realistically what can they talk about for 30-35 minutes during this upcoming presentation next week? We already know the full roster, they made some breakdowns and live gameplay for every character thus far, we've seen all the stages and most of the World Tour gimmicks (surely they'll keep some things hidden until people get their hands on the game in June), we have extensive knowledge about the Battle Hub as well I guess it's going to be more of the available content / modes (there was something about a 2v2 iirc?) and the classic Capcom titles playable in the retro cab area of BH? And beyond that there's nothing except for Season 1 DLC characters and the alt costumes for remaining cast
  14. They literally spelled out for everyone that the SOP is dedicated to FF16
  15. How the hell does Kim's very first alt costume look so much better and coherent than her default outfit
  16. Coming from someone who had extensive experience with all the 3D Era games Hsu Hao - wack. Just a generic evil Chinese/North Korean general design Mavado - sick, but they ultimately didn't do anything substantial with the whole Red Dragon vs Black Dragon plot, plus he stole the twin hooks from Cabal and his rubber moves suck Nitara - sick, new race, lots of pore to explore, cool design, gimme more Frost - literally female sub-zero, trash Bo Rai Cho - brought back for X, but way underutilised in the Earthrrealm vs Outworld dynamic, also get rid of the puking/farting, it's just silly now Drahmin/Moloch - wack, they're just Oni demons from Netherrealm, served no further purpose besides being Quan Chi's servants Kobra - wack, felt like a lame attempt at MK's own Ken Masters, but I do appreciate creating brand new Black Dragon members so E have somebody else besides just Kano since Jarek was so fucking underwhelming in MK4 Kira - literally female Kano, trash Darius/Dairou - resistance members in the realm of Order which you'd think is supposed to be the good place as opposed to Realm of Chaos but Orderrealm is actually a fascist regime, so it's a great subversion. Characters need to be improved, but the foundation is solid Hotaru - sick, literally the leader of essentially a dictatorship despite the name of the realm he's from, has a great design, can serve both as an anti-hero and a good antagonist, bring him back Havik - by far the best character in this era. Awesome design, interesting moveset, can be expanded upon with a backstory, represents a Realm that has no other characters in the rosters of MK9-11, despite being kind of a dick he's also kinda chill and established a simple cult of followers embracing Chaos Ashrah - garbage design but super interesting concept that doesn't really has much to it and the entire development of her personal story happens offscreen. In the Netherrealm chapter of Konquest we meet her, she teaches us some fighting skills, then she approaches Ermac to finally free herself, and we don't see her at all until arriving to Edenia where she's just... An npc with a single challenge/mission fight. Wow. Onaga - fucking based. True emperor of Outworld, amazing design, fools a teenage boy to do his bidding for like 50 years and manipulating events around, and then returns like a boss. Shujinko - kind of a generic design, gets disrespected and written in a rather dumb/gullible way, but clearly has his own character, ideals and a moral compass, not to mention occasionally showing just enough sass like trolling Baraka. Redesign him and he's a great addition to the roster Li Mei - by far the saddest story in all of MK and arguably the character with most stakes and best motivation to be involved with the plot, even though she doesn't have much to do with the overall story of the three games. Really sucks she basically gets shat on in all of her endings, but damn her design in Deception was AWESOME. They kinda brought her back in X and.... Didn't do shit with her. Completely wasted, needs to be given a proper second chance Daegon/Taven - both fall a bit flat despite having an entire story and a game mode dedicated to them plus Daegon's design is a bit in the generic side (actually reminds me of Shap somewhat), but I did like Taven and how even though he's the protagonist of Armageddon, he's not exactly a "hero" hero and can be very selfish or egotistic, which is almost opposite to Shujinko. Wouldn't mind to see either of the two brought back but they need more of a Dante/Vergil dynamic IMO, like you don't even get to fight Daegon until the very end of Konquest
  17. Give the MK11 story finale they can literally do anything they want with both the gameplay and the roster. Certainly has some interesting implications but also worrying in terms of what characters we'll see #PutSareenaInMK
  18. Feels a bit surreal if they actually unveil the game today, got so used to NRS debuting stuff at The Game Awards
  19. it literally has random damage and stun numbers + all kinds of jank with hitboxes and hurtboxes
  20. SF2 isn't overrated at all at least as far as its importance to the genre is concerned but it's undeniably kusoge
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